
Bleeding during early and late pregnancy. Bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy Bleeding during pregnancy at 12 weeks

breast cancer

Allocations at 12 weeks of gestation can tell a lot. For example, they can be used to determine how the pregnancy proceeds, whether there are future mother infections, is everything normal with the hormonal background. A pregnant woman should know which discharge at the end of the first trimester can be considered normal and which are pathological. This will allow you to quickly respond to body signals and take action if something is wrong.

From the first days it is necessary to be under the supervision of the attending gynecologist

Twelve weeks is the time when hormonal background the expectant mother is in the phase of active restructuring. This period is characterized by increased production of progesterone. It is necessary for the normal development of the baby. "Pregnancy hormone" is responsible for the preservation of the fetus. Without it, the uterus will begin to contract, the fetus will be rejected.

Under the influence of progesterone, the amount of mucus begins to increase. Only abundance distinguishes normal discharge the future mother and the woman is not in position. By nature, they resemble the "pre-pregnant" norm:

  • transparent;
  • mucous in structure;
  • have no smell.

A variant of the norm during this period is considered a slight change in the color of the mucus. It can acquire a certain whitishness, become a milky shade. Do not be afraid to see abundant white discharge at the turn of the trimesters. This phenomenon indicates that the body is protecting the fetus. By the end of 12 - at the beginning of 13 weeks, a mucous plug forms in the cervix, which protects the fetus from external infections. It is present throughout the gestation period. While the cork is forming, the secret may turn white. No burning, itching, discomfort, pronounced smell? It is not worth worrying about the fact that the mucus has become whitish. Any doubts left? Only a gynecologist can dispel them.

Normal discharge can cause discomfort to the expectant mother with its abundance. You can smooth out discomfort if you strengthen hygiene, use disposable pads. Gynecologists advise changing sanitary pads as often as possible during the period of bearing a baby. This is necessary to prevent the entry of microbes.

White curd secret

  • have a curdled texture;
  • form lumps;
  • have an unpleasant smell ("fishy").

Sometimes with a fungal infection, the secret gives off yellowness. If the mucus is homogeneous, and not curdled, but at the same time there is a characteristic “sour” smell, this is thrush. Usually, with such a disease, the discharge is abundant, they are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina - burning, itching.

Thrush is a common occurrence during pregnancy, pregnancy even contributes to the reproduction of fungi. This is due to hormonal changes. Progesterone changes vaginal acidity. Changes are a signal for fungi, for which such conditions are ideal. The immunity of a woman during the bearing of a baby is reduced: this is a natural phenomenon that ensures the preservation of pregnancy. However, the weakening of protective reactions provokes the reproduction of Candida fungi. They accumulate, and the inflammatory process begins, which is expressed by symptoms - characteristic lumpy mucus, itching, smell.

When carrying, many types of drugs are prohibited for use.

Thrush needs to be treated, so it is important that a woman “in an interesting position” reacts in time to the changed nature of the discharge. Candidiasis can complicate the course of pregnancy: a fungal disease is often a "trigger" for erosion. With erosion, the likelihood of ruptures during delivery increases, as the elasticity of the vagina decreases.

Treatment of thrush before the 16th week is complicated by the inability to use drugs. While the formation of organs and systems of the crumbs is underway, drug therapy is undesirable. However, you should not hesitate to contact a doctor: you need to see a gynecologist as soon as the expectant mother sees “white cottage cheese” on a sanitary napkin. The doctor will give recommendations on adjusting the diet, which will change the acidity of the vagina. You will have to turn to the gynecologist again with your problem at the 16th week: from that time on, thrush can be treated.

What does yellow mean?

If the vaginal secret of a pregnant woman acquires yellow, this may be a signal indicating an infection. The reproduction of microorganisms that have penetrated the genital organs, the presence of an inflammatory process changes the color of the discharge. When the yellow secret is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, has a specific smell, this indicates a bacterial infection, sexually transmitted. A sharp increase in secretion, color change, itching may indicate gonorrhea.

Infections are especially dangerous during gestation. Infection of the membranes of the fetus may occur, which affects the development of the baby. Infections can cause miscarriage.

The yellow color of the discharge is a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is impossible to independently determine why the secret has changed; this is the competence of the doctor. The woman will need to take vaginal swabs. Based on the results of the tests, the presence / absence of infection, the type of bacteria is determined. Sexual infections require mandatory treatment, because they are a danger to the fetus. The doctor selects the course of therapy taking into account the period, sensitivity to antibacterial drugs is taken into account.

Drug treatment is carried out only after the 18th week. But the sooner the infection is detected, the higher the chances of eliminating the risks. Therefore, finding yellow discharge at week 12, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist without delay. He will compare the risks of therapy and the benefits of it, determine the optimal time for correction. It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to carry out any treatment on their own. This also applies to taking medications and contacting folk methods. One thoughtless step can harm a baby who has just begun to develop in the womb.

Ideally, checking for infections should be done at the planning stage. Having got rid of the problem before conception, you need to follow the recommendations that will help eliminate the inflammatory process and infection after pregnancy.

Sometimes pregnant women mistake urine drops that remain on a sanitary napkin for yellow discharge. Urinary incontinence is a common occurrence during pregnancy. It may appear towards the end of the 1st trimester. This is due to hormonal changes and weakening of the pelvic muscles due to the growth of the fetus. If the yellow marks are a one-time occurrence, then you should not worry. When they appear regularly, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. Especially if the period is short (10 - 12 weeks).

Greenish marks on clothes

Do not ignore any suspicious symptoms

The greenish tint of discharge should alert a pregnant woman. Most often it is a symptom of an infection. After conception, a physiological decrease in immunity occurs, the vaginal microflora changes, which increases the risk of infection. Especially in the 1st trimester, when the female body is just getting used to the new state.

Green discharge, which is a symptom of an infection, is usually accompanied by itching in the groin. The secret acquires an unpleasant odor. Mucus of a greenish tint appears with sexual infections, the causative agents of which are:

  • trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • streptococcus.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria is dangerous during the gestation period. They provoke inflammation of the cervix, damage the appendages, trigger an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa. The risks of complications increase if the epithelium of the genital organ was damaged during violent sex or inaccurate gynecological examination. Pathogenic microorganisms can provoke self-abortion. At the 12th week, they can cause infection of the fetus, lead to a delay prenatal development baby.

If light green discharge remains on the linen, this indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis. It often occurs during pregnancy, pregnancy provokes changes in the vaginal environment, so opportunistic bacteria begin to multiply actively. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina early dates can occur if a woman was treated with antibiotics immediately before conception. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the reproduction of bacteria: this issue during the gestation period should be given more attention than before conception.

The exact reason for staining the secret in green color can only be determined by a gynecologist. Deviation from the norm cannot be ignored. The sooner the infection is detected, the higher the probability of getting rid of it without consequences for the patient and the fetus. Although gynecologists rarely prescribe drug therapy at the 12th week, the doctor will give recommendations that will stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and determine the time when it will be possible to start treatment with drugs.

Brown discharge is a dangerous symptom

Brown discharge at 12 weeks pregnant is usually a dangerous symptom. They may point to:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • lack of progesterone, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

Majority pathological conditions in the early stages are not accompanied by other symptoms, except for the staining of vaginal mucus in Brown color. Therefore, this phenomenon cannot be ignored: the sooner the pathology is detected, the more favorable the prognosis.

Postponing a trip to the doctor in the presence of brown mucus is not worth it. It is important to remember that even if the pregnancy is interrupted, early identification of the problem avoids complications and increases the chances of successful pregnancy in the future. Delays in case of fetal fading, attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterus and can even turn into serious problems for the patient's health, lead to infertility and even death.

Therapy is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

Pathological pregnancy is not such a frequent occurrence. So brown shades most often, mucus acquires from a lack of progesterone. This phenomenon is dangerous because the risk of miscarriage increases. However, with early detection, the lack of "pregnancy hormone" can be corrected with medication. Which drugs are effective and safe - the doctor decides on an individual basis.

Sometimes light brown slime may not pose a danger. In the 1st trimester, "daub" may appear on the days when there were menses. Usually this phenomenon is observed in the first six weeks, but may be delayed until the end of the trimester. It is possible to distinguish brownish discharge of a non-pathological nature by consistency: they are an ichor. They are not plentiful, but "smeared".

Brown impurities in the mucus can appear from careless sexual contact. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy, pregnancy increases the sensitivity of the vagina. One careless movement - and small vessels are damaged, which is manifested by brown streaks in the secret. In this case, there is no threat to the fetus.

Even if a woman is sure that brown discharge appeared due to reasons that are not dangerous, it is worth playing it safe and getting an examination by a doctor. The future mother has no right to make a mistake, because she is responsible for two lives.

Causes of spotting

Spotting more than others scare expectant mothers. Most often, they indicate that something is wrong with the mother's body or pregnancy. Blood on linen is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, because the risks of losing a baby in this case are very high.

Why does bleeding occur? The most common reasons include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the ectopic attachment of a fertilized egg was not determined before the 12th week, then by the end of the first trimester, when the fetus grows up, a tube rupture may occur. This dangerous phenomenon is accompanied by profuse bleeding, but before that spotting appears. If you do not respond to them in time, the consequences can be serious, even fatal.
  • Freezing fetus. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered the most critical: the fetus may stop developing and die. Rejection of the fetus does not begin immediately, but the body recognizes the fading by toxins and starts the process of miscarriage. The first sign of such a pathology is spotting.
  • The threat of self-abortion. Blood in the secretions may appear against the background of dangerous infections that pose a threat to the baby. Scarlet marks on the linen may indicate that the body is identifying the fetus as a foreign object and is trying to reject it. With the threat of a miscarriage, in addition to the discharge, unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen - pulling cramps, pain.
  • Lack of progesterone. With a shortage of the “pregnancy hormone”, the likelihood of fetal rejection increases. The first signal is blood-stained mucus. You can solve the problem with the help of drugs, but you need to respond quickly.
  • Erosion. In the presence of pathology, a bloody "daub" usually occurs. Impurities of blood in the secretions become more noticeable after sexual contact.

The pink color of the discharge may acquire after a gynecological examination. At the 12th week, expectant mothers undergo a routine examination, during which the vaginal mucosa may be affected due to careless actions of the doctor. This happens often, because the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive during the gestation period. Drops of blood from a small wound on the mucosa are mixed with secretions, staining them in pink shade. This phenomenon does not pose a threat.

Pathological discharge and pain

The expectant mother should pay attention to daytime rest

Uncharacteristic discharge may be accompanied by pain. Pulling in the lower abdomen? Are there cramping pains? You need to contact a doctor immediately. If a pain syndrome appeared on the background of bloody discharge, it is necessary to call an ambulance. This may indicate a threatened miscarriage or self-abortion. The health of the mother herself, and often the life of the baby, depends on the speed of action. Behind medical care you should always contact when there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, even if the discharge remains normal.

Mucus of an uncharacteristic color and pain can appear with an ectopic pregnancy. A woman in position needs to be examined to make sure that the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

At infectious diseases pain is rare. But specific secretions during the inflammatory process and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms almost always coexist with discomfort: burning, itchy inguinal region.

If there are no selections

Discharge during gestation is a natural phenomenon. Mucus protects the body from infection. If there is no discharge, this is an alarm sign. This phenomenon is extremely rare, although the secret can be produced in small quantities.

If the discharge on the 12th week has significantly decreased in volume, this may signal a hormonal disorder. It is important to find out the reason for such a change, because hormonal fluctuations outside the norm are dangerous during gestation. Lack or excess of one of the important hormones can affect the development of the fetus, lead to miscarriage.

What to do if the discharge is not normal

Any change in discharge is a reason to see a doctor. The secret is able to tell about the state of health of the mother, the development of the fetus, the nature of the course of pregnancy, but only a gynecologist can decipher these signals. It is important to take into account the color, texture, smell, abundance of secretions.

If the cause cannot be determined during examination and after smears, the doctor prescribes additional types of studies, including ultrasound. Based on the results of the analyzes, the cause of the change is determined vaginal discharge and treatment is given.

If the patient complained at the 12th week and earlier, then the doctor approaches the choice of therapeutic methods with extreme caution. There is not much time left until the second trimester, so if the problem allows, then the gynecologist can choose expectant tactics. After the 14th week there is more room to maneuver: many drugs are prohibited in the first trimester, but safe in the second.

It is strictly forbidden to solve the problem of pathological secretions on your own, regardless of what they are caused by. Even treatment of thrush without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Uncontrolled use of drugs, recourse to methods traditional medicine unacceptable. During the bearing of the baby, you need to discuss all the actions with the doctor: this is the only way to avoid complications and safely convey the baby.

Prevention of pathological secretions

In order for the discharge to remain normal (and therefore the whole body remained normal), the expectant mother needs to follow a number of rules:

  • enhance hygiene;
  • Do not use fragrance pads intimate hygiene dubious quality;
  • wear underwear made from natural "breathable" fabrics;
  • adhere to recommendations on nutrition and regimen (to maintain immunity);
  • use a condom if there is doubt about the partner (to avoid infection).

The ideal option is considered a planned pregnancy, to which the partners approach with all responsibility. When planning, you need to take tests that will help identify infections and cure them before conception. A woman who wants to become a mother must first visit a gynecologist. If tumors and erosions are found, treatment should be given. So the likelihood that the nature of the discharge will change during pregnancy is reduced. But it is impossible to completely exclude changes in the secret, because it is impossible to predict how the hormones will behave, how the pregnancy will proceed.

The task of the expectant mother is to carefully monitor the signals that the body sends. Allocation changes cannot be ignored. If in any doubt, you should make an appointment with a doctor. Before consulting with a specialist, it is recommended to exclude physical activity and sexual contact. Do not worry ahead of time: altered discharge may well be a variant of the norm. But if there's blood and substantial pain, then the panic is justified: you need to call an ambulance.

This is the last week of the first trimester, corresponding to the 14th obstetric. She brings a lot of new things. During this period, toxicosis stops in the mother, the fetus begins to make the first still imperceptible movements, the risk of miscarriage decreases every day. Let's take a closer look at what changes occur during this period in the body of a pregnant woman and her child.

The first months of pregnancy are hard times. In the morning, women are tormented by nausea, their appetite disappears, and most of them experience excruciating toxicosis. Week 12 is the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy." Morning morning sickness and other ailments in mommy begin to recede, her health gradually improves, drowsiness disappears. The tummy is not yet particularly noticeable, but is already beginning to grow actively.

Normalized and psycho-emotional state pregnant. We can say that the twelfth week is a return to normal life. There is no longer a fear of losing a child and nutrition is getting better. It is this time that is remembered as the best for all the time of waiting for a child. The kid already looks like a child too: not quite proportional yet, but there is still enough time ahead.


Continues to grow upwards, filling completely the hip area and moving into the abdominal area. Lying it can already be felt above the pubis. The size of the organ in length is approximately 12 cm, in width it has increased by almost 10 cm. So far, its growth is being stimulated and. In the future, its walls will become thinner as a result of the growth of the child. This week, the uterus is usually in a slight tone, but this is normal if it is not accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms.


The chest fills up and increases in size, while remaining very sensitive. However, the pain may already stop during this period. The first discharge resembling colostrum may appear.


It becomes rounded, but it can still be hidden under loose clothing. If a woman already has children, then the growth of the abdomen will occur faster. At this time, the first stretch marks begin to appear. So that in the future their number does not increase like an avalanche, you can start using special creams for stretch marks. In almost all pregnant women during this period, the skin in the middle of the abdomen begins to darken and a brownish stripe appears - a symptom of hyperpigmentation.


Allocations in the twelfth week should remain the same. Transparent, yellowish, white discharge with a sour smell, not accompanied by itching, is explained by the activation of epithelial cell renewal. It is still necessary to observe their number, color, evaluate the smell. They should not be accompanied by pulling pains or other unpleasant sensations.

A doctor should be consulted if the discharge has become profuse, watery or with a lot of blood. Abundant discharge can occur due to thrush or chlamydia. They will have to be treated, otherwise the infection can damage the fetus. If a woman has erosion, bloody marks may appear after intercourse.

What about the fetus?

From about this time, gynecologists begin to call the embryo a fetus.

How is it developing?

All organs by this period have already been formed and are developing further. The development of the embryo is associated with the beginning of the 2nd wave of cytotrophoblast invasion, due to which the uteroplacental circulation increases. This leads to an intensive increase in the mass of the fetus and its main organs. The child begins to receive more oxygen and nutrients necessary for intensive growth. In the circulatory system, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes begin to appear for the first time, forming the prototype of the immune system.

Cartilage gradually calcifies and transforms into bones. Calcification starts from the middle of the bone and will continue as it grows. Completely the process will be completed only during puberty.

The fingers are finally separated on the hands and feet, nails are actively growing, the rudiments of future molars are formed, signs of hair appear in the eyebrow area. The ribs are formed, then the skeletal system develops.

The pituitary gland of the fetus begins the production of most hormones. The brain is developing, which this week is already becoming like a tiny adult brain. The simplest reactions have already developed: although the child does not yet open his eyes, he already reacts to light; touching the wall - he repels from it.

The liver already begins to produce bile, peristaltic movements begin for the first time in the intestines, the small intestine can already absorb sugar and glucose. In the kidneys of the embryo, the loop of Henle is activated, which is responsible for filtering urine. The kid is drinking amniotic fluid and unnecessary substances are excreted in the urine, the necessary ones are absorbed in the tubules of the loop. The child begins to practice breathing by swallowing amniotic water - the chest rises.

The fetus begins active movements, he has facial expressions. The child begins to move, can squint, move his fingers, open and close his mouth, make sucking movements. Mommy will be able to feel the movements of the child for the first time only in a couple of months.

The reproductive organs are already differentiated. This week, the male embryo will form the vaginal process - a special protrusion of the peritoneum, which will take part in the process of lowering the testicle into the scrotum. With a successful combination of circumstances, it is already possible to see the sex of the baby on an ultrasound scan.

What does it look like?

The child looks already fully formed, only a little disproportionate - the head is much larger than the body. The figure can already be compared with the figure of an adult. The face has pronounced features, a neck has appeared. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide.

Fetal weight and height

The fetus during this period reaches a size of about 9 cm. The weight can reach 19 g. From this period, the gynecologist will more closely monitor the weight of the mother and the dynamics of the growth of the uterus - factors indicating the growth of the child.

Changes in the mother's body

In a woman, the volume of the anterior pituitary gland, the organ responsible for the production of prolactin, increases. This happens so that already from the 12th week, prolactin accumulates in the body, which is responsible to a greater extent for the growth of the mammary glands. In the future, the hormone will contribute to the onset of lactation.

Brownish spots different shapes begin to appear on the face and neck - this is chloasma or hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Due to the increased level of estrogen, vascular changes also begin to appear:

  • telangiectasia - expansion of small vessels;
  • asterisks;
  • swelling of a reddish hue with divergent rays (angioma).

They can suddenly appear on the face, on the neck, on the arms, in the upper chest area. Asterisks on the palms are called palmar erythema. All of them will disappear after childbirth.

Although the fetus begins to move at this time, the mother cannot yet feel them. Some pregnant women say that they feel fetal movements from twelve weeks - however, this is a purely psychological phenomenon.

Attitude towards sex

Sex during this period begins to require some restrictions. For example, positions on the stomach of a woman are contraindicated. Even just lying on your stomach from this period is not worth it. However, if a pregnant woman wakes up face down at night, there is nothing particularly terrible in this.

There are no more restrictions on sex during this period, if there are no pathological symptoms. Can't have sex if diagnosed low presentation placenta. If after intimacy there are unpleasant sensations, it is better to consult a gynecologist. Sex is not recommended for mothers with multiple pregnancies.


If a decrease in the level is detected during the first screening, this indicates the risk of Edwards syndrome or placental pathology. Elevated human chorionic gonadotropin may indicate a risk of developing Down syndrome. With twins, hCG can also be elevated. The rate of hCG in the blood at 12 weeks is 13.4 ng / ml -128.5 ng / ml.


The norm at the twelfth week is from 38.19 nmol / l to 47.41 nmol / l. A low level of progesterone at this time may indicate:

  • problems with the placenta;
  • ongoing chronic inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • ectopic.

A high level may indicate:

  • developing cystic skid;
  • the presence of cysts of the corpus luteum;
  • adrenal disease;
  • multiple pregnancy.


The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, to which the chorion is attached. Of great importance is the thickness of the endometrium during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the thickness of the layer also changes and is about 2 cm. The thickness of the endometrium is measured by ultrasound. With a thin endometrium, the doctor prescribes medication support that allows it to build up.

ultrasound baby photo

If a woman has just registered, then the first screening is immediately carried out, including an ultrasound study. The terms of diagnosis in the first trimester are limited: from the 1st day to the 6th day.

At the first ultrasound screening:

  • consider the length of the embryo, its KTR is the coccygeal-parietal size;
  • estimate the size of the head;
  • look at the symmetry of the cerebral hemispheres and the presence of structures required for this period;
  • measure the length of the femur, humerus, as well as the forearm and lower leg;
  • check the location of the stomach and heart;
  • measure the size of the heart and abdomen.

Normal ultrasound readings:

  • KTR - from 51 mm to 59 mm exactly at 12 weeks and from 62 mm to 73 mm - on the last day of the twelve week period;
  • thickness of the collar zone - from 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm;
  • nasal bone (an indicator important for the diagnosis of Down syndrome) - not less than 3 mm;
  • Heart rate - from 150 to 174 beats per minute;
  • biparietal size - not less than 20 mm.

According to the results of ultrasound of the 1st trimester, they look for markers of fetal chromosomal abnormalities and analyzes the period that corresponds to the development of the baby. On 3D ultrasound, you can already see the sex of the fetus. If you have done a 3D ultrasound, you can ask for a photo of your baby.

If the ultrasound of the first screening was done earlier, then on the 12th week it is repeated for pregnant women in whom pathology was detected at the first ultrasound examination. The thickness of the collar space is re-examined, which makes it possible to identify severe malformations or chromosomal abnormalities. In this case, the question of terminating the pregnancy may arise. Ultrasound data in this case should be confirmed by amniocentesis - a biochemical, immunological, genetic and hormonal study of the amniotic fluid.


During this period, everything should be in a state of normality. A pregnant woman becomes less irritable, her state of toxicosis subsides, nausea disappears, the urge to urinate decreases, and the quality of life improves. Pressure and temperature must be constantly monitored. The pressure should be slightly reduced, and the temperature should not be higher than 37.5. Weight during this period may not change, but even if it has increased slightly - up to 3.6 kg, then this is normal.

For the first time, an expectant mother may experience the unpleasant phenomenon of heartburn - a burning sensation in the stomach. During pregnancy, the placenta produces a large number of progesterone, which relaxes the muscular valve between the esophagus and stomach. When a woman lies down, the gastric secret begins to pour into the esophagus, causing irritation.

Chronic diseases not treated before pregnancy may worsen during this period. The load on the liver, kidneys and heart increases. The uterus presses on the intestines and inhibits its peristalsis, which can cause constipation.

You can lead an almost ordinary life - all the main troubles are left behind. A pregnant woman only needs to monitor her diet and follow some recommendations:

  • avoid taking medications without consulting a gynecologist;
  • you should not take medicinal herbs without consulting a doctor - some can provoke a miscarriage;
  • walk more in the air, lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • monitor weight, avoid overeating;
  • exclude from the diet fast food, soda, food rich in chemistry, spicy, salty, fatty. However, if you are drawn to salty or spicy, you don’t need to torture yourself either - spicy, for example, reduces heartburn.

Planned doctor visits

If the pregnant woman has not yet been registered, then this week it should already be done. If a woman is registered, then starting this week, she will have to go to the doctor once every 4 weeks. If not yet completed, then you need to undergo a gynecological examination and examination by a therapist. It is also necessary to consult a dentist, endocrinologist, ENT specialist.

Required studies and analyzes

If a pregnant woman is just registering, then she needs to be tested for HIV, syphilis, blood group and Rh factor, and determine her sugar level.

To be submitted soon:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • blood for pregnancy hormones - free-B-hCG and PAPP.

A test for placental lactogen can show an increase of up to 1,550 ng / ml. The coagulogram will show an increase in fibrinogen levels. Analysis of AFP during this period will show its peak amount, which will last at this level until the 16th week.

The doctor in the LCD conducts a study with a mirror on the chair and takes smears for cytology and flora. The presence of STDs is determined - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.


The diet does not need any changes and restrictions. The key is weight control. In order to prevent a decrease in hemoglobin levels, it is necessary to increase the amount of iron-containing foods in the diet - liver, veal, beef tongue, buckwheat, apples, pomegranates. To maintain the required amount of calcium, you should increase the amount of dairy products eaten. To reduce the amount of constipation, you must definitely eat soup.

Be sure to give up heavy food and fast food, reduce the amount of fatty, fried, flour, smoked.


In the absence of contraindications, you can continue a moderately active lifestyle. Many expectant mothers refuse during this period from their usual sports activities - running, fitness and switch to yoga or fitness for pregnant women. Moderate activity is useful for maintaining tone and for preparing for childbirth. In addition, trained mothers will be able to recover faster after childbirth.

What is prohibited?

Should be completely excluded:

  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking;
  • coffee;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • x-ray, fluorography and CT;
  • power and traumatic sports;
  • stressful situations and experiences.

Taking vitamins

If until that time the mother took folic acid, then the time has come for special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. You can take them on the recommendation of a doctor. Not all women are recommended vitamins.

  • who do not have the opportunity to fully eat;
  • those who previously suffered from iron deficiency anemia or B12 deficiency anemia, as well as similar conditions;
  • women whose pregnancy ended in miscarriage earlier;
  • over 35 years old.

The most popular multivitamin complexes are vitamins Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal and Prenatal forte, Alphabet.


During this period, there may be some problems that need to be paid close attention.

Stomach ache

Severe sharp pain in the abdomen can be caused by several pathologies: dilatation of the cervix, infection Bladder etc. When it appears, you should immediately seek advice from your attending gynecologist.

Pain in the abdomen close to the sides and turning into the lumbar may indicate muscle strain, which increases the load. These are harmless pains.

Lower back pain

If your lower back hurts, but there are no other symptoms, it is better to change your lifestyle: rest more often, work less on your feet, pick up more comfortable shoes. If the work is connected precisely with long standing on your feet, it is better to take a vacation at your own expense. Usually this is an increased load on the muscles of the back.


Bleeding at any time requires a doctor's consultation, because it can be a sign of very dangerous complications: miscarriage, ectopic, etc. Bleeding, accompanied by cramping or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, is especially dangerous.


The state of the norm is a temperature of up to 37.5, if it is not accompanied by an increase in ESR and the level of leukocytes, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. At higher temperatures, you should consult a doctor. It is worth refusing to take most antipyretics at the 12th week, only paracetamol is harmless to the body of the fetus and women. Will help bring down the heat of wiping with water and vinegar.


Toxicosis at this time is already passing. For someone, it ends abruptly in one day, for someone every day less and less unpleasant sensations are manifested. However, for some it may continue.

If toxicosis does not subside, this may indicate:

  • about the individual characteristics of the body;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • wrong deadline;
  • the presence of the body's reaction to the medications taken;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.


Nausea can be a phenomenon that accompanies early toxicosis and should stop as a last resort by 14-16 weeks. If it is accompanied by diarrhea - this may be a sign of an intestinal infection, a doctor's consultation in this case should be urgent. Systemic digestive disorders can be the result of a malfunction in the digestive tract, liver and spleen. Taking progesterone and other medications can lead to such consequences. Also, nausea at this time is sometimes a sign of micronutrient deficiency - for example, magnesium.


Any diseases will no longer have such serious consequences as during the previous period. Colds are best treated with bed rest. folk remedies by avoiding antibiotics. In no case should the disease of a pregnant woman be carried on her feet: it can lead to fetoplacental insufficiency, cause fetal hypoxia.

You can be treated with a plentiful warm drink - rosehip broth, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks. AT small quantities honey will help. The traditional remedy for colds is warm milk with Borjomi. A mixture with marshmallow, Dr. MOM lozenges, Gedelix will help with a cough. Everything should be done only according to the recommendations of the doctor!


All the organs of the baby have already formed, a woman can drink antibiotics if there is evidence. A doctor can prescribe antibiotic therapy in the presence of intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, pneumonia, etc. The doctor should prescribe the antibiotic and dosage, taking into account the disease. The course is to drink completely, so that pathological microorganisms do not develop resistance to antibiotics.


Alcohol should be completely excluded during the entire period of pregnancy. No one can say what dose of alcohol in a particular mother will have a detrimental effect on the fetus. For example, scientists have found that the daily intake of a pregnant woman 30 gr. alcohol is associated with the risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome in the baby. However, fetal alcohol syndrome is also observed in children whose mothers consumed 3-5 grams. alcohol.

The danger of alcohol for a baby depends on the characteristics of the body, its reaction to alcohol, the condition, the nature of the diet, the genotype of the fetus, etc. Of course, nothing will happen from one glass of dry wine for the entire pregnancy, but you definitely shouldn’t be zealous in this matter.


A high risk of miscarriage can be observed from the 1st to the 12th week of pregnancy. Since this week, the probability of an unsuccessful outcome has been decreasing.

If a miscarriage does occur, the woman should be alerted by the following symptoms:

  • bleeding;
  • severe pulling pains and cramps in the lower abdomen or pulling sensations in the lower back.

Possible dangers and complications

Some women may experience uterine hypertonicity, which may present with the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of hardness of the uterus, its stone state;
  • heaviness and tension in the lower abdomen;
  • cramping pain in the lumbar or pubic region.

This condition can be provoked by excessive physical activity, stress, sexual intercourse. This condition is confirmed by ultrasound. Antispasmodics, hormonal drugs, magnesium-containing drugs will help to cope. Complications of hypertonicity include the possibility of miscarriage at any time, fetal hypoxia and placental abruption.

Another danger that may lie in wait for a woman at this time is the identification of a missed pregnancy. Fetal death can occur both in and, but it will be revealed later. Most often this occurs precisely before the age of 13 weeks. A missed pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound.

There are some symptoms that make it possible to suspect this pathology:

  • bloody issues;
  • cramping pains in the lower abdomen;
  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis;
  • the basal temperature decreases;
  • hCG drops.

If a woman ignores these signs and does not go to the doctor, then intoxication begins: nausea, vomiting, fever up to 39 degrees, weakness and pallor.

12 weeks is the deadline for showing up ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, a rupture of the fallopian tube has already occurred. The woman feels a sharp pain in the abdomen, lightheadedness, and may lose consciousness. Dizziness begins, slightly decreasing when lying down. When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to call an ambulance. The doctor will detect symptoms of internal bleeding: decreased blood pressure, pallor. If you are late in calling an ambulance, a woman may be in danger of death.

Placental abruption is a pathology that can also lead to miscarriage. By 12 weeks, the placenta reaches its maturity. If detachment has begun, first of all it is manifested by bleeding, abdominal pain, tension in the uterus. The woman is usually hospitalized or put on bed rest. Pathology is treated with antispasmodics, drugs that relax the uterus, hemostatic agents, anti-anemic. Proper and timely treatment allows you to keep the further normal course of pregnancy.

Often, at the first ultrasound in a pregnant woman, uterine fibroids are detected. Small - usually needs only observation. If a woman has carried the pregnancy up to 12 weeks, then the threat of miscarriage is reduced. During pregnancy, it usually does not grow. However, large fibroids can affect the growing fetus as they take up space in the uterus—the baby may develop a deformed skull or torticollis, and the baby may become underweight. It is often an indication for a caesarean section, during which it is excised.

A cystic drift or trophoblastic tumor of pregnancy may appear before. The disease is an increase in chorionic villi. Visually, this is manifested by the fact that the uterus looks much larger than it should be. The drift can be complete or partial. This pathology is determined by ultrasound.

A woman should be alert:

  • bleeding;
  • in 30% of cases - vomiting;
  • in 30% of cases - hypertension.

With pathology, the fetus cannot be saved, scraping is done with histology. Within a few months after curettage, the woman makes control of hCG. 80% of women recover without consequences, 20% of women whose hCG does not decrease are referred for treatment to an oncologist.


In the normal course of pregnancy, this is the time to breathe easy, smile, get a photo of the baby on an ultrasound and prepare for the upcoming replenishment in the family.

12 weeks pregnant: what happens to mom and baby?

The first trimester is perhaps the most exciting for a woman who has only recently learned about fundamental changes awaiting it in the near future. Soon her status will change: in addition to the roles of wife, girlfriend, daughter, worker, fashionista, “athlete and Komsomol member”, another role will be added - the most responsible in life - the role of mother.

The end of the first trimester - the 12th week of pregnancy, the sensations are special. A crucial stage has been passed, when a new life was born from tiny cells - now you can relax a little. The term of 12 weeks of pregnancy is the first serious milestone successfully overcome by the expectant mother and child (now it is already an almost formed child, not an embryo).

  1. Peculiarities
  2. Discharge at 12 weeks pregnant
  3. Retrochorial hematoma
  4. Tests, screening at 12 weeks of gestation

Fetal development at 12 weeks of gestation

With the baby there are further transformations and changes that contribute to its development and improvement. He's getting skills. A child at 12 weeks of gestation "knows":

  • move, move inside the uterus;
  • cover your eyes;
  • open mouth;
  • suck your thumb.

The size of a child at 12 weeks of gestation is 6–7 cm, and the weight is approximately 13 g. This is no longer a cluster of dividing cells, but a tiny person. His heart is beating fast enough to be heard on ultrasound and Doppler. If the doctor tells you according to the results of the examination: “HR 148”, you can be sure: everything is in order with the child, the heart rate - heart rate - is normal.

12th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

By this time, the baby continues to form rudimentary organs. nervous system, the skin of the feet acquires sensitivity, the liver began to produce bile. , own leukocytes begin to appear in the blood - white blood cells of a rounded shape, responsible for protection against microorganisms.

The movements of the fetus at this time, despite its activity, are still uncoordinated and chaotic: the signals of the nervous system are still sent to the spinal cord, and not to the brain, as in a mature organism. Fetal movements will be felt closer to 14-16 weeks. The sex of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy can already be "peeped" if the baby, of course, does not "close" from the experienced look of the doctor during an ultrasound scan. But presumably and not always definitively.

What happens at the 12th week of pregnancy in the mother's body?

The most acute and unpleasant sensations that tormented a woman at the beginning of expecting a child begin to subside. The development of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy is already taking place at a calmer pace, the hormonal storm in the body of the expectant mother gradually calms down: he comes to terms with the changes that have taken place and no longer resists them. At the beginning of the 12th week of pregnancy, the sensations of a woman lose their original sharpness.

The size of the uterus at the 12th week of pregnancy increases by 10 cm. The ligaments holding it are gradually stretched, which can cause mild discomfort or mild pain in the lower abdomen.

Nausea at the 12th week of pregnancy, vomiting ceases to annoy in the morning. This is due to the full inclusion in the work of the placenta, which replaces the corpus luteum. This secretory temporary organ that produces hCG is the "culprit" of morning sickness in pregnant women. When the mature placenta "takes up" the woman feels an improvement in well-being. Toxicosis at week 12 is already the "remnants" of the activity of the corpus luteum. Be patient, it will pass soon.

The breast at the 12th week of pregnancy continues to increase, drops of colostrum may be released. For some, it grows so fast that stretch marks can develop. It's time to purchase special creams and start caring for the mammary glands so that the breasts do not lose their shape after childbirth.

Doctors usually fix by this time the first tangible increase in a woman's body weight: from 1.5 to 3.5 kg. Appetite improves, as there is no more toxicosis. True, heartburn often appears, but it is easier to cope with it than with nausea. The safest is raw carrots. Its juice has an alkaline reaction and allows you to neutralize acidity, alleviate the condition.

The volume of the abdomen remains the same. Flatulence is not so pronounced, constipation and diarrhea occur and can be corrected with changes in the daily diet. The body adapts. Hair becomes thicker and stronger, the skin shines. The famous peaceful “look into yourself” appears, which adorns a pregnant woman. On the face of a woman notices dark spots(they will disappear after childbirth). The white line of the abdomen, located from the lower part of the sternum to the pubis, darkens. The mood becomes somewhat more even, although causeless tears and bouts of unexpected fun can still surprise others (and herself). future mother). Still, hormones work twice as intensively as in a "normal" life.

Normal discharge at 12 weeks of gestation and pathological

With the normal development of pregnancy, discharge at week 12 should not annoy the woman. Their physiological characteristics:

  • light;
  • not abundant;
  • almost odorless.

White, profuse discharge or yellow, greenish discharge is a sign of infection. You need to see a gynecologist. brown discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy - a weighty reason for an immediate appeal to a gynecologist. This is a highly likely sign of a threatened miscarriage.

Common causes of spotting at 12 weeks pregnant:

  • menstrual flow (if the body has not fully adapted to the pregnant state);
  • , which is easily corrected by progesterone preparations.

By coping with the causes of a threatened miscarriage with your doctor, fetal loss can be prevented.

Retrochorial hematoma

If the stomach is pulling at the 12th week of pregnancy and discharge with traces of blood has joined this, you need to call an ambulance. Perhaps a retrochorial hematoma will be diagnosed. During pregnancy, this condition is dangerous, since the formed blood clots, the actual blood between the uterus and the membranes of the fetal egg, can cause a miscarriage. A retrochorial hematoma (RCH) can resolve on its own - like a normal bruise.

If the accumulation of blood continues to grow with continued bleeding, the fetal egg is torn away from the wall.

Causes of RCH:

  • stress
  • cold (ARVI or flu);
  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • activated herpes on the lip and other places (most often, multiple painful rashes speak of a weakening of the body).

To prevent this condition, try not to ignore any symptoms of a cold: cough, runny nose, sore throat. Often a temperature of 37 is the norm for a pregnant woman in the first trimester, but if it rises a little higher, ask at the clinic sick leave. The main thing - do not panic: retrochorial hematoma is not a sentence for pregnancy, it can often be dealt with, even if scarlet blood has already gone.

Tests at 12 weeks and screening

Regardless of whether you are worried about blood discharge, pulling your lower abdomen, your back hurts, or you feel absolutely normal - you need to undergo an ultrasound screening and a biochemical blood test at 12 weeks of gestation -.

The screening procedure consists of 2 parts: a blood test from a vein and a simple ultrasound examination.

How is an ultrasound done at 12 weeks pregnant?

This is a common transvaginal examination, which is prescribed from time to time to all women - both at the stage of expecting a baby, and in " normal life". On an ultrasound machine, the sonologist sees how the baby is developing, determines:

  • child's weight;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • the presence or absence of uterine hypertonicity.

The doctor can immediately determine which indicators are normal and where there are deviations. On ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation, attention is paid to the type of placentation - the place of attachment of the placenta. Low placentation during pregnancy requires the organization of observation and limitation of physical activity. Ultrasound screening is important for assessing the condition of the child and mother, since minor non-physiological changes are not always noticeable. With this diagnosis, the pregnant woman is carefully observed, because if the placenta is attached too low - at a distance of less than 6 cm from the internal os of the uterus - there is a threat spontaneous abortion or the transfer of toxic substances from the mother's bloodstream to the fetus. Most often, over time, the uterus “pulls up” higher, and the diagnosis is removed - the location of the placenta returns to normal.

After an ultrasound, you can observe a small yellowish discharge or a little brown smudge - this is not scary. These phenomena are due to increased blood circulation in the reproductive organs and especially in the cervix.

What tests do you need to take at 12 weeks?

Mandatory screening tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine, coagulogram;
  • tests for AIDS, syphilis, group B hepatitis;
  • glucose level;
  • Rh factor.

They will help to exclude or confirm pathological conditions.

A woman who "stepped" into the second trimester should be attentive to her health and well-being. Toxicosis has passed, the heartbeat is normal, the appetite has increased, is your mood good? Fine! You and your baby have successfully endured the first trials: it has settled in the uterus, your body no longer rejects it, but protects it. And yet, take care of yourself: at the slightest indisposition, even if it is a slight bleeding (or a hint of it), or your lower back hurts, or you feel the onset of a cold, call a doctor right away. You will be examined, left at home with an obligation to comply with a certain regimen, or sent to a hospital, depending on the situation. The doctor will issue a certificate of incapacity for work for a maximum of 15 days, and then the medical commission, if necessary, will decide on an extension.

Remember: now the most important thing for you is the health of the unborn child, and it depends on you. Take care of yourself, tune in to the best. The first stage of a difficult but interesting path has already been passed.

Bleeding may occur in early pregnancy varying degrees intensity. This phenomenon occurs in 30% of cases. If bleeding occurs, you should definitely consult a gynecologist to avoid serious complications in the future. Next, we will take a closer look at the main causes of bleeding in early pregnancy.

Causes of bleeding at 12 weeks gestation

1. Bleeding during implantation. During the attachment of the fetus to the walls of the uterus, slight bleeding may occur. This is quite normal and should not be confused with menstruation.

2. The threat of miscarriage. In 50% of cases of bleeding in early pregnancy is precisely the risk of miscarriage. In addition to bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen is also observed.

3. Miscarriage. In this case, there is severe bleeding and pain, which gradually stop.

4. Incomplete miscarriage. In this case, the bleeding does not stop, blood clots are observed, the uterus is half open. But there is no longer any chance of saving the pregnancy.

5. Fading pregnancy. The selection is minor. Only after ultrasound can an accurate diagnosis be made.

6. Improper development of the fetus, which grows with tissues. This can happen due to a genetic malfunction in the body.

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