
How to restore nails after gel polish. How to restore nails after shellac? Folk methods for strengthening nails


Nowadays it is difficult to find a girl who would not cover her nails with gel polish. Many completely switch to such a manicure, because the coating lasts for a long time, and someone, having received a negative experience, refuses to cover with gel polish. In fact, the materials used to prepare and coat nails with gel polish do not harm the nail plate in any way. The harm is rough, wrong basic manicure or improper removal of materials.

Problems arising after permanent manicure

Our nails are like newspapers: they are made up of layers that fit tightly together. With poor-quality demanicure, the upper layers of the nail bed are intentionally or not damaged or completely removed, so their fragility, softness, delamination is observed, there is a feeling that the nails hurt.

After wearing shellac, the girls note that the nails became weak, brittle, began to exfoliate. This can happen both in the salon and at home. A manicurist in a modern salon will remove varnish with a milling cutter or special tools, soaking the nail in them.

The gel polish is removed with a cutter only up to the base, therefore, before the color coating, there must be a leveling layer of the base coat so as not to saw through the nail plate. If the master removes the gel polish with a cutter and the client feels an unpleasant burning sensation, then the master simply cuts the nail as well. Because of such simply inhumane removal, nails suffer: the upper layers are removed.

For carelessness or other reasons, the master in only one place can cut more than necessary. Then a recess will appear on the nail plate, which is almost impossible to hide on your own.

But even when removing with the help of special tools, troubles can arise. After soaking, you can’t mindlessly pick the gel polish leaving the nail, it’s also unnecessary to overdo it where the coatings are not wet - it’s better to additionally apply the product and wait. A metal pusher does more damage than a wooden stick, so you need to be careful with it.

You need to take a break in manicure: truth or myth

Until now, controversy on this issue has not subsided. It is widely believed that nails need moisture, air and other "charms" of modern cities. However, no manicurist will tell the client that it's time to take a break. Not because it is his source of income, but because a manicure does not need any break.

The fact is that physiologically the nail is a dead structure. Such structures do not need to "breathe" and "rest" from gel polish. First of all, this may be necessary for the person himself, because it happens that any color or the very fact that there is a coating on the nails is psychologically annoying and you want to take a break from the manicure.

How to restore nails after shellac

As mentioned earlier, nails are not living tissue, so if there was any damage, then the nails cannot be cured. You can only mask the defect cosmetically or support the development of the nail by using vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the formation of healthy nails.

The nail is formed in the matrix - the back of the nail bed. In order for the nail plate to be strong and healthy, you need to moisturize the cuticle and massage it.

home remedies

Healing properties cosmetic oils, of which there is a wide variety modern market, have long been known to all.

Ways to use oils

  1. In the evening, before going to bed, lubricate the cuticles, making a massage, and wash off the oil in the morning. Almost any unrefined oils will do: olive, jojoba, grape seed, linseed:
  2. make a mask from the same oils: having completely lubricated your hands with cosmetic nourishing oil, put on gloves and leave it overnight, you can also do this procedure while doing household chores. This procedure affects the skin of the hands the best way: the skin is softened, nourished, rejuvenated;
  3. You can buy cuticle oil at a beauty store and use it to lubricate your cuticles from time to time. This remedy is less greasy than natural oils from a pharmacy, so it can be used at any convenient time.

Baths for nails and now do not lose popularity

In order to spend a pleasant and useful procedure, you will need ordinary sea salt, if desired, you can add various aromatic oils, iodine. Of course, before the bath, it is necessary to remove any products from the nails, otherwise there will be no effect.

Add sea salt and oils to the water at a comfortable temperature, immerse the handles in a container for 20-30 minutes, periodically massaging the cuticles.

Ready-made store products

Purchased funds will help in bringing the nails after an unsuccessful removal of gel polish into a decent look.

  • The very first assistants in this are strengthening varnishes. They make the nail plate shiny, visually healthy, and, depending on the product, stimulate the growth of nails or strengthen them, dividing them more densely, and protect them from negative effects. environment. Apply such funds in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package. The composition of such varnishes should contain proteins, from which a strong and healthy nail plate is built, minerals, calcium.
  • Serums for nails, most often, are the same as varnishes. The difference is that they have a more liquid texture and less even out the structure of the nail plate. But manufacturers claim that whey contains more nutrients.
  • You can also bring your nails into proper shape with the help of polishing, if there is no desire to resort to chemicals. You can polish your nails only if the nails do not hurt, since the polishing file, or buff, also removes several layers of nails.

After the nails have deteriorated from gel polish, you should not completely abandon the manicure. Well-groomed hands are, first of all, clean, tidy nails without dry cuticles and rough skin with a shiny nail plate.


Timely, high-quality, careful manicure is a guarantee of both beauty and health of nails. Not a single procedure will restore, cure a nail plate damaged by improper removal.

  1. To avoid incidents in the nail salon, always tell the master that there are discomfort. When doing a manicure at home, never forget the golden rule: it is better not to finish it than to cut it.
  2. It is worth making a habit of using cuticle oils and hand creams, this is true at any time of the year.
  3. Massage your cuticles with cream before bed to improve absorption. useful substances at the site of nail formation.
  4. Now, after a long, harsh winter, the body needs nutrients more than ever, so you should think about drinking a course of vitamins. To strengthen the nails, those that promise to increase the level of calcium in the body are suitable. But keep in mind that the result is noticeable only after 3-6 months of taking dietary supplements. It is also better to consult a specialist when choosing vitamins.

Thus, a gel polish manicure is not as scary as it is sometimes made out to be. Be more attentive not only to the choice of design, color of manicure, but also to its removal, because it also depends on how the subsequent manicure will look like.

Gel polish is considered to be the leading product in the nail industry. Every year the composition is gaining more and more momentum, on its basis the masters make chic designs. Many girls prefer gel polishes to conventional coatings for a varied palette and durability of products. In addition to the obvious advantages, gel polishes are used in the field of building. However, there is also back side medals. After removing the coating, the nails become brittle and lifeless, they must be urgently restored.

Why nails become brittle

  1. The main reason for the poor condition of nails after gel polish is polishing. Before the procedure, the master prepares the nails for applying the composition. He cuts off the shiny layer of the plate, making it rough. If the specialist overdoes it, the nail will become very thin. In proportion to the remaining thickness, the recovery time also varies.
  2. After applying the gel, the nails stop receiving nutrients that come to them through baths, masks, creams, etc. Access to oxygen and sunbeams, which significantly worsens the condition of the plate.
  3. Acetone is also considered harmful, which is used at the stage of removing gel polish. The procedure is as follows: cosmetic discs are soaked in a coating remover, then applied to the nails. The effect of the chemical component on the nails is quite long. The master waits until the gel dissolves under the action of acetone.

The tips listed are universal, they are suitable for caring for the plate after removing gel polish or extended tips.

  1. Get in the habit of using cosmetic Vaseline, you can buy it in supermarkets or pharmacies. Every 3 hours, spread the composition in a thick layer over the nails, wear silicone or polyethylene gloves. Keep the mixture for at least 2 hours, if possible, leave the product overnight. In the latter case, wear cotton gloves so that the skin of the hands "breathes".
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Collect moisture from nails, then process the plate natural oil(vegetable, olive, corn). Rub the composition into the nails, leave for half an hour, remove the excess with napkins.
  3. After removing the gel polish, the nails exfoliate and break heavily, so exclude any mechanical impact on the plate. Get rid of the habit of biting off cuticles and pieces of nails forever. Otherwise, you will exacerbate an already deplorable situation.
  4. Normalize your daily diet. Lean on protein foods, eat cottage cheese and other milk, oatmeal and flaxseed, lean meat. Get vitamins for nails (groups A and E) at the pharmacy, you can also rub badger fat into the plate.
  5. Wear gloves before damp cleaning or washing dishes. Keep fingers away from chemicals. To prevent the development of fungus in case of very severe damage, after contact with water, wipe the nails with a cotton swab dipped in apple cider vinegar.
  6. A damaged plate needs careful nutrition. Get a special cream for hands and nails. Before using it, apply lemon juice to your fingertips. Such a move will allow the nails to better absorb the composition.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to do a manicure, namely to use a file, on wet nails. Carry out manipulations only on a dry one, otherwise the natural plate will begin to crumble and exfoliate 2 times stronger.
  8. Masters of the nail industry recommend restoring nails with the help of special varnishes. These compositions include the "Smart enamel" series. The product is sold in cosmetics stores and pharmacies. Apply the product in a double layer within 2 weeks. Wash the cover daily and replace it with a new one.
  9. If possible, do not cover your nails with regular varnish or use a special base as the first (safe) layer. Wear a color coating for no longer than 3 days, always take a break of 1-2 days. To remove varnish, purchase a composition without acetone and formaldehyde, the listed components draw moisture from the plate.
  10. The average duration of nail recovery after removal of gel polish is 2-3 months. Therefore, do not expect instant results. During this period, cut off the free edge, do not grow your nails.

  1. Iodine and chamomile. Pour over 65 gr. dry chamomile 200 ml. boiling water, insist 1 hour. After this period, heat the mixture, add 30 ml. almond oil, 4 ml. iodine and a few drops of any ether. Make a nail bath, remove your hands after 15 minutes.
  2. Vitamins A and E. Connect together 45 gr. nourishing hand or face cream, 40 gr. candied honey, 50 ml. castor oil, 2 ampoules of vitamin A, 3 ampoules of vitamin E. Turn all the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture, pour water until a thick mixture is obtained. Dip your fingertips or whole hands in the composition, hold for 20 minutes.
  3. Salt and honey. Pour 800 ml into a saucepan. water, add 65 gr. honey and a handful of crushed sea salt. Put the mixture on the fire, simmer until the grains dissolve. Pour in 50 ml. olive oil and 45 ml. lemon juice. Dip the brushes into the composition, wait 25-40 minutes.
  4. Berries and wine. Heat up 200 ml on the stove. dry red wine, dilute the drink with 450 ml. filtered water, boil for 10 minutes. After that, add 100 gr. fresh or frozen strawberries, 50 gr. cranberries. Bring the mixture to an acceptable temperature, grind in a blender to a state of porridge. Send your fingers into the bath, hold for a third of an hour.
  5. Vegetables and olive oil. Peel three potato tubers, pass through a blender to get porridge. Similarly, chop the cucumber along with the seeds and skin, do the same with the tomato. Connect the components, add 60 ml. olive oil, make a hand bath. Wash off after a third of an hour.
  6. Lemon and milk. Preheat convenient way 1-1.5 l. fat milk, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into the composition (can be replaced with 1 grapefruit), add 80 gr. honey and 50 ml. sunflower oil. Make a bath for nails, rinse your hands with clean water after half an hour.
  7. Soda and calendula. Mix 25 gr. soda with 15 gr. salt, dissolve the granules in 1.5 liters. hot water. Add 25 ml. tinctures of calendula and 4 drops of lemon balm. Send your fingers into the bath, hold for a third of an hour.
  8. Citrus fruit. Rinse 1 lemon, 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit with water. Chop the fruits into small cubes along with the zest, send to a blender or food processor. You should get a complete gruel. Pour in 120 ml. sunflower oil, dip your fingers into the composition (you can brush completely). Carry out the procedure for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Natural oils. Buy echinacea at the pharmacy, brew 45 gr. composition 160 ml. hot water, leave for half an hour. After that, pour in 35 ml. corn and burdock oil, add 15 ml. lemon juice. Cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature, dip your fingertips into the bath. After 20 minutes, remove the residue with napkins.
  10. Beer and vodka. Place a glass of beer in hot water to warm the drink. Pour in 25 ml. tinctures of calendula, 35 gr. vodka, 145 ml. drinking water. Send the mixture to the microwave, bring to the desired temperature. Make a hand bath, wait 10 minutes.
  11. Castor oil and tea. Prepare loose leaf green tea to make 300 ml. Add 60 ml. oils, 45 gr. honey, stir. Dip your hands in the bath, wait half an hour, rinse with water.

Folk remedies for restoring nails

  1. Beeswax. Purchase at a pharmacy or a store with natural honey beeswax. Melt a few cubes of the composition into a liquid mass, cool to an acceptable temperature. Dip your fingertips into the wax, wait until the composition has completely hardened. Put on cosmetic gloves (cotton), leave the composition all night. Exposure time - at least 8 hours.
  2. Berries. Take 1 handful of red currant, 30 gr. cranberries and 20 gr. cranberries. Rinse the berries, put them in a colander to drain the moisture. After that, pass the mixture through a combine or blender, in the end you should get a liquid mass. Add 30 gr. gelatin, wait until the mixture becomes thick. Spread it over the fingers or hands completely, wrap with cling film, leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Biogel. The beauty industry does not stand still. To date, specialists have developed many nail restoration programs. One of them is the use of biogel - medical varnish. The tool nourishes and strengthens the plate, prevents delamination, leaves a protective film even after removal.
  4. Paraffin. Buy paraffin for hands in a cosmetics store, melt 200 gr. product in a steam bath or microwave. Let it cool a little so that the product does not burn the skin. Dip your hands or just your fingertips in paraffin, wait for the first layer to harden. Do the manipulations 5-7 times to form a thick layer. Put on cotton gloves, wait half an hour, remove the composition.

Video: nail restoration after gel polish

Often, the nail plates turn yellow, exfoliate, break, deform, or grow too slowly, which makes it impossible to grow the desired length. Sometimes these are the consequences of external factors, bad habits and abuse. cosmetic procedures such as gel polish, extensions, shellac.

In other cases, a fungal infection or internal disease occurs. Nails are successfully treated at home.

Manicurists claim that neither gel extensions, nor gel polish, nor shellac have a harmful effect on the nail, and that no special procedures are needed after a gel polish manicure. However, in reality, the condition of the nail plate after the so-called perfect manicure worsens.

This is due to neglect of the rules of the procedure, non-compliance with hygiene requirements:

Home nail treatments

At home, three methods of treating nails are used:

How to choose and use the right care products

For the treatment and restoration of nails at home it is necessary to use care products containing keratin, proteins, vitamin C.

To stimulate nail growth, formulations with liposomes and warming agents are used, which increase blood flow to the nail plate, thereby increasing the amount of nutrients supplied to it - as a result, nails grow faster.

Manufacturers produce ready-made oil mixtures for nail treatment

Oil or cream should be applied to the cleaned nail with rubbing movements. If you need to accelerate the growth of nails, soften the cuticle, you need to pay more attention to the base of the nail. If the nails exfoliate, then the tips of the nail plate should be especially carefully treated. Any remedy will give a noticeable result only with systematic use.

Diet for nail treatment

Treatment of nails with the help of masks and baths at home is best combined with the impact from the inside, namely, to adjust the diet.

The menu should include:

Taking vitamins

An alternative to a diet is taking vitamins in a medicinal form. Preference should be given to vitamins A, E, B5. Vitamins A and E are sold in the form of capsules, vitamin B5 - in the form of tablets. But there are also vitamins in the form of ampoules. These solutions are recommended to be applied directly to the nails.

There are special multivitamin complexes that will improve the condition of the nails.

Among them:

  • amway,
  • Revalid,
  • Fitoval,
  • Vitrum Beauty,
  • Oriflame Hair&Nail NutriComplex,
  • Merz,
  • Perfectil and others.

Special restoratives

You can buy products that are applied directly to the nail. These are professional products rich in vitamins and minerals.

Available in two forms:

  • oils;
  • base coats.

Coverage includes things like:

Of the specialized oils, mention should be made of Fresh Melon Nail Butter. It contains shea butter and almond. It must be used 2 times a week for 30 days. Apply to the cuticle.

IBX system

The IBX system is a special two-phase remedy that is unlike any other. In the form of release, it resembles nail polish, but it penetrates much deeper into the nail and restores it from the inside. So deep that it is impossible to remove the coating.

The IBX system has exceptionally positive results

First of all, a composition is applied that stimulates nail growth, then one that evens out the surface of the nail, filling in irregularities and connecting the peeled plates.

If the nails are too brittle, exfoliate, thinned or covered with grooves, spots, it is especially recommended to use this treatment method. In its operation, the IBX system is equivalent to salon procedure and is often done in nail parlors, but it can also be done at home.

Result after application:

The composition can be used during pregnancy, as it does not contain harmful substances, and can be used constantly as a base for varnish or gel extensions. The effect is noticeable immediately after application.

Main disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • the need for a UV lamp.

Despite the exceptional result, the procedure itself takes only 10 minutes.

It is performed as follows:

  1. Nails should be put in order, giving them the desired shape.
  2. Then the plate must be degreased with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  3. Then, the agent for the first stage should be applied exclusively to the nail plate. Shake the bottle with the product beforehand.
  4. Immediately, the coating must be heated with a stream of hot air (for example, a hairdryer).
  5. Next, remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth and dry the coating in a UV lamp for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Degrease the nail plate.
  7. Then the second step agent is applied.
  8. Again heat the coating with a stream of warm air.
  9. Again, the sticky layer is removed, but the coating is dried under the lamp for 5 minutes.
  10. Degrease the nail. If the coating is applied for the first time, then you need to cover the nails with a second agent again, if not, then this is the last step.

If the product is applied as a base, then on top of it you can do a manicure with gel polish or extensions. The worse the condition of the nails, the more often you should use the remedy: from 1 to 4 times a month. In an effort to improve the condition of the nails, you should not abuse the product, using it too often or applying more layers.

The best way to recover

At home, it is easiest to use an alcohol solution of iodine for the treatment of nails. He is considered the best and a simple means restoration of the nail plate. Need to lubricate the nails with cotton swab iodine up to twice a week at night. In the morning, there will be no trace of yellowness - iodine will be absorbed. This tool strengthens and whitens the nail plate.

Iodine is a proven way to get rid of nail fungus

Recipes for the treatment of fungus on the legs

Celandine oil from the fungus

After that, the nails should be processed by removing the top most damaged layer of the nail with a nail file.

This is done so that the oil penetrates deeper into the nail plate. After that, the oil is applied with a pipette to each nail. The procedure is carried out before going to bed every day. Medicinal properties oils are enhanced when applied warm.

Nail fungus must be recognized early to minimize damage

The process looks something like this:

  1. 1 tbsp celandine oil should be mixed in equal proportions with medical alcohol and left to infuse for a day.
  2. Next, in the composition, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab and apply 5-minute applications to each nail.
  3. Each finger on which the product is applied must be wrapped with cling film.
  4. After 5 minutes, the composition is removed with a paper towel.

Use the product daily, preferably after a steaming bath. Juice is squeezed out of a whole lemon and 1 tbsp is added to it. celandine oils. A compress is made from the resulting mixture on the nails damaged by the fungus on the hands or feet, wrapped with cling film on top. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Recipes with black cumin oil from the fungus

Black cumin oil is effective against fungal nail diseases. With it, you need to systematically do compresses for the whole day or all night. After wetting a cotton pad in oil, you should wrap your finger with it and fix the cling film on top, fixing the edges with a simple rubber band.

Black cumin oil has a rich composition, thanks to which it has a positive effect on nails.

Compresses should be done 2 times a week until the nail grows back. At the same time, it is processed, filed and trimmed each time to remove the damaged layer. For the best effect, it is recommended to take the oil inside: 1 tbsp. oil in a glass of water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey before meals.

Tea Tree Oil Restoration

Treating nails at home with tea tree oil can help kill fungal infections, soften cuticles, and improve the condition of the skin around nails.

There are many recipes that include tea tree oil:

Sesame oil for growth and strengthening

It promotes:

Doctors advise taking warm 10-minute baths with lemon juice before applying sesame oil, and then rubbing the oil into each nail plate. massage movements.

Folk methods for strengthening nails

Color Improvement Recipes

Remedies for nail lamination

Manicure procedures, including gel extensions and gel nail polish, are positioned as completely safe for nail health. But with frequent procedures and neglect of the recommendations, the condition of the nails may worsen. At home, nail fungus can be treated, it is possible to prevent the nail plate from peeling, strengthen, moisturize it and add shine.

Video on how to properly treat nails at home:

Ways to treat nails at home:

Nail treatment with the IBX system:

For some reason, most girls try to restore their nails after gel polish using traditional medicine. More or less like this:

After removing the gel polish, the nails are most often polished, due to this they become thin and vulnerable. Regular olive oil will help restore nails and strengthen them. Warm it up to a comfortable temperature in the microwave or in a water bath, dip your fingers into the oil and keep them there for at least 10 minutes. Most likely this happens because, to restore nails folk remedies most convenient at home.

I prefer to approach this issue from the point of view of common sense.

Have you ever wondered why our nails become unusable and have to be restored?

Why do some have healthy and strong nails, and others, on the contrary, are ashamed of their own?

You can say long and hard that all people are different, with their own characteristics, etc. BUT! if we discard these arguments, and put everything on the shelves, it turns out that for most people with problem nails everything started very similarly.

Restoration of nails after gel polish and manicure prices. Where is the connection?

Nails often suffer when the master uses low-quality materials during work. First of all, it concerns the base coat. It is the base that is in direct contact with the nail.

What do you think, on what materials do craftsmen who charge 500 rubles work? On cheap ones. Most likely it will be materials from Aliexpress.

To be honest, I myself tried a couple of times to use cheap materials - after all, if you can’t see the difference, why pay more? It turned out there is a difference. Bluesky is a world famous "brand" (in quotation marks). I experimented on it. My experiment confirmed that nails need to be restored after cheap materials.

The base of cheap materials is very acidic, because of this, it eats into the nail very deeply. Yes, the deeper the base penetrates into the structure of the nail, the stronger it will hold the gel polish on the nails. But! For the same reason, a cheap base dries our nails very much. After a couple of months, the nails become dry and begin to exfoliate.

What materials do you think beauty salons use? Do not know? Now I'll tell you.

Go to the website of the beauty salon, and go to where the price is written. There, in brackets, they often write what material the master will work with. Most often it will be Shellac, Bluesky, Canni, or something else. In a separate article, I wrote about.

It is beneficial for beauty salons to use cheap materials, because you need to pay a salary to the master, and rent a place, and the owner of the salon needs a penny to fall into his pocket. And the fact that your nails may begin to exfoliate over time is not a problem for a beauty salon. The salon is always happy to sell you products for restoring nails after gel polish.

Manicurist and restoration of nails after gel polish.

Girls do not immediately begin to think about restoring nails.

At first, the nails are beautiful and healthy, and this is taken for granted. After several months (or even years) of regular edging manicure, removal of gel polish with a file and acetone, small problems begin. Nails begin to peel a little, become brittle and dry. They try not to pay attention to this until the last .... When nails need treatment , everyone grabs their heads, climb into the search engine, and drive in the phrase “ how to restore nails after gel polish". After reading the recipes, they begin to frantically test everything that is possible on their nails.

First of all, it is you, and not the manicurist, who should take care of your nails.

You need it more...

Manicurists who remove gel polish with a file and acetone reassure their clients in every way. They're just used to doing it that way. They were taught that in manicure courses. It is normal for them to see the rearing scales of the nail plate after you work hard with a file with a large abrasive. Even if your nails look terrible, the last thing the master will think about is your nails. After all, it is not beneficial for them that the nails “rest”. Then you won't pay them for their work. You should be thinking about this.

If you noticed in time that things are not going well with your nails, but the extreme stage has not yet come, then the usual coating of nails with gel polish may well help you. Yes, yes, you heard right.

Gel polish should be applied ONLY according to technology. Required. It is also necessary to remove the coating with the apparatus.

If the master follows the technology of applying and removing the coating, then you will not have to think about restoring nails after gel polish.

Believe me, the days when beauty required sacrifice have passed. If everything is done according to the mind, then there will be beauty, and sacrifices will not be needed.

This is what my nails look like after removing the gel polish.

You know very well that gel polish is not just beautiful nails. The coating also perfectly protects against external damage - it “seals the nail” for several weeks. At this time, the nail may gradually begin to grow, and in a few months it will renew itself. Do you think gel polish is bad for your nails? Apply base coat only. It protects the nails. Gel polish is only decorative.

I repeat that this method will only work if you catch yourself in time. If the nails began to peel off strongly, then the coating will not be able to securely adhere to the nail.

I have described below effective methods restorations that can be used for very neglected nails.

If you regularly remove gel polish by soaking it in acetone, then sooner or later such problems with nails will appear:

  • nails hurt, even from simply washing hands in hot water;
  • nails become thin and rough;
  • delamination and brittleness appear;
  • nails become so soft that they can be bent like a piece of paper in all directions.

You can remove the coating with acetone only if:

  1. if you covered your nails with regular polish (not gel polish)
  2. if you covered your nails with Shellac, because it is a hybrid of gel and varnish. There, the removal of the coating by soaking is provided according to the technology.

You only need to remove the classic gel polish. This is if done correctly and according to technology. In our country, masters like to “combine technologies”, and change them in every possible way as they please. Then many are looking for recipes for restoring nails.

I will not beat around the bush, and I will say directly:

Your nails are spoiled by a manicurist who removes the coating incorrectly.

This is the main reason why nails require restoration after gel polish. There is one more, but more on that below ...

How to start restoring nails

  1. Nails damaged due to improper removal of gel polish
  2. Nails are damaged from problems in the body.

I will dwell on the first point - when problems with nails arose due to the removal of gel polish.
If problems with nails are not related to manicure and removal of gel polish, then you need medical treatment for the body, not nails. But today we are not talking about that.

Restoring nails in folk ways - this does not work.

In Google, you can find a bunch of wonderful stories about how many girls restored their nails after gel polish with sea salt, soda, iodine, yolk (hehe), and other food products.

Looking ahead, I want to say right away - this does NOT work.

Why does not it work? Yes, because the nails are dense keratinized plates. After improper removal of the coating, the nail plates rise with a fur coat, and the nail looks rough to the touch and thin. How can sea salt or a decoction of oak bark smooth out raised scales? No way.

To make it clearer, I will draw an analogy with wallpaper.

Wallpapers are washable, they can be painted, washed, then painted again. Imagine that you have wallpaper on your hands instead of nails. After several careless color changes, a piece of wallpaper fell behind, what will you do? Apply glue and stick. It would never occur to anyone to make poultices from herbs and make an iodine mesh on the wallpaper))).

The wallpaper example may be rough, but it explains the essence of the issue.
By the way, the main essence of the restoration of exfoliated nails is to try to stop further delamination, and at the same time “glue” the exfoliated plates together. How it is written below.

- "Well, let's say, you say, but what about such reviews":

Everything is very simple here. If you smear the nail plate for 2-3 months with water, iodine, smart enamel, or something else, then only one thing will happen to the nail - it will grow back.
It's like applying plantain to a broken arm. The effect will be the same) If you apply it and do not disturb it for a couple of months, you see, and the bone will grow together.

Or you can do nothing and the result will be the same.

Effective methods for restoring nails

But seriously, the following might help:

IBX System- system for the restoration of the nail plate.
A feature of the composition is that it adheres firmly to the nail itself and penetrates deeply into its structure, unlike traditional products that only create a layer on top. After application, it will not be possible to remove the coating from the nail due to deep penetration funds in the nail. The protective layer simply grows along with the plate and is gradually cut off. This is exactly the same tool that “glues” the exfoliated nail plates together.

How it works
IBX System consists of two different means. They work only in combination, applying them separately does not make any sense.
The first 9.5 ml bottle is called IBX Repair. It must be applied in one layer. It instantly enters the structure of the nail, fills in damage and cracks invisible to the naked eye. You will notice the therapeutic effect immediately after the first use - the tubercles will disappear, the color will become even and healthy, the yellowish tint and stains will go away.
The second bottle has a larger volume - 14.3 ml, since it is recommended to apply it in two layers. This tool is designed to strengthen nails. After using it, they begin to grow faster.
IBX acts like a "double sided tape" to seal damaged areas. As a result, it creates a protective layer, helping to reduce the white spots that can appear when using nail gel.

IBX acts like a "double sided tape" to seal damaged areas. As a result, it creates a protective layer, helping to reduce the white spots that can appear when using nail gel.
Detailed instructions that I liked:

Polishing nails with wax- second effective way restore nails.

The essence of the procedure is the application of wax to the nail and its subsequent polishing with a soft grinder.

Wax creates a protective film on the surface of the nail, which helps to retain moisture inside and protects from external influences. Useful trace elements of wax also take care of the nail plate and help strengthen it.

The technique is very simple, first a manicure is performed, then with a nail file or buff 250 - 300 grit soft polishing is performed against the growth of the nail. This removes the moisture that the plate releases. This will help the new insulating layer develop much faster. In addition, it is at this stage that all irregularities and yellowing are removed.
Next, wax is applied to the nail.

A drop of wax is applied to the plate itself, which is rubbed both into the nail itself and into the skin around it. The surface is treated with a special polishing file 1000 - 1200 grit until the finger slides easily.
Polishing the nails with wax is completed with a protective varnish and cuticle oil.
I recommend wax from DNC or Nordic Flora to my clients

Another way to restore nails

Nails are restored when the nail plate is renewed. The faster a new nail grows, the faster we will solve our problems. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of nails. There is also no shamanism in this. It is enough to balance your diet and take vitamins.

Apply cuticle oil. The nail itself is a keratinized tissue, but everything around it and under it is quite alive. The cuticle also needs care - this time. Under the nail is the nail bed, which is supplied with blood - these are two.
When you rub cuticle oil, you solve two problems at once:

  1. Take care of your cuticles.
  2. Massage the nail, which leads to improved blood circulation in the nail bed.

This stimulates the growth of the nail.

Here's another thing: All the methods of restoring nails that I have described are quite suitable for use at home.

IBX can be bought at any professional store. Wax for polishing nails is even easier - it is sold at a pharmacy.

Although I am not a supporter of any procedures with nails at home, but for IBX and wax, I will probably make an exception 😛

What to do so that nails after gel polish do not have to be restored?

Every girl initially has healthy and strong nails. Nails start to deteriorate from “improper use”

  • Try not to remove the gel polish by soaking.

I allow resorting to this method in an emergency, but I strongly do not recommend regularly poisoning your nails with acetone.

  • Watch your health.

If the nails exfoliate, but you remove the gel polish strictly according to the technology, then it makes sense to take an analysis for the thyroid hormone. Violations hormonal background are often the cause of nail problems.

  • Take care of your hands.

If you wash dishes, garden, or do any physical work, wear gloves. Just take it as a rule. And the nails will be healthier, and the skin of the hands will remain young and elastic longer.

I summarize

  1. Understand why nails require restoration.
    If the reason is the incorrect removal of gel polish, then stop removing the gel polish with a file, try a hardware manicure.
    If the problem is in the body, then treat the body, then the nails will recover themselves.
  2. There are only two remedies that really help restore nails: IBX system and nail wax. Everything else is self-deception.
  3. Eat right and take vitamins, then the nails will grow faster.
  4. Use cuticle oil. Then you will not have problems with the cuticle. Massaging the nail while rubbing in the oil helps the nails grow faster.

Manicure using gel polish has become a criterion for well-groomed hands. Bright and durable nail design allows you to forget about visiting the salon for 2-3 weeks. The procedure for coating nails with gel polish is considered quite safe. However, in some cases, negative consequences for the nail plate and skin of the hands are possible. Most often this is due to the incompetence and negligence of the master or the use of low-quality materials. Also, gel coating of unhealthy nails is considered a serious problem.

Fungal infection of the nail plate is quite common. This problem is widespread and requires timely treatment and prevention. The first manifestations of a fungal infection are presented yellow spots on the nail plate. It is these yellow, unsightly nails that the fair sex seeks to immediately hide under varnish or gel polish. However, this only exacerbates the problem.

Fungal infection in the human body can circulate long time without showing itself. However, with a weakened immune system, the first symptoms of the disease appear. Covering diseased nails with gel polish significantly limits the access of air to the nail plate. The microcavities between the nail and the gel coating are filled with moisture, which activates the intensive reproduction of pathogens.

It is not recommended to cover nails infected with a fungus with gel polish until a complete cure.

No less relevant is the issue of disinfection of manicure instruments. Often, in order to save money, newly-made masters neglect the rules of sterility, as a result of which it is possible for clients to become infected not only with a fungus, but also with more serious infections (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis).

Treatment of a fungal infection

The course of antifungal treatment, according to the recommendations of experts, is at least 3 months. You will also have to forget about the usual manicure for the duration of the treatment. However, you can use special antifungal varnishes, which will help fight infection and strengthen the affected nail plate.

Antifungal varnishes

  1. Demicten is an affordable preparation of a domestic manufacturer, based on formic aldehyde. This tool effectively blocks the spread of a fungal infection and contributes to the speedy recovery of a diseased nail.
  2. Oflomil is used both for the purpose of treatment and for the prevention of this disease. The drug often causes a burning sensation in the area of ​​application and has certain contraindications for use.
  3. Nail Defender has a strengthening and restorative effect on the nail plate. The tool is an excellent prophylactic drug, accelerates growth nail plates.
  4. Aventis is quite effective even with advanced fungus, safe for children and pregnant women.

The use of antifungal varnishes gives good results, but it is important to understand that this infection requires an integrated approach to solving the problem. For maximum effectiveness of therapy, antifungal drugs in the form of tablets are additionally prescribed. In some cases, treatment is supplemented with antihistamines and vitamins.

Precautionary measures

The main condition for a safe manicure is a proven master and his compliance with the rules for disinfecting a working tool. Salons often offer their customers the use of disposable tips, which significantly reduces the risk of spreading a fungal infection. Tools and premises in such institutions are subjected to regular and complete disinfection. At home, it is much harder for the master to ensure the maximum sterility of the procedure. It is important to understand that treating the instrument with an ultraviolet lamp or boiling it does not give a 100% guarantee that the fungal infection has been eliminated.

If signs of a fungal infection are found on the client's nails, the responsible master must refuse the service and refer him for a consultation with a dermatologist. It is this algorithm of the master's actions that is considered correct in this situation.

How to behave when a fungus is detected

If a fungal infection has already manifested itself in any way, then it is important to take precautions to avoid aggravating the condition of the nails.

  1. Before performing a manicure or pedicure (on your own), hands and feet should be thoroughly washed with soap and nails cleaned from the inside, after which you can trim the cuticles and file the nails.
  2. Nail extensions are unacceptable if you have already treated a fungal infection. In this case, there is a high susceptibility of the body to re-exacerbation.
  3. It is not recommended to use too thick and old varnishes for manicure.
  4. Traumatic damage to the skin around the affected nail plates should be avoided.
  5. It is recommended to temporarily abandon the use of decorative varnishes and give preference to medicinal ones. For the purpose of decoration, it is better to use rhinestones and sparkles in manicure.
  6. A manicure tool for an infected person must be individual.

Possible negative effects after using gel coatings

Nail gels, despite all their advantages, sometimes give unpleasant effects. Consider the main problems that arise after applying gel polish:

  1. Fungus - occurs in the form of inflammation around the nail, which is accompanied by severe itching and yellowing of the nail plate.
  2. Individual intolerance to materials - manifests itself after a short period of time after coating on the nails.
  3. Thinning of the nail plate - is formed when the master does not follow the technology of applying and removing the coating.

Ways to restore the nail plates after applying shellac and gel polish

Restoring nails after a bad experience with gel polish is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. A good restorative effect can be achieved both at home and in salons.

Salon restorative procedures

  1. Wax sealing of the nail plate. The procedure is reduced to covering the nail plates special means based on wax and honey. This composition forms a transparent film on the surface of the damaged nail plate, which significantly strengthens the nail and protects it from mechanical damage and infection.
  2. Paraffin therapy. The use of paraffin baths for hands helps to enrich the skin and nails with useful microelements. Paraffin is gently distributed over the surface of the skin and nail, filling the smallest areas of damage. After the procedure, the hands look healthier and younger.
  3. Covering the nail plates with biogel. This composition is highly flexible after hardening, allows you to protect weak nails (during delamination) from mechanical damage.

Special tools for the restoration of thinned nails

  1. Lacquer coating boat from Kalyon - promotes the rapid growth of the nail plate and strengthens its structure. The recommended course of treatment is at least 2 weeks. Pearlescent or transparent coating can be used both independently and as a base for decorative varnish.
  2. Trind Keratin Nail Restorer is a keratin-based product that easily penetrates deep into the nail plate, strengthening and moisturizing it. The coating should be applied twice a day.
  3. IBX base coat and lacquer - quickly and effectively strengthen thin nails and return them to a healthy look. The coating is fixed with a UV lamp. It is recommended to use this complex in order to prevent delamination of the nail plates 1-2 times a month, in advanced cases it is permissible to use the compositions once a week.
  4. Moisturizing and emollient oils for the cuticle - provide good nutrition for the cuticle and nail. Comfortable application is possible even with painted nails. During the day, it is recommended to lubricate the cuticle 2-3 times.
  5. Strengthening agent in liquid form - rubbed into the nail plate without applying varnish. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times during the day. Absorption of the product into the nail takes 3-4 minutes.
  6. Restoring varnishes are presented on the market in a wide palette of colors. This tool quickly and reliably protects the nails, giving them strength and protecting them from mechanical damaging factors. The main condition for a quality product is the presence in the composition of minerals, vitamin complex and calcium.
  7. Wax coating designed for home use, differs in ease of application and good restorative action.

Economic options for restoring nail plates at home

  1. Hand baths with olive oil, sea salt or chamomile. Fingertips should be kept in this composition for 15 minutes, then wiped with a dry towel and smeared with a nourishing cream. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  2. Hand masks. An excellent restorative effect is provided by the use of a mask with vitamin E. To do this, pierce the vitamin capsule with a needle and rub the contents over the nail plate and cuticle 30 minutes before bedtime. Lemon is a good alternative. Enough to apply on nails a small amount of lemon juice and leave it until completely absorbed. Essential oils lemon and vitamin C perfectly strengthen the nail plate. No less popular are masks for hands and nails based on sour berries (currant, mountain ash, cranberry).
  3. The iodine mesh stimulates regenerative processes in the nail plate, strengthening its structure and accelerating growth.

Food rich in proteins and vitamins E, A, D, C helps to restore damaged nails and strengthen their structure. Be sure to include in the diet of dairy products, greens, fish. Proper nutrition is the key to healthy nails and hair.


There are many ways to repair damaged nails after using a gel coat, and each of them has its own advantages. However, the restoration of the nail plates takes a long time and is often accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​damage. The choice of a responsible master will prevent the occurrence of troubles with nails.