
Drawing pains at the 18th week of pregnancy. Why can the stomach hurt in the second trimester? What vaginal discharge is considered normal


The 18th week of pregnancy is the most important and very interesting period of pregnancy. After all, it is at this time that many expectant mothers hear their baby for the first time. But it is so interesting and exciting! Now your baby will already actively remind of himself. But 18 weeks is also a dangerous period. At this time, many mothers are worried about pain in the abdomen, lower back, etc. We will talk about this.

The first movements of the baby are associated with the development of the nervous and muscular systems of his small body. These movements begin as early as the 8th week of pregnancy, but they are so insignificant that the mother does not notice it. At week 17, the baby can already open his mouth, blink, smile. By week 18, these two important organ systems of the baby are already fully formed. The baby is already reacting to his mother's voice, a change in his intonation, loud sounds.

During this period, the baby still has a lot of space in the mother's uterus, so he can somersault there, roll over, straighten his arms and legs. Some mothers feel it very clearly, but most still feel subtle jolts.

At 18 weeks, the baby's arms and legs are already fully formed. Therefore, the baby already freely moves his fingers, can touch them to the head, can cover his face with his hands, clench and unclench his fists. At this time, children already react with movements to bright light and loud sound, because they already hear and see quite well.

For more later dates the baby can actively respond to the position of the mother, which is uncomfortable for him, her emotional condition to express your desires. Therefore, you already have to reckon with his opinion.

As already mentioned, at 18 weeks, the movements of the baby are not yet so strong, unless of course you have twins !! Therefore, if the baby at this time began to move and push very actively, it is worth worrying. If you have multiple pregnancy, then the active movements of the babies should not cause you concern.

At week 18, many women experience discomfort in the abdomen. Most often, they are associated with the fact that the uterus stretches the ligaments that support it, while the uterus itself comes into tone. Such pains are located on the sides of the uterus and they are completely safe.

In addition to pain from sprained ligaments, it happens that the stomach hurts "not like a child." Such situations should be taken seriously. If you feel the same pain as during menstruation, then this is a threat of miscarriage. Usually, pains that require special attention occur at night or in the evening, during rest or after light physical exertion.

These pains are similar to the sensation of a "shrinking lump" in the lower abdomen. It is very serious! Therefore, if you suddenly feel such pain, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Pain in the lower abdomen may occur after a rough obstetric examination. In this case, pain means that the uterus has come into tone. But gynecologists are aware of such a threat and usually examine future mother very carefully. If your uterus is very excitable, then the tone can even arise from an ultrasound sensor. The tone of the uterus is easy to determine with the help of an ultrasound machine. But you can't do an ultrasound every day.

Therefore, doctors resort to determining the tone of the uterus using the palpation method. A vaginal examination cannot be performed if the uterus is in good shape, as this can provoke a severe pain attack or even a miscarriage.

In addition, the occurrence of abdominal pain can provoke serious disorders of the intestines, which is quite common in pregnant women. Pain with constipation, spasms and intestinal obstruction are persistent and disappear immediately after bowel movement. Same way pain can cause chronic or acute diseases of the abdominal organs - appendicitis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, etc. These diseases require careful monitoring and, in case of exacerbations, immediate hospitalization.

In addition to abdominal pain, a pregnant woman may experience back pain. This is quite normal, since your belly is already large and can accommodate a small person. Wearing a special prenatal bandage will help relieve back pain and sprains. It will take some of the load off the back and support the stomach very well. It should only be worn while walking and doing housework.

So we talked on the site about how the 18th week of pregnancy proceeds, pain, stomach ache, movements were considered. It is worth adding that there is a special gymnastics for pregnant women, which will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and prepare the body for childbirth. But before you start exercising, you should consult with your doctor.

The following exercise will help unload the lower back. Get on all fours and do some backbends. This will ease your condition. During sleep, you can put pillows, rollers under your back.

Very useful for the body of the baby and mother. But if your uterus is easily excitable or you have a lot of back pain, it's worth cutting back on your walk and alternating between walking and resting.

Yulia Ermolenko,

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During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. For some expectant mothers, this causes serious discomfort. Every woman's body is unique. He reacts to rapid change differently. Some complain that their stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy. Should I go to the hospital if this symptom occurs? What can cause it? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Features of the course of pregnancy at the 18th week

Some women note that at the 17-18th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts. This can alert or even scare the expectant mother. In some cases, this symptom is a serious cause for concern. Although often such a condition is explained solely by physiological, normal processes. To understand why the stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy, you need to start by considering the main processes in a woman's body that are characteristic of this period.

So, 18 weeks is the second week of the fifth month of pregnancy. It's almost the middle of the second trimester. During this period, the sensations become somewhat different than in the first trimester. This is one of the happiest periods of pregnancy. At a period of 18-22 weeks, a woman for the first time can feel the movements of the fetus. This is an unforgettable moment that gives a lot of positive emotions.

Many argue that at the 18th week of pregnancy they do not feel the movement of the fetus. Until 22 weeks, this should not be a cause for concern. The fetus is still too small for its movements to be palpable. Soon you will feel the first, still weak movements.

If mommy has already managed to feel the first movements at the 18th week of pregnancy, you need to monitor their frequency. This usually happens 4-8 times per hour. If they occur more often, it is possible that the fetus does not have enough oxygen. It is necessary to review the diet and undergo a course of special treatment. The doctor will definitely advise you to walk more often fresh air, breathe deeply.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts for several reasons. The physiological norm is the fact that the uterus at this time has already increased so much that it almost reaches the level of the navel. She can put pressure on her stomach. Because of this, unpleasant sensations appear. However, they should not be too painful. Rather, it's just discomfort. On the navel with reverse side the growing uterus begins to press. The stomach at this time can no longer be hidden. This leads to a shift in the center of gravity, which causes the pregnant woman to slightly tilt her shoulders forward, a peculiar gait appears. The load on the spine begins to gradually increase. At this time, it is worth paying attention to the choice of special clothes that would support the stomach. So the load on the back will be reduced.

Causes of pain

Pain at the 18th week of pregnancy can be a sign of pathology. Therefore, this cannot be ignored. You also need to always remember that your body is a unique system. If your friends or even Native sister, it does not mean that in your case the reason will be the same. Only a gynecologist can install it after an examination. It may be necessary to conduct a series of tests.

Any discomfort should not be ignored. Do not blindly believe that such sensations do not pose any threat. To understand what dangers such a condition may portend, one should consider possible reasons pain in the 18th week of pregnancy.

In such a situation, you should not worry too much, as it is harmful. But you need to contact your supervising gynecologist as soon as possible. It is worth reviewing the possible reasons why the stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy. The reason may be:

  • Normal physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • placental complications.
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Gynecological ailments or diseases genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of a surgical nature.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the causes of this condition can be very different, you should not ignore a similar symptom. Although in most cases it turns out that the matter is indeed in natural physiological changes, the possibility of various threats cannot be ruled out. A woman is responsible for her own health, as well as the well-being and life of her baby. Proper Behavior avoids many problems.

The sooner a pregnant woman reacts to the appearance of such a symptom, the less likely it is to develop complications and the most unfortunate consequences.

At the appointment, the gynecologist will definitely ask how intensely and often the stomach hurts, where the pain is localized, after which it appears, etc. This allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis. Appropriate diagnostics help to clarify it.

natural physiology

If the stomach hurts at the 18-19th week of pregnancy, this may be due to natural changes in the female body. They are aimed at adapting all systems to the successful bearing of a child. The fetus in the second trimester begins to grow rapidly. Accordingly, the uterus also grows much faster than in the first trimester. The ligaments that hold it are gradually stretched. These factors explain why discomfort occurs.

To reduce discomfort in the body of a pregnant woman, a special hormone called relaxin begins to be produced. It is responsible for relaxing ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles. Sometimes, due to the rapidity of the ongoing changes, a woman still feels pulling pains. This is not a pathology.

Also, at the 18-19th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts due to the increasing pressure that the uterus exerts on internal organs small pelvis and abdominal cavity. This condition is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • The amount of urination increases.
  • Constipation occurs.
  • The abdomen is often swollen, growls.

These symptoms are completely normal. These are natural processes that do not pose a threat to the fetus and future mother. In addition to these sensations, a woman may feel tired. This is due to the redistribution of energy resources. Now the forces go to the development of the fetus.

If the gynecologist, after examination, states the fact that the pulling pains arose against the background of a normal pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about. You need to calm down and stop paying attention to it. Over time, this discomfort will disappear on its own.

A gynecologist may advise a woman in a similar situation to do gymnastics for pregnant women, to walk more often in the fresh air. Perhaps you need to start wearing a bandage, etc. This situation does not require additional treatment. It is also worth reviewing your diet. Perhaps it lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals during this period. The right lifestyle helps to reduce discomfort.

Risk of miscarriage

There are symptoms in the 18th week of pregnancy that should make the expectant mother alert. Unpleasant sensations can cause dangerous processes that develop in the body. One of the most undesirable phenomena is the threat of miscarriage. This situation requires maximum attention from doctors. The woman should immediately go to the hospital.

In such a situation, certain harbingers of spontaneous abortion appear. One of these symptoms is pain in the lower abdomen. It must always be remembered that such a situation is not excluded when discomfort appears.

The threat of miscarriage develops most often suddenly. Usually nothing foreshadows the development of such a situation. In some cases, spontaneous abortion occurs after an injury, especially in the abdomen, or some disease. It happens that a frozen pregnancy at the 18th week leads to the development of a similar situation. Spontaneous abortion has a number of characteristic symptoms. If at least one of them appears, you need to go to the hospital without delay. Sometimes the life of her child depends on the speed of the reaction of the mother.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, there is pain in the lower abdomen. It spreads to the sacrum and rectum. Usually, such sensations are quite strong, they cannot be ignored, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent.

Further, bloody or brownish discharge may appear. This is one of the most formidable signs of pathology. Similar discharge at the 18th week of pregnancy indicates placental abruption. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.

In addition, uterine hypertonicity may indicate the likelihood of spontaneous abortion. At this time, the stomach becomes hard. Since the uterus is a muscle, if it contracts, it can lead to termination of pregnancy. This situation requires immediate medical treatment.

On examination, the doctor can diagnose the opening of the uterine os. In this case, the fetus will not be able to stay in the uterus. To prevent such an outcome, a number of special manipulations are carried out. In such a situation, with timely treatment, sad consequences can be avoided.

The more pronounced these symptoms become, the greater the likelihood of an adverse outcome. This means that due to the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, the process becomes more rapid. The pains become cramping, their intensity and severity increase.

If the pregnancy froze, the situation, for obvious reasons, will end in an abortion. Only without timely medical care this situation can lead to serious blood loss and the most unfortunate consequences. Only in a hospital will a woman be able to provide full assistance. If at least one mild symptom occurs, which was listed above, you should immediately go to the hospital. In this case, it is likely that the child can be saved.

Placental pathologies

If the stomach hurts below at the 18th week of pregnancy, this may be caused by pathology in the placenta. This organ may prematurely begin to exfoliate from the uterine wall. It is also a threat of termination of pregnancy.

A similar pathology is more often manifested in women who suffer from vascular diseases, for example, increased arterial pressure, diabetes mellitus, etc. Also, a recent trauma can lead to placental abruption. This organ supplies the fetus with everything necessary. If partial or complete detachment is observed, this is a threat to the life of the baby.

If the detachment of the placenta at the 18th week of pregnancy is partial, it may be observed in the center or from the edge. Clinical manifestations in both cases have characteristic features. Premature detachment is also accompanied by a number of symptoms. If at least one of them appears, you should immediately go to the hospital:

  • Painful sensations at the site of attachment of the placenta.
  • Isolation of red color of different intensity.
  • Hypertension of the uterus.
  • The uterus protrudes at the place of detachment.
  • The state of the fetus is disturbed, a distress syndrome occurs.

If there is a detachment of the central type, external manifestations may be completely absent. However, in this case, hemorrhage occurs. This dangerous state for a woman, which can lead to shock or DIC. Knowing what to do at the 18th week of pregnancy when such symptoms appear, you can prevent sad consequences. With proper treatment, placental abruption can be stopped.

Diseases of the gynecological type

If the stomach hurts a lot at the 18th week of pregnancy, this may be caused by certain gynecological ailments. During the bearing of a child, chronic diseases that were not cured in a timely manner, as well as pathologies acquired during this period, can affect not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the baby. Therefore, they need to be treated promptly.

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity may decrease. Because of this, various ailments appear that were not disturbed before. There is an opinion that during pregnancy, some gynecological pathologies go away by themselves. In some cases, indeed, some types of cysts resolve. However, this does not always happen. Pregnancy can proceed against the background of cysts, fibroids and other formations in the small pelvis. At some point, this can lead to discomfort.

If the stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy, you need to undergo an examination. It should be remembered that some neoplasms under the influence of hormonal changes can only increase. This is true for fibroids. If complications are observed in the presence of various neoplasms, the following symptoms may appear:

  • There is a sharp pain, which is localized or diffused throughout the abdomen.
  • The state of the fetus is disturbed.
  • Body temperature may rise.
  • On palpation, the abdomen hurts even more.

It is worth remembering that neoplasms are not always safe for bearing a child. Therefore, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning. Before conception, you need to cure all gynecological ailments. Otherwise, complications of a different nature will arise.

Diseases of the urinary system

The stomach hurts below at the 18th week of pregnancy for various reasons. Sometimes the cause of such discomfort is a disease of the urinary system. Moreover, such pathologies can only worsen over time without proper treatment. This is due to a number of natural changes in the body.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which helps to maintain pregnancy, the sphincter Bladder relaxes. The urethra becomes wider because of this. The probability of infection penetration increases markedly, and there are also prerequisites for reflux.

At the same time, the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic organs, including the bladder and kidneys. Because of this, their functionality deteriorates, as local blood circulation also becomes less.

If a woman had chronic diseases of the urinary system before pregnancy, they can worsen during the period of bearing a child. If there were no such pathologies, the likelihood of acquiring them increases markedly. Therefore, frequent companions of pregnancy are cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

In this case, not only does the stomach hurt at the 18th week of pregnancy, there may be discomfort in the lower back, pubic area, and urination is accompanied by pain. Urine becomes cloudy, may have blood impurities. Body temperature rises. The woman feels general weakness and malaise. If more than two symptoms are observed, this indicates the development of pathology.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and surgical diseases

If the stomach pulls at the 18th week of pregnancy, the cause may be a gastrointestinal disease. In this case, both infectious and somatic pathologies are diagnosed. In any case, inflammation can be observed in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman had chronic diseases in this system before pregnancy, a growing uterus will only aggravate such conditions.

Pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract have pronounced symptoms. They are difficult to confuse with other diseases. It can be pain in different parts of the abdomen, in the side or near the navel. Often there are constipations, the stomach is swollen and growls. In some cases, on the contrary, diarrhea with various impurities (pus, mucus, blood) may appear. Body temperature may also rise.

If symptoms of intoxication appear, then the disease is infectious.

Sometimes the cause of pain is a surgical disease. This, for example, may be appendicitis, adhesive disease or intestinal obstruction. Such manifestations are provoked by increased pressure on the organs of the growing uterus. Hormones that are produced during pregnancy can also affect. They relax smooth muscles, reducing intestinal motility.

Surgery is sometimes the only way out. If the symptom of an "acute abdomen" appears, the doctor may decide to perform an operation. These manifestations include:

  • Severe pain that can appear in different parts of the abdomen.
  • The anterior abdominal wall is tense.
  • Pain on palpation.
  • There are signs of irritation of the peritoneum.

Such symptoms affect the general condition of the woman. Her temperature rises, there is a strong weakness, which only increases with time. There may be dizziness, severe headaches. If left untreated, such diseases may develop peritonitis, shock. This is a serious threat not only for the mother, but also for the child.


If the stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. First of all, you should contact your supervising gynecologist. If the condition is critical, you need to call an ambulance.

It will be necessary to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental examinations. An examination by a gynecologist is also carried out, which will assess the condition of the woman. Then the doctor may prescribe such examinations:

  • General analysis of urine and blood.
  • Biochemistry of blood. Sexual acute phase parameters, hormones, urea, creatine, glucose are examined.
  • Special samples of urine.
  • Coprogram.
  • A swab taken from the vagina and cervix.
  • Sowing feces for the determination of microflora.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder.
  • Fetal ultrasound.

It is worth noting that a number of tests and examinations that can be prescribed for the diagnosis of diseases are not suitable for a pregnant woman. Therefore, the doctor can expect to receive reliable information about the health of the expectant mother only on the basis of those diagnostic procedures that are available in this case.


If the stomach hurts at the 18th week of pregnancy, then most likely it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment. These can be conservative or surgical methods. To be effective, an in-depth diagnosis is carried out. Based on the data received, the doctor prescribes certain procedures.

It is worth noting that doctors are doing everything possible to save the pregnancy. If the pathology, which is manifested by painful symptoms in the abdomen, does not involve surgical intervention, the gynecologist prescribes a comprehensive conservative treatment. This allows you to achieve a pronounced positive effect in the patient's condition without risking the health of her baby. Treatment is prescribed strictly individually. Those methods that were acceptable for one pregnant woman may categorically not be suitable for another woman.

One of the most common approaches is drug treatment. It is worth noting that there are a number of drugs that a woman should not take during pregnancy. Chemicals pass through the placenta to the fetus, causing various disorders in its development. It should be noted that in the treatment of various pathologies, doctors prescribe only the safest, most effective drugs. In this case, the benefit to the woman and the risk to the fetus are assessed. If the first indicator is much higher, the medicine will be prescribed to treat the pathology.

If a woman does not take medicines prescribed by a qualified specialist, she can harm herself and her child. The pregnancy may be terminated. Therefore, the consequences of refusal should also always be remembered. There is a list of approved drugs that are actively used during treatment during pregnancy. A doctor with sufficient experience will never prescribe drugs to a pregnant woman that are harmful to her or her baby.

Medicines can be prescribed in tablet or injection form. It depends on the severity and characteristics of the disease. Actively prescribe candles and other medications.

As an addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy methods can be prescribed. They enhance the therapeutic effect. There are a number of methods that are approved for use during pregnancy. Often, physiotherapy is prescribed for the threat of spontaneous abortion. Also, sometimes similar therapy is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

In combination with such influences, it may be necessary to undergo a course of psychotherapy. Stress due to the disease can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, the doctor may resort to such conservative methods.

In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. There are a range of methods that are approved for use during pregnancy. These can be open access operations that are used for appendicitis, as well as laparoscopic techniques for cysts and adhesive disease. It is permissible to use hysteroscopic operations for uterine myoma, as well as curettage and vacuum extraction in case of spontaneous abortion.

Timely treatment can avoid many problems during pregnancy. With a timely visit to the doctor, with a high degree of probability, you can save the health of the expectant mother and her child.

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she imagines a joyful period, full of happy moments and expectations. But it doesn't always happen that way. Often, bearing a child is accompanied by not very pleasant, and sometimes painful sensations that you would not want to let into your life. Considering such phenomena to be completely normal during this period, some try not to notice them.

But the vast majority of women experience this situation quite hard, without ceasing to worry about their condition and health. developing child. This is especially noticeable on early dates pregnancy, however, is no exception in other trimesters.

Pain during pregnancy

This also happens with the appearance of pulling pains in the abdomen at week 18. Similar sensations could haunt a woman before, but then she could associate them with objective changes in the body. And when this situation repeats, it raises concerns about deviations during pregnancy.

Another pathology is not uncommon, which may not be directly related to the process of bearing a child, but is capable of exerting a certain influence on it. Therefore, it is completely natural when a woman wants to know what this situation is connected with and what needs to be done to minimize possible risks.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen should always alert the pregnant woman and warn against unjustified neglect of symptoms.


When it comes to the causes of discomfort or pain in the abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy, you can hear various tips and recommendations from women who have already experienced this and successfully passed this path. But you should not blindly believe even your girlfriends or acquaintances, who assure that this is completely normal and has no adverse effects on the fetus.

You must always remember that each organism is completely individual, and the changes taking place in it can only be judged by the results of the examination.

As daunting as the situations described in various sources If a woman does not decide to see a doctor, no one will take responsibility for possible consequences. Although worrying in vain is quite harmful, the neglect of safety will be much more serious. Extra expert advice never hurt anyone. Only he can point to the real reasons pain that are present in a particular woman.

If we consider the possible factors why the stomach pulls at 18 weeks of gestation, then the following conditions can be noted:

  • Physiological changes.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • placental complications.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Surgical diseases.

Given the wide range of phenomena that may be hidden behind the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen or pulling pains, one cannot be completely sure of the harmlessness of such a symptom. the true reason the doctor will determine, therefore, despite personal considerations or advice from strangers, you should still contact a specialist.

It is better to immediately determine why the lower abdomen hurts than to regret the lost time and missed opportunities later.


Abdominal pain is different for every woman. For some, this takes the form of indefinite discomfort, for others - quite pronounced sensations.

The localization of such a symptom is also different: not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lateral sections or slightly higher. This can be observed constantly or occur at certain periods, depending on external or internal factors. As a rule, there will be other signs that will help to establish the origin of pain at the 18th week of pregnancy.

Physiological changes

Pregnancy occurs against the background of various changes in the body of a woman. They are strictly adaptive in nature and are aimed at the safe bearing of the child. If we talk about the second trimester, then during this period the fetus grows, and with it the uterus. The ligaments of the abdominal cavity are stretched, which quite naturally leads to the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen.

To minimize the impact of such a factor, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which helps to soften the tendon-ligamentous apparatus and relax the muscles.

The pressure of the growing uterus also affects the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. In this case, the following symptoms are likely to occur:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Bloating and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Constipation.

But such phenomena are completely normal and are explained in terms of physiological processes occurring in the body at week 18. In addition, a woman will feel increased fatigue, which is associated with the redistribution of energy resources in favor of the fetus.

If pulling pains in the abdomen are associated with the normal course of pregnancy, then it is better for a woman to calm down and try to pay less attention to them - over time, this will stop.

Threat of spontaneous abortion

The situation when it requires maximum attention at week 18 is the threat of abortion. They talk about it when there are only harbingers of a dysfunctional end of pregnancy. Therefore, when the lower abdomen hurts or pulls, one must also remember the possibility of such a situation, and not place all hopes on the manifestations of the described norm.

Most often, the threat of miscarriage occurs quite suddenly, when a woman could not even think about it, and sometimes such a course of events is preceded by an accidental injury or some kind of disease. But spontaneous abortion proceeds in almost the same way, with the appearance of such symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen with spread to the rectum and sacrum.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • The appearance of scanty spotting: dark or pink-red.
  • Increased tone of the uterus.
  • Opening of the uterus.

If an abortion from a threatening state turns into a process gaining momentum, then the manifestations become more pronounced, cramping uterine contractions appear. This may result in the complete discharge of the fetus, and sometimes some of its parts are delayed, creating a picture of an incomplete abortion, in which there is a risk of severe bleeding and infection.

In order not to start the situation and not lose the child, if threatening symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. It's better to call an ambulance.

Placental complications

It is impossible not to mention another obstetric pathology, which may be hiding behind pulling pains in the lower abdomen at the 18th week of pregnancy. This applies to premature detachment of the placenta.

Most often, this situation is common among women with diseases that affect the condition vascular system(diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension) or who have suffered a recent injury. Then there is a partial or complete rejection of the placenta at the place of its attachment to the uterus. In the first case, a central or marginal type of detachment may be observed, which also affects the clinical manifestations.

The most common placental abruption is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain at the placenta.
  • Allocations of bright red color of varying intensity.
  • Local protrusion of the uterine wall in the area of ​​detachment.
  • Increased uterine tone.
  • Violation of the condition of the fetus (distress syndrome).

If detachment occurs according to the central type, then there may be no external discharge at all, however, in this case, hemorrhage occurs in the uterine wall, which poses a risk of further development of thrombohemorrhagic complications that are dangerous for a woman - shock and DIC.

Premature placental abruption is a serious obstetric pathology that can be stopped with timely treatment.

Gynecological diseases

When the lower abdomen hurts, this can be considered as a sign of gynecological diseases. And although there is an opinion that such diseases often undergo reverse development during pregnancy, this is only partly true. changed hormonal background allows you to minimize the risk of various pathologies, but if it was before conception, then during the bearing of a child, in some cases, it can manifest itself with renewed vigor.

Pregnancy can be combined with uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts. Of course, the presence of a foreign formation in the small pelvis leads to the appearance of unpleasant sensations, which worsen as the fetus grows.

If we talk about fibroids, then, as a rule, the nodes themselves are able to increase with the course of pregnancy. Similar phenomena are not uncommon at 18 weeks. The greatest danger occurs when the cyst or submucosal myomatous node is torn. Then the following manifestations may develop:

  • Sharp local or diffuse pain in the abdomen.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Violation of the condition of the fetus.
  • Abdominal pain on palpation.

Not all cases of fibroids end in the successful bearing of a child. Submucosal small formations are the safest.

To avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to pregnancy planning, conducting timely treatment of gynecological diseases.

Diseases of the urinary tract

If we talk about the reasons why the lower abdomen hurts at various stages of pregnancy, including the 18th week, it is necessary to remember about problems with the urinary tract. This situation worries many women in a position, as it worsens over time.

This is due to several factors:

  • First, an increase in the concentration of progesterone leads to relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder, making the urethra wider, which creates the prerequisites for reflux and the penetration of infectious agents.
  • Secondly, the uterus itself puts pressure on the pelvic organs and kidneys, impairing their function and complicating regional blood circulation.

Thus, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system becomes a frequent companion of pregnancy. They make themselves felt pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis. Depending on the disease, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar or suprapubic region.
  • Frequent urination with cutting.
  • Change in color of urine, turbidity.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • General malaise, weakness.

Although single manifestations can also speak of physiological processes, in combination with other symptoms they create a clear picture of the pathology.

When pain occurs in the lower abdomen, attention should also be paid to the condition of the urinary tract.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Pain syndrome is a frequent companion of intestinal diseases. They can have both somatic and infectious origin. In any of the cases, inflammatory changes are observed in one or another section of the intestinal tube: enteritis or colitis. When the uterus begins to grow rapidly, which is observed just in the period of 18 weeks, then an exacerbation of a chronic disease can occur much more likely.

As a rule, intestinal pathology has quite vivid clinical manifestations with the following symptoms:

  • Pain in various departments: lower abdomen, in the lateral sections or in the umbilical region.
  • Sensation of bloating and rumbling.
  • Diarrhea with various impurities: mucus, blood, pus.
  • Constipation.
  • Increase in body temperature.

As for the intoxication syndrome, its appearance indicates the predominantly infectious nature of the pathology. In other cases, the general condition of the woman, as a rule, does not suffer.

To understand the causes of pain, you need to consider the possibility of intestinal pathology.

Surgical diseases

If the lower abdomen hurts, surgical pathology cannot be excluded. Pregnant women can also expect appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, or adhesive disease. In many ways, this is again provoked by compression of the abdominal organs by an enlarged uterus. In addition, impaired bowel function is aggravated by the influence of hormones that relax smooth muscles and reduce peristalsis.

The main indication for surgical care is the appearance of signs of an "acute abdomen". These include:

  • Severe pain in various parts.
  • Tension of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
  • Pain on palpation.

In many cases, this significantly affects the general condition of the woman: the temperature rises, weakness progresses, dizziness or headaches appear.

Late treatment of many acute diseases of the abdominal cavity is fraught with the development of peritonitis and shock.


To confirm the diagnosis established after a medical examination, it is necessary to involve the possibilities of additional methods. Laboratory and instrumental tools become an indispensable assistant in cases where you need to quickly determine the cause of the pathology.

During pregnancy, a gynecological examination is mandatory, which is carried out at the stage of the initial assessment of the woman's condition. In the future, it may be necessary to conduct such studies:

  • Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood (sex hormones, urea, creatinine, glucose, acute phase parameters, etc.).
  • Special urine samples (according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky).
  • A smear from the vagina and cervix.
  • Coprogram.
  • Sowing feces for microbial flora.
  • Ultrasound of the fetus, kidneys and bladder.

Many research methods that can be used in various diseases, have limited use during pregnancy or are completely contraindicated. Therefore, you have to rely on those that are available for appointment during the bearing of a child.

The main task of additional diagnostic methods is a reliable determination of objective indicators of the pathological condition.


Therapeutic tactics is always determined by the identified disease and has as its primary task the elimination of the causative factor and the speedy restoration of the normal course of pregnancy. In severe cases, when a woman's life is at stake, the question of preserving the fetus, unfortunately, is not worth it.

But in other situations, everything possible is done to continue bearing a healthy child. Conservative and operative methods of treatment, which are prescribed based on clinical expediency, help with this.

conservative methods

If the pathology does not involve surgical intervention, then in most cases it is conservative methods of treatment that are prescribed. They allow you to achieve a pronounced effect without risk to the health of the woman and the unborn child. But for this to happen, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the standards of care and clinical guidelines with various diseases, taking into account pregnancy.

Exists big number methods of conservative treatment, but only some of them are applicable for women in position.

Medical therapy

Taking medications is the main method of therapeutic effect on pathology among existing conservative methods. Some may argue that a pregnant woman should not take medications because they can have an adverse effect on the fetus.

However, such statements cannot be taken seriously, since only proven and safe drugs that have proven their effectiveness are used for treatment.

If a woman is afraid to take certain drugs, it is necessary to clarify that the fate of her pregnancy may depend on this. And refusing adequate treatment and being warned about the consequences, she will act solely at her own peril and risk.

Depending on the situation, the use of the following groups of drugs will be justified:

  • progesterone preparations.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Tocolytics.
  • Vitamins.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Improving microcirculation.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Adsorbents.
  • Enzymes.
  • Phytopreparations.

In what form the drugs will be used - tableted or injectable - depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the woman's body. Sometimes local forms are also used, namely vaginal suppositories.

The choice of a particular drug depends on its safety and efficacy profile. Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal medicine, indicating the correct dosage and course of administration.


In certain cases, methods of non-drug effects on the body help. The use of physical means will enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs and bring recovery closer. But, again, you need to focus on those methods that have no contraindications during pregnancy. In particular, with a threatened abortion, the following physiotherapy can be recommended:

  • Electrophoresis with magnesium sulfate.
  • Electrosleep.
  • Electrorelaxation.
  • Reflexology.
  • Balneotherapy.

Some methods can be used for diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract. In consultation with a gynecologist, a physiotherapist will prescribe those procedures that will have the best effect without harm to prenatal development child.


Great importance during pregnancy is given to the normalization of the emotional and psychological background in women. Naturally, during the bearing of a child, changes are observed in this area. And the appearance of the above health problems only increases the stress on the body.

If a woman cannot cope with psychological discomfort on her own, then a psychotherapist will provide significant assistance. He will select the necessary methods of treatment that will minimize the impact of negative factors on the emotional state of a woman. First of all, this is achieved by changing internal attitudes and attitudes towards various problems.

A careful correction of personal aspects and character traits is carried out. Methods of psychotherapy allow not only to find inner harmony and get rid of experiences, but also to eliminate many psychosomatic problems that could manifest themselves in the form of chronic diseases.

A favorable psychological background significantly helps in the treatment of many diseases.

Surgical methods

When conservative methods have exhausted their possibilities, without having the desired effect, as well as in case of obviously surgical pathology, it is necessary to carry out surgical treatment. During pregnancy, it is possible and even necessary to use some methods that involve direct intervention in the internal environment of the body in order to eliminate the pathological focus. So, depending on the disease, you can use:

  • Operations from open access - for example, with appendicitis.
  • Laparoscopic techniques - for ovarian cysts and adhesive disease.
  • Hysteroscopic techniques - for uterine fibroids.
  • Curettage or vacuum extraction - after a spontaneous abortion.

Operations are carried out very carefully so as not to disturb the course of the saved pregnancy. If we are talking about severe pathology, for example, placental abruption complicated by massive bleeding, or peritonitis, then first of all they take care of saving the life of the woman herself.

In such cases, the pregnancy can be terminated if such a need arises, however, in some situations, a pronounced violation of the woman's condition is also reflected in the fetus, which may lose its viability.

When there is such a need, the choice is made in favor of surgical methods of treatment. They are often the only solution to a problem.

You always need to soberly assess your condition when pain occurs in the lower abdomen. You can not rely on someone else's experience in this matter, but you should trust only a specialist. Nothing replaces a medical examination.

Even if such a symptom is associated with the physiological course of pregnancy, it will not hurt to make sure of this once again. And when the cause is any disease, then timely treatment will be the key early detection pathology and its successful treatment.

So the 18th week of pregnancy has come, and therefore let's look at what happens to the baby and mother, what are the feelings of a woman during this period. The joints and bone tissue of the child are strengthened. A pattern appears on the fingers, the phalanges of the fingers bend freely. A baby at 18 weeks pregnant becomes very sensitive to any sounds, he hears a mother's voice, perceives soft and loud sounds, and kicks you in the stomach if something is frightened. Despite the fact that he hears everything that happens in the body, he is afraid only of sounds from the outside world.

Reassure the child if he is frightened. It's easy to do, sing him a few sweet songs before going to bed or tell him pleasant words, he will be very glad to hear your voice and understand that you love him and remember him.

None major changes does not occur in the work of the body, but due to the continuous growth of the uterus, it rises even higher. You will begin to experience discomfort during sleep, try to find the perfect position in which you will feel more comfortable. Buy a new soft pillow, sleep on your back, relax before bed.

18 weeks pregnant - how many months is it? The second week of the fifth month is the 18th week of pregnancy. The second trimester is already underway, during which a woman increasingly feels and feels that she is growing and developing inside her. new life- the life of her beloved baby, who will very soon make itself felt with the first, long-awaited cry.

Sensations experienced at 18 weeks

It is at the 18th week of pregnancy that the sensations of the expectant mother give her indescribable joy, as the movements of the fetus become more pronounced. Some women feel the movements of their baby earlier, but mostly this happens precisely in the period from 18 to 22 weeks. It should be noted that if the mother does not feel the first movements of the baby, and the pregnancy is proceeding favorably, then you should not worry at all, just the time has not yet come. Such a delay in sensations most often occurs in women who are overweight. And vice versa, thin women or those with whom this is not the first child fix the activity of their fetus earlier.

As soon as the expectant mother felt the first movements, now you should pay attention to their frequency: on average, the baby will be active 4-8 times per hour. When the movements of the baby occur much more often, this indicates that he does not have enough oxygen. What should mommy do? In such cases, you should take care of your child and provide him with a greater supply of oxygen: you should walk more and more often in the fresh air, it is useful to breathe deeply and often, practice yoga or therapeutic exercises. Sometimes the 18th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that there is no movement, therefore, for this needs to be monitored.

uterus at 18 weeks pregnant

The uterus continues to grow and at 18 weeks it is already 2.5 cm below the navel. Therefore, in addition to the joyful sensations of perturbations, a woman may also experience certain discomfort, which is expressed in the form of a certain pressure on the navel area from the inside. If at this time you put your hands on your waist, and then lower your palms slightly below the navel (approximately 2 fingers), then you can already feel the bottom of the uterus. The uterus is constantly growing and its size at 18 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to the size of a small melon.

Belly at 18 weeks pregnant

Signs of pregnancy at week 18 are already quite obvious. It is almost impossible to hide the tummy at week 18. he visibly rose and grew. The woman has a shift in the center of gravity, which forces her to slightly tilt her shoulders forward. A very peculiar gait appears, which is inherent in all pregnant women. The load on the spine increases and in order to avoid the appearance of pain in the back, you should be very responsible in choosing the right clothes. A woman should purchase special shorts and panties that will support her tummy. What a pregnancy of 18 weeks looks like can be seen in the photo and video.

Photo of tummies at 18 weeks


A child at 18 weeks of gestation continues its active development. The baby has already fully formed legs, arms and phalanges of fingers, and an absolutely unique and unique print has appeared on their pads. The process of formation of the genital organs of the child has also been completed.

During this period, the process of formation of adipose tissue and the development of the brain is very active. Its immune system is improving and is already capable of producing immunoglobulin and interferon, namely, they help the fetus to resist all kinds of infections and viruses.

The baby has already formed the rudiments of his future molars, which are much deeper than the rudiments of milk teeth. There is already a reaction to the light that can penetrate into the mother's tummy, although his eyes are still closed. It is advisable for mom to avoid any sharp or loud sounds, as the baby's hearing aid is improving and is already responding to sounds. You can start singing lullabies and children's songs to him, read fairy tales, put on classical music, address him with affectionate intonations.

The average parameters at 18 weeks are more than 14 cm in length and weigh almost 200 g. So far, nothing interferes with the free movement of the baby in the stomach and he can move completely freely, wave his arms, legs and roll over. It is generally accepted that such movements are beneficial to the child, having an excellent effect on the development of his brain at 18 weeks of gestation, as well as his muscular system.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks pregnant

Repeated ultrasonography given between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. In the photo, an ultrasound scan at 18 weeks of pregnancy may well show the gender of the unborn child. But the conduct of this study is primarily aimed at identifying whether there are any defects in the development of the fetus: Down's disease, heart defects or congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system. It is also very important to study the place of attachment of the placenta in order to assess all the risks and deviations from the norm, in order to correct them in a timely manner, if such a need arises. With the help of ultrasound, the circumference of the tummy and head of the child is studied, the fronto-occipital size and the length of the bones are calculated: the shoulder, forearm, femur and lower leg.

Photo ultrasound at 18 weeks

Carrying out analyzes

Mandatory tests at week 18 include only a urine test, which makes it possible to assess the work of the kidneys. To exclude suspicions that a pregnant woman has anemia, a blood test may also be needed, since a low hemoglobin level in a mother leads to the fact that the baby does not receive the oxygen it needs.

To exclude the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, a pregnant woman may be prescribed tests that evaluate the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the body. Such an analysis is included in a comprehensive study, which is called a "triple test", since a study of 2 more markers is carried out in parallel - alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and unconjugated estriol (NE). Any deviations from the indicators give reason to assume that the fetus has Down syndrome, hydrocephalus or other defects. It should be noted that these analyzes cannot yet be considered the foundation for establishing a final diagnosis, but only serve as a pretext for further research.

Pain at 18 weeks

The joy of the appearance of your baby's movements at week 18 may be overshadowed by the appearance of pain in the back or in the lumbar region, as well as feelings of heaviness in the abdomen.

According to statistics, almost every pregnant woman experiences pain in the back. At week 18, such pains are no longer uncommon, since there is a shift in the center of gravity and a significant increase in the uterus, and, accordingly, the load on the spine increases. In order to alleviate such pain, you should choose a special bandage that will perform a supporting function, as well as perform exercises that strengthen the back muscles. Additional rest will not hurt, in order to unload the back and mandatory weight control.

Lower back pain that occurs at week 18 may be associated with difficulty urinating, and possibly with the occurrence of an infection in the urinary tract. Pregnant women should very strictly control their urination and avoid hypothermia.

Particular attention should be paid to pain in the abdomen. If they are of a stabbing nature and create a feeling of a pulling abdomen in the lateral parts, then such pains indicate stretching of the tendons and ligaments of the abdominal wall, and this is due to the intensive growth of the uterus. But if the pain is cramping, frequent and prolonged, and God forbid, accompanied by brown, bloody discharge, you should urgently call a doctor, since such symptoms indicate a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Discharge at 18 weeks pregnant

In the normal course of pregnancy, at week 18, the discharge is light and of a uniform consistency. Their number may increase slightly compared to previous weeks, and if this is not accompanied by a change in color, the appearance of itching, burning, then there is nothing to worry about. If the color has changed or the discharge has become purulent, curdled, then you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary course of treatment, since such discharge indicates that an infection has appeared.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Nutrition is an issue that needs to be approached with special responsibility. As during the entire pregnancy, at the 18th week of bearing a baby, nutrition should be as healthy as possible, varied, balanced and must be sufficiently fortified. To avoid excessive weight gain and to prevent the occurrence of gestational diabetes, sweets, sugar and foods high in fat should be avoided. To prevent the occurrence of calcium deficiency, a woman needs fermented milk and dairy products. It is very good if there is fat-free kefir and cottage cheese in the daily diet. A pregnant woman, for the normal development and growth of the baby, must receive sufficient protein. To do this, she should eat enough low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

To prevent constipation and normal operation digestive tract, fresh fruits and vegetables should be present in the diet.

They are sufficiently rich in fiber and vitamins, which means they will be very useful for the body growing in the womb. The expectant mother should make sure that the child receives folic acid and vitamin C in the required amount. Celery and apple juice are very valuable in this regard. And since the baby is already undergoing the process of hematopoiesis, for its normal course it is necessary to consume iron-containing products in sufficient quantities. These products include: beef liver, apples, tomato juice and buckwheat porridge.

At week 18, you should balance your diet so that swelling does not occur and stick to it in the future, until the end of the pregnancy period. To avoid the appearance of edema, it is necessary to significantly limit the intake of salt, since it contributes to the retention of sodium in the body. You will also have to monitor the amount of fluid consumed during the day.

Weight at 18 weeks pregnant

Toxicosis, in the fifth month of pregnancy, is already in the past and many mothers find themselves with a “brutal” appetite. But it should be remembered that with the diet and diet you need to be as careful as possible, since at week 18 the weight can already increase immediately by 4-6 kg. Therefore, strict control of weight gain is needed, because if the weight exceeds the norm, then it will be much more difficult for a mother to bear and then give birth to a mother than with normal indicators. And it will be very difficult to get rid of extra pounds even after childbirth.

If your weight exceeds the allowable rate by 6 kg, then you should talk to your doctor and decide which diet is best to use. It is unacceptable to go on some kind of diet during pregnancy on your own, because the child should not suffer, but should receive everything necessary and in sufficient quantity. Only a specialist can develop and offer you a diet in which mommy will not gain overweight, and the baby at the 18th week of pregnancy will be able to receive the proteins and vitamins he needs.


If intimate relationships with her husband were interrupted due to toxicosis or poor health of the expectant mother, then the second trimester of pregnancy is the best time to resume them. Sex at week 18 can give future parents new, vivid impressions and emotions, contribute to further study of each other and, accordingly, bring them even closer.

Since the tummy is not yet very large, toxicosis has stopped, the desire for intimacy and sensuality can increase significantly. And such a desire can be surrendered to completely calm, but of course not to be overly zealous and active. Sex at week 18 will not bring any problems, unless, of course, the pregnancy is distinguished by a constant increase in the tone of the uterus or the presence of an infection in the mother.

Only the following reasons can serve as a refusal for intimacy: amniotic fluid, low location of the placenta, the diagnosis of "repeated miscarriage" and multiple pregnancy.

Fading pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is diagnosed at week 18 if, for some reason, development stops and the fetus dies. A woman may not even be aware of the tragedy that has occurred, since the mother's body does not reject the dead fetus and it continues to remain in the uterus.

The first trimester is considered to be the most dangerous in this regard, since it is during this period that the fetus is most vulnerable. But the risk of detecting a frozen pregnancy still remains at a later date. According to medical statistics, the period of 16-18 weeks is also considered critical.

The main reasons why a pregnancy may freeze at 18 weeks include: genetic disorders, harmful conditions work, infections and the presence of bad habits in the mother, such as alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. It is practically impossible to determine the fading of pregnancy on your own, since the symptoms of pregnancy persist. But over time, pulling or aching pains in the lumbar region and the presence of spotting may appear. brown discharge. Plus, a frozen pregnancy at week 18 will be accompanied by a complete absence of fetal movements, and many mothers have already managed to feel them.

It can be diagnosed at the next gynecological examination or during a scheduled ultrasound. And the sooner it is discovered and the sooner curettage is made, the better for the woman, since the dead fetus will contribute to the development of strong inflammatory processes. After a forced abortion, antibiotic therapy and abstinence from pregnancy for 6-12 months will be mandatory.


The unpleasant manifestations of the 18th week caused by weight gain and uterine pressure on all organs include:

  • worsening back pain when walking and during sleep;
  • heartburn and other troubles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • urge to go to the toilet.
  1. Do the recommended back and leg massage.
  2. Don't delay going to the toilet.
  3. Watch your diet and do not overeat, weigh yourself.
  4. Try to lie down and sleep only on your side.

See also with this article

Author of the publication: Eduard Belousov