
37 week of pregnancy discharge from the breast. Excretion of colostrum during pregnancy: norm and pathology. Signs of normal colostrum secretion


The last four weeks of pregnancy is a crucial time to prepare for childbirth. Don't feel unhappy. Don't act like a sick person. Pregnancy and childbirth is a work intended by nature for a woman's body. And she is on your side: believe me, she has done a lot to help you safely release yourself from the burden and feel happy.

The mother-to-be should remember:

  • About two weeks before delivery or a little earlier, a mucous shot will leave the cervix.
  • The placenta begins to age: difficulties appear in supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.
  • The center of gravity changes in the uterus, and, as a result, lower back pain is possible.
  • The sensitivity of the uterus to the impulses of the child increases.
  • The mammary glands are enlarged, swollen, colostrum can be excreted.
  • Possibly prolonged pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus. Be on the lookout!
  • The drainage of water is a signal to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult. The load on your body has increased to the maximum. The heart lies almost horizontally. The pulse is speeded up: in order to drive blood through the additional - placental circulation, cardiovascular system you have to work in an enhanced mode. Metabolism changes, the thyroid gland functions more actively.

The placenta has practically exhausted all its resources and is no longer able to fully provide the child with food and oxygen. The kid feels this and "insists" on an independent life.

Do not be intimidated by the separation of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix and does not allow infection to enter. The plug is a slimy lump, sometimes even slightly stained with blood. Everything is going as it should, you just received a "warning": there are no more than two weeks left before the birth!

You may have experienced back pain before: during pregnancy, the joints of the pelvic ring change. In order to enable the fetus to grow normally and then pass through the birth canal, the ligaments and joint capsules of the pregnant woman gradually relax: as a result, the muscles experience additional stress: this is where the origins of lower back pain come from. In addition, the center of gravity has shifted, the pregnant uterus seems to be pulled in front, and the woman is forced to lean back more and more in order to maintain balance while walking. She instinctively walks more carefully, her movements are unhurried, smooth. And this is not surprising! Let's calculate what kind of load you carry: a child weighs 3-4 kg, 1.5 liters - amniotic fluid, by a kilogram - the placenta and uterus.

Pain in the lower back, in the calf muscles is possible due to the depletion of calcium in the bones. This should never be discounted, because even closer to the 40th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already fully formed, it is finally intensively stored up with minerals. And he has only one opportunity - to take them from his mother. A woman must strictly replenish the amount of calcium in the body. Dairy products, fish, eggshell, a multivitamin containing calcium.

An unpleasant surprise of the last month of pregnancy - stretch marks (striae). These are reddish grooves on the abdomen and thighs. It can happen like this: went to bed - they were not there, woke up in the morning - the whole belly is "painted". As a rule, after childbirth, striae will turn pale and become slightly smaller. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can treat the skin vegetable oil after a shower, it will give the skin elasticity.

Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Do not be alarmed! It's okay too. Don't try to push it back. Still worried? Then consult your doctor.

By the last weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands are greatly enlarged, and you already feel their heaviness.

The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of a close birth. It is not surprising to recognize this event: specks appear on the bra. By the way, now all you need is a cotton, tight, harsh bra. The ligaments that support the breasts need protection to maintain their beauty after childbirth.

Milk will "come" on the 3-4th day after the birth of the child, when the hormone prolactin in the woman's body reaches its maximum and gives the command to produce milk.

Is it possible to do something outstanding in the remaining weeks so that the milk arrives on time and is sufficient? Unfortunately no. The program - to have abundant milk or not - is genetically inherent in every woman.

There are observations that young and healthy women have fewer milk problems. The older the woman in labor, the less often she herself feeds her baby. More "milky" women, whose mammary glands have a wide base. A mother with "sharp" breasts may have problems while breastfeeding.

Note: In principle, you can give birth in any of the remaining four weeks. And childbirth shouldn't take you by surprise.

Practice good hygiene. Sex life for you from the 33rd week of pregnancy has stopped. Take a shower every day, and if this is not possible, wipe your entire body and chest with a damp towel. Cut your nails short, remove the nail polish. Think about your hairstyle - hair shouldn't get in the way during childbirth. Prepare items for the newborn that will be needed when discharging from the hospital. Show your husband or relatives where they are. Prepare things for yourself too. Health portal

Continue to walk more on fresh air- at least 2 times a day. If possible, walk at home naked for a few minutes to train in temperature changes. Please note that in the delivery room you will only be wearing a light shirt.

Get ready for hard physical work. You must help your child to be born!

Fetus at 37-40 weeks of gestation

The fruit is full-term, fully formed. The "formation" of the reproductive system comes to an end: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which "rose" up in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like grease has disappeared, it can be preserved only where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal peristalsis, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower parts. Sometimes it accumulates a lot: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a "surprise". Where does meconium come from? It's simple: it is the result of processing in the digestive system of swallowed amniotic fluid... It contains particles of epithelium and primordial lubricant, stomach and intestinal secretions. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, cholesterol. Meconium in an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth, various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The "system" is getting ready for work, which is entrusted with an important task - to provide the baby with the ability to suck. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditioned reflex.

The entire last month in the womb, a child, if not breech presentation, "Will stand" on the head.

Why does labor start?

There is no definite answer to this question yet. The most widespread theory is that their initiator is the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and already has difficulty transporting nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped a dwelling place. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the woman's placenta and pituitary gland. It begins to shrink - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies in the womb grow quite long hair, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth, the baby sometimes happens to scratch his face.

The average weight of a boy born - 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. Height of newborns - from 50 to 53-54 cm

Does a newborn have to cry?

Yes, I should. After all, the cry comes with the first breath: the lungs expand, and the baby begins to breathe.

Colostrum Is the fluid secreted by the mammary glands of pregnant women and. It stands out due to hormonal changes in women under the influence. Its production is indirectly indicated by an increase in the breast of the future mother and an increase in her sensitivity. At this time, there is an expansion of the tubules and ducts, an increase and inclusion in the work of the lobules of the gland.

Colostrum is a viscous, sticky, sweetish liquid that ranges in color from deep yellow to translucent. The intensity of the color decreases. This nutritious liquid is based on albumin protein, which helps the baby to adapt as much as possible in our world.

Colostrum chemical composition:

  • albumin and globulins - proteins (up to 6-7%);
  • water (84-88%);
  • bifidumbacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C, E, PP;
  • milk sugar (lactose) - carbohydrates (up to 5-5.5%);
  • fats (4-5%);
  • mineral salts;
  • food enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease);
  • hormones.

information The density of colostrum is around 1,050-1,060. Its calorie content is about 150 kcal per 100 ml.

Time of appearance

From the first days of pregnancy, the female breast begins to prepare for, certain changes occur and in hormonal background... This leads to the fact that from the moment the baby is conceived, the production of colostrum begins.

  • Almost always, a woman (before) does not feel or notice this, because the amount of this nutritious fluid is minimal. However, there are cases when the appearance of colostrum is the first woman. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • (from 13 to 28-30 weeks), colostrum production starts more actively, and many women notice yellowish sticky droplets on their clothes. These secretions may not be daily, appear regardless of the time of day and have a different amount (from 1 drop to 1-2-5 ml).
  • (from 30-31 weeks and before childbirth) in most women is accompanied by the release of colostrum of varying amounts. It acquires a less saturated color, but its amount does not change significantly.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy is associated with several environmental factors:

  • emotional situations (both positive and negative);
  • taking a hot shower;
  • after prolonged intercourse;
  • after breast massage;
  • hot drink (water, or others).

information Colostrum becomes even more transparent after delivery, but still retains its yellow and chemical composition. It stands out for the first 3-7 days, after which it is replaced by mature milk white with a slightly different composition.

Colostrum properties

The yellow secretion of the mammary glands has a number of functions:

  • Saturation of the child's body with immune cells (proteins). The baby's immune system begins to work from 6 months after birth, therefore, starting from the oral cavity, the necessary cells are disconnected from the colostrum, which are involved in protecting the child from pathological microorganisms coming from the environment.
  • The colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). It promotes the assimilation of milk and other products that the child will receive, normalizes, prevents the reproduction of pathological microorganisms.
  • Acceleration of the excretion of meconium (original feces that fills the entire intestine of a newborn baby) and preparation of the intestine for the first portions of milk.
  • Binding of excess bilirubin from the blood and intestines of the baby, which prevents.
  • Enrichment of the child with essential vitamins and minerals, which are extremely necessary from the first days of life for tissues and organs.
  • Saturation of the baby's blood with antioxidants, which help to adapt to the new environment, especially in the respiratory system.
  • Acceleration of intestinal epithelium maturation due to growth factors (cortisol, insulin, insulin-like growth factor - IGF, epidermal growth factor - EGF).

important Colostrum is extremely nutritious and extremely necessary for a child in the first days of life. During its production during pregnancy, it accumulates many nutrients and has an ideal composition, starting with the first in the delivery room.

Rate and deviations

Despite the fact that colostrum is actively produced from the first stages of pregnancy, not every woman can observe its release. This is not a cause for concern. It is possible that the lobules and ducts of the mammary gland have a rather dense network and these drops yellow liquid do not require an exit, or there are few provoking factors and they are quite rare. Lack of colostrum during pregnancy in some women is included in the concept physiological norm, as well as her appearance on early dates pregnancy.

Small or rare colostrum secretion, its absence, or, conversely, its large amount does not indicate the amount of milk after the birth of the baby. These are two different processes with different influencing factors and even hormonal levels.

Rarely enough, it is possible that a minimal amount of blood inclusions may appear in colostrum during pregnancy. In the absence of any other symptoms, this is also within the normal range. The ducts gradually expand, the mammary gland is rebuilt and this periodically can lead to rupture of small capillaries and the release of blood.

Colostrum in the absence of pregnancy

It is quite a rare occurrence when there is no pregnancy, and colostrum is excreted from the mammary glands. This may be due to an increased content of oxytocin or prolactin, the development of an inflammatory or tumor process.

important If such a condition occurs, you should immediately consult a gynecologist in order to avoid the serious consequences of the disease.

What to do if colostrum is excreted

There are no hard-to-follow rules for the production and excretion of colostrum. Breast care is quite simple:

  • Wearing for pregnant and lactating women (made of natural fabrics, soft material, appropriate size, not pinching the breast).
  • Washing the mammary glands with clean warm water 1-2 times a day, without using soap (for inflammation and colonization of microorganisms).
  • Using a soft towel to wipe or blot the mammary glands (without sudden and rough movements, avoiding soreness and chafing).
  • Apply specialized pads between linen and nipples (you can use ordinary cotton pads, gauze, handkerchiefs). Change them regularly to avoid the development of infection.
  • (will accelerate lactation and).
  • Do not express colostrum (will accelerate lactation and increase uterine tone).
  • Use moisturizers (this will prevent stretch marks on the breasts and reduce the risk of cracked nipples, both during pregnancy and lactation).
  • Observe the rules (reduce the intake of carbohydrates - flour products made from refined wheat flour, sugar, potatoes and white rice, consume large amounts of animal and vegetable proteins, and, and 1 month before giving birth, increase the intake of fats).

dangerously In case of pathological impurities, pain, poor health, uneven enlargement of the mammary glands, you should immediately contact the local gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

From 37 to 40 weeks, the baby is considered full-term, and childbirth, as well as their precursors, i.e. phenomena that in one way or another indicate a speedy delivery may appear at any time of this period. Week 38 harbingers of childbirth is more a common course of events than a surprise, and every woman needs to be ready for this. Another thing is that for a re-giving birth, precursors may even turn out to be childbirth. Childbirth at 38 weeks is, firstly, absolutely normal, and, secondly, the sensations for not the first time giving birth to women are slightly blurred and not so pronounced. Whereas primiparous women can be mistaken for harbingers of a malfunction in the body.
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However, there are a number of symptoms that in one way or another indicate an impending birth.

1. Weight loss. Usually in the last weeks of pregnancy, weight does not increase, moreover, it begins to fall. In this way, the body gets rid of excess fluid and prepares for childbirth.

2. Training bouts. Mild drawing pain in the lower back. No repeating intervals. It starts and ends suddenly. Doesn't get stronger. This is how the body trains and prepares for labor. FROM real training fights are distinguished by the lack of regular repetitions and strength - it is constant, and does not tend to increase

3. Allocations. At the end of pregnancy, mucous discharge is possible - transparent or slightly colored. Unlike the mucous plug, which tells about the onset of labor, the discharge is not abundant and more liquid in comparison with the "plug", which differs in density and volume - no less than a tablespoon.

4. Uterine tone. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is in good shape almost all the time - this is how the body prepares for childbirth. Childbirth at 38 weeks is a normal, natural process. They are called "urgent", that is, the baby is full-term and will be born on time.

5. Isolation of colostrum. The breasts begin to prepare for the birth of the baby. Increases in size, colostrum secretions appear.

6. Frequent urge to urinate. The baby in the belly sinks bladder is under constant pressure from the weight of the fetus, and the urge to urinate at 38 weeks may become more frequent than in the previous period.

7. Reducing fetal movements. The baby in the abdomen becomes quite large, moves much less compared to previous months. This is due both to a decrease in free space in the mother's tummy, and to their higher-quality sensations - so, the mother can now identify any movement of the baby.

38 week harbingers of childbirth are natural signals that the body gives to a pregnant woman ready for childbirth. Listening to your feelings and interpreting them correctly - this will help you to correctly tune in to childbirth and successfully complete the pregnancy.

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Colostrum is the secretion of a woman's mammary glands, which is formed and secreted from them. during pregnancy and in the first days after birth child. It looks like a liquid with a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue, thick consistency, high viscosity and stickiness. Colostrum also has a rather specific smell, and tastes slightly sweet.

The secretion of colostrum is an absolutely normal and physiological process in the female body, bearing the fetus. After a period of its excretion, colostrum is replaced by full-fledged human milk, which mother feeds her baby after birth.

When colostrum appears and begins to be secreted during pregnancy

How long does colostrum appear and excreted during pregnancy? Usually, this type of secretion of the mammary glands begins its synthesis under the action of the hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland called prolactin from the beginning second half of pregnancy average.

In general, the initial time of colostrum formation for each pregnant woman is different: for some a little earlier, and for some almost just before the birth of a child. But there are also situations when colostrum, as one of the first symptoms, determines the onset of early pregnancy.

In each of these cases, the most important thing is that the beginning of colostrum formation falls during pregnancy, and a secret that is useful for the baby is already waiting for its consumer.

Contrary to the opinion of some women that colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands when, in fact, it is synthesized, this liquid may not come out, albeit in the milk ducts. This is explained by our nature: she arranged the female body in such a way that the latter is actively preparing for the birth of a child, and even if no one has yet consumed synthesized colostrum, it will still accumulate for future mandatory use.

Colostrum composition

Colostrum is not just a liquid with a specific color and smell, nor is it standard human milk. This is the so-called "Prototype" of human milk containing a huge amount of substances and chemical compounds useful for the child.

Differing greatly from full-fledged breast milk, colostrum in its chemical composition looks like blood and is the most important stage in feeding the baby: this is a transitional stage between parenteral feeding of the baby in the mother's abdomen and breastfeeding.

Colostrum is very valuable in terms of energy, as it contains much more calories than breast milk... In addition, colostrum is not rich in water, which excludes the possibility of overloading the kidneys imperfect in the development of the fetus. The nutrients contained in colostrum have several times higher density.

In general, colostrum contains the following chemicals and components:

  • Easily digestible proteins, mainly albumin and globulins, with a low casein content.
  • Fewer digestible fats and carbohydrates (lactose).
  • Natural antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin E, carotene, selenium and zinc).
  • Fetal immune defense factors - antibodies (immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin, lymphocytes, neutrophils and other cells).
  • Growth factors for the baby are a number of hormones and peptides (insulin, cortisol, epidermal factor, insulin-like growth factor).
  • A small amount of water.
  • Bacteria that make up the normal microflora of the human body.

This composition of colostrum ensures its unhindered assimilation by the newborn's body, despite the high calorie content and energy value.

The benefits of colostrum

  • Protection of the child's body from exogenous damaging influences with the help of fetal immune defense factors. This is vital for a newborn, since the beginning of his own immune system falls on only six months of age, and for now he remains extremely susceptible to surrounding infections.
  • Providing the gastrointestinal tract the baby (primarily the intestines) by colonizing bacteria normal for the human body for the full assimilation of nutrients by it, normalizing the stool and preventing the reproduction and spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Acceleration of the process of excretion from the body original feces (stimulation of bowel movements) and normalization of bowel function with new portions of nutrients.
  • Prevention of the formation of icteric syndrome, which is achieved by binding an excessive amount of bilirubin fractions in the blood and intestines of the newborn.
  • Providing the child with everyone essential nutrients and minerals, vitamins, antioxidant defense factors for the normal development of all organs and systems.
  • Strengthening the rate of development of intestinal epithelial structures due to the action of growth factors.
  • Ensuring the synthesis of DNA molecules and rapid growth and the development of the child's body.
  • Control of lipid peroxidation and the action of free radicals using antioxidant compounds, which is aimed at the destruction of cell membranes.

Signs of normal colostrum secretion

If no pathological disturbing processes are observed during the formation and excretion of colostrum, a woman can easily determine a number of characteristic signs.

Colostrum normally has yellowish tint, and as it approaches the birth of the baby, it becomes more transparent and brightens. Blood streaks may occasionally be present in it, which is completely normal and is explained by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

The amount of colostrum differs at different women: for some, it is secreted in the form of several droplets, and for others in large volumes. A large amount of excreted colostrum can also be the result of the action of factors stimulating its synthesis, such as intimacy, exposure to stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress, an increase in body temperature, massage procedures, taking a hot bath or shower.

Normally, colostrum can be a provocateur of changes tenderness in the breasts women. She may feel a burning, pinching, tingling sensation in the nipple area, but in no case pain symptoms.

Signs of pathological colostrum discharge

One of the most striking manifestations of deviations from the norm in the allocation of colostrum is strong pain syndrome ... It can be a sign of inflammation in the mammary glands themselves (mastitis).

But pain can be localized not only in the chest, but also in the lower abdomen and lower back. In this case, the pain will be cramping, and one should think about, which, in turn, raises the question of the likelihood of the onset of premature birth.

If present in colostrum a large number blood impurities and their constant presence in it, you should immediately seek medical help, since this is a clear sign of pathology: this symptom may indicate both ordinary inflammation and even the growth of a neoplasm up to its malignant forms.

Unpleasant, pungent, fetid odor discharge from the mammary glands indicates the presence of bacteria in the ducts of the mammary glands and the development of infection. Usually this symptom is accompanied by painful sensations in a woman, an increase in the level of body temperature, weakness and a decrease in performance. Infections of the mammary glands greatly increase the risk of passing them on to the baby both parenterally while he is still in the womb and alimentary during breastfeeding after birth.

If colostrum secretion appears without pregnancy, this means that the content of hormones of the anterior pituitary gland - oxytocin and prolactin - could increase in the female body. Also, the presence of inflammation or cancer is not excluded.

It is especially important in the event of pathological abnormalities to immediately notify your leading gynecologist. This can greatly help to avoid serious complications and keep both the pregnant woman and her baby healthy.

What to do and how to care for your breast if colostrum is excreted

At the beginning of the formation and secretion of this fluid by the mammary glands, first of all, you should not panic - there is nothing terrible and difficult about this, it just came new stage period of pregnancy. Doing the following a number of simple rules will be able to facilitate and help the expectant mother with this nuance:

  • It is necessary to wear bras specially designed for pregnant women and nursing mothers, which are made only from natural fabrics, soft to the touch and to the body, are sure to fit and do not pinch the mammary glands.
  • It is necessary to observe the hygiene of the mammary glands by washing them with clean water, always warm in the amount of 2 times a day. The use of soap is contraindicated, as it can cause cracks in the nipple, their subsequent inflammation and infection.
  • You should only use a soft towel and do not apply rough and abrupt movements when wiping your breasts. You should not rub the mammary glands; it is best to blot them very carefully.
  • For the convenience and prevention of the formation of wet spots on clothes, it is recommended to use specially designed pads (or ordinary disks made of cotton wool, gauze or handkerchiefs). They are placed in the space between the bra and the nipple, and are also regularly changed to prevent the growth of microorganisms in a nutrient-friendly environment.
  • You should not make massaging movements of the breasts and nipples in particular.
  • Expression of colostrum should not be performed.
  • The use of moisturizing creams is shown to prevent the formation of stretch marks and cracks in the mammary glands.
  • Undoubtedly, it is important to fully and with a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrate foods (flour, sugar, potato dishes, rice) and an increase in the diet of animal and vegetable proteins, vegetables and fruits.

A prepared pregnant woman with a supply of the first milk for her baby - colostrum - in the mammary glands, finally, is waiting for his birth, and now the most important thing is to convey to the newborn all the value of the glandular secretion. For this, the ideal option is to attach the baby to the mother's breast. in the very first hour after birth.

The most important thing for the little man is to get the protective and nutritional properties of mom's colostrum, which is why it is so important apply it to your chest for at least 20 minutes... In this case, the baby will receive everything he needs for his normal development and health. Try to be with your baby for as long as possible and feed colostrum on demand. This will not only strengthen the bond between you, but also quickly teach the newborn to breastfeed without harming or injuring the mother, and stimulates the lactation function of the mammary glands.

Videos about colostrum and starting breastfeeding

We invite you to watch a video where an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you about colostrum and the appearance of the first breast milk Mom.

Colostrum is the most valuable secret of the mammary gland of a pregnant and lactating woman, which her body begins to produce in advance of the birth of the baby and is one of the important stages in the changing type of baby's nutrition after childbirth. This is an irreplaceable type of food for a newborn, which helps the baby to adapt its body to new external conditions, protect itself from pathogenic influences, grow healthy and fully develop to the delight of parents.

Every pregnant woman has faced the problem of colostrum secretion, and those women who are just planning to conceive a baby have undoubtedly heard about this wonderful physiological secret of the female body. Share your impressions, and also give personal recommendations regarding the period of colostrum excretion during pregnancy, and in what month it began to appear.

Your baby will be born only after a few months, and you are already preparing to feed him with might and main. Many women generally call swelling and tenderness of the breasts the first sign of pregnancy! At this time, colostrum begins to be produced in the mammary glands - the baby's first food, a thick, sweetish liquid of light yellow color with a high nutritional value - more than 150 kcal per 100 g, this is the calorie content of fruit jam and milk ice cream!

When and how should colostrum appear, what is the norm, and what is the pathology? Understanding!

When colostrum starts to be produced

As soon as a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes due to pregnancy, she begins to produce colostrum. This happens already in the first trimester - however, the nutrient fluid is released in a minimal amount, so not all pregnant women notice it. Although among expectant mothers there are those for whom the appearance of colostrum generally becomes - as you understand, the amount and intensity of colostrum secretion at the beginning of pregnancy is an individual thing.

In the second trimester, the number of women who pay attention to soiling on their underwear increases. Finally, in the third trimester, almost all pregnant women know that in certain situations, colostrum is excreted actively, literally "dripping" from the breast.

Situations that trigger colostrum secretion include:

  • hot shower, bath, sauna, bath;
  • hot drinks;
  • breast massage;
  • sex;
  • stress (both positive and negative emotions).

The appearance of colostrum: what is the norm and what is not?

So, we have already found out that the release of a small volume of colostrum already in the first weeks of pregnancy is the norm. However, if colostrum does not appear in you until delivery, this is also the norm!

Slight impurities of blood in colostrum can appear due to rupture of capillaries during the expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands. If apart from the "visual effect" nothing bothers you, then this is also a variant of the norm.

A feeling of itching, swelling, and distention of the breast in the second and third trimester appears in the vast majority of pregnant women. In this way, the mammary glands are rearranged to produce milk.

See your doctor if:

  • you regard your sensations as pain, and not as mild discomfort (any doubts “does it hurt me and does it really hurt me” is also a reason to see a doctor!);
  • the regular appearance of blood in the discharge (this can speak, among other things, of a tumor!);
  • an unpleasant odor of colostrum indicates an inflammatory process in the ducts of the mammary gland.

Colostrum is excreted - what to do and what not to do?

If colostrum is secreted so much that it stains your clothes, get special disposable bra pads for nursing mothers. Remember to change them regularly!

Wash your breasts regularly with warm water and do not overuse soap! If necessary, use a gentle pH-neutral skin care product.

Dry yourself soft cloth without damaging the nipples by rubbing.

Don't try to express colostrum or massage your breasts to provoke colostrum. Artificial induction of lactation can provoke an increased tone of the uterus.

Colostrum: myths and legends

Since the time of our great-grandmothers, there are many "true signs" associated with colostrum among pregnant women, which, nevertheless, have no physiological justification. It is interesting to check - did they "work" for you or not?

The appearance of colostrum is a sign of imminent labor (usually called a period of two weeks).

Such a prediction can seriously disturb expectant mothers who have noticed the appearance of colostrum already in the second, or even in the first trimester. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with reality.

The more colostrum and the earlier it is excreted, the more milk there will be. No colostrum before childbirth - hurry up to buy the formula.

In fact, neither the time at which colostrum begins to be secreted nor its volume before and even after childbirth in any way correlate with breastfeeding.

"Loss" of colostrum is a sign of future breastfeeding problems.

During pregnancy, colostrum can be released periodically, then the discharge stops, then resumes ... on quality breastfeeding it has no effect.

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova