
Abstract of a lesson on additional education crafts from salt dough. Abstract of the lesson on modeling from salt dough "Caterpillar on a leaf" in the second junior group Hedgehog from salt dough is ready


(A lesson on additional education, compiled for a group of different ages.)

Purpose: to study the technology of making products from salt dough.



To consolidate the pupils' ideas about the ball

To form the ability to make a caterpillar from balls of different sizes, placing them on a sheet.


Develop eye, attention, general coordination, fine motor skills hands


To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, the ability to listen, to bring the work to the end.

Work on the formation of UUD:

personal UUD:

Respectful attitude to the interlocutor's position.

Respect for each other's work.

communicative UUD:

Ability to listen and engage in dialogue

Ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

- communicate your position to others

Regulatory UUD

-planning - draw up a work plan

-forecasting - anticipation of the result

-control - in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the actions in case of discrepancy between the sample and the result;

cognitive UUD:

Structuring knowledge;

Modeling an object based on a sample


Stacks, modeling boards, hand napkins, salt dough, green cardboard, scissors, leaflet templates. Caterpillar illustrations.

The parties are placed in a semicircle.

Preliminary work:

In the previous lesson - looking at illustrations and reading notes from the encyclopedia "Secrets of Wildlife".

Lesson progress:


Good day!

Today I suggest you mold a caterpillar and cut out a beautiful green leaf for it from cardboard so that it has something to profit from. To begin with, we will prepare our hands for work and try to give each other a good mood.

"The ball in a circle" (game)

Goals: Development of communication skills.

Development of attention and general coordination. Repeat the concept of "ball".

We will pass the ball in a circle, looking into each other's eyes to smile.

What shape does the ball look like?

Game description: Children are invited to pass the ball in a circle, looking into the eyes to smile at each other.

Our class immediately became warmer and sunnier from your smiles.

teacher: Let's think about what forms we will sculpt a caterpillar from.

Children: from balloons.

teacher: how will you roll out the balls?

Children: between the palms in a circular motion.

teacher: will you make balloons of the same size?

Children: you can have one, or you can first big, and then smaller each time.

teacher:: Well done. I also think that the caterpillar should be made from balls of different diameters, then it will turn out prettier. Do not forget that each time you will need to take a little less dough. And before you sculpt, you need to cut a piece of cardboard so that there is somewhere to put the caterpillar itself.

Independent work of children.


Teacher: What wonderful caterpillars you have turned out, now they will remind us of summer. You all tried very hard. Who wants to tell which caterpillar he liked the most?

What material did we work with in the lesson?

Children dshare their impressions of each other's work.

Topic: "Craft from salt dough "Caterpillar on a leaf"

Lesson on additional education, compiled for a group of different ages.

additional teacher


Shchelkunova E.G.

Redkina Yulia Valentinovna

Target: making crafts in technology testoplasty.

Material: salty dough, paints, brush, form for modeling(heart, stack, board for modeling.


Educational: Expand children's ideas about caterpillars(transition state caterpillar-chrysalis-butterfly) . Learn to sculpt the image of an insect (caterpillars) via visual means (shape).

Correction-developing: develop Creative skills, to develop fine motor skills of hands. Improve technique dough moldings. Consolidate knowledge of the colors of the rainbow (K, O, F, Z, G, S, F, develop a sense of shape and color.

Educational: To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to cultivate a careful attitude to wildlife.

preliminary work.

Observation and examination of insects in the picture.

consideration photos of insects.

A conversation about the life of insects, oh caterpillar.

Making a leaf for caterpillars

We draw veins on a leaf

We roll sausage for the future caterpillars, divide the stack into equal parts

Rolling balls

Posting caterpillar on a leaflet with a snake or a semicircle

Making eyes and whiskers

Coloring caterpillar different colors and leaflet

We decorate

Can be painted like the colors of the rainbow (Proverb "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits")

Like these ones funny caterpillars turned out!

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Salt dough summer applique for kids

Master Class. Testoplasty "Merry Caterpillar".

author: Andrey Orekhov, 7 years old
Supervisor: Orekhova Vera Alexandrovna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental species No. 125, Voronezh
Description: This master class is intended for children 5-7 years old, teachers, caring parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
1. Introduce the technique of testoplasty.
2. Making a souvenir, a gift.
Teach the basic techniques of sculpting from salt dough;
Develop fine motor skills of hands;
Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy;
To form perseverance, accuracy, independence in work;
Develop compositional skills.
Poem about a caterpillar
On a young leaf
warm spring,
In a bad mood
The caterpillar whines:
“I really want to eat
Eat day and night
I just can't eat
It is a pity to gnaw a leaf.
Friends are crushed:
How to help the unfortunate?
Cause you can't be hungry
It's terrible!
You caterpillar, roll up
In a cocoon quickly
turn into a butterfly
You will have more fun! (Svetlana Antonyuk)

Necessary materials:

1. Flour;
2. Salt "Extra";
3. Gouache;
4. Decorative eyes, flowers, leaves;
5. Napkins for cleaning;
6. Cardboard;
7. Fabric;
8. PVA glue, scissors;
9. Small skewer;
10. Varnish.

Finger gymnastics" Caterpillar".

Caterpillar, caterpillar,(the palm of one hand “crawls” like a caterpillar, folding and unbending, along the inside of the other hand from the shoulder joint to the fingertip)
Butterfly's daughter("creeps" back to the shoulder along the outside of the arm)
Crawling on the grass(we do the same, changing hands: “from the root to the top”)
Eating leaves:(and on the other side back)
(We put our palms together in front of us. With each word “Am!” One palm slides up the other palm and “bites” with all fingers except the thumb, the straight fingers of the other palm. Then the palms change roles.)
ate- (stop, palms clasped together relax)
I wanted to sleep. (One clenches into a fist, the other covers her - holds a fist like an apple)
Woke up- (we gradually spread our palms)
Turned into a butterfly!(we cross our arms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists, the palms are now butterfly wings)
Fly, fly, fly!(waving “wings”: wrists or forearms are crossed, the left palm is waving near the right shoulder and vice versa).

Step by step workflow:

Dough recipe:
2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 250g. water. Mix flour and salt, add water and a little PVA glue (for product strength). Knead the dough.
We need green and red dough. To do this, add gouache or dye to the colorless dough and knead the dough. (The dough can be prepared with the child)

We take fabric and cardboard measuring 15 by 22 cm.

Cover it with fabric. We get the basis on which our composition will be located.

Draw a leaf template on a piece of paper and cut it out.

We put it on a napkin, circle it, cut it out.

We glue the resulting leaflet onto the base and begin to sculpt the caterpillar. We make small balls, flatten and glue, using water, on our leaflet.

We divide the skewer into two parts and insert it into the caterpillar.

We make two small balls and attach to the ends of the skewer.
We got horns.

We glue the eyes (slightly pressing into the dough), make a nose, a mouth from a red dough.

With a cap from a felt-tip pen we make a pattern for our caterpillar.

We make roses (“sausage” flatten and fold), glue them along the edge of the leaf: top and bottom.

We take decorative flowers and leaves, decorate our base.

When the dough dries, paint the caterpillar and roses with gouache.

Cover with varnish.
Everything, our cheerful caterpillar, is ready.

Such a picture, made by the hands of your child, will decorate any room and will be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends, and, of course, for friends.

Tatyana Perova

In one of my posts I suggested master class on sculpting caterpillars from salt dough and today I propose master class on coloring this caterpillar.

Step 1. Fashioned caterpillar using water or "PVA" glue "selim" in a clearing (cake from test) and dry properly.

Step 2 color the caterpillar orange, and the small one is yellow. For coloring crafts from dough I use paint"Gouache".

Step 3 Big coloring the caterpillar hat in red.

Step 4. Black paint the caterpillars to draw eyes and cilia. Red Paint the mouths.

Step 5. Decorate the bodies caterpillars - draw flowers, dots, stripes, etc. Decorate with orange caterpillar headdress. White put the pupils of the caterpillars with paint.

Step 6. Clearing color in green.

The craft is ready!

Master and teach the skill of your pupils!

I wish you creative success and thank you for your attention!

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In one of my posts, I offered a master class on modeling a snowman from salt dough. Today I want to offer a master class on sculpting a caterpillar.

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To make such a cockerel, we need: - salty dough; - foil; - stacks; - pattern cockerel; - gouache and brushes; - beads and buttons.

Flour and salt are mixed in proportions 1:1 or 2:1 (flour, salt). An important detail - take extra salt, when adding a large dough, it can crumble.