
Consultation for preschool teachers. The study of life safety in kindergarten. Consultation for preschool educators “Introducing preschoolers to the basics of safety by means of visual activity Consultations for educators on the care of preschoolers


Consultation for teachers

"Formation of the foundations of life safety among pupils"

“The most precious thing for a person is life” N. A. Ostrovsky.

Formation of the foundations for the safety and life of children in an institution preschool education is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules safe behavior acquiring by them the experience of safe behavior in everyday life.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow. The concept of safety in parole previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But modern world changed the approach to the problem of security, it included such concepts as ecological catastrophe and terrorism.

When introducing children to the basics of safety, the following goals should be defined:

- formation of the foundations for the preservation and promotion of health;

- education of safe behavior, the ability to foresee dangerous situations, avoid them if possible, and act if necessary.

Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

- familiarization with household sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ways of safe behavior in everyday life;

- development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude to native nature;

- education of a competent participant traffic;

- fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial foundations of security is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

- consistency and consistency (any new step in teaching children relies on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

- accessibility (the complication of the material occurs taking into account age features children) ;

- inclusion in activities (playing, cognitive, search and other types);

- visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

- dynamism (integration of tasks into different types activity) ;

- psychological comfort (removal of stress factors).

Forms of organization educational - educational process:

  • lessons;
  • memorization of poems;
  • collection of photographic materials;
  • games - classes;
  • learning the rules of safe behavior;
  • conversations;
  • didactic games;
  • outdoor games;
  • reading fiction;
  • viewing illustrations on the topic;
  • observations;
  • excursions;
  • theatrical performances;
  • plot - role-playing games;
  • games - trainings;
  • watching cartoons;
  • labor activity;
  • productive activity;
  • guessing riddles;
  • entertainment;
  • leisure;
  • playing situations of right and wrong behavior;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • participation in various competitions;
  • personal example of adults.

Along with traditional forms of education, much attention must be paid to the organization of various activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The child enters different life situations, in which he can simply get confused. Firstly, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of the norms of behavior generally accepted by man. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously act in a given situation, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, and thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

Solving the problems of ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on an equal footing: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, we discuss the problem together, we have a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

For the formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group. It includes:

1. Safety corner that contains materials:

- security shield with various types sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Controller", "Rescuers", "Ambulance", etc. Plan-scheme the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with a mark of dangerous areas, places favorable for games; posters on life safety on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! ”,“ Fire safety for preschoolers ”, etc.; albums " medicinal plants”, “Poisonous plants and mushrooms”, “Professions”, “Valeology, or a Healthy baby”, “If the baby got hurt”, etc.

Creation of a motor city on the site to use the acquired knowledge in gaming activity.

2. Game library, which contains:

- didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name it in one word", "The fourth one is superfluous", "So - not so", etc.;

- desktop - printed games "Basics of security", "Long walk around the city", "Good - bad", "Valeology", "Road signs", "Emergencies at home", etc.

3. Library, in which there are cognitive and fiction, photo albums, illustrations for reviewing and discussing various situations.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in UDO. After all, the range of problems related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only within the framework of the kindergarten, therefore, close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing educates with such persuasiveness as a good example of adults.

The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of children's safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to identify the range of rules that need to be introduced first of all in the family.

In working with parents, it is necessary to use the information and analytical direction: conducting surveys. survey of parents; cognitive direction: parent meetings, workshops; visual and information direction: organization of open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information on the stand, folders, folders, development of memos; leisure direction: joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions; family exhibitions creative works, products from waste and natural material.

Consultation for teachers "Features of acquaintance with the basics of fire safety for children in preschool educational institutions and schools"

this consultation can be useful for educators, teachers of additional education, teachers, employees of fire protection museums, as well as parents.
Fire- one of the most common dangerous phenomena resulting from the careless handling of people with fire, children's pranks. Fighting it requires a lot of effort from a person. In this struggle, strength, character, emotional and volitional stamina are manifested. Therefore, in the work on fire safety, special attention should be paid to the psychological preparation of the entire population, and especially children and adolescents. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this problem, which is why the fight against the pranks of children with fire often comes down to prohibitions, after which children continue to stubbornly look for vivid impressions in the same illegal game. It manifests curiosity, the desire for independence, imitation and game reincarnation. They will not be stopped by the familiar slogans: "Matches are not a toy", "Pranking with fire is dangerous", etc. We sometimes forget that the forbidden, and especially boxes of matches, packs of cigarettes with bright, colorful labels, are of interest to children. And how nice to sit with peers by the fire. It does not matter where it is bred (near the house, in the woods, near the garage or barn, near a haystack or livestock farm), whether it is dangerous in terms of fire. After all, children are fascinated by the emotional picture of a brightly blazing fire, therefore, they often turn on fire in play situations. It can be seen that people's craving for fire has deep genetic roots; it is characteristic of human nature from the moment of birth and is fixed in psychological activity in the form, of course, of a reflex reaction. In children, these reactions are very pronounced, and in order to control them, it is necessary to specially organize the development of new conditioned reflex connections that lay the foundation for the formation of skills and habits of life in society. Based on this, in preschool institutions, and in the primary grades of schools in thematic plans studies included emergencies in case of fires and practical training with children of the rules of behavior in these conditions.
Teach children to consciously perform in kindergarten and at school, on the street and at home, fire safety rules, to explain to them the danger of playing and pranks with fire, the precautionary rules for handling electrical household appliances, how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, to call fire assistance is the responsibility of the educator, teacher, all adults. Prohibitions cannot avoid accidents. The cause of which is the inept handling of fire, with household electrical and gas appliances. kindling fires in unauthorized places (in the attics of houses, near buildings made of combustible materials).

It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarity of the reaction of children of preschool and younger school age in a threatening situation. The most common is a passive-defensive reaction, as a result of which a child in a burning house hides under a bed, closet or other secluded place and freezes with fear, without making any attempt to save himself. There are many such examples.
Knowledge of the above age psychological characteristics children should determine the methodology and technique of fire-fighting work with them. For this, special classes, excursions, and conversations are held.
Children can be invited to watch how adults perform at home necessary Rules use of electrical and gas appliances, and then have a conversation with them. The teacher, first of all, reminds that all electrical appliances must be in good order, if they deteriorate, they should be handed over for repair, all sockets should be repaired. For electric heaters (iron, reflector, electric stove) there must be special refractory stands on which the devices are installed during operation. Switching on and off the devices should only be done with dry hands, while you should not pull the cord, but only hold on to the plug. Children of senior preschool and primary school age must be familiarized with the rules for operating a TV, electric stove, iron table lamp, a tape recorder that is in every family.

Children constantly watch the work of these items, but not everyone knows the rules for turning them on and off. The reason is that most parents not only do not teach their children these rules, but also forbid getting close to the TV and the receiver. Such a position is erroneous from a psychological and pedagogical point of view. If a child is left alone at home, he tries to satisfy his curiosity, and often leads to undesirable consequences.
Work on familiarization and rules for the use of electrical and gas appliances is all the more necessary, since, moving from kindergarten to grade 1 of school, many children are often left to their own devices for a long time and, in the absence of adults, often try to turn on the TV or tape recorder, light the burner on the stove. Teaching children how to handle a gas stove is very important at a young age. The process of cognition here is not simple, it consists of several terms, which are complex in themselves. First, there are matches. Secondly, gas as a source of combustion. About him a special conversation. But it is necessary to explain to children the rules for using a gas stove, to make it clear how detrimental the consequences of inept, careless handling of fire can be. Perhaps the greatest fire hazard is a match in the hands of a child. It is no coincidence that adults try to put the boxes in a place inaccessible to children, more than once they will say: "Do not touch. Matches are not a toy." Yes, not a toy. But this does not mean that children should use them, especially younger age, it is forbidden. It is necessary to teach the child to use open fire, to feel responsible when handling fire.
The teacher should pay attention to the rules of conduct in case of fire, for this purpose it is necessary to conduct classes to study possible ways evacuation from the school building. To teach children how to put out fires and evacuate in the event of a fire in residential buildings, as well as practical exercises for evacuating children from preschool age. A first grader should already know that a fire can be filled with water, know how to put out clothes on a person and how to provide the very first medical aid in case of a burn. Fire-fighting education and upbringing should be carried out at all stages of school life, using psychological and pedagogical methods of transferring knowledge and developing skills to use fire that are adequate to a particular age of children. With this approach, even preschool children will learn the necessary fire fighting knowledge.
However, practice shows that not only children of age can learn, but adults also do not have knowledge of fire safety, the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Surveys conducted by employees of the fire service among various age and professional groups of the population showed that many adults do not know that the fire department should be called on the number "01". A message about a fire must be conveyed calmly, speak clearly, without hurrying. It is very important to correctly name the street, house number, if the house number is unknown, some remarkable landmark should be named. Then say that it is on fire and give your last name. At the same time, it is very important to notify the children that you cannot dial this number and give the address if there is no fire, because such pranks can lead to the fact that the fire brigade will not be able to come to where it is really needed, where people are dying and property is burning. Neighbors and, first of all, those who are threatened by fire or smoke, are immediately notified about a fire that threatens neighboring apartments and other buildings. You have to wake up the neighbors at night. After reporting a fire to the fire brigade and neighbors, adults begin to extinguish the fire with all available means. One of the forms of familiarizing children with fire and flammable objects can be games, game teaching methods. Psychological and pedagogical research shows that game teaching methods are better than verbal ones, they contribute to the assimilation of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Simultaneously with the study of fire safety rules, work should be carried out to expand knowledge about fire fighting equipment.
At one of the classes, you can introduce children to the fire safety corner in kindergarten and school, introduce children to fire extinguishing items, the rules for using them to extinguish fires, enter the words into the children's dictionary: fire shield, fire extinguisher, crowbar, hook. It is necessary to educate in children observation and attention.
In order for children to learn more about fire fighting equipment, you can conduct an excursion to the fire department, where children will get acquainted with the fire equipment of firefighters, fire extinguishing equipment, and equipment. You can tell the children that in each locality(city, town, village) there is a fire department or a voluntary fire brigade, which is armed with fire equipment designed to extinguish fires.
Paintings and filmstrips that tell about the struggle of people with fire make a strong emotional impact on children. They can be discussed. This topic can be continued in the classroom for fine arts. Performing drawings, children not only consolidate "the knowledge gained, but also bring them into a system, express their attitude to the topic by visual means, one of the forms of work on the development of speech is to compose stories on a topic proposed by the teacher. You can practice compiling stories on fire fighting topics. You can suggest a topic for a future story in the form of a saying that is easy to remember, for example: "A box of matches, although small, can do a lot of evil."
An important role in the upbringing of the younger generation is played by firefighting and applied sports. Elements exercise, included in fire-applied sports, can be used in physical education classes. Fire propaganda conducted among children should be different from that. which is intended for an adult. So, excessive "maximalism" in the depiction of a catastrophe caused by a fire can negatively affect the child's psyche, injure it. Negative emotions will close for children the minimum of fire safety information that they must master. Fear of fire can prevent a child from understanding and using its positive properties. The main goal of fire prevention propaganda for children is the assimilation of elementary knowledge related to possible threat fire, as well as the formation of a type of behavior in which this threat becomes minimal.

1.5. The preschool teacher is at the workplace in sanitary clothing, which is provided by a preschool educational institution and in personal replaceable comfortable shoes.

1.6. The teacher of the preschool educational institution complies with the approved work and rest regime in the children's institution. Changes in the regime of work and rest are allowed only in case of extreme situations.

1.7. Regularly monitors:

- the presence in the group's first-aid kit of a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries;

- the location of the first-aid kit in places inaccessible to children;

- the presence, on the walls, of room thermometers to control the temperature in the premises of the group and sleeping rooms of the kindergarten.

1.8. The teacher of the kindergarten group must be proficient in the techniques and methods of providing first aid in the scope of the instructions for providing first aid to the victim, which is in force in a preschool educational institution.

1.9. About each accident that occurred in a preschool educational institution, the teacher must immediately inform the head of the preschool educational institution immediately after providing first aid to the victim (preschool employee, child, child's parents).

1.10. The teacher of the preschool educational institution is obliged to comply with the rules of the fire regime, instructions on fire safety measures, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, fire hydrants). Must know the procedure for switching on the warning system and managing the evacuation of people in case of fire, the action plan for the evacuation of children and people in case of fire.

1.11. The preschool teacher must know:

- instructions on labor protection for a kindergarten teacher;

- dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the work performed;

- rules of industrial sanitation;

- Rules for the use of personal and collective protective equipment.

1.12. The teacher is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene in the course of work, to keep his workplace clean and tidy.

1.13. The teacher is personally responsible for the health and safety of children during their entire stay in the children's educational institution.

1.14. Failure to comply with this instruction on labor protection of the educator is a violation of labor discipline and entails disciplinary, material and criminal liability, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.15. Persons who have committed non-fulfillment or violation of the requirements of the labor protection instructions for the kindergarten teacher educational institution are subjected to an extraordinary test of knowledge of the norms and rules on labor protection.

2. Requirements for labor protection before starting work as a kindergarten teacher

Before starting work, the educator of the children's educational institution must:

2.1. Check the condition of the group room, children's undressing room, toilet.

2.2. Turn on the lighting completely and make sure it works properly. The minimum allowable illumination in the premises should be as follows:

— in the group room — not less than 20 W/sq.m with fluorescent lamps and not less than 48 W/sq.m with incandescent lamps;

- in the bedroom - at least 5 W / sq. m with fluorescent lamps and not less than 9.6 W / sq. m with incandescent lamps.

2.3. Make sure that children's furniture is correctly arranged according to the norms in the group room: 4-seater tables should be installed in no more than two rows, 2-seater tables - no more than three rows; the distance between the rows of tables is at least 0.5 m; the distance of the first row of tables from the outer wall is at least 1.0 m.

2.4. Make sure that the electrical equipment is in good working order in all rooms where children will be. In the process of visual inspection, the luminaires must be securely suspended from the ceiling, the switching (junction) boxes must be closed with lids, electrical sockets must be closed with false plugs, the housings and covers of switches and sockets must be free of cracks and chips. Do not use melted sockets and switches, as well as plugs and extension cords with bare or damaged wires.

2.5. The kindergarten teacher is prohibited from independently eliminating the identified violations of electrical safety. The elimination of these violations in electrical installations should be carried out by electrical personnel.

2.6. Check the sanitary condition of the premises, ventilate the children's rooms with high quality by opening windows or transoms and doors. Windows in the open position must be fixed with hooks, and limiters should be used for transoms. It is necessary to finish airing the premises 30 minutes before the arrival of children. Transoms and windows for ventilation of the premises must be opened and closed carefully so as not to break the glass.

2.7. Check and make sure that all stationary baby equipment is well secured and will not allow children to fall and injure. Pay attention to the condition of internal doors, stair railings, floors, thresholds.

2.8. Measure the air temperature in the room and make sure that this temperature complies with the established sanitary standards for rooms with preschool children.

2.9. If there are deficiencies in the fixtures, breakage of children's equipment and furniture, washbasins, electrical equipment that may adversely affect the health of the teacher and the children of the group, immediately inform the deputy head of the administrative department or directly the head of the kindergarten to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

3. Requirements for labor protection during the work of a teacher of a preschool educational institution

3.1. During work, the teacher of a preschool educational institution is obliged:

3.1.1. Ensure the safe conduct of the educational and educational process.

3.1.2. Be extremely attentive to the behavior of children, in order to timely prevent and prevent events that can lead to accidents, emergencies, conflict relations with parents and kindergarten staff.

3.1.3. If signs of malaise, lethargy or illness of the child are detected:

- isolate a sick child to prevent infection of other children;

- call a nurse to provide the child with the necessary qualified medical care;

- Report the incident to the parents (guardian) of the sick child.

- in the absence of a nurse, in agreement with the parents, provide first aid;

- In an emergency, call an ambulance.

3.1.4. Immediately notify the management of the children's educational institution about each accident with the pupil, take measures to provide first aid.

3.1.5. Monitor the fastening of furniture and flower stands, the serviceability of equipment.

3.1.6. Monitor the condition of the dishes (tea and dining room). Cups, saucers, plates with cracks and chips are immediately withdrawn and handed over to the supply manager.

3.1.7. Make sure that children have individual combs and towels, in case of absence, notify parents.

3.1.8. Make suggestions to improve the conditions of the event educational process, educational activities and rehabilitation of children, bring to the attention of the leadership of the children's educational institution about all the shortcomings in the provision of the educational and educational process, which reduce the vital activity and working capacity of children.

3.1.9. Organize the study by kindergarten children of labor protection and safety regulations, traffic rules, household behavior, fire safety rules, etc.

3.1.10. Keep the workplace clean, tidy and hygienic. Ensure the safe storage and maintenance of cutting, stabbing and other dangerous items (scissors, needles, pins, buttons, paper clips, etc.). Scissors in the classroom should be with blunt ends, needles are used exclusively for individual lessons under the supervision of a teacher.

3.1.11. During the walk, constantly keep all children in sight, know the number of children taken for a walk. If, for any reason, some children remain in the group, the teacher of the preschool educational institution is obliged to transfer such pupils under the supervision of an assistant teacher (junior teacher).

3.1.12. To carry out a long walk or excursion only together with the second employee (one in front, the other behind), strictly following the rules of street and road traffic.

3.1.13. Monitor the implementation of the temperature and drinking regime in the preschool educational institution group.

3.1.14. Conduct outdoor walks for children at least twice a day for a total duration of at least 4-4.5 hours.

3.1.15. In the process of dressing children for a walk, avoid sudden, fussy and careless movements that can lead to injury to the teacher and children.

3.1.16. In hot weather, take kindergarten children for a walk in light hats.

3.1.17. To avoid colds, going out with children for a walk, dress and dress children in accordance with the weather (waterproof shoes, warm outerwear, hats, scarves, mittens, etc.).

3.1.18. When working with children in the area for the care of green spaces, pre-check and in the process monitor the serviceability of household equipment: shovels, rakes, stretchers, etc.

3.1.19. Make sure that children do not eat berries, mushrooms, plants during a walk, do not pick up anything extraneous from the floor.

3.1.20. When moving in the group room, other premises of the kindergarten, as well as when walking with pupils on the street, be careful and beware of slippery places and bumps.

3.1.21. Carry out the design of the group room, assembly hall only on stable, specially designed step-ladders.

3.2. During work, the kindergarten teacher is prohibited from:

3.2.1. Distract while working with children and distract others preschool educators outside conversations.

3.2.2. To allow persons who are not related to the work of a preschool teacher to their workplace.

3.2.3. Pinning your clothes with needles or pins, keeping breakable and sharp objects in your pockets, wearing high-heeled shoes indoors.

3.2.4. Store medicines and medicines in the group, except for brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide and iodine, which should be in a first-aid kit, fixed at a height inaccessible to children.

3.2.5. Use electric heaters in the group room: boilers, fireplaces, electric kettles, curling irons, etc.

3.2.6. Walking with children through the streets with a lot of traffic.

3.2.7. Let the children out alone on the territory of the kindergarten, leave them alone on playground or in the group room.

3.2.8. Give children to strangers, as well as relatives under the age of 16.

3.2.9. Give children to parents who are in a state of intoxication.

3.3. Requirements for the number of classes and their duration in the preschool educational institution:

3.3.1. Number of lessons per week:

- in junior and middle groups - 11-12,

- in senior group — 15,

- in the preparatory group - 17.

3.3.2. The maximum allowable number of training sessions in the morning in the junior and middle groups DOW should not exceed two classes, and in the senior and preparatory groups- three.

3.3.3. Duration of training sessions:

- for children of 4 years of age - no more than 15 minutes;

- for children of 5 years of age - no more than 20 minutes;

- for children of 6 years of age - no more than 25 minutes;

- for children of 7 years of age - no more than 30 minutes.

In the middle of classes, a physical education session is held lasting 1.5-2.0 minutes.

Breaks between classes - at least 10 minutes.

3.4. Requirements for catering in a preschool educational institution:

3.4.1. The issuance of prepared food to children is allowed to be carried out only after the sample is taken and the health worker records in the rejection log the evaluation of ready meals and their permission for issuance.

3.4.2. The temperature of hot food when serving to children should not exceed 70 ° C.

3.4.3. During meals, the teacher of the preschool educational institution is obliged to monitor the correct use of cutlery by children. Tableware when serving food to children should not have cracks and chips in order to avoid injury to children.

3.4.4. Food from the kitchen of the kindergarten is served in the absence of children in the corridors and stairs.

3.4.5. During the distribution of food, do not allow games, children's pranks near the dining tables.

3.4.6. It is strictly forbidden to bring group rooms boiling water, as well as any food from home to treat children in kindergarten.

3.5. TV viewing requirements

3.5.1. The duration of being behind a TV or monitor screen should be no more than 20 minutes in the younger and middle groups, and no more than 30 minutes in the older and preparatory groups. Watching TV shows, educational programs and films, videos by children of preschool age is allowed no more than 2 times a day (in the first and second half of the day).

3.5.2. To watch TV shows, educational films, programs, videos, use a TV, monitor with a screen size of 59-69 cm. The screen should be installed at a height of 1.0-1.3 m from the floor of the group room.

3.5.3. Children should be seated at a distance of 2.0-5.5 m from the screen.

4. Requirements for labor protection at the end of the work of a kindergarten teacher

4.1. Carefully inspect all the premises of the group, pay attention to the presence of dangerous and harmful factors and inform the administration of the kindergarten (DOE) about this.

4.2. Ventilate the premises for at least 20-30 minutes, then close all windows and transoms.

4.3. Tidy up the room of the group (remove all toys, manuals, notebooks, books, drawing, modeling, etc., check the arrangement of furniture and arrange it, arrange the placement of children's things).

4.4. Turn off all used tools, equipment (demonstration, training, audio and video equipment) powered by the mains.

4.5. If any comments are found, notify the head of the preschool educational institution (DOE).

4.6. Think over, plan and prepare for the next working day.

4.7. Remove work clothes, change of shoes and place them in the designated place.

4.8. Wash hands cleanly with soap.

4.9. When leaving, close the windows and transoms, turn off the electric lighting, close front door or hand over your shift to the teacher of the next shift.

5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations in the preschool educational institution

5.1. In case of fire, accident and other natural disasters, the kindergarten teacher first of all takes measures to save the children of the group.

5.2. In the event of a fire, you must:

5.2.1. immediately evacuate children from the premises (according to the evacuation plan);

5.2.2. if possible, close all vents and windows in order to quickly prevent the spread of fire;

5.2.3. report the fire to the head of the preschool educational institution;

5.2.4. call the fire department on 101;

5.2.5. if possible and if necessary, turn off the electricity;

5.2.6. start extinguishing the source of fire with the help of primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguisher, sand, water, thick blanket).

5.3. When a child is injured, you must:

5.3.1. immediately provide first aid to the injured child, eliminate the impact on him of damaging factors that threaten life and health (free him from the action of electric current, extinguish burning clothes, remove the traumatic object, substitute under a cold stream of water in case of burns, etc.);

5.3.2. perform the necessary measures and actions to save the victim in order of urgency (restore airway patency, perform artificial respiration and external heart massage, stop bleeding);

5.3.3. maintain the basic vital functions of the injured child until the arrival of a medical institution worker;

5.3.4. report the incident to the administration of the preschool educational institution, nurse, parents, if necessary, send the child to the nearest medical institution.

5.4. In the event of unforeseen situations in the preschool educational institution, the teacher should:

5.4.1. Ensure the safety of all children in the group;

5.4.2. Notify the administration of the kindergarten about what happened, if necessary, have time to provide first aid in case of an accident;

5.4.3. If necessary, inform the rescue service by calling 101.

5.5. In the event of an accident (breakthrough) in the heating system of the institution, it is necessary to urgently remove the pupils from the group premises, report the incident to the administration of the children's educational institution.

6. Responsibility of the kindergarten teacher

6.1. The preschool teacher is personally responsible for the life and health of the children of the group, for the implementation of this labor protection instruction for the kindergarten teacher in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. A kindergarten teacher for violating the rules of labor protection and industrial sanitation is subject to disciplinary sanctions provided for by the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution.

6.3. A teacher may be held criminally liable for late reporting of an accident with a kindergarten pupil or for delay in providing first aid, evacuating children, calling an ambulance medical care, as well as other situations provided for job description and other local acts of the DOW.

Consultation for educators "Formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children"

Formation of the basics of safety and life in preschool children.

“The most precious thing for a person is life”

N. A. Ostrovsky.

The formation of the foundations for the safety and life of children in a preschool educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, to gain experience of safe behavior in everyday life. Together with parents, we are conducting purposeful work in this area.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow. The concept of safety in parole previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But the modern world has changed the approach to the problem of security, it has included such concepts as ecological catastrophe and terrorism.

When introducing children to the basics of safety, the following goals should be defined:

Formation of the foundations for the preservation and promotion of health;

Education of safe behavior, the ability to foresee dangerous situations, avoid them if possible, and act if necessary.

Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

Acquaintance with domestic sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ways of safe behavior in everyday life;

Development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude to native nature;

Education of a competent road user;

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial foundations of security is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

Systematic and consistent (any new step in teaching children relies on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

Accessibility (complication of the material occurs taking into account the age characteristics of children);

Inclusion in activities (playing, cognitive, search and other types);

Visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

Psychological comfort (removal of stress factors).

Stages of implementation of these tasks:

Stage 1 - the interest of children, to update, clarify and systematize their knowledge about safety rules;

Stage 2 - introduce the rules into the lives of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train in the ability to apply these rules;

Stage 3 - based on the acquired knowledge and skills, help to consciously master real practical actions.

Forms of organization of the educational process:


memorization of poems;

Collection of photographic materials;

Games - classes;

Learning the rules of safe behavior;

Didactic games;

Outdoor games;

Reading fiction;

Examination of illustrations on the topic;



Theatrical performances;

Plot - role-playing games;

Games - trainings;

Watching cartoons;

Labor activity;

Productive activity;

Riddles guessing;


Playing situations of right and wrong behavior;

Meeting interesting people;

Participation in various competitions;

Personal example of adults.

Along with the traditional forms of education in UDO, much attention is paid to the organization of various activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The child gets into various life situations in which he can simply get confused. Firstly, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of the norms of behavior generally accepted by man. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously act in a given situation, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, and thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

Solving the problems of ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on an equal footing: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, we discuss the problem together, we have a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

For the formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group. It includes:

1. Safety corner that contains materials:

Security shield with various types of sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Controller", "Rescuers", "Ambulance", etc. Plan-scheme of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with a mark of dangerous areas, places favorable for games ; posters on life safety on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! ”,“ Fire safety for preschoolers ”, etc.; albums “Medicinal Plants”, “Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms”, “Professions”, “Valeology, or a Healthy Baby”, “If the Baby Gets Wounded”, etc.

Creation of a site for traffic rules on the site to use the knowledge gained in gaming activities.

2. Game library, which contains:

Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name it in one word", "The fourth one is superfluous", "So - not so", etc.;

Board - printed games "Basics of security", "Long walk around the city", "Good - bad", "Valeology", "Road signs", "Emergencies at home", etc.

3. A library that contains cognitive and fiction literature, photo albums, illustrations for reviewing and discussing various situations.

L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire Dogs";

V. Zhitkov "Fire", "In the smoke";

S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse";

T. Shorygina "Green Tales", "Cautious Tales";

K. Zaitsev "Lessons of Aibolit";

Fairy tales "The Wolf and the Goats", "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Gingerbread Man", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", etc.

Y. Sokolova "Safety Rules";

I. Seryakov "Street where everyone is in a hurry", "Scientist friend";

E. Permyakov "Hurry Knife";

Rhymes “Tili-tili-tili-bom! Cat's house caught fire! ”,“ Cucumber ”;

A. Ivanov “The ABC of Security. How inseparable friends did not burn in the fire”, “how inseparable friends did not drown in water”, “How inseparable friends guarded the house”;

I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and the road";

I. Leshkevich "Traffic light";

N. Nosov "Car";

G. Yurmin "Curious little mouse";

A. Dorokhov "Underpass", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier";

L. Galperstein "Tram and his family";

A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

V. Semernin "Forbidden - allowed";

A. Severny "Three wonderful colors."

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in UDO. After all, the range of problems related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only within the framework of the kindergarten, therefore, close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing educates with such persuasiveness as a good example of adults.

The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of children's safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to identify the range of rules that need to be introduced first of all in the family.

In working with parents, an information and analytical direction is used: conducting surveys. survey of parents; cognitive direction: parent meetings, visual and informational direction: organization of open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information on the stand, folders, folders, development of memos; leisure direction: joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions; exhibitions of family creative works, products from waste and natural materials.

As a result of the work done, the expected results are:

1. The knowledge and presentations received by the child about himself and his health will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

2. Acquired skills will help you make informed choices healthy lifestyle life.

3. The experience gained will help avoid accidents.

One of the current issues is the problem of security. It is dictated by the socio-economic and criminal situation in the country. Security issues sharply aggravated and took on the characteristic features of the problem of human survival, i.e. opportunities to protect themselves in different life situations.

The task of adults (parents and teachers) is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for meeting various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations, to develop practical skills and behavior in games, in everyday life, to teach the right actions.

Children can find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home, so the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility.

The main general education program of our kindergarten, in accordance with the FGT, obliges us to implement the content in our work educational field"Safety". This area involves achievinggoals - the formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life and the prerequisites for ecological consciousness (safety of the surrounding world). As well as the solution of the followingtasks :

    Formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the surrounding world and ways of behavior in them;

    Introduction to the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

    Transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

    Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

In addition to the specific tasks of this area, it provides a solutioncorrection tasks:

    Expanding horizons;

    Development of the communicative function of speech.

The tasks of each age group spelled out in the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, and in more detail they are formulated in the book “Fundamentals of Safety for Preschoolers” by V.A. Ananiev.

In order to achieve the goal and solve the problems of the educational area "Safety", it is necessary to take into account the features in the development of our children:

insufficient stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution, reduced memorization productivity, lag in the development of a visual-figurative form of thinking (ONR, ZPR), as a result

children are often distracted, act impulsively, their self-control is impaired. All this can be the cause of incorrect, thoughtless actions of children and lead to dangerous life situations.

Let's look at what sections of the educational area "Safety" we will implement in our work with children.


    Child and other people;

    Child and nature;

    child at home;

    Child on the street.

What is the main content of these sections?

In chapter "Child and other people" we will talk with children about the danger of contact with strangers, about what to do if a "stranger" comes into the house, about the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions of people.

In chapter "Child and Nature"- about poisonous plants, contact with animals, pollution environment that everything in nature is interconnected.

In chapter "Baby at Home"- about the ability to handle electrical appliances, sharp, flammable objects, about such sources of danger as an open window, balcony, as well as about extreme situations at home.

In chapter "Baby on the street"- about the rules of the road, the rules of conduct in transport, about what to do if the child is lost on the street.

Work on the implementation of the educational area "Safety" should not be singled out as an independent section, but should be included in all sections and areas of work. It should be included in directly organized activities, in joint activities adult and child, independent activities of the child, in regime moments and carried out not only by educators, but by all specialists.

When teaching your child the rules of safe behavior, in no case try to intimidate him. By this you will not teach the child to behave correctly in a critical situation. Excessive intimidation of a child can have a depressing effect on his psyche and negatively affect his future development. Because of this, our task is to teach the child to be careful, but by no means turn him into an alarmist and a coward. When communicating with children, experts recommend:

What not to say...
1. Don't talk to strangers.
2. Lots of psychos around.
3. You can be stolen.
4. It is very dangerous for children to walk in parks.
5. Nobody can be trusted these days.

Instead, say:
1. With strangers you need to behave as follows ...
2. Most people are trustworthy, but...
3. Nothing will happen to you if...
4. If someone approaches you...
5. You can ask for help...

What methods and techniques are effective in working with children?

Of course, these are different games.

The whole life of a preschool child is permeated with the game, only in this way is he ready to open himself to the world and the world for himself. It is too early to expect preschoolers to find safe solution in one situation or another. This is their decision need to be prompted.

You can suggest a solution to children in role-playing games-trainings. Trainings help the child to be active in acquiring knowledge, to carry out their accumulation, deepening and systematization. They actively develop in children attention, endurance, respect for their lives and health, responsibility for actions, independence in choosing actions and variability of thinking (quickly and correctly choose the necessary ways of helping). And a positive assessment from other children and an adult allows you to assert yourself in the correct understanding of the norms of safe behavior.

An example of such a game would be game "Stranger".

Primary goal:Ability to say "I don't know you" to the address of an unfamiliar, "alien" adult .

For playback, plots can be offered in which an adult stranger can ask a child:

    bring something to the apartment;

    find something (for example, a dropped key);

    show something (for example, where is the pharmacy, store, etc.)

    to see parents, etc.

The plot of the game can be played with toys as a dramatization game or a director's game, or as a role-playing game using costume elements.

The game: "Alone at home".

Purpose: To help understand that in the absence of adults, even familiar people should not open the door.

It is necessary to make the child understand that he should not tell a stranger that his parents are not at home. If a stranger asks to call the parents, the child should say the following: "Mom is busy now and can't fit".
In the case when a stranger asks to open the door in order to use the phone, the child should refuse him, offer to call from neighbors, or ask for a number and call himself . At the same time, having reported that there is one of the parents at home, but in this moment they are busy (sleeping, in the bathroom, etc.)

The door should not be opened even to those strangers who come to work: postmen, plumbers, telegram peddlers, policemen, doctors.

During the game, it is important to listen to the suggestions and statements of the children on this situation. Play all options if possible.
Children should be reminded that the vast majority of people who ring the bell do not pose a danger to them.

The game "Young Nurses" This direction in teaching elementary first aid techniques is available to children already of middle preschool age (wash, tell adults, apply cold, etc.).

I will give examples of such role-playing games-trainings: « If you are lost...”, “Danger”, “Bribe”, “Phone call”, “Road home”, etc.

The content of these situations can be played with children using the plots of fairy tales. "Wolf and seven kids", "Cat, fox and rooster", "Little Red Riding Hood". In this case, older preschool children must independently find the right way out of the situation, come up with another continuation of the tale, and younger children must be shown correct behavior fairytale hero.

The choice of game content is necessary agree with the lexical topic.

When working with children, you can use gamingphone trainings to learn the phone numbers of help services (fire, ambulance, police) and the rules of dialogue, behavior in specific dangerous situations. The teacher voices the problem situation to the children, and the children dial the desired number and report what happened.

For example: Masha, you were left at home alone, watching TV, it caught fire. What will you do?

Or, Vanya, you stayed at home with your grandmother, suddenly she became ill - she had a severe headache. She asks you to call an ambulance.

For younger preschoolers, these can be games with dolls (“The doll is lost”, “An alien uncle treats the doll with candy”, etc.).

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, you can use it in working with children and outdoor games. I will give examples of games related to the content of work to familiarize preschoolers with the rules of the road.

In junior preschool age you can use well-known games "Colored Cars", "Sparrows and the Car" and such as: Cars"
Each child receives a hoop. Children run around the playground, turning the hoops (or imitating the movement of the steering wheel) - steering wheels to the right and left, trying not to interfere with each other. At the signal of the educator, they “go to the garage”, “stop”. You can complicate the task by giving signals: “turn left”, “turn right”, “forward”, etc.

Purpose: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize the colors of traffic lights and change traffic accordingly.

Children of preschool age can be offered a game"Traffic light". Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of traffic signals, development of arbitrary attention, self-control.

Children are divided into two teams. At a green traffic light, everyone marches in place, at a yellow one they clap their hands, at a red one they stand motionless. The one who confused the signal takes a step back.
Signals should change unexpectedly, at different intervals. The team with the most members remaining at the end of the game wins.

Game "Turns"
Children line up facing the teacher. You can give the children steering wheels. The teacher has signs: “Movement straight”, “Movement to the right”, “Movement to the left”.
Rules of the game : If the teacher shows the sign “Going straight”, then the children take one step forward, if the sign “Move to the right” - the children, imitating the turn of the steering wheel, turn right, if the sign “Move to the left” - the children, imitating the turn of the steering wheel, turn left.

Interesting, in my opinion, is the game"Gestures of the traffic controller". Children stand in a circle.At the signal of the teacher, the children, accompanied by musical accompaniment or the sound of a tambourine, pass the wand in a circle.
The “Red Signal” command is given - whoever had the rod at that moment demonstrates the “Red Signal”, i.e. raises his hand with the wand up, if the player coped with the task correctly, he continues to play. If he fails, he is out of the game. The game continues until the majority of the players take part in the game, that is, they show the signals “red”, “yellow” (the hand with the wand is brought forward), “green” (the hand with the wand is taken to the side).

The game "To your signs." Three road signs are laid out in hoops and placed at different ends of the site or group. The teacher distributes similar signs to the children. To the music or to the sound of a tambourine, children move around the playground. At the signal "One, two, three, look for your sign!" children gather near the hoop with their sign. A similar game can be played with modes of transport, and with younger preschoolers with traffic lights.

Get to know some relay games maybe in a magazine preschool education» № 4-2007

In working with children on the formation of the foundations of a safe life, it is impossible to do without word games.

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends" .

caregiver asks questions, and the children, if they agree, answer: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!”, if they don’t agree, they clap their hands or stomp their feet.

    Which one of you noticed the smoke dialing 01?

    Who forgot to turn off the gas in your apartment yesterday?

    Who does not light candles, and does not allow others?

    A red glow ran through, who played with matches?

    Smoke, seeing, without yawning, who calls the firefighters?

    Smoke suddenly rose like a column, who didn’t turn off the iron?

    Who exactly knows the rules and always follows them?

Game "Tell me a word"

For example, using a poem by S. Mikhalkov.

If the light turns red
So, move ... .. (dangerous).
Green light says:
"Come in, the way……(open)."
Yellow light - warning -
Wait for a signal for .... (movement).

word ball game "What is your name" at younger preschool age, and for older children, you can complicate “What is your name and where do you live?”

You can use the familiar game in your work "Edible - inedible" for fixing edible and poisonous berries, mushrooms.

And also the game "Good bad", where, for example, children are identified beneficial features fire and its dangerous consequences.

Game "Can't"- children are verbally offered a situation, and they evaluate whether it is possible to do this or not. The game can be played with the ball, with conditional signals, for example, a green circle is possible, a red one is not, or with movements: it is possible - the children clap their hands, it is impossible - they stomp.

I will give an example of situations on the topic “Child and other people”: The teacher tells the children that they are left alone at home (open the door for the locksmith; open the door for the grandmother; say that the parents are not at home; tell when the parents will come, etc.)

Game "Dangerous - not dangerous", is carried out according to the type of game "You can - you can not." It can be used when familiarizing children with traffic rules, with the causes of a fire, with dangerous objects at home, when familiarizing themselves with the rules of behavior in nature.

Game "Dangerous Neighbors" recommended for use with older preschool children. Carried out with the ball. The teacher names household items, and the children, returning the ball, give a definition of what kind of object it is? - piercing, cutting, flammable, hot.

For example, a needle is piercing, matches are flammable, a knife is cutting, a fork is piercing, a teapot is hot, etc. At the same time, the ability of children to agree on a noun with an adjective is being worked out.

Use at work word games will contribute not only to solving the problems of the educational field "Safety", but will also help in solving the main task of our preschool educational institution - correcting the speech of children. The proposed games will contribute to the expansion and activation of the vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of dialogic speech, the ability to listen to an adult's speech, follow his verbal instructions, and develop attention and thinking. Word games will help children consolidate knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality, ways of interacting with them, which means they will help in solving problems in the field of "Cognition". In these games, children learn to interact with partners, follow the rules, and these are the tasks of the educational area "Socialization". The listed games can be used not only by educators, but also by speech therapists, defectologists, and a physical education instructor.

Thus, the use of word games in the work helps to implement the principles proposed by the FGT, integration and complex-thematic, as well as didactic principles: systematicity, consistency, accessibility, etc.

When working with preschool children, it is advisable to use didactic games during which the child receives and consolidates theoretical knowledge. Games with rules are favorable for the development of preschoolers' ability for mutual evaluation and self-esteem. A child in a specific situation of a game that is interesting to him, brightly and emotionally colored, sees his mistakes, inconsistency with the requirements and realizes this in comparison, makes him want to become better, i.e. there is a desire for self-improvement. This way allows us to solve the set tasks - to acquaint with the rules of safe behavior.

I will give examples of such games. The game "Who to call?".

Goal: children know the phone numbers of special services.

The teacher lays out pictures on the table with different situations (the house is on fire, the boy hurt his hand, a stranger knocks on the door, the girl got lost on the street, etc.) and cards with phone numbers -01, -02, -03. Then he invites the children to choose any inverted card, examine it and determine which number to call.

The game "Put it in place"

Purpose: To consolidate the rule "Everything has its place" and the consequences of not complying with this rule.

On the table, subject pictures of sharp, flammable objects are laid out with the image down and pictures with an approximate place for their storage: a needle bed, a kitchen table, a wardrobe, a shelf, etc. Children choose a picture and tell where to put it and why.

As a variant of this game, you can use the game "Collect the berries (mushrooms) in the basket." Edible children are put in a basket, poisonous ones are placed in a forest clearing.

Game Variations "Cut Pictures": “Fold the sign”, “Fold the traffic light”, etc. These games can be used already from the second junior group, you can complicate the game due to the number of parts and ways of cutting the picture.

Options didactic games presented in the magazines "Senior educator" No. 7-2009, "Health of a preschooler" No. 3-2010 ( Fire safety). This magazine has a heading "Safety of Life", which presents abstracts, leisure evenings, rules, recommendations to parents.

One of mandatory conditions effective work with preschool children is the use of visualization. Desktop-printed games are the best fit for this condition. These games should be appropriate for the age and developmental level of the children.

Manufacturers have released games: “So - not so”, “What is good, what is bad”, “Road signs”, “Road signs in pictures”, “What is possible, what is impossible”, “Big walk”, “ABC of safety” and etc.

To develop the thinking of children, the creative application of the knowledge gained in work on security, you can use educational games with Lulia circles, for example, “Make a Sign”. On the outer circle - symbols of road signs (red circle forbidding signs, red triangle - warning signs, blue circle - prescriptive, blue rectangle - service signs) on the inner circle - an image of a child, a car, a bicycle, a traffic light. By combining, the child collects a familiar sign and names it or comes up with a new sign for the game.

Similarly, you can come up with games with edible and poisonous plants, dangerous and safe items.

Morphological track (Actions of the child in accordance with the traffic rules). The boy plays ball near the road.

    traffic light color (red, green, yellow)
    2 - signal - verbal ("Stop!", "Attention!", "Go!")
    3 - symbols - signals (dot - exclamation mark - straight line)

By analogy, you can come up with games on other topics. For example, (actions of children in nature). The girl found an unfamiliar mushroom in the forest.

    traffic light color (red, green, yellow)

    signal - verbal ("No!", "You can"!, "Caution!")

    symbols - signals (crossed out circle, plus, exclamation point)

Indispensable in working with children on the formation of the basics of life safety role-playing games. On the one hand, the game is an independent type of activity of the child, on the other hand, the influence of adults is necessary for the game to become his first "school", a means of education and training. To make play a means of education means to influence its content. To do this, the teacher must be able to include in games problem situations, which will allow simulating various situations and will enable children to put into practice the acquired knowledge on the basics of safe life. The freedom of play activity implies that in it, more often than in real life, the child is placed in conditions where he must make an independent choice (what should he do?). Repeated repetition in the game of ways out of dangerous situations will allow you to form the skill of safe behavior.

For this purpose, at a younger preschool age, games on the following topics can be used: "Family", "Bus", "Passengers", "Kindergarten", "Travel", "Hospital".

What problem situations can be used? For example, in the game "Family" - the doorbell rang stranger, mom forgot porridge on the stove and it caught fire, her daughter got lost, etc.

At an older age, in addition to the above plot-role-playing games, the following plots can be offered: “Rescue Service”, “Firemen”, “We are drivers”, “GIBDD”, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that the possibilities of all types of games are extremely high. It is important for adults to implement them in such a way as not to disrupt the natural course of the game, but, nevertheless, to achieve the goal, in this case, to teach children safe behavior.

The upbringing and educational possibilities of the game increase if it is organically connected with some other type of activity. For example, productive activities: making attributes for a role-playing game, drawing posters, signs allowing and prohibiting, etc. Or musical and artistic activities, where they can be used plastic studies. For example, children imitate the flame of a fire to the music: sitting - a calm flame; standing - fire. We spoke about the use of motor, communicative activity in the game above. It is possible to combine the game with cognitive research activity, including its experimental activity. For example, the game "Detectives" - you need to find a lost needle. Children make assumptions with the help of what it is more efficient to do and check their assumptions using a magnet, plasticine.

Good to spend in a group daily "safety moments" included in various GCD, regime moments. They will help to consolidate the knowledge and skills of personal safety in pupils. Children will know that they need to be careful when going up and down stairs, that it is dangerous to be at an open window, a balcony door, they will have a clear idea of ​​​​the behavior in case of possible meetings and casual communication with strangers (in a store, in the elevator, on the street) and much more

Excursions and targeted walks are informative and interesting for children. They give children the opportunity to actually see the structure of the road, its markings, road signs, the work of a traffic light or a traffic controller, correct and incorrect actions of pedestrians. And the story of the educator, his explanations, will help children understand the relationship between passengers and pedestrians, the causes of accidents and incidents, the consequences of violations of the rules. Memorable are excursions to the fire station, to the rescue service, when children examine real tools, machines, talk with employees of these services or listen to their stories.

As a means of teaching children the basics of life safety can be used fiction. Children have a fragile and vulnerable psyche, and literary works, fairy tales are universal remedy, which allows you to talk about the negative in life and draw parallels with reality without moral and emotional damage. Children can read Russian folk tales, and works of authors such as: S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero"; L. Tolstoy "Fire dogs", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa policeman", etc. The use of poems, riddles creates interest in children and makes it easier to remember the rules of behavior, road signs. Older preschoolers can and should be introduced to proverbs and sayings, taught to understand their meaning, and through them to learn the rules of safe behavior.

For example:

    Expensive in case of fire and a bucket of water;

    A small spark burns cities;

    Every person thinks ahead of time about the fire;

    Fire is extinguished with water, but with the mind they will prevent it;

    They fight with fire, but grieve without fire;

    The flame is good and life, if you do not forget to put it out in time.

The traditional methods and techniques of working with children are conversations, search questions on the topics of safe life.

Looking at pictures, talking about their content, compiling stories are also traditional methods of working with children that can be used by both educators and other specialists, because this allows you to expand the horizons of children, develop dialogic and monologue speech, thinking and at the same time introduce the rules of safe behavior.

Leisure evenings are one of the forms of work with children in the educational area "Safety". They provide an emotionally positive mood for children to follow the rules of safe behavior, update knowledge and consolidate children's skills.

Thus, the work on educating children's safe behavior skills should cover all types of children's activities so that the child passes the knowledge gained through activities, and then implements it in Everyday life kindergarten and beyond.