
Horsepower how to use. Horse force horsepower shampoo for hair growth and strengthening with keratin based on oatmeal surfactants. Indications for use


- perhaps the most unusual remedy for hair restoration. See the reviews of people who have used horse shampoo and the opinions of experts on how safe horse shampoos are for human hair.

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Shampoo for horses - reviews of people

There are a huge number of topics on women's forums and blogs dedicated to horse shampoos and the miraculous effect that they have. If you believe women's magazines, american brand horse shampoo Mane'N Tail willingly use Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston known for their beautiful hair.

Many girls enthusiastically claim that horse shampoo made their hair shiny, strong, gave their hair incredible volume, smoothness, and even accelerated their growth. Judging by the reviews of those who decided to try horse shampoo on themselves, the hair began to fall out less, became denser to the touch, thicker in appearance and hold volume better.

However, you can also find negative reviews - those for whom horse shampoo has severely ruined their hair and even caused very unpleasant problems associated with the scalp. There are those who have not noticed much difference in effect between horse shampoos and the cheapest mass market.

Horse Shampoo for Humans - Expert Opinions

Can horse shampoo be used? We asked several hair experts this question.

“Horse shampoos, in principle, differ little in ingredients from human shampoos. The main difference is their concentration, so the effect of their use appears so quickly and is so good at first, notes hairdresser Svetlana Mikhailovskaya. So you shouldn't use them all the time. Hair coated with silicones becomes heavy and over time, the hair can begin to break and fall out. Conditioning additives over time can break the integrity of the hair shell. Hair can become thin and brittle, and it will take a lot of time and effort to restore it.”

Dermatologist Irina Belova holds the following opinion: “The skin of a human head differs from a horse’s – both in structure, and in functions, and in pH level. Zoocosmetics are not tested on humans, so the concentration of active substances may not meet safe human standards, even if the components of horse shampoo look completely harmless. If you have a sensitive scalp and dermatological problems, horse shampoo can cause severe allergies or irritation. Such a concentrated shampoo dries the hair very much, deprives them of moisture and a protective hydrolipidic film.

In addition, shampoo, first of all, is a hygiene product, so it simply does not have time to significantly affect the condition of the hair from the inside. Its main task is to cleanse the scalp. If shampoos for horses had such a unique effect, similar products would have been produced for people a long time ago.

The negative effect of people using shampoo for horses may not appear immediately, but after a few months, warns Irina Belova. “When using horse shampoo, carefully monitor the well-being and condition of the hair and scalp. If there are unpleasant sensations, burning, dandruff, itching, you should abandon cosmetics for horses and use more familiar hair care products, ”the dermatologist notes.

After finishing the bottle of zooshampoo, wait at least a couple of months, carefully looking at the hair, evaluate their well-being and the duration of the effect.

Where to buy shampoo and conditioner for horses

Horse shampoos are sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. They can also be found on the shelves of some ordinary pharmacies. You can also order horse shampoo in online stores.

How to wash your hair with horse shampoo

In order to be safe when washing your hair with horse shampoo, hairdressers advise you to follow three simple rules.

  • Horse shampoo must be diluted with water. One part of concentrated shampoo should be at least 10 parts of water. For a person, there should be even more water. Take a little diluted shampoo in the palm of your hand, lather and only then apply it to your hair.
  • Shampoo for horses should be used maximum every other time, and better less often - only from time to time. Horse cosmetics should be alternated with regular shampoo for people and other care products.
  • Horse shampoo should not be used during a sudden change in climate and in extreme heat. So on vacation at sea it is worth taking the usual means.

Horse shampoo - composition

Horse shampoo is believed to contain only natural ingredients that are safe for horses known for their sensitivity to any allergens. Trichologists note that most of the components of horse shampoos are found in dozens of regular shampoos.

Experts are only concerned about the concentration of so-called surfactants - active substances that affect the scalp. Surely, their concentration, harmless to people, should be several times lower.

Many horse shampoos contain magnesium lauryl sulfate, coconut-type diethanolamide, keratin hydrolyzate, lanolin, conditioners, and silicones.

As trichologists note, keratins and silicones reduce the “soapiness” of the shampoo and settle on the hair. It is these ingredients that make the hair (or mane) shiny, thick, smooth. But a permanent film of silicone does not always benefit the hair.

Tar is often present in horse shampoos. This tool is suitable only for people with very greasy hair, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Experts warn: horse tar shampoo should be used very carefully.

Longtime equine shampoo fans advise people to use foal shampoo. It is softer and has a less intense effect on the hair.

What can replace shampoo for horses?

Some human shampoos contain "horse" ingredients. An example of this is the Molto Gloss series of the Japanese brand Moltobene, which contains horse keratin. The task of shampoo and conditioner with horse keratin, algae extracts, olive oil and sunflower seed oil is to intensively soften and nourish hair, prevent hair loss, give hair shine, silkiness and extra volume. Also, horse keratin, which is part of the shampoo, helps protect colored hair from damage.

What do you think of horse shampoo? Have you washed their hair? Do you think horse shampoo will make hair beautiful and healthy? Share your opinion or feedback via the comment form below!

Every woman wants to be the owner of luxurious hair and strives to achieve this by any means. But how difficult it is to maintain the health of curls in the frantic pace of life of a modern person. Damage from drying and styling, varnishes and gels, malnutrition, sun, dust and wind depress hair, affect their health and appearance. It becomes extremely important proper care and the choice of means for permanent use.

Many women who monitor the condition of their hair know about the existence of the Horsepower line of products, have tried them, and leave enthusiastic comments.

Let us consider in more detail what are the advantages and effectiveness of this cosmetic line.

Features and Benefits

Initially, a shampoo with this name was intended to care for the mane of horses. Resourceful ladies already then began to use it for their own hair, resorting to such tricks as dilution with water.

The peak of interest in horse products began with the fact that the famous actress Sarah Jessica Parker mentioned in an interview that she uses only such products to care for her hair.

But the structure of horse hair is different from human curls.. For proper care of them, a large concentration of active substances in cosmetics is required.

Brand scientists horse force did not remain deaf to the needs of consumers and adapted the chemical composition of the shampoo of the same name for humans. In addition, the manufacturer has developed other adapted products: masks, balms, dry shampoo and a whole set of products for children.

A well-groomed horse mane often arouses female envy, shiny flowing strands deserve admiration. "Horsepower" helps women's hair look the same: it evens out the hairline, smoothing keratin scales, prevents strands from getting tangled, and gives shine. The shampoo is great for dry hair, it moisturizes and nourishes it. The tool has the power to treat broken ends of the hair, eliminating their dryness, fights dandruff. The pleasant smell is an added bonus for women who use it.

In the reviews, consumers claim that the product is able to restore even the most oppressed and wounded strands. The more damaged the hair, the faster and brighter the result will be visible after a few applications.

Cosmetics nourishes the dermis of the head, prevents hair loss and stimulates their growth.


At first glance at the composition of Horsepower shampoo, you might think that it is no different from most cosmetics. But it is worth noting the presence of some components, as well as the concentration of substances that have a huge impact. So, healthy oils, vitamins and minerals with a small amount may not have any effect. Aggressive substances, on the contrary, at high concentrations can cause dryness and redness.

It is important to study the ingredients of the product, because some of them can cause irritation or allergies. Consider the main elements:

  1. The first visible effect of the shampoo is foaming. Sodium laureth sulfate is most often used for this. Most shampoos contain it, but not in this amount. There is much more of it here, and this can cause dryness of the skin.
  2. The substance diethinolamide somewhat reduces the effect of dryness from laureth sulfate, forms foam.
  3. For additional foaming, as well as an emulsifier and conditioner, cocoglucoside. Derived from coconut palm pulp and oil, this natural safe substance is approved for use in children's cosmetic products. It dissolves dirt and oil on the skin, cleansing and allowing moisturizing ingredients to penetrate into the dermis. Smoothes the structure of the strands, increases the volume.
  4. Silicone envelops the hair protects against damage when combing, smoothes scales and split ends. Removes static from curls and makes them silky.
  5. Vitamin B5 coats the hair with a protective film, thereby protecting from the aggressive influence of the external environment, sunlight, damage during styling, drying and combing.
  6. Liquid form of keratin perfectly penetrates into the hair structure, fills cracks on the surface, improves the appearance. They extract the substance from the horns and wool of some animals.
  7. Collagen has a similar effect, restoring the cellular structure of the hair. Moisturizes and smoothes the surface of each hair. The product also contains collagen hydrolyzate, which has the fastest effect and complete absorption.
  8. Lanolin protects and moisturizes, affects the metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epithelium. It is obtained from sheep wool by long boiling. The fatty acids contained in lanolin have a similar structure to the substances in the skin and hairline, which is why they are very useful and effective.
  9. natural emulsifiers, for example, glyceryl stearate, activate hair growth, make them thicker and shinier.
  10. Air conditioner, included directly in the shampoo, it makes curls silky, strong, and combing easier.
  11. Oils and plant extracts nourish, strengthen follicles, act as antiseptics, improve blood circulation and fight dandruff.

Instructions for use

In addition to some differences in composition and concentration of components, products horse force slightly different in terms of application from conventional means.

It is important to follow the instructions and know some rules.

In the reviews you can find advice to dilute the shampoo with water in proportions of 1 to 5 or even 1 to 10. But this rather refers to the original product intended for horses. In the human version, the concentration is already significantly reduced. Still, do not pour the shampoo directly on the curls. Slightly spread it in the palms and beat the foam. Then apply to damp hair and scalp. Gently massage the dermis with your fingertips. Wash off the composition with plenty of warm clean water. If necessary, you can repeat washing again.

It is not recommended to use the means "Horsepower" constantly. Due to the high content of active substances in the composition, with continuous use, brittleness, dryness of the hair, and their loss can be achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate the use of products with conventional cosmetics.

The instruction advises to apply shampoo and balm in courses for up to two months, and then take a break from three to four months. If the epidermis of the head and the hair itself are dry enough, it is better to stop using this cosmetics and choose another product from the series.

Some reviews note the presence of dryness and tightness after applying "Horsepower". However, it is extremely rare for buyers to notice the appearance of allergic reactions.

With proper use, you can cure dandruff, cross-section of hair, excessive oiliness of the skin. But do not expect impressive results before two weeks of use.

The manufacturer also took care of the packaging of their products. They are safe and reliable. To open the bottle, turn upper part right, clockwise. The dispenser will rise, making it possible to obtain the required amount of detergent.

Remember that it is undesirable to use the product when traveling, in very hot weather, and when adapting to changing weather conditions.

Before applying cosmetics for the first time, be sure to do an allergy skin test. The risk of developing an allergic reaction is quite low, but it is necessary to check if there is an acute intolerance to any active substance or chemical component. Apply a little shampoo to a small area of ​​skin and wait about fifteen minutes. If after a while there is no redness, itching, rash, the product can be safely used for its intended purpose.


Horse Force regularly releases new products on the market aimed at solving various hair problems, for their strengthening, treatment and improvement. appearance.

On the this moment There is a wide range of resources: conditioners, balms, masks, dry shampoos, children's collection. Consider some of the brand's products:

Shampoo-conditioner with collagen and lanolin

The tool affects each hair, polishes it, cleanses, conditions and heals. Active ingredients provide natural protection to curls, do not dry out the epidermis. Pro-vitamin B5 and lanolin form a protective film on each hair shaft, protecting against harmful effects environment. Collagen hydrolyzate restores the structure of the hair, smoothes the scales on its surface.

With proper application, the product will provide hair care at the level of professionals. It cares for the skin and restores hairline, treats hair loss and dandruff.

With ketoconazole

For girls with scalp problems, a special shampoo with ketoconazole has been developed. Its main active ingredient, an antimycotic (that is, an antifungal drug) mercilessly affects the cause of dandruff and seborrhea. It also normalizes the oiliness of the epidermis by controlling the production of sebum.

In addition, the shampoo contains antioxidants, conditioning agents and citric acid. The latter allows you to normalize metabolism, make curls soft, shiny and bright.

To achieve the best effect, the shampoo is applied to the hair, whipped and left for five minutes. After that, rinse with plenty of clean water.

Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo from the manufacturer Horse Force in 2015 was awarded by international experts award "Innovative product". The product is available in the form of a spray, and saves when there is sorely not enough time to wash your hair.

Plant extracts such as sage, chamomile, nettle and others, help to quickly clean the hair strands without leaving white powder on them after combing. They nourish and care for the hairline, fight dandruff and normalize the production of sebum. One of the active ingredients is nicotinic acid, which takes care of the curls at the roots, accelerates their growth.

Advantages of using a dry product:

  • you can wash your hair less often, after all, frequent carrying out of this procedure damages the hair;
  • professional hair care
  • the ability to do interesting hairstyles with highlights of individual strands and creative bouffants;
  • increasing the intervals between the necessary stains;
  • convenient application anywhere and anytime.

It is not at all difficult to use such a tool. It is enough to spray the shampoo from a distance of about 20 cm. When the composition dries, the hair must be carefully combed, the excess can be removed with a hairdryer.

Do not use the product too often, it is better to alternate the use with conventional cleansing products.

For hair growth and strengthening

Having obtained detergents from oat grains, scientists have created a tool that can gently and delicately take care of the hairline, work against hair loss. Remarkably, the composition does not contain such harmful substances as silicone, paraben and sulfates. By adding collagen to the number of ingredients, scientists gave it the ability to restore the hair shaft, nourish and moisturize the epidermis of the head. Enrichment with keratin allows you to restore strands from the inside. Panthenol nourishes and smoothes them. And a huge amount of natural plant extracts, such as ginger, chestnut, chili pepper, flax, helps strengthen hair roots, nourish the dermis, and increase the rate of hairline renewal.

Avocado oil supplies minerals and whole vitamin complex improving the condition of each hair.

The shampoo boasts a neutral pH, due to which it has a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the dermis of the head.

For colored and damaged hair

This product was created specifically for the gentle care of hair that has been dyed, perm, constant heat treatment and styling. The composition was carefully selected in order to strengthen, restore shine, strength of damaged strands, improve their volume. The elastin and collagen included in the product restore the hair structure, protect it from harmful effects, moisturize without interfering with the access of oxygen. Arginine amino acid heals hair shafts, protects brittle ends.

Vitamin PP activates the growth of new hairs, updating the hairstyle. Lanolin forms the external protection of the hair surface from dryness and damage.

For kids

The line of products "Horsepower" was supplemented by goods for children. Cute baby shampoo Pony"was recognized in 2015 as an innovative product. And here's why. It contains no harmful substances already familiar to us: sulfate, silicone, preservatives. Natural plant extracts are included in it. They strengthen hair follicles, nourish the dermis, accelerate hair growth. the components of the product are also obtained from natural sources, namely from coconut.The shampoo softens and soothes the hairline, makes it shiny and elastic.Does not sting the baby's eyes, attracts with aroma.This a good product, hypoallergenic, suitable for any type of hair.

Toddlers apply "Pony" to hair moistened with water, lather gently and rinse with plenty of water.


Such an interesting product, of course, has analogues or means similar in action and composition. There are not so many of them, but some are present in pharmacies, others on the windows of ordinary cosmetic stores.

Shampoos from the British company Wellman can be found in pharmacies. The active formula with modern polymers allows you to give the hair density and volume. Niacinamide in the composition helps to improve blood circulation in the skin. Combined with zinc, it gives a good result in the fight against dandruff. Arginine and D-panthenol moisturize and condition curls.

After each wash, they look alive and radiant.

The Molto Gloss line from the Japanese company MoltoBene includes a set of care products. Suitable for everyday use, for any type of hairline, with varying degrees of damage. Adds satin and shine to hair. The active ingredients here are horse keratin, olive oil, minerals, algae extract. Horse keratin like distinguishing feature product, obtained from horse hair and mane. Unlike keratin, which is obtained from other sources and has an impressive size, the equine type penetrates deep into each hair, restores and nourishes it. It makes the hair shaft stronger, fills voids, glues split ends. Chlorella algae extract has an antimycoid effect, heals wounds, contains a large number of protein and iodine.

Minerals and oils nourish the skin and stimulate the growth of new hairs.

"Living Formula"from Cosmetics euroline or Wilsen has a light texture, nourishes and revitalizes the hair from the inside. Contains plant active substances: chamomile and sea buckthorn extracts, wheat germ oil. These ingredients help nourish and soften the hairline, give it shine, lightness and softness. Collagen forms a thin a film that protects the hair, restores the strands, makes them stronger and stronger.

Panthenol and allantoin molecules heal the epidermis, normalize fat metabolism, nourish, moisturize, and soothe damaged and desiccated scalp.

"Active Formula"of the same manufacturer - contains horse keratin as the main active ingredient. Keratin restores and nourishes hair, fills in damage, takes care of split ends. Gives strength and elasticity. The series comprehensively cares for hair, nourishes and moisturizes, gives obedience, health and a beautiful look .

Another product of this brand - "Energy Formula" - contains menthol, oak bark extract and collagen. However, he cannot boast of a natural composition.

It's time to talk about it.

Price- 450-500 rubles (I think this price for shampoo with a volume of 250 ml is too high)

Place of purchase- pharmacy or online store

Volume- 250 ml

✰ Appearance ✰

The shampoo bottle is in a cardboard box, like many other Horsepower products. The design is familiar to everyone - a girl with a horse.

The bottle is small (unusual after half-liter jars) and is made of quality plastic Brown. Lid made according to the principle of pressing. This is more convenient than dispensers in large shampoos from drugs. The lid doesn't stick.

dispenser small, squeezes out the right amount of shampoo.

✰ Useful information ✰

Promises and information from the manufacturer:

Below I will analyze them, but for now, check it out.



  • Keratin- envelops the hair and, penetrating deep into, restores various damage to the structure of the hair - fills in damaged areas and recreates the natural layer, completes the hair to its original state, "laid down" by nature.
  • Oat surfactants (surfactants)- obtained by acylation of oat amino acids. They do not change the barrier functions of the skin, form a thick and ultra-soft creamy foam for gentle cleansing of the skin and hair, and are several times less aggressive than conventional surfactants.


  • Flax, Horse Chestnut, Burdock Roots, Ginger, Calamus, Chili Pepper - each of them, in its own way, strengthens the hair follicles and promotes the growth of healthy hair.
  • Avocado oil - a cocktail of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, PP, B vitamins), natural minerals, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. All these substances improve the structure of the hair, strengthen the hair follicles, restore natural shine, strength and elasticity to the hair.
  • Panthenol- Nourishes and strengthens hair roots. It has a moisturizing and smoothing effect, gives the hair a radiant shine along the entire length.

Of course, there are many benefits for hair.

✰ Consistency ✰

Consistency Shampoo medium density, slightly runny. Texture gel, pleasant, yellowish in color.

Aroma very pleasant and fresh, I can smell some herbs. After washing, the fragrance remains on the hair for a short time.

✰ Shampoo application ✰​

For best results, dilute the required amount of shampoo in a small amount of water, then apply the solution to well-moisturized hair and scalp, massage, rinse. Reapply the shampoo, distribute through the hair and whisk - you will feel a dense creamy lather! Rinse thoroughly with water.

For me, this method is not very convenient, I like to first apply shampoo on my head, and then lather it. Shampoo lathers, by the way, excellent, so low consumption.

My hair:

  • Grow my natural hair. Roots tend to be oily
  • The skin is prone to dryness and flaking, and the hair is prone to falling out.
  • The rest of the hair length is damaged by lightening. Consequently, I have porous and dry hair.

I wash my hair every 2 days, they are very picky in my care, so I choose shampoos that are softer.

Shampoo easy to apply and lather, it does not spread, although it has a slightly liquid consistency.

In the first week of use, I was completely satisfied with this shampoo. But then still one drawback showed itself.

I can say that the shampoo does not dry hair, and even vice versa: when flushed, I feel that they are smooth, more crumbly and obedient, do not get confused. But without the use of balm in any way, of course.

I have dry scalp, but the shampoo treats it with care, dandruff and itching did not appear, fortunately.

But here is a shortcoming that did not appear immediately - Shampoo doesn't clean roots well hair that is oily. I could wash my hair in the morning, and the next day they were already greasy, although I usually wash my hair every 2 days. I don't feel like washing every day. But it seems that the problem is solved by the fact that you have to wash your hair 2 times. But this increases the cost, of course. I think the shampoo is more suitable for dry hair, not oily.

The volume is present on the first day, and on the second it already subsides.

The photo shows hair using a very cool Green Pharma hair mask.

And now let's analyze the manufacturer's promises: which ones are fulfilled, and which ones are not? This is what we will find out now.

A gentle cleansing shampoo formula based on detergents derived from oats, with a high concentration of keratin, free of sulfates, parabens and silicones, designed to gently and gently care for your hair and scalp.

Yes, I completely agree with this, no harmful effects on dry scalp and dry hair have been found.

The constant use of shampoo contributes to the growth of healthy hair, strengthening and restoring each hair along its entire length from the inside and out.

Here I, of course, very strongly doubt. The shampoo stays on the hair for a very short time. Yes, and growth is usually caused by means on the principle of causing a skin reaction, like pepper masks warm it. The shampoo doesn't feel like it. I believe that only vitamins and agents that cause a skin reaction and stimulate hair follicles will affect growth. Shampoo definitely plays a role here.

Here, after keratin straightening, the shampoo will be very good, because everyone knows that after this procedure, shampoos without SLS should be used, but here it is just not there. After dyeing and bleaching, the shampoo is good because it has a softer effect on the hair.

✰ Impressions ✰


  • a lot of usefulness in the composition, no SLS
  • pleasant aroma
  • does not dry or tangle hair
  • does not cause dandruff and itching
  • smooth and manageable hair

Shampoo would be ideal for me, if not for one drawback - faster pollution and oiliness of the hair roots. I'm deducting 1 star for this.

One of the most advertised hair care products is Horsepower Shampoo for hair growth. Despite the name, the drug is designed for people, although the thick, strong, shiny horse mane served as a source of inspiration for the creators. Shampoo refers to professional cosmetics for curls. The tool has earned conflicting reviews, but is unlikely to leave indifferent one of those who used it. Under the Horsepower brand, several curl care products are produced. What are their features - this article will help to understand.

Principle of operation

Soft and delicate cleansing of strands, strengthening of weakened curls, activation of growth - all this is promised by the manufacturer of Horsepower products, also known under a different name - Horse Force. Professional hair products are produced in the Moscow region by the DINA + company.

The basis for the creation was the developments in the field of horse care. But a horse's mane has a different structure than human strands. By changing the formulas, reducing the number of active ingredients, the authors of the products have adapted the products to the human hair. All drugs have a patent.

In what cases does it apply

The creators of Horse Force have developed several head cleansers for different cases life. The cosmetic line includes shampoos for damaged hair, anti-dandruff, for growth and strengthening, a special invention for men, and other products. Many of them additionally contain air conditioning. Manufacturers promise that the drugs:

  • take care of dull, split ends, weakened strands;
  • return them a healthy, well-groomed appearance;
  • give hair volume and shine.

It is useful to use "horse" shampoos for:

  • accelerate the growth of curls;
  • strengthening the roots, which is important for hair loss;
  • fight against dandruff;
  • elimination of oily sheen;
  • getting rid of brittleness;
  • healing of the scalp;
  • facilitate combing, styling.


The only restriction for use indicated on the box with the product is individual intolerance to any components from the composition. If after the start of use you feel discomfort, itching, burning, an allergy occurs, it is better to stop using Horse Force products.

It is also worth noting that with shampoo for growth and strengthening, dry curls should be washed with care. For them, developed "Horsepower" with collagen and lanolin.

Attention! On sale you can find bottles with the inscription "Horse's Mane", as well as Shampoo-balm for horses from ZOOVIP. It's different trade marks, not related to the means of "Horsepower".

Photos before and after

Types of shampoo

For men

Contains sandalwood oil. The ether has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, fights dandruff. Its sweetish aroma tones, invigorates. Manufacturers recommend using the product to young, strong men who live in a tense rhythm.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply a little to damp hair.
  2. Lather with massaging movements.
  3. Wash off after 1-2 minutes.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Shampoo strengthens strands, gives them freshness, heals. The cost is about 430 rubles per bottle of 500 milliliters. Thick texture and dispenser allow you to use the drug sparingly, especially if a man has a short haircut.

For men in the product line there is a shower gel "Horsepower", which also contains aromatic sandalwood oil.

With keratin

The product does not contain silicones, sulfates, parabens. Invented on the basis of substances obtained from oat grains. Gently cares for curls and scalp, because it has a neutral pH. Regular use helps to strengthen, restore each hair shaft along its entire length (not only on the surface, but also from the inside). Promotes the growth of strands.


  • keratin- gently envelops curls, fills in damaged areas. Reconstructs the natural layer, bringing it to its original state;
  • oat surfactants- much less aggressive in comparison with other surfactants. Forms a thick, soft foam that cleanses the hair well;
  • avocado oil- a real vitamin and mineral cocktail. Improves hair structure, strengthens follicles. Gives shine, strength, elasticity;
  • panthenol- nourishes and strengthens the roots, moisturizes curls. Thanks to the smoothing effect, it makes the hair radiant;
  • blend of concentrated extracts of flax, chestnut, burdock root, chili pepper, and other plants- Responsible for strengthening, growth of healthy strands.

How to use the shampoo:

  1. Mix a little with a small amount water (in the palms).
  2. Distribute over pre-moistened head, hair.
  3. Massage, rinse with warm water.
  4. Repeat procedure. Whipping the shampoo on the curls, you should feel under your hands a dense foam of a creamy consistency.
  5. Rinse your head well.

Due to the peculiarities of the application, the consumption of the drug cannot be called economical. According to reviews, a bottle of 250 milliliters is enough for 1-2 months (depending on the intensity of use, hair length). The price of shampoo with keratin starts from 430 rubles.

Anti-dandruff, for oily hair

A specially designed product is suitable for the elimination of dandruff and its prevention. Can be used with any type of curls. Contains the active ingredient ketoconazole, which normalizes the secretion of sebum, inhibits the growth of the fungus that causes the appearance of flakes on the head. Citric acid reduces the formation of fatty excesses, strengthens the hair, makes its structure smooth, shiny, and the color brighter.

How to use:

  1. Apply the right amount of the drug to wet hair, skin.
  2. Lather with massaging movements, leave for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running warm water.

Despite the liquid consistency, Horsepower shampoo with ketoconazole is used sparingly because it foams well. Sold at a price of 430 rubles for a 250 ml bottle. Read more about the product, composition and rules of use on our website.

Since dandruff often appears when the sebaceous glands are overworked, Horse Force with ketoconazole is suitable for oily strands. Otherwise, if seborrhea does not bother, the owners of this type of curls should try the "horse" shampoo with keratin.

For colored and damaged hair

Thoroughly cleanses hair and scalp. Strengthens and restores curls, makes them dense, elastic, shiny. Gives volume. Recommended for colored hair, after curling and thermal exposure, and if the hair is damaged due to daily styling. Efficiency is provided by such components:

  • collagen- reconstructs the hair shafts along the entire length, moisturizes the strands, makes them elastic;
  • elastin- does not allow evaporation of moisture, regulates the production of sebum;
  • lanolin- protects the hair from drying out;
  • biotin- prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth, strengthens them;
  • arginine- improves blood supply to follicles, activates regrowth, protects strands from breakage, section.

The shampoo is applied to wet curls, lathered, washed off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated again. Thanks to a convenient dispenser, a thick consistency and a volume of 500 milliliters, the drug is used sparingly. Price - from 450 rubles.

Advice. Among the products of "Horsepower" there is also another product with collagen and lanolin - shampoo-conditioner. Suitable for dry, damaged, brittle, dull hair. It is produced in two volumes: 500 milliliters (costs about 430 rubles) and 1 liter (price - from 680 rubles).

  1. The drugs are classified as therapeutic, so do not use them on an ongoing basis, more than 1 time per week. Alternate with other hair growth shampoos, which you can read about on our website.
  2. After completing a 2-3-month course, take a break of 3-4 months. According to other recommendations, the duration of treatment should not exceed a month.
  3. Dilute the shampoo with water before applying to curls. The approximate proportion is 1:5.
  4. Take as little as possible at one time.
  5. Do not use the drug in extreme heat, as well as with a sharp change in climate.
  6. If you notice that the product has begun to work worse, give your hair a break from it.

Horse Force products are sold in pharmacies, including online, and are also sold through cosmetic online stores. Some of them offer worldwide delivery. You can not purchase analogues of "horse" shampoo in veterinary clinics, pet stores. The products sold there are not suitable for people.

Effect of use

Regular, proper use of shampoos "Horsepower" contributes to:

  • improving the appearance of the strands;
  • their recovery along the entire length;
  • giving density, volume;
  • activation of the growth of curls;
  • elimination of fragility, signs of split ends;
  • the disappearance of dandruff.

Hair becomes shiny, elastic, strong, obedient. They stay fresh for a long time, without oily sheen. Thanks to the conditioner in the composition of many preparations, the strands are easy to comb.

Attention! In case of overdose or allergies, itching, a feeling of tightness of the scalp is possible. If you neglect the recommendations for use, you will have to wait a long time for the effect. Hair will start to grow quickly, but split ends will appear.

Pros and cons

Consumers who have experienced the effectiveness of Horse Force products from their own experience note that shampoos:

  • delicately, qualitatively wash the head, clean the curls for a long time;
  • strengthen, nourish hair follicles. Strands stop falling out, grow faster;
  • have an unobtrusive smell that quickly disappears;
  • suitable for owners sensitive skin heads;
  • polish the surface of the hair shaft, give shine;
  • have few contraindications;
  • rarely cause allergies;
  • have a large volume, they last for a long time;
  • professional hair care at home;
  • control the formation of sebum;
  • fight dandruff, itching;
  • suitable for men;
  • treat the scalp;
  • make hair soft and easy to style.

Of the minuses users indicate:

  • high price;
  • not suitable for frequent use;
  • there is a risk of overdose.

All bottles are supplied with dispensers or pumps. Ease of use is a matter of personal preference. Some consumers prefer to dose the product with a measuring spoon.

For their effectiveness, Horsepower shampoos have earned a solid "four" from those who left reviews on thematic forums. Many girls claim that the drugs really strengthen the curls, stimulate their growth, and also bring a lot of other positive results in parallel. Negative Feedback most often associated with the wrong choice of means or its use.

Trichologists still insist: the treatment should be comprehensive, selected by a specialist. Do not hope for a solution to troubles if they are caused by health problems.

To manage with one, albeit effective shampoo, in this case is almost impossible. If the hair has lost its strength, shine, density due to external influences, then the Horsepower products will be very appropriate. Beautiful hair in the photo after using "horse" preparations is a direct proof of this.

Useful videos

Shampoo review "Horsepower".

The horsepower of your hair.

Many people have heard about Horsepower shampoo and, if earlier it was a rarity, today anyone can easily buy it. The opinions of people who used it in practice often differed, so this tool managed to gain as many positive feedback, and negative opinions from those to whom it did not help.

According to the manufacturer, the shampoo, when used correctly in accordance with all instructions, provides the following effects:

  1. Solving the problem of active hair loss, preventing baldness.
  2. Reducing the level of fragility, restoring a healthy structure of the hairline.
  3. Giving hair the necessary volume, attractive appearance and healthy shine.
  4. Combined polishing, cleansing and conditioning of the hairline.

The composition is very concentrated, therefore, minimum doses of Horsepower Shampoo should be used. This is one of the main mistakes made by people who later complained about the manifestation side effects.

It is important to know that this tool is forbidden to use in hot weather, this is due to the peculiarity of the composition, which contains a number of substances that, when the environment is dry, help draw fluid out of the hair. For this reason, it will be necessary to refrain from using this shampoo while relaxing in the southern resorts.

Also, before starting its use, you will need to make sure that there are no contraindications, which are as follows:

  1. Individual intolerance to any of the components that make up the drug.
  2. Tendency to allergic reactions of any type.
  3. An increased level of sensitivity of the scalp or its tendency to any irritation.
  4. The presence of diseases affecting internal organs. In such a situation, the use of "Horsepower" is allowed only after prior consultation and obtaining appropriate permission from the attending physician.
  5. The presence of dermatological diseases affecting skin covering heads.


Despite the fact that the name "Horsepower" is on the lips of most people, few of them know that under this brand a whole line of various hair care and hygiene products is produced.

Below are all types of shampoos of this brand:

  1. , sometimes it can be found on the shelves of stores called "Horse Force". The main variety of this tool, which first appeared in wide access. The composition includes keratin, which allows you to naturally accelerate hair growth and strengthen their structure, it is allowed to use this drug only after first reading the instructions that came with it upon purchase.
  2. Shampoo-balm "Horsepower" with a relaxing effect, which contains a large amount of collagen, as well as menthol and mint extract. It has all the main properties of the classic version, but additionally allows you to reduce the degree of pollution of the hair and relaxes the muscles, which has a calming effect on nervous system. After using it, the hairstyle becomes more manageable, and daily styling takes much less time and effort.
  3. Hypoallergenic shampoo-conditioner or "Horsepower for foals" represents detergent intended for small children. It has all the basic properties, like most other children's shampoos, its mild and gentle effect on children's hair is due to the addition of an additional ingredient - birch tar.
  4. differs from other products of this brand by the presence of propolis and tar in the composition. It is recommended to use it in the presence of any damage to the hairline, as it will effectively restore their structure by starting the natural regeneration processes. In addition, it has a disinfecting effect and promotes the healing of wounds on the scalp, the removal of inflammatory processes and the elimination of any pain. The presence of natural collagen in the composition will improve hair growth, make them thicker and more attractive, and also stop the beginning process of baldness in its primary stages.
  5. Shampoo-balm to eliminate dandruff is one of the most effective drugs of this purpose. To achieve the desired result, its composition contains all the necessary active ingredients and components: fruit acids of natural origin, zinc-type salts and sulfur. Collagen compounds will help restore hair and eliminate the consequences of the disease, as well as provide comprehensive protection that minimizes the risk of recurrence of dandruff or other unwanted formations.


Shampoo "Horsepower" has a large amount useful properties, which have already been discussed above, but there is no secret in it. Its effect on the scalp is due to a well-chosen composition, which includes the following components:

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of this shampoo is due to a number of positive aspects that it has, among the main advantages are the following features:

  1. Stimulation of hair growth naturally.
  2. The return of a hairstyle of healthy shine and appearance.
  3. Elimination of dandruff.
  4. Regeneration of damaged tissues and healing of microscopic wounds.
  5. Long-term preservation of the achieved purity of the hairline.
  6. Combined execution of functions regular shampoo, conditioner and balm, which allows you to reduce the amount of products used and become worthy alternative visits to beauty salons.

However, with such obvious advantages, "Horsepower" also has some negative sides, the disadvantages of this shampoo are discussed below:

  1. The absence of an immediate positive result, the first visible effect will have to wait at least two weeks.
  2. The possibility of an allergic reaction.
  3. In some cases, it causes severe itching after application or an unpleasant sensation of tight skin on the head.
  4. The need to strictly follow the attached instructions, otherwise, side effects may occur, such as dandruff, split ends or excessive dryness.


To date, "Horsepower" has become widespread, you can buy shampoo in the following places:

  1. Pharmacy or veterinary stations.
  2. Stores that have departments with personal care products.
  3. Sites on the Internet that distribute related products.

It is recommended to purchase this shampoo only in pharmacies to eliminate the risk of buying fake or low-quality products. Its value in Lately has grown significantly, but still remains in the affordable range and today is about 600-800 rubles for a 1000 ml container.