
What does the color purple mean? What color is purple, what does it look like and what colors does it go with? What color is purple?


Meanings of purple

As the most important color of divine and imperial dignity in Byzantine culture, purple is the color. Basileus signed in purple ink, sat on a purple throne, wore purple boots; the altar gospel was purple; The Mother of God was depicted in purple robes as a sign of special respect. The symbolism of purple as the color of power was so well known that, as V. Gorshkova writes, rebels who laid claim to the imperial throne wore purple shoes, and this eloquent gesture was equated with high treason.

Particular attention to purple in the sphere of higher power probably stemmed from its special elusive properties of combining the incompatible, that is, warm and cold at the same time. Thanks to this duality, purple acquired special meaning in the antinomian Byzantine culture of thought. At the level of Byzantine color symbolism, purple united the eternal, heavenly, transcendental (blue and cyan) with the earthly (red). Being symbols of the heavenly and earthly, when combined they seemed to lose their opposite.

Probably because of these properties of purple, the Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus, 431) decided to depict Mary and Anna in purple clothes “as a sign of the highest veneration.” Since then, the Mother of God - once an earthly virgin who received the divine light and became the Queen of Heaven - was depicted in a purple maforia decorated with stars.

Goethe also noted that the action and nature of this color are unique: it combines active and passive, hot and cold parts color wheel in their utmost tension, that is, it unites (removes) opposites. Purple colors, according to Goethe, dress both “the dignity of old age” and “the attractiveness of youth.”

The poor people admired the scarlet, violet and blue shades purple in the suits of the rich, condemned this addiction as a sin. Echoes of this attitude can be heard in Falstaff’s joke about the colors of Bardolph’s drunken face: “When I look at your face, I remember the rich man who dressed in purple all his life, and after his death he went to hell. After all, he’s burning there in his robe.”

In this tirade there is something of the very nature of purple, of the interaction of red and blue in it. Perhaps the ancient predilection for purple stemmed from its special psychophysical effect, combining the extreme parts of the spectrum. It is in purple that all possibilities are revealed, from blue to red, capable of expressing a variety of states - from hellishly gloomy to cherubically joyful.

Tiara with pink diamond, 1810

Most likely, the diadem belonged to Elizaveta Alexandrovna, the wife of Alexander I.

Thus, blue-violet purple could express cold, night, depth, calm, justice. Purple violet tones - silence, humility, repentance and love. Red-violet meant passion, movement, heaviness. Red purple symbolized unbridled joy, strength, anger, revenge, blood, hellfire.

According to Westerners, purple is synonymous with sensuality. Indeed, let us remember the purple togas and tunics of the degenerate Romans in their unimaginable orgies. Let us remember the biblical sinners in purple robes. Probably, the authors of the book for business women were based on these meanings of purple, when in their recommendations to women who decided to attract a man, they wrote: use black or crimson to create a sexy image and seduce young men.

As E. Case notes, the purple tint is found in people of power, in whose aura there is some infiltration of pink. In Hindu interpretations of aura colors, crimson expresses love, changing shades according to the properties of passion. Thus, rough sensual love is characterized by a dark crimson shade of purple.

As M.A. Bezborodov writes, in Rus' the purple garnet gemstone brought the wearer power over people and aroused love passions. And as you know, gems from time immemorial they have adorned women and kings - those who are destined to rule by the nature of things and society.

Vladimir Borovikovsky. Paul I wearing the crown, dalmatic and insignia of the Order of Malta, 1800

Purple (or white) energy center Tantrics compare it with superconsciousness. With faith in a universal vision of the world. With the realization of the highest fullness of life. With going beyond space and time. Who has not encountered female intuition, when, without any formal logical reasoning, a woman suddenly unconsciously and spontaneously penetrates into the very essence of a subject and comprehends the truth?

Thus, in Homer the expression “purple blood” originates from the color of coagulated blood; according to Pliny, Tyrian purple means the highest glory. Probably, this meaning passed from Antiquity to Christianity, where purple, along with white, symbolizes the Mother of God. And here, apparently, one can only listen to the conclusions of the Theosophical Symbolists: “ Purple color is noumenal, and red is phenomenal.” The phenomenality of the semantics of red color was presented in detail above. So what is behind the noumenality of purple?

Purple combines the properties of the extreme colors of the spectrum and exhibits more of the properties of red, judging by its effect on the pulse and breathing. The body's reaction to it is usually favorable. Back in the Middle Ages, inflammatory processes were successfully cured with blue color. Who knew about IR rays then? Red is still used for these purposes today to enhance blood supply to body tissues. Therefore, for cardiovascular diseases, blue-red purple colors can be recommended in strictly specific cases. Stimulating excitation with red in a certain combination with tonic rest of blue leads to positive results in the treatment of autonomic diseases, since the parasympathetic effect of blue and the sympathetic influence of red color have a fairly effective effect on both components nervous system. And through subcortical mechanisms, the balance of the whole organism is ensured.

When correlating the purple color with any type of temperament, it turned out that all Hippocratic types were exhausted (see red, yellow, green, blue colors). If, according to Luscher, the choice of purple is characterized as suggestible, charming, predisposed to sensitivity, the color relationship test associates it with independence and insincerity, then the superconscious dominant of female intelligence may turn out to be a characteristic of this type of temperament.

It is curious that at the end of the 50s of the 19th century in Britain, following the green frock coats of the “nobody businessmen”, the most fashionable colors became purple magenta tones. Let us remember how the “new Russians” in 1992-1993 of the 20th century replaced their “green self-consciousness” with crimson jackets of “imperious purple” - their, as they believed, superconsciousness that rules money, and therefore the world.

Since Luscher violet is essentially purple, the excellent definition given by G. Klar can be applied to it. Between the opposite red and blue, between male fanaticism and female fatalism, between merciless unconscious power and subconsciously blind love, there is a reconciling purple - the harmony of contradictions.

And if male fanaticism was treated with blue, and female fatalism with red, then purple is the clearest example of averaging (calming) ideological extremes. As the color of inner arousal, purple can also combine the powerful influence of infrared and UV rays. Directly affecting us, they bypass not only vision, but also consciousness. However, like many other colors that we still know nothing about, although we are exposed to them.

In conclusion, we present the conclusions arising from the analysis of the material considered. In the archetype of various shades of purple, many extremes of ancient religions, as well as Orthodoxy (Eastern Christianity), are sublimated. In the chromatic model of intelligence, the purple sublimate characterizes the functions of the female superconscious under normal conditions and the male – under extreme conditions of existence.

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Purple color- usually associated with the emperors of Ancient Rome. With royal dignity. With the inspiration of the creator. Therefore, the emperor signed in purple ink while sitting on a purple throne. The emphasis on purple paint, which was extracted from special varieties of sea shells, is explained by the fact that purple combines two parts of the spectrum that are incompatible by nature - blue and red, and blue is associated in this case with the eternal, heavenly, and red with the earthly.

Tantrics compare the purple (or white) energy center with the superconscious. With faith in an all-unifying vision of the world. With the realization of the highest fullness of life. With going beyond space and time.

In Christianity, along with white, it symbolizes the color of God the Father.

The Masonic lodge of the highest degrees of initiation is also dressed in purple colors. Purple, gray or black colors of robes emphasize belonging to the bed of saints.

Effects of the color purple on health: The purple-red color excites the nerve cells of the spinal and midbrain. It supplies the physical body with energy, increases its temperature, stimulates blood circulation and promotes the production of adrenaline. Destroys the feeling of fatigue and inertia, lifts the spirit, increases the ability to overcome depression, stimulates willpower and courage.

Since the spinal cord is connected with Muladhara, and the midbrain with Anahata and Vishuddha, these chakras are also excited under the influence of purple-red irritation. The result is a closer connection between the two parts of the brain of the material body and the three chakras of the energy body, and therefore more efficient functioning of the corresponding areas. An excited heart chakra stimulates the circulatory system and facilitates the process of expanding consciousness. This leads to faster achievement of clairvoyance in space and time and psychokinesis.

This color is used to treat cancer, anemia, paralysis, poor circulation or other disorders in the blood, states of depression, fear, anxiety.

Purple combines the properties of the extreme colors of the spectrum and exhibits more of the properties of red, judging by its effect on the pulse and breathing. The body's reaction to it is usually favorable.

Back in the Middle Ages, inflammatory processes were successfully cured with blue light. Who knew about IR rays then? Red is still used for these purposes today to enhance blood supply to body tissues.

Therefore, for cardiovascular diseases, blue-red purple colors can be recommended in strictly specific cases.

Stimulating excitation with red color in a certain combination with tonic rest of blue color leads to positive results in the treatment of the autonomic system. Because the parasympathetic effect of blue and the sympathetic influence of red color quite effectively affects both components of the nervous system. And through subcortical mechanisms, the balance of the whole organism is ensured.

Many extremes of ancient religions are sublimated in the archetypes of purple flowers.

And if male fanaticism is treated with blue, and female fanaticism with red, then purple is the clearest example of averaging (calming) ideological extremes.

As the color of inner arousal, purple can also combine the powerful influence of IR and UV rays. Directly affecting us, they bypass not only vision, but also consciousness.

However, like many other colors that we still know little about, although we are exposed to them.

Purple color is a bright tone at the junction of pink and violet. The combination with it is common and loved by everyone both in clothing and in the interior.

This color contains the divine and the earthly, which means it belongs to those who are in supreme power.
Thus, in Byzantine culture, purple is the most important attribute of royalty. He is an imperial dignity. Only Basileus had the right to sign in purple ink, sit on a purple throne, and wear purple boots. Only the altar Gospel is allowed to be in the purpura. And only the Mother of God and St. Anna, as a sign of deep respect, could be depicted in a purple robe.

Vibrant purple- blinds with its piercing, luminous property. We see it when a red and violet wave hits the retina of the eye (as the shortest and longest, thereby covering infinity + and -). For us, this is a spectral color, which is why the tone is so bright.

Red-purple the tone is softer, more refined, richer. Due to the high red content, it can be classified as a pink color, for example, the option.

Classic purple- medium, red-violet tone with a precise balance of red and blue in its composition: 2 to 1. Velvety, attractive, it can often be seen in spectacular combinations.

Lilac-purple- This is a softer version of bright purple with an amethyst tint. It is clean, sonorous with a festive context.

Wine purple is a deep, velvety, luxurious color that is the crowning glory of purple inspiration. It can be described as a cross between purple and burgundy.

Violet-magenta- red-violet, which contains more blue than other tones, which makes it mysterious and evening.

Purple color combination

Combinations with purple are expressive, contrasting, rich. It combines both complex and bright tones, however, in addition to color contrast, it is interesting to see light contrast: when the tones in a pair are lighter than the main color. There are 10 palettes for you with different shades of the same tone. Choose the most attractive pair for yourself.

Color combination: purple and pink. Both warm and cold shades of pink are combined with it; the former look much more interesting in tandem, because in addition to... For a couple, you can take white-lilac, royal pink, sunset pink, flamingo, amaranth.

Combination of purple and red is a combination of related tones with a slight thermal contrast. It is bright and exotic. Try to combine the main tone with watermelon,
Chinese red, coral red, bright burgundy, wine.

Combination of purple and orange- a bright, rich, oriental combination built on a light thermal contrast. They are united by the related presence of red and the additional opposition of purple and yellow. Combine with light peach, orange-coral, carrot, red-orange, red.

Purple goes with yellow- as an option close to an additional pair: purple + yellow. The combination is expressive, but not flashy. Apricot,
sunny yellow, mustard, yellow-gold, bright gold.

Purple goes well with warm shades of green- forms a natural pair that can be seen in nature. And at the same time, it does not lose its exoticism, since the purple itself is rare and bright. Combine it with pistachio, olive, marsh, brown-green, dark green.

Purple goes well with cool shades of green creating a vintage, rich palette, with a slight thermal contrast. This pair can become an independent decoration, for this use: the color of green water, menthol, mint, emerald, malachite.

Color combination: purple and blue. In this case, the main tone is warmer than the tone of the satellite, so the whole pair goes into a cold range. The light contrast will be interesting. An example of a combination with aquamarine, soft blue, bluish green, dark turquoise, Prussian blue.

The combination of purple and violet is a combination of shades of the same color: lighter or darker shades deepen the tone, giving it volume and vibrant shine. Combine it with lilac-lilac,
thistle, lavender, eggplant, grape.

Combination of purple and brown represents a successful union of basic and highly colorful tones, with both components equally enhancing each other offering a very aesthetic look. Consider a combination with oak, tan, mahogany, chocolate, dark chocolate.

The combination of purple with white, gray and black, as neutral tones - an advantageous solution for such an expressive shade. Light tones will make it rich and luminous, dark and medium tones will give it a languid, temperamental look. For example, a combination with creamy, light beige,
gray-purple, anthracite, wet asphalt.

- with plum color(2), creating a contrasting combination based on the differences in saturation and lightness of the participants in the pair. Both tones (magenta and plum) are violet shades, so in this combination our eye sees depth, like light turning into deep shadow.

- with yellow-pink color (3), forming a color contrast. It is known that yellow is a complementary color to violet, which when paired create very effective combinations, but are rough for constant perception. Going red softens this effect.

Complete the combination with old gold, red and blue.

Bright purple color. Combination

The bright purple color is as piercingly rich as red, but unlike the latter, it has more mysticism and femininity. These are oriental beauties; they shimmer amazingly on transparent, smooth and rough materials.
Bright purple is not suitable for everyone (see who suits the purple shade) and therefore, before using it, you need to soberly assess your appearance. The tone has a negative effect on a non-contrasting appearance and can highlight figure flaws, as it visually expands objects.
It is definitely a holiday look and can be used for underwear, leisure wear or sportswear.

Combine this tone with shrimp, sunset pink, red-orange, bright orange, red-orange, corn, bright gold, yellow-green, patina, thrush egg color, dark blue, charoite, eggplant, tea, ivory, black and gray.

Red-purple color. Combination

The combination of red and purple colors is expressive, but compared to bright purple, more strict and businesslike. The red-purple tone is distinguished by restraint, it is closest to pink (fuchsia), and therefore takes on most of its properties.

Unlike the previous one, the tone can be used in an everyday wardrobe, however, it is perfect for holidays, recreation, and sports. Consider combinations with white-lilac, carnation, Chinese red, golden copper, red, saffron, pale gold, lime, kelly, sky blue, Prussian blue, amethyst, grape, chocolate, light beige, wet asphalt.

Lilac-purple color. Combination

Combinations of lilac-purple are colorful: from piercingly bright to dominant color spots. The shade itself matches bright purple, however, it is closer to amethyst. More subdued versions of it can be used in an everyday wardrobe, but this particular tone is intended for relaxation and entertainment. Thin, delicate, rich, it strives for romantic style. You need to be careful with it: it is suitable for a highly contrasting appearance, as well as the “spring” color type.

Combine it with cloudy pink, coral pink, garnet, orange-coral, red-orange, signal, bright gold, light green, emerald, bright blue, sapphire, red-violet, eggplant, milk chocolate, papyrus color, wet asphalt .

Wine purple color combination

Deep, juicy combinations with wine-purple will not leave anyone indifferent. This shade is good and like the “first violin”. Full of expression, inner strength, lively brilliance, it is closer in character to burgundy, but if it is in full view, then wine-purple is full of mysteries and secrets.

The tone is universal, it can be seen both in a strict office version and in an evening outfit.
It can be combined with sakura, clover, crimson coral, tangerine, red, yellow gold,
old gold, olive, malachite, water color, royal blue, lilac, plum, cinnamon,
latte, dark black.

Violet-purple color combination

The combination of violet and purple is mainly based on the contrast of dark and light. The tone is quite rich, dark and at the same time the coldest of the shades of purple, which gives it restraint. As a dark purple, it creates colorful compositions that can be embodied in a casual, evening, or sports wardrobe.

It will look good paired with carnation, light coral, scarlet, mango, pumpkin, wheat, dark gold, swamp green, emerald green, thrush egg color, cornflower blue, lilac-amethyst, dark purple, bronze, ivory , dark black.

Purple color in clothes

Purple is the color of excellence. In fact, it is more powerful than red, which attracts with its leadership nature. Purple, on the other hand, represents transcendental leadership, something beyond the ordinary, so it evokes a very powerful impression in clothing.

Bright shades of purple will not be appropriate in everyday style. But for a banquet, holiday, or nightclub, these colors will come in handy.
To embody a purple image, which means sensual, powerful, balanced, you need a contrasting appearance (or the ability to create one like the color type through bright makeup). Therefore, purple is contraindicated for the color type.
Purple looks especially beautiful on smooth, airy and shiny surfaces. So a dress made of purple sequins will be more profitable than purple viscose. But do not forget that bright colors and purple increase the volume of shapes.

Who should wear purple in clothes?

For “spring”, pure and bright colors will be relevant, such as bright purple, lilac-purple, red-purple, classic purple.
"Winter" will share interest in bright colors, but in addition to them, he will add wine-purple and violet-purple to his palette.
For “summer”, more restrained tones will be relevant: muted purple, red and violet.
“Autumn” will be able to focus on red, classic, wine and violet purple.

Combination of purple color in clothes

The presence of purple in your wardrobe can qualitatively change its aesthetic component, because it can transform even very boring things and shades.

Dark purple tones combine favorably with black: rich, temperamental. A very good evening option.

Black+white+purple is a spectacular pair: high light contrast along with the expressiveness of the color “spot”. There is graphics.

A black and white stripe next to the main color is a bright, stylish technique.

Various shades of gray will highlight the red-violet chic.

White + purple, like brilliant fresh ideas, of heavenly origin.

Light pink tones, both its shades (mauve) and warm salmon colors keep it on the level of a neutral color.

To achieve a particularly bold look, you'll need red to mid-pink pieces.

Orange: subtle oriental flavor fills the range with a bright sunset glow.

Yellow gives a confident contrast to the complementary pair: flashy, dramatic.

It is better to complement green color with white, black, gray, gold.

But blue-green combined with purple is good on its own.

Blue tones will enhance the mystical effect of the color.

A dark blue color coupled with beige and white can add a business-like tone - this is the highest skill.

Blue, lilac-blue and lilac will give the couple softness and dreaminess.

And beige, gold and brown will highlight the shade favorably without remaining in a colorful shadow.

Purple in the interior

Purple color is more common in oriental interiors. Lots of curtains, fabric wallpaper, hanging translucent ceilings, low beds and sofas, a sea of ​​colorful pillows. This is due to the natural sensuality of Eastern people. If you adopt the color idea and introduce it into a modern room, then best choice for its implementation there will be a bedroom.
It is better to cover the walls and floor with purple fabric rather than paint them the desired shade.
The center of the room will be an eggplant-colored bed with rough fabric upholstery; it is a continuation of the bench-shaped ottoman, which stretches along the entire wall. The simple shapes of the bed in a minimalist style add a modern touch to the design.
A bright bedspread and pillows create comfort. There can be a lot of pillows, and they will all be different, or you can maintain minimalism.
The main highlight of the room will be the lighting - dim, warm and soft. To do this, we will choose round, colorful lampshades: we will hang two, and we will place one near the bed.

Combination of purple color in the interior

The combination of purple color in the interior gives the room a colorful elegance. The tone looks good next to gold and neutral shades, enters into bright pairs with other colors. It is very diverse and therefore you can create very exotic and pompous decorations.

Today, in addition to the usual ones, you can hear such intricate names of colors as “powdery”, “marsala”, “graphite”, “mint” or “purple”. As for the last shade, it is currently particularly popular. What color is purple? Let's try to figure out how to “recognize” it and use it correctly in clothing and interior design.

What color is this?

A lesser known word for this shade is "magenta". When it is pronounced, pictures of the most unusual and at the same time noble tones immediately appear in the imagination. And it’s not at all accidental. Photos on the Internet show quite clearly what the color purple looks like - it is a transitional shade between deep blue and passionate red.

Since purple was “born” by mixing the usual red and dark blue colors, it has many shades - from pinkish to rich purple. Darker tones represent true purple. Compared to other shades of this spectrum, it has always stood out as noble, and at all times it has been endowed with special meaning.


Shades of magenta have always been associated with wealth, exclusivity and royalty - this is what determines their widespread use in heraldry. In order to emphasize belonging to a noble family, many emperors and generals used purple in their robes, which deeply conveyed the strength of their power and purity of spirit.

However, such popularity among crowned heads was due not only to the beauty of the color. In the ancient times of the Roman Empire, purple dye was very rare and could be obtained with great difficulty. It is known that to produce just 60 g of color, up to 10 thousand needle shellfish had to be processed. Fabric dyed this way natural dye, was incredibly highly valued, and only the most important people of the state allowed themselves to wear it. In addition, only the emperor himself could even write with purple ink.


Since ancient times, it has been believed that this rich color combines the spiritual and the earthly, personifying a combination of masculine and feminine principles. Surprisingly, being a dark color, purple is divided into many pink tones, as if embodying the transition from worldly passion to the acceptance of higher wisdom.

It would seem that if you take the color purple and violet, what is the difference? But noble purple is far from an ordinary shade. Combining two color extremes - blue and red, it seems to personify a certain balance. According to most psychologists, purple seems to represent the point at which duality and awareness, passion and wisdom are balanced. After all, from the history of color it is known that it once had a meaning completely opposite to the designation of monarchical status. During the existence of Babylon, purple was often used in the clothes of harlots, as well as soldiers who entered into unconventional intimate relationships.

Today, the color purple carries the following meaning:

  • passion and excitement due to the presence of a red tint;
  • the calm and nobility of blue;

How can one color combine such contrasting qualities? This is precisely the unusualness of purple: causing such mixed feelings, it seems to stabilize them, filling the spirit with vigor and a desire to conquer new heights.

No matter how the meaning of tone has transformed in our time, even today it remains the color of celebration. Clothes of this shade are most often worn by people who want to make an unforgettable impression and emphasize their independence and self-confidence.

It is believed that by wearing purple, a person acquires such qualities as:

  • bravery;
  • nobility;
  • determination;
  • courage;
  • performance.

That is why people who prefer such shades are not afraid of risks, know exactly their goals and are distinguished by audacity that is not typical for others.

Combination with other colors

Currently, various shades of magenta are used everywhere: in clothing, decorative cosmetics, and interior design. However, before choosing this unusual tone, it is important to know what color purple goes with.

According to colorists, it is best to combine it:

  • with gold or yellow. It is believed that such a combination in clothing and in the interior always turns the course of events in favor of its owner;

  • with bright green. The ideal solution for creating a fresh look;

  • with plum color. In a combination based on the contrast of light and saturation, both shades give the impression of particular depth;

  • with milk This tone always adds grace and elegance to purple, slightly muting its authority;

  • with yellow-pink. Yellow It is considered complementary to purple shades, creating very effective contrasting combinations when paired with them.

In the interior, magenta is associated with luxury, prosperity and abundance. In ancient times, this shade adorned the luxurious interiors of the most noble people; it is no less often found in expensive oriental decorations.

But, no matter how much one would like to use noble purple everywhere, designers do not recommend choosing it as the main shade. It is believed that it is better to highlight a specific part of the room with this color. The following combinations look most harmonious in the interior:

  • for the dining room or kitchen - with orange, olive, apple or pink shades. These colors perfectly increase appetite and give additional energy;

  • for showers and bathrooms - with blue, turquoise or different tones of sea green;
  • for bedrooms - magenta in its pure form, without “companions”, can perfectly set accents: curtains, accessories, pillows or bedspreads of this color will add special intimacy and sensuality.

Purple looks great framed plum color, which allows you to create harmony provided by differences in depth and saturation of shades. Both purple and plum are shades of violet. If a similar combination is used in clothing, the image acquires both depth and light, which turns into shadow.

To create a color contrast to purple, you should add the original yellow-pink color. It's no secret that when framed by purple, yellow creates a stylish effect, but the disadvantage of this color combination is the roughness that arises from constant perception. Simply put, when you appear in a yellow and purple outfit, you will create a sensation, but after a few hours you will irritate others. And if you add a light shade of purple to this combination, the effect will soften.

A classic and win-win combination is purple combined with blue, red and old gold. Often, such options are used to create evening looks. Purple color of the dress, emphasized a small amount golden, allows you to add luxury and chic to your image, which is quite appropriate for a special event.

Beauty industry

The use of this color is not limited to clothing, shoes and accessories. Many trade marks, producing decorative cosmetics, use shades of purple in their lipsticks, lip glosses and eye shadows. When purchasing decorative cosmetics, remember that purple color can add volume. If this is appropriate in the case of lips, then you should be careful with eye shadow so as not to visually reduce the size of the eyes. But in hairdressing, this color property is an advantage. Purple hair color allows you to add extra volume to your hair.