
Symbolism of color: purple color. Purple - what is it, how does it look and what colors does it combine with? How purple came about


Today, in addition to the usual, you can hear such intricate color names as "powdery", "Marsala", "graphite", "mint" or "purple". As for the last shade, it is currently very popular. purple color- what is it? Let's try to figure out how to "recognize" it and use it correctly in clothes and interiors.

What is this color?

A lesser known word for this hue is "magenta". When pronouncing it, pictures of the most unusual and at the same time noble tones immediately appear in the imagination. And not at all by accident. What the purple color looks like, photos on the Internet show quite clearly - this is a transitional shade between deep blue and passionate red.

Since purple was "born" by mixing the usual red and dark blue flowers, it has many shades - from pinkish to deep purple. Darker tones are true magenta. Compared to other shades of this spectrum, it has always stood out for its nobility, and at all times it has been endowed with special significance.


Shades of magenta have always been associated with wealth, selectivity and royalty - this is precisely the reason for their widespread use in heraldry. In order to emphasize belonging to a noble family, many emperors and generals used purple in their robes, conveying the power of their power and purity of spirit with all their depth.

However, such popularity among the crowned persons was due not only to the beauty of the color. In the distant times of the Roman Empire, purple paint was very rare, and it was possible to obtain it with great difficulty. It is known that for the production of only 60 g of color it was necessary to process up to 10 thousand molluscs of needles. Fabric dyed with such a natural dye was valued incredibly highly, and only the most important people of the state allowed themselves to wear it. In addition, only the emperor himself could even write in purple ink.


Since ancient times, it is believed that this rich color combines the spiritual and earthly, embodies the combination of male and female principles. Surprisingly, belonging to the dark range, purple is divided into many pink tones, as if embodying the transition from worldly passion to the acceptance of higher wisdom.

It would seem that if you take purple and violet - what is the difference? But the noble purple is far from being an ordinary shade. Combining two coloristic extremes - blue and red, it seems to embody a certain balance. According to most psychologists, purple seems to be a point at which duality and awareness, passion and wisdom are balanced. Indeed, from the history of color it is known that once it had a meaning completely opposite to the designation of monarchical status. During the existence of Babylon, harlots, as well as soldiers who entered into non-traditional intimate relationships, often used purple in their clothes.

Today, the purple color carries the following semantic load:

  • passion and excitement due to the presence of a red tint;
  • calmness and nobility of blue;

How can one color combine such contrasting qualities? This is precisely the unusualness of purple: causing such mixed feelings, it seems to stabilize them, filling the spirit with vivacity and craving for conquering new heights.

No matter how the meaning of tone has been transformed by our time, even today it remains the color of triumph. Clothes of this shade are most often worn by people who want to make an unforgettable impression, emphasize their independence and self-confidence.

It is believed that by dressing in purple, a person acquires such qualities as:

  • bravery;
  • nobility;
  • determination;
  • courage;
  • performance.

That is why people who prefer such shades are not afraid of risk, they know their goals exactly and are distinguished by boldness that is not characteristic of others.

Combination with other colors

Currently, various shades of magenta are used everywhere: in clothes, in decorative cosmetics, in the interior. However, before choosing this unusual tone, it is important to know what color magenta goes with.

According to colorists, it is best to combine:

  • with gold or yellow. It is believed that such a combination in clothing and in the interior always turns the course of events in favor of its owner;

  • with bright green. The perfect solution for a fresh look;

  • with plum color. In a combination based on the contrast of light and saturation, both shades give the impression of a special depth;

  • with milk. This tone always adds elegance and elegance to purple, slightly muffling its authority;

  • with yellow-pink. Yellow It is considered complementary to purple shades, creating very effective contrasting combinations with them.

In the interior, magenta is associated with luxury, prosperity and abundance. In antiquity, this shade adorned the chic interiors of the most noble persons; it is no less often found in expensive oriental decorations.

But, no matter how much you want to use noble purple everywhere, designers do not recommend choosing it as the main shade. It is believed that it is better to highlight some specific part of the room with this color. The following combinations look most harmonious in the interior:

  • for the dining room or kitchen - with orange, olive, apple or pink shades. Such colors perfectly increase appetite and give additional energy;

  • for showers and bathrooms - with blue, turquoise or with different tones of aquamarine;
  • for bedrooms - magenta in its purest form, without "companions" is able to perfectly place accents: curtains, accessories, pillows or bedspreads of this color will add special intimacy and sensuality.

Militta continues to color the fashion palette, today we have magenta. We will learn the history of this wonderful shade and, most importantly, decide how purple looks in fashionable looks.

The word "purple" has its roots in ancient Greek and Latin. In Greek - porphyry - "purple juice", a mollusk, from which a purple dye was obtained.

To obtain just one gram of natural purple dye, ten thousand mollusks had to be collected and processed. The labor costs were such that purple could be put next to the price of gold. Purple dye was produced in the ancient Phoenician cities of Tire and Sidon.

Phoenicia was located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In our time, Tire (Sur) and Sidon (Saida) belong to Lebanon. It was here that several millennia ago they began to produce, as they called it, divine purple. In antiquity, fabrics were dyed with purple hues.

The process was quite lengthy, and at different stages the fabric acquired different colors, but the craftsmen aimed precisely at the red-violet color. This color was in the robes of royalty. (crimson) - the ceremonial ceremonial attire of emperors in the form of a wide long cloak.

Therefore, purple has long been associated with wealth. Indeed, in those days, only rich and noble people could wear purple clothes. So, 1 kg of Tyrian wool, twice dyed purple, cost 2 thousand denarii!

In ancient Rome, by decree of Nero, only the emperor could wear purple clothes, even noble persons were forbidden to use this color in clothes.

Purple fell out of favor after the fall of the Roman Empire, and after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the production of purple dye also decreased. In 1464, cheaper dyes were found to make the purple cardinal's robe, made from dried kermes insects.

In 1856, the English chemist William Perkin, who at that time was only 18 years old, obtained a synthetic purple dye based on aniline. Experiments have shown that the dye dyes silk in such a way that the color is retained even after exposure. sun rays and washing. He called the paint movein, and soon organized his own industrial production, thanks to which purple-colored fabrics became available to the masses.

And in the city of Sidon (the modern city of Sayda), traces of the extraction of purple by the ancient Phoenicians have survived to this day - this is a hill in the center of the city, consisting of waste (shells) of production.

The old city of Tire has disappeared, as the prophets predicted, even the stones and logs from which it was built lie at the bottom of the sea, only fragments of a destroyed water pipe remained from it. Modern Tire is new town, the largest port, the fourth largest city. Now the main occupation of the city is tourism.

Purple - what color is it?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, and it has many shades, depending on the proportion of blue and red. The brightest of them, as already mentioned, is the color of emperors. But now this color is also found in fashion collections and beach ensembles. It carries a strong emotional charge.

Purple is the color of luxury and power. His presence is always felt. For centuries, people have sought to feel the relationship between human psychology and color, and therefore, with a predominance of red, they characterized it as the color of love, and with a predominance of blue, as the color of wisdom. True purple is a balance of two colors - red and blue. But to this day, the purple color denotes the high status of the personality of the one who wears it.

Who suits purple

Purple is the color for a girl with the Winter palette. These are swarthy or tanned brunettes, and on condition that they create a bright make-up with an emphasis on the eyes. Girls with chocolate hair color will look charming and brown eyes.

Purple color in clothes

Purple, as already found out, is the color of emperors and kings, the color of triumph and spirituality. Therefore, you can decide on a completely purple dress only for an evening event. Purple evening dresses look very expensive and spectacular.

Makes the color play and shimmer, draws attention to it. It is not necessary to choose shoes to match the dress, they can be in a contrasting color. A purple dress, along with black, is in the lead in evening dresses.

For everyday wear, purple clothes should not be worn, you can allow purple accessories or individual items to be added to your kit. Regal and luxurious purple in a business style looks best in blouses, tops, accessories. These wardrobe items go great with a neutral-colored suit.

What colors go with purple

This color can be combined with many shades. However, if you have little confidence in your taste, it is better to limit yourself to a more modest palette. For example, purple Evening Dress with black pumps will look great. A purple blouse with a beige suit also looks chic. Purple goes well with plum or lilac tones. Delicate yellow shades look great, and gold is already royal chic.

Purple is a color that should be carefully introduced into your wardrobe, but if you have found a place for it, then wear it with dignity. In purple clothes, you will not go unnoticed.

This mysterious purple color is not suitable for every fashionista. It is not easy to look impressive and stylish in it. Why is purple so unusual? What color is actually purple?

If you ask passers-by: “What color is purple?”, The answers will be very different. Many will say that this is a shade of red, someone will say that this is another name for purple. The trick is that traditionally in Russian the purple color was called crimson, and therefore was considered a variant of the red color. The English word purple is often translated as purple.

In fact, the mentioned color, unlike violet, is absent from the spectrum. It is obtained by mixing red and blue (or purple) paint. Depending on which tone prevails - red or blue, the following are distinguished shades of magenta (photo):

Purple color - from antiquity to the present day

For the first time, they learned how to extract a dye that gives fabrics a luxurious reddish-violet hue in Phoenicia. The very name of this ancient state is translated from Greek as "the country of purple." According to legend, a shepherd dog ran along the shore and accidentally found sea ​​shell. When she chewed it open and painted the muzzle, the locals learned what the purple color looked like.

The centers of large-scale fishing were the cities of Tire and Sidon. The purple produced here was of the highest quality and valued more than gold. The process of its extraction was extremely time-consuming and was kept in the strictest confidence. Nevertheless, historians can now lift the veil on this mystery. natural dye, known as Tyrian purple, isolated a special gland of local mollusks - purpura and two varieties of murex (needles and chopped murex). Moreover, purple with a predominance of violet tone was produced from the first two species, and red purple was produced from chopped murex.

To do this, the flesh of the mollusks was kept in saline for several days. As a result, a liquid with an extremely unpleasant odor was released. It was evaporated in metal boilers, and only after that the fabric was soaked in it. In the sun, the canvas first acquired yellow, then green, blue and, finally, the desired purple hue. The Phoenicians produced fabrics of various shades - from blood red to deep purple.

It cannot be said that purple dye was mined only in Phoenicia, it was also produced in Ancient Rome, but it was impossible to compare with Tyrian purple.

Ancient Rome

fabulous high cost of purpura emphasized the high status of the people who wore it. Wearing purple togas was the exclusive privilege of the Roman emperors. Other citizens were given the right to wear such clothes in strictly regulated cases. For example, generals could wear it during their triumphal entry into Rome, and the famous Cicero wore clothes twice dyed purple in recognition of his outstanding merits. The Roman nobility had the right only to a purple border on a white toga.

Middle Ages

Purple as an attribute of royal power Byzantium followed Rome. Like the Roman emperors, the basileus signed decrees in purple ink and wore scarlet robes. In Western Europe, purple from the divine became royal and cardinal. True, they made it in a less expensive way - from dried insects.

Interestingly, Christianity, zealously fighting paganism, borrowed the old respectful attitude to purple. So, only the Mother of God and St. Anna was depicted in purple robes, and only the altar gospel had a purple binding.

new time

The industrial revolution dealt a blow to the special status of purple. In 1856, William Henry Perkin synthesized mauveine - aniline dye based on coal tar. French dyers were the first to appreciate the benefits of synthetic dye. Their purple silk was a resounding success. Soon Europe was seized by real insanity. Queen Victoria herself put on a dress of purple silk at the World Exhibition in London in 1862. Dresses, hats, gloves, handbags, wallpaper, furniture upholstery, curtains - everything instantly turned into purple, amethyst, lilac colors. A whole decade was called purple.

In 1936, at the suggestion of fashion designers, fuchsia shade. This puppet rich pink color has firmly entered the wardrobe of fashionistas and film actresses, having experienced a rebirth already in the 21st century.

Purple color in clothes and interior

Purple is a combination of red and blue, which opens up a wide field for various philosophical and psychological interpretations. For example, purple is considered a combination of feminine and masculine, earthly and heavenly, sinful and sublime, which, last but not least, explains the halo of mystery and mysticism surrounding the purple-red gamut. It is no coincidence that the purple hue was widely used in the rites of the Masons.

The color purple on a subconscious level is perceived as the color of power, luxury, triumph. In the evening wardrobe, he will (especially with gold, blue, red) look like a win-win. But in casual wear, a shade of purple will give its owner a touch of arrogance and snobbery, which will prevent people from winning over.

By the way, according to psychologists, only very self-confident people, imperious, ambitious, passionate, prefer this complex color. In psychology, it is believed that varieties of purple, in which the red pigment predominates, are better perceived by a person, they have an exciting effect on the psyche. But the predominance of blue tones evokes depressive thoughts. This is especially true for plum or almost purple shades. However, lighter shades like lavender, on the contrary, have a calming, calming effect.

Effect must be considered not only in clothing, but also when using purple in the interior. It gives the room solemnity, nobility and luxury, which makes it indispensable for creating oriental or modern interiors. But an excess of red-violet has a depressing effect on people. It is wiser to use a purple tint as an expressive accent, a complementary color, or competently combine it with other colors:

  • orange,
  • turquoise,
  • blue,
  • white,
  • pink.

In this combination, purple is suitable for halls, kitchens, bathrooms and hallways. But in the bedrooms, dark purple colors should be avoided. Calm lavender or lilac shades would be more appropriate.

Magenta Meaning

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides. color wheel Itten. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.

Purple Meanings

As the most important in Byzantine culture - the color of divine and imperial dignity - purple. Basileus signed with purple ink, sat on a purple throne, wore purple boots; the altar gospel was purple; The Mother of God was depicted in purple robes as a sign of special reverence. The symbolism of purple as the color of power was so well known that, as V. Gorshkova writes, the rebels who claimed the imperial throne put on purple shoes, and this eloquent gesture was equated with treason.

Particular attention to purple in the sphere of higher power probably stemmed from its special elusive properties of combining the incompatible in itself, that is, warm and cold at the same time. Due to this duality, purple acquired a special meaning in the antinomic Byzantine culture of thought. At the level of Byzantine color symbolism, purple united the eternal, heavenly, transcendental (blue and light blue) with the earthly (red). Being symbols of the heavenly and the earthly, when combined, they seemed to lose their opposite.

Probably because of these properties of purple, the III Ecumenical Council (Ephesus, 431) decided to portray Mary and Anna in purple robes "as a sign of the highest veneration." Since then, the Mother of God - once an earthly maiden who accepted the divine light into herself and became the Queen of Heaven - was depicted in a purple maphoria adorned with stars.

Goethe also noted that the action and nature of this color are unique: it combines the active and passive, hot and cold parts of the color wheel in their ultimate tension, that is, it unites (removes) opposites. Purple colors, according to Goethe, dress both the “dignity of old age” and the “attractiveness of youth”.

The poor admired the scarlet, purple and blue hues purple in the costumes of the rich, condemned this addiction as a sin. Echoes of this attitude can be heard in Falstaff's joke about the colors of Bardolph's drunken face: “When I look at your physiognomy, I remember the rich man who dressed in purple all his life, and after death he went to hell. After all, he is there in his attire and glows.

In this tirade there is something from the very nature of purple, from the interaction of red and blue in it. Perhaps the ancient addiction to purple came from its special psychophysical effect, which combines the extreme parts of the spectrum. It is in purple that all possibilities are revealed, from blue to red, capable of expressing a variety of states - from hellish-gloomy to cherubic-joyful.

Diadem with pink diamond, 1810

Most likely, the diadem belonged to Elizabeth Alexandrovna, the wife of Alexander I.

So, blue-violet purple could express cold, night, depth, calm, justice. Purple purple tones - silence, humility, remorse and love. Red-violet meant passion, movement, heaviness. Red purple symbolized unbridled fun, strength, anger, revenge, blood, hellfire.

As considered in the West, purple is synonymous with sensuality. Indeed, let us recall the purple togas and tunics of the degenerate Romans in their unimaginable orgies. Let us remember the biblical sinners in purple robes. Probably, the authors of the book for business women were based on these meanings of purple, when they wrote in the recommendations to women who decided to attract a man: use black or raspberry to create a sexual image and seduce young men.

As E. Case notes, a purple hue is found in powerful people, in whose aura there is some infiltration of pink. In Hindu interpretations of the colors of the aura, crimson expresses love, changing shades according to the properties of passion. So, rough sensual love is characterized by a dark purple hue of purple.

As M.A. Bezborodov writes, in Russia, the purple gemstone garnet brought the wearer power over people and awakened love passions. And as you know, gems From time immemorial, they have adorned women and kings - those who are destined to rule by the nature of things and society.

Vladimir Borovikovsky. Paul I in the crown, dalmatics and signs of the Order of Malta, 1800

Magenta (or white) energy center tantrists compare with superconsciousness. With faith in a universal vision of the world. With the realization of the highest fullness of life. With an exit beyond space and time. Who has not encountered female intuition when, without any formal logical reasoning, a woman suddenly, unconsciously and spontaneously, penetrates into the very essence of the subject and comprehends the truth?

Thus, in Homer, the expression "purple blood" derives its origin from the color of coagulated blood; according to Pliny, Tyrian purple means the highest glory. Probably, this meaning passed from Antiquity to Christianity, where purple, along with white, symbolizes the Mother of God. And here, apparently, one can only listen to the conclusions of the theosophists-symbolists: "Purple is noumenal, and red is phenomenal." The phenomenality of the red color semantics was presented in detail above. So what is behind the noumenal purpura?

Purple combines the properties of the extreme colors of the spectrum and shows more of the properties of red, judging by the effect on the pulse and respiration. The reaction of the body to it is usually favorable. Back in the Middle Ages, inflammatory processes were successfully cured with blue. Who then knew about IR rays? Red for these purposes is still used today for enhanced blood supply to body tissues. Therefore, in cardiovascular diseases, in strictly specific cases, blue-red colors of purple can be recommended. Stimulating excitation by red in a certain combination with tonic rest of blue leads to positive results in the treatment of vegetative disorders, since the parasympathetic action of blue and the sympathetic effect of red color quite effectively affect both components. nervous system. And through the subcortical mechanisms, the balance of the whole organism is also ensured.

When correlating the purple color with any type of temperament, it turned out that all the Hippocratic types were exhausted (see red, yellow, green, blue colors). If, according to Luscher, the choice of purple is characterized as suggestible, charming, predisposed to sensitivity, the color test of relationships connects it with independence and insincerity, then the superconscious dominant of the female intellect may turn out to be a characteristic of this type of temperament.

It is curious that at the end of the 50s of the 19th century in Britain, following the green coats of “dealers from nobody”, the most trendy colors become purple tones of magenta. Let us recall how the “new Russians” in 1992–1993 of the 20th century changed their “green self-consciousness” for crimson jackets of “imperious purple” - their own, as they believed, super-consciousness that rules money, and therefore the world.

Since violet Luscher is essentially purple, the excellent definition given by G. Klar can also be applied to it. Between the opposite red and blue, between male fanaticism and female fatalism, between ruthlessly unconscious power and subconsciously blind love, there is a reconciling purple - the harmony of contradictions.

And if the fanaticism of men was treated with blue, and female fatalism with red, then purple is the clearest example of averaging (calming down) ideological extremes. As the color of internal excitement, purple can combine the powerful influence of IR and UV rays. Directly influencing us, they bypass not only vision, but also consciousness. However, like many other colors that we still do not know anything about, although we are exposed to them.

In conclusion, we present the conclusions arising from the analysis of the considered material. In the archetype of various shades of purple, many extremes of ancient religions, as well as Orthodoxy (Eastern Christianity), are sublimated. In the chromatic model of intellect, the purple sublimate characterizes the functions of the female superconsciousness under normal and male - under extreme conditions of existence.

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