
Calcium chloride and glycerin soap. Peeling from calcium chloride and baby soap: reviews, recipe for preparation, indications and contraindications, specific application. What are the contraindications for the procedure


The idea of ​​replacing salon treatments with affordable ones pharmacy products looks pretty attractive. That is why, in the vastness of the Web, Lately peeling with calcium chloride has become popular. It is advertised by all and sundry, even the stars, and the ingredients will cost only a couple of euros. Let's try to figure out if this “miracle remedy” is harmful to the skin and what is the benefit of it.

Who needs the procedure

  • Owners of oily and combination skin- will help to say goodbye to oily sheen and narrow enlarged pores;
  • For those who have blackheads dark spots and post-acne - evens out complexion;
  • After 25 years, peeling with calcium chloride will exfoliate dead cells and tighten the oval of the face.

When categorically contraindicated

  • If there are rashes and inflammations on the skin;
  • During periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • If you are allergic to components;
  • In the stage of exacerbation of herpes;
  • Owners of dry or thin skin, especially with a light phototype;
  • For any violation of the integrity of the integument.

Please note: in no case should you start peeling with calcium chloride at home without an allergic reaction test!

How to test: gently break off the top of the solution ampoule with a towel to avoid being scratched by the debris, and then apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow or forearm. Wait 15 minutes.

  • If there is a slight redness, calcium chloride peeling can be performed.
  • If you feel a strong burning sensation and itching, immediately wash off the solution and refuse further manipulations.


      • Calcium chloride (5% or 10%) - 10 ml;
      • Baby soap (without dyes and fragrances);
      • Cotton pads or sponges;
      • Water.


Exists There are 2 main ways. They differ in the method of application:

  • the solution and soap suds are applied sequentially with FINGER PADS,
  • in the other - COTTON DISKS.

The basic principle remains unchanged: in a solution of calcium chloride (for beginners - weaker) add soap foam for washing (always from solid soap). Then the sponge or fingertips are moistened with calcium chloride and gently stroking the face along the massage lines with light stroking movements:

      • We put on a bandage to remove hair from the forehead;
      • Apply calcium chloride on the face for 5-7 minutes;
      • We moisten the sponge (or fingers) in warm water and lather with soap;
      • We roll it in a circular motion along the massage lines (in the direction from the chin up, and not vice versa, otherwise the skin is stretched in the manner of a bulldog);
      • We repeat 3 times;
      • Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction.

When applying, avoid the area around the eyes and above the lip!

It is better to treat the face before going to bed so that the hyperemia (redness due to increased blood flow) passes until morning.


The effect of calcium chloride for face peeling is based on the following principle.
The main component enters into a chemical reaction with the fats of potassium and sodium tricarboxylic acids in the composition baby soap and forms calcium salts. These salts have a peeling effect and form, which pulls together the upper keratin layer of cells.

It is normal that during the rolling of the stratum corneum, pellets will form. This means that the necessary reaction is taking place. If the components do not interact in the desired way, try a different soap: most likely, it is a matter of specific reagents. It is not recommended to use liquid foams, only solid soap.

Result: the impression that the skin creaks and brightens.

How often to peel

  • For oily skin with strong secretion of sebum, the procedure can be carried out once a week;
  • For normal and combined enough 2 times a month;
  • The peeling course usually includes 6 sessions.

After peeling with calcium chloride, you should use sunscreen and moisturize your skin. Sports are not recommended for 3-4 days, as sweating will slow down facial recovery.

Soothing masks

Can be done a soothing and whitening banana mask. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. l. chamomile broth, 1 tsp. oatmeal flakes and a third of the banana pulp and apply for 15 minutes, then rinse. Instead of chamomile, you can use other herbs with anti-inflammatory effects (eucalyptus, mint, calendula).

After mask it is good to use cosmetic oils to restore coenzyme Q-10: suitable corn, soybean, mango and others, which contain ubiquinone and & -tocopherol.

Olga Fem, cosmetologist with medical education (Kiev)

What do you think about the exfoliation of Victoria Boni, does it make sense?

Today I made myself a homemade peeling roll with calcium chloride. Despite the harsh photo that I chose for posting, the procedure itself is quite gentle, safe and widespread among home skin care methods popular on the Russian Internet.

You can learn how to make a homemade peeling roll with calcium chloride under the cut.

Background: The skin is oily in the T-zone and normal in the rest of the face. Peels were done only by scrubbing at home. This is my first experience with chemical peeling.

Target- remove dead skin cells.

Means- calcium chloride and baby soap.

Ingredients: 1-2 ampoules of calcium chloride, 2-4 cotton pads and baby soap (I have Neva cosmetics).

Calcium chloride (two ampoules) was poured into a large container to make it easier to apply to a cotton pad.

I opened the soap and slightly moistened it with water.

After that, with the same cotton wool with calcium chloride on it, we run it several times over the surface of the soap.

The cotton wool is covered with pellets

Then, with a cotton swab with the remnants of HC, with soap and pellets, we wipe the face again. Carefully and thoroughly.

Pills - this HC is rolled up under the influence of soap. It curls up along with the dead pieces of your skin.

On the face it looks like this

Then we leave these pellets on the face for another 3-5 minutes.

The pellets will peel off and your skin will tingle. But the oven should not burn!

Then we wash off the remnants of the product from the face with water (you can use mineral water, you can wash it off with saline).

It was not enough for me and I decided to do the skating twice in a row

On the second roll, there are already much fewer pellets

And now a photo of the skin before / after.

Chin before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

Nose before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

Cheek before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

The other cheek before the procedure

After two rolls

About the procedure, warnings, etc.

Calcium chloride (CC) is sold in ampoules at the pharmacy. I bought 2 ampoules of 10% with a volume of 10 ml. Officially it is called Calcium Chloride, but say calcium chloride - they will understand you. These 2 ampoules cost me 2.1 UAH (0.2 euros). Simply put, 10 ampoules will cost you 2 euros.

I had new baby soap. I don’t remember its cost, but I think it was about 0.5 euros.

Attention! HC does NOT react with ANY baby soap. It depends on the additives in the soap. But I did it the first time. It is recommended to buy baby soap without additives. You can buy Neva cosmetics and know that it works for sure.

The peeling technique is different. Someone with a cotton swab with HK passes 6 times over the face, and then lathers it with their fingers. Someone dilutes HC with soap shavings and then peels with this. I chose this procedure as the simplest one.

HK poured it onto a cotton pad very generously, smeared it all over the face and neck, and then soaped the cotton swab and walked it over the face and neck thoroughly and left it on for 3-5 minutes.

The procedure is contraindicated. for rashes, wet pimples / pustules and wounds. Effective for peeling, scars and post-acne.

I do not know anything about rosacea and I will be grateful for information on this topic.

My face requires cleansing at the time of the peeling. This, perhaps, is not very visible in the photo, but I decided to do the peeling one day before cleaning the pores. I don’t know if it’s necessary to do the rolling before cleaning the pores, or after. I think that everything is individual. My skin will definitely calm down and return to normal within a day, so I'm not worried about this. Plus, I was curious to see what the blackheads / clogged pores would look like after peeling.

Myself peeling effectively exfoliates, tightens pores, significantly brightens and evens out the complexion, removes all fat content, makes it matte. At the same time, it irritates the skin, causes short-term redness, tightens and dries the skin.

Redness after peeling is normal. Redness will go away quickly with a moisturizing / soothing mask.

Doesn't clear pores. This is so ... just in case, I say so that there are no false expectations. Pore ​​cleaning is not a task for peels.

After peeling, you need a soothing face mask. I applied the Evening cream thickly and after a couple of hours my face returned to normal.

I cannot compare peeling with salon procedures... I think that it will definitely be more and more efficient in the salon. But as a home remedy, it's good. I am happy, I will do more.

How often should you apply?

There are different tips. For thin / sensitive / dry skin - every two weeks.

Normal - once a week.

For oily, acne, twice a week.

After peeling, do not sunbathe and irritate the skin. On a weekend, in the evening - optimal. As the skin returns to normal, then you can sunbathe, etc. You will determine the rate yourself.

Personally, I will try a 6 week course. Based on the results, I will unsubscribe, probably.

Calcium chloride peeling - effective method safe removal of impurities and skin lightening.

Many people know this way under a different name - "", but from the famous area of ​​Los Angeles, he received only its name.

Calcium chloride has been actively used in cosmetology since the days of the USSR. In those years, women of fashion had to shell out a large sum of money for a session.

Nowadays, an effective procedure can be carried out independently, at home and with minimal financial costs. But what is the right way to do it? What do the reviews say?

# 5 useful properties

Calcium chloride is a widely used drug. Thanks to injections with this substance, it is possible to stop internal bleeding, suppress inflammatory processes, and eliminate manifestations of an allergic reaction.

The drug is successfully used in the field of cosmetology. Often it is used for, which activates the dermis refreshing process and promotes collagen synthesis by removing dead cells of the epidermis.

Soviet beauties used calcium chloride as a scrub. In the 90s, this was practically the only technique suitable for deep cleansing of the skin and improving it. appearance... Often the procedure is also called "" because of the specifics of the procedure.

Many women dream of learning how to do calcium chloride face peels. You must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. From the face of anyone in a convenient way dirt and cosmetics are removed.
  2. A cotton pad is soaked in calcium chloride, and then the composition is distributed over the surface of the face. After the first layer has dried, the second is applied. You will need at least 3 to 4 layers.
  3. After that, the lather is taken by hand and applied to the face. At this stage, flakes will form, taking away dead cells of the epidermis, cleansing it.
  4. Soap is added until the pellets roll, then the skin literally "squeaks" when touched.
  5. The composition is removed with warm water, a mask is used (no more than 10 minutes).
  6. At the end of the procedure, a cream is applied to replenish the lack of moisture.

Do not keep the composition on your face for a long time to prevent damage. If peeling with calcium chloride does not produce flakes, it is worth changing the soap.

If there is a slight burning sensation, do not worry, as this normal reaction organism. If the skin becomes very red or itchy, then most likely the procedure is not suitable for you.

Dermatologist Brian Chen

Before each going outside, UV protection products are applied to the skin surface. Otherwise, hyperpigmentation will appear on the skin.

Alternative option

Today, another method of self-carrying out the procedure is also popular. This option is considered more gentle and gentle. You should act a little differently:

  • make-up and impurities are removed from the face using suitable products;
  • soap foam is applied;
  • the fingertips are immersed in the solution, and then gentle massage movements are performed;
  • in the process, pellets should form;
  • further manipulations are similar to the traditional technique.

After the appearance of a characteristic crunch, the composition is washed off with warm water, then a mask is applied, then a cream with moisturizing properties.

Question answer

Yes, this is a fairly popular manipulation in clinics' salons.

If for some reason a woman cannot (or does not want) to peel with calcium chloride and baby soap, you can find home recipe another similar manipulation. You can also go to the salon for gas-liquid, coral peeling, laser resurfacing or other manipulation.

After peeling with calcium chloride, carried out at home or in the salon, the stratum corneum, oily sheen are eliminated, pores are cleared, and skin.

Care after cleaning

Reviews on the use of calcium chloride face peels at home, as well as before and after photos, suggest that after applying the scrub, other manipulations can be performed to enhance the effect:

  1. For 15 minutes, Polysorb is applied to the face: 2 tsp. powder is diluted with 0.5 liters. water.
  2. To get rid of blackheads, special masks are used.
  3. If it is necessary to lighten the face, a mask is prepared from an infant formula and water in a 2: 1 ratio. Application time - 10 - 15 minutes.

Calcium chloride strongly draws water from the skin, so they need to use agents that promote the regeneration and hydration of the epidermis.

Dermatologist Laura Schilling

Chamomile broth with oils

Washing with chamomile tea with a few drops of tea tree oil is very beneficial.

The oil helps to restore damage to the epidermis, and also has a disinfecting effect.

The destruction of microbes is important for the skin after peeling with calcium chloride, since the alkaline reaction promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Dermatologist Christian Halvorson

Oatmeal Banana Nourishing Mask

It will take 1 tbsp. l. chopped oatmeal and pounded fruit. The finished components are mixed and applied to the surface of the face for 15 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water.

Baby powder and banana mask

Components: 0.5 tsp. powder, 1 tbsp. l. fruit gruel, a few drops of tea tree oil, 1 tbsp. l. a decoction made from eucalyptus, sage, calendula, chamomile and mint.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and kept on the face for no more than 12 minutes.


After the mask, the skin is treated with a cream with a soothing and moisturizing effect. The tool will relieve tightness, replenish the reserves of moisture and useful microelements.

It is safe to say that calcium chloride peeling is an effective time-tested procedure. This peeling was popular in beauty salons during the Soviet Union and cost a lot of money. Currently, this procedure can be easily performed independently at home, spending, without exaggeration, mere pennies on it. So, in this article, we will consider a simple peeling performed using a publicly available pharmacy preparation called calcium chloride.

What results to expect from calcium chloride peeling?

This peeling gives visible results after the first procedure. Pores are cleansed, inflammatory processes are reduced, and the skin lightened.

After the procedure, skin dryness and slight pigmentation are possible. These troubles can be easily avoided if you follow the procedure in accordance with all the rules. But nevertheless, with dry skin it is better not to do this peeling, but for normal, oily or combination skin it is perfect.

If there is damage to the skin this peeling should not be carried out.

How to make a calcium chloride peel at home?

What you need:

Cotton pads, baby soap and 5% or 10% calcium chloride.

You can buy calcium chloride at any pharmacy, where it costs no more than 50 rubles for a pack of 10 ampoules. One ampoule is enough for one procedure, that is, the packaging is enough for as many as 10 sessions!

Now about the soap. Soap should only be for CHILDREN without any unnecessary additives. If you use the wrong soap, then the effect may not be.

How to do:

The skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics and daytime dirt, wiped dry. Using a cotton pad, apply a solution of calcium chloride to the face, wait until it is completely dry and repeat the application. Thus, apply at least three coats. The skin around the eyes and mouth should be left intact.

Then lather a cotton pad or fingertips and apply the lather over all the calcium chloride layers.

Important! Soap suds and calcium chloride should come into contact with the skin. Water is only needed to moisten a cotton pad before soaping it.

The foam is applied to the face along the massage lines. If all the simple rules are followed, pellets will begin to form on the skin during massage. You need to continue the procedure until new pellets stop forming. More soaps can be added as needed. Finish the procedure by washing with warm water and applying a moisturizer to the skin.

If desired, for a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, you can apply a banana mask for 5-10 minutes (chamomile broth, banana gruel, oat flakes), and only then the cream.

The whole procedure will take no more than 20-30 minutes. Plus another 30 minutes is needed for the facial skin to completely calm down, that is, an hour after the start of the procedure, you can already go somewhere and continue your current affairs. But do not forget to apply sunscreen before going outside, so as not to get pigmentation of the skin.

What's happening:

Calcium chloride interacts with sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids contained in soap. As a result, insoluble calcium salts of higher carboxylic acids are formed. These salts roll off, taking with them the top layer of keratin scales.

What you should pay special attention to:

If at the first stage there is a very strong burning sensation, then it is better to wash your face and not continue the procedure. Later, you can repeat it by diluting calcium chloride with boiled water at room temperature or water for injection. You can also try the milder “gentle” version of this peel.

Calcium chloride peeling is really very simple and effective. There are a lot of admiring reviews about such a peeling on the Internet. Well, how can you resist and not test the effect on yourself? Owners of dry or sensitive skin also want to get clean, refreshed skin easily, quickly and safely. For them, a gentle peeling option is suitable, in which soap foam is first applied to the skin in one layer, and then the skin is massaged with fingers dipped in a solution of calcium chloride. Fingers need to be re-wetted periodically.

Test for an allergic reaction before performing the procedure. To do this, apply a drop of the drug to the back of the elbow and wait a few minutes. If no irritation occurs, you can safely proceed with the procedure. Do not ignore this advice, even if you do not classify yourself as prone to allergic reactions.

Video: Victoria Bonya about calcium chloride peeling

Facial peeling with calcium chloride has been practiced since Soviet times. This is a fairly effective and time-tested technology. Its principle of action is based on the reaction of an acid with an alkali. Calcium chloride applied to the surface of the skin exfoliates the top layer, thereby renewing the skin. As a result, the face becomes smooth, pink and visibly rejuvenated.

Action and benefits of the procedure

This procedure can be done at home. The ingredients are freely available at the pharmacy and are not expensive at all. It is imperative to follow the safety precautions when working with the chemical. Before starting the procedure, you should check the skin for an allergic reaction.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride has a lot of beneficial effects. Cosmetologists and their patients celebrate following results:

This exfoliation has noticeable advantages over other cleaning methods. Calcium chloride is especially recommended for women with oily skin.

How is

In the beauty parlors of the USSR, this procedure was called Hollywood, hinting that American celebrities used it. And although this was not true, Soviet beauties gave whole fortunes for the opportunity to rejuvenate with the help of a magical composition. Now that the secrets of peeling have been revealed, any woman can do it at home.

You will need the following components:

There are several ways to perform a calcium chloride peel. If you feel tight and dry after the procedure, do not panic. Such a reaction is perfectly acceptable.

Peeling dry skin

This method is used for dull or dry skin... After the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing mask with the addition of oil. In preparation nutritional composition you can use oatmeal, sweet fruits (apples, pears, persimmons, or bananas) and fatty sour cream.

  • Regular alkaline soap (preferably without a strong aroma) is dissolved in the hands until a rich lather is formed.
  • Lather soapy water on a cleanly washed face.
  • Cotton wool is moistened in a chloride solution and with its help rub the face along the massage lines.
  • The flakes are removed with a cotton pad.
  • After the end of the procedure, they are washed with warm water, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

If peeling does not occur and there are no flakes, you should change the soap or increase the amount of calcium chloride. Masks should not be neglected, as well as nourishing cream should not be abandoned.

Cleansing oily skin

In this case, most often they act the other way around. A solution is applied, and then a soapy foam. Procedure steps:

  • Open an ampoule with calcium chloride and pour the contents onto a cotton pad.
  • Make-up is removed from the skin.
  • They lather their hands and treat the face with stroking movements.
  • With quick movements, the chemical solution is spread over the surface of the face.
  • White flakes form on the skin that roll off easily. The pellets are removed with a cotton pad and soap.
  • After 1 minute, apply the next layer. There should be no more than four layers in total.

After the end of the procedure, they wash themselves with water and apply a face mask. After a while, wash off the mask and lubricate the skin with a nourishing night cream.

This method has a number of contraindications that should be followed. First of all, you need to find out the presence of allergies or intolerance to calcium chloride. To do this, apply a small amount of solution on the elbow area and observe the reaction for 5 hours.

This method is contraindicated in the following cases.:

The composition is not applied to the area around the eyes and lips. And also children under 18 and pregnant women do not use it.

  • After peeling, it is forbidden to appear in the sun during the day. A high-protection sunscreen should be applied before going outside.
  • If the skin is dry, then the solution is applied only to the forehead and nose.
  • If a strong burning sensation appears during the procedure, the composition is not washed off with running water, but uses a cotton pad with soapy water.
  • Instead of a nourishing cream, you can use vegetable oil... Shea butter, coconut, olive and cocoa butter are great.
  • If the peeling is done for the first time, then you should not immediately purchase a ten percent solution. A 5% ampoule will be enough.

This procedure preferably before bedtime to give your skin a chance to calm down overnight. After the end of the peel, there may be slight irritation, which disappears after a few hours. After sleeping, apply another layer of nourishing cream, and before going outside - a layer of sunscreen.


This is the third time I have done my face cleaning with calcium chloride at home. I really like her, and I do not understand where the shortcomings and side effects come from. To avoid side effects and allergies, you should first try the solution at the bend of the elbow. Perhaps you have too sensitive skin or dry and thin. My skin responds well to this peel and is only getting better.

I did the following: I concealed 2 ampoules of a 10% solution and poured the contents onto a piece of cotton wool. I wiped my clean face with a sponge, and then applied the washing foam. Then I treated my face with calcium and soapy water. Then she began to do a light massage, due to which flakes formed.

During the massage, rolls are obtained under the hands. These are the dead skin cells, which, thanks to calcium chloride, exfoliate. Only when the rollers stop forming can you wash yourself. The face after such cleaning is always fresh and rosy. Do the cleaning no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Liana Russia, Kazan

I learned about him from my new acquaintance. The girl greatly praised the method of cleansing the face with sodium chloride at home. So I decided to try it. I washed my face, then dripped a little solution and rubbed all the skin except the eye area. Then she lathered her face and repeated the procedure again: first with a solution, and then with soap. Usually it is recommended to apply layers up to 5 times, but I limited myself to two.

The next day, the skin was fresh and smooth. Blackheads and small acne completely disappeared. Some dryness was observed from side effects. It took three days to smear my face with a greasy and nourishing cream. But in general I liked the procedure very much.

Diana Russia, Sochi

Previously, I did not like such procedures, I considered them even a little harmful. But after watching my older sister do the peeling, she reconsidered her opinion. I have never been particularly fond of scrub and peeling. For me, facial treatment is all about removing makeup and applying cream. I heard about other means, but never used them. And then it turned out that I read a lot positive feedback on the Internet and decided to try for fun.

I bought everything I needed and proceeded to the very action. I cleaned my face and applied the contents of the ampoule to cotton wool and wiped my face. After that, I smeared my face with neutral soap foam and again applied the chloride solution.

I decided not to do 4 layers, but be content with only two. After all, I did a similar procedure for the first time, so it was scary. I also did not press hard with my hands, but only slightly held massage movements... When I washed off the solution, my face felt soft and somehow very smooth. I had no side effects. After washing, she smeared her face with night cream and rose oil.

The next morning I wanted to iron my skin all day, I liked it so much. After a while, I plan to repeat the cleaning.

Larisa Russia, Voronezh

In one of the Facebook groups, I read about peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap. The reviews and photos were absolutely amazing. Before that, I had already done peeling with aspirin, and now I decided to try something new. Despite the fact that everything is clear with the theory, in reality there were a lot of pitfalls. I bought a pack of 10 ampoules of calcium at the pharmacy. I decided to immediately purchase a 10% solution, although a 5% solution was recommended. In the end, I used only 3 ampoules, and two were left for the next time.

I decided to do exactly what was recommended. As a result, I didn't get any flakes. Then I washed everything away, took another soap and decided to do the opposite. First apply the solution, and only then the foam. After that, things went better. Flakes formed, which rolled off with ease. When it was over, I began to look closely at the result. He turned out to be weaker than I expected. The black spots disappeared, the face turned pink and freshened. On this, perhaps, all the effects ended. I often visit beauty salons where they do cleansing, but this peeling turned out to be the most useless among the rest.

Marina, Moscow

I heard about the effect of potassium chloride for a long time and did not dare to try it. But once I read a lot of positive reviews on the Internet and grew bolder. A huge plus from this procedure is that it is very cheap. For ampoules with a solution, I gave only 15 rubles. My skin is oily and prone to breakouts. Therefore, such a peeling suited me. Moreover, the day before I found pimples and blackheads on my nose and chin.

I did the calcium chloride peeling at home as follows: I washed my face and wiped it dry. Then she treated her with a sponge soaked in a solution and lathered her face with soap. After that, she did the same two more times and began the process of rolling the flakes. When you roll them, act more energetically. If you apply a little pressure, they roll much better. Everything went very well and I did not notice any unpleasant sensations. The only problem was that a little of the solution got into my mouth, and it tasted very unpleasant.

Valentina Russia, Lipetsk

I have long wanted to try calcium chloride for face cleansing. The special bought a good Chinese solution and started the procedure. My skin is porous and constantly shiny with oil. Moreover, not only the T zone, but also the entire face. Therefore, I applied the solution to the entire surface. The Internet offered two methods of cleaning. One of them meant to use solution first, and then soap. In the other way, it was the other way around. I decided to do it as in the first case, because my skin is rough and requires good exfoliation.

As a result, I applied 4 coats alternately. The flakes went well, I took them off for a long time, and then I washed myself with water. Instead of a cream, I decided to use my favorite coconut oil. I liked the result. First, the skin lightened very noticeably. From reddish brown and mottled, she became completely flat with a pleasant pink-beige tint. Secondly, the pores are noticeably smaller. Thirdly, as I noticed, wrinkles became less deep.

It's been two months now and the effect is still sitting down. The pores have narrowed and do not diverge anymore. Now there are no blackheads and oily sheen. When the pores were open, dirt constantly got there, and the sebaceous glands secreted everything that was produced out through the open pores. After a while, I plan to repeat the procedure again.

Alena Russia, Novosibirsk