
Essential oils for oily skin. Oily skin. Essential oils for oily skin Oils for combination skin


Nobody will deny that best care skin care is natural remedies. One of the main places in it is occupied by cosmetic oils. They can be used alone or as a base oil when using essential oils.

When it comes to caring for problematic, acne-prone skin, choosing the right oil is very important. It must comply with two main principles:

Do not clog (clog) pores;

Good nourishment and hydration.

In this article, you will learn about the best cosmetic oils for such skin, how to choose and apply them correctly.

What are base oils

When diluting essential oils, base oils are used. They may be referred to as carrier oils.

Usually these are vegetable oils obtained from nuts and seeds of plants. In some cases, there may be macerates, i.e. oil extracts from herbs, flowers and other parts of plants. During the extraction process vegetable oil enriched beneficial substances contained in these plants.

Natural oils (because they contain no added fillers or chemicals) are easily absorbed into the skin, protecting its lipid barrier and preventing moisture from evaporating.

They are able to regulate the production of sebum, improve texture, reduce signs of aging.

With the right oil for your skin type, clogged pores and oily skin are not a problem. They are clogged with synthetic oils.

What cosmetic oils to choose for acne

Problem skin prone to acne does not contain enough fatty linoleic acid.

Linoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. It has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces inflammation, retains moisture.

Studies show that people with acne-prone skin have low levels of this acid in the surface layers. This happens when too much sebum is produced.

The theory is that sebum is high in oleic acid, which makes skin more prone to acne. No, this acid moisturizes the skin well. But too much of it clogs the pores. As a result, the skin becomes oily and prevents the oil from being fully absorbed.

Clogged pores are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn leads to breakouts and breakouts.

The addition of oils with a high linoleic acid content reduces oleic acid, promotes healing and prevents acne.

Such oils are lighter, well absorbed, leaving no oily sheen. Usually 20 minutes after application, it is completely absorbed.

Thus, if you have acne-prone skin, you need to choose oils high in linoleic acid.

But then the question arises what to do if the skin is dry or combination. If the skin is very dry, then an oil without oleic acid or with a small content will not moisturize the skin enough.

Therefore, with oily skin, you need to navigate so that it contains less oleic acid and more linoleic acid. The opposite is true for dry skin.

For oily skin well suited oils:

hemp seeds;

Rosehip seeds;

grape seed;

evening primrose;

For combination skin you need an oil that is balanced in terms of the content of oleic and linoleic acids. These oils include:


Apricot kernel.

Shea butter is high in oleic acid. Therefore it will the best choice for dry skin.

The second requirement is that the oil is non-comedogenic. All oils are rated on this indicator from 0 to 5. The higher the value, the more it clogs the pores.

It follows that for acne-prone skin, the lower the better.

Zero Oil:

hemp seeds;

Shi (shea);



Comedogenicity 1 for oils:



sea ​​buckthorn;


Pomegranate seed.

Comedogenic index 2 for oil:




evening primrose;


grape seeds;






The best cosmetic oils for problem skin

It is sometimes difficult for an ignorant person in cosmetology to figure out which oil to choose for care or dilution of essential oils as a base for problematic, acne-prone skin. This list best oils help you make right choice. It indicates not only the content of linoleic acid, but also the comedogenicity index.

  1. safflower oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 74.62%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

This oil is an ideal choice for skin with severe acne, comedones and clogged pores. With a delicate pleasant texture, it can be used both independently and as a carrier.

  1. evening primrose oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 73%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Oil normalizes well hormonal background. It will be the best choice for those who suffer from hormone-related acne. It can be used on its own, applied directly to a pimple, as a base, added to creams and lotions.

  1. Grape seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 69.6%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

This inexpensive oil has an ultra-light texture that won't feel greasy at all.

  1. Sunflower oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 65.7%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

Sunflower oil (unrefined) is very similar to safflower oil. It has a comedogenic rating of zero, making it completely safe to use on oily skin types. It has a pleasant smell and a silky texture. Can be used in place of a moisturizer.

  1. Prickly pear (prickly pear) oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 65%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

This exotic oil is only on this list because it can still be found in soap and home care stores.

Good oil for oily skin problematic skin with a nice texture. In addition, it has rejuvenating properties.

  1. pumpkin seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 57.2%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

It can be used pointwise, to dilute essential oils, add to the cream.

  1. Black cumin seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 55.6%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Black seed oil is one of the best. It has antibacterial properties and is often used for skin and hair. To fight acne and stabilize sebum, you can add just a few drops to a mixture with other oils.

  1. Hemp seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 54.3%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

It helps regulate sebum production and treats hormonal acne.

Make an acne lotion by adding 5 drops of sage oil and geranium oil to 50 ml of hemp oil. Apply it spot on.

  1. Argan oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 37%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

Normalizes the production of sebum, regulates oiliness, keeps the skin smooth and supple.

  1. Rosehip seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 44.1%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Rosehip oil is excellent for removing acne marks. It is best used for spot application.

Pay attention to the list below listed oils for acne, depending on the type of skin.

For oily skin:


grape seed;

hemp seeds;




For combination and normal skin:

apricot kernel;

hemp seeds;

grape seed;





Sweet almond.

For dry sensitive skin:


hemp seeds;

Kukui nuts;





Sweet almond;

Wheat germ.

Calendula oil and pomegranate seed oil are suitable as carrier oils and for self-care.

Calendula oil is obtained by infusing vegetable oil on the flowers of this plant. It is often used to treat skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema. Calendula imparts powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.

Flowers can be infused with any of the above oils, which will only enhance their properties.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate seed oil inhibit the reproduction and growth of bacteria, regulate sebum production, and protect the skin from free radicals.

Raspberry seed oil can be added to products as a sunscreen. His SPF is rated at 28-50. Suitable for all skin types.

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in carotenoids, it contains vitamins A, E, C. It fights free radicals and premature aging.

Tamanu oil copes with scars and acne marks, promotes their healing. Suitable for all skin types.

Blueberry oil is as rich in antioxidants as the berries themselves. Perfect for any skin type. Removes the first signs of aging: thin lines, wrinkles.

And now a few recipes with these oils for problem skin care.

1 tablespoon hemp seed oil

0.5 tablespoons sweet almond oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

2 drops Geranium EO

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

0.5 tablespoons of jojoba oil

0.5 tablespoons grapeseed oil

3 drops of lavender essential oil

3 drops tea tree oil

1 drop lemongrass oil

0.5 tablespoons hemp seed oil

0.5 tablespoons rosehip seed oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin

2 drops Chamomile EM

2 drops of geranium oil

3 drops Sweet Orange EM

0.5 tablespoons rosehip oil

0.5 tablespoons of hemp oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin

0.5 tbsp avocado oil

3 drops frankincense oil

2 drops Chamomile EM

2 drops of geranium oil

Use these products morning and evening to cleanse and tone the skin of the face by dropping 2-3 drops of the mixture on your hands and a cotton pad and applying it to the affected area.

Cosmetic oils, as a rule, do not cause any problems. They are not allergenic for external use. And yet, before using any of them, first do a test to check for an allergic reaction.

Buy high quality skin care oils from trusted suppliers and resellers.

Base oils are universal to the will, therefore, when choosing oils, it is best to focus on individual characteristics and try each oil on yourself, this is ideal, but there are also certain recommendations for selection, which we will talk about later.

Also, oils should not be divided according to the age aspect, unlike creams, base oils do not have such restrictions.

Oxidation of base oils

In order to choose the right oils, you also need to know about the oxidizing ability of some base oils. The oxidation process is characteristic of oils, which contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is activated by sunlight and heat. Oils are destroyed both inside the skin and on its surface, when destroyed, toxic substances are formed, due to which age spots, allergies, and skin irritation appear. Therefore, easily oxidized oils are used more in cosmetics for night care, they can also be used as part of daytime cosmetics, but for this they must be stabilized with basic lipids (for example, jojoba oil, meadowfoam, squalane).

Base oils are divided into groups depending on their functions and features.

1. Stabilizing oils(Group B0, can be from 20 to 50% of the mixture).

Do not oxidize, do not irritate the skin, low activity, used in sunscreens.

  • Broccoli oil is a vegetable replacement for silicone. contains a large number of erucic acid, so it is rarely used in cosmetics for skin, more suitable for hair.
  • Jojoba oil is universal in application. It is used both as a base and as an additive in a mixture of oils. Very resistant to oxidation, bacteria, has a long-lasting protective effect, does not create a greasy feeling on the skin. Meadowfoam oil has the same properties.
  • Squalane (vegetable) - made from olive oil. Used mainly as a base for an oil mixture, can be used as an additive. Very stable to oxidation.
  • Marula oil is quite resistant to oxidation.
  • Caprylic triglycerides (capryl). made from palm and coconut oils, the base is caprylic or capric acid. They have excellent spreadability, are stable to oxidation, do not irritate the skin, as they are emollients.

2. Caring base oils(Group B1, B2 and B3 can make up 50-70% of the mixture).

  • B1- oleic acid predominates. Stable to oxidation, light, have protective and caring properties, leave a slight oily feeling on the skin. Effective in massage products, used in sunscreens. Representatives are macadamia, avocado, hazelnut, sunflower (high oleic), apricot kernel, almond, camellia, olive oil.
  • B2 - balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids. Can be used without additives. Caring and protective properties. Representatives - rice bran oil, argan, sesame, baobab.
  • B3 - linoleic acid predominates. They have regenerating and firming properties, improve the barrier function of the skin, moisturize well, and are easily absorbed into the skin without creating a greasy film. Introduced into daily mixtures, as an additive, combined with oils of groups B1, B2. Representatives - sunflower (regular), grape seed oil, safflower, soybean, amaranth, wheat germ, walnut, poppy seeds.

3. Active oils(W1, W2, W3, may be 5-10% for security purposes).

  • W1 - oils with dominant alpha-linolenic acid. Stimulate the work of epidermal cells, have regenerative properties. Cannot be used in the sun. Representatives - hemp oil, sea buckthorn, mosquito roses, inca-inchi, elderberries, cranberries (permissible in day creams).
  • W2 - oils with dominant gamma-linolenic acid. They have regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannot be used in the sun. Representatives - borage oil, evening primrose oil, blackcurrant.
  • W3 - oils containing rare acids. Stimulates the work of epidermal cells, has regenerating and healing properties. Cannot be used in the sun. Representatives - pomegranate seed oil, black cumin, sea buckthorn oil (1 drop per 10 g of the mixture).

4. Vegetable solid oils (batters, group PF1, PF2).

  • PF1 is a large percentage of saturated (unsaponifiable) fatty acids with long chains, due to which they have a solid consistency at room temperature. They have protective properties, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, leave a greasy trace. This, for example, mango butter, shea butter, capuasu, cocoa.
  • PF2 - triglycerides, high content of saturated acids with short and medium chains. Quickly absorbed by the skin, practically does not leave a greasy trace. When added to emulsion mixtures, they give a light, pleasant to the touch texture. Representatives - coconut oil, babassu oil. Often used to create lotions.

Oil combination rules

1. From group B0, select a stabilizing oil.

2. We choose caring oils from groups B1-B3. You can choose one option, for this, balanced oils of group B2 are best suited, or you can choose a mixture - B2 and B3, B1 and B3, B1 and B2. For daytime or light summer blends, a combination of B1 and B2 will do.

3. From the active group, we select oils, depending on the desired effect, preference is given to oils of groups W1 and W2.

4. We also add butters from the PF1 group. They are introduced in a concentration of 10-30% of the fatty phase, or in a pure version of 10-50%, diluted with other oils.

5. To improve the quality of the emulsion, oils from the PF2 group are added. Thanks to them, there is no feeling of stickiness. If you add squalane, then there is no need to add other oils from this group.

Examples of oil combinations for different types skin

Oily skin - 1 option - blackcurrant oil, apricot, grape seed, squalene; Option 2 - apricot oil, hemp, babassu.

Dry skin - 1 option - macadamia, jojoba, shea, evening primrose; Option 2 - avocado, borage, squalene, amaranth.

Sensitive skin - 1 option - camellia oil, shea, squalene, poppy oil; Option 2 - avelan nut, mango, triglycerides, blackcurrant oil.

Young skin - 1 option - grape seed oil, jojoba, mango, coconut; Option 2 - apricot oil, hemp, squalene.

Mature skin - 1 option - avocado, rosehip, argan, shea, squalene; Option 2 - argan, pomegranate, wheat germ, cupuassu, marulla.

Selection of vegetable oil for different skin types

Oily skin

For this type, you need to select easily absorbed, tightening pores that balance the production of sebum and oil.

  • Grape seed oil - light in texture and absorption, tightens pores, tones, moisturizes, leaves no oiliness on the skin. Suitable for all skin types.
  • Hazelnut oil - easily absorbed, tightens pores, perfectly moisturizes. Suitable for all skin types. Often used for acne.
  • Sweet almond oil - moisturizes, relieves inflammation, irritation, protects against ultraviolet radiation. Suitable for all skin types.
  • Jojoba oil - cleanses pores, balances the work of the sebaceous glands, therefore it is also suitable for dry skin, restores the acid-base balance, has restorative properties, is effective for post-acne scars.
  • Hemp oil - heals, relieves irritation, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Evening primrose oil - restores the epidermis, effective for skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, acne scars), antioxidant effect, perfectly moisturizes, also suitable for dry skin.
  • Blackcurrant oil - has regenerating properties, relieves inflammation of the skin, acne, suitable for mature skin, but an excess can increase the production of sebum.
  • Sasanqua oil is light, quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue, moisturizes, makes the skin silky.
  • Tamanu oil - anti-inflammatory, regenerating, used for dermatitis, rosacea, acne.
  • Rose mosquito oil - perfectly moisturizes, suitable for all skin types, for inflammation it is applied directly to acne.
  • Watermelon - has powerful anti-inflammatory and therapeutic and prophylactic properties.
  • St. John's wort - has a powerful antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, anti-couperose effect.
  • Milk thistle has anti-inflammatory properties, healing and regenerating, improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates, suits all skin types.
  • Burdock - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action, cleanses and tightens pores.
  • Black cumin is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types, a good antioxidant, cleanses the skin of toxins.
  • Apricot kernels - perfectly moisturizes any type of skin.
  • Strawberry seed oil - perfectly absorbed, moisturizes, nourishes, energizes the skin of any type, helps smooth wrinkles, prevent premature aging and withering of the skin, regulates the production of sebum.

Dry skin

Especially in need of moisture. The ideal option is to apply a tonic on cleansed skin (it is best to use rose water) and after vegetable oils, thanks to this, moisture is retained inside and nutrients easily penetrate deep into the skin.

  • Avocado oil - penetrates deep into the epidermis, increases elasticity, protects against ultraviolet radiation, suitable for all skin types.
  • Macadamia oil is most effective for mature skin. Restores, moisturizes, tones, softens the skin.
  • Apricot kernel oil - perfectly moisturizes any type of skin.
  • Jojoba oil - balances sebum production.
  • Wheat germ oil - moisturizes, restores the skin, has antioxidant properties, gives an anti-cellulite effect, it is good to use against postpartum stretch marks.
  • Sasanqua oil is easily absorbed, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, perfectly moisturizes, makes the skin silky.
  • Evening primrose oil - regenerates the skin, protects against premature aging, moisturizes.
  • Black cumin oil is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types, a good antioxidant, cleanses the skin of toxins, restores the structure of dry skin.
  • Corn - has a nourishing, antioxidant and softening effect, significantly improves complexion, has the ability to quickly regenerate the skin, can be used as a soothing component for all skin types.
  • Peach oil - easily absorbed, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, anti-cellulite.
  • Rosehip oil - has exceptional moisturizing, smoothing, regenerating properties, it can lighten age spots, stimulate the healing of skin microcracks.
  • Walnut oil - has a moisturizing, toning, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the skin. The oil is suitable for all skin types.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - has exceptional regenerating and regenerating properties, promotes rapid healing of the skin after sun and radiation burns, helps to cope with freckles, age spots, dermatitis, skin cracks, acne, perfectly softens and nourishes dry and aging skin.
  • Green coffee oil - provides long-term hydration and toning of the skin, prevents the formation of stretch marks and contributes to the disappearance of those that have already appeared, smoothes the skin, promotes the production of elastin by the skin.
  • Strawberry seed oil - perfectly absorbed, moisturizes, nourishes, energizes the skin of any type, helps smooth wrinkles, prevent premature aging and skin fading.
  • Milk thistle oil - has anti-inflammatory properties, healing and regenerating, increases skin elasticity, rejuvenates, suits all skin types.
  • Sesame oil is an ideal moisturizer for all skin types, perfectly nourishes the skin, evens out its relief and color, eliminates peeling and irritation, and helps to eliminate micro-scars after acne.
  • Coconut oil - anti-inflammatory, smoothes the skin, moisturizes.
  • Kukuy - softens dry skin, increases its elasticity, helps to retain moisture in the skin, creating a film on its surface.
  • Cranberries - able to nourish, moisturize and regenerate any type of skin, easily penetrates the skin, improving metabolic processes inside cells, helps retain moisture in the skin and protects the lipid barrier.
  • Blackberry oil - nourishes and moisturizes the skin, supplies it with all the necessary substances, quickly smoothes small wrinkles and restores damaged areas of the epidermis.
  • Blueberry oil - has tonic, astringent, antioxidant, moisturizing, regenerating, softening, nourishing, healing properties.

mature skin

It requires intensive hydration and nutrition, restoration of elasticity, protection from ultraviolet radiation and other external factors.

  • Avocado oil, jojoba oil, evening primrose oil (stops the aging process), mosquito rose oil, sasanqua oil.
  • Argan oil - rejuvenates, regenerates the skin, perfectly nourishes, deeply penetrates.
  • Rice bran oil - due to the high content of vitamin E, this oil has strong antioxidant properties, promotes the formation of collagen fibers, nourishes and rejuvenates.
  • Borage oil - restores skin elasticity, moisturizes, suitable for any skin type.

normal skin

Combination skin

Kukuya oil, peach, coconut, jojoba, watermelon, milk thistle, strawberry seed oil, sesame, grape seed oil, apricot seed oil.

Problem skin (acne)

Sea buckthorn oil, black cumin oil, burdock, jojoba, St. John's wort, grape seed oil, mosquito rose.

For baby skin

Jojoba oil, peach, apricot, almond, cranberry oil, kukui oil, calendula oil, coconut oil.

From wrinkles

For smoothing - shea, rosehip, mosquet roses, green coffee oil, palm, sea buckthorn, argan, blackberry, blueberry, almond, grape seed, peach.

To prevent - wheat germ oil, mosquito rose, rosehip, sesame, argan, strawberry seed oil, olive, apricot.

For skin elasticity and cellulite

Green coffee, black coffee, peach, grape seed, apricot, jojoba, almond, black cumin, wheat germ oils.

Can be used in pure form

Avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, milk thistle, peach, rose mosquitoes, raspberry seed oil, watermelon, coconut.


For tanning - coconut, St. John's wort, jojoba, buriti (protects the skin from various damage and dehydration caused by UV radiation, and also reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation).

After sunburn - coconut, watermelon, kukui oil, buriti, sea buckthorn, hazelnut and walnut.

For eyelids

Avocado, hazelnut, watermelon, almond, kukui, green coffee, coconut, cranberry, rosehip oils.

For nails

Milk thistle oil, burdock, almond, olive, sesame, aragana.

Nourishing oils

Apricot kernel oil, vanilla (moisturizing, softening, protective, nourishing, regenerative effect, helps protect the skin from premature aging), jojoba, coconut, sesame, soybean, almond.

Moisturizing oils

Vanilla oil, apricot, peach, almond, avocado, sesame, grape seed.

For itchy skin

Calendula oil, almond, olive, wheat germ.

For inflamed skin

Jojoba, olive, calendula, St. John's wort, safflower, apricot kernels.

Essential oils have not only a pleasant aroma, but also medicinal properties. They have been used in cosmetics for many years.

Owners of problematic skin should not worry that such products will make it more oily, as they help normalize the sebaceous glands, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects, help narrow pores and make the skin clean and even in tone.

Choice Basics

There are differences between cosmetic and essential oils:

  • essential oils in their pure form are used only in aromatherapy or for the treatment of fungal skin diseases (tea tree or lavender oil);
  • cosmetic oils are independent products that do not need to be diluted;
  • essential oils in their pure form evaporate quickly, so they require the use of carriers;
  • Also, essential oils, unlike cosmetic ones, have a sharp pronounced aroma.

Mixing Rules

In order to prepare the oil mixture, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • in order for the resulting mixture not to lose its beneficial properties, it must be prepared in a glass or plastic utensils. If metal is used for these purposes, then beneficial features mixtures can be neutralized;
  • for mixing, you can take a dark glass bottle or a jar of cream with a dispenser;
  • the finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator, no more than 2 months.

Essential oils can cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to first apply a drop of the product to the skin of the wrist and leave it for several hours.

If redness appears during this period, then it is better to refuse to use them.

The best option for use in cosmetology is the mixing of essential oils with cosmetics. They can also be diluted with water, cream, tonic or lotion.

How to apply

Oil application rules:

  • you need to perform the procedure in the evening before going to bed;
  • You need to cleanse your skin first. To do this, you can use a special lotion without alcohol, foam or just clean warm water. Do not get carried away with this procedure, in order not to increase the production of sebum in the future;
  • a small amount of prepared oil needs to be held a little in the palm of your hand so that it warms up to a temperature human body. This will give him the opportunity to penetrate deep into the pores;
  • With light movements, you need to rub the oil into the skin along the massage lines. Particular attention must be removed to areas with a large amount of acne or blackheads;
  • then a soft terry towel must be soaked in warm water and cover the face so that the pores expand and the oil helps to clean them. You need to keep it until it cools down;
  • if necessary, the remaining oil is washed off with warm water.

Recipes for using oils for oily skin


Mode of application


2 drops of satin cedar oil

2 drops juniper oil

100 ml warm water

It is necessary to add oil to the water and wipe the skin with the resulting solution every two hours during the day.

The mixture is used to regulate sebum.

10 ml almond oil

2 drops juniper oil

Apply to oily areas of the skin, avoiding the eye area.

Reduces oily skin, relieves inflammation.

100 ml jojoba oil

2 drops of satin cedar oil

2 drops of bergamot oil

The mixture is applied once a day at night, before going to bed.

Helps to reduce oiliness of the skin, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves acne

100 ml unscented lotion

2 drops of bergamot oil

2 drops of satin cedar oil

Used to wipe the face in the morning.

It is an addition to the previous recipe. Helps eliminate oily sheen, normalizes complexion, speeds up metabolism, fights acne.

100 ml warm water

3 drops of geranium oil

It is necessary to wipe the areas affected by acne with the solution.

Relieves inflammation, eliminates oily sheen, helps get rid of acne, improves skin tone.

100 ml peach kernel oil

2 drops of chamomile oil

2 drops of peppermint oil

3 drops of bergamot oil

The product is applied to the skin at bedtime and in the morning no earlier than an hour before going outside on cloudy days and 2 hours on sunny days.

Improves skin condition, eliminates oily sheen, evens out tone, moisturizes. Helps to cope with acne, soothes.

50 ml grape seed oil

1 drop geranium oil

1 drop chamomile oil

Use the remedy before bed.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, eliminates acne, removes oily sheen.

100 ml mineral water

2 drops thyme oil

2 drops tea tree oil

Before preparing the mixture, the water must be heated. The product is used to cleanse the skin twice a day.

It has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect. Helps shrink pores and eliminate acne.

1 tube of neutral baby cream without additives

2 drops of ginger oil

2 drops of chamomile oil

1 drop lavender oil

Apply to cleansed face before bed

It has a mild soothing effect, relieves irritation and redness, tones the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands.

1 tube of neutral cream for all skin types

5 drops tea tree oil

Apply once a day before bed

Actively fights acne and inflammatory processes on the skin. Tightens pores and removes oily sheen.

20 ml almond oil

20 ml wheat germ oil

5 drops myrrh oil

1 drop ylang ylang oil

Apply to cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This mask is done every 3 days.

The mask helps to normalize metabolic processes, fights against increased oiliness of the skin, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.


Essential oil is a highly concentrated pure substance, which consists of volatile and odorous substances obtained from different parts of plants. They quickly evaporate without leaving greasy traces, so they require a carrier in the form of cosmetic oils, salts, shampoos or creams.

Essential oils for oily skinhave the following useful properties:

  • dissolve the secret that clogs the enlarged pores of the skin and helps to remove excess sebum;
  • contribute to the narrowing of pores;
  • improve local immunity;
  • contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • cleanse the skin;
  • help pustules mature faster;
  • eliminate oily sheen;
  • even out skin tone;
  • regulates the balance of hormones in the body;
  • heal microcracks in the skin;
  • rejuvenate.


Cosmetic oils for oily facial skin are a finished product obtained by pressing, extracting, pressing various plants.

These products contain several ingredients.:

  • base vegetable oils;
  • extracts;
  • emulsifiers;
  • pure ethers;
  • glycerol.

Base cosmetic oils are divided into solid (butter) and liquid. Most often they do not have characteristic odor, and due to the fatty base, they practically do not evaporate from the surface.


Despite the beneficial properties of essential and cosmetic oils, do not forget about the contraindications:

  • it is not recommended to use them during pregnancy;
  • oils are not used in case of hypersensitivity to their components;
  • do not apply mixtures of oils to open wounds;
  • It is recommended to refrain from using oils in the event that on skin there is a rash of unknown origin;
  • do not apply oils to open skin on hot and sunny days. You can apply the mixture at least two hours before going outside.

Video: Features of care

  • it is worth buying essential or cosmetic oils in specialized stores or pharmacies;
  • before use, carefully examine the packaging for damage and read the instructions;
  • when using oils, do not violate the recommended storage conditions;
  • it is not recommended to use them with an expired shelf life;
  • in no case should you violate the dosage of oils;
  • if an atypical reaction occurs after application, the oil must be washed off, and in the future the use of such a mixture must be discontinued;
  • do not use oils whose smell you do not like, the use of mixtures should not bring discomfort;
  • you can not use more than seven oils per day, this can provoke a negative reaction of the body;
  • the timing of the use of mixtures must be limited to three weeks, after which a week break should be taken and, if necessary, resumed.

In the presence of chronic skin diseases, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist before using essential oils.

Photo: Before and after

Owners of oily skin often believe that face oils are not their topic at all. Therefore, girls in advance set themselves up exclusively for oil-free cosmetics. And they turn out to be wrong.

A common myth: oily skin needs to be cleansed as diligently as possible, it does not need to be nourished at all, but only “fat-free” moisturize. Accordingly, oils for oily skin are allegedly harmful by default.

In fact, too persistent cleansing - especially with alcohol - provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Fat-free skin receives a signal: there is no fatty lubrication, it must be released more actively. We again diligently cleanse, more and more harshly - the sebaceous glands work even more actively. Vicious circle. Facial oils can be the solution. Of course, well-chosen.

Essential oils for oily skin

There are two types of oils used in cosmetics: essential and base oils. Let's start with the basics.

The function of base oils: moisturize, nourish, protect the skin. Active substances are dissolved in base oils - for example, the same essential oils. Not every oil is bad for oily skin. Just like “not all yogurt is the same,” not all fats are the same.

Often the cause of increased activity of the sebaceous glands is precisely the deficiency of essential fatty acids. As a result, we have oily, and at the same time, flaky skin, inflammation, acne, and other unpleasant symptoms. And it is the intake of the “right” fats that gives the skin a break, and the sebaceous glands stop fulfilling the five-year plan in two weeks ...

Oils provide essential fatty acids to the skin, it receives nourishment and hydration - and returns to normal. Oil for oily skin restores the epidermal lipid barrier and the water balance of the epidermis, resulting in increased protective functions skin, it becomes softer, smoother, matte.

Oil for oily skin should be light, well absorbed, non-comedogenic. Of course, in the end, everything is determined individually, for someone, grape seed oil may turn out to be comedogenic. However, there are general trends.

You can't ruin your skin with oil: what base oils are suitable for oily skin?

So, oils that are suitable for oily skin care: grape seed oil, jojoba, hazelnut and walnut oils, rosehip oil, apricot seed oil, raspberry seed oil, black cumin oil.

An unshakable rule, which for some reason is not mentioned everywhere. Oils should be used ONLY on damp skin. That is, the standard care with the use of oils is as follows: cleanse the skin (milk or washing), use a tonic (decoction, mineral or rose water) and apply oil to a WET face. With quantity accurately and without fanaticism! After 10 minutes, blot your face with a tissue. By the way, it often turns out that facial oils suitable for you, applied to wet skin, are completely absorbed, leaving no oily sheen. So maybe you don't have to get wet.

First, each oil needs to be tested, that is, use it alone for two or three days, without mixing it with anything. If you like the result, the oil suits you, you can start making mixtures. Then it is permissible to use a small amount and those oils that have wonderful properties, but you cannot afford them in their pure form - because of the possible comedogenicity. For example, avocado oil has excellent moisturizing and regenerating properties, but it is not suitable for all owners of oily skin: a rather heavy oil. But in the amount of 10% in the mixture behaves perfectly.

Essential oils for oily skin

Essential oils for oily skin are often the perfect solution. A little about what they are. Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic substances. They are called ethereal because of their high volatility and evaporation, by analogy with ether. They are obtained by steam distillation of various aromatic parts of plants.

With a few exceptions, essential oils are almost never used in their pure form. Do not neglect safety precautions when handling ethers. Trying to find the maximum effective oil from acne, you run the risk of getting a chemical burn - if you do not know the rules for handling oils. Essential oils are used diluted in a carrier. It can be base oil, honey, salt, milk - depending on the destination.

Essential oils for oily skin - this is, first of all, everything famous oil tea tree. Its antibacterial properties are well known and widely used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Important! You can use tea tree oil for acne in its pure form! With problematic skin, it is not at all necessary to purchase the "tea tree" series - you can simply use tea tree essential oil for acne.

Also use in its pure form is acceptable for lavender oil. With the rest of the esters it is better not to risk it. It is clear that you want to find essential oils for oily skin, which once again will make your skin perfect. But this is the case when you go quieter - you will be more beautiful. With ethers, it is better to under- than over-.

So, let's list all the essential oils suitable for oily skin care: tea tree, lavender (it is permissible to apply undiluted oil to the inflamed area). Other oils should be used only in diluted form and micro-doses: lemon, grapefruit, orange, sage, rosemary, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood.

Let's stop a little on "diluted". The proportion is as follows: for 1 tbsp. base oil - 1-2 drops of essential oil. Wait until the ester dissolves in the oil - and only then use the oil mixture.

Oil blends for oily skin

Important! Store oils for oily skin (as for any other) should be in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Never store essential oil blends in plastic containers!

Try these formulas:

  • 10ml hazelnut oil, 10 ml. grape seed oil, 10 ml. jojoba, 3 drops tea tree oil, 3 drops rosemary, 1 drop grapefruit oil
  • 10ml grape seed oil, 10 ml. apricot kernels, 5 ml. raspberry seed oil, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops sandalwood
  • 10ml jojoba, 10 ml. hazelnut oil, 5 ml. avocado oil, 5 ml. ylang-ylang, 2 drops of sage

Use for oily skin mixtures with such oils:

  • Pure tea tree essential oil Tea Tree Essential Oil Paul Mitchell(USA)
  • Essential oils of lavender and mint Lavender Mint Essential Oil Paul Mitchell (USA))

Essential oils, like vegetable oils, are widely used in cosmetology. They have medicinal properties and are often used to treat many diseases.

It is important to remember that in cosmetology, essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, as they can cause irritation and other allergic reactions. An exception - pure oil is applied pointwise to small problem areas of the skin (wounds, cuts, herpes, acne). Most often, essential oil is added to the base cosmetic vegetable oil or to masks and creams.

In terms of their composition, vegetable cosmetic oils and essential oils are many times superior to even the most elite cosmetic products on the market. This is due to the fact that the oils do not contain dyes, preservatives, harmful artificial substances that are found in almost every cream. cosmetic oil is a natural and natural source of a huge number of biologically active components, vitamins, fatty acids and other useful substances.

  • hazelnut oil
    This oil contains a huge amount of oleic acid. The product effectively restores the stratum corneum of the skin, is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen. Due to its properties, hazelnut oil is considered one of the best base oils for combination to oily skin. It fights acne and tightens pores. It has a regenerating and softening effect.

    Oleic acid helps deep penetration oils into the layers of the skin, delivering essential nutrients and retaining moisture.

    Non-comedogenic. Can be used on fragile and damaged skin.

  • Grape seed oil
    This oil contains a lot of linoleic fatty acid, which interferes with the metabolism of biologically active components and penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. This oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important for problem skin.
    Grape oil for oily and problematic skin gives the face a healthy color, and the skin - dullness. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy sheen. As a result, the elasticity of the skin increases and the pores narrow.

    The tool is effective in the fight against acne and pimples.

  • Clarins oily skin oil
    Clarins oil has proven to be excellent for oily skin. It has an astringent effect, restores the balance of the skin, gently cleansing it. With regular use, the skin becomes soft and silky.
  • Hydrophilic oil for oily skin
    Oils of this type are characterized by the highest cleansing properties. This product creates an excellent protective barrier, intensively moisturizing the skin and helps to keep it fresh.
  • Essential oils for oily and problematic skin
    The most effective oil for problem skin is lavender. It is also used to treat various kinds of damage to the skin. Also widely used: tea tree oil, camphor, lemon, orange oils, etc.
  • Olive oil
    Olive oil, used for oily skin, slows down the aging process, prolongs the youthfulness of the skin and prevents its fading.
    The oil has an intense moisturizing effect and is able to retain the right amount of moisture in the skin without clogging the pores. Regular use of olive oil can prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as well as smooth existing fine lines.
  • Tamanu oil
    A key feature of tamanu oil is its extraordinary healing ability. The oil is used to treat skin diseases due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The mild effect of the oil makes it possible to use it for the treatment of diaper dermatitis in babies.
  • Jojoba oil
    This truly unique oil actively softens the skin without leaving a greasy sheen. The tool has an antibacterial effect on the stratum corneum of the skin, as well as on its surface. It soothes irritated facial skin, eliminates peeling, irritation, and also restores the damaged lipid layer of the skin.
  • Black cumin oil
    This oil is a rich source of vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is used to care for problematic skin with various congestive inflammations, as well as for deep cleansing of the skin. Black cumin oil restores the water-fat balance of the skin and gives it elasticity, softness and smoothness.