
Home cosmetics: recipes of our grandmothers. The eternal beauty secrets of our grandmothers Recipes for face masks from old grandmothers


The main reason for women who do not look after their appearance is the lack of time. In fact, the reason is the lack of self-love. If such a woman loves herself for who she is, then there will be time.

The second common reason is lack of money. But that's not a problem either.

After all, our ancestors did not have expensive beauty care products, but despite this they had lush curls, clean and radiant skin, and a toned figure.

Ancient beauty recipes will help you take care of your appearance without large financial investments.

  • Ancient Indian Beauty Recipe

Bathing in a bath prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Soak a handful of rosemary, lavender and fresh orange peels in 500 ml apple cider vinegar. Let it brew for a couple of hours, filter and squeeze
  2. Add the resulting infusion to a full bathing bath and stir well.
  3. Lie down for 20 minutes, pat your skin dry with a towel and apply olive oil with 3 drops of lemon per 10 ml in the morning and 3 drops of bitter orange per 10 ml in the evening

Your skin will not just be satiny, it will emit a pleasant glow and an exciting aroma.

  • An old beauty recipe from Persian beauties

Skin mask:

  1. Ripe persimmon gruel + rice flour + green tea decoction to the consistency of sour cream
  2. Apply for 7-10 minutes and wash off with a weak solution of green tea

Regular use of the mask guarantees the preservation of skin elasticity for many, many years.

  • A beauty recipe for nourishing the skin of the face and preventing its aging from the healer Kurennov P.M.

Mix one raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of glycerin. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for two hours, and then removed.

The mask can be applied two to three times a week. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

  • Ancient Greek mask for cleansing and nourishing the skin of the face

Beat one raw egg, add 5-7 drops of lemon, one teaspoon of olive oil. Keep on face for 20 minutes, then wash off.

  • An old Italian beauty recipe for soothing dry skin

Soak a few in warm olive oil cotton pads, slightly squeeze them. Place soaked cotton pads on a pre-cleansed face and neck, leaving the nose and mouth area open.

Soak a towel in hot water and cover your face with it. Lie down until the towel cools down.

After that, remove the remaining oil from the face by blotting the face with a fresh, damp towel.

  • An old Russian recipe for rejuvenation of oily and porous skin

Finely chop half a glass of fresh birch leaves, then brew them with boiling water (half a liter). Add a pinch of baking soda (in order for the resinous substances of birch leaves to dissolve better).

Let it brew for two hours. Strain the infusion.

With a cotton swab dipped in the finished infusion, we wipe the face and neck. Wash off with cool water after 30 minutes.

  • Old English recipe for skin softening lotion

The recipe works no worse than modern lotions.

Put a slice of lemon in a cup and pour warm milk over it. Cover the cup with a saucer and leave for three hours at room temperature.

During this time, the lemon will curdle the milk. Drain the liquid from the cup so that the clot remains in the cup. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with the resulting liquid. The skin will be soft and tender.

  • An ancient Roman recipe for healing oily and porous skin

Take six teaspoons of crushed flowers and stems of fragrant violets, pour two cups of boiling water. Insist and strain.

Wipe the face with the resulting infusion three times a day.

The gruel can be used for masks by mixing it with a tablespoon of flour. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes twice a week.

At all times, women tried to look attractive, prolong the youth and beauty of the skin, keep their hair thick and lush. Today, store shelves are filled with various cosmetics, but we still use grandmother's recipes from time to time. What is so attractive about home care products? Probably, first of all, their naturalness, the absence of all these preservatives, flavors, silicones and parabens. In addition, many are convinced of the effectiveness of masks, scrubs and other products made from natural products, herbs and oils. Of course, every woman has her favorite beauty recipes. We offer to replenish their list with several effective means from the arsenal of our grandmothers.

Smooth skin, fresh glow

There are a huge number of masks for facial skin care. With their help, you can improve skin color, reduce the amount small wrinkles, shrink pores, get rid of dryness and eliminate many other problems.

Masks for oily skin suffering from acne and enlarged pores:

  • Cucumber. Grind the average cucumber on a fine grater, add one beaten egg white to it. The mixture is applied to the face for 15-25 minutes (until it dries), then washed off with water. Do not take overripe cucumbers for the mask, give preference to young specimens;
  • Sour milk. Bran or finely ground cereals(1 tablespoon) is poured with kefir (50 ml) and kept for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then cool to a pleasant temperature and add lemon juice (2-3 drops) and fenugreek powder (half a teaspoon) to the mixture. The resulting mask is applied to the skin for 25-30 minutes, washed off with warm water. The sour-milk mask not only tightens pores, but also tones, brightens and tightens the skin.

For dry skin:

  • Honey-lemon. Mix natural cream (1 tablespoon), honey (50 g), lemon juice (1 teaspoon). Add potato or wheat flour to get the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm water. Honey-lemon mask eliminates dry skin, whitens it, reduces dark spots. It is better to do it in the evening before going to bed, as the skin becomes more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Curd. Natural cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) is mixed with liquid honey (1 tablespoon), a little warm milk is added until the consistency of sour cream. Keep this mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off. The result is hydrated smooth skin without peeling or irritation.

Lifting masks:

  • Honey. Natural liquid honey (2 tsp) is mixed with cosmetic clay (1 tsp) and 2 tsp. freshly squeezed juice (lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange). Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. It is important to choose the right cosmetic clay. If you have dry skin, choose red or pink; if you have oily skin, choose white, black, green, yellow or blue;
  • Protein. Beat one egg white, add a few drops of natural lemon juice to it. Apply the mask on the skin for 5 minutes. Then apply a fresh layer of the mask and leave for another 5 minutes, then repeat the application a third time. After the mask dries a little, it is washed off with warm water. In addition to the tightening effect, this mask has a whitening effect.

Lush thick hair

Many modern young ladies are faced with such a depressing phenomenon as hair loss, loss of their density, lifelessness and brittleness.

You can improve the condition of your hair by using the following recipes:

  • Nourishing mask for the scalp. Mix equal amounts of egg yolk, aloe juice, cognac and honey. The mixture is applied to the hair roots, put on a plastic cap and wrapped in a towel. Wash off the mask after 1-2 hours. Important: in no case do not wash off the mask with hot water if you do not want to get scrambled eggs on your hair;
  • Onion mask. Preparing a mixture of juice onion(4 parts), cognac (1 part), decoction of burdock roots (6 parts). Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp for 1.5-2 hours, after which they wash their hair in the usual way;
  • mask for oily hair. Dry chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (50 ml) and infused for 3-4 hours, then filtered. Egg white is whipped into foam and combined with chamomile infusion. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and leave to dry completely, then wash the hair. This mask not only reduces the oiliness of the hair, but also makes the curls soft and silky.

Elastic body skin

The skin of the body also needs constant care. You can prepare yourself effective means to improve its appearance:

  • Coffee scrub. Mixed in equal proportions coffee grounds, sea salt, sour cream and 2-3 drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, grapefruit or rosemary). The resulting scrub is applied to the body massage movements and then washed off with water. With the help of this procedure, dead skin cells are removed, blood circulation improves. After using the scrub, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the skin;
  • Moisturizing cream. Lecithin (1 tsp) is poured with distilled water (20 ml) to swell. After about a minute, castor oil (1.5 tsp), aloe juice (1 ml), glycerin (1 ml), propolis tincture (1 ml) are added. Beat with a mixer for exactly 4 minutes (if you beat more, you get milk). Then the cream is transferred to a jar and placed in the refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade cream is two weeks. Such a tool perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the body, prevents its aging.

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Folk remedies for wrinkles are presented as various masks, scrubs, compresses, wraps, oils to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Their fundamental difference from ready-made cosmetics is that they consist entirely of natural ingredients, do not have preservatives in their composition.

On the one hand, this is certainly a plus, but on the other hand, it creates certain inconveniences, since it is not always “at hand” and some of them require immediate preparation right before use.

Although, if we are talking about oils or simple masks that are possible from a single ingredient, then this is not a problem either.

For example, you drank a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk in the morning. Lubricate the remnants on the skin of the face, with light circular movements. And five minutes will be enough for a refreshing and nourishing effect.

If it is yogurt, its bacteria tend to activate the biological activity of the skin, causing natural renewal processes in the epidermis.

Ryazhenka perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin of the face. But these are options, so to speak, hastily. And it is better to approach this constructively and even creatively. Do not forget about the atmosphere of harmony and beauty, which would be great to accompany all these manipulations.

Does traditional medicine help with wrinkles?

Certainly - yes! And do not be fooled by the skeptical remarks of ladies who have fallen victim to advertising of expensive methods of rejuvenation.

Far from always the cost guarantees the result, especially in the case of expensive cosmetics - the lion's share of their cost pays for the advertising necessary for their sale.

There is, however, one moment ...

In really effective cosmetic products for wrinkles, it happens that cream textures are used that allow very deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis, saturating and revitalizing the skin due to the peculiarity of their molecular structure, which is not achievable at home.

There are also ready-made funds from wrinkles, extremely affecting the skin, which has a powerful, but short-term effect of smoothing wrinkles.

On this a short time the effect is amazing - you can not argue. But if you look at the long term, the picture appears different - life potential is literally "knocked out" of the skin, its reserve abilities for regeneration, renewal.

Excessive consumption of its potential to renew over time brings the skin to severe and almost irreversible depletion. Get to know the recipes folk remedies which can help get rid of wrinkles.

Grandma's homemade recipes


From cocoa butter

Cocoa butter will make the texture of the cream lighter. Add just enough to form an air mass. This cream can be further enriched essential oil geraniums.

Perfect for smoothing deep wrinkles, for the eyelids. It will be effective in the fight against wrinkles in the forehead. Good for dry skin at any time of the day.

For normal to oily skin, it is better to use as a night cream. Keep refrigerated. Storage time - 2-3 weeks.

From cream

Perfectly nourishes and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes.

How to make wrinkle cream depending on skin type, you will learn from this video:


Based on beeswax

This ointment is especially good for restoring weathered skin on the lips, rough skin on the elbows.

With ghee

It nourishes the skin very well and makes it soft.

How to make an ointment beeswax and cosmetic oils you will learn here:


From aloe vera

Perfectly rejuvenates!

From oatmeal

The skin after application becomes radiant and smooth. Suitable even for delicate skin around the eyes.

From banana and kiwi

This mask improves skin metabolism, nourishes and moisturizes.

The complexion becomes even and beautiful.

The skin becomes smooth and elastic.

A positive effect on the skin will have a mask with the effect of Botox. This wrinkle remedy has a lot of positive reviews. Here is the recipe for this wonderful mask:



This compress will cleanse the skin, activate its vitality.

The procedure time is 10 minutes.

After that, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or make nourishing mask.


very interesting and effective remedy to get rid of wrinkles - lavender.

Namely, lavender flowers. They can be found on sale in tea shops.

If you are lucky enough to find it, be sure to try making this miraculous compress.

  1. Make an infusion of lavender flowers (a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water).
  2. Soak gauze folded in several layers with a warm solution, at least 10 layers of gauze (!).
  3. Apply to your face as a mask. Take 15-20 minutes.

The skin after such a compress is nourished, straightened, becomes fresh and young, which also helps to remove wrinkles.




Get a scrub for delicate sensitive skin.

It not only cleanses the skin, but also perfectly relieves inflammation.

It can also be applied as a mask, and after 10-20 minutes moisten with plenty of water and massage the skin of the face as usual when applying a scrub.

In this video, we will tell you about what you can make a face scrub at home from:

Now, you have familiarized yourself with some of the tools from folk secrets beauty guarding the youthfulness of the skin. I have given here universal options that are suitable, perhaps, for everyone. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the components.

You also need to remember that the creams and ointments offered by the folk beauty school are not suitable for oily skin, are not always suitable for normal skin, but will almost always be successful when applied to dry, depleted facial skin.

This is because to create light cream textures, gel-like bases with special thickeners are needed. However, their home craftsmen do it themselves, thickening herbal decoctions with xanth gum, for example, and using the resulting gel as the basis for a light cream. But these are not quite folk recipes, although they are certainly very interesting and effective.

Owners of oily skin should not overdo it with oils as well, so as not to clog pores.

BUT oily creams and ointments for folk recipes can be used locally– lubricating especially deep grooves of wrinkles or on the skin around the eyes, there is usually no problem with oiliness.

And of course, steam baths with decoctions of herbs - nourishing or antiseptic - are suitable for everyone, except for those whose capillaries are close to the skin.

This is skin with a vascular network, it reacts negatively to such thermal effects.

But masks, scrubs, compresses - there are a lot of them and they are for all skin types. And finally, one more pleasant remedy, let's call it folk. Walks in the winter forest.

Frosty air has powerful rejuvenating properties, as it has a very high ozone content. The skin after such walks acquires freshness, regeneration processes are activated.

I must say - moderate walks and not on the most frosty days.

So it’s not for nothing that you noticed after such events that the skin looks younger. This is not only an effect good mood and the beneficial effects of ozone.

By the way, there is a wonderful modern invention, devices for ozonizing rooms. Get yourself one. Turn it on, audio with the sounds of the forest, lie down with a mask from traditional medicine and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of harmony, beauty and boundless relaxation for 20 minutes…

And now the new you with radiant and beautiful smooth skin. And great mood!

What face masks did our grandmothers make? Our grandmother once also collected secrets from various sources, and we can say that for us it is already old recipes for beauty.
Recently I found a notebook with recipes for face masks. Judging by appearance notebooks, she is quite a few years old, and the recipes, apparently, were often used.

Some of the pages are badly damaged beyond repair, so a few recipes will remain a mystery.

For today's youth, everything that was in the middle of the last century is already old. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, especially those who lived in the periphery, did not have to suffer when choosing cosmetics and fend off the catalogs of annoying distributors of network companies.

Ancient recipes for beauty from a grandmother's notebook

Women who are over 70, and who have not spoiled their skin with modern pseudo-effective creams, look very dignified. Their skin, as much as possible for their age, retained freshness, firmness and elasticity. Of course, there are many different “buts” here ... nevertheless, when you ask them what they use, they say - chamomile, sour cream, egg, cucumber ... Maybe they are cunning?

Let's see what our grandmothers used.

Grandma's beauty recipes I rewrite it as it is, in the same style.

Lotions on the water

Made with any herb you like. 0.5 cups of dry grass is poured with var (boiling water means), covered and insisted for 1 day. Later, after straining, add one tablespoon of glycerin per 200 ml of infusion.

Dandelion oil
Flowers are harvested in May. You can chop together with roots, leaves and stems and pour any oil. The jar is cleaned in a place closed from the light for a couple of weeks.
Suitable especially for dry skin. It can also be made from young shoots of spruce and pine.

Skin cleansing masks

  • Apply fat fresh cottage cheese on the skin. Wait until it dries slightly to the skin, and then gently roll it with your fingertips into a leak. 10 min., without strong pressure.
  • Grind dandelion leaves, take 1 teaspoon. and pour warm milk -1 tablespoon, after 10 minutes add raw yolk. Good for normal to dry skin types.
    If the skin is oily, then add the protein instead of the yolk
  • Do the same with nettles and indoor geraniums. These masks are applied to the face, and when dry, they are rolled off the face in the same way as curd.

Salt Cleansing Mask

You need half a glass of fine salt. We fill it up:
With normal skin - cream, if the skin is oily - milk, butter, if the skin is dry.
Cleaning is done as follows:
Oily skin must first be lathered, then apply a saline composition. Let dry after 10 min. wash off.
Dry and normal skin no need to lather.

Cleaning with used tea leaves or coffee grounds.

First, the tea and coffee residues need to be dried. If the skin is dry, first apply sunflower oil, then tea or coffee and 4-5 minutes. Brush in a circular motion.
For oily skin, lather well first.
For oily and very porous skin, finely ground rice can be used instead of tea and coffee.

Grandma's rejuvenating masks

Everything is like in a notebook: these masks saturate the skin with vitamins, nourish it well, respectively, improve metabolic processes in the skin.

To enhance the effect of any mask, three-year-old aloe juice is added to them. Put 5-6 leaves of aloe in a black photo paper bag, and put it in the cold for two weeks. Then just squeeze the juice and mix 1 tsp into the masks.

french mask

  • We need:
  • Beat together 200 gr cream and an egg;
  • squeeze the juice of one lemon;
  • take 100g of vodka or purified moonshine.
  • Beat everything well and add 1 teaspoon. glycerin, and refrigerate. You can store up to six months, but it is better to make fresh more often.
  • Use in the evening daily for face and neck. Wash off after an hour.

Cabbage masks for beauty

  1. Grind the cabbage leaf, take 1 tsp of protein, sour cream and oatmeal and mix with tsp. cabbage porridge. Keep on the skin of the neck and face for up to 20 minutes.
    For dry skin, instead of protein, you need to take the yolk, and add 1 tsp. grow oils.
    Instead of porridge from fresh cabbage, you can make masks on sauerkraut juice. Suitable for any skin type.
  2. Instead of cabbage, you can use fresh young green peas or sweet bell peppers. Just do not need oatmeal.
  3. Mask with fish caviar for any skin. Take 1 tsp. fresh or salted caviar, knead and mix with 1 tbsp. grow oils, put for 10 minutes. into the refrigerator. Then add the yolk and apply on the face for half an hour.

Masks for skin elasticity and firmness

All these recipes are from my grandma's old notebook. Yes, and my mother, most likely, also used them. At all times, a woman sought to look beautiful, with well-groomed skin. They tried in every possible way to reduce wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, remove freckles and age spots. And all this was done using natural ingredients.

These masks are for those over 30.

Revitalize prematurely aging skin. 1 tablespoon black radish juice + 1 tbsp. honey + 1 tbsp. fat sour cream. Beat everything well and apply in layers, after 5-6 minutes. In general, it will take 25-30 minutes. Then wash off. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Starch mask
Make a starch paste. For oily skin, mix 1 tbsp. paste + 1 tsp oatmeal + 1 tsp whipped protein.
For dry skin 1 tsp. dilute dry starch in 1 tsp. warm milk or vegetable oil.
Apply to the skin for 25-30 minutes.

Firms and prevents skin flabbiness
You need to grind a spoonful of rice to a state of flour.
To 1 tsp. rice flour add a beaten egg + 1 des.l. sour cream. Keep 15 minutes. Suitable for any skin.

Mask for venous outflow
Pour the crumb of rye bread (100 g) with hot milk, leave for 15 minutes, covered with a lid. Then apply this porridge on your face for 15 minutes. Remove with a hot milk compress for 2-3 doses.

Softening masks
All of them are based on vegetables and fruits.
Cucumber, pumpkin, melon, beets, peaches,…. everything that is at home and can be eaten, everything can be put on the face.
Choose any vegetable or berry, grate and add, depending on the type of skin:
When dry - cream, sour cream and yolk
With oily - protein.
These masks not only soften the skin, but some of them also whiten.

There was even a mask made from citrus zest (any kind). Grind the zest, take one spoon and add a teaspoon of flour, egg yolk and sour cream. Mix everything and apply on your face.

Madame Pompadour mask.
It is written that it nourishes and whitens the skin.
Grate the lemon along with the peel and fill it with 0.5 cups of alcohol. Mix well and strain, add sour cream or heavy cream, whipped protein, tsp. glycerin. Keep cold. Wash your face in the evening.

  • Hydroperit tablets were also used to lighten the skin. It was added to cottage cheese and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Yeast is very common. From characterize as a means to strengthen sluggish skin, to cleanse it:

  • Yeast with hydrogen peroxide will whiten the skin.
  • Yeast with hot milk and a spoonful of any natural juice increases blood circulation and reduces sagging.

In general, it is interesting how our grandmothers strove to remain attractive and beautiful without fashionable procedures, ampoules, mesoscooters and other ingenious insinuations.

Ancient beauty recipes. Beauty recipes from all over the world.

Boil half a glass of milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of cognac. Apply the warm mixture on the face, neck and shoulders and wait until it dries. Then rinse.

Mix raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of glycerin and apply on the face for two hours, and then rinse. The rest of the mixture can be kept in the refrigerator. Repeat the mask two to three times a week.

Beat the egg white with a tablespoon of sugar. Keep on the face for no more than 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water. In a few days, the skin will be adorned with a healthy glow. Recommended for pale skin.

Beat egg white and yolk, add 5-7 drops of lemon and tsp. olive oil. Keep on face for 20 minutes and wash off.

Boil green peas and grind them well. Add to two tbsp. spoons of peas, egg yolk and two tbsp. l. fresh apple juice. Apply the mixture on the face and hold until dry, then rinse gently with warm water. Apply the mask every other day for 3-4 weeks.

In a quarter cup of warm olive oil (any vegetable), soak flakes of clean cotton wool and squeeze them lightly. Apply cotton wool to a well-cleansed face (except for the nose and mouth) and neck. Cover your face with a hot towel soaked in boiling water and lie down until the towel cools down. Wipe your face with a fresh damp warm towel and sprinkle with lotion.

Finely chop half a glass of fresh birch leaves and brew half a liter of boiling water. Add a pinch of baking soda (so that the resinous substances of the leaves dissolve better) and let the infusion stand for two hours. Then strain and moisten the face and neck with a cotton swab. Wash off with cool water after 30 minutes.

Apply juicy sauerkraut to porous skin areas. Replace cabbage three times every 10 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water.

Grate two carrots, mix with beaten egg white, a teaspoon of milk or olive (any vegetable) oil and starch, taken at the tip of a knife. Keep the mask on your face for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Pour a piece of lemon in a tea cup with warm milk, close the cup on top with a saucer and leave for three hours at room temperature: by this time the lemon will “coagulate” the milk. Discard the resulting clot, and the liquid will perfectly soften the skin when applied with a cotton swab to a cleansed face. Keep until dry. Can also be used on the neck and hands.

Mix in a dark bottle in equal parts lemon juice, alcohol and egg white. Store in refrigerator and shake well before use.

Put 50 g of dried lavender flowers, 50 g of dry rosemary leaves and pour 100 g of alcohol into an opaque bottle. Close it tightly and leave to infuse for two weeks in a place protected from light. Then strain and dilute half with cold boiled water. Store in a tightly closed bottle in a cool, dark place. Wipe face with lotion once a day.

Six teaspoons of crushed fragrant violet flowers, along with the stems, pour two cups of boiling water, insist and strain. Wipe the face with infusion three times a day. Mix the remaining plant mass with a tablespoon of flour and use for masks that are applied to the face twice a week for 20 minutes.

Russian Empress Catherine II tried to keep youth in the most miraculous ways. Firstly, she took a bath every day with the addition of a balm specially designed for her: to four pounded egg yolks a mixture of thick almond milk was added, poured with water, in which rose petals were soaked for a long time, and to this - a glass of vodka.

Cleopatra herself invented the facial emulsion. She mixed honey and aloe powder with silver water. She did not live her hands in baths of milk, she washed her hair and at the same time nourished her with shampoo from three yolks of freshly laid chicken eggs. After that, Cleopatra rinsed them with a decoction of burdock roots, hop cones and nettles. After taking the famous milk bath, the queen used a body scrub: 300 grams of sea salt was mixed with half a cup of cream and rubbed into her skin for ten minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Queen Isabella of Spain distinguished by beautiful hair, excellent skin, sparkle in the eyes and long-playing youth. Isabella supported all these natural data by natural means: she made herself unpretentious masks from field herbs - chamomile, plantain, rosemary and yarrow - and rose and lily flowers, which were infused with alcohol. Even at a very respectable age, the queen had a blooming appearance.

Beauty Scheherazade- the image is rather collective, but in addition to 1001 fairy tales, many beauty recipes are attributed to her. The queen dyed her hair with a mixture of henna and basma, and then rinsed it with fruit juice. I whitened my teeth with very thick natural yogurt. Before bathing, she rubbed the skin with honey, to which ground nuts and vegetable oil were added. And unwanted hairs were removed with a ball of sugar syrup, boiled to a golden color and mixed with lemon juice.

Marilyn Monroe sometimes washed her face fifteen times a day. As a moisturizer, she used regular Vaseline, sometimes replacing it with olive oil. Marilyn never tanned, said that the sun ages faster than time. The morning began with a mug of hot milk with a couple of raw eggs. But the most important conclusion about the beauty of the great Monroe was this: female body free access of air is required, otherwise the skin becomes flabby and wrinkled. Therefore, she did not recognize underwear and tights. At the same time, it liberated everyone's sensuality and freedom of movement.

Beauties Ancient Russia distinguished by delicate skin of the face and excellent natural blush. What was their cunning secret? There is a little trick here. Our great-great-grandmothers washed themselves with ice-cold water from a silver jug. Then it was explained miraculously, today scientists explain unusual effect such washing with the tonic effect of cold and high bactericidal properties of silver. The ability of silver to kill bacteria is 1750 times stronger than carbolic acid and 3.5 times stronger than chlorine, furacillin, potassium permanganate.

Napoleon's wife Josephine was a simple woman. Even as a provincial Creole, she knew that anti-aging masks are best made from ordinary boiled potatoes. She cleaned the clogged pores of her face with hot camphor compresses. I drank a glass of lemonade every morning on an empty stomach. At that time it was simple lemon juice, diluted with plain mineral water, it helped to properly cleanse the intestines from toxins and other evil spirits and, as a result, preserve virgin beauty.

Diane de Poitiers (mistress of Henry II) believed that it was impossible to look young by making a mask a couple of times and wiping with lotion. At 6 in the morning Diana took a cold bath, until 8 she had a horseback ride. Then she lay down to rest. Until noon basked in bed, ate a light breakfast. She preferred to deal with matters of national importance in the afternoon. Diana denied herself such joy as alcohol, even in minimal quantities: she believed, not without reason, that her face swelled from wine. But main secret her beauty, she said, consisted in the fact that she never thought of old age.

Japanese women are famous for their flawless skin, oriental beauties for their luxurious hair.


Purpose: Porcelain leather.
Secret Ingredients: Rice and seaweed.

Rice scrub. In ancient times, rice bran replaced soap for the Japanese. Until now, many Japanese women use them as a scrub, which perfectly refreshes and rejuvenates the skin. Rice bran is ground in a coffee grinder and then applied after a bath or shower to a damp body, including the face and neck. In addition to the fact that rice bran exfoliates dead cells well, they are also rich in beauty vitamin E and other antioxidants that improve skin condition. You can use them in another way: when you are going to take a bath, wrap half a glass of crushed rice bran in gauze and put the bag in water - after the bath your skin will become just silk.
Algae mask. Healing properties seaweed have been known in Japan for a long time. The mask will require approximately 200 g of fresh algae, but you can also use dried ones. Fresh seaweed is soaked in water for a few minutes to wash out the salt. Dry - soak for an hour in cold water. Then the algae are boiled in a glass of water over low heat for 10 minutes. Grind in a mixer, cool and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with cold water. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

beware of the sun. Everyone knows the traditional images of Japanese women with a sun umbrella in their hands. But not only famous geishas, ​​but also ordinary Japanese women still go this way. After all, the sun worst enemy beauty. But Japanese women do not stop there - they put on opera gloves (those that are up to elbows) when driving a car so that the sun penetrating through open windows does not spoil the porcelain skin of their hands. There is something to take an example!


Goal: Silky skin and luxurious hair.
Secret Ingredients: Almonds, orange peel, melon, olive oil.

Almond scrub. My Pakistani friend told me that her mother, who, by the way, was known as the first beauty in their town, used almond flour to cleanse her face. Probably not in vain: after all, modern cosmetologists consider almonds to be an excellent cleansing and rejuvenating agent. To make an almond scrub, almonds are ground into a fine powder and mixed with coconut milk (for oily skin) or olive oil (for dry skin). However, if there is no coconut, then it is quite possible to get by with ordinary milk. But coconut is still better - it has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, and also restores keratin, which makes up our skin, hair and nails.

Balm for the scalp. Patients with dry, itchy scalp often mistake the flaking skin for dandruff and complain that they can't get rid of it for years. Meanwhile, there is an excellent tool that allows you to quickly and effectively solve this problem. It is necessary to rub a little heated oil into the hair roots and scalp - olive, burdock, castor, even sunflower for lack of others. You can add 2-3 drops of natural aromatic oil to it. Then wrap your hair with a warm towel and leave for an hour or two. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This mask improves the condition of not only the scalp, but also the hair.

Orange-melon mask. Here is another Pakistani favorite recipe for beautiful skin: You need to dry the orange peels (they finally found a use!), And then grind them in a coffee grinder. Add some melon pulp to them, or, for lack of it, a little water with lemon juice. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. It is better to do the mask in the afternoon or in the evening, just before going out. The mask has excellent antioxidant properties, makes the skin fragrant, pleasant to the touch and literally glowing from the inside.

Masks of aristocrats

Red caviar mask.
1. Nutritious. Mash a teaspoon of red caviar and mix with a nourishing cream for the corresponding skin type. Nourishes, moisturizes. Keep on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
2. Moisturizing for delicate skin: 1 teaspoon of caviar and a few drops of olive oil. Stir to crush the shell of the eggs and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.
For oily skin, it is best to mix a spoonful of caviar with yogurt or kefir. The result is hydrated soft skin. It is undesirable to apply caviar in its pure form to the skin, only with an emulsion. Wash off with warm water.

Cocoa mask.
I really like the cocoa mask. The main active element of chocolate masks are cocoa beans - the richest sources of biologically active substances. Take ordinary cocoa, dilute with milk to a paste-like state, so that it is convenient to apply. Add some vegetable oil, anyone, rest for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton pad, wash with warm water.
Result: The skin becomes very soft, helps with tightness and flaking.

Champagne mask.
For oily skin, rejuvenating: mix cosmetic clay with champagne until sour cream thickens.
Result: The face is surprisingly soft, the pores are closed.

Wine mask.
Refreshing the skin: wipe the face with wine every morning.
Result: Ideal for oily skin, but I think it will work for all skin types. It is especially effective to apply in 10 minutes. several layers before washing. I want to note that if you add wine, especially white, to masks, for example, from clay, there will also be a very good effect.
For dry skin: it is recommended to mix wine with honey and apply on the face for 10 minutes.

Cream mask.
1.5 teaspoons of lemon juice and cream + 5 drops of 5% hydrogen peroxide. Mix and apply on face with a cotton swab. After 30-40 min. wash off with warm water.
Result: This is a whitening mask, very suitable for oily, normal skin.