
How children reveal themselves through applications. Development of the creative abilities of preschoolers with the help of the application. Additional materials and techniques for application



Formation of safe behavior of older preschoolers through outdoor games

“It seems to adults that children do not care about their health: if you didn’t look after them, they would all fall out of the windows, drown, get run over by cars, knock their eyes out, break their legs and get sick with pneumonia, and they themselves wouldn’t I know what other diseases. No. Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, only children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will beware. "

Janusz Korczak

Life and health are the most important thing a person has, therefore, in order to preserve them, it is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior. The task of our teachers and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Work experience shows that only those who receive the necessary knowledge about existing dangers can help themselves in a difficult situation, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, avoid them, restrain and reduce them. Correctly said in the old days: beware of troubles while they are gone.

The period of preschool childhood in children is characterized by an increase motor activity and an increase in the child's physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity, the desire for independence, often lead to traumatic situations. In preschool children, the readiness for self-preservation is insufficiently formed, the ability to analyze the situation and predict the consequences of their actions is poorly developed. In this regard, it becomes necessary to create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities to avoid danger by children, without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world. Our task is not to scare them, but to prepare them for a fulfilling life.

The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased sensitivity, impressionability, playful attitude to many of what they encounter.

Playing in preschool age is the leading activity for children. It is the game that gives the child the methods available for him to simulate the life around him. In the game, preschoolers enrich their life and sensory experience, enter into certain relationships with peers and adults. Having learned how to act in simulated game situations that closely reproduce the real situation, preschoolers feel much more confident in real conditions.

Implementing the educational area "Physical development" in the education of safe behavior in children, I use games of the following orientation: "Traffic certificate", "My health", "Fire safety", and also developed safety rules during the games.

A characteristic feature of outdoor games is movement. Safety games for preschoolers are mostly held in the form of relay races, both in physical education classes and during sports and educational holidays.

Communication of children in games, "pronouncing" the rules of behavior, imitation of actions with potentially dangerous objects make it possible to form the experience of safety in children, foster courage, a desire to help, as well as improve the skills of basic types of movements. For example, during outdoor games - relay races during sports eventsfire safety, I try to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety, namely, to convey to the consciousness of children the need for careful handling of fire; recall the primary actions when a fire is detected (report by phone, attract the attention of adults), develop an understanding that compliance with fire safety rules is mandatory always and everywhere, foster a sense of respect for the firefighter's profession.

So for example in the game: Fire in the hearth.

Purpose: to develop speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation in space, attention, endurance; to form a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, a culture of behavior in everyday life.

One of the players portrays Fire (in a half mask). He leaves his home - the hearth and walks around the rest of the players.

THE FIRE. I am Fire, do not touch me!

PLAYERS (in response)

Why did you leave the hearth,

Has turned into our enemy?

FIRE: I, Fire is your friend and enemy,

There is no way you can handle me.

After these words, he hisses and waves his hands, catches children who enter the boundaries of the circle where Fire lives. If Fire has caught with its "flame" (those who disturbed the peace of its hearth, then it turns it into a coal and plants it in its hearth. The one who remains not caught by the last player becomes a brave Daredevil who defeated the Fire.

During games according to the rules of the road I instill in children skills and abilities correct behavior on the street, reinforcing the knowledge of road signs, their purpose; improve my actions to respond to unexpected situations.


A baseline is drawn at one end of the hall (site). Playing children line up around it. At the other end of the hall (platform) the driver (teacher) stands up. The driver raises a green flag and says:


The players walk in the direction of the driver, but at the same time keep an eye on whether the green flag is still raised. If the driver raises the red flag and says “Stop!”, The players stop and freeze in place. If the yellow flag is raised, you can move, but still remain in place. When the green flag is raised again, the players move forward. Anyone who did not stop in time or started moving forward at the yellow flag signal returns to the original line. The winner is the one who is the first to go all the way without mistakes. Red, yellow, green. The game is aimed at attention and reaction development. Children sit on a bench (s) or stand. If an adult raises a green flag, children stamp their feet. If the yellow flag is raised, they clap their hands. If it is red, they sit without movement or sound. The one who is wrong is out of the game

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of pupils' skills of playing in a team, the development of communicative qualities.


  1. create conditions for the development of agility, speed, orientation in space in children;
  2. to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.

Description of the game:

The basket contains colored balls. Children take balls of the desired color (red, green, yellow). At the signal, they run around the hall, while the music is playing, the children run in different directions. The music stops, the teacher says the words: One, two, three - return the lights. Children "line up" traffic lights: green signal - squatting, the ball in front of the chest; yellow - standing behind green, ball at chest level; red - standing behind yellow, hands with the ball raised up. The team that most quickly and correctly collects the "Traffic Light" wins.


When repeating the game, the children should exchange balls and “build a traffic light” with other children.

The overall goal when conducting games from the section "My health" is the following: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, to instill the skills of a conscious implementation of the rules of health preservation and a responsible attitude, both to their own health and the health of others.

To achieve this goal, I conduct the following games and relay races:

"Microbes- Prince Apchhi throws “microbes” (balls) at children.

"Immunity", "Find the named part of the body by touch", etc.

As mentioned above, I have developed safety rules during the games.

Safety requirements during the games.

So, during


The evader must:

Look in the direction of your movement

Eliminate sudden stop stops

To avoid collisions with other players, slow down your running speed and stop

Can't be pushed in the back ahead of those running


The child must:

Skip ahead those who run faster

Do not abruptly change the direction of your movement

Do not run out of the playground

Do not stop with hands or feet against a wall


The child must:

Do not throw the ball at the head of the players

Measure the force of the ball to be thrown at the players depending on the distance to them

Monitor the movement of players and the ball on the court

Do not interfere with the possession of the ball by a player who was closer to him

Do not snatch the ball from the player who first possessed it

Do not fall or lie on the floor to dodge the ball

Catch the ball with a two-handed grip from below


The child must:

Do not start the relay without a signal from an adult

Carry out the relay on your own track

If the inventory ends up on the other team's lane, carefully pick it up, return to your lane and continue with the task

Do not run out prematurely until the previous player has completed the task and passed the baton with a touch of the hand

After passing the baton, stand at the end of your team

During the relay, do not break down, do not sit down or lie on the floor

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed and personal development is carried out. From childhood, the child endures what is then preserved for the rest of his life. Therefore, through the joint efforts of teachers, specialists and families, it is possible to raise physically healthy, strong children.

“There is nothing more expensive than health,
All children and adults know about that.
So let them take care of their health
At home, on the street, in kindergarten

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  • Introduction
    • 1.1 Principles and methods of teaching schoolchildren in the lessons of life safety
  • Conclusion



The relevance of this course work lies in the fact that modern society is going through difficult times. The spectrum and nature of threats to the security of an individual, society, and the state have changed in the world. The safety of life and life is an essential human need. According to statistics, children are one of those categories that most often find themselves in extreme and dangerous. They are also the most vulnerable. The subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety" has been introduced in secondary schools. The school is facing a very important task - fostering a public safety culture. One of the necessary conditions for the formation of a conscious and responsible attitude towards the issues of personal safety and the safety of others in everyday activities in schoolchildren is the upbringing of generally accepted norms of behavior.

From the moment of his appearance on Earth, a person permanently lives and acts in conditions of constantly changing potential dangers. The foregoing allows us to formulate the axiom that human activity is potentially dangerous.

Realized in space and time, dangers cause harm to human health, which manifests itself in nervous shocks, injuries, illnesses, invalids and deaths. Consequently, dangers are something that threatens not only a person, but also society and the state as a whole.

This means that the prevention of dangers and protection from them is the most pressing humanitarian and socio-economic problem, in the solution of which the state cannot but be interested.

At present, the Ministry of Education of Russia has developed and approved a mandatory minimum for the content of primary general education, which determines the main issues of ensuring the safety of life, with which it is necessary to familiarize younger students. The obligatory minimum content of the basics of life safety is included in the content of the educational component "The World Around" and reveals the main issues of life safety: a healthy lifestyle; hygiene rules; daily regime; health protection and promotion; nature as a condition of human life; rules of road safety, safe behavior on the street and at home, on water bodies, fire safety.

V primary school among schoolchildren, along with the development of ideas about the scientific picture the world goes the formation of the ability to rationally organize their life and activities, based on the knowledge gained. Children learn adequate and safe behavior in the world around them, learn to understand the causes of dangerous situations and how to prevent them.

Purpose of the study:

- to study the training and education of schoolchildren in safe behavior in everyday activities.

Research objectives:

1. To study the peculiarities of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren;

2. Analyze the possibilities of forming a safe behavior of schoolchildren in everyday activities;

3. Develop a lesson outline on the topic "Fire safety".

Chapter 1. Teaching and educating schoolchildren in daily activities

1.1 Principles and methods of teaching schoolchildren in the lessons of life safety

Given the unevenness of the mental and physical development children 7-10 years of age, the educational process on the basics of road safety should be built on the basis of didactic laws: from simple to complex; from misunderstanding to understanding; from particular to general; from concrete to abstract; from the abstract to the concrete.

The didactic principles that should be implemented in the educational process include the following.

Continuity. Each new stage of education of schoolchildren should rely on the knowledge, skills and abilities they have already mastered, acquired in preschool institutions and from their parents.

Consistency and gradualness. Knowledge on the basics of life safety should be given gradually, in certain doses, without overload, with an increasing amount of information from grades 2 to 4.

The principle of developmental learning. The organization of educational influences on the personality and behavior of the child allows you to control the pace and content of his development. Primary school students should not be forced to memorize complex terms, definitions, diagrams, tables, etc.

The task is to achieve understanding, comprehension and awareness by students of the meaning of specific safe actions in a traditional setting. The success of training is determined by the child's ability to independently explain why he should act this way and not otherwise. And as a result - consciously behave in real conditions. Availability. The educational material should be presented in an accessible form. Children do not perceive complex information with detailing of generally accepted definitions and concepts; comments are required to them. Visibility. This principle is traditionally used in work with students, when they themselves have to see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge. When teaching the basics of life safety, visual aids are needed: educational notebooks with illustrated material, posters, models, special equipment for playing games, videos, computer games etc. The principle of the unity of education and training. At all stages of education, it is necessary to educate children in a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, in in public places, at home.

A teaching method is a way of a teacher's activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by students.

When teaching primary school students, the following oral methods of presenting knowledge on the basics of life safety are most appropriate: story, story-explanation, conversation, independent work with teaching aids (notebooks).

The teacher turns to the story when it is necessary to inform the students of new knowledge, facts, events, i.e. what they cannot observe directly. For example, historical information on road, fire or household topics. The content of the story should be based on the existing personal experience children, which the teacher expands and enriches with new elements. The story uses logical methods of comparison, juxtaposition, generalization. The story, as a rule, is accompanied by the display of illustrations, drawings in the textbook or workbook, recording new words, concepts, definitions.

An explanation story must be used when it is necessary to reveal a logical sequence, to discover the relationships between the object under study and phenomena in the environment (for example, between a road crossing and a green traffic light, between a natural phenomenon and the peculiarities of human behavior with it, etc.). In the story-explanation, the teacher constantly gives the installation on the need to see more around, to be attentive and careful.

So, observing what is happening on the street, in nature, in a crowded place, a child should be able to identify all the main features of objects (and not just their color, size), i.e. present the whole picture, the whole event. Holistic perception is fixed in memory in the form of images and contributes to the work of imagination and thinking.

The child should be able to separate the main from the secondary, the general from the particular, find connections and dependencies between the objects, objects depicted in the pictures, and compare them with the real situation, the teacher's story and an explanation of how to proceed in a particular case.

Conversation. The teacher uses this method, relying on the already existing knowledge and personal experience of schoolchildren, brings them with the help of questions to the understanding of new educational material, deepens and develops their knowledge, skills and abilities.

If the teacher skillfully poses questions, he encourages students to recall the knowledge they know about actions in various conditions through independent reflections, conclusions and generalizations. The conversation is based on the dialogue between the teacher and the students, it activates their thinking.

The conversation can be built deductively (from well-known general rules to particular conclusions) or inductively (from individual facts, concepts to general conclusions). Conversation helps to combine the study of new material with the consolidation and verification of the passed.

In a conversation, it is important to think through the questions. One of them can be aimed at facts, examples of dangerous behavior, and the other - actualizes the knowledge and personal experience of students. Questions are also necessary to identify new connections between concepts, phenomena in the environment.

In the conversation, the teacher must maintain constant contact with the students. To do this, their answers and questions should be carefully listened to. Approve the correct answers with praise, incorrect, incomplete - comment, correct. You can invite each student to find the inaccuracies and errors in the answer himself. And only when he does not know how to do this, it is necessary to call for help from other students.

So, if a child is asked what is drawn in a picture, he will list the objects depicted. But you can ask the question differently: "What are the pedestrians and drivers doing in the picture?" The child's thought is directed towards establishing connections, actions between them. If you ask a student to come up with a name for a picture, the task becomes more difficult. The student compares objects and their signs with each other, determines the main thing in the plot and comes up with a name.

A correctly formulated task gives the children's thinking a focus on what is required of them. A significant role is played by the teacher's attitudes towards memorizing this or that information, repeated repetition in the course of classes (according to different topics), for example, the significance of a green traffic light as safe, red as dangerous, or the rules for crossing streets and roads (we look in all directions, and then left, right and control the situation from all sides).

Working with illustrative (visual) material. This is an independent work of students. They write down new words and terms, study educational material, plot pictures and individual drawings, look for answers to the questions posed, and complete the teacher's tasks. If a child independently draws, colors, guesses, he remembers and comprehends the material better.

By examining the illustrations and listening to the teacher's story, children expand their personal observations of real life pictures. This is achieved by discussing the actions of the driver, pedestrian, passenger; firefighter, rescuer, medical worker... The educator asks the students to explain why they do this and not the other. The question is raised about the relationship between objects, objects, phenomena in the situation under consideration. That is, junior schoolchildren must be gradually taught to operate with abstract concepts.

Independent work with illustrative material, accompanied by a story-explanation and conversation, develops voluntary attention and thinking.

Homework assignments available in textbooks and workbooks are given in order to involve parents in studying the rules of safety behavior with their children, to consolidate and generalize what was learned at school.

The game. Educational games with children are carried out mainly according to the rules. First, the task is formed, then - the method of implementation.

Most often, exercise games are used, which are repeated many times and are aimed at developing skills and abilities to safely behave at home, at school, on the streets and roads, in familiar and unusual conditions. Exercises can be individual and group.

Individual exercises are used to develop motor skills in sedentary children.

Introductory exercises involve the exact reproduction of certain actions after being shown by the teacher. First, the elements of actions are worked out with each student, then the same actions are given sequentially, then they are compared with a sample (standard).

The training exercises are aimed at repeating the learned actions in order to maintain the already formed skills and abilities.

Thus, exercise games are needed to develop coordination of movements in a real environment. The gradual complication of conscious repetition of actions helps to shape the safe behavior of students on the streets, roads and at home. Role-playing game... It is always emotional in nature, which contributes to a stronger memorization of correct safe actions. By assigning roles (driver, pedestrian, passenger, firefighter, rescuer), students develop their imaginations. They begin to obey certain rules related to the role. It is important to observe the child's attitude to the role. In it, the child's behavior is substantially rebuilt. It becomes arbitrary, i.e. controlled and compared with the standard.

When organizing games, it should be borne in mind that the function of self-control in children is poorly developed. Therefore, the child needs constant support from the teacher and the participants in the game.

In grades 3-4, it is possible to introduce modeling of various non-standard situations into the game for an independent search for a way out of dangerous conditions, analysis and assessment of erroneous, incorrect and, conversely, correct and safe actions.

Excursion. It is conducted to familiarize yourself with the environment and to consolidate teaching material... Excursions can be on foot, by bus and by shuttle. During stops, the teacher draws the students' attention to dangerous places along the route to the school, around the school, objects that pose a danger, blocking the view, seasonal changes in road conditions; shows the actions of pedestrians, drivers and passengers, road markings, direction signs, traffic lights, etc. The teacher asks children to listen to the sounds, noises, signals of cars, by which they need to be able to distinguish between moving vehicles. It is important to show where you should not cross streets and roads: near sharp turns, in the presence of obstacles that limit the view of the road; at unregulated intersections with heavy traffic and a large number of adjacent roads, driveways, exits; where you cannot walk, play, stay for a long time, etc.

On excursions, children become familiar with the natural, technogenic and social environment, they realize the importance of the knowledge, skills, skills and habits learned.

Formation of safe behavior skills in junior schoolchildren from day to day is possible both in the educational process, implemented in the form of a traditional lesson, and in other forms of didactic classes with the use of innovations. In this regard, the method of conducting an excursion is recommended as one of the most effective forms of didactic classes.

The excursion can be introductory, introductory, overview. The purpose of the familiarization excursion: to form students' holistic understanding of their environment, the relationship between objects and subjects of life, constantly arising various non-standard situations, etc. To draw the attention of children to the peculiarities of dangerous behavior of road users, the environment of people in terms of fire safety, electrical safety, rules of behavior in nature, near water and violations of life safety rules. Teach children to see and anticipate dangers. To tell about typical mistakes in the behavior of children who do not know how to foresee danger. Explain safety concepts that are new to children.

The visual images obtained during the excursion are the basis for further education and upbringing of younger students in the process of classroom activities on the subject of life safety, the formation and development of their: imagination, thinking, attention, observation, speech and others. cognitive abilities necessary for correct and safe orientation in emergency, dangerous and extreme situations in Everyday life.

Chapter 2. Theoretical basis formation of safe behavior of schoolchildren in everyday activities

learning school student safe behavior

2.1 Formation of safe behavior in daily activities

In pedagogical science, various components of the pedagogical process are studied and implemented in the practice of education: mental, physical, aesthetic, etc. upbringing. These elements of the pedagogical process include the formation of safe behavior.

In the process of forming safe behavior, schoolchildren carry out activities that result in the development and formation of options for their behavior: destructive behavior (a tendency to self-destruction, victimization, suicidal behavior, etc.); safe life activities aimed at preventing and minimizing damage from harmful and dangerous factors. In dangerous situations, there are several options for human actions: stupor, i.e. a sharp inhibition of human activity, his inability to respond to risk factors; disorganization of activities in a dangerous situation, manifested in inadequacy and ineffectiveness of actions; activating action, i.e. increase in accuracy, efficiency of actions in a dangerous situation.

In the real educational process, the joint actions of the teacher and schoolchildren lead to various changes in the activities, abilities and personal qualities of schoolchildren, including the following results: the formation of the experience of incorrect, victimized, destructive behavior, which is the cause of dangerous situations or losses in dangerous situations ( from which you can get out without loss at doing the right thing); the formation of experience of unsuccessful behavior in dangerous situations; formation of experience of successful actions for prevention, minimization of consequences, overcoming of dangerous situations; the psycho-traumatic influence of the activity of schoolchildren in dangerous situations, the development of traits of anxiety, the formation of a tendency to inadequate emotional reactions to risk factors; preservation of the personality of schoolchildren from internal and external influences (primarily from the influence of informational, game and real dangerous situations) using various types of psychological protection.

The named options for the results of the educational process are noticeable if the essence of the formation of safe behavior is reduced to informing schoolchildren about the danger and various types of activity in dangerous (game and real) situations. However, preparation for safe life is carried out not only in dangerous (informational, game, metered, real) situations. In fact, preparation for safe life is carried out in the process of activity, which involves various elements of the culture of safety and the counterculture of destructiveness.

Schoolchildren interact with elements of safety culture, the essence of which is that they contain rules, norms, rules, traditions of safe life, but do not contain information about the danger, and even more so real dangerous situations.

The formation of safe behavior includes the following aspects as its constituent parts: general theoretical preparation for safe life (comprehension of general problems of risk, safety, danger, etc.), the formation of subject skills (types of activities that are carried out not only in safe conditions, but also in conditions of risk), psychological preparation for safe life (the formation of courage, determination, readiness for reasonable risk, etc.), the development of personality traits necessary for safe life (insight, foresight, humanity, optimism, etc.) as the basis of human and social security).

Thus, in the formation of safe behavior there are components: the formation of objective actions of the forthcoming activity (as a condition for preparation for this activity in conditions of risk) and special preparation for life safety. Accordingly to the formation of safe behavior as component education is considered in broad and narrow aspects.

In a broad aspect, the formation of safe behavior is the process of formation of readiness for various types of activity (cognitive, physical, communicative, etc.), for the performance of various social functions (citizen, production worker, consumer, etc.), assignment by schoolchildren of various types and fragments of culture (ideological, moral, aesthetic, etc.). Since all types of activities and spheres of life are potentially dangerous (or can be carried out in dangerous conditions), the formation of any objective activity is a component of preparation for life safety.

In a narrow aspect, the formation of safe behavior is the appropriation by schoolchildren of fragments of culture, the main function of which is to ensure the safety of a person and society. In addition, in a narrow aspect, the formation of safe behavior is a special theoretical, psychological and personal preparation for a safe life, which is usually carried out on the basis of preparation for specific types of dangerous and extreme situations, conditions (harmful, hazardous) activities, the results of which are generalized and contribute to safety in various specific types and operating conditions. The formation of safe behavior is a complex system that acts as a component, element, stage, function, purpose, content, form, means, pattern, principle, pedagogical conditions of education. In addition, the formation of safe behavior can be part of both education and the pedagogical process, educational educational process, the educational process, the learning process, the process of teaching the OBZH course, etc. Of the pedagogical categories that capture the widest possible range of pedagogical phenomena, denoting a specific embodiment of the practice of education and training, the most acceptable for the continuation of the analysis is the concept of "pedagogical process".

Consider the relationship between the pedagogical process and the formation of safe behavior.

The formation of safe behavior is a component of the pedagogical process that contributes to the formation of a personality ready to act in unpredictable (including dangerous and extreme) conditions, striving for constant self-improvement and the realization of new opportunities. As such a component in the educational process, one or another training course usually acts, for example, life safety, valeology or ecology. This kind of educational discipline, the main content of which is the culture of safety, integrates, unites the efforts of all teachers to prepare schoolchildren for the prevention and overcoming of harmful and dangerous factors of life.

The formation of safe behavior is a stage of the pedagogical process at which the culture of safe behavior is embodied in the personality of children. This is a rather clearly limited in time specially organized period of the life of schoolchildren, during which the development of a culture of safe behavior acts as the leading goal.

For example, nowadays, this kind of stage of the educational process is hiking in the mountains, rafting on mountain rivers, training at a survival school, special shifts in youth recreation camps (organized by the traffic police, fire departments, departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) and, of course the participation of children and youth in the Safety School, held in the summer within the framework of the all-Russian movement.

The formation of safe behavior is a function of the pedagogical process, manifested in the constant influence of this process on the level of readiness of schoolchildren to prevent and overcome harmful and dangerous factors of life. This function is implemented in the lessons of all school disciplines. Its implementation is primarily associated with the content of training and education. When schoolchildren are introduced to information about the dangers of methyl alcohol (in chemistry lesson), electromagnetic radiation (in physics lessons), about the possible actions of fraudsters and criminals (in literature, history, law lessons), students' readiness to prevent risks develops in one way or another. However, the culture of safe behavior is embodied not only in knowledge, but also in worldview ideas, moral and aesthetic values, in the experience of communicating with other people, etc. It is these elements of culture that are mastered by schoolchildren, regardless of the specific content of the topics studied in the lessons of various academic disciplines ... The implementation of the named function in this case is due to the possibilities of teaching and upbringing methods, the moral and psychological climate in the classroom, the nature of communication between the participants in the pedagogical process, the personal embodiment of the formation of safe behavior, i.e. the level of formation of safety culture among the teacher and students.

The formation of safe behavior is a regularity of the pedagogical process, which lies in the fact that if in the pedagogical process, systematic preventive work is carried out to prepare schoolchildren to prevent and overcome harmful and dangerous factors of life, this contributes to an increase in their level of safety, reduces the likelihood of adverse, harmful consequences from the impact of external factors and from their own life. This pattern is an objective, recurring, essential, necessary connection between the components of the upbringing process. First of all, these are the connections between the goals, content, means of education and the results of the pedagogical process.

The principle of the formation of safe behavior orients the subjects of upbringing towards the systematic appropriation and use of safe behavior in the process of entering life. Following from the regularity formulated above, this principle has not yet been named in pedagogical textbooks, however, in the practice of the pedagogical process, it is in service with many teachers, especially teachers of life safety, who see in their work an important mission - preserving the life of pupils and creating prerequisites for eliminating the threat of death humanity. This principle should be distinguished from pedagogical principle safety that guides the teacher to create safe environment in the pedagogical process. In formal analysis, these principles may appear to contradict each other.

The principle of safety presupposes safe conditions for upbringing, and the principle of the formation of safe behavior presupposes the use of dangerous situations to form pupils' experience of working in such situations.

Developing safe behavior is pedagogical condition the inclusion of children in life, the formation of a personality, ready to act in unpredictable (including dangerous and extreme) conditions, striving for constant self-improvement and the realization of new opportunities.

2.2 General characteristics of the school life course

Events taking place in our country in Lately, caused profound changes in all spheres of public life. The increase in the frequency of manifestations of the destructive forces of nature, the number of industrial accidents and disasters, dangerous situations of a social nature, the low level of professional training of specialists, the lack of skills for correct behavior in everyday life, in various dangerous and emergency situations, had a detrimental effect on the health and life of people.

In this regard, the role and responsibility of the education system for the training of students on issues related to the field of life safety and the development of healthy lifestyle habits in them increases.

Most fully and purposefully, these issues can be studied in a special continuous course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" (OBZH).

For the first time such a course was introduced in general educational institutions of Russia in 1991.

The aim of the course is to form students' conscious and responsible attitude to the personal safety and safety of others, to acquire the ability to preserve life and health in unfavorable, life-threatening conditions, and to provide assistance to victims.

The current curriculum of the course implements the requirements of federal laws: "On the protection of the population and territories from emergencies natural and man-made character "," On environmental protection "," On road safety "," On fire safety "," On civil defense "," On defense "," On military duty and military service "and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 16, 1995 No. 43 "On federal target program"Creation and development of the Russian system of warning and action in emergency situations" "and dated July 24, 1995 No. 738" On the procedure for training the population in the field of protection from emergencies. "

The content of the course includes the theory and practice of safe behavior and human protection in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations.

The study of the course allows students to get a systematic understanding of the dangers and forecasting hazardous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior, taking into account their capabilities.

Structurally, the OBZH course programs consist of three content lines: safety and protection of a person in dangerous and emergency situations; fundamentals of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle; training in the basics of military service.

Educational questions are distributed according to the centers of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, taking into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of students and their level of training in other basic educational programs.

Currently, the Ministry of Education of Russia has developed and approved temporary requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1236) and the mandatory minimum content for primary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1235).

In the mandatory minimum of the content of primary general education, the main issues of ensuring life safety are included in the content of the educational component "The World Around", which integrates two areas of knowledge - natural science and social science. The mandatory minimum content is disclosed in more detail in the sample curriculum for a four-year elementary school "The World Around", developed by the Russian Ministry of Education. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education, requirements for the level of training of graduates of basic and secondary (complete) general education schools are under development. These regulations take into account the requirements of the federal laws "On Civil Defense" and "On Military Duty and Military Service", which were adopted in 1998.

The minimum content of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education focuses on the amount of time that needs to be allocated to the study of life safety issues in primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education schools, is the basis for the development of exemplary and author's programs, textbooks and teaching aids, materials of final certification of graduates, training programs, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff.

Before the publication of new curricula and textbooks, training in the OBZh course should be carried out according to the current programs agreed with the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the EMERCOM of Russia and recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia (see the catalog-reference "Russian textbook" for the 1997/98 academic year. "Academy"), and textbooks included in the Federal List of Textbooks and Manuals Recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia for the 1998/99 academic year.

On September 1, 1998, a new Basic Curriculum is introduced educational institutions Russia (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 9, 1998 No. 322), in which the discipline "Fundamentals of Life Safety" (OBZH) is included in the educational area " Physical education"And for its study in grades 10-11 1 hour per week is allocated at the expense of the time of the invariant part of the plan. In order to study the life safety course in the amount provided for by the current programs, respectively, for each class, it is recommended to use the time of the variable part of the Basic Curriculum and include life safety issues in other school disciplines.

Teaching the basics of life safety at each stage of the general education school has its own characteristics.

In elementary school, the peculiarity is that life safety issues are included in the content of courses approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia that implement the educational component of the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum "The World Around". Younger schoolchildren form a conceptual base about dangerous and emergency situations and develop skills for safe behavior at home, on the street, on water bodies, fire safety, personal hygiene, as well as the necessary skills for civil defense.

More than 25 hours are allocated for the study of the main issues of life safety in the course "Green House" (author AA Pleshakov); in the course "Nature and People" (author ZA Klepin) - more than 20 hours; in the course "The World Around" (author NF Vinogradov) - more than 25 hours; in the course "Peace and Man" (author AA Vakh-Rushev) - more than 15 hours.

Civil defense skills are worked out by primary school students in accordance with the general plan of activities of the educational institution for civil defense. Students learn the rules of behavior on a single signal "Attention to all!" and voice messages coming from the bodies of civil defense and emergency situations, master the techniques of making and using the simplest respiratory protection, get acquainted with the collective means of civil defense.

To expand the content on the basics of life safety, presented in the textbooks that provide the above courses, you can use textbooks for elementary school "Fundamentals of life safety" (author V.V. Polyakov, publishing house "Drofa"); problem books "Life without danger" (authored by LP Anastasova et al., publishing house "Ventana-Graf"); workbooks “Safe Behavior” (authored by AV Gostyushin, Open World Publishing House); additional manuals from the series "ABC of Security" (author A. Ivanov, publishing house "Ast ~ Press").

The study of life safety issues in primary school can also be organized in accordance with the current programs of the life safety course at the expense of free hours of the variable part of the Basic Curriculum.

In basic school, teaching the OBZH course presents the greatest difficulty due to the lack of time provided for its study in the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum, and can be most fully disclosed due to the time allocated for the regional and school components of the educational content.

The study of individual issues related to life safety can be included in the curricula of the relevant subjects that implement the invariant component of the content of education ("Natural Science", "Geography", "History", "Biology", "Technology", "Chemistry", "Physics" and others), and should be based on the knowledge gained in these subjects.

At the second stage of a general education school, the formation of basic concepts of life safety in students is completed. Students gain knowledge about local emergencies, their consequences and rules of safe behavior; on natural and man-made emergencies, their consequences and measures taken by the state to protect the population; get acquainted with the organization of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies (RSChS) and Civil Defense (GO). At this stage of training, great importance is attached to the formation of a healthy lifestyle in students and the prevention of bad habits, instilling skills in providing first aid to victims.

In the prepared exemplary programs of the OBZh course, there are some differences from the current programs. For example, in the 9th grade, it is planned to provide students with systematized knowledge and practical skills of safe behavior in the educational process and in production activities. Legal issues related to preparation for military service (as provided for by the current programs) are recommended to be transferred from grade 9 to grade 10, including them separately in the OBZH course.

The study of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" in grades 10-11 of educational institutions (state, municipal and non-state) is organized in accordance with the minimum requirements for the level of content of secondary (complete) general education and the requirements for the level of preparation of secondary school graduates. The drafts of these documents have been agreed with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and fully reflect the essence of Federal law"On conscription and military service."

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", the section "Fundamentals of Military Service" is introduced into the OBZH course programs for students in grades 10-11.

The content of the OBZH course at this stage of the secondary school is primarily aimed at preparing students for military service and includes the study of the following issues: the basics of state defense; conscription of citizens; main civil defense measures to protect the population; legal foundations of military service; conscription military service; military service under the contract; the responsibility of the military; military-patriotic education; fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle. The current programs for studying the OBZH course provide for the allocation of at least two hours per week in grade 10 and one hour per week in grade 11. In order to implement the requirements of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", the Ministry of Education recommends that educational authorities allocate additional time for studying the basics of military service at the expense of the variable part of the Basic Curriculum.

It is recommended to teach the techniques of drill training and perform exercises in applied physical training in physical education classes.

Studying issues of fire and tactical training, performing an initial firing exercise, familiarizing with the placement and life of military personnel, with the organization of daily dress and guard service, as well as with weapons and military equipment part is carried out during a five-day training session at the end of the 10th year of training, organized by military commissariats on the basis of a military unit or a training unit of ROSTO. For the training camps, 40 hours of study time are allocated, provided for by the life safety programs.

Patriotic (military-patriotic) education of students is called upon to become an integral part of training in the basics of military service and one of the priority areas in the activities of educational institutions.

The main task of patriotic education is to form the personality of a citizen-patriot on the examples of national history, cultural values ​​and traditions.

The crisis in the field of education, the lack of worldview and ideological foundations and uniform conceptual provisions in patriotic education require a meaningful approach to the application different forms and methods of educational work, the use of interdisciplinary connections and strengthening the educational role of lessons humanitarian cycle in the educational process. A logical continuation of the OBZH program outside of school hours is the participation of students in the All-Russian Children and Youth Movement "School of Security", in the work of various circles, sections and clubs of military-patriotic orientation. Along with the introduction of new forms and methods of educational work, it is necessary to use the positive long-term experience in organizing defense-sports camps for high school students, camps for young rescuers, hiking trips and rallies, children's games and competitions.

The current programs of the OBZH course provide for the study in grades 10 and 11 of the same questions at the same time for girls and boys. Taking into account that the study of the basics of military service is mandatory for boys and voluntary for girls, in the new programs of the OBZH course on certain topics, it is advisable to provide for the division of the class into two groups: girls and boys. The division of classes into two groups is provided for by regulatory documents.

In grade 10, the time allotted for a five-day training camp (40 hours) can be used to conduct separate classes with girls according to a program aimed at developing the concepts of women's moral and physical health. Currently, two such programs have been developed.

The Ministry of Education of Russia recommends that in each class of basic and secondary general education schools, training in the OBZH course should be completed with the preparation and holding of Children's Day.

Mastering the programs of the OBZH course in grades 10 and 11 ends with the final certification of graduates. Graduates have the right to take an OBZh exam as an elective exam.

In the certificate of secondary (complete) education, a final mark on the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety" must be set. In the certificate of basic general education, a mark is put on this subject if it was taught independently. One of the unsolved problems in organizing the teaching of the OBZH course is the lack of the required number of qualified teachers. According to the Goskomstat of Russia, at present there are about 25 thousand OBZh teachers for 65 thousand educational institutions of Russia.

It is advisable to entrust the teaching of life safety issues in primary school to the teacher primary grades, in a basic school - a subject teacher or teacher-organizer of life safety, in secondary (complete) - a teacher-organizer of life safety, whose duties are approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 1995 No. 46.

At present, the Russian Ministry of Defense, with the participation of the Russian Ministry of Education, has prepared a draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, which defines the procedure for preparing citizens for military service. After the adoption of this Resolution, the Ministry of Education of Russia will prepare an appropriate clarification on the organization of mandatory military training v educational institutions Russia.


The result of OBZH training in a general education school should be such a level of development of schoolchildren, when they are ready in practice to ensure personal and collective security, focusing on the prevention of unjustified risks and dangers.

General criteria for the formation of schoolchildren motivational interest and practices of safe behavior serve the recognition and adherence of the following provisions:

* the right to ensure an acceptable level of security in life is one of the fundamental human rights;

* in any activity, safety should be prioritized in relation to its results;

* a competent attitude to safety issues in all spheres of human activity is a guarantee of his health and well-being;

* personal security is the guarantee of collective security, just as collective security presupposes the achievement of the security of an individual.

OBZH provides general literacy in the field of safety, it is a scientific and methodological foundation for all, without exception, special safety disciplines. A person who has mastered life safety is reliably protected from dangers, does not harm another, is able to competently act in conditions of danger or in everyday life.

In the lessons of life safety, the teacher must rely on the knowledge of students about danger and safety, while helping children to overcome fears and anxieties, and teach them how to properly respond to danger. For the prevention of psychotrauma in the lessons of life safety, a number of conditions must be met. Information on risk factors should be combined with information on how to learn how to avoid the hazard and how to act in a hazardous situation. Students must learn to analyze the causes of danger and act in such a way as to avoid disaster. It is even more important to teach them how to respond correctly to risk factors, build confidence in their abilities, and the willingness, if necessary, to seek help from adults.

The level of knowledge of students about the basics of safety is much higher when using didactic and plot-based role-playing games, test games, poems, riddles and proverbs, educational tasks, crosswords, dramatizations.

Therefore, the main tasks of the teacher are the selection of the most effective forms of work to familiarize schoolchildren with the dangers and their prevention. And as a result - the creation of a separate area of ​​life safety in the extracurricular activities of schoolchildren.

List of used literature

1. Anastasova LP Fundamentals of life safety: textbook. allowance for 1--2 cl. / L. P. Anastasova, P. V. Izhevsky, N. V. Ivanova. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2011

2. A.G. Malov-Gra: Thematic and lesson planning on the basics of life safety - AST, Astrel, 2009.

3. V. N. Latchuk, S. K. Mironov, S. N. Vangorodsky: Fundamentals of life safety. Programs for educational institutions. 5-11 grades - DROFA, 2010.

4. Durnev R.A. Formation of the foundations of the culture of life safety of students. 5-11 grades: Toolkit... - M .: Bustard, 2013 .-- 156 p.

5. Evlakhov V.M. Methodology for conducting classes in educational institutions: Methodological guide. - M .: Bustard, 2009 .-- 272 p. - (Teacher's Library).

6. Zanko N.G. Biomedical fundamentals of life safety: Laboratory workshop. Tutorial for university students. - 2nd ed., Erased. - M .: Ed. Center "Academy", 2012. - 256 p. - (Higher professional education).

7. Methodical recommendations: the formation of safe behavior skills in children and adolescents on the streets and roads. For teachers of educational institutions. / Author - Kozlovskaya E.A., Kozlovsky E.A. - M .: Ed. House of the Third Rome, 2010 .-- 48 p.

8. Programs of educational institutions. Fundamentals of life safety. Grades 1-11 / Ed. A.T. Smirnov. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2011 .-- 112 p.

9. Podolyan Yu.P .: Thematic and lesson planning for life safety. Grades 1-11 - 2008

10. Sample programs basic general education. Fundamentals of life safety. - M .: Education, 2010 .-- 40 p.

11. Smirnov A.T. Fundamentals of life safety. 10-11 grades: Lesson development. A handbook for teachers / Ed. A.T. Smirnov. - M .: Education, 2009

12. Theory and methods of teaching life safety at school: uch. manual / comp. L.A. Akimova, E.E. Lutovina - Orenburg: OGPU, 2009.? 268 s.

13. Planning and conducting "Children's Day": method. allowance / A.G. Maslov. - M .: Academy, 2011 .-- 150 p.

14. Your safety: How to behave at home and on the street. For middle and senior preschool age / K.Yu. Belaya, V.N. Zimonina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya and others - 6th ed. - M .: Education, 2010 .-- 48 p.

15. Toporov IK Methods of teaching the course "Fundamentals of life safety" in general education. institutions: book. for the teacher / IK Toporov. - M .: Education, 2010.

16. Khromov N.I. Teaching life safety at school and secondary specialized educational institutions: Methodological guide. - M .: Ayris-press, 2011 .-- 288 p. - (Methodology).

17. Zuckerman G.A. Innovations in world pedagogy. - M., 2009 .-- S. 180.

18. Yu. P. Podolyan: Thematic and lesson planning on the basics of life safety. - AST, Astrel, 2009.

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Educator MBDOU No. 24 in Ust-Labinsk

Biryukova Tatiana Vladimirovna


2. The principles of organizing psychological and pedagogical work





7. Interaction with parents

The relevance of the problem of the formation of life safety in preschool age

It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, it is at this time that health is formed, the formation of a personality takes place. Childhood experiences largely determine adult life person. At the beginning of the path, next to a defenseless and gullible child, there are the most important people in his life - these are parents and educators. Thanks to their love and care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he has confidence in the world and the people around him. We wish our children happiness. And all our attempts to save them from troubles and hardships are dictated by this.

We want their lives to be smart and festive, rich in content, sunny and lucky. But the main thing is to teach them to be happy. Today the reality is that in the modern world no one is insured either from social shocks, or natural disasters, or from environmental disasters, or from an increase in crime, or from economic instability. Unfortunately our mentality« ignores» invaluable human life, therefore« super task» is for children to understand: the human body is a complex, but extremely fragile creation of nature, and one must be able to take care of and protect oneself, one's health, one's life.

A lot can be said about the relevance of this topic, and everything will be the main thing. How to preserve the health of children? Helping you understand diversity life situations? How to teach to help each other? Having analyzed the concepts« extreme», « safety», we will understand: what is not for an adult problem situation, for a child can become such. We are especially worried about little defenseless citizens - preschool children. From the first years of life, the child's curiosity, his activity in matters of cognition of the environment, encouraged by an adult, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. The formation of safe behavior is inevitably associated with a number of prohibitions. At the same time, adults who love and take care of their children sometimes themselves do not notice how often they repeat the words:« Do not touch», « step away», « it is forbidden». Or, on the contrary, they try to explain something through long and not always clear instructions for children. All this backfires.

Those who worked for a long time in kindergarten, they note that children have become dependent, lack of initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know whom to turn to for help, do not know how to make the right decision in extreme situations, do not know the rules of conduct for safety precautions. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of many teachers that it is impossible to raise children« alienated» from life at this stage.The main goal of developing safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

So, the relevance of the topic -« Preschool safety» due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life, the importance of purposeful activity in this area.

At this stage, in accordance with the FGT(one of the directions of development is « Social and personal development », and this direction includes such an educational area as « Safety »).

3.3.3. The content of the educational area "Security" is aimed at achieving the goals of forming the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) through the solution of the following tasks:

- the formation of ideas about situations dangerous for humans and the surrounding world of nature and ways of behaving in them;

- familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding world of nature;

- teaching children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

- the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards potentially dangerous situations for humans and the surrounding world of nature.

Life safety is seen as a warning of a potential hazard. Into the concept« life safety in a preschool educational institution» researchers include protecting the life and health of children, ensuring safe working conditions for preschool educational institutions, protecting against environmental disasters and terrorism.

Ensuring the life safety of children in a preschool educational institution consists in forming their basic concepts of dangers, developing the ability to predict their consequences, correctly assess their capabilities and make informed decisions about safe behavior in various situations.

The concept of safety in a preschool educational institution previously included the following aspects: protecting the life and health of children, ensuring safe working conditions for employees of a preschool educational institution. But modern world changed the approach to the problem of security, it also included such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

In some countries, such as England, Japan and Finland, school child safety education has gradually faded into the background. It became clear that the child must be taught, first of all, in the family and kindergarten. In Finland, for example, parents whose children go to kindergarten are collected, they are shown slides of the correct and incorrect behavior of children on the road, and they are asked to work out with the children during the next month one or another habit necessary for the road during the next month. For example, one of the most important - be sure to pause before walking from the sidewalk to the carriageway, or always switch from run to walk and cross the road only with measured steps, etc.

In the period of preschool childhood, there is an intensive development of the world as an interconnected and interdependent value world of nature, society and man; there is a process of learning the values ​​and meanings of life, forming the foundations of safe behavior.

Socialization is an entry into the human world, into a system of social connections. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor S.A. Kozlova in« Child socialization concept» is talking:« The socialization process coincides with moral education... It includes the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of relationships, transformation in the practice of adequate behavior».

Social development- a multidimensional phenomenon, including the process of familiarization with the basics of life safety. In this regard, the tasks associated not only with the communication of knowledge about life safety and the development of skills to adapt in various situations are relevant, but also the formation of a conscious attitude towards the acceptance of existing and prevailing values ​​in society. Social development involves the child's cognition of a peer and an adult, the formation of communication skills. It is characterized by the level of development by children of various norms and rules of behavior. As they master such rules and norms, older preschool children begin to regulate their behavior.. The assimilation of norms and rules, the desire to follow the patterns allow him to easily« grow in» into the culture in which he lives. The child's internal emotional attitude to the surrounding reality is formed from his practical interactions with this reality, and new emotions arise and develop in the process of his sensory-objective activity.

Solving the tasks and achieving this result is possible with the implementation of the competence approach. ( « competence » - as characteristics of a person with a set of certain competencies Depending on the type of activity or sphere of activity of the individual, the set of competencies is different, moreover, their quality and quantity at different age stages of development of people of different social groups is different.)

The principles of organizing educational work

Before starting work, the following principles of work organization must be observed.

The principle of completeness. The content of the work should be implemented in all sections. If any section is left out of consideration, then children are not protected from the certain sources of danger presented in it.

The principle of consistency. The work should be carried out systematically, throughout the year with a flexible distribution of content long-term plan during the day. It must be borne in mind that the thematic weekly plan cannot anticipate all spontaneously arising situations and emerging questions.

The principle of taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas. It is known that urban and rural preschoolers have different experiences of interacting with the environment. Those. each child has his own experience of understanding the sources of danger, which is determined by living conditions and family education.

Age-specific principle. When working with children different ages the content of training is built sequentially from simple to complex.

Integration principle. Work on educating the safe behavior of a preschool child must be carried out in all types of children's activities, often gradually, naturally and organically integrated into an integral pedagogical process.

The principle of continuity of interaction with a child in conditions preschool and in the family. The teacher and the parent in matters of child safety should adhere to a single concept, act together, complementing each other.

Creating conditions for familiarizing children with the basics of safety

Educational environment: it is necessary to create an atmosphere of warmth and emotional well-being, and in which the child will feel confident and resistant to stress.

Subject environment: First of all, it is a safe environment in which there is a place to familiarize the child with the basics of safety (albums, didactic games, books, layouts, different kinds theater, attributes for role-playing games, etc.). The play space must be enriched with elements that stimulate the cognitive activity of the preschooler. Integration with others needed educational areas, which contributes to the formation of intellectual potential in children, forms such vital qualities as resourcefulness, independence, quickness, dexterity, the habit of labor, mental, physical effort, confidence in their actions, the development of empathy.

Means of familiarizing children with the basics of safety

The most important means of familiarizing a child with the basics of safety is social reality itself. It affects the child, and the task of an adult who is next to the child is to help accumulate social experience, show the social world “from the inside,” help find his place in it, and be an active participant.

Another, no less important tool is the objects surrounding the child, created by human hands. They are varied in properties, qualities and functions. And the task of the teacher is to draw the child's attention to them, to create conditions for safe interaction with the subject, and only then, the subject, for each individual child, will become a means of knowing the world. it is important to ensure that each child understands the principles of operation of a particular device, its safety for others, hence the problem-search activity: for what and why? Over time, the child independently identifies danger in the environment.

Another means of introducing safety fundamentals is fiction. It is both a source of knowledge and a description of someone's experience of interacting with the environment. For this, works of various genres are used: fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles.(E. Khorinsky « Small match », B. Zhitkov « Fire at sea », L. Tolstoy « Fire », « Fire dogs »; S. Marshak « The story of an unknown hero », « Fire »; S. Marshak « cat house », « Gingerbread man », « The Adventures of Pinocchio », K. Chukovsky « Telephone », « Aibolit », N. Nosov « Telephone") Book illustrations are also a means of teaching children the basics of safety.

A proactive approach in teaching children the basics of safety

Activity is both a condition and a means that provides the child with the opportunity to actively learn about the world around him and become a part of this world himself. V joint activities the transfer of social experience takes place between an adult and a child: the child can see and understand what danger can be exposed by not observing the rules of safe behavior, and at the same time learns to avoid dangerous situations. In activity, the child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect this in actions and in practice in various dangerous situations. Activity gives the child the opportunity to be independent in learning about the world.

Consider the types of activities through which the child learns the basics of safe interaction with the environment.

So the game. By definition. A.N. Leontyev's game gives the child« methods available to him for modeling the life around him, which make it possible to master a seemingly unattainable reality».

The child's play is a good diagnostic material: the most significant events are reflected in the child's play, and it is possible to trace what worries society, what dangers lie in wait for the child at home. The actions of children in certain situations, their behavior, and their relationship to each other depend on the content of the game. Reflecting the events of the surrounding world in the game, the child, as it were, becomes a participant in them, gets to know the world, acting actively. In the game, children mainly reflect what struck them especially, it is not surprising that the theme of children's games can be a bright, but negative phenomenon or fact.

In the work on the formation of the foundations of safe behavior, the educator must use all types of games: verbal-visual, desktop-printed, didactic, plot-role-playing, theatrical games.

Through productive activities such as painting. modeling, applique, design, children reflect the reality around them. Reflection is built on the work of the imagination, on the display of their observations, as well as the impressions received through words, pictures and other forms of art. preschool child connects drawing with play. there is even such a term "drawing game" (RI Zhukovskaya), i.e. this is the state of a child when he, while drawing, sees himself as a participant in what he is portraying. Girls drawing a situation from a fairy tale« cat house», see themselves in the cat. Boys, drawing firefighters, portray themselves as firefighters. The nature of the image of these phenomena, the choice of color, the arrangement of objects on the sheet, and their relationship will depend on how the child perceived social phenomena, what kind of attitude he has developed. so« reflection activity» allows the child with the help of fantasy to get used to the world of adults and learn about it, however, it does not give him the opportunity to really, practically participate in social life. Meanwhile, it is participation in the life of adults, the acquisition of their own experience of relationships with children not in the process and about, for example, playing with her saving« as if», and when solving vital and significant issues - and give the child the opportunity to feel like an equal member of the human community.

Cognition of the environment in children occurs through objective activity, which includes the ability to cognize the immediate environment with the help of the entire group of sensory feelings. Manipulating objects, the child learns about their properties, qualities, and then the purpose and functions, masters operational actions. In the environment of the child there should be objects with the help of which he gets acquainted with the rules of safe handling of them.

Child's social experience enriches learning labor activity... The child, observing the actions of adults, begins to imitate them, making attempts to sweep the floor, water the flowers, and wash the clothes. With the acquisition of work skills, the child acquires a sense of confidence, multiplied by the knowledge of safe interaction with objects, and this reduces the danger of not surviving in the absence of adults. During labor, volitional qualities develop, the ability to make efforts to achieve a goal is formed. And the sooner he begins to feel pleasure from his labor efforts, the more optimistic he will look at the world, as he will gain confidence in his ability to overcome difficulties.

Through the child's observation of the world around him, the child's social experience is enriched. Whatever the child does, he always observes and remembers everything (behavior of adults in dangerous situations, relationships with other people). The child's observation process is always active, even if outwardly this activity is weakly expressed. It is observation that promotes understanding of the world, forms a picture of the world. But unfortunately, negative experience can enter into this picture, and the task of adults is to try to set the right priorities, if such an experience has been received. Surveillance can be both passive and active. And if a child is a child observes the activities, actions, relationships of people, participating in them (extinguishes burning leaves, closes all taps with water before leaving somewhere, extinguishing a lighted candle), then they are included in the general emotional atmosphere, observing how adults express their mood, how they are happy and sad; adopt socially accepted forms of expressing feelings. Observation stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise to and consolidates the rules for handling dangerous objects.

The transfer of experience from adult to child occurs through learning. In the process directly educational activities the child has the opportunity to acquire knowledge under the guidance of an adult who organizes the communication of knowledge, and controls their assimilation by children, makes the necessary correction, through conversations, reading fiction; experimentation and experimentation; visual and constructive activities.

Thus, the child is introduced to the basics of safety through a variety of means. It is they who become the sources of knowledge of the world. Each tool is important in itself, and in conjunction with other tools, organized into a single pedagogical process.

Methods for teaching children the basics of safety

Comparison method. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks.

Situations modeling method. Modeling situations gives the child practical skills to apply the knowledge gained in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child for the ability to get out of extreme situations in life. Repetition method. In direct educational activities, he acts as a leading method or methodological technique. Repetition leads to the emergence of generalizations, contributes to the independent formulation of conclusions, increases cognitive activity.

Experimentation and experimentation. Experimental activities gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas. The value of this method is that it gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas.

Game techniques. They increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings.

Composing creative stories Promotes the development of creative imagination, the use of experience, the consolidation of knowledge.

Interaction with parents

In the matter of solving the issue of child safety, the parents of this very child play an important role, who should be an example and standard for the baby. In the family and kindergarten, the principle of unity of requirements must be observed. And here it is very important for the educator to remember, before starting work with children to teach them safe behavior, it is necessary to determine the willingness to cooperate with the kindergarten, as well as the level of awareness of parents in this matter. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a survey and based on the results obtained, build work with parents.

It is important to get parents to understand that it is impossible to require a child to follow any rule of conduct if they themselves do not always follow it. It is their special parental responsibility to ensure that there are as few dangerous situations as possible at home.

This issue can be resolved at parent meeting dedicated to the problem of safety, jointly develop a work plan, then stimulate the active participation of these parents in work on safety prevention through conversations, consultations, projects, participation in leisure activities on the topic, participation in drawing exhibitions, photo exhibitions. Timely inform parents about certain events in the group, preschool educational institutions, city events.

So, we can say that the issue of forming the foundations of life safety is relevant. This is primarily due to the need of society for a socially adapted individual. The uncertainty of modern environment requires not only high activity of a person, but also his skills, the ability of adequate behavior. Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for a meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow.


1. Avdeeva N.N. et al., Safety on the streets and roads: Methodological guide for working with older preschool children, M., 1997

2. Abaskalova N.P. "Theory and methods of teaching life safety", 2008

3. Vdovichenko L.A. "A child on the street. A cycle of lessons for older preschoolers on teaching traffic rules", St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press. 2008

4. Garnysheva T.P. "How to teach children traffic rules? Planning classes, notes, crosswords, didactic games", St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2010.

5. Methodological recommendations for teaching children traffic rules and safe behavior on the street, Vladimir, 2006

6. Teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads (regional standard), Kazan, 1995

7. Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children. work planning. Conversations. Games ", St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press. 2010

8. V.A. Shipunova "Child Safety", 2013

Elena Lyabina
"Do the applique together." Tips for parents

Tips for parents

Are you interested in knowing why children are so fond of cutting, gluing, fantasizing?

It turns out that it is at preschool age that children’s imagination and thinking are rapidly developing, the baby actively learns the world through their practical activities. Therefore, it is necessary for preschoolers to provide conditions for action with various materials and tools (paper, fabric, natural material, waste material, cardboard, brush, scissors, glue, etc.). You can do applique work with your child.

Applique classes are not only interesting entertainment, but also useful exercises for development. fine motor skills, coordination of movements, creative abilities of the child. Such creative activity allows the child to express his feelings, emotions, visual perception of the world around him. When making an applique, the child tries to convey the image he has seen through the cut-out figures. By doing applique work with your child, you will help him master colors and their shades, geometric shapes, sizes, spatial orientation and much more. And, of course, the manufacture of objects or compositions from paper, fabric, natural materials, working with scissors and glue will bring a lot of joy to children.

There are several types of applications. A simpler type is subject application. This type of artistic activity implies that the child will compose the image of an object, for example, a snowman from three circles. different sizes or a star, flower, etc.

Subject application is a more complex type of artistic activity. The difficulty lies in the fact that the work must carry a certain plot. This can be a plot from a fairy tale, for example, where people and animals are depicted behind some action. Being engaged in plot application, the child must mentally hold the image and try to reproduce it on paper. These activities are very beneficial for your child's development.

Decorative applique- drawing up patterns from various elements to decorate an object, for example, a vase, sweater, etc.

But in order to make an applique, a flight of imagination is not enough. Your child needs to be able to cut shapes out of paper and use a brush and glue. In addition, a fair amount of patience is still needed in order to bring the conceived image to the end.

Children learn to work with scissors, cut out the necessary details for the image gradually. Mastering this or that cutting technique is a lengthy process that requires repeated repetitions and exercises. Learning to work with scissors and cutting techniques will be easier and more successful if you help your baby learn how to properly hold and use scissors.

Before you start doing applique work with a child, you should know that:

Scissors should be: comfortable, light, with blunt ends, not tight, moderately sharp. You can choose scissors with large rings that can fit both your fingers and your baby's toes. Place the scissors in the child's handle, grab yourself from above - and cut together. The action will be mastered soon.

Glue with a brush. For the smallest, it is better to brew starch - the safest type of glue. Children from 2 years old and older can use PVA glue. It is good because it is easy to wash, leaves almost no stains and adheres firmly.

Glue sticks can be used with children 3 - 4 years old: babies

learn to work with them quickly and easily, the "work" is obtained

more accurate, glue does not spill, does not leak, does not leave stains.

The material for the craft can be:

Colored paper (plain, glossy, velvet, "marble", self-adhesive, etc.);

Old illustrated magazines;

Pieces of fabric, leather, fur, cotton wool;

Colored threads, yarn trimmings, buttons (carefully sewn onto cardboard by adults);

Cereals, small pasta, noodles;

Foil, scotch tape, polyethylene scraps;

Dry twigs, needles, leaves, herbs, flowers, straws, orange peels, eggshells, etc.

Discuss with your child how to use scissors:

1. Scissors are NOT a toy, scissors are a tool. They are sharp and dangerous. If you do not use them correctly, you can get hurt.

2. DO NOT: wave the scissors, throw them, take them without the permission of adults, walk or run with them.

3. Pass the scissors only when closed: rings forward, grasping the closed blades.

4. With scissors you need to work while sitting at the table.

5. Every time after finishing work, the scissors are put back.

Imagine! Be creative! We wish you good luck!

My daughter and I started using glue at about 1 year and 4 months. Most of all, she liked to put glue on paper and poke at it with her finger. Well, for her it was an object for study, something new and unknown. After studying, we just washed our pens together. everything stuck to them, and Anyutka did not like it.

How to teach a child to work with glue?

First, show with your example how to apply glue to a figurine, pick it up, turn it over, put it on a painting and pat it. As a rule, children like swatting the most.

When performing the first applications, give your baby the opportunity to play with glue. For this it is better use double-sided colored paper , or glossy magazines. This way you and your child won't have to keep track of which side to apply the adhesive to. He will do as he pleases, enjoying the process.

Cut out large parts... The figures will stick to your fingers and will be difficult to turn over. When the child applies the glue, help him hold the figure, make sure that he moves his hand parallel to the work surface.

If the kid does not succeed in applying glue to the figures, or he simply does not like it, you yourself apply PVA glue to the base, and offer the child to lay out the figures as he likes and press them with his fingers or palm.

Remember that the result is not important for the crumbs. For him, creativity is a process that brings pleasure.

Ideas for applications with babies

1. Abstract applique or simple paintings

Cut different shapes out of colored double-sided paper and show how to glue them onto cardboard or a sketchbook.

Different geometric shapes can be used to create a beautiful abstract painting.

You can beat her by suggesting to make a "blanket" for your favorite doll, or a road for a car, strewn with multi-colored stones.

So it will be much more fun and interesting to glue.

If you take colored cardboard as a basis, you will get simple pictures:

  • Flower meadow (base - green cardboard, on which flowers cut from colored paper are glued);
  • Starry sky (base - dark blue / black cardboard, figures - big and small stars, planets, rockets).
  • Snowfall (base - blue cardboard, figures - white circles, snowflakes)

2 . Application - collage

Cut pictures from old magazines, newspapers, postcards, boxes from under baby food... For the base, take white cardboard or a thick sheet of paper. Show your toddler how to apply glue and flip the picture. Determine together which side to apply the adhesive.

Give the kid the opportunity to stick the pictures the way he wants, you can even one on top of the other, and then compose a fairy tale for him based on the resulting picture. Believe me, your child will love it.

By the way, if your child is good at using a brush, you can use PVA instead of pencil glue. Pour the glue into a small container (you can use bottle caps or a plate from the children's dish set).

3. Application on the workpiece

Instead of a regular sheet of paper, you can invite your child to decorate a pre-prepared base, for example, a butterfly.

Cut a butterfly out of cardboard or a thick sheet of paper, cut circles, ovals, squares and triangles from double-sided colored paper. Invite your child to stick them on the butterfly and make its wings bright and beautiful.

The glue can be applied both to the figures and directly to the base. Proceed in a way that is more comfortable for the child. Anyuta likes to smear with glue directly on the base, and then apply jewelry there.

Ideas for applique blanks:

  • aquarium - the kid will populate it with fish and draw algae;
  • a plate on which candies are glued;
  • Christmas tree - you can dress up with balls, toys, and even tinsel from threads;
  • apple tree - glue yellow, red or green apples to it;
  • giraffe, zebra - cut out big size, and the baby will glue spots or stripes.
  • a hedgehog that carries apples and mushrooms.

4. Ready-made applications

I buy books "Application for Babies" for Anyutka (they are A5 format).

Each book contains 4-5 applications, consisting of a black-and-white outline of a fairytale hero or animal and colored parts (3-4 parts). The price of such a book is only 10 rubles.