
Early retirement for drivers. Fines for motorists with disabilities


1. Payout wages to the employee at the place of performance of work or transfer to the bank account indicated by the employee every half a month within the time limits specified in the collective agreement.

2. Payment sick leave depending on the insurance length of service, but not more than the maximum amount of benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, provided for by law.

3. Provision of annual paid regular holidays:

  • to all employees of SUE "Mosgortrans" - 28 calendar days;
  • disabled, WMO employees - one calendar month;
  • youth under 18 - 31 calendar days;
  • pedagogical workers - up to 56 calendar days, depending on the length of service.

4. Provision of additional paid holidays with payment of 100% of average earnings, including:

  • for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions - 12 working days per 6-day working week for drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams of regular passenger routes;
  • employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • for irregular working hours.

5. Providing guarantees and compensations to employees who combine work with education (when receiving education of the appropriate level for the first time) in educational institutions having state accreditation and successfully studying in these institutions.

6. Payment of wages to students of bus, trolleybus and tram drivers during the training period.

7. As an encouragement to employees who have made a great personal contribution to the achievement of positive results of economic activity, as well as in the aftermath of emergency situations:

  • cash bonuses are paid;
  • badges, certificates of honor, diplomas are awarded;
  • the best workers are listed on the Board of Honor;
  • other incentives.

8. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

9. Provision of a pension on preferential terms for work on regular urban passenger routes drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams working on regular urban passenger routes upon reaching the age of:

  • men - 55 years (with work experience of 20 years);
  • women - 50 years (with work experience of 15 years).

10. Provision preferential pension certain categories of workers according to List No. 2 of industries, works, professions with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

11. Carrying out preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations of drivers and employees employed in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

Additional social benefits and benefits provided for by other agreements, local regulations

12. Acquisition of travel documents for ground passenger transport (bus, trolleybus, tram).

13. Payment for vouchers (from the funds of the enterprise, the fund for the development of the social sphere, the city committee of the trade union and the funds of branches) to summer health camps (departmental) in the amount of up to 90% of their cost.

14. Organization of hot meals for employees at terminal stations (where it is provided for by the route schedule) and in canteens on the territory of branches.

15. Partial or full payment for vouchers to recreation centers and boarding houses with treatment of SUE "Mosgortrans" within the limits of available funds.

16. Partial or full payment for vouchers for treatment within the limits of available funds.

17. Partial or full payment for vacation vouchers, excursions, visits to cultural events and sports events, holding corporate evenings of rest within the limits of available funds.

18. Provision of corporate clothing for passenger transport controllers and drivers working on regular urban (suburban) passenger routes, on custom and school transportation.

19. Providing children and grandchildren of employees with free tickets for children's New Year's performances or Christmas gifts.

20. Medical care for all categories of workers in the assigned city medical institution and health centers of branches.

Despite the rather skeptical attitude of many, the profession of drivers in the field of passenger transportation was recognized as especially difficult. At the very least, the Ministry of Transport and the departmental All-Russian Trade Union of Drivers have achieved that the certification of their working conditions will now take place according to revised parameters, taking into account not only general, but also specific factors that expose the particular complexity of the work of a public transport driver. The initiators of the reassessment of the parameters refer to the conclusion of occupational pathologists, who claim that public transport drivers have to work in conditions of constant stress, therefore they have the spread of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the specifics of the work leads to the development of sciatica.

Due to the severity of the work, drivers are even provided with the right to an early preferential pension. But, they are often deprived of such a right due to the imperfection of the verification of working conditions. To remedy the situation, by the middle of this year, the Ministry of Labor promises to revise the parameters for checking jobs.

Biased assessment

According to the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", public transport drivers are entitled to insurance pension old age until reaching retirement age. Such a right arises for men at the age of 55 and for women at the age of 50, provided that their work experience is 20 and 15 years, respectively, and the total insurance experience is 25 and 20 years, respectively. But age and experience, as it turned out, are not the main criteria. According to the head of the driver's trade union, Vladimir Lomakin, whose words are quoted by Izvestia, a preferential pension is assigned to drivers of public transport only in cases where, after checking the working conditions, the level of harm caused to the health of the driver is recorded. Otherwise, no benefits can be expected. By the way, job evaluation is carried out every 5 years by a special licensed organization hired by a transport company.

According to Lomakin, even the same jobs can be valued differently.

The human rights activist repeatedly had to deal with a situation where the assessment was carried out unprofessionally, as a result of which, in fact, harmful work ceased to be considered as such. Interestingly, the company is interested in such an outcome, because harmful working conditions oblige the employer to pay compensation to employees. This is confirmed by the Ministry of Transport, referring to the possibility of different interpretations of the evaluation criteria, as a result of which drivers are deprived not only of additional payments, but also of the right to a pension.

The Ministry of Labor also confirms that, indeed, the assessment of the working conditions of drivers is carried out according to general rules and takes into account standard criteria. The department even conducted a study where they studied the features of the practical assessment of working conditions over the past three years. And as a result, it confirmed that the assessment methodology is imperfect and simply does not take into account the conditions that make working on public transport not only difficult, but also harmful.

According to trade unions, over the past 3 years, about a quarter of all jobs in urban transport, which were assessed during this period, received a lower class of occupational harm than previously determined. Drivers' rights advocates argue that the assessment of driver jobs by private organizations is biased. And this, in their opinion, is due to the interest of employers.

Achieved revision

Having enough evidence of unfair evaluation, the trade unions began to seek support from the Ministry of Transport. Thanks to the latter, it was possible to "promote" the initiative, as a result of which the Cabinet of Ministers decided to clarify and legitimize the features of job evaluation for municipal transport drivers by mid-2017. But that's not all: Lomakin assures that trade unions will seek to decouple the right to a preferential pension from the results of the assessment - it should come regardless of the results of the audit conducted by private organizations. And in view of the fact that tension should be considered the main harmful factor in the work of drivers, appropriate standards should be introduced.

For example, until 2014, when conducting certification, a manual was used that provided for more than two dozen parameters for the intensity of driver's work. Today there are only 6 left., and they cannot reflect the real state of affairs. Occupational pathologists assure that, even if other limit indicators of harmfulness are observed, it is impossible to exclude stress and nervous tension. Doctors note that driving stress has the greatest impact on cardiovascular systemduring a mass examination, diseases of this kind were detected in more than 75% of cases. But diseases of this kind are far from the only problem of drivers. They are often diagnosed with ulcers, radiculitis, bronchitis and a number of other chronic diseases, most likely caused by the specifics of working conditions.

The Ministry of Transport assures that over the past two decades, the intensity of urban traffic has grown at least five times. There is no doubt that the complex traffic, in which urban transport drivers have to spend 8-10 hours a day, cannot but create excessive tension. And besides the environment, not the most maneuverable public transport is also a source of danger on the road. With all this, the driver who manages this transport is responsible not only for his own life, but also for the life of passengers. And in such conditions, neuroses and emotional breakdowns are far from uncommon. So benefits for representatives of such professions are quite an adequate compensatory measure.

Drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes are entitled to early establishment of an old-age insurance pension due to special working conditions.

Who can retire early

Upon reaching the age of 55, men and women at the age of 50 acquire the right to receive a pension if they have worked as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes for at least 20 and 15 years and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years - respectively for men and women.

An early pension is granted to such workers if they constantly carry out transportation on regular city routes throughout the full working day. This type of transportation includes regular routes passing within the boundaries of the city (other locality) performed by vehicles with an engine designed for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats (in addition to the driver).

Regular passenger transportation includes transportation carried out with a certain frequency along established routes with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers at the stops provided for by the route. In this case, the bus must depart according to the schedule, pass through all intermediate checkpoints in a timely manner and arrive at the final destination according to the schedule, taking into account permissible deviations.

This information may be contained in a document such as a route passport. The passport for the route contains all the information that indicates that the route belongs to a regular city (within the city) or to a route that is not related to it, for example, a suburban route.

Work on urban passenger regular routes can be organized with semi-express, express, regular traffic or a combination of these modes during the day. At the same time, the right to preferential pension provision such drivers will be used only subject to documentary evidence of permanent and full employment (at least 80% of working time) on regular urban passenger routes.

How to confirm the right to a preferential pension

The driver starts work on the basis of the waybill. On the reverse side of the waybill there are details for filling out: departure time (according to the schedule and actually) and arrival time (according to the schedule and actually), on the basis of which it is possible to calculate the actual time in hours of the driver's work on the line on regular urban passenger routes per month. The flight is considered to be completed without violating the schedule if the bus went on the flight right on schedule, passed all intermediate checkpoints in a timely manner and arrived at the final point of the route on schedule, taking into account permissible deviations. According to the waybill, the driver's hours worked are read.

In the absence of waybills as a document on the basis of which it is possible to calculate the actual time in hours of the driver's work on the line on regular urban passenger routes per month, it is necessary to submit certificates from enterprises indicating documentary grounds (orders, personal accounts, payroll statements, collective agreements and etc.).

Who is not entitled to a preferential pension

It is worth considering that block taxi transportation does not belong to regular passenger transportation, but is special, since regularity is not established for them. In this regard, there are no grounds for granting the right to early retirement benefits to drivers of buses operating in the shuttle taxi mode.

Drivers working on suburban, intercity, specialized routes, as well as drivers performing custom transportation of passengers on routes that are not regular city routes, or drivers of departmental transport transporting company employees are not entitled to pension benefits.


The size of the early labor old-age pension for road transport workers is determined according to general rules. It depends on the duration of the seniority and earnings before January 1, 2002, the total amount of insurance premiums received by the Pension Fund for the insured person after January 1, 2002 to the personal account in the OPS system.

The procedure for confirming periods of work that gives the right to early appointment of a labor (insurance) old-age pension, including drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams employed on regular urban passenger routes, was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011. No. 258n "On approval of the procedure for confirming periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension."

Drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams employed on regular urban routes can retire earlier if they comply with a number of important conditions.

According to the NHS Research Service. The most popular profession that Novosibirsk residents were looking for in May of this year was the profession of a driver, including in public transport. It is worth noting that some representatives of this profession have the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension. This category includes drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams employed on regular city routes.

The listed citizens can retire earlier than the generally established retirement age: men at 55 years old, and women at 50. But for the emergence of the right to early retirement a number of important conditions must be met. First of all, they need, like all citizens, to “collect” at least 30 pension coefficients during their entire working life (taking into account transitional provisions).
The second condition for the appointment of a "preferential" pension is the duration of the insurance period in the relevant jobs. So a man with a total insurance experience of 25 years must work as, for example, a bus driver on a city route, for at least 20 years. For women, the total insurance experience must be 20 years, and at least 15 years in the relevant types of work.

The basis for granting the right to pension benefits to drivers of buses, trolleybuses or trams is full-time work only on regular urban passenger routes. For bus drivers, the period of work is included in the required special experience when employed in bus regular urban passenger transportation. This fact must be documented. As supporting documents, orders for the appointment of a driver of regular urban passenger routes, waybills, personal accounts, payroll statements, collective agreements and other documents containing the necessary information are considered.

Regular urban passenger traffic includes transportation on a regular route that runs within the city limits, the traffic schedule on such a route is approved and agreed with local authorities in the interests of all city residents. On such routes, transportation is carried out with a certain frequency according to the schedule with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers at the stops provided for by the route. The bus must pass all intermediate checkpoints on the route according to the schedule.

Urban passenger bus transportation includes regular transportation that is carried out by a motor vehicle designed for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats (in addition to the driver).

Work on regular urban passenger routes can be organized with a semi-express, express or regular mode of movement or a combination of these modes during the day.

Such drivers enjoy the right to pension benefits subject to documentary confirmation of the requirements for regular urban passenger bus routes.

Drivers working on suburban, intercity, specialized routes, as well as drivers performing custom transportation of passengers on routes that are not regular city routes, or drivers of departmental transport transporting company employees are not entitled to pension benefits.

If a bus driver, during working hours, along with work on regular city passenger routes, combines work on suburban routes or carries out custom transportation on routes that are not classified as regular city routes, then the issue of his right to an early appointment of a pension is decided depending on what percentage working time is the work that gives the right to this pension. If it is documented that employment on regular urban passenger routes is at least 80% of working time, then in this case they can be considered employed in jobs that give the right to early retirement.

With the summarized accounting of working hours work time, confirming the employment of bus drivers on regular urban passenger routes, is determined based on the results of the month. Monthly working hours include the total time of work on the line on a regular city route, the time for preparatory and final work, pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations, elimination of operational malfunctions of the bus when working on the route, scheduled maintenance.

In addition, the periods of work of drivers on regular urban passenger routes after January 1, 2013 are counted as a special length of service, taking into account which the right to early appointment of an old-age pension is determined, only if the employer pays insurance premiums at additional rates. After a special assessment of working conditions at the workplace, periods of work will be subject to offset in the special length of service only if, according to the results of a special assessment, a harmful class of working conditions is established at the driver’s workplace.

In the Novosibirsk Region, there are 686 recipients of early pensions from among drivers employed on regular urban passenger routes.

Drivers are one of the categories of workers who are subject to special requirements. The specifics of working on a vehicle, which is a source of increased danger, special modes of work, rest leave their mark on the approach to organizing remuneration for their work. In this article, we tried to summarize the available information about the features of payment for the driver's staff of the organization.

1. General Provisions

Regulations on the payment of drivers are developed at enterprises or organizations in order to organize the procedure and conditions for remuneration of drivers, their material incentives (bonuses) and incentives. The provision should not violate the norms and standards approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. More about general principles development of the Regulations, you can read in my article.

The regulation should be developed according to the specifics of transport production, taking into account the system of organization and work schedule of the driver's personnel, the complexity and nature of the implementation of transport tasks.

This document extends its legal force to persons (drivers) exercising their labor activity on the basis of drawing up an employment contract with the enterprise.

2. Driver categories

Here we will not talk about the categories indicated in the driver's license. A wide variety of automotive equipment and areas of its use impose special requirements on the organization of both work and remuneration of employees of motor transport departments. Based on these features, several categories of specialists in driving and operating vehicles can be distinguished:

1. passenger vehicle (vehicle capacity does not exceed 5 seats).

2. minibuses (vehicle capacity from 5 to 18 seats).

3. buses (vehicle capacity over 18 seats).

4. specially equipped vehicle (special equipment).

5. freight transport (carrying capacity of the vehicle does not exceed 3 tons).

6. freight transport (vehicle carrying capacity from 3 tons to 12 tons), including:

  • freight transport, carrying out international transportation, including:

7. freight transport (carrying capacity of the vehicle is more than 12 tons):

  • freight transport operating within a radius of 50 km;
  • freight transport operating within a radius of more than 50 km;
  • freight transport, producing international transportation.

3. Remuneration of drivers

Remuneration of drivers - money paid to drivers for the high-quality and timely performance of their duties in accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, labor agreements, regulations on remuneration for drivers, as well as additional regulatory documents of the enterprise that regulate relations between the employee and the employer.

The remuneration of labor consists directly of the salary accrued according to time or piece rates, as well as additional allowances for class and / or working conditions, incentive payments and bonuses.

Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Salary (employee's wages) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments)

The remuneration of labor depends on the following factors:

  • driver category;
  • class of the driver;
  • working conditions (conditions of driving style, level of difficulty in driving a vehicle, etc.);
  • the presence of processing (overfulfillment of planned indicators: hours of work, passenger capacity, tonnage, ton-kilometers, etc.);
  • work schedule (daytime, nighttime).
  1. Time (hourly) rate. This calculation system is used for specialists whose duties do not include the passage of long distances, but require certain skills and craftsmanship. Basically, hourly pay is accrued to drivers:
  • certain special equipment;
  • passenger transport (passenger vehicles, minibuses, buses), if their work combines expectations (for example, waiting time for a manager or clients, waiting time for loading);
  • cargo vehicle in the case of transportation over short distances of a small weight of cargo.
  1. Piece rate for the distance travelled. This payment system can be used for drivers of passenger cars or minibuses, performing long-distance or international transportation.
  2. Piece rates for passenger traffic. This payment system is relevant for drivers of buses or minibuses.
  3. Piece rate for tonnage transported or ton-kilometers produced. Piecework earnings are beneficial for specialists who drive trucks and transport bulky goods over long distances (for example, the salary of international workers, which is one of the highest among drivers).

I think that everyone knows that wages cannot be less than those established in the Russian Federation the minimum wage.

4. Time wage

The use of a time-based calculation system is relevant in the following cases:

  • provided that piecework earnings are not beneficial for the employee and may “underestimate” his actual performance, which will significantly affect the final remuneration;
  • if the transport work cannot be normalized;
  • when the transport work performed cannot be objectively taken into account.

This type of payment requires the organization of correct and timely timesheets of the actual time worked by each employee.

Time wages are calculated as follows:

The remuneration of drivers when the vehicle is under repair or during vehicle downtime, not due to the driver himself, is made at his hourly rate without premiums for class and others.

!!!Attention: added to site material for paying drivers for repairs.

5. Piecework pay

Piecework earnings are due to the production of vehicles, which depends on the performance of the driver. Piecework payment is calculated, according to piecework rates, according to the following criteria:

  • for the distance traveled (km),
  • passenger volume (V p),
  • tons (t),
  • ton-kilometers (tkm).

The use of a piece-rate payment system for drivers is relevant in the following cases:

  • when the use of this time-based payment is not relevant and not appropriate for the contractor;
  • in the case when it is necessary to evaluate all the subtleties of working conditions and the complexity of the production of vehicles.
  • when you need to encourage performers to increase labor productivity: the more you do, the more you earn.

This type of remuneration is beneficial for vehicle management specialists who perform labor-intensive and result-oriented transport work in a relatively optimal period of time. Piecework wages are divided into:

  • collective (used when transport production is continuous or long enough, which requires shift rotation of workers in order to organize the necessary rest for drivers). Collective piece-rate payment is distributed among drivers, according to the share of their personal output or the coefficient of labor participation.
  • individual - the most commonly used type of piecework calculation. It is used when labor protection standards do not require a driver change (usually a work shift does not exceed 12 hours).

Individual control of the vehicle is more acceptable, since the driver is fully responsible for the volume of production, which is reflected in his salary, as well as for the condition of the vehicle individually. Teamwork provides for competition, which can cause discontent among the driver's staff.

Piecework wages are approved by the employer and comply with the standards of the collective agreement, labor agreement or contract.

This type of earnings requires the organization of a reliable accounting of the actual indicators of the production of vehicles.

Drivers' wages are calculated as follows:

Production can be calculated in:

  1. Distance traveled - kilometers. It is typical for the operation of passenger vehicles that carry passengers over long distances, when the transport operates without downtime. Production unit: km;
  2. Passenger turnover - transport production is calculated in the volume of passengers transported over a certain distance. Production unit: V p or V p *km = V pkm
  3. Tonnage - the production of the vehicle is calculated in tons transported. Output measurement unit: t.
  4. Ton kilometers. The most common type of production, calculated in the volume of cargo transported over a certain distance. Production unit: t*km = tkm.

Tariffs and coefficients are developed by the department of labor and wages (or an authorized specialist), and cannot violate the lower limit of the standards approved by the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

6. Rewarding drivers

A well-developed bonus system is an excellent labor motivation for employees and is being developed in order to improve various indicators of the financial and economic activities of a transport enterprise (subdivision).

The absence of bonuses can be a worthy punishment (as well as an example for others) in case of employee’s production omissions and non-compliance with the job description by the driver.

Indicators, conditions and amounts of bonuses should be developed in the regulation on remuneration, as an integral part of the collective agreement.

Employee bonuses may depend on:

  • high-quality and timely completion of tasks specified in the waybills;
  • absence of complaints from the consignor and/or consignee;
  • compliance of the car mileage with the norms of distances;
  • fulfillment or overfulfillment of the monthly production plan.;
  • the level of quality of work in a team;
  • growth in the production of a vehicle (growth in the productivity of the driver himself);
  • vehicle control within suburban and intercity routes:
  • observance of the traffic schedule specified in the waybill;
  • high level of passenger service;
  • keeping the vehicle in a technically sound condition;
  • expedient and careful use of the vehicle;
  • economy of fuels and lubricants and RTI (depends on the manner and nature of driving);
  • combining professions, for example, for forwarding drivers;
  • expanding the car service area (increasing the volume of transport production);
  • performance of the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

The premium may be in the form of a fixed amount (ZP=OT+P) or be in the form of an interest rate (ZP \u003d FROM * K p) , where

ZP - driver's salary

FROM - wages (time-based, piecework or combined)

P - fixed premium amount

K p - premium coefficient.

If the bonus coefficient is approved in the collective agreement and is a great lever for labor motivation, then the fixed amount of the bonus may vary each reporting period and depends on the decision of the head of the enterprise (division).

7. Payment for categories, classiness.

The category of the driver depends on the vehicle on which he works and the specifics of the operation of this vehicle. The category awarded directly affects the amount of wages, since the tariff rate for a certain type of transport service is developed according to the corresponding category.

The class of drivers (upgrade or downgrade) is determined at the enterprise by the qualification commission, which conducts the appropriate certification. The decision to assign a class rating is approved by the order for the enterprise, and a corresponding entry is also made in work book employee by an authorized person.

The law of the Russian Federation does not provide for rules regarding the extension of the class rating for drivers, which was assigned to them at their previous place of work. The decision to retain class is made by the manager at the new place of work. Most often, at a new job, you will have to confirm your classiness again.

The class of drivers has three levels:

  • III class - a driver who begins his work experience;
  • Class II - a driver who has a driving license to drive vehicles "B", "C", "E" and / or "D" categories, as well as at least a three-year continuous driving ( III class) work experience at the given enterprise;
  • I class - a driver who has a driver's license to drive vehicles "B", "C", "D", "E" categories, as well as at least two years of continuous work experience as a driver of class II at this enterprise.

The premium for classiness is approved by the head of the enterprise in the form of a fixed coefficient. Basically, for class II vehicle management specialists, the size of the premium for class is 10%, and for class I - 25% of the tariff rate for the time actually worked by the driver on the flight. The figures are approximate, subject to change by the decision of the administration of the organization.

8. The structure of the regulation on wages.

The structure of the position of wages may have, for example, the following form:

1. General Provisions:

  • introduction with links to major publications ( legislative framework) provisions;
  • a general definition of the applicable wage system and its main components;
  • definition and description of the properties of the settlement system used for certain categories of workers.

2. Conditions and procedure for remuneration:

  • basic conditions of material reward.
  • the procedure for establishing and the size of the minimum tariff rates in accordance with driver categories and personal work skills;
  • the procedure, conditions and amounts of increasing coefficients to the minimum tariffs based on the class, mode of operation, etc..
  • Conditions, procedure and amount of payments to drivers compensating for certain working conditions.

3. Conditions, procedure and amount of bonus payments that stimulate the work of performers in the context of their categories:

  • according to the results of the work of employees (for the reporting period);
  • for the quality and service of the transport works;
  • for high-quality and timely execution of especially important and urgent assignments;
  • for intensive performance and conscientious attitude to work.

4. Additional points on remuneration, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

5. Final (final) provisions.

9. Conclusion

The regulation on the payment of drivers is developed by the department of labor and wages (OTiZ) of the enterprise (or an authorized specialist).

This provision regulates the legal relationship between the employer and the driver, and is also a motivating factor not only for the contractor, but also for the manager himself, as a consumer of high-quality transport services in order to receive revenue and reduce the risk of incurring additional costs due to poor-quality transport services (additional repairs, fines, etc.).

The document "Regulations on the remuneration of drivers" has legal force from the moment it is approved by the head of the enterprise and is valid indefinitely.