
Games with 6 month old baby kids. Educational games for children of the sixth month of life. Development of speech and thinking


Some parents mistakenly believe that a baby under one year old does not need to be engaged. This is a big mistake because babies learn new skills every day. Subsequently, this will have a great impact on the development of the crumbs. It is very important that the mother helps the child to develop. Further in the article it will be disassembled what classes are needed so that the baby fully develops at 6 months.

What are the features of the development of the baby at 6 months

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a well-developed baby at 6 months should have the following skills:

  1. Sound out syllables. Respond to your own name.
  2. Sit on your own.

If the baby cannot do something from this list, then it is necessary to deal with it. To help the baby sit down on his own, he needs to be massaged every day. With a crumb, you need to do gymnastics, which is shown to him by age. If the baby does not respond to his own name, then you need to talk to him more often and call him by name. If the baby does not voice syllables, then it is necessary to pronounce more with him simple words. For example, this includes the words "bye" and "hello". Pediatricians apply slightly different criteria. to determine whether the baby is developing normally at 6 months or not. According to experts, at 6 months the baby should be able to:

  1. Babble or utter syllables.
  2. Must be able to pick up a toy and play with it.
  3. From a prone position, he must be able to roll onto his back.
  4. The baby should be able to crawl or rise on the handles.
  5. And also the crumbs should have the skill to eat from a spoon.

From 6 to 7 months, you need to make every effort so that the baby acquires new skills.

How to develop a baby at 6 months

Every day you need to carry out massage and gymnastics with the baby, which correspond to the age of the baby. In addition, you need to do the following exercises with the crumbs:

To make charging more fun, you can turn on the music. Baby massage should be done to calm melodies. Physical exercises with a child should be carried out under children's songs. Physical education with a child should be carried out at a time when the baby is in good mood and calm. At this age, children often begin to cut their first teeth. If teething is difficult for a baby, then exercises with crumbs should be postponed.

How to play with a 6 month old baby

To play with a child, it is not necessary to buy expensive toys. To entertain the baby, ordinary coffee or tea packages are suitable. To make it interesting for a child to play, they must be pasted over with multi-colored paper. Items must be of different sizes. The child should see how a bright toy is placed in a jar. After that, the jar should be loosely closed with a lid. The container must open easily. Why do you need to give the baby an object and show him how to remove the lid. After that, you need to close the container and the child must open it himself.

Mom can make a panel for the sensory skills of the crumbs herself. To do this, you need a thick cardboard or chipboard sheet. It is not necessary to take a large sheet format, A3 is suitable. It is necessary to fix elastic bands and a variety of toys on this base, you can also attach bags here. different sizes with cereals or cherry pits. If parents do not want to make the panel with their own hands, then in the store you can buy a developmental rug, it already has Velcro toys . If you wish, you can make a developing rug yourself.

You can spend another exciting activity with a child at 6 months. For this child, you need to offer to pull out multi-colored ribbons from the box. Gotta get the box paper napkins and cover it with colored paper. Inside the box you need to put a long multi-colored ribbon. The tip of the tape should be slightly removed from the container. You need to show the baby how to get the ribbon. Then you need to invite the baby to get it on their own. Such a simple task can long time lure the little ones.

Another activity that can captivate the crumbs for a long time is to collect toys in a box. Toys should be bright and different in size. This exercise will develop a tactile sense in the crumbs. Rattles and rattles must be among the toys.

The child will be fascinated by the following activity:

Child development 6, 7 months

Educational activities with a child can be carried out in the bathroom, while bathing. If at this age the baby does not sit well, then he needs to be bathed in a special chair. In water, the load on the spine is much less, so nothing bad will happen to the baby in the highchair . In the bathroom with a child, you can play the following games:

  1. Squeeze sponge.
  2. Catch soap bubbles with your hands.
  3. Catch a stream from the tap.
  4. Catch rubber toys emerging from the water. To do this, they must be held under water, and then released so that they emerge.

In stores you can buy special waterproof books. They can be seen while swimming. On each page you need to describe the picture. For example, if a cat is depicted, then the baby needs to be prompted how she talks. If there is a ball, then the baby needs to be told that he is jumping. If the picture shows a cloud, then the baby needs to be told that it is raining from it.

Baby development with books

Every day with the child it is necessary to look at the pictures in the books. Books for crumbs should be made of hard cardboard. They should be bright and large pictures. Books must be different. For example, they should include:

  1. Nursery rhymes.
  2. Fairy tales.
  3. Poems.

Pictures with a child must be considered together, every day he needs to read poetry and fairy tales. With your own hands, you can make a manual for the development of crumbs. For example, you can make an album with different pictures. You can put pictures of animals in it., plants, toys, photos and plants. To make a manual with your own hands, you will need unnecessary children's books, packages from baby food and pictures. Each photo must be signed block letters when the manual is turned over, the child needs to be told in detail what is shown in the photo.

You can create a learning guide for a child called "My Day". To do this, in the album it is necessary to place tags from baby food, various pieces of fabric and pictures that depict objects surrounding the baby. All items in the album must be signed in block letters. Thus, it is possible to create a large number of teaching aids for children.

If you want the album to last longer, it must be made from A4 cardboard. Then the album must be placed in a folder with files, and the sheets of the album must be fastened with iron rings. If your child wants to be entertained, then he can turn on the cartoon Tiny Love. It is designed for children from 3 months to 12 months. This cartoon is very popular with children, it captivates for a long time.

Classes with a child of 6 months in the kitchen

Many parents notice that the baby loves to be in the kitchen. If there are no dangerous objects for the child, then he can play there with pleasure. When a mother prepares dinner, she can develop her baby in parallel. Crumbs should not be placed on a cold floor. It needs to be placed on a blanket. There are many items in the kitchen that will interest the baby.

The child can be motivated to crawl. To do this, you need to put a bright toy or book in front of him. The main thing is that the child is interested in the subject. The toy should not be placed far from the baby. As soon as he crawls to the toy, it will need to be moved a little. You do not need to play such a game for a long time, because the baby can quickly get tired.

According to this principle, with a child, you can to conduct classes on fitball. To play the crumbs, you need to place the tummy down on the ball, and put a bright toy in front of it. Next, the ball must be tilted down, and the child will try to reach the toy. During the game, the mother should firmly hold the crumbs by the legs and body.

Emotional development of the baby

What games to play so that the child shows emotions? You can play hide and seek. To do this, mom covers her face with her hands and says: “Ku-ku, baby, where are you?” And then you need to remove your palms from your face and say: “Here’s mom!”. This game can be played with toys. At the toy, you need to close the muzzle with your paws. Usually the child laughs merrily at this game.

In addition to pots and plates, crumbs are attracted to other "adult" accessories. When the baby begins to crawl, he looks in the closets for objects of interest to him. Children are especially interested in those things, which they saw in the hands of an adult:

  1. Children are attracted to the TV remote.
  2. But the push-button telephone is of less interest.
  3. If the parents have a non-working remote control at home, then it must be given to the baby.
  4. Before that, it must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.

If parents think that their baby is too small and does not understand anything, then they are mistaken. No need to be lazy to communicate with the child. To communicate, you need to use every opportunity. To communicate with a child, it is not necessary for him to constantly sing songs and retell poems. During the performance of some action, the mother can tell the baby what she is doing.

When mom does homework , she can tell the baby about the thing that is on this moment is in her hand. You don’t have to lisp a lot with a child, you need to talk to him in ordinary adult words. Thus, the crumbs will form a passive vocabulary. When the baby starts talking, he will have a rich vocabulary.

You need to deal with the baby only in a good mood, because the child very subtly feels the mood of the mother and her emotional condition. Children love learning new things. If a mother turns on fantasy, then she will not have questions about how to play with a child at 6 months old.

As soon as a child appears in the family, he immediately becomes the central character. Parents enjoy watching the daily development of the baby. How he holds his head, how he tightens his legs, how he frowns - each new action is perceived as an event of a universal scale.

Time flies unnoticed and in just six months, the baby is no longer enough affectionate communication with his mother, he wants to know the whole the world. It is important for parents to know what to do with a child at 6 months for his active and harmonious development.

What games can you play with a six month old baby

Games with a six month old baby

Six months is a transitional moment in the development of the child. From the conscious complex of revitalization, the baby is rapidly gaining new experiences and skills on the way to independence.

The task of an adult is to help the baby to master the world, making it friendly and safe.

All games that can be played with a six-month-old baby are designed to ensure proper physical and psycho-emotional development.

Physical development includes:

  • Motor skills (grasping, sitting, standing)
  • Orientation in space (improvement of the vestibular apparatus)

Games for the development of motor skills

  1. We reach for the toy and learn to crawl. The goal of the game is to make the baby want to reach out, crawl to the object of interest, and examine it. To do this, various toys are laid out on the rug at a distance of up to half a meter from each other. The child is placed on his back so that there is one interesting toy in his field of vision. You need to attract the attention of the baby ( ring or rustle) so that he turns his head, and then rolls over on his tummy. This strengthens the muscular frame. After the child, lying on his stomach, has studied the first toy, attention is drawn to the second, to which he will have to crawl. At first, the children move backwards, so the parent must substitute a support under the child's legs. When the baby learns to crawl forward in a plastunsky way, you can start learning to move on all fours. To do this, a cushion is placed under the tummy and the legs are bent. The child will very quickly understand the convenience of an assistive device, and after a week or two of regular classes, he will do without it.
  2. with a game of hide and seek. Purpose: to teach the child to stand up in the arena, to fix attention. Mom crouches in front of the arena so that she is not visible, and then, looking out from behind it, cheerfully says: “Ku-ku!”. The child will learn to wait for the appearance of the mother in the same place. After a few “cuckoo”, the baby will be interested in where the mother disappears beyond the edge of the arena and will start to get up, holding on to the sides.
  3. Learning to grab. The purpose of the game is to teach the child to take objects with all fingers. For this, a bag or box is perfect, in which there are objects of various shapes and textures. Mom takes out one toy, shows and tells what it is. Then she invites the child (for the first time she lowers the baby’s hand into the box) to get something, saying: “Let's look for what is there?”

Games for orientation in space

  1. "Jumps". Rock the child in different directions on your knees to a nursery rhyme in the style of “driving, riding, into the hole - bang!”
  2. "Live Simulator". Mom, lying on her back, bends her knees and shakes the baby on her shins, lying on her tummy facing her mother, holding his hands. Kids love this kind of entertainment, and in the meantime, mom pumps up the press.
  3. "Airplane". The parent takes the child under the tummy with both hands from different sides and circles in the air, while lifting the baby either above or below the level of his own chest. It is important to do this as smoothly and slowly as possible!
  4. " Dancing". To any rhythmic music, the mother dances with the child in her arms, holding his hand. You can twitch the baby's hand up and to the side to the beat of the music. Thanks to such dances, very soon the baby will raise his hands and dance to the sounds of rhythmic music.
  5. "Fitball". From riding on a gymnastic ball, children are completely delighted. Useful gymnastics is easy to turn into a game. Place the interesting toy on the couch and the child on the ball, face down. Hold on tight to your legs and secure your body. Swinging the ball forward - back bring the baby closer to the toy, he will try to grab it. In this way, the child develops an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdistance in space, hands learn to act in tandem with the eye.

Mirror games

It is customary to call developing games that stimulate the psycho-emotional sphere of the child. Caring parents do not always know what and how to play with a baby who is barely six months old.

Meanwhile, this is a very important period in a child's life. It is at this age that perception is sharpened and the visual-effective nature of thinking is activated.

Parents are simply obliged not to miss the precious moment and in every possible way contribute to the development of all spheres of perception (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and time).

  1. Mirror games. If acquaintance with the mirror did not happen earlier, then six months is the most suitable period for this. Mom with a baby in her arms stands in front of a mirror, saying: “Where is ( child's name)? - Here (name)!” at the same time, with the palm of the child, he alternately touches his chest in reality and in reflection. The same manipulations are carried out in relation to the mother: “Where is the mother? “Here’s mom!”

When the baby gets used to his own reflection, you can play games that study the baby’s body: “Where are the eyes? - Those are the eyes! Where is the mouth? “Here is the mouth!” etc . Pointing actions are performed by the mother with the child's hand. After a while, the baby will learn to show himself and parts of his body in the mirror.

  1. Games for the development of hearing, attention and memory. At 6 months, the child is still unable to memorize a large amount of information, and his attention is very selective and short-lived. Therefore, games should not be too complex, better - based on one or two toys. Mom herself models various situations, as far as fantasy allows.

Hearing development games

"In the bag". In front of the baby, cover your favorite toy with a hat or a blanket so that he can see some part of it (tail, paw). Ask in surprise: “Where is the bunny (toy)?” It is important to show genuine surprise and look for a toy with the child. Raising his hat, find it and joyfully say: “Here it is! Hid!" Cover the toy again and try to repeat the action by the baby.

You can also play with musical "talking" toys. Having covered the toy with a blanket, quietly turn it on. Search with your child: “Who sings this? Where is he?"

The game "Thimble". For the game, you can take 2 boxes under one of which to hide the toy. Search together with the child, lifting the boxes where that one hid: “Let's see: here? There is no. Or maybe he's here? Here he is!"

  1. Games for the development of speech. At the age of 6 months, the child closely follows the articulation of an adult. Therefore, you can pronounce various syllables by sitting the child on his knees facing you. You can read children's poems, sing songs, the main thing is that the baby sees how sounds are made.

It is useful to give the child with "non-play" objects of the surrounding space. These can be spoons, plastic cups, multi-colored kitchen containers, pots with lids. Mom can take the child to the kitchen if conditions allow. Lay a blanket on the floor, seat the child and give it for examination one by one various items from kitchen utensils. Children love to mess with such “toys”, and mom will have time to cook dinner. Manipulating household items, the child gets acquainted with color, shape, texture, weight and temperature.

For development fine motor skills you can sew or buy small bags into which to pour various cereals: buckwheat, peas, millet. Give tightly tied bags one at a time to the baby.

Similarly, rattles are made to develop auditory perception. IN plastic bottles different cereals are poured, they also ring differently.

The space for the development of a child in an ordinary apartment is unlimited. There are only two rules:

  1. All items must be clean and safe (no chips or sharp corners).
  2. All games are played under close supervision of an adult.

Choosing the right toys for your baby

Developing mat

A six-month-old baby does not need many toys yet. Relatives and friends will surely give a lot of different teddy bears and bunnies. And parents should take care of acquiring certain developmental devices.

  1. Developing rug - necessary and very useful thing. The shops now have a huge assortment of this invention. You need to choose the one on which there are more different-textured elements, with squeakers on elastic bands, “ruskers”, Velcro applications. Such a rug will be interesting for a child up to 8-9 months. Then you can remove it and get it from time to time. The kid will be delighted to see the "old friend" again.
  2. Soft books for bathing. It is better to buy books with children's poems. Reading to your child regularly short poems, parents prepare the basis for successful speech development. In addition, they are very bright and easy to clean.
  3. Musical toys. For the development of hearing, you will need two or three singing plush small toys. Perhaps one of them will become a favorite. Be sure to have a tambourine, a tumbler, a piano with large keys in your arsenal. These classic toys will come in handy throughout early childhood.
  4. Cubes. A six-month-old baby is suitable for soft cubes sewn from various fabrics. Now he will only feel and taste them, and in the future he will learn to break the turrets built by his mother. With the help of cubes, the child learns color and shape, replenishes the supply of tactile sensations.
  5. Ball. At 6 months, the child will not yet be able to play with rubber balls, they are too heavy for him. But a soft rag analogue will do just fine. It can be grabbed and rolled, actively developing visual-effective thinking.
  6. Bath toys. At the age of 5-6 months, the child can be bathed in a large bath. Ducks and fish floating around the baby diversify the adoption of water procedures and introduce new properties of objects. The main thing is that bathing toys are unsinkable.
  7. Brain teaser . About development logical thinking at 6 months out of the question. But familiarity with shape and color, as well as developing skills in manipulating objects, will help the pyramid and the "cube sorter".

Play logical games must be with the child. At this age, he is able to learn how to remove pyramid rings from the base, take out various figures from the cube, study their shape and size. At this stage, these toys also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

When choosing toys for a small child, parents should be guided by the following criteria:

  • Security. The toy should be made of non-toxic materials and should not have sharp corners or parts that are easy to break off and swallow.
  • Size. The toy should be of a size that the child can independently hold in his hands. Huge teddy bears are absolutely useless for a baby.
  • Hygiene. Toys must be made of materials that can be washed and washed.

With a six-month-old baby, you can play many games, any game offered to your beloved and loving mother He will definitely love it!

Video about the development of the baby:

How to develop your baby at 6 months? Six-month-old babies develop exponentially. Them physical form gives room for movement, conscious coordination instead of reflex "grasping" allows you to manipulate objects. And the development of the psycho-emotional sphere against this background opens up great opportunities for learning about the world around, which the baby uses. Naturally, the task of parents, as in all previous stages, is to help the baby develop and improve the skills he needs. How do they develop their baby at 6 months?

Six months is an important age

A six-month-old child is a real strong man and a smart kid. His musculature and skeleton have become so strong that they allow him to sit down, stand up on his legs, keep his back straight, crawl in a plastunny (and some can even do this "for real", getting up on all fours). Therefore, parents of a 6-month-old child, both at home, on the street, and at a party, need to be constantly on the alert: there is a risk of falling, hitting, grabbing something dangerous.

Mental and thought processes also do not stand still. So, the baby can easily recognize the voice of his parents, without even seeing them. He will call them back, and when he sees them, he himself will ask for pens. Many children now already know how to express tenderness to their relatives: cuddle, stroke their faces, hug. At the same time, communication with parents is no longer reduced to simple tactile or verbal contact. It is important for a baby that adults help him to study the properties of objects of interest to him. Moreover, the simplest logic is already in his mind. He understands that if you call your mother, she will come, if you hit the toy - there will be a sound, if you throw it - it will fall.

If we summarize all the skills of a baby at this age, then they look like this:

  • the baby crawls on the bellies or on all fours;
  • sits by himself (with little support);
  • grabbing onto a support, tries to rise to his feet;
  • tries to step over, holding on to a support;
  • is interested in small details and objects, captures them with the help of three fingers;
  • confidently holds toys in his hands, can knock them against each other, shift from handle to handle, throw, pick up fallen toys;
  • can eat from a spoon and or drinker with the help of mom;
  • lying on his tummy, leans on one handle to get a toy with the other;
  • lying on his back, holding tightly to the fingers of an adult, rising to a sitting position and even standing on his legs;
  • learns to put small objects into larger ones;
  • if the toy is lost during the game, the baby begins to look for it;
  • finds objects covered by something;
  • can entertain himself with toys on his own for about 15 minutes, repeating learned manipulations many times (knock, open, throw, press);
  • recognizes his reflection in the mirror, rejoices in it, responds to his name;
  • at the request of the mother, she can point to a familiar object or repeat the learned actions (“fly”, “okay”, “hello”, “bye”);
  • begins to understand the speech of adults addressed to him, distinguishes intonations, reacts to facial expressions, already knows exactly the meaning of the word “no” and reacts to it;
  • the baby's speech has entered the stage of babbling: vowels and consonants in his speech are combined in various combinations. The child can perfectly imitate the sounds he hears, imitates the words of adults, but the first real words are still far away - these are just sound chains.

Important aspects: what are we developing?

It is necessary to develop a child at 6 months in accordance with what skills he already has, improving and complicating them. If the baby has mastered some skills poorly (he doesn’t know how to shift toys, step over his legs), this should be given special attention, because all these skills will be needed more and more every day. But in any case, it is important to develop the baby diversified, so that in all areas he reaches new heights.

So what's most important right now?

  • Physical development (exercises, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, hip joints; massage, hardening). In this case, the diet of the crumbs is of no small importance. Usually it is from 6 months that babies begin to receive complementary foods. It is important for parents to monitor the absence of allergic reactions and a balanced diet.
  • Movement coordination and balance. These skills are needed so that the baby can feel confident in the surrounding space, especially during walking, which he will master in just a few months.
  • Speech skills. On the way to the first independent words, it is necessary to pay attention to simple speech exercises, finger games, fine motor skills.
  • Hearing development. The child now hears different sounds well. Therefore, it is important to replenish this baggage, to teach the baby to recognize the rhythm of speech and music. This will help him in the future to correctly build his own speech.
  • The mental abilities of the baby also require attention. The simplest games for logic, memory, attention will help with this.
  • Emotions. Positive emotions help develop correctly and harmoniously, cause attachment to loved ones, create a feeling of comfort, and lay the foundations for a sense of humor.

In order for the baby to have enough strength for all his daily "exploits", try to provide him with a full day and night rest, and also include frequent walks and games on the daily routine. fresh air if the weather permits. This will have a beneficial effect on the work of all parts of the brain of the child.

What will we play?

So, educational games for children at 6 months old should be diverse. Let's take a look at some of these examples. Parents can choose from many others. The main thing is that they bring pleasure to the child, arouse his interest and not tire him: their duration should not exceed a few minutes.

  • Physical form.

It is, first of all, movement. Let the child crawl as much as possible, get up, reach for toys, pick them up. You should not limit the space around the baby, but it must be made as safe as possible: remove, close, secure everything that can injure or be dangerous if swallowed. To stimulate the child to crawl, you can lay out bright toys in front of him, for which he will want to reach. If he is already able to sit, it is useful to roll the ball from mom to him, encouraging him to push the ball back to mom or reach for it.

If the little one gets on all fours, you can create artificial obstacles in front of him in the form of small pillows or toys, overcoming which on the way to the calling mother, he will master the crawling skill.

  • Coordination and vestibular apparatus.

Great games for this are shoulder riding. You can put the baby on your shoulders and, holding it, lean back and forth. Mom can also rock the baby on her leg, changing the pace: first slowly, then quickly. It’s great if such games are accompanied by funny nursery rhymes. Then they will definitely bring the baby, in addition to practical benefits, a lot of positive emotions.

In addition, exercises with a change in position in space develop the vestibular apparatus well. It is useful for a baby to turn over, swing in his arms or a blanket. You can spin around the room with him, especially to the music he likes, play "tumbler": pull the handles from the position on the back and gently push to the starting position.

You can swing the child on the fitball. The baby is placed on the ball first with the tummy, then with the back, slowly swinging back and forth. Lying on the tummy, the child can reach the floor while moving forward with the handles. Especially if there is a beautiful toy waiting for him.

  • Hearing.

A child's hearing should develop both general (recognition of all sounds and noises), and musical (the difference between slow and fast music, a sense of rhythm), and phonemic - recognition of sounds and individual words by ear.

For general development, it is useful to listen to a variety of sounds (nature, household appliances, animals, sound toys) with volume change. For example, if a sound is heard in another room, you can ask where it sounds, explaining what exactly makes the sound and how it can be called (ringing, noise, hum, hiss, rustle). It will be interesting for the baby to rustle with a newspaper, plastic bags or foil. It is only important to carefully monitor that he does not pull all this into his mouth, because no one has yet canceled this method of cognition.

Auditory perception is perfectly developed by toys that make different sounds (rattling, rustling, ringing), children's musical instruments (tambourine, pipe, xylophone, drum, keyboard instruments such as a simple children's piano).

Mom can easily make useful development toys on her own by filling plastic and metal cans with various contents (coins, cereals, small details of the designer). If you show the baby that the sounds in each container are different, he will soon begin to shake them himself and listen. Another option is to pour different amounts of water into several identical glass bottles and show the child that they ring at different heights.

Well, for the development of phonemic hearing, it is enough to constantly talk with the baby, especially to repeat poetic lines, rhythmically or in a singsong voice.

  • Thinking.

At this age, the baby needs to be given an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsimple logical actions and their consequences (if you throw a toy, it will fall, but you can pick it up and play it again; if mom hid, then she has not disappeared, you just need to look for her - the same applies to toys). It is also important for him to master new ways of manipulating objects. For example, placing a smaller piece of an insert toy inside a larger one.

Useful games for the development of thinking are not difficult. For example, hide and seek (you can hide your mother, child or toys by covering them with a scarf or napkin). The main thing is that “search” brings positive emotions.

The game of hide and seek can be somewhat complicated. Mom leaves the room for a while and then reappears. This technique will help you teach your child to the fact that his mother does not leave him, but always returns. After all, he has a period of separation anxiety ahead, when there will be a fear that his mother is lost and will not come again. This game helps to perfectly prepare the baby for this stage.

If you give a child a toy in each pen and then offer him a third, he will first try to take it, but will soon realize that for this he will have to set aside some toy in order to free one pen.

Another useful toy at this age is a pyramid. The kid needs to be taught to disassemble it, alternately removing one ring after another. And all kinds of jars and boxes will teach him to open and unscrew the lids.

Speech skills

Speech classes with a child should include several types of play activities.

  • Finger games (“pallets”, magpie-crow, “horned goat” are perfect), massage and kneading fingers.
  • The development of fine motor skills. To do this, you can fill several small bags with different contents (cereals, buttons, beans, polyethylene, cotton wool) and let the crumbs touch them. You can squeeze and unclench rubber balls or squeaker toys, roll small balls or nuts in your palms.
  • Reading books with bright pictures, funny rhymes, nursery rhymes, singing songs, lullabies.
  • speech environment. You need to talk to your child all the time. Tell about everything that surrounds him, what happens around him, what his mother does, what objects are made of, what they are for, etc. It is important to repeat after the baby what he says when participating in communication: using facial expressions, intonations, changing voice volume. Soon the baby will begin to repeat after adults. Then it will be necessary to pronounce sounds new to him slowly, articulating clearly, exaggeratedly, so that he can remember the movements of the lips of an adult.

You need more to do with a 6-month-old baby than with children younger age. Further, this trend will continue. But the fruits of parental efforts will be obvious. Especially if the baby grows in the belief that he is loved, that he is needed, and in a world called "family" it is warm and cloudless.

Baby development at 6 months - practical advice

The child explores the house: If the baby began to move independently, he will inevitably begin to travel around the house. Block the approaches to the stairs, close the door to the bathroom, cover the sockets, protect the baby from sharp corners, lock the drawers in the closet. Don't let it happen! All poisonous substances detergents and medicines must be securely hidden.

Sit on the floor with your child: At this age, children need a comfortable place to play. Let them sit on the floor for a while. This helps the baby learn to roll over and crawl. If your little one doesn't like to be alone, join him and play together. Store children's toys in small boxes. The child begins to show interest in small things. Keep his favorite toys in a small box or basket and let him get them out himself. It is better to use several small boxes than one large box.

Call by your names: For several months, you often talked to the baby. By imitating the sounds he made, you aroused his interest in conversation and thus developed his speech. Now that your baby is six months old, you can have a more active conversation. Come up with exercises that mention parts of his body - eyes, nose, arms, legs, and during the game name them.

Invite friends to visit: Invite a toddler over to play with your child. After children look, touch and carefully examine each other, they will be able to detect serious differences between toys and living people.

Game time

New discoveries

Ladushki: Play patty with your baby. Sing him a song: Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma. What did they eat? Porridge. What did they drink? Brazhka.

Cup talk: Gather several cups of different sizes together and put them in a cardboard box. Bringing each cup to your mouth in turn, repeat some familiar word (for example, the name of the child). The kid will notice how differently his name sounds. Continue the game and try to pronounce a variety of sounds. The more the baby listens to them, the sooner he will begin to repeat.

Water ball: Fill balloon some water and tie a string to it. Show your baby how the shape of the balloon changes when you squeeze and rock it, and let him do the same. He will soon discover that the ball bounces when thrown and wobbles when twirled. Don't leave your child alone. Remember: if a child takes it in his mouth, a burst balloon can be harmful.

Playing with sounds: Pour different amounts of water into plastic bottles. By hitting each of them with a spoon, you will hear different sounds. The child will also notice the difference and after a while will join the game.

Photos of mom and dad: Use the words "dad" and "mum" whenever possible. Pin pictures of mom and dad to the wall above the crib or chair. Every time you hear your baby "baby" "ma-ma" and "pa-pa", show him in the photo and say: "This is mom, and this is dad."

Development of coordination

"The birds have flown" Slowly tell your child a story about birds. As you say "The birds have flown," raise your child's arms up and clap your hands. Soon he will learn to wait for this moment and will laugh in advance. Try not to rock or pull the child's arms too hard, they can be easily dislocated.

Place the child on your shoulders: Let dad put the baby on his shoulders and roll him a little. Thus, the child will learn to better maintain balance, control his movements and see the world from the height of his father's height.

Rock your baby on your leg: Sit in a comfortable chair and rock your baby. Cross your legs and place your baby on your ankle. Take him by the hands or support him by the elbows. Swing your leg and sing the song while changing the tempo. Accordingly, swing the child: either slowly, or quickly.

If the child has learned to crawl: Set up a fun obstacle course in front of your child by placing some pillows in pillowcases made of different fabric. Let the baby try to get over them.

Spinning ball: A great way to get your baby to crawl is to show him how the ball moves in a circle. Start to slowly rotate it at some distance from the child. Draw the attention of the baby to the ball, saying: "Come here and take the ball."

Ball game: Sit your child on the floor and start rolling the ball back and forth in front of him. At the same time, sing him a song.

Problem solving

Third toy: When the baby holds toys in both hands, invite him to take the third. First, he will try to grab her, not letting go of the ones he is holding. However, after a while, he will realize that before taking another item, you need to free your hands.

A toy half hidden under a blanket: Hide your child's favorite toy under a blanket or cover it with something else so that its edge is visible. The kid will grab the part of the toy that he sees and will pull on it. In the end, he will learn to pull the blanket off the toy.

Drop the doll off the table: Try to move rag doll on the table and then let it fall. Do this several times and let the baby watch your actions. After a while, he will learn to wait for the moment when the doll falls, and will look at the floor in advance.

Shape play: Give your child some cookie cutters. Show how to hit them against each other and against the table.

Hide the radio: Hide the radio under the diaper and see if your baby can find it.

Balloon: Tie a balloon to a baby stroller. The kid will love to pull the string and watch the ball move. Do not leave the child alone - if the balloon suddenly bursts, the baby can take it in his mouth.

Give your child a "playboard": Now is the perfect time to introduce your little one to the children's playboard. Choose items that are easy to handle. Place the board in a place where it will be convenient for the baby to play.

Wave goodbye: Every time you leave the room for a while, do not forget to wave goodbye to your baby. This will prepare the child for your extended absence.

daily affairs

Feeding time

When feeding, put the baby in a special high chair: At the age of six months, many babies are able to sit in a high chair with a table or in a high chair. By giving your child small pieces of food in his hands, you help him develop finger movements. Start your workout with breakfast cereal or unsalted crackers.

Attach a suction cup toy to the children's table: There are many different toys that can be attached to the children's table. They will entertain the baby while waiting for him to be served lunch.

Help the child to knock on the table: If your toddler starts banging on the table, follow suit and see if it makes a game. Repeat the words "hit, hit" so that the connection between the word and actions is established in the mind of the baby.

Sweet Jelly: Make a delicious jelly by mixing juice with gelatin and place a few pieces on the table in front of your child. Baby will love to grab the sweet slippery bits and put them in his mouth.

Straws: If you're eating in a restaurant, take plastic straws and cup-hole lids and use them as toys. Put several lids on the straw, leaving an empty space between them. Show your child how to pull them off the straw.

Time relax

Entertaining pillow: Sew a pillow for your child with a picture of a cheerful and sad face. Show him first one side of the pillow, then the other. This will help the baby to distinguish expressions human face. If he is interested in a new soft toy let him play with her.

Large rag doll: Give your baby a large rag doll and let him play by moving her legs and arms up and down. Short phrases explain to the child what he is doing.

Marilyn Segal "A child plays from birth to a year"

The first year of a baby's life is a rather difficult, but very exciting period of life for every young family. Each new month brings new surprises and discoveries that literally turn the whole idea of ​​child development that has developed after watching numerous videos from experts on the YouTube channel.

Of course, there are certain general recommendations and tips that you need to know, but still the most important thing for yourself is to understand one simple truth, which in any "controversial situation" should pop up in your head, namely "all children are different and develop in their own individual mode." The main thing is to do everything in your power to give your baby maximum attention and your maternal love. Well, the child himself will tell you what is interesting to him and what is not very. You just need to be able to recognize his hints

Well, I'll just share with you my discoveries and observations while entertaining my six-month-old baby. At the age of six months, she has almost become conscious person, with their own characteristics of character, habits and hobbies. So how do we have fun?


About toys (especially about all kinds of "educational toys" for children of 6 months of age) I can say one thing, you should not buy them. More precisely, for the sake of interest, you can buy a couple and look at the reaction of your child, but, again, judging by my own experience, children at this age react much better to things and objects. natural origin", or made by hand.

We bought a lot of different rustlers, rattles, skewers, sparklers, etc., but now our girl is enthusiastically playing with only one toy, which our dad, in some incredible creative impulse, made for her with his own hands.

At the same time, its cost was only about 150 rubles, unlike most development programs, the cost of which starts from 250 rubles and more.

She also prefers all the variety of bright and interesting (in our opinion) toys some simple things that are not intended for games at all (again, according to her parents). These are different jars, and sachets, and spoons, and cotton wool, and diapers, and anything, if only not toys. The child learns by imitating his parents, and he wants to play with exactly those things and objects that, as he notices, his parents use.

In the choice she faces: to play with a new rustling toy (for example, an elephant with different textures) or with a rustling bag from this elephant, she always leans in favor of the latter.

We even conducted an experiment: we hung a full package on her crib bright toys and a bag with various baby hygiene products. So the package with toys turned out to be almost completely ignored

Therefore, for ourselves, we clearly understood: six-month-old babies do not need any complex and very bright toys yet. Something handmade or familiar household items are of much greater interest to them. Well, the time for "complex mechanisms" will come, everything has its time.

So at 6 months there is no need to complicate entertainment for the baby. You will still have time to spend money on expensive toys.

Books and conversations

Unlike toys, which at 6 months of age can keep your baby busy for a very short time, very good fun for him it is reading different books with his mother, looking at pictures (necessarily with explanatory comments from his mother) or simply observing how two people communicate, for example, mom and dad, but at the same time it is imperative that from time to time the child is also connected to the conversation.

This method always works one hundred percent and entertains the baby better than anything else. Children love to be talked to, sing songs, read books, etc. With my daughter, this process is the most favorite daily entertainment, to which we can devote at least a lot of time.

Walks and exercises

Also at the age of six months, the baby has a great interest in walking outside in a stroller. More precisely, even this interest is manifested at the moment when he begins to sit.

Previously, my baby did not show much enthusiasm for walks at all, and this process quickly bothered her. Now, after she mastered the art of sitting, we began to walk many times more, and her behavior on the street also changed dramatically. We can walk for hours in a stroller, and at this time she sits silently and enthusiastically studies the world around her. So daily walks in the fresh air take second place in my rating of entertainment for a 6-month-old baby (after books).

look out the window

The older the child becomes, the more he manifests a craving for knowledge of the world around him. Therefore, everything must be done so that the baby can fully realize his craving for new impressions and knowledge.

The layout of our apartment allowed us to organize a play place for the baby right at the window level (the window does not open), and this has become another way for her to have fun on her own. She can for many minutes enthusiastically look out the window, learning about the world around her. This process does not bother her day by day.


And another way to entertain a child at 6 months is to chew on hard fruits or vegetables, in our case this is a favorite apple.

If you have already introduced the first complementary foods into your baby's diet, then you can quite entrust him with a piece of a hard green apple. This process can easily take our baby for 20 minutes. She is so immersed in it that she is no longer interested in everything that is happening around.

These are so simple, but very effective ways entertainment for six-month-old children, I can advise you. How do you entertain your child?