
What is baby food definition. Types of baby food. What does the packaging of goods say?


With the birth of a child, parents have a lot of pleasant worries: the baby needs to be watched, fed, bathed. It is very good when the baby is breastfeeding. But not everyone is so lucky, and many mothers do not have enough milk or it is completely absent. In this case, you have to use specialized baby food.

It should be understood that even the most expensive and popular mixture is not an exact analogue. breast milk, but its composition is as close as possible to mother's nutrition.

You need to be extremely careful in your choice. First, you need to monitor the composition and shelf life of the product. Secondly, the nutritional mass should correspond to the age of the baby. And, thirdly, you need to choose the product that your child will like the most. What to keep in mind when choosing baby food?

The composition of baby food: what should you pay attention to?

Mom's milk is, of course, the best that nature can come up with, it is unique and useful, it contains exactly those components that are necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby. Infant formula is prepared on the basis of cow's milk, it has a completely different composition.

Baby food manufacturers are trying to approximate their characteristics with the help of additional components. The key point is calorie content. Cow's milk is much fatter than breast milk, so it is processed under special conditions. The average calorie content of infant formula is 60-70 kcal.

Mandatory components of baby food are:

  • Proteins, fast-digesting whey proteins are used, the maximum amount is 1.7 g / 100 ml;
  • Fats, about 70% of vegetable origin, the mass of fats in the mixture should not exceed 3.5 grams;
  • Amino acids of artificial origin, specially selected elements are added, they are not in cow's milk;
  • Vitamins and minerals.

There are a number of components that are unsafe for child's body, but sometimes they can appear in the composition:

  • Sugar. A harmful component for adults, but generally dangerous for babies. It provokes metabolic disorders, affects digestion, impairs the synthesis of vitamins.
  • Starch. In principle, a harmless component, but it is not recommended for children under 5 months of age due to possible gas formation.
  • Palm oil. It is used as a flavor enhancer, but in fact, the substance can accumulate in the body and affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Soy. Soy is often used in dietary nutrition. Under normal conditions, it can cause digestive problems.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Today, on the shelves of grocery supermarkets, you can find a lot of different jars in the baby food section. Even the most experienced ones get lost in the choice.

  • Buy only from specialized departments or stores. Products from other shelves, even if a baby is painted on them, are recommended only from the age of three.
  • The composition of the mixture. The package must contain the entire list of components. If it is not there or it contains unacceptable substances, it is better to leave it.
  • Choose according to the age of the baby. This information is also usually found on the packaging.
  • The shorter the shelf life, the better the product. The fact is that manufacturers use preservatives to extend the shelf life, and they are dangerous for the child's body.

Before choosing, it is better to consult a pediatrician. He will tell you what kind of food and when it is better to give.

You need to be careful with fruit and vegetable mixtures. It is better to choose food with simple domestic products, for example, broccoli, zucchini, carrots. Allergies can develop to exotic fruits and vegetables.

What does the packaging of the product say?

Baby food is a very serious choice, so you need to pay attention to all the details, including the packaging. It must be sealed, if there is any damage on it, then it should be abandoned. Also inspect the lid carefully, if it is inflated or you hear a hissing or sharp sound when opening, the product may be damaged.

For liquid mixtures, it is best to choose glass containers, it is safe and environmentally friendly, although a little inconvenient. It is better to buy porridges in sealed aluminum packages.

You shouldn't buy a large jar right away; today there are small packages for one-time feeding. These trial packages are great, if you don't like it, you can try another one.

Best mix: baby food rankings

Deficit in baby food not today, so each mother can choose which option is best for her baby. Based on parental surveys and independent testing, a rating of the most popular formulas has been derived.

Top ten baby food:

  • Hipp trade mark. The market leader, a joint Austro-German company, has been working on baby food for about a hundred years. Is wide range of mixtures, juices, teas, purees. They are the most popular among buyers.
  • "Nestle" is a Swiss-made company, distinguished by excellent taste and quality.
  • "Gerber". It is very popular and offers a wide range of goods. The only drawback is that buyers indicate the price slightly higher than others.
  • Nutrilon. The company focuses specifically on infant formula for feeding on early dates... The products are as close as possible in composition to breast milk, tests were carried out according to the latest foreign standards.
  • Nutrilak. This type of baby food is aimed at restoring a weakened body. It is often used for premature or sick babies.
  • "Baby". Russian manufacturer presents a series of baby food. The price is much lower, but the composition includes soybeans and a small amount of palm oil.
  • "Humana". Highest German quality, modern production, great taste. As disadvantages, users indicate a fairly high price and a long shelf life.
  • "Heinz" baby food series. A wide range of meat and

Baby food is an industrially manufactured food product (corresponding to the requirements of the Institute of Baby Food and GOST), adapted to physiological characteristics the child's body.

Designed to meet its nutrient needs. There is a huge selection of baby food products on sale, which differ in their composition, consistency and properties.

Types of baby food

Depending on the purpose and manufacturing method, the following types of baby food are distinguished:

  • mixture;
  • porridge;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • juices;
  • puddings;
  • dairy products.

Separate milk formulas and teas are intended for use in the first days of a newborn's life, the rest of the products are introduced gradually as the baby grows up and his digestive system develops.

Infant formula is the main component of the diet of a child under one year of age. Since it acts as a substitute for breast milk, the composition should be as close to it as possible.

Infant formula components:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • lactose (milk sugar);
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • natural emulsifiers;
  • vegetable oils;
  • carnitine;
  • taurine;
  • dextrinmaltose;
  • linoleic acid;
  • probiotics.

Baby food mixes are divided into three groups:

  • dairy;
  • fermented milk;
  • dairy-free.

The basis milk mixtures makes up cow's or goat's milk. The animal proteins included in this product, due to the immaturity of the baby's digestive system, are poorly absorbed and can cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, milk for infant formula undergoes special processing, during which there is:

  • reduction of the mass parts of protein and minerals;
  • correction of the carbohydrate composition;
  • an increase in the content of fatty acids;
  • change in the ratio of whey proteins and casein.

Based on the degree of similarity between formula and breast milk, several groups are distinguished.

Adapted infant formula:

  • as close as possible in structural composition to breast milk;
  • nutritious light mixtures;
  • quickly and completely absorbed;
  • suitable for newborns.

Partially adapted infant formula:

  • similar in properties to breast milk;
  • in addition to lactose, include sucrose;
  • have insufficiently stabilized mineral and fat composition.

Unadapted infant formula:

  • made from powdered whole cow's milk;
  • include sucrose and starch;
  • do not contain whey.

Fermented milk formulas contain curdled protein, which is highly digestible.

Such mixtures contribute to the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines of the newborn, prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microbes, increase protective functions the baby's body.

It is useful to apply this type of mixture in the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Designed for children who have a sensitivity or intolerance to cow's milk protein. This product has the following features:

  • includes an alternative ingredient - soy protein, which has a high nutritional value and is an easily digestible and low allergenic substance;
  • does not contain whey;
  • the nutritional composition does not differ from adapted mixtures.

Most often, the type of breast milk substitute base is indicated on the packaging, manufacturers include the necessary labeling in the name of the product.

What infant formula for what age?

Infant formula can be used to feed a child up to three years of age. There is such a detailed classification, which is indicated on the package:

  • from birth to 3 months;
  • from 3 to 5 months;
  • from 5 to 7 months;
  • from 7 to 9 months;
  • from 9 months to 1 year;
  • from 1 to 3 years.

There is also a more simplified version:

  • products intended for feeding an infant up to six months are called starting products;
  • from 6 to 12 months - subsequent.

A digital indicator may also be indicated on the packages, which corresponds to the following age ranges:

  • 0 - for weakened children (premature or low birth weight);
  • 1 - from birth to six months;
  • 2 - from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 - from one year and older.

The age classification of infant formula cannot be neglected, since the formula for the composition of this product depends on this indicator.

As the age of the child for whom they are intended increases, the mixtures have the following differences:

  • instead of mineralized whey, cow's milk with a high content of unadapted proteins is used as a base;
  • the amount of vitamins and minerals increases;
  • the calorie content of the product increases.

Please note that formula containing cow's milk protein (casein) can only be used for feeding children over 6 months of age.

What consistency should I choose for infant formula?

Infant formulas differ in their consistency.

Dry infant formula:

  • are made by sublimation;
  • are in the form of a powder;
  • for feeding, they need to be diluted with boiled water;
  • a set with a powder is sold with a special volumetric glassware;
  • packed in cardboard or tin boxes, laminated with aluminum foil;
  • after opening the package, the shelf life is no more than 3 weeks;
  • there is a wide variety of choices, since such products make up about 90% of the total available range of this type of baby food.

Liquid infant formula:

  • are made by sterilization or pasteurization;
  • before using for feeding a baby, the mixture just needs to be warmed up;
  • packaged in 200 ml special aseptic Tetra Pak packages;
  • the shelf life after opening the package is 1-2 days;
  • are quite rare on sale, since they are perishable goods and have a high price.

Dry mixtures are more convenient for long-term storage, and liquid mixtures are indispensable for feeding a child in the absence of conditions for preparing food.

Additional baby food

In addition to infant formula, other products are used that provide replenishment of food and energy costs. The acute need for the use of such products occurs when the infant reaches the age of six months.

During this period, being breastfed, the child no longer receives a sufficient amount of biological ingredients necessary for the full development of his body.

For additional nutrition, the following products must be included in the children's diet:

  • grain-based;
  • milk-based;
  • on a fruit and vegetable basis;
  • meat-based;
  • fish based.

Grain based products are introduced as an additional source of energy. Includes carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and mineral salts that are new for the child's digestive system.

  • are produced in the form of semi-finished products that contain flour of various cereals;
  • there are mono-grain or mixed;
  • for use from the mixture, it is necessary to prepare a liquid porridge;
  • there are instant mixtures on sale that should be diluted with boiled water to a mushy state or insoluble mixtures that require preliminary cooking;
  • are dairy-free and dairy-free;
  • contain nutritional supplements ( vegetable oil, powder from natural fruits or vegetables, honey, vanillin, starch, dietary fiber, probiotics, prebiotics);
  • enriched with vitamins and mineral salts (fluoride, calcium, iron);
  • it is recommended to give it to a child from 5 months of age.

These products also include:

  • instant flour;
  • instant cookies;
  • children's pasta.

Milk-based baby food are introduced to stabilize the intestinal microflora, increase the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Liquid or spreadable milk baby food:

  • are made by pasteurization using special ferments;
  • the basis is whole cow's milk;
  • are produced in a ready-to-use form;
  • require increased attention to storage conditions;
  • packed in boxes or cups made of polypropylene, glass bottles.

The range of such products includes:

  • curd;
  • acidophilic mixtures;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • fortified milk.

Fruit and vegetable based baby food are used at the first stage of the introduction of complementary foods to ensure the supply of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, sugar, organic acids and vegetable fiber.

  • have a consistency similar to breast milk;
  • on sale are canned products made by pressing or wiping;
  • natural purees are produced or with the inclusion of additives (sugar, lemon acid, natural flavors);
  • juices can be pulp or pulpless;
  • according to the degree of grinding, homogenized, finely and coarsely ground purees are distinguished;
  • intended for the introduction of complementary foods to children of 4 months of age;
  • a mono-compound product should be given to the child in order to monitor for a possible allergic reaction.

This group of products also includes canned food with a combined raw material composition:

  • fruit and cereals;
  • fruit and dairy;
  • cereal and vegetable.

Meat-based baby food enrich the child's body with animal proteins with high biological value, fats, iron, vitamins A, B.

Children's canned meat:

  • consist of minced poultry, pork, beef, veal or lamb with the addition of broth, vegetable or butter, starch, flour, onion and salt;
  • one-part and mixed canned food is produced;
  • different degrees of grinding are provided (homogenized, puree-like, coarsely ground);
  • it is recommended to introduce a child into the diet from 6 months of age, and if necessary, a little earlier (in case of anemia, it can be given to a child at 5 months);
  • it is necessary to accustom the baby to canned meat gradually, starting with one type of meat, and in small doses.

There are also canned meat and vegetables.

Fish-based baby food are an irreplaceable source of fatty acids.

Canned fish for children:

  • are made from ocean (hake, cod, pollock, pelengas) or river (pike perch, trout, carp) fish;
  • may additionally include soy protein, milk powder, cottage cheese, or cream;
  • there are puree and coarsely ground;
  • recommended for introduction into complementary foods from 8 months of age;
  • should be alternated with the use of meat dishes, only in one year old you can give both meat and fish dishes on the same day.

Most often, fish-vegetable canned foods are used for complementary foods, which also include:

  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oils;
  • legumes;
  • pasta;
  • cereals.

The presented range of products for complementary feeding allows you to provide a rich diet for the child, taking into account his health status and individual needs.

Properties of baby food

The main feature of baby food products is their adaptation to the functional state and metabolic rate of children in the first year of life. Considering these factors in the development of babies, milk formula for feeding is produced:

  • healthy children;
  • premature or low birth weight babies;
  • children suffering from various diseases.

The second type of mixtures is marked with a special prefix in the name "Pre". They are high in calories and promote rapid weight gain.

From the moment the baby weighs 3 kg, you need to stop feeding and switch to using regular baby food.

Mixtures of the third type are classified depending on the physiological state of the child. These include:

  1. Fermented milk - have a beneficial effect on motility and the gastrointestinal mucosa, help relieve inflammation after dysbiosis, normalize stool, relieve colic or bloating, and improve nutrient absorption.
  2. Antireflux mixtures from regurgitation have an increased viscosity or an increased dose of the casein fraction of the protein.
  3. Lactose-free formulas - intended for children with lactose deficiency.
  4. Gluten-free - intended for children with celiac disease (plant protein intolerance).
  5. Phenylalanine Free - Soy-based formula for children with phenylketonuria.
  6. Hypoallergenic infant formula - products for children who are allergic to protein components of food. They are made using hydrolysis, which promotes the breakdown of protein into amino acids.
  7. Enriched - high-calorie mixtures designed to replenish the lack of vitamins or microelements in the child's body.

These mixtures can be used:

  • As a supplement to your regular feeding formula;
  • as the main type of food for the baby.

Fermented milk and fortified mixtures can be given to a child for prophylactic purposes. You can use any specialized type of infant formula for feeding a child only after consulting a doctor.

Despite the obvious advantage of feeding a child up to one year old with breast milk, the use of baby food for these purposes is widespread.

Baby food is used for artificial feeding baby or for the introduction of additional complementary foods. The need for baby food arises in such cases:

  • lack or absence of breast milk;
  • temporary inability to breastfeed due to mother's illness;
  • deliberate refusal of a woman from breastfeeding child;
  • intolerance to breast milk by an infant;
  • prematurity of the newborn or other reasons that make it difficult for the baby to suckle;
  • expanding the range of baby food.

The use of baby food has several advantages:

  • the ability to provide the required amount of food for the child at any time;
  • speed and ease of preparation;
  • providing the child with a balanced diet;
  • the possibility, choosing the composition of the product, to carry out the prevention or treatment of existing health problems of the baby.

With infant formula and other complementary foods at your disposal, you can take care of your baby even when the mother is away.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that, unlike mother's milk, baby food does not contain:

  • immune bodies;
  • enzymes;
  • hormones;
  • lactulose.

There may also be problems with the regulation of the buffer capacity in infant formula, which does not always coincide with this indicator in human milk.

The disadvantages of using baby food can also include:

  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to the constituents of the product;
  • the need for conditions for the preparation and storage of baby food;
  • high price of quality products;
  • additional financial costs due to the fact that unused residues will have to be thrown away and fresh produce should be regularly used;
  • a variety of choices, since with such a wide range it is rather difficult to determine which product is better to give preference to.

The ideal formula for feeding a baby up to one year old is to use breast milk as the main source, and baby food products as additional complementary foods.

Which baby food is better

High-quality products should be as close as possible in composition to breast milk, easily digested and absorbed by the child's body. When choosing baby food, you need to pay attention to these recommendations.

  • Carefully study the composition of the product, comparing it with other analogues. It is unacceptable to find artificial or synthetic substances in the lists of ingredients.
  • Avoid foods that include canola or palm oil.
  • Give preference to products with a balanced vitamin and mineral complex, linoleic acid, carnitine.
  • Strictly take into account the age recommendations for the use of the product.
  • To take into account the state of health of the child, but also not to get carried away with medicinal and prophylactic products.
  • Purchase baby food products in specialized stores.
  • Pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the tightness of its packaging.
  • Check the availability of certified documents.
  • Monitor the child's reaction to the use of the product and, if an allergic reaction or digestive problems occurs, immediately replace it.

The choice of baby food products is best done on the basis of the results of a preventive examination by a doctor and a substantive consultation with him.

Feeding babies requires special attention to the quality of the products offered to him. A mandatory requirement is the use of only freshly prepared food, therefore:

  • it is better to prepare milk mixtures immediately before use (it is allowed to store a portion for a day);
  • open jars of baby food should also be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 to 24 hours;
  • all opened packages must be tightly sealed, do not allow moisture to get inside.

It is advisable to try its taste on your own before giving food to your baby.

It is also important to follow the sequence of introducing a new product into the child's diet:

  • It is always recommended to start with a mono-food meal.
  • The initial dose should be as small as ½ to 1 teaspoon.
  • First, use a liquid or puree type of product.
  • You can mix a new product into a dish that is already familiar to your baby or dilute it with breast milk.

The best baby food manufacturers

An international company engaged in diversified medical activities, including the production of medical and baby food. It is known for the widely advertised Similak milk formula, which this company has been producing for about a hundred years.

Produces breast milk substitutes, as well as food for children from 1 to 10 years old. It manufactures products for feeding premature babies and a series of formulas for babies with health problems.

A domestic company that manufactures high-quality baby milk food. It has been on the market for over 30 years. The range of Agusha products is constantly expanding and this moment includes:

  • milk mixtures,
  • fruit and vegetable and meat purees,
  • juices,
  • porridge.

Trademark of the Russian production and trade holding "Sivma". The presented products are made on the basis of scientific research in the field of pediatrics and nutrition, meet modern quality and safety requirements.

Products of the “Babushkino Lukoshko” brand have received numerous national awards and are certified by the independent European organization ECOCERT for compliance with the necessary requirements for biologically high-quality production.

For children, milk mixtures, cereals, purees, juices, teas, canned meat, drinking water are made.


Trademark of the Slovenian company Droga Kolinska. She gained wide popularity thanks to the release of more than 30 types of cereals intended for complementary feeding children under one year old.

Among them there are also dairy-free, low-allergenic cereals and cereals with goat's milk.

The company also produces infant formula, tea, juices, purees, cookies, water.

New Zealand company representing unique baby products based on goat milk. It has modern technological facilities and its own research laboratories to control the entire process of creating baby food.

Produces 4 types of dry milk formula NANNY for feeding children from birth to 1 year and older.

The assortment also includes dry instant cereals BIBIKASHA, fruit and milk puree with BIBIKOL curd.

Trademark of Progress JSC, which is one of the leaders in the Russian baby food market.

The company produces a line of hypoallergenic Frutonyanya products, which includes dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices, drinks, compotes, nectars, fruit drinks, water. More than 150 commodity items are produced under this brand.

The well-known brand of the Nestle company, which includes about 80 product names. Gerber baby food consists of juices and purees made from natural products and are ideal for the initial period of the introduction of complementary foods.

Products undergo minimal heat treatment, do not contain dyes, artificial additives and preservatives.


An international company recognized as an expert in the production of baby food. Releases different types products: low-allergenic, fortified, dairy-free cereals.

For children from birth to 3 years old, it also offers a wide selection of soups, purees, biscuits, pasta, teas and puddings.


A company with half a century of experience in the production of baby food products. It specializes in the production of milk formulas with dietary fiber, fermented milk crops and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

A popular company in the field of baby food manufacturers. He has vast experience in the field of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Produces about 50 brands, including Gerber, Nan, Nestogen.

Baby cereals with a wide variety of compositions are offered under the Nestle brand.

An international company, part of the Danone concern, with a full range of food products for children under 3 years of age. Produces milk mixtures and cereals Nutrilon, Baby, Baby. Also offers products for feeding children with special nutritional needs.

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and happy. Therefore, he tries to do everything to provide the child with everything he needs. Many mothers are often at a loss to decide what to feed their baby with homemade or store food. Today, stores sell a fairly large amount of various baby food. However, reviews about artificial nutrition are quite controversial. Therefore, parents cannot make the right decision. Often, at their own peril and risk, they buy baby food and worry even if nothing happens.

Baby food myths

Parents' awareness of baby food greatly affects the child. After all, parents decide what their child will eat. Their decision affects the future healthy life baby. Therefore, before deciding on the use or refusal of baby food, you need to study this issue well. Be sure to read our article "nutritional guidelines for infants".

The most common baby food myths are:

  1. Baby food can cause allergies. An allergic reaction to many types of foods can manifest itself in both childhood and adulthood. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child, no one is immune from individual cases. Although manufacturers, when creating baby food, exclude the main products that can cause allergies in the child.
  2. Baby food contains preservatives. Today, modern technology for the preparation of baby food is used, which does not involve the use of preservatives. Baby food is kept fairly well without the use of chemicals.
  3. Baby food contains less nutrients than homemade products. When stored and processed, fruits and vegetables lose nutrients. Therefore, using juices, home-made purees, they do not fully provide the child with nutrients. Industrial baby food is additionally saturated with nutrients. In addition, for the preparation of baby food, only proven products are used that do not contain harmful substances.

The whole truth about baby food

Special products for babies

The most common foods for children:

  1. Juices. Today you can find a wide variety of juices for children. They can include a single fruit, vegetable, or multiple ingredients. Juices are a valuable source of vitamins, so they need to be included in your child's diet.
  2. Dairy products. They are rich in minerals and protein that are essential for the normal development of the baby. Mostly fermented milk products that adults consume may not be suitable for a child, therefore it is better to buy dairy products intended for a child.
  3. Porridge. An irreplaceable product for baby food is porridge. In the store, they are sold dry. You just need to dissolve the contents of the sachet in milk or water and the porridge is ready. Manufacturers today offer a wide range of cereals. They can be taken with milk, fruit, nutrient-rich and active microorganisms. Therefore, porridge is very useful for babies.
  4. Fruit puree. It is prepared from a large number products and add vitamin complexes... Therefore, fruit puree is not only tasty, but also healthy. To learn more about nutrition for children under one year old, follow this link.

How to choose the right baby food

Rules for choosing baby food:

  1. Baby food should only be purchased in a glass jar. In no case should you buy products from plastic bottles... The composition of plastics may contain harmful substances that negatively affect the health and mental abilities of the child.
  2. At the time of buying baby puree you need to carefully consider the jar. The color of the product must be natural. The bright color of the puree indicates that the manufacturers of the products used dyes. You also need to pay attention to the consistency of the product. If the puree has a sediment and an upper transparent layer, then it is prepared without the use of stabilizers.
  3. You need to take a good look at the lid of the jar. If it is scratched, then the product cannot be purchased.
  4. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the product. If there is no time, it is better not to buy baby food. After all, you can buy a product that will harm your child.
  5. Next, you need to carefully read the information on the label. The label must contain information about the composition of the product. Also, the label should indicate the age of the child to whom this product can be given.
  6. When you open the jar with baby food, a pop should sound. This means that the tightness of the product has not been compromised.
  7. Next, you need to smell the contents of the jar. If there is a pungent, sour, rotten smell, this product should not be used to feed a child. The contents of the jar must have the aroma of the product specified in the composition.

Industry: Products for children

Products: children food

Owner company: DANON RUSSIA JSC

Year of foundation: 2002

Headquarters: Russia, Moscow region

"Topic"- a wide range of high quality baby food, prepared the way the baby wants.

Production of branded products "Topic" started in 1998 at the Petmol plant in St. Petersburg. Now Topic is a national brand, one of the leaders in the baby food segment in Russia, both in the dairy and non-dairy categories.

Like many manufacturers, the brand "Topic" offers fruit and vegetable juices and purees for children. Mono- and multicomponent juices "Tema" differ from similar products of other companies in that they are based on green apple juice, which helps to reduce the risk of allergies.

In assortment "Themes" the following flavors: "Apple", "Apple-apricot", "Apple-banana", "Apple-plum", "Apple-carrot" and "Apple-pumpkin". There is also a large selection of fruit and vegetable purees, for example, "Yabloko" from 4 months, "Pumpkin with carrots".

Trademark "Topic" also produces fermented milk products: curds with different tastes, for example, "Yabloko-carrot" from 6 months, kefir from 8 months, milk "Baby", milk "Enriched" from 8 months, fermented milk product "Enriched" from 8 months and drinking yoghurts with prunes, green apple, rose hips and raspberries. Yoghurts are enriched with a complex of vitamins and microelements.

Under the brand name "Topic" one-component meat purees and meat purees with the addition of vegetables and cereals are produced, which are produced at the "Tikhoretsky" plant and are already loved by many kids.

Dry mixes, milk, curds, yoghurts, juices, as well as meat, vegetable and fruit purees under the brand name "Topic" developed in collaboration with leading pediatricians and nutritionists in Russia. At all stages of production - from the supply of raw materials to packaging - a wide range of products "Topic" is carefully monitored, because the key characteristics of these products are quality and safety.

In 2008, the packaging was restyled as part of the brand repositioning. "Topic".

The style of the image of the brand character has been changed. From static soft toys, the character has turned into a lively, charming and cheerful bear cub, which does not dominate, but complements the communication on the package, symbolizing the age of the child.

The design of the line of mixtures, as well as milk and kefir, is minimalistic and reflects the idea of ​​product safety. And the design of packages of complementary foods for an older age should reflect the mother's desire not only to feed the child, but to feed him deliciously.

Industrial baby food is subdivided into dairy products for feeding infants (milk formulas) and canned food for babies.

Baby food

Baby food

Infant formula can be adapted, simple non-adapted for sick children.

Powdered adapted milk formulas are products that are balanced in composition of all components and are as close as possible to breast milk. They are made from high quality dairy and non-dairy raw materials (vegetable oil, di- and polysaccharides, vitamins). They are characterized by increased stability during storage, easy to handle, guaranteed in sanitary and hygienic terms. There are two types: I) initial - used during the first 2 months. child's life; 2) subsequent - for further feeding of children, after 2 months. However, most formulas can be used when feeding children from birth to six months, a year.

Adapted milk formulas are produced in a large assortment by many companies: Piltti Bona (Finland), Similak (USA), Nan (Switzerland), Nutrilon (Holland) and many others. Many manufacturers also produce canned foods for children.

As a substitute for breast milk, nutritional mixtures are produced - Mildibe (Hungary), as well as nutritional concentrates from the same company Robby A, B, Robolakt.

Bona is a powdered mother's milk substitute for children aged 0-12 months. The assortment includes soy substitutes for children with cow's milk allergy, liquid and thick porridge-powders; Pre-Bona is a substitute for premature babies. All Bon's powdered baby food contains vitamins and minerals.

EnfaMama is a balanced milk-based drink specially formulated to meet the special nutritional requirements (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) that arise during pregnancy and lactation.

Enfalak is a specialized milk formula for feeding premature babies or those with low birth weight.

Enfamil-1 is an adapted milk formula, which is as close as possible in composition to breast milk, is used for feeding children from birth to 4-6 months. Enfamil-2 is an adapted milk formula for children from 6 months. up to a year.

Enfamil Soy is an adapted dairy-free mixture based on soy protein isolate, free of lactose and sucrose; intended for feeding children from birth to one year old, as well as for children with allergies

gia on cow's milk, with lactose deficiency, with intolerance to sucrose, galactosemia.

Enfamil Junior is a high-calorie balanced milk formula for children over 1 year old, which allows you to compensate for the additional needs for nutrients and energy of the child depending on the age.

Nutramigen is a therapeutic mixture for infants and older children suffering from severe forms of polyvalent food allergy, patients with cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, lactose deficiency.

NAS is a fully adapted infant milk formula, which is close to human milk in composition and absorption capacity, intended for healthy children aged 0-12 months.

Nestogen - dry milk mixture for feeding children 0-12 months. life.

Alsoy - baby food formula based on soy isolate; for feeding children with allergies to cow's milk proteins or lactose deficiency.

AJ1-110 - Lactose-free infant formula; for feeding children and adults with lactose deficiency.

Alprem is a specially developed formula for feeding premature babies and babies with low birth weight.

Alfare - a semi-element low molar mixture, consisting of components that are easily absorbed in the intestines of a sick child; for children with severe diarrhea, allergies to cow's milk, soy.

The assortment of simple unadapted milk mixtures includes "Krepysh", "Health"; they cannot be used as a staple food long time.

Fermented acidophilic mixtures for medical nutrition of children of the first year of life are the closest in composition to breast milk. They contain a finely dispersed fat enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which improves its absorption and has a positive effect on metabolic processes. These include acidophilic mixtures Malyutka, Malysh, Vitalakt (Russia).

Various canned meat, cereals and fruit preserves, mashed potatoes, casseroles, cereals, yoghurts, juices, jams, etc. are also produced for children.

Danone - liquid and dry porridge-powders (corn, fruit, 5 cereals, banana, vegetable, nut, forest berry, biscuit

with milk) - for children from 4 months old, all contain B vitamins and iron; soups in bags - from 4 months, contain 6 vitamins and iron; dry ready meals (beef with vegetables, cod with vegetables, pork with green vegetables, chicken with carrots) - from 6 months.

Bona - vegetable, berry, fruit puree (from 3 months), from meat, chicken, fish and vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese (from 5 months); coarsely chopped stews of beef, pork, chicken and vegetables (from 8 months) develop chewing; even more coarsely chopped stew with the addition of seasonings (1-3 years); vegetable and fruit juices - from 4 months.

Nestlé - instant baby cereals (diluted with water or milk, or breast milk substitute): milk porridge with wheat, milk porridge with 3 fruits, milk porridge with wheat and banana, soy porridge with rice, rice porridge, 5-grain porridge without milk , rice porridge with 3 fruits.