
Wedding anniversaries are named by month. Wedding anniversaries: what kind of wedding in how many years. years of wedding - Turquoise wedding


January 6, 2017

The wedding day is one of the happiest in the life of a couple in love, which will forever remain in their memory. You can refresh your feelings, remember pleasant moments and express your love every year by celebrating an anniversary. What is the meaning of wedding anniversaries, their names by year and what to give spouses on such a holiday?

After all, a wedding anniversary is an occasion for a holiday that will remind the couple of the wedding day. And close people and friends will be able to rejoice for the lovers who have kept tender feelings for the years we have lived together. When celebrating wedding anniversaries, you need to know their names by year. Since they determine the subject of gifts that, according to custom, are given to a married couple.

Green wedding day

The first family holiday is called the "green wedding". The youth of a married couple is associated with green - the color of harmony, youth and purity. On the wedding day, in addition to myrtle flowers, the young couple is given various gifts: money, household appliances, honeymoon trips, jewelry.

Printed wedding - 1 year

The celebration of the first wedding date means that for the year the bonds of marriage are still quite weak. And relationships are light and like tearing gauze fabric. The newlyweds are given bed linen, decorative pillows from chintz fabric, as well as silk products.

Paper wedding - 2 years

The two-year date referred to as "paper" indicates that the relationship between the couple is like a fragile material. Which is prone to change: breaks and burns. For two years life together often handed paper things: banknotes, paintings, photo albums, notebooks.

Leather wedding - 3 years

Leather is a flexible and durable material that will always look flawless if it is carefully cared for. That is why marital relations are compared with the properties of this material. The skin in this case symbolizes a strong relationship that is resistant to life's difficulties and trials. Therefore, the present should be made of leather (preferably natural): clothes, belts, briefcases, bags.

Linen wedding - 4 years

The linen (or rope) anniversary marks a period in marriage, where the spouses have already settled in, strengthened their union and are similar to intertwining linen fibers. Often given: curtains, tableware, towels and expensive bed linen made from high quality linen.

Wooden wedding - 5 years

Wood is a cozy building material, symbolizing that during the specified period, a couple in love was able to build relationships, equip housing, and possibly give birth to a child. On this day, invited guests present various wooden interior items: panels, decorative ornaments, caskets, chests, kitchen accessories (wine jug, bread box, manual coffee grinder).

Cast iron wedding - 6 years

The name of the anniversary indicates that the time has come to strengthen the hearth. The most symbolic gifts are cast-iron items: pots, dishes, figurines, forged caskets, grates for the fireplace.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years

Individuals are designated by specific material that accurately describes private life at a particular stage. The onset of such an incomplete anniversary means that the relationship between a man and a woman should often be polished with attention and care. It would be appropriate for the celebrants to present galvanized kitchen utensils.

Copper wedding - 7 years

A seven-year relationship is identified with copper, a valuable metal. Spouses can exchange copper jewelry. And guests can give any household items: decorative candle holders, Turks, molds for cakes and muffins, copper utensils.

Tin wedding - 8 years

The name of this anniversary says that by the indicated time, the life of lovers was filled with warmth and stability, like tin metal. as a pleasant memorable gift you can give kitchen tin items: chased paintings, caskets, coffee storage jars, sweets in tins, tin trays, sheets, baking sheets.

Faience wedding - 9 years

The symbol of this celebration is ceramic material - faience, which personifies a prosperous union. By tradition, the couple is given tea sets, a set of dishes made of porcelain or faience.

Rose Day (tin wedding) - 10 years

The symbols of the tenth anniversary are roses and tin. The scarlet rose is considered the indestructible flower of love. And tin is a malleable metal, which was correlated with a married couple, where a husband and wife are able to adapt to each other. For this holiday, they usually give a lush red bouquet, a bright picture with rosebuds, bed linen with a rose print, bathrobes, a set of glasses or tin dishes.

Steel wedding - 11 years

Eleven years of family life suggest that relationships have become like steel material: they have been tempered by time and feelings, they have become stronger due to life's difficulties. Therefore, gifts made of stainless steel will be appropriate: decorative ornaments, cutlery set.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years

The symbolism of this anniversary is close to the tin one: the shine of nickel shows how important it is to maintain cleanliness in relationships. Nickel-plated jewelry for your beloved wife is ideal for a gift. Invited guests can give various items, consisting of nickel: caskets, photo frames, household utensils, cutlery, chandeliers, barbecues.

Lily of the valley (lace) wedding - 13 years

Life after 13 years of marriage goes on as usual and weaves a lace net. Which indicates the need to value family and feelings in a special way. As a surprise, there may be: a bouquet of lilies of the valley, openwork products for the interior, lace underwear.

Agate wedding - 14 years

Agate is an exotic stone, a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. The 14-year-old union that lasted until this anniversary is strong enough that he is not afraid of any adversity. A husband can please his wife with jewelry with an agate stone, and relatives can give souvenir items made of bone to match the mineral.

Glass wedding (crystal wedding) - 15 years

The onset of the "crystal" celebration indicates a transparent clarity of relations. Guests can give the spouses: a panel, a picture with illumination, a coffee table, glasses, vases made of durable glass or high-quality crystal.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years

The purity of turquoise symbolizes eternal love, which helps to overcome a difficult period and a number of problems associated with raising a child. By the indicated time, dawn comes, where marital relations again play with new colors. Friends and relatives present turquoise-colored items and decorative ornaments as a gift.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years

Wedding anniversaries and their names by year act as a new stage in the development of paired relationships, which has its own characteristics. So, twenty years later, the couple is as harmonious and excellent as the original porcelain. On the anniversary of the couple, you can symbolically hand over a porcelain service (tea or coffee).

Opal wedding - 21 years

For 21 years of marriage, the relationship has become strong, like an opal stone. Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated alone with a beloved woman, who can be presented with opal jewelry.

Bronze wedding - 22 years

The name of the anniversary symbolizes an inextricable relationship, like a resistant metal - bronze. Accordingly, the theme of the gift is obvious - bronze accessories for the home: figurines, candlesticks, watches.

Beryl wedding - 23 years

The symbol of the wedding is the exotic beryl stone, which is the keeper of the family hearth and peace of mind. Romantic pair gifts are given for the holiday, symbolizing the mutual love of the spouses: a blanket with photographs, a personalized calendar, a set of bathrobes.

Satin wedding - 24 years

It is believed that after the specified date, all problems in the past and relationships should be similar to satin material - dense and light. Basically, this date is not celebrated, but the spouses will be pleased to receive any products made of satin textiles: decor for festive serving, decorative pillows, topiary from satin ribbons, plaid.

Silver wedding - 25 years

Some wedding anniversaries, their names by year carry a certain meaning. So a twenty-five-year marriage is identified with an expensive metal - silver, which is considered a sign of persistent union. Spouses can please each other with silver rings. And the guests hand over silver flasks, a silver box, a cigarette case, silver cufflinks and cutlery.

Pearl wedding - 30 years

The 30th anniversary is a relationship built up over the years piece by piece, which in essence turns out to be a true treasure. To emphasize the significance of the event, the husband can give his beloved pearl jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet), household items in white or pink shades.

Coral wedding - 35 years

Such a wedding is also called linen or linen. Corals represent longevity, and the canvas - comfort and well-being. Guests and relatives invited to the celebration can donate linen products, linen clothes, jewelry made from natural corals.

Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years

Relations in the family are compared with an elastic metal - aluminum, in which spouses easily cope with difficulties. Aluminum items can serve as gifts: dishes, engraved souvenirs, a mirror in an aluminum frame.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

Mercury is the only soft and flowing metal that is indestructible and can change. So a couple can transform their relationship, giving it a new look. There are no strict restrictions on the gift, but often they give objects with moving particles: a globe, an hourglass, pendulums.

Ruby wedding - 40 years

This anniversary is associated with a ruby ​​stone - a symbol of burning feelings and strong love, tested by time and different life circumstances. It is believed that for forty years the couple's closeness has become almost blood, since the shade of the ruby ​​is very similar to the color of blood. A wonderful gift for your beloved on this day will be ruby ​​jewelry from your spouse.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years

Sapphire is a precious stone of kindness, warmth and fidelity. During the passed stage in marriage, the husband and wife must carefully protect each other from evil. Gifts for this occasion can be: sapphire jewelry and sky blue items.

Golden wedding - 50 years

A significant anniversary symbolizes the noble union that has been formed over the years with hard work for the couple. The key gift for the anniversary will be updated wedding rings.

Emerald wedding - 55 years

The emerald stone of a rich green hue is a symbol of wisdom, purity and eternity. This exquisite stone seems to symbolize love feelings, which become brighter and more colorful with time. Each invited guest, taking into account the taste and desires of the anniversaries, decides for himself what to give for the holiday. Spouses can exchange emerald jewelry.

Diamond wedding - 60 years

A diamond is a hard stone that represents lasting happiness and the strength of a union. The Diamond Jubilee says that no one can share the union of two hearts. Great gifts for parents are platinum or diamond jewelry given by their children. Guests, in order not to enter into material difficulties, give interior items made of crystal.

Iron wedding - 65 years

A married life that lasted 65 years testifies to the resilience of marriage. They give this rare anniversary: ​​iron coasters with openwork, iron souvenirs (flower vases, candlesticks, horseshoes), household items (tools, metal utensils).

Stone wedding - 67.5 years

Having lived 67.5 years, love relationships are indestructible, like a hard stone. For an interim anniversary, it is customary to give household accessories made of natural or artificial stone: figurine, table, candlestick.

Gracious wedding - 70 years

The date of such an anniversary speaks of gratitude for the years passed together, for our beloved children and grandchildren. The gift is selected at the request of the couple: gifts illustrating their love (photo collage, life video story of the couple).

Crown wedding - 75 years

This anniversary is celebrated by a large family and crowns the anniversaries with a happy family life. For such a rare event, you can give something special: rings in the form of crowns, a family portrait, decorative crafts, useful household items.

Oak wedding - 80 years

For a couple who lived to see this date, such an anniversary means that their relationship is as long-lived as the branches of a mighty oak. Usually handed oak rosary, furniture items, figurines and talismans made of oak.

Granite wedding - 90 years

The designation of the anniversary from the natural stone of granite - one of the symbols of longevity. There are no special traditions associated with certain gifts, but in theory, spouses are given granite items (sculptures, watches, candlesticks, vases).

Platinum (red) wedding - 100 years

100 years of marriage is a true rarity. The name of such a majestic date was given by a married couple from Azerbaijan. Feelings that have stood the test of time are truly excellent, like the color red. That is why gifts in honor of the centenary can be items of red hues.

Do you believe in wedding anniversaries their names by year? Is it worth keeping the old traditions? Do you know what to give for each date? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Save the information.

The wedding anniversary calendar has been around for centuries. A similar tradition is found in other countries.

There are minimal differences, but in general the essence remains the same. The reason lies in the psychological aspects of the issue. Celebrations were invented not only to remember the happiest and most touching day in the life of the young, but also to indicate the degree of strength of the relationship.

So the very first date is a green wedding, and the last is a red one. For 100 years there has been a slow transition from cotton-linen relations to silver-gold.

2 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is this? Two years after the wedding, a married couple celebrates a paper wedding. Guests and spouses prepare in advance for a memorable event: they think over the plan of the event, choose gifts and prepare congratulatory speeches.

Distinctive features and psychological features of a paper wedding

The two-year wedding anniversary got its name for a reason. The relationship between husband and wife in the second year of marriage actually becomes fragile and not strong. Relationships are easy to crumple or tear, like a piece of paper.

Vanilla period of falling in love is replaced by a period domestic relations. Identification of shortcomings, family troubles, financial problems, often the birth of children or the banal "grinding of characters" - feelings are tested for strength.

But not everything is so gloomy and gray. Remember? Difficulties are hardening. Joint problem solving brings people together. Young step by step, hand in hand, rise to the pedestal of strong and reliable relationships.

Feelings grow stronger every day, and love flares up with renewed vigor. At this stage, the support of relatives and friends is extremely important, who are already in a hurry with congratulations and gifts for the second celebration after the wedding festivities.

How to congratulate the young on the holiday in an original way and what gifts to present on a memorable day

The name of the anniversary 2 years after marriage is very symbolic. Therefore, on this day, all gifts should be somehow connected with paper products: postcards, books, calendars, photo albums, diaries, paintings. It is difficult to show originality when the choice of souvenirs is so limited, but there are still a few non-standard ideas.

Congratulations to parents on the 2nd wedding anniversary of the young

The first to come to congratulate the spouses will be close relatives. There is no one closer than mom and dad. It is from the parents that the couple will expect warm and parting words.

Wise with life experience, “adults” may not place a significant emphasis on gifts, but try to give valuable recommendations to the newly-made husband and wife (although in life they, as a rule, try to make a significant contribution to the family budget, for example, donate household appliances that are missing to young people, update furniture or "donate" part of the funds for the repair of the apartment).

Tips for strengthening family ties can be presented in poetic form.

  • Never forget the very first feelings and try not to lose the initial tenderness on the thorny path of everyday troubles.

We remember that merry paradise day
Like it was five minutes ago.
Bouquets, rings, a carved shadow from a veil,
Two pairs of happy eyes, a loving look.

Many months have passed since then
You are familiar with quarrels, and reproaches, and doubts.
But you also know a sincere conversation,
Love, affection, and fidelity, and patience.

So do not forget in the hustle and bustle of monotonous days,
That you met for great happiness,
So that he was always strong next to her,
She, with a caress, erased all misfortunes.

So that only grace reigned in the house.
Love, care, joy, understanding.
So that they could give their lives for each other,
And so that all life is like a first date.

  • Your love is like a blazing fire: it will go out as soon as you stop throwing new logs, but you just have to blow on the ashes of the ashes, it will flare up again with a bright flame. We wish you to learn how to kindle a burning fire in each other's hearts, which will warm you in rainy days of disappointment and resentment.

Only two years, my God, what a little!
Not so many roads have been traveled,
But behind tired shoulders still remained
That dusty spot of oblivion and anxiety.

Shake it off with a gentle hand
And throw bad luck into the flames from the fire.
When the fire of love burns in people's hearts,
The cup of tenderness will not be drunk to the bottom.

  • May all failures, quarrels and disappointments go away with this “paper” date. Tear apart doubts and anxieties like a notebook sheet. Let only joy, happiness, luck and boundless love await you ahead.

Paper boat floats on the river
He carries with him dreams in a backpack,
Hopes, worries and secret thoughts,
Then dark clouds suddenly hung over him.

But don't worry, it happens
The sun shines through the cloud too.
After autumn spring comes again
And summer is replaced by rains density.

All life consists of bright stripes,
Love obscures the echo of anxiety.
But suddenly the sun will rise
Warm your palms, open your hearts.

It is advisable to write a congratulatory speech in beautiful postcard so that important words are preserved for many years. The newlyweds will be able to re-read them at any time and relive the touching moment again in their memory.

Gifts from friends

While the parents of the spouses are trying to give serious solid presentations, so to speak, so that they come in handy in everyday life, family friends can get creative and add a touch of humor to their congratulations.

The speeches of the older generation, touching to tears, are, of course, good, but do not forget that the event is primarily joyful. So let the gifts from friends be funny, funny and funny. What to give to friends:

Funny congratulations from friends in verse for 2 years of family life also have a place to be. This will help create a cozy festive atmosphere and cheer up both the heroes of the occasion and the guests present.

Year after year flew by
The wedding is fragile.
You have grown up a little.
We are waiting for you kids

Pieces so, maybe under twenty,
To be something to brag about.
Well, we will baptize everyone,
And let's not forget to say hello.

We hasten to congratulate the family
Happy holidays.
And we want to lead them all
Paper awnings.

Let friends meet now
In a smooth curtsy,
And they praise each other
Glorious and stately.

And let life flow like a king,
In luxury, prosperity.
Buy a Swiss watch
Fur coat and gloves.

And you will build a palace
And plant gardens
Invite us all to visit
Seated at the tables.

Your wedding is just paper
But what an important one!
You have been married for two years
Love each other deeply.

Your experience is very small,
You lived as a friendly family.
We give you on your anniversary
What we think is more valuable:

toilet paper,
Photo frame and driftwood,
To stand in a vase
And she reminded us.

They brought another notebook,
To record wealth
Let the gift be small
Wait for the golden wedding!

Congratulations from friends do not always have to be substantial. Family friends often prepare unexpected surprises.

It can be a fun production, an impromptu theater, a performance of an author's song, a scene from life, a video clip, or even an unexpected visit from the actors.

The main thing is to realize the main goal of the idea - in a comic and playful way to wish the couple longevity, as well as to remind them of their love and affection.

What do spouses give each other on a paper wedding day?

On the anniversary of the wedding, the husband and wife not only accept congratulations from the guests, but also give gifts to each other. An intimate moment does not have to be held in front of others, it is better to do it alone, away from prying eyes.

For people who have lived under the same roof for several years, it is not so difficult to pick up presents for the second half. The husband knows exactly the size of his underwear, his favorite smell or the missing item in his cosmetic bag.

And the wife has more than once heard dreams about a new spinning rod, a watch or a leather purse. But it is worth making a reservation about the form of presentation. Since traditions require paper gifts, a surprise in the form of a certificate is the perfect solution.

A trip to a beauty salon, a movie ticket, a subscription to a printed publication, a subscription to a fitness club - you can buy a "lucky coupon" in almost any institution.

The option with handmade gifts also has a place to be. Money tree, scrapbook, quilling postcard. When a thing is made with love and warmth, it is doubly pleasant.

paper wedding traditions

How to celebrate 2 years of marriage? Some families are not able to confine themselves to one single day of marriage and celebrate each subsequent year "like for the first time." couple dress up in wedding suits, sumptuous tables are set, toastmasters are invited, contests, games, dances. The evening ends with dazzling fireworks or sky lanterns.

Someone prefers to celebrate more modestly. Watching a wedding video, happy memories, friendly conversation, mulled wine, candles, canapes. During such gatherings, a warm and cozy atmosphere is created, which eventually develops into a family tradition.

But some customs remain unchanged and are passed down from generation to generation:

  • dress up the bride and groom in paper clothes (a style borrowed from the peoples of China);
  • to give young matryoshka with wishes (originally Russian tradition);
  • decorate the room in the style of a celebration (a modern trend);
  • cover the table with a paper tablecloth (folk sign);
  • write love letters to each other and messages from friends (a relatively "young" custom).

I wonder if the spouses themselves come up with some kind of tradition or notice a new sign. Friends and relatives can take an active part in the formation of family customs, because if they had not appeared at the main celebration of lovers two years ago, no holiday would have taken place.

It is customary to congratulate spouses on their two-year wedding anniversary in such a way that it is associated with paper products.

Parents and close relatives most often donate money to buy household items necessary for young people, and friends and acquaintances defuse the situation with jokes and fun.

Congratulatory words in poetic form are imprinted on postcards, often made by hand. Guests and newlyweds sit at the festive table and exchange pleasant impressions of the event two years ago.

The idea of ​​another original gift for a paper wedding is in the next video.

A wedding is one of the most exciting events in our life, a magical and unforgettable event, beautiful and extremely romantic ... It cannot be otherwise, because two loving hearts are united these days into a single whole, and all the upcoming joys, hopes, worries and moments of happiness are young Husband and wife will already be divided in half. Weddings are lavishly celebrated almost always, and this celebration is traditional for almost all peoples of the world. Champagne, the kidnapping of the bride and her ransom, cheerful cries: “Bitter!” - all this is familiar to each of us and has long become the attributes of each new wedding.

However, not every one of us knows that weddings are not only new. Creation Day family union can be celebrated annually, and the husband and wife, who already have even a very solid marital experience behind them, on this day again become newlyweds inspired by their love. Each such wedding has its own name and its own traditions of celebration, the essence of which is focused on the number of years the spouses have lived together. Of course, these anniversaries are celebrated if the husband and wife managed to build harmonious relationship and created a pretty strong family. With a bad life together after 5 years, what kind of wedding can be celebrated with fun and great pleasure? Such a holiday will come out tense and dull and will not bring anything but the bitterness of regrets about a mistake that was once made.

How wedding anniversaries are celebrated

But ... Let's not talk about sad things. It’s better to talk about what wedding anniversaries are in happy families. Such anniversaries are celebrated from 1 to 100 years of married life. Wedding anniversaries are celebrated especially magnificently and solemnly after thirty years of marriage, because for those who have lived side by side for so many years, the first wedding becomes one of the most significant moments of life.

Wedding anniversaries have all sorts of names. Print and paper, leather and wood, copper and glass, gold, silver and pearl weddings - what is there! Each name of the wedding anniversary is symbolic, and each of these names means a lot ... For example, the glass wedding, which is celebrated fifteen years after marriage, got its name as a warning that glass can be unusually beautiful, but it breaks easily. Therefore, spouses, in order to save the family, need to become especially restrained and attentive.

And here silver wedding, celebrated twenty-five years after the first wedding, is already time-tested love and devotion. After all, silver is a precious, strong metal with life-giving powers.

A very prosaic name for the anniversary, which is celebrated after thirty-five years of family life, is “linen wedding”. However, it is also quite justified. During this period, the family becomes already a single organism, woven, as in a canvas, from many threads - spouses, children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren.

Wedding anniversaries, which are celebrated after this period, are named no less meaningfully. Ruby and diamond, stone and iron, noble and red… Each of these anniversaries means a certain stage of married life, and each of them is a kind of hymn to time-tested love.

What to give for wedding anniversaries

On wedding anniversaries, congratulations are different, and they are focused primarily on the appearance of the anniversary. For example, at a chintz wedding, which is celebrated a year after the wedding, anniversaries are presented with items made of chintz and linen as gifts. For a paper wedding, two years after marriage, gifts to spouses must be made of glass and paper. On a copper wedding, celebrated seven years after the marriage, things made of copper are given, the family is considered strong, like copper.

A silver wedding includes silver items as gifts, and a pearl wedding, thirty years after the wedding, pearl jewelry. Gold is given for a golden wedding. And for a diamond one... It is desirable to give, of course, diamonds, but not every guest can afford such gifts. Therefore, diamond, gold weddings and weddings that are celebrated after them do not require any special symbolism of gifts. And to present already fairly aged, but still happy newlyweds, you can do everything that brings joy to the anniversaries.

You can give cards for all wedding anniversaries. Fortunately, today there are a great many of them on sale, and, if desired, you can always choose a very original postcard, which is most appropriate for the solemn moment. Of course, the inscriptions in these postcards should also be suitable: cheerful, very friendly and certainly focused on the peculiarity of the anniversary. And then the card will become a bright, memorable surprise for the anniversaries, which they keep all their lives. For example, you can write such a beautiful congratulation:

Where is the elixir for happiness, to know!

How can you live with more love?

Today is the wedding anniversary

Happy Anniversary!

Through boredom, timeless years,

Through storms and tribulations

The couple took it...

For that - not an edge, not a part,

And full of living happiness

We wish, truly - everything!

How young and fresh you both are -

Advice and love to you - from the heart!!!

In other words, in order to adequately congratulate the anniversaries, it is not enough to know which wedding anniversary will be celebrated. In order not to get into a mess and not to give, for example, to glass wedding linen towels, preferably, when choosing a gift, get an idea of ​​what exactly is being presented for this anniversary. The source of such information will be our hint, which you can read, and then, fully armed, boldly go to such a romantic, such an unforgettable celebration.

What are the weddings by year

  • Wedding 0 years - Green wedding
  • Wedding 1 year - Print wedding
  • Wedding 2 years - Paper wedding
  • Wedding 3 years - Leather wedding
  • Wedding 4 years - Linen (wax) wedding
  • Wedding 5 years - Wooden wedding
  • Wedding 6 years - Cast iron (rowan, cypress) wedding
  • Wedding 7 years - Copper wedding
  • Wedding 8 years - Tin (poppy) wedding
  • Wedding 9 years - Faience wedding
  • Wedding 10 years - Pink (amber, pewter) wedding
  • Wedding 11 years - Steel wedding
  • Wedding 12 years - Nickel (silk) wedding
  • Wedding 13 years - Lace (woolen) wedding
  • Wedding 14 years - Agate wedding
  • Wedding 15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding
  • Wedding 16 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 17 years - Tin wedding
  • Wedding 18 years - Turquoise wedding
  • Wedding 19 years - Krypton wedding
  • Wedding 20 years - Porcelain wedding
  • Wedding 21 - Opal Wedding
  • Wedding 22 years - Bronze wedding
  • Wedding 23 years - Beryl wedding
  • Wedding 24 years - Satin wedding
  • Wedding 25 years - Silver wedding
  • Wedding 26 years - Jade wedding
  • Wedding 27 years - Mahogany wedding
  • Wedding 28 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 29 years - Velvet wedding
  • Wedding 30 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 31 - Swarthy wedding
  • Wedding 32 and 33 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 34 years - Amber wedding
  • Wedding 35 years - Linen (coral) wedding
  • Wedding 36 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 37 years - Muslin wedding
  • Wedding 38 years - Mercury wedding
  • Wedding 39 years - Crepe wedding
  • Wedding 40 years - Ruby wedding
  • Wedding 41 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 42 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 43 years - Flannel wedding
  • Wedding 44 years - Topaz wedding
  • Wedding 45 years - Sapphire (scarlet) wedding
  • Wedding 46 years - Lavender wedding
  • Wedding 47 years - Cashmere wedding
  • Wedding 48 years - Amethyst wedding
  • Wedding 49 years - Cedar wedding
  • Wedding 50 years - Golden wedding
  • Wedding 55 years - Emerald wedding
  • Wedding 60 years - Diamond (platinum) wedding
  • Wedding 65 years - Iron wedding
  • Wedding 70 years - Gracious wedding
  • Wedding 75 years - Crown (last, alabaster) wedding
  • Wedding 80 years - Oak wedding
  • Wedding 100 years - Red wedding

People say that marriage is the beginning of a new life. And it's hard to argue with that. But, alas, not only joy and happiness await the family in a new life. Difficulties and hardships always wander around, however, and it is easier to experience them together than alone. And so - together rejoicing in happiness and jointly overcoming difficulties, the family is tempered, gets on its feet, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren appear ... And on this difficult life path, small “stops” will be very useful, reminiscent of how it all began, igniting youthful passion eyes of husband and wife. Therefore, probably, it was customary among the people every year, and in some years twice, to celebrate wedding anniversaries.

Wedding anniversary- an excellent occasion to refresh relations, look from the height of the next step at the path of life passed and, holding hands, continue to walk through life together. This is an important family holiday and must be celebrated. We are not talking about a noisy banquet or a fun party - on this day you can arrange a holiday for two. Even a simple conversation, a touch, a gentle kiss and a modest gift will make this day stand out from the gray everyday life and paint it in bright, festive colors. As it should be every year on the day of the creation of a new family.

Usually the wedding anniversary is celebrated, as far as possible, with guests. Having received an invitation to a family holiday, first of all you need to decide what to give and how to congratulate. As "traditional" gifts, various kitchen utensils, crockery, souvenirs, home appliances, various useful things for the home (like a lamp).

It is quite possible to approach the issue of a gift creatively and give the anniversaries something special, with humor or a hint. For example, baby sliders or a cradle, handcuffs (together and forever?), a police bowler hat, a police cap, shoulder straps, toy weapons, targets, games, puzzles, etc. Moreover, under any of these gifts you can bring original idea and give not just a thing, but a thing with meaning.

For any of the wedding anniversaries described below, a symbolic gift dedicated to the anniversary will be appropriate. For a chintz wedding, for example, chintz products, for a cast-iron wedding - dishes and kitchen utensils, for a copper one - a copper figurine, etc.

Don't give too much expensive gifts- it is the prerogative of the next of kin. But, if finances allow, you can pamper the heroes of the day with something from the jewelry. Such a gift will be both memorable and valuable.

And, of course, the most universal gift is money. Generally, in Lately there is an increasing tendency to give money plus a small, but cute and funny, gift. Giving money, you show how much you appreciate the owners of the house and respect their choice, without imposing your tastes. By adding something funny to the envelope with money, preferably even made with your own hands or modified “to match the original”, you thereby express special attention to the owners, show that you didn’t just “pay off” them, but spent your time. Believe me, it will be appreciated.

Well, below is a list of wedding anniversaries, indicating how many years later which anniversary is celebrated. This list will help you quickly navigate wedding anniversaries and choose congratulations and gifts.

10 years- Pink, rose wedding, rose day

11 years- Steel, or coral

12 years old- Nickel

12,5 year - Nickel wedding (celebrated as half a quarter of a century and named after the previous anniversary)

13 years old- Lily of the valley

14 years old- Agate, or lead

15 years- Crystal, or, in other words, glass, wedding

16 years- Sapphire, symbol of the 16th anniversary - topaz

17 years- Pink (same name as wedding decades)

18 years- Turquoise wedding

19 years- Garnet, or krypton

20 years- Porcelain

21 years old- Opal Wedding

22- Bronze

23 years old- Beryl

24 years- Satin

25 years- Silver wedding. One of the most significant anniversaries in family life. A quarter of a century together is worthy of respect!

26 years- Jade

27 years- Mahogany Wedding

28 years- Orchid Day

29 years- Velvet

30 years- Pearl Wedding

31 year- Sunny, or coffee, wedding

32 years- Automotive, or a day drive

33 years- Strawberry

34 years- Amber

35 years- Platinum (or linen) wedding

36 years- Bone China Day (fragile day)

37 years- Muslin wedding

37.5 years- Aluminum wedding

38 years- Beryl

39 years- Lace

40 years- Ruby Wedding

41 years old- Earthy

42 years- mother-of-pearl

43 years- flannel

44 years old- Topaz

45 years- Sapphire wedding

46 years old- Lavender

47 years old- Cashmere

48 years old- Amethyst

49 years old- Cedar

50 years- Golden wedding. Perhaps the most famous and most iconic wedding anniversary. It is believed that if spouses celebrate a golden wedding, then their family life can serve as an example for others.

55 years- Emerald Wedding

60 years- Diamond

65 years old- Blue Sapphire Day

67.5 years- Stone

70 years old- Grace wedding, grace day

75 years old- Crown wedding, on this day angels hold crowns over spouses

80 years old- Oak wedding

85 years old- Wine Day

90 years old- Granite wedding

95 years old- Ruby, diamond

100 years- Red wedding.

The wedding day ran like one moment, bright, exciting and unique. And ahead of you is a long and happy family life, filled with both joy and small troubles that you can easily overcome together. And so that your feelings do not fade away, but light up with new facets, it is worth remembering this beautiful event every year and celebrating wedding anniversaries together, and then already in the circle of a large family, in which children's laughter will be heard! That is why the portal has prepared for you a brief overview of all anniversaries from the wedding day to 100 years.

Names of wedding anniversaries by year

Every year after the celebration, the spouses celebrate some beautiful anniversary weddings, each of which has its own name, judging by the years of a happy life together:

  • "Metal" anniversaries: copper, tin, tin, etc. After 25 years of marriage, “metal” anniversaries also become precious: silver, gold, platinum.
  • "Stone": beryl, ruby, opal, etc.
  • "Textile": chintz, linen, lace, muslin, etc.
  • "Flower": chamomile, lily of the valley, pink, etc.

In addition, there are other names of anniversaries that do not fit into this classification, for example, those named after the most important materials in nature and everyday life: wood, glass, earthenware, as well as red, fertile, swarthy. In any case, all wedding anniversaries are a great occasion to please your spouse or your family with beautiful congratulations and gifts, so you should definitely know all wedding anniversaries and their names.

Wedding anniversaries: what symbolism and what to give?

So that you know which wedding, according to the years of marriage, should be celebrated in one or another segment of the marriage, we have prepared for you a brief description of them with a description of the symbols and examples of gifts:

  • 0 years- green wedding. On the day of the wedding, the couple celebrates their first anniversary, which is called “green” due to the fact that the spouses are still young and immature, ahead of them is a thorny path that they must go hand in hand so that they become more experienced, and their feelings - even stronger.
  • 1 year- print wedding. The first real anniversary, the leitmotif of which is chintz, it should be present both in the decor of the festive room and the clothes of the spouses, as well as in gifts. As the latter, you can use a tablecloth + napkins, bed linen, decorative pillows, etc.

  • 2 years- paper wedding. Two years after the wedding, the marriage of the spouses is still like paper: it can “break” at any moment. Judging by the symbolism of the holiday, a variety of things can be used as gifts: books and notebooks, a photo collage on the wall, paintings.
  • 3 years- leather wedding The relationship of the spouses from "paper" turns into more durable "leather". On this beautiful date, it is customary to give everything related to the symbol of the anniversary: ​​leather wallets and bags, diaries, photos in a leather frame, leather-lined belts and boxes, etc.

  • 4 years- linen wedding. The leitmotif of this anniversary is durable fabric, products from which it is customary to present as a gift to spouses: clothes, table setting, pillows, handkerchiefs, etc., because what wedding and its anniversaries do without presenting presents.
  • 5 years- wooden wedding. The first round wedding anniversary, on which it is customary to give wooden interior items: furniture, photo frames, figurines, caskets.

  • 6 years- cast-iron wedding. The relationship of the spouses, although they become stronger, can still “break”, like cast iron from a strong blow. On this date, it is customary to buy kitchen utensils and household items: dishes, figurines, candlesticks.
  • 7 years- copper wedding. As in the case of a cast-iron wedding, things made of copper are given for this holiday: figurines, candlesticks, frames, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 8 years- tin wedding. After such a period of time, the relationship of the spouses moves to a new level, they not only become stronger, but also brighter, like a shiny tin. What to gift? Tin household items: dishes, caskets, tea in a tin, etc.
  • 9 years- faience wedding. This name means that nine years after the wedding, the relationship of the spouses is in crisis, they are fragile, like faience. Like every year after the wedding, it is customary to give symbolic gifts on such an anniversary: ​​a tea set, faience figurines.

  • 10 years- pink or pewter wedding. The relationship of the spouses becomes beautiful, like roses, in addition, the husband and wife become more "flexible" to each other, like tin. It is customary to give interior items made of tin for such a holiday: frames, candlesticks, figurines, etc .; and, of course, a luxurious bouquet of roses will be a great gift for the main hero of the occasion.
  • 11 years- steel wedding. One of the "metal" wedding anniversaries, which, judging by the years lived together, was called "steel". It is customary for spouses to give objects made of steel, symbolizing the strength of family relationships.
  • 12 years old- nickel or silk wedding. By this period of family life, the relationship of the spouses becomes strong, like nickel, and beautiful, like silk. What's a wedding anniversary without gifts?! Spouses can be pleased both with interior items made of nickel (figurines, caskets) and with silk presents (clothes, bed linen, tablecloth, etc.).

  • 13 years old- lace or lily of the valley wedding. The feelings of the spouses 13 years after the wedding remain tender, like fragrant lilies of the valley, and beautiful, like ornate lace. An ideal gift for such a holiday would be a lace set for table setting, decorative pillows. If the wedding took place in the spring, then do not forget to please the spouses with a fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley.

  • 14 years old- agate wedding. The symbol of this date is agate - a precious stone, products from which will be the best gifts for this beautiful date: jewelry and bijouterie, figurines, caskets, an ashtray, etc.
  • 15 years- glass or crystal wedding. The symbols of this anniversary - glass and crystal - represent the purity of family relationships. It is customary to present glass / crystal glasses, decorative bowls and vases, salad bowls and dishes as a gift to spouses.

  • 16 years- topaz wedding. Because the symbol of this wedding is topaz, then it should be present in the presents prepared for the spouses: jewelry, figurine, candlestick, jewelry box, cufflinks.
  • 17 years- pink or pewter wedding. It's time to bring back the old romance. For this anniversary, gifts made of tin and gifts associated with the color pink will be appropriate. If nothing comes to your mind, then you can get by with pink packaging.
  • 18 years - turquoise wedding. After 18 years of family life, the relationship of the spouses should sparkle with new colors, like a turquoise stone. It is customary to give spouses stone products for this anniversary: ​​both jewelry and interior items.

  • 19 years- krypton or pomegranate wedding. The relationship of spouses over 19 years of marriage can lose passion and ardor, the garnet gemstone, a symbol of this anniversary, will help to kindle them. The second name is krypton, after the name of the noble gas, which is used in incandescent lamps. Therefore, it is customary to give gifts of red (garnet) color for this anniversary, as well as various kinds of lighting fixtures.

  • 20 years- porcelain wedding. beautiful anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale, giving spouses gifts: dishes, expensive and symbolic souvenirs, etc. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that after 20 years the marriage union is harmonious and beautiful, like real Chinese porcelain.
  • 21 years old- opal wedding. Its symbol is a beautiful stone, products from which it is customary to give spouses: both jewelry and figurines, caskets, souvenirs.

  • 22- bronze wedding. An anniversary named symbolically in honor of the durable and flexible alloy. What to choose as a present? Bronze items: various kinds of figurines, candlesticks, ashtrays, jewelry holders.
  • 23 years old- beryl wedding. The symbol of the anniversary is a beautiful stone - beryl - the guardian hearth, love and prosperity. As gifts for spouses, you can choose both jewelry from it and various kinds of souvenirs.

  • 24 years- satin wedding. After 24 years, the relationship of the spouses is beautiful and smooth, like satin. It is customary to give bed linen, a bedspread, a set for table setting on such an anniversary.
  • 25 years- silver wedding . Here it is - the first grand anniversary, named after the precious metal, therefore, as on many wedding anniversaries and anniversaries, it is customary to give worthwhile things: jewelry, silver-plated dishes and interior items.

  • 26 years- jade wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like jade, which is difficult to destroy mechanically and chemically. As gifts for such a holiday, you can use jade massagers, figurines, caskets and, of course, jewelry.
  • 27 years- mahogany wedding. The symbolism of the mahogany - nobility, wisdom, endurance - perfectly emphasizes the strength and strength of marital relations. What to gift? An excellent option would be mahogany things: frames, caskets, etc.

  • 28 years- nickel wedding. Another "metal" anniversary, on which it is customary to give nickel items: dishes, figurines, caskets, a set of cutlery, a tray + glasses with a nickel stem.
  • 29 years- velvet wedding. Velvet is a beautiful and warm material, as are the feelings of the spouses after 29 years of marriage. Gifts based on this noble fabric will help to emphasize the beauty of their feelings: decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.

  • 30 years- pearl wedding. The symbol of this anniversary - pearls - personifies the purity and beauty of marital relations after 30 years of marriage. You can please your husband and wife on this day with jewelry (necklaces and cufflinks), a jewelry box or a frame with pearls.

  • 31 year- swarthy or sunny wedding. Such a positive name for the anniversary hints at the fact that if the couple were young before, now they are “tanned”, becoming more experienced. You can emphasize the theme of this beautiful date with all sorts of things that bring warmth to the house: a lamp, a blanket, an electric fireplace, etc. Do finances allow? Give your spouses a tour to a warm country.
  • 32 years- copper wedding. For this anniversary, you can please each other with copper jewelry. Gifts from household items will also be appropriate, for example, a set of copper dishes, a tray, etc.
  • 33 years- stone or strawberry wedding. Such seemingly different names of the anniversary harmoniously emphasize the “stone” strength of the relationship of the spouses and their closeness: as if the strawberry bushes were intertwined into the same fate of the spouses. What to give them? Stone figurines, caskets and other interior items, as well as a basket with fresh strawberries or a cake with this fragrant berry.

  • 34 years- amber wedding. As amber takes a long time to form from a viscous resin into a beautiful stone, so the relationship of the spouses has come a long way, becoming strong and beautiful. Amber jewelry, caskets, glasses, decorative bowls with amber and other interior items with inserts from this stone will be suitable presents for such an anniversary.

  • 35 years- linen or coral wedding. The feelings of the spouses are strong, like a sheet, and their family is large and numerous, like corals that have grown along the seabed. As a present, you can buy bed linen, a bedspread, a tablecloth, as well as coral products, for example, a beautiful figurine in a marine style.
  • 36 years- Anniversary without a name. In Russia, this anniversary is not usually celebrated, which is why it does not have a name. In America, 36 years from the date of the wedding is called the day of bone china. Products made from it are quite strong, as well as family relationships after 36 years, but unfortunately, with a strong impact, cracks can appear.
  • 37 years- muslin wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is an expensive fabric, the production of which used to take a lot of effort and time; so the relationship of the spouses was honed every year, becoming better. It is customary to give various things made of muslin for such a holiday: a bedspread, pillows, a set of handkerchiefs, etc.

  • 38 years- mercury wedding. As you know, mercury is a metal that easily changes its shape, and the relationship of the spouses after 38 years is strong, like any metal, but flexible, like mercury itself, because the spouses have learned to adapt to each other and make compromises. It is customary to give silver-colored items (like mercury) on this date: dishes, figurines, a set of cutlery.
  • 39 years- crepe wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like a crepe fabric, which is very difficult to break - this is the symbolism of this anniversary. It is customary to give crepe things to her: bedspreads, decorative pillows and other textiles.
  • 40 years- ruby ​​wedding. The ruby ​​gem is able to return passion to the relationship of the spouses 40 years after the wedding, so you should definitely give the “newlyweds” jewelry or expensive souvenirs from this stone, for example, a box; red textiles and objects made of deep red glass are also suitable: glasses, vases, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 41 years old- earthen wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is the earth. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, the earth gives life to all living things. By this anniversary, the spouses have already given life to their children, waited for the appearance of grandchildren. On this date, the heroes of the occasion can be presented with indoor plants.
  • 42 years- mother-of-pearl wedding. Mother of pearl has magical properties: it strengthens relations between spouses and brings happiness to the house, therefore the best gift for this anniversary there will be a pearl necklace for the wife and mother-of-pearl cufflinks for the husband, as well as interior items with mother-of-pearl: a jewelry box, a photo frame, etc.
  • 43 years old- flannel wedding. The relationship of the spouses is soft and warm, like flannel fabric. You can emphasize the symbolism of this anniversary with the help of the right gifts: homemade suits / pajamas, bed linen.
  • 44 years old- topaz wedding. The symbol is a precious stone, pure and durable, like the relationship of the spouses by this date (no offense or omissions). It is customary to give for this holiday both jewelry and bijouterie, as well as caskets, figurines, souvenir trees and other interior items with topaz.
  • 45 years- sapphire or scarlet wedding. Another anniversary, the symbol of which is a precious stone, therefore, gifts should be with sapphire - a stone of love that protects from evil. In addition, this anniversary is also called scarlet, so you can easily prepare any presents for spouses in bright red: bed linen, bedspreads, interior items, etc.
  • 46 years old- lavender wedding. After so many years, the couple have retained their warm and tender feelings for each other, as lavender retains its unique aroma for a long time. What to give for such a holiday? Everything related to this plant and its palette: from a bouquet of dried flowers and scented candles to textiles with the image of lavender or in its "signature" color, as well as various body care products: scrub, handmade soap.

  • 47 years old- cashmere wedding Anniversary symbol - cashmere - soft and pleasant to the touch fabric, like the relationship of spouses. On this date, it is customary to give cashmere clothes (scarf, sweater), blanket, etc.
  • 48 years old- amethyst wedding. This beautiful stone brings good luck and family well-being, so it is perfect as a symbol for the 48th wedding anniversary. It is customary to give it both jewelry and various kinds of interior items with purple stones: caskets, figurines, family trees.

  • 49 years old- cedar wedding. This anniversary was named in honor of a noble and hardy tree, and spouses a year before the golden jubilee will not be afraid of any problems and hardships. As a present for such a holiday, you can use various cedar products: from caskets and figurines to a cedar barrel - a kind of mini-bath.
  • 50 years- golden wedding. An anniversary celebrated by all spouses, because love carried through half a century becomes truly “golden”. They give him jewelry, gilded interior items and symbolic souvenirs.

  • 55 years- emerald wedding. The anniversary, named after a precious stone that symbolizes fidelity and devotion, because the spouses have remained faithful to each other after 55 years. As a gift, you can give them both jewelry and emerald-colored presents: from textiles to paintings.
  • 60 years- diamond or platinum wedding. Judging by the years lived together, the love of the spouses is like a diamond - not only beautiful, but also indestructible. What to give for this wedding anniversary? Of course, products with diamonds or other gifts with sparkling stones. Because this anniversary still has the name "platinum", then as a material for jewelry it is better to choose this particular metal.

  • 70 years old- blessed wedding. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that the couple lived in fidelity and love for 70 years - isn't this the greatest blessing and happiness in the world. Anything can be presented as a gift for this anniversary, the main thing is that the gifts are not so much original as useful: textiles, a set of dishes, etc.
  • 75 years old- crown or alabaster wedding. As a crown adorns the heads of kings, so love adorns this marriage from the date of the wedding until now, because judging by the years lived, it is not only royally beautiful, but also indestructible. The list of gifts for this holiday is quite wide, because at this age it is better for spouses to present the necessary and useful gifts, not much focusing on the name of this anniversary: ​​bedding, dishes, appliances, etc.
  • 80 years old- oak wedding. Like an age-old oak, the relationship of the spouses to this anniversary is strong and powerful, because they "survived" for 80 years. As a gift, you can present both useful gifts for everyday life, and symbolic gifts made of oak: figurines, rosaries, dishes.

  • 90 years old- granite wedding Those couples who have lived together for 90 years can boast of "granite" feelings. It is customary to give various kinds of figurines, caskets and other symbolic objects made of granite on this date.
  • 100 years- red wedding. Not every couple can boast of celebrating their 100th anniversary, called red after the color of love and passion. What to give? Everything that has a red palette: from clothes and home textiles to interior items.

The portal told you what anniversaries are, their names by year and symbols. When choosing gifts for a particular wedding anniversary, be sure to consider its symbolic name, which is given for a reason, but for the years lived together in marriage. Then you can not only please the spouses with a useful gift, but also emphasize the beauty and strength of their relationship!