
Life and everyday relationships. Presentation on the theme "everyday life and everyday relations" Plan on the theme of everyday life and everyday relations


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The lesson can be fruitful and joyful, in one breath, or it can drag on sluggishly and boringly, exhausting the children and the teacher and not bringing satisfaction to anyone. And the reason for this is not only methodological errors, features of the material and class. Perhaps, even more, the reason should be sought in the emotional background of the lesson, which turned out to be unfavorable. Creation emotional background- this is a task that inevitably confronts any teacher and requires his attention and efforts. How to create a positive background for a lesson?

How to capture the attention of a student in the digital age, when the flow of information completely absorbs a person? Probably, many are familiar with the situation when the lesson is underway, and the students are looking at the phone screen and do not want to do anything else. How to grab the attention of students and make the lesson interesting? Let's look at several techniques for creating interest in the lesson.

In progress Everyday life people develop everyday relationships. Domestic relations are a stable system of everyday non-production ties between people regarding the satisfaction of their primary needs (food, clothing, housing, maintaining health, caring for children, as well as communication, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development).

Based on your life experience, you can give examples of everyday communication and joint affairs of neighbors, young people or elderly people living in the same yard, and, of course, family members.

One of the aspects of the scientific study of everyday life is the study of the time spent on satisfying everyday needs.

On average, it takes about 300 hours per year for one person to cook at home. For women, this occupation takes up 40% of the time spent on housework. A lot of time is spent on washing and ironing (on average 58 hours per year), on buying goods for the family (about 500 hours per year).

Another aspect of studying everyday life is the responsibilities of spouses. Among the young married couples 17% of husbands cook dinner (20 years ago none of them did this), 55% wash their clothes, 35% walk with their children, 16% accompany their children to Kindergarten or a nursery, 80% buy groceries, 58% wash the dishes, 9% go to school and check the lessons of the children. This indicates an emerging trend of more active participation of men in household chores. At the same time, the duration of domestic labor for women is, on average, incomparably higher than for men. Women devote 36 hours a week to domestic work, and only 13 hours a week to men. One in three of young husbands and one in five of middle-aged spouses does not do household chores. These numbers are thought provoking. After all, a fair distribution of household responsibilities between spouses, mutual assistance in everyday life is one of the most important moral foundations of the existence of a modern family.

Many families face the problem of responsible participation of children in household chores: cooking dinner, cleaning the apartment, etc. Research proves that only with the active participation of children in organizing family life, their personality is formed, the principles of respect, equality, and mutual support are learned. Mutual assistance in the process of household work gives family members a sense of community, a "feeling of being together", responsibility for each other and for the family as a whole.

Domestic relationships depend on the way of doing the household. In modern society, there has been a tendency to reduce the cost of labor and time to meet household needs through the use of modern household appliances. This is typical for both urban and rural families, despite significant differences in the way of life of villagers and townspeople. Unlike countryside in cities, enterprises, institutions and organizations of consumer services, or, in other words, the sphere of consumer services, are more developed. It includes consumer services factories with branches and reception centers, various pavilions for household use, repair shops, rental centers, sewing ateliers, dry cleaners, laundries, hairdressing salons, and a photographic studio.

The sphere of everyday life is closely intertwined with the spheres of trade, health care, transport, leisure, social security, utilities and other services. In modern conditions, domestic life and the service sector are interrelated and complementary areas. And if in the narrow sense the term “everyday life” is used as a synonym for home life, then life in the broad sense of the word is a non-production area of ​​everyday life, directly related to the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, the reproduction of a person, ethnic group, and the country's population as a whole.

Once upon a time, baking went from domestic life to the production sphere. Partially shifted to the sphere of public household services cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, sewing clothes and some other household chores. The purchase of partially prepared food - semi-finished products - is becoming more and more common. Today, the main goods used in everyday life are the result of social production.

A well-adjusted life improves health and mood, frees up time for joint outdoor recreation, visits to theaters, cinema, exhibitions, professional development, spiritual and physical improvement of adults and young family members.

The life of a modern person is complicated by technical progress, which has increased the rhythm of life, increased nervous tension, mental stress. Most of the time a person spends in a closed room, and this negatively affects the physical and mental health... A more perfect organization is needed to meet the everyday needs of a person. The development of the sphere of everyday life is becoming an important social task.

Lessons 33-35. Life and everyday relationships

Goals and objectives: 1) to acquaint with the social and domestic interests of a person, their classification, to show what objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests, to determine the essence and nature of the culture of domestic relations, to study the degree of influence of urbanization on everyday life; 2) develop the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive

and problematic tasks, carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, participate in discussions, work with documents; 3) to form an attitude to the problem of everyday life.

Equipment: diagrams, package of documents.

Lesson type: research lesson.

Go d lesson in

I. Organizing time

A person lives in a world of everyday affairs and worries that are repeated from day to day. But some of us feel unhappy because of this, while others are able to cope with such phenomena.

“The joy of life, the ability to rise above the dullness of everyday life and show us,” his wife wrote about M. Prishvin, “their meaning and beauty are not given from birth, but created by the moral will of this

man, his conviction in the goodness of life. "

How can you make everyday life and everyday relationships your friends, and not enemies, how can you turn them into the joy of life? This is what will be discussed in our lesson.

Lesson topic: "Life and everyday relationships."

Lesson plan

1. Social and household interests.

2. Material and material human habitat.

3. The culture of everyday relations.

4. Urbanization and everyday life.

II. Learning new material

1. Social and domestic interests

In the process of a person's daily life, everyday relations are formed - a stable system of everyday non-production ties between people to satisfy their primary needs:

In food;


Maintaining health;

Child care;

Mastering spiritual benefits, culture;



Physical and cultural development.

That is, we are talking about the values ​​of everyday life. Is it really so important to consider the values ​​of everyday life? What role do they play in human life? There are different classifications of social and domestic interests. Working with paragraph 1 of § 12, fill in the table "Social interests".

Social interests

Investigating the problem of satisfying the social and everyday needs of a person, scientists have concluded that the degree of satisfaction will differ from person to person. Give some a luxurious palace, while others, like the cynicus Diogenes, are ready to live in a barrel and be content with the smallest. When discussing the satisfaction of social and domestic interests, sociologists operate with the following concepts:

Tell me if there is a direct relationship and interdependence between the standard of living and lifestyle.

In your opinion, what objective and subjective factors can influence the development of social and domestic interests?

2. Material and material human habitat

Each person is surrounded by a certain material and material environment. Suppose what might be part of it. (House, the required number of clothes, the required number of shoes, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances.)

Sometimes people become slaves to things. How do you understand the meaning of this expression?

What are the consequences of the emerging cult of consumerism, the cult of things? Argument your answer.

It is difficult to argue about whether or not we should take care of our comfort and pleasures. But do not forget about the atmosphere, the environment where you will live, create, and relax. And things, their number, arrangement - this is only one of the means of creating this environment.

3. The culture of everyday relations

The material and material habitat serves to ensure comfortable living conditions for a person. But at the same time, it is very important to learn correct behavior, shape the culture

household relations. Consider the circuit:

4. Urbanization and life

Read paragraph 4 § 12 carefully and answer the following questions:

Where do you see the peculiarity of the life of people in big cities?

How should urbanization be viewed?

Analyze the statistics of the urban population.

How does the urbanization process affect a person?

How does the human psyche change?

What measures are being taken by city planners to neutralize the negative phenomena associated with the urbanization of the country?

What can you suggest?

III. Lesson summary

In Germany, for more than a hundred years, there has been a law according to which children are obliged to do housework. Legislation defines the scope of work: up to 6 years - only games; 6-10 years old - help in washing dishes, small purchases; 10-14 years-lawn cleaning, shoe shine; 14-16 years old - work on a personal plot.

Consider why the responsibilities of the children were assigned in this way.

Why and for what purpose do you think such a law was created? Do you think that such a law should be adopted in Russia? Justify your answer.


Learn § 12, complete the assignments.

  • Social interests
  • Material and material habitat
  • The culture of everyday relations










Social interests


Types of interests

Quality needs

The essence

Types of social association

Territorial feature

Demographic trait

Social interests

Lifestyle -

Standard of living -

Is used for…..

The quality of life -

Characterized by ...

Depends on…..

Testifies to….

Characterized by ...

Reveals the essence….

The culture of everyday relations

  • Leisure culture

A culture of balanced nutrition

  • Complete (replenishment of the energy balance depending on climate, age, sex, height, metabolism, nature of work and rest)
  • The ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals
  • 4 meals a day at a certain time (RAMS RF)
  • Varied menu, aesthetics, smart shopping
  • a well-fed person is a kind person
  • Joint meals

Culture of arrangement and organization of housing

  • House - temple (for the elite)
  • Home is life, space for life
  • House - hotel
  • House with trendy furnishings
  • House - hotel room (not thrown out yet, already dragged)
  • Americans - sterile-automated dwelling Englishmen - the most comfortable Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"
  • Americans - a sterile-automated dwelling
  • the British - the most comfortable
  • Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"

Household culture

  • Household organization (cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping)

"In a marriage, good organization of the home is as important as love." M. Plzak

  • Division of labor (a woman spends 40-45 hours a week on housework, a man 15-20 hours)
  • Hanging laundry, ironing, cooking = metallurgist energy - 3 calories per minute

Leisure culture

  • Hobbies: in England - gardening, in Germany - sports, in Bulgaria - amateur performances, in Japan - furyu (graceful leisure - kebana, painting, hokku)
  • In Russia - active or passive, lack of time or "kill time"
  • Family traditions


Conversation on questions to the paragraph of the textbook


  • Bogolyubov L.N. , Lazebnikova A.Yu., Smirnova N.M. Social science. Profile level. - M .: Education, 2010
  • Kravchenko A.I. Social Science: Textbook for Grades 11 - M .: Russian Word, 2005
  • Sorokina E.N. Lesson development in social studies. profile level. Grade 11. - M .: VAKO, 2010

Topic: Life and everyday relationships

Goals and objectives: 1) to acquaint with the social and domestic interests of a person, their classification, to show what objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests, to determine the essence and nature of the culture of domestic relations, to study the degree of influence of urbanization on everyday life; 2) develop the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on a topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive

and problematic tasks, carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, participate in discussions, work with documents; 3) to form an attitude to the problem of everyday life.

Equipment: diagrams, package of documents.

Lesson type: research lesson.

Go d lesson in

I. Organizational moment

A person lives in a world of everyday affairs and worries that are repeated from day to day. But some of us feel unhappy because of this, while others are able to cope with such phenomena.

“The joy of life, the ability to rise above the dullness of everyday life and show us,” his wife wrote about M. Prishvin, “their meaning and beauty are not given from birth, but created by the moral will of this

man, his conviction in the goodness of life. "

How can you make everyday life and everyday relationships your friends, and not enemies, how can you turn them into the joy of life? This is what will be discussed in our lesson.

Lesson topic: "Life and everyday relationships."

Lesson plan

4. Urbanization and everyday life.

II. Learning new material

1. Social and domestic interests

In the process of a person's daily life, everyday relations are formed - a stable system of everyday non-production ties between people to satisfy their primary needs:

in food;


maintaining health;

child care;

the development of spiritual benefits, culture;



physical and cultural development.

That is, we are talking about the values ​​of everyday life. Is it really so important to consider the values ​​of everyday life? What role do they play in human life? There are different classifications of social and domestic interests. Working with paragraph 1 of § 12, fill in the table "Social interests".

Social interests

Investigating the problem of satisfying the social and everyday needs of a person, scientists have concluded that the degree of satisfaction will differ from person to person. Give some a luxurious palace, while others, like the cynicus Diogenes, are ready to live in a barrel and be content with the smallest. When discussing the satisfaction of social and domestic interests, sociologists operate with the following concepts:

- Tell me if there is a direct relationship and interdependence between the standard of living and lifestyle.

- In your opinion, what objective and subjective factors can influence the development of social and domestic interests?

2. Material and material human habitat

- Each person is surrounded by a certain material and material environment. Suppose what might be part of it. (House, the required number of clothes, the required number of shoes, dishes, furniture, a set of household appliances.)

- Sometimes people become slaves to things. How do you understand the meaning of this expression?

- What are the consequences of the emerging cult of consumerism, the cult of things? Argument your answer.

It is difficult to argue about whether or not we should take care of our comfort and pleasures. But do not forget about the atmosphere, the environment where you will live, create, and relax. And things, their number, arrangement - this is only one of the means of creating this environment.

The material and material habitat serves to ensure comfortable living conditions for a person. But at the same time, it is very important to learn the correct behavior, to form a culture

household relations. Consider the circuit:

4. Urbanization and life

Read paragraph 4 § 12 carefully and answer the following questions:

- Where do you see the peculiarity of the life of people in big cities?

- How should urbanization be viewed?

- Analyze the statistics of the urban population.

- How does the urbanization process affect a person?

- How does the human psyche change?

- What measures are being taken by city planners to neutralize the negative phenomena associated with the urbanization of the country?

- What can you suggest?

III. Lesson summary

In Germany, for more than a hundred years, there has been a law according to which children are obliged to do housework. Legislation defines the scope of work: up to 6 years - only games; 6-10 years old - help in washing dishes, small purchases; 10-14 years-lawn cleaning, shoe shine; 14-16 years old - work on a personal plot.

- Guess why the responsibilities of the children were assigned in this way.

- What do you think, why and for what purpose such a law was created? Do you think that such a law should be adopted in Russia? Justify your answer.


Learn § 12, complete the assignments.

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"Life and everyday relationships"

Lesson topic: "Life and everyday relationships"

“Family is my home. There I live, there is my peace, My refuge and shelter, My dreams, my love. " ,

  • 1. Social and household interests.
  • 2. Material and material human habitat.
  • 4. Urbanization and everyday life.

Household relations it is a stable system everyday non-productive relationships

between people about meeting their primary needs ( in food, clothing, health maintenance, childcare, as well as the development of spiritual benefits, communication culture, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development.

  • 1. Sociology
  • 2. Social psychology
  • 3.Economic Science
  • 4. Ethnography

Sociology studies everyday life at the levels of social organization of people

Social Psychology in terms of motives of behavior

Economy studies the economic features of everyday life

Ethnography features of traditions, customs


Types of interests

Quality needs

The essence

Types of social association

Territorial feature

Demographic trait

Lifestyle -

Standard of living -

Is used for…..

The quality of life -

Characterized by ...

Depends on…..

Testifies to….

Characterized by ...

Reveals the essence….

  • Complete (replenishment of the energy balance depending on climate, age, sex, height, metabolism, nature of work and rest)
  • The ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals
  • 4 meals a day at a certain time (RAMS RF)
  • Varied menu, aesthetics, smart shopping
  • a well-fed person is a kind person
  • Joint meals

  • House - temple (for the elite)
  • Home is life, space for life
  • House - hotel
  • House with trendy furnishings
  • House - hotel room (not thrown out yet, already dragged)
  • Americans - sterile-automated dwelling Englishmen - the most comfortable Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"
  • Americans - a sterile-automated dwelling
  • the British - the most comfortable
  • Japanese - "aesthetic nudity"

Household culture

  • Household organization (cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping)

"In a marriage, good organization of the home is as important as love." M. Plzak

  • Division of labor (a woman spends 40-45 hours a week on housework, a man 15-20 hours)
  • Hanging laundry, ironing, cooking = metallurgist energy - 3 calories per minute

  • Hobbies: in England, gardening
  • in Germany - sports,
  • in Bulgaria - amateur performances,
  • in Japan, graceful leisure - kebana, painting,
  • In Russia - active or passive, lack of time or "kill time"

What is the peculiarity of social and domestic interests in comparison with other social interests of a person?

What objective and subjective factors influence the development of social and domestic interests?

What is the culture of everyday relationships?

How does urbanization affect everyday life?