
Patterns of weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. A basket of newspaper tubes for beginners step by step with a photo. Newspaper tube weaving patterns for beginners


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Thanks to the patience and perseverance of the craftswomen, old newspaper pages magically turn into completely unique things: unique panels, all kinds of amulets, wall clocks, exquisite baskets and candy bowls, vases and pots, chests and boxes - you can’t list everything. Thanks to social media and the internet interesting ideas instantly fly around the globe, encouraging novice adherents of newspaper weaving to take up a paper vine and improve their skills.

We advise beginners not to start their creative journey with large items. We understand that you must have ambitious plans. Hands are itching to weave a large box for linen or an impressive size basket for a trip to the forest for mushrooms. Did we guess right?

You can find in our last article detailed description process, starting with the manufacture of tubes and ending with their painting and processing before weaving.

So, the preparatory stage is over: there are tubes ready to work in front of you, and the outlines of the first basket that you want to weave with your own hands have already loomed in your head. Now you need to find a shape for braiding. A plastic bucket, a vase, a flower pot, a deep plate are suitable for this.

Advice... For beginners, it is better to start work by braiding an object. Weaving without a shape can be difficult at first, without support it is easy to skew your product and get its asymmetry. By using a supporting object, you can easily achieve an even arrangement of the rows of tubes and control the quality of the braid.

And now we will tell you in detail how to make a basket of newspaper tubes for beginners, and we will reveal all the secrets of successful weaving and neat appearance finished product.

Master class of a round basket without a handle (weaving in shape)

In order for you to be able to determine the required number of tubes and to know in advance how many of them you need to prepare, we give approximate calculations.

For a small basket (with a soup plate), you will need about 100-150 tubes; for a medium-sized product, cook them about 200-300 pieces. On the large baskets more than 500-700 tubes can go. It all depends on the type and density of weaving, as well as the length and thickness of the newspaper vine.

In this mk we will weave a medium-sized basket. For it, you will need 200-230 tubes, wound on a needle of 1.5 mm, 8-10 mm wide.

And we will immediately give you one more piece of advice. There is no need to rush. Try to avoid gaps between the rows of the weave by placing each row close to the previous one. Do not wrinkle the tubes while working, but do not spare them either. Seeing that they are wrinkled or disheveled, cut them mercilessly and build new ones.

To weave a round bottom, fold 4 tubes in pairs, making a cross. Bend one more, working one, in half.

Begin to braid the cross with it, weaving the first row with a string. Thus, complete two more rows.

On the fourth lap, spread the double uprights and continue braiding them individually. Try to braid as tightly as possible to avoid gaps. Complete three rows of weave.

The distance between the racks by this time should increase and become more than 2 cm - it's time to introduce additional racks. Poke a hole with scissors or an awl and insert an additional post, dripping a little polymer glue for security. Do not forget to check your actions with the submitted step by step photos.

Braid the added uprights with string until you get the bottom the right size... The bottom of the basket is ready.

Take the shape of your choice, which will serve as a temporary basis for the future basket. In our case, this is a deep inverted plate. Place the braid on the mold and gradually fold the racks along it to go to the walls. Continue braiding the sides with string.

Place something heavy on top of your workpiece to securely fix its position.

If this is uncomfortable for you to work, turn the weaving over. Braid the basket to the desired height and cut off the working tubes.

Next, make a bend "a string of 4 tubes" (in the last article we talked in detail about different ones).

Grow the cut working tubes for bending in a different color (in our case, blue), and glue 2 more blue tubes behind the racks.

Take the far left blue tube and wind it over the fourth post in the same way as weaving a simple string. And if you were doing a string of three tubes, then you would braid with three blue tubes, winding each of them behind the third rack, and not for the fourth.

Take the left tube again, count 3 racks and wind it behind the free fourth. Weave to the last free post. This point is illustrated in the photo below.

Now it's time to finish the craft. Take now the rightmost tube. Having counted 3 racks from it, put it behind the fourth and tuck it inside the basket, without taking it out. Continue weaving according to this pattern with the remaining working tubes, each time placing the rightmost one behind the 4th rack inside the basket.

Tuck the ends into the braid, bring them out and cut them from the front.

It remains to lay the white racks. Take one of them, count three more from it and after the third rack pass it under the blue pigtail, taking it out.

Then take the next one and similarly lay it under the pigtail after 3 racks from it.


When all the racks are laid, it remains to cut and hide their ends.

Completion of the wickerwork involves priming it. To do this, you can use a solution of PVA with water in a 1: 1 ratio or a composition of acrylic varnish + water in the same proportion. Thoroughly coat the basket with primer using a soft brush.

We want to warn you right away: PVA can turn yellow over time. To avoid this, it is better to cover the wicker products with a solution. acrylic varnish... The latter must necessarily be water-based; you can distinguish it from alkyd by the absence of odor.

After the basket is completely dry (it will take about a day), varnish it with acrylic varnish and leave it to dry again. A very thick varnish can be pre-thinned with water.

Do not be afraid that after such a manipulation the product will whiten a little, this is temporary. After drying, the varnish will become transparent, and the craft will take on a finished look. You can give it a beautiful shine or an elegant matte finish, depending on the varnish you use. Recall that it can be glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte - choose to your taste.

At the beginning of your creative journey, be sure to weave such a basket for fruits or sweets. As you can see, it turns out to be very cute, which means that you can not only practice knitting a paper vine, but also make an excellent gift for all occasions.

If you still have questions, it's worth a look. detailed video from Lada Ligai. In it, she tells how she weaved a pot-bellied mini-basket.

Oval basket with a simple handle (weave without a shape)

Now let's look at how to weave a cute oval baby basket. In this case, the bottom is woven in a different way.

You can find step by step photos and understandable ones in our last article.

We suggest watching the weaving process live in a video master class from Alena Bugrova. In his lesson, the author clearly and easily explains all the subtleties of weaving an oval basket from newspaper tubes.

On our own, we want to add:

  • this craft takes about 100 tubes;
  • to obtain a color as in mk, you must strongly dilute the water stain "walnut" with water;
  • the distance between the posts here is about 2 centimeters;
  • it is advisable to insert the wire into several tubes for the handle so that it keeps its shape.

Such a cute miniature basket is a great gift idea for any occasion. For example, you can weave it for Easter and fill it with dyed easter eggs or sweets, present gift set to the people you love.

Basket folds

If you are a beginner and are working on a basket for the first time, we recommend finishing the edge with simple folds. For small and medium-sized products, volumetric folds are suitable, for example, a rod or isida in 3 or more tubes. We considered the technique of their implementation.

Also, the edge of the basket can be decorated with a voluminous openwork braid. Her different kinds and weaving features you can see in the videos we recommend.

The first lesson from Alena Bugrova is devoted to making a spectacular braid from tubes with a plastic cord inside. Be sure to practice braiding it - such a fold-in decor turns the basket into a real masterpiece.

The second detailed and understandable video tutorial from Lada Ligai is maximally adapted for beginners. It gradually reveals all the secrets of weaving a volumetric braid and its correct ending.

Feel free to experiment with a variety of folds. They are able to give the most simple product an elegant and festive look.

We design the handle

The simplest pen

In the photo it looks like this:

To make it, you need to take a bunch of 3-4 tubes, form a bend in the handle and attach the blank to the basket. Next, gently wrap the entire handle with a moistened tube, periodically smearing it with glue so that the winding fits snugly. For this job, it is better to use polymer glue than PVA. It dries quickly and fixes, while the paper does not have time to get wet.

You can take a thick wire (cable) instead of a bundle of tubes and wrap it with several tubes at once. The process in the photo looks like this:

Handle decoration with chintz weaving

It looks like this:

For work, take moistened tubes and immediately increase their length. Mark their locations on the basket. Use an awl to make holes and insert tubes into them. Glue on the ends while they dry, secure them with clothespins.

Give the tubes the desired bend. To make them better keep their shape, you can pre-insert a wire with a thickness of 1-0.9 mm into them. We braid these 3 main tubes with a working tube with a simple chintz weaving.

Simple twisted handle

In the photo, it looks like this:

It is also quite easy for a beginner to make. For small handles, you need to take a bunch of 5-7 tubes, you can insert a wire into one of them. Next, they need to be laid, intertwining with a string and gradually twisting.

We present to you a detailed mk from Lada Ligai, in which every step is accompanied by a photo.

If you still do not understand how to properly twist and round such a handle, there is only one way out - to urgently watch a detailed video from the craftswoman.

Sturdy twisted basket handle

It is better to make it using a thick cable or willow rod.

For ease of perception, we suggest you look at 3 stages of working on a pen.

Part 1: You will learn how to correctly insert a willow rod into the basket wall:

Part 2: How to wrap it with paper vine:

Part 3: Features of attaching the handle with a beautiful connecting lock.

Openwork handle

Do you want to surprise everyone with the unusual and elegant look of your basket? Then you urgently need to master openwork knitting of a handle.

For this method, each paper tube of the base of the pen needs to be reinforced with wire. You will learn the specifics of the work from the video recommended by us from Irina Chirkova.

Pigtail in 4 tubes

A similar handle looks like this:

It is done very simply in steps:

Pigtail of 8 tubes

The photo shows what a handle looks like, woven with a regular voluminous pigtail of 8 pipes.

If the thickness of the pen is not enough for you, then you can insert a cable, TV wire, thick wire, or a bundle of paper tubes inside. The thickened version will look like this:

The process of weaving such a pigtail is covered in detail in the video from Olga Ryzhkova.

Below are step-by-step photos of attaching the handle to the basket and the neat design of the lock:

Wooden handle

You can also use a regular thick branch as a handle. Take a walk to the nearest park and get the material absolutely free. The found branch must be sawed off to the desired shape, cleaned by removing the bark, sanded for smoothness. Optionally, you can paint the piece of wood with wood stain and cover it with acrylic varnish.

See how beautiful and unusual such handles look on baskets.

We sew a cover for a basket

The last and optional stage of working on the basket is decorating it. You can make your wicker craft catchy artificial flower, satin ribbons, a bright bow or sew a cute fabric cover.

Its function is not only to decorate the basket, but also to protect the walls from dirt and make it easier to care for. In addition, you can use them to cover the weaving flaws in your first works, giving them an impeccable look.

This video will show you how to sew a round bottom basket cover.

If you've woven a basket with a square bottom, see how to sew a fabric insert into it. It only needs three measurements and no complicated calculations and templates. All the details in the video.

Ideas for inspiration

Now that you are familiar with the basics of weaving the simplest products, we want to offer you a photo selection of works by different craftswomen. Here you will find not only an Easter basket made of newspaper tubes for beginner lovers of newspaper weaving, but also all kinds of options for all occasions.

Round, oval, rectangular, with unusual folds and handles - look at them, be inspired and do not be afraid to create your own masterpieces.

And even if your first basket does not turn out the same as in the picture, you will make it yourself, with your own hands. Experience, accuracy and speed of weaving will definitely come with practice. Most importantly, always get to work with good mood and set up - and you will succeed!

Weaving has always been a popular handicraft not only among women, but also among men. Everyone has memories of wicker baskets, with which it is so convenient to go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries. And what are wonderful straw hats come out of straw sticks. This material provides a master class on weaving baskets from newspaper tubes, thanks to which you will learn how to make such wonderful products.

A bit of history

In the era of the 20th century, when the peoples did not have any means of making suitcases, they wove baskets, moreover, the basket was closed with a lid and locked. It is from these times that such an interesting handicraft began, and besides, it was also very useful. Times change, as do materials. So here, instead of straw and vines, a newspaper, paper or magazine is now used, tubes are twisted, and unmatched things are woven from such a simple and accessible material.

This type of needlework is very exciting for many people, and there are more and more people who want to learn how to weave every year. In the old days, in order to learn how to weave, you had to look for a capable person, but now learning something is as easy as shelling pears. V in social networks there are many groups and publics. You can easily use the Internet and watch interesting videos.

What can be weaved from newspaper tubes? There is a lot you can do. For example, weaving a pretty hat or picnic basket with a handle. Show a little imagination, in this matter it will help very well.

Nowadays, it has become very popular to have beautiful things, made by hand, in the form of an apartment's interior. With such handicrafts, there is a place for an interesting little thing in every corner of the house. For example, a handmade laundry basket is perfect for a bathroom.

Let's go to the lesson

In this article, you will take a look at a round basket weaving workshop. Experienced craftsmen make magnificent pieces that will delight everyone. Many people think that this is incredibly difficult, but in reality it is just a good workout that you can easily master. When looking at a photo of a wickerwork made by a master, it simply does not fit in my head how you can make such a flawless thing, in which everything is so perfect that there is nothing to complain about.

So where to start and what does it take to get started?

You should start with preparation. Buy magazines, newspapers or just A4 paper (you can do more), or dig in your home waste paper. Prepare scissors that cut well. Buy PVA glue at the store. Then you just need a knitting needle, or something like that.

Note! The diameter of the tubes depends on the thickness of the knitting needle, you cannot do without it.

In order to strengthen our straws, a varnish is needed to cover the wood. To decorate the finished basket, take paint, you can use food coloring. And also do not forget about the brushes, it is better to take a couple - for glue, paint and varnish.

So, let's make a list of what we need:

  • magazine, newspaper or paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • paint or food coloring;
  • knitting needle or something similar. Choose the diameter yourself;
  • fixing varnish (preferably wood varnish);
  • brushes (three things).

When you have all the tools, you can safely start making the basket. If after watching the video nothing works, do not be upset, you can safely go to courses, master classes, where everything is explained in detail to the smallest detail, shown and told.

If you are already a trained person in this matter, then with a high degree of probability this will be able to expand the circle of imagination and throw in new ideas for creativity. Well, if you just started to master this type of needlework, then you don't have to worry, everything will definitely work out.

Remember. To create something clearly and accurately, you must first spoil or even completely spoil it. But this is just experience and training. Do not be very upset and immediately quit this business.

The more and harder you do this and sharply sharpen your skills, thereby you will become a master of your craft and will not be compared with anyone.

The main thing is not to be afraid to turn on your imagination. After all, it is fantasy and manifestations of creativity that will help create mind-blowing things and bring pleasure to both those around and close people.

Below is a video of interesting trainings, master classes.

Related videos

Workshop on weaving a basket from paper tubes

Educator of the Omsk Regional Educational Institution "Krasnoyarsk Adaptive Boarding School" Shaldina Anna Viktorovna
Description: this master class is intended for middle and senior students, teachers of additional education, educators. The basket can be a wonderful gift, interior decoration.
Target: to introduce students to the technique of weaving from paper tubes
1. Introduce the technique of making paper tubes, teach simple techniques weaving - straight weaving, "string" weaving.
2. Develop fine motor skills, improve mental operations.
3. To cultivate an aesthetic taste.
Tools and materials:
- paper (A4 size)
- spoke (diameter 0.5)
- scissors
- glue stick
- color scheme (brown)
- acrylic varnish
- brush
(photo 1)

The process of making baskets is long and laborious. Initially, children learn to roll paper tubes. It sometimes takes a lot of time (1-2 sessions). And only after they master this technique, you can proceed to weaving baskets.
Work sequence
1. Craft about 30 paper tubes. To do this, divide A4 sheets into 4 equal parts. Put the knitting needle horizontally in front of you, a piece of paper at an angle of 20-30 degrees above the knitting needle (photo 2)

2. Start winding the right end of the piece of paper onto the knitting needle (we twist the knitting needle with our right hand, support the paper with our left hand (photo 3)

3. By winding 1/3 of the piece of paper, you can take the knitting needle in your hands and continue twisting (photo 4)

4. When a small tip of a piece of paper remains - grease it with glue and tighten the tube (photo 5)

5. Remove the tube from the needle (photo 6).

Make about 29 more of the same tubes. (photo 7)

6. Roll out the tubes with a rolling pin (photo 8) Flat tubes are easier to work with.

7. We start weaving the basket. To do this, take 9 paper tubes - 4 of which we put horizontally, 5 vertically on top, fix with glue, let the glue dry and fasten the tubes (photo 9)

8. We now have the base of the bottom of the basket with 14 rays. In order to start circular weaving, you need odd number of rays ... To do this, with the end of one ray (vertically) we begin to braid other rays - simple straight weave one paper straw (photo 10, 11, 12)

9. When a few centimeters remain from the tube, it is necessary to increase it. To do this, we bend the thin end of the tube horizontally in half, smear it with glue and insert it into the wide end of the tube (when making tubes, one end is always narrower, the other is wider) (photo 13, 14)

10. We weave further, constantly increasing the tubes (photo 15).

When the bottom of the basket is of the required diameter (in our case, it is 4-5 cm, since the basket will be small), we put the bottom on a suitable shape (we have a tea mug with a diameter of 9 cm, 6 cm high, cone-shaped) For the convenience of weaving We put the cup on some kind of hill (bottle, jar) so that the rays do not touch the working surface, but hang in the air (photo 16)

11. Bend the rays of the basket down, continue weaving (photo 17, 18)

12. When we have completed the weaving of the desired height, remove the basket from the form (photo 19),

add one more tube and make the edge of the basket with two tubes at the same time - weaving "string" (picture 1)

(photo 20)

13. We make one circle and hide the ends of the working tubes behind the rows of weaving, you can grease them with glue, for a more reliable fixation (photo 21)

14. We proceed to form the handle of the basket. To do this, we leave the baskets on both sides of three rays (select those with the distance between which is more the same) (photo 22)

15. We hide the remaining rays between the rows of weaving. To do this, bend several rows with a knitting needle and stretch a ray through them, cut off the end (photo 23, 24)

16. We build up the tubes remaining for weaving on one side of the handles (photo 25)

17. At a distance of 2-3 cm from the beginning of the handle, weave a pigtail from three tubes (photo 26)

18. We glue the end of the pigtail to the remaining rays from the opposite side, fix it with a clothespin (photo 27)

19. We mask the place of gluing - we braid it as many times with a paper tube. We do the same from the opposite side (photo 28, 29)

20. Let's start coloring the basket. Pour off a small amount of acrylic varnish in the container, add color (in our case brown, but there may be a different color) Be sure to wear rubber gloves! You can start staining (photo 30, 31).

Reading time: 8 minutes

Do you want to do some handicraft? Do you want to do useful things that will have a special, fresh beauty? Not sure what to give your friends for the holidays? Pay attention to this type of needlework, like weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. By creating such a basket yourself, you will have a product that visually does not differ in any way from a basket made of vine, and for home use they are quite suitable because they have the necessary strength.

Today, when weaving baskets, various varnishes, paints and impregnations are used, which allow you to end up with a surface of any color. And the decoration of such baskets offers as many options as your imagination tells you - applications, decoupage, flowers, ribbons, beads.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: what do we need?

To create one of these we need:

Many, many newspaper sheets;
PVA glue;
knitting needle;
stationery knife and scissors;
acrylic paint, finish varnish, alcohol stain (larch, origon, lemon or any other to your taste);
base for the basket;
brushes for paint and glue.

Weaving baskets: the order of work

The first step is to determine the direction of the grain of the paper - it should be longitudinal. Determining the direction of the fiber is easy - there are several ways to do this. For example, take a sheet of newspaper and stretch its edges between the nails of two fingers. If the sheet has a cross grain direction, the edge of the newspaper sheet will become wavy. If it is longitudinal, there will be no folds.

At the very initial stages, it will also be necessary to cut all newspaper sheets into strips, the width of which we determine ourselves. However, do not make them too wide, then you will get thin and graceful tubes, with which it will be easy to work with a knitting needle. If you like thick tubes, simply increase the diameter of the selected spoke.

Ready-made tubes should be painted on an oilcloth prepared in advance. It is necessary to use only alcohol stain. If you use a regular water stain, the finished straws can come apart from contact with water.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 1 - preparation

Cut the prepared newspaper sheets into strips 7 cm wide. You can do this with scissors, but this is too tedious. It is best to use a utility knife to cut through the sheets on the backing board.

Next, we take the prepared strips and wrap the strips on the knitting needle at an angle of about 10-15 degrees. We begin to wind the strip on the knitting needle very tightly. If you leave the margin of the newspaper strip on the right, then the tubes themselves will turn out to be white.

As soon as you screw the whole tube onto the knitting needle, we fasten the very edge of the newspaper with glue and let it dry thoroughly.

Already at this stage, you can start coloring the newspaper tubes in the desired color and give them time to dry thoroughly.

But if you do not have time for this or you want to finish with the basket as soon as possible, you can paint already ready product and then varnish. Believe me, no one would ever think that the basket made with your own hands was made from ordinary old newspaper.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 2 - weaving

We start the weaving process from the bottom. You need to decide from the very beginning on the size of your basket. If this is your first time doing this and don't know what size basket you will like, we suggest that you adhere to our standards.


So, prepare 30 newspaper tubes each 50 cm long. We take 10 tubes 45-50 cm long each. We spread them in pairs. Select the main tube and fold it in half. We twist the first pair of tubes with the resulting tube. On the edge of the tube, mark the beginning of work with a marker.

We braid each pair of tubes with a rope. We cross the working tubes, after which we cover a couple of tubes with one working tube, and place the other below. When the working tube ends in length, it is necessary to build it up - insert the ending hole into the end of the new tube.

Thus, weave 2 rows up to the place marked with markers, up to the marked pair of tubes.

Weave the 3rd and 4th rows in one tube. In this case, the working tubes should be directed towards the center of the bottom.

Now we proceed to the formation of the bottom edge. We take the first tube, which is marked with a marker, and go around the next one, going around in a circle towards the center of the bottom.

We braid the last tube from below into the loop of the first tube.

We braid each tube from the first to the fourth row with a rope, while the tubes must be slightly bent in the direction from the middle.

If you wish, you can decorate the fifth row with beads - 6 beads will be enough. Further, we also tie the sixth and seventh row with a rope.

The excess length of the working tubes must be cut off and the edges must be tucked in between the rows - this is easily done with a knitting needle.

The removed ends of the tubes are simply cut off with scissors.

That's all - all that remains is to make the handle of the basket!

On each side, we leave 3 tubes, connecting them with clothespins. Drop a little glue on the base of each tube, cut off the ends.

We connect the ends of the tubes - this is how the handle of the basket turns out.

In order for the handle to be firmly held together, it is necessary to fix the place where the tubes are glued with the same clothespin. The entire length of the handle can be pasted over with one tube or left as it is.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 3 - dyeing

In order for the basket to have maximum strength, it must be impregnated with PVA glue. This will also help us to give it the necessary shape. After that, you need to give the basket time to dry completely.

Want to make your shopping cart even more unforgettable? Decorate it with the technique decoupage! Cut attractive patterns and motifs out of a napkin and attach to the basket, after which you can cover the finished product with a finish varnish. Finished work must be dried for a long time.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: video

What is wood stain and where to find it?

For a huge amount of handicraft work, it is necessary to use wood stain.

Stain is a surface coloring agent for wood that dissolves easily in water. It is often used when you want to get a certain shade of the tree. Unlike paint, this material does not completely paint the wood, as paint does, but only gives it the necessary shade, emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood and its structure, penetrating into the very depths of the fiber.

So handicraftsmen discovered interesting properties of this material and began to successfully use it in their techniques, including for weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. As a result, we get a product that looks like it was made from a real vine.

The most beautiful and popular material for coloring such baskets is brown stain, which is made from coal and oil.

Depending on the purpose of use, the stain can be used for both external and internal staining. The composition of this substance contains a special pigment that is highly resistant to color loss as a result of exposure to sunlight.

Types of wood stains

Today there is a wide variety of wood stains, not only by color, but also by type. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Water stain
    Water-based stain gives the finished products greater abrasion resistance. However, the colors that can be obtained with it will not be as saturated. If you want to give a special tone to products that will subsequently come into contact with food or that will be used by children, try to choose a stain that contains as few chemical additives as possible, various "volatile" substances. Water stain is just that - as safe as possible for health.
    If the stained surface is slightly wetted before painting, you will get a smoother shade.

  • Alcohol stain
    This substance is a common alcoholic solution of aniline dyes. This type of stain is considered to be more resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays (compared to water stain) and has a very high drying rate. If you cover the finished product with this type of stain, then you will have to make the final varnish coating. Do not be alarmed when you feel the sharp unpleasant chemical smell of this stain - manufacturers do this on purpose to discourage hunters from trying this "miracle" to taste.
  • Acrylic stain
    This type of wood stain is considered innovative and belongs to the latest generation of wood stains. Acrylic stain is an emulsion based on acrylic resin. This type of dyes is less susceptible to fading in the sun, it is maximally resistant to moisture, therefore it does not experience discomfort in a humid environment. In addition, acrylic stains are available in a huge variety of colors. However, a significant disadvantage when using them will be the high cost of the material.

  • Oil stain
    As you might guess from the name, the main component of these wood stains is oil or drying oil, which does an excellent job of protecting the tree, and also has a huge selection of tint palette. Can be combined with a solvent - together with oil stain, a solvent such as white spirit is most often used. However, this type of stain is not recommended for staining articles made from newspaper tubes - it is better to leave it for working with wood.
  • Chemical stain
    Chemical stain does not contain coloring agents. They are replaced by the soluble metal salts included in the composition, which, upon contact with the tannins of the wood, paint it in different shades. However, we will not dwell on them in too much detail - like oil stain, this type of dye is not at all suitable for working with baskets made of newspaper tubes.
  • Gel stain
    This type of stain is especially popular with perfectionists who seek uniform staining around the entire perimeter. This stain does not leave any stains on the product and evenly distributes the dye.

In addition to these main types of stain, you need to decide on the type in which you can buy your favorite stain. Modern market offers a ready-to-use stain in diluted form or powdered, which is much less common. As a rule, to work with powdery stain, it is enough just to dilute it with a certain amount of warm water.

It is recommended to buy stains in large hardware stores and hypermarkets. Consultants of such establishments will always help you decide on the choice of a particular material for work, since they must know about all the properties of the product.

Staining the straws

Coloring newspaper tubes will be most effective and easy if you have rolled them so that the tubes will be white beforehand (we have already mentioned that this can be achieved by rolling the tubes along the very edge of the newspaper). In this case, you will get the most solid color that spreads easily and evenly on a white base.

When staining with wood stain, prepare plastic bottle with a wide neck. If you like jewelry work and have a lot of free time, you can paint each individual tube with a brush. If you value your time, simply dip the finished straw in a bottle with diluted stain - this is the maximum quick way staining newspaper tubes.

In the line of each manufacturer of the presented types of stain, there is a wide selection of colors. What color do you want to see your finished basket of ready-made tubes - it's up to you. So, just go to a large construction hypermarket, look for stands with stains there, choose the color that suits you.

Do not rush to throw out the remaining color scheme - sometimes there are situations when, when making exactly the same basket, you did not have enough paint of this color. Then your leftovers from previous works will become a real lifesaver. Or in finished basket the paint is peeled off and the resulting stain hurts your eyes. Just take out the rest of the paint and touch up the desired area of ​​the finished product!

Often, hand-made craftswomen use ordinary gouache instead of color scheme. However, the total cost of preparing such a paint will turn out to be much more expensive.

To give the desired shade, you can use and food colorings(for example, in egg paint). It turns out that the dye is sooooooo safe for the product!

You can also use regular water-based paint along with the color scheme. To do this, you will have to thoroughly prime the finished product (the soil is prepared independently or bought ready-made).

You can also combine the various listed methods of staining with PVA glue - this will make not only the color of the basket more durable, but also its components. For example, water-based paint with water, water-based paint with PVA glue, acrylic enamel with water and PVA glue, and many other methods are often combined.

After staining, allow the product to dry completely, and, if necessary, varnish it.

Do you believe that you managed to create this beauty with your own hands? And we didn't even doubt your talent! Whether it will still be - on our pages we will collect for you only the most best selections and master classes that will help you realize yourself and show your creativity!

The article will tell you how to weave beautiful baskets from simple newspaper tubes and present you with detailed master classes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a very unusual, but very popular needlework that almost anyone can do. In addition, this handicraft is not costly, because it does not require purchasing material. Any product woven in this way is made of ordinary newspapers, rolled into a thin tube and fixed with varnish.

What is required for such work:

  • Form - any subject square shape, which will allow the product to have a given silhouette: vase, box, can, box, toy, and so on. Choose the item that suits you in size.
  • Newspapers - any newspaper sheets, double is desirable.
  • Clothespins - ordinary or stationery, needed for fixing while weaving baskets.
  • Scissors - for work
  • Glue - dry or PVA for fixing and twisting the tubes.
  • Decorative materials - to design the finished product.
  • Long wooden skewer - necessary for curling a newspaper sheet.
  • Cardboard - necessary to create the bottom of the product

How to weave a basket:

  • Flatten newspaper sheet
  • Take a skewer and work it over the edge of the newspaper sheet.
  • Fold the newspaper sheet and begin curling, folding the sheet tightly.
  • Newsprint should be greased with glue so that it folds and fixes.
  • If you used PVA, let the twisted tubes dry a little.
  • Cut out the base for the basket, square: large or small.
  • Glue the tubes to the base and fix with clothespins, let dry completely.
  • Remove the clothespins and glue the second square (exactly the same), press and fix. Let dry.
  • Lay the shape over the bottom and begin weaving, tying each vertical tube with a horizontal one.
  • Weaving looks very solid, because you should not weave several tubes. Each time you glue several tubes into one long strip, which you work with.
  • Press the ends of the protruding tubes to the shape with clothespins
  • During weaving, it is necessary to use patterns to create a pattern and carefully weave the edges of the tubes inside.

Detailed master class in photo:

Square basket

Video: "Weaving a square basket from newspaper tubes"

Weaving from newspaper tubes of a rectangular basket: patterns, schemes, description

Weaving a rectangular basket of newspaper tubes is necessary according to the same principle as a square one. If you wish, you can also weave a lid, which should be only 1 cm larger in diameter than the product itself.

Step-by-step weaving in the photo:

Materials for work

Twisting the tubes with a skewer

Gluing the tubes

Thick tubes are vertical, thin are horizontal

Bonding the cardboard base, fixing with clothespins

Bonding the second carton, inner bottom

Fixing with clothespins until dry

Establishing the form and wrapping it around

You can weave using only vertical tubes or weave horizontal You adjust the height of the product yourself

Fix the product with clothespins at the top for easy operation

Completion of weaving

Rolling up the tubes

The final stage of work

Rolling the tubes inward

Cutting pipes that are too long: the ends can be left on or glued on

Video: "How to weave a rectangular basket of newspaper tubes?"

Weaving Easter baskets from newspaper tubes: patterns, patterns, description

You don't have to buy a beautiful Easter basket, you can weave it yourself from the material at hand - newspaper tubes. These baskets can be filled with Easter treats and presented to your loved ones. Depending on how many treats you want to put inside or how skillful you are, there are several schemes and ways to make such a product.

IMPORTANT: Weaving is similar to the previous lessons, however, to create such a basket, you should not use cardboard for the bottom, but round shape(dish or deep plate), which you will tie.

In order to create a small basket with a handle, you will need about 90-100 tubes, which should be rolled up in advance. Let the tubes dry and only then get to work:

  • Weave 8 straws together with a double cross
  • Start with circular tying to make the base
  • Place the base-shape on top of the knitted small round bottom.
  • Tie it around, lengthening the tubes and creating patterns (for this you should use weaving patterns).
  • To make the product neat and even, you should fix the tubes vertically, pinching them with clothespins to the edge of the mold.
  • The handle for the basket is knitted separately according to the type of braiding from several tubes at once (see photo).

Step-by-step weaving with a photo:

Bottom creation

Tying the base: deep dish

Fixing with clothespins

After tying, remove the form

Tying the edge, folding the tubes

Weaving the handle: preparation

Weaving into the edges of the warp

Fixing the handle with clothespins

The handle is braided from both ends

Tie ends and tubing for a neat look

Video: "Easter basket made of newspaper tubes"

Weaving from newspaper tubes of an oval basket: photo, description

An oval basket, woven from ordinary newspaper tubes, can serve as a wonderful piece of furniture and a dish for some food products, for example, sweets, fruits or bread. It is not difficult to make such a product, and upon completion of the work, you can paint it in any color and even open it with varnish. Such a coating will give the basket strength and moisture resistance.

By its principle, weaving of an oval basket is similar to other products (square and rectangular, ordinary baskets), but in this case, special attention should be paid to creating the bottom. Of course, you can use a cardboard base, or you can weave it by hand, which is much more beautiful.

How to weave an oval basket:

In order to make the base, several tubes should be twisted together.

You can fasten the tubes together by tying them together

After the base is done, start weaving in the usual way.

When you tie the required bottom diameter, wrap and lift the tubes up

Fix the tubes with clothespins and continue weaving.

Video: "How to calculate the diameter of the bottom and weave an oval basket from a newspaper?"

Weaving from newspaper tubes basket "chicken": photo, description

The chicken basket is very effective and is perfect for making surprises for loved ones on Easter holidays. It can be filled with dyes and Easter cakes, giving it to family and friends. Of course, such a product is much more difficult to weave than an ordinary basket, nevertheless, using video lessons and master classes, you can create a basket of incredible beauty.

Prepare a sufficient number of straws in advance. Do the weaving in the usual way: first create the bottom, and then lay the form and tie it around. Choose a form that is not very large, since the chicken should not be huge - this is a miniature and decorative product.

Beginning of work

Ready product:

Chicken baskets

Video: "A detailed master class on weaving a basket in the form of a chicken"

Weaving a round basket of newspaper tubes: photo, description

Round tubular baskets are a beautiful and practical product that can be used as a casket for storing personal items: jewelry, money, cosmetics, threads and much more. Depending on your preferences, you can make a basket of any diameter, with a lid or a handle, and decorate with different fittings.

Square baskets

Baskets in a marine style

Video: "An unusual basket of newspaper tubes"