
Cake boxes what to do. New Year's clock - do-it-yourself crafts for the New Year with children in kindergarten, school: photo. How to make a beautiful New Year's clock from a box, cardboard, sweets, discs, foam plastic, salt dough step by step? New Year's Eve Ideas


I have always considered myself an expert in needlework. But, when they asked me where in our city Correx is sold, I thought about it. What is this material, for what? Obviously not worth a penny! Thanks to the search engine for helping to sort out the issue. Now when it appears candy box interested not only in its sweet content.

Crafts from packages

I consider this material just a godsend - I ate sweets, got inspired, and left the correx for needlework. It has many uses ranging from simple pen holders to reuse in the kitchen.

This collection contains best options how to create do-it-yourself packaging crafts. Feel free to call the children, they will cope with the majority on their own.

original crafts

If the candies in the box are over - it does not matter, we will make new ones! This is much easier than it looks. All you need to buy is chocolate chips and nuts for the filling. The number of candies depends on the capacity of your form.

If you can't find crumbs in the store, buy a few bars of quality chocolate or make your own frosting. It is not necessary to take white chocolate, you can do only black.


As you can see, a lot can be made from recycled materials. Creation crafts from plastic packaging would be a great activity for kids of all ages. The materials are not expensive, and the result will make you proud.

Show this article to your friends, for sure, many did not know about such valuable material as correx.

From plastic bottles you can make a lot of useful and original items for the interior or for the garden and cottages. In addition, by creating crafts from plastic bottles with our own hands, we contribute to the preservation of the purity of nature. It's no secret that the situation with the sorting and recycling of plastic is not so far in our country. in the best way and plastic takes over 100 years to decompose! So, what can be done from plastic bottles?

1. Do-it-yourself jewelry stands.

You will need bottles different size- 2l, 1l and 0.5l. Cut off with scissors or a sharp knife from each bottle a bottom 3-4 centimeters high. Then, in the center of each resulting "saucer", drill a hole corresponding to a pre-prepared threaded rod.

It is better to put saucers on the rod between two washers and two nuts. If you use just a metal pin, a wooden knitting needle, or something like that as a rod, then the saucers can be planted on hot melt adhesive.

The bottom of the 2 liter bottle will act as the base of the coaster, so just turn the saucer upside down for stability.

2. Boxes for cakes and cakes from plastic bottles To.

boxes for cupcakes and cakes from plastic bottles Cakes and cupcakes tend to wind up, and it can be difficult to bring such beauty to guests safe and sound. Not scary! Make such crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands - boxes for sweets. From a cardboard circle and half a bottle, you get a box for one cake, and in two halves of the bottle you can carry delicious macaroons!

3. A small box - a case made of plastic bottles with your own hands.

Cut off bottoms 5-7 cm high from two liter bottles. Sew a small zipper on the inside by hand.

4. Do-it-yourself organizers and coasters from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles provide great opportunities in the organization of the workplace. From bottles you can make a variety of organizers for magazines and correspondence, tools and sewing supplies, stands for stationery and cosmetics, boxes - baskets for toys and other small items. We simply cut off the neck from the bottles, and then - at your discretion. Several simple options below will give you ideas.

5. Do-it-yourself curtains from plastic bottles.

Unusual DIY crafts from plastic bottles - curtains or light partitions for zoning space. Such curtains look like floating transparent flowers, shimmering in sunshine. An interesting decor is not only the interior of the house, but also the verandas or terraces in the country. Detailed master class photos can be viewed here.

1. Do-it-yourself bird feeders and drinkers.

You won’t surprise anyone with such crafts from bottles. In the surrounding parks and forests, as well as on balconies, you can see different feeders made of bottles and milk boxes everywhere, especially in winter. But, it may still be interesting for you to look at what other feeders you can build with your own hands from plastic.

do-it-yourself bird drinker from a plastic bottle

2. Vertical wall garden

The empty concrete walls of a house, garage or fence are just begging to be decorated. It would be a good idea to arrange a vertical garden of plastic bottles with your own hands on bare lifeless walls!

You will need a couple of dozen two-liter plastic bottles, scissors, rope (twine or wire) and two washers per bottle. The process is schematically shown in the figure:

For drainage, you can make a couple of holes in the bottom of the container - a bottle, and lay small pebbles, sand or a special filler in front of the soil. And you can grow a whole garden in such hanging gardens: herbs, spices, flowers, berries and medicinal plants!

3. Caps for seedlings.

From a half of a plastic bottle, excellent seedling caps are obtained that will protect young sprouts from wind and bad weather.

4. A boat made of plastic bottles.

An unusual invention is a boat made of plastic bottles, which is practically in no way inferior to a factory model made of wood or rubber. If you have a desire to acquire such a boat almost free of charge to surf the nearby lake or river, you will find a master class here.

5. DIY plastic bottle flower beds

To decorate the garden and fence off flower beds or beds, you can use halves of plastic bottles. Moreover, seedlings can grow under the bottles. Such garden crafts from plastic crafts even children can do it with their own hands.

6. Nozzle on the hose - watering from a plastic bottle.

A great garden idea for soft watering plants in the garden. Take plastic bottle and make a lot of small holes in it. Then put the bottle on wheels, for example, from an old cart, toy stroller or rollers. Attach a hose to the neck and turn on the water. Small jets from the holes will water the plants like rain, and the wheels will allow the watering nozzle to be mobile.

When a ready-made cake is bought as a gift, everything is clear with it - it is already packed in a beautiful, durable and aesthetic box. But what if you decide to please relatives or friends with your own baked culinary masterpiece? No matter how tasty it turns out, packaging is absolutely necessary for it, and it must be made to match the cake itself, so as not to spoil the first impression. After all, they meet, as you know, by clothes.

Option 1. Make a polygon cardboard cake box

Cardboard- a versatile and fairly durable material, which in most cases will be quite enough to create a package (the exception is the need for long-term transportation of a cake over a long distance or its heavy weight, exceeding 3 kg). How to assemble a cardboard cake box? Below is the easiest way to assemble, which does not even require the use of glue.

Required tools and materials:

    Thick cardboard



You can make a box according to the petal principle if your cake is round. To do this, use ready template on which you can cut the cardboard.

In this case, you definitely need to measure the base of the cake and leave an allowance of 3 cm on each side. Do not put heavy cakes (weighing more than 1 kg), as well as tall cakes and products decorated with roses and other buttercream figures in such a box.

Option 2. Do-it-yourself square cake box

Another simple option on how to make a cake box yourself is to assemble it in the shape of a square or rectangle. This is the perfect container for a cake of the appropriate shape.

You will need:




    Wrapping paper


It is best to make a box in two parts - separately make the base with walls, separately - the lid. It is imperative to measure the base of the cake itself and leave allowances when forming the box. By the way, a rectangular box can be pasted over with a beautiful gift paper. On top, everything is tied with an elegant ribbon, which at the same time serves as a “handle” for carrying.

How to make a cake box step by step

Another interesting and very original version- a box consisting of individual cardboard slices, where slices of a real delicacy are already packed. "Slices" are also made of cardboard, while they need a base stand.

The tools and materials are the same:

    Thick cardboard




    Decoration materials (ribbons, beads, etc.)

    Double sided tape

So, take a sheet of cardboard and cut it out like this:

Fold lines are marked in italics, a solid line that does not reach the edges of the workpiece on both sides is the slot line. We bend where necessary, glue the allowances, insert the opposite strip into the cut.

In the classic version, if you follow the pattern, you will get 12 "slices".

The next step is decorating them. It all depends on your imagination and the materials at hand - suitable satin ribbons, beads, finished decorative flowers, petals. If the cardboard is white, and you have the talent of an artist, you can even paint the box with your own hand-drawn patterns. It is better to take bright thick paints, for example, gouache. But such a box will need to be allowed to dry in a warm place for at least 6 hours.

The base for your cake will be a round cardboard tray. It is best to stick “slices” on it with double-sided tape.

It remains to cut the real cake into slices and hide them in the package. Your masterpiece is ready!

A creative person can easily come up with and build a craft with his own hands from any materials at hand. Ordinary inhabitants, if desired, can also easily make their own masterpiece using certain sites on the Internet or master classes.

In our article today we will talk about crafts from cardboard boxes that you can do on your own or with the kids.

Such games develop children's imagination, and the result will delight everyone.

For crafts, boxes of various sizes are suitable, from which it is easy to build various objects: big boxes- household items in the form of furniture, cars, airplanes, etc., from small ones - photo frames, caskets, pencil devices, etc.

Variants of various crafts from cardboard boxes are shown in the photo.

Original ideas

Constructing various crafts from boxes with their own hands, children develop fine motor skills, attention and fantasy. If it is necessary to use cutting objects, adult assistance is required to avoid injury.

It is better to immediately distribute responsibilities before work, the child performs more simple job, and you - the remaining, more complex.

For crafts, you can take any cardboard boxes.

Egg trays are no exception. This perfect option for creativity. Of these, perfectly obtained: animals, birds and inflorescences. The easiest way to make a chicken, in the form of delivery under the egg.


Take for their production: egg tray, paper scissors, acrylic paint, brush, glue, felt cloth or multi-colored paper.

The work process is not complicated, everything should be done in order:

  • cut out a part of the tray (a cell with a protruding part);
  • cut the cell in the form of a rooster with a huge tail;
  • paint it with acrylic colored paint, drawing bird feathers, and leave to dry;
  • cut blanks from felt material or paper beard, comb and beak;
  • fix these blanks with glue;
  • make eyes, decorate with feathers.

Cockerel is ready!


Making a craft in the form of a flower is a little more difficult. Necessary materials: egg tray, PVA, paint, wire and scissors. Such crafts can be done in different ways.

For example, cut a cell and cut out the petals along the folds inside the cell, which need to be twisted and inserted into each other, if you want, add additional petals.

The resulting inflorescences are attached to a wire or fixed near the surface to make a flower arrangement. A milk bag can also be used. For example, in the form of a bird feeder, a well, toys or houses.


Cubes are the favorite pastime of all children. It is very easy to build it yourself. You will need: 1 liter milk bags with a square base, a paper knife, a measuring ruler, a colored marker, double-sided tape, pictures.

Let's start making cubes:


  • wash and dry milk cartons;
  • set aside from the bottom of the package along the edges twice 7 cm each and make a line-mark with a marker;
  • on one side, set aside another 1.5-2 cm from the mark up and cut off the entire remaining top;
  • cut along the ribs to the mark at the bottom and assemble the cube as a simple box, the long side will be the lid;
  • stick various funny images, letters or photos on the side faces.
  • fold the cube in the usual way.

To fix the images on the side faces of the cube, before gluing the main image, glue the cube with newspaper pieces soaked in glue. Next, cover the finished version of the craft with colorless acrylic varnish. If you place small objects inside the cube, you will get a rattle.

Photo Frame

The candy box is perfect for an excellent photo frame, decorative box, etc. They are very strong and suitable form, sometimes with a hinged lid.

Paste the box with gift wrapping paper, lace or satin fabric, decorate with a composition using various little things, pins, bows, etc., and the box is ready.


A flat box will be useful for you to create greeting card with a frame. To do this, in addition to the box itself, you will need:

  • Greeting Cards,
  • paper of bright or pastel colors,
  • PVA glue,
  • corrugated cardboard,
  • stationery,
  • ribbons, bows and other decorative items.

Trace the outline of the postcard over the top of the box. Then step back to the center of the contour from the sides by 1-2 cm, circle the resulting contour with a pencil and cut through the window.


From corrugated cardboard paper cut out the details for finishing the inside and outside. On the opposite side of the hinged cover, fix the postcard with tape so that it can be seen through the window.

Attach a ribbon to it and the side and mask the places of their attachment with corrugated cardboard parts on the side and a corresponding postcard on the inside of the lid.

Complete the design with various decorative elements. In the inside of the box, place congratulatory words and a small present.

Other crafts

You can also make crafts from matchboxes. Most often they make doll furniture, vehicles, caskets, etc.

From large cardboard boxes designed for household appliances, crafts in the form of children's household appliances, vehicles and fortresses are easily obtained.


Become a real architect and please your child with a real castle or your own house. Moreover, your child will be proud of such a creation made by his beloved mom and dad.

The child himself will be able to invest a part of his labor in the process of its production. Girls will love their own miniature kitchen or dollhouse.

Crafts from boxes for children, made by parents with love, will leave unforgettable vivid memories for the child for life.

Photo of crafts from boxes

Making beautiful and useful things with your own hands from useless waste, from garbage, using an egg carton or a cake box is a noble and very exciting activity. By doing this with your children, you not only contribute a little to the fight for cleanliness environment, but also teach your child to needlework, diligence, perseverance, creativity and creative thinking. Miracles are created by your hands. Nondescript plastic cells for eggs turn into a magical delicate bouquet, which is not ashamed to be held in the hands of the most beautiful bride.

You will need:

  • egg packaging;
  • scissors;
  • silicone glue;
  • fabric tape;
  • silver beads;
  • wire;
  • ribbon;
  • Wrapping;
  • fern and any small white flowers.

Work order

  • To assemble the bride's bouquet, we first of all need white roses, which we will make from a plastic translucent egg container.
  • First, cut the container into cells, then cut off the excess along the sides of each cup.

  • We cut the sides of the cup into four equal parts, rounding the corners, forming the petals. Let's prepare two such cups for one flower.

  • Take another cell, also align the side. Then cut in one place to the bottom and cut off the bottom completely, leaving 1-2 mm for gluing.

  • From the wide upper side, form a contour resembling the edges of the petals.

  • Roll the strip into a tube and hold it in this position for a while.

  • Glue the slightly expanded tube to the bottom of one cup with hot silicone glue. Then glue the resulting flower to the bottom of the second cup, turning it 45 degrees along the axis.

  • Spread the extreme petals and burn a small hole in the center of the bud.

  • The flower is ready. We need 7-9 of these for a bouquet.

  • Pass the wire with the silver bead fixed at the end into the center of the bud and wrap the wire with fabric tape.

  • Collect the bouquet.

This craft from the egg packaging can be entrusted to the child to do, showing a little and periodically prompting. Needed for her:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • circle eyes;
  • flexible mustache tubes;
  • egg packaging.

Making a caterpillar

  1. We cut a strip of cells so that a wavy line is obtained on the sides. We do not narrow the first cell.
  2. We put the tubes through two small holes in the "head" of the caterpillar and twist the antennae.
  3. We paint the craft in any color.
  4. Glue on the eyes.
  5. The caterpillar is ready. You can decorate it in different ways.

The industry today produces such beautiful packaging that it is even a pity to throw it away immediately after use. For example, a transparent cake box can make an excellent mini-greenhouse for seedlings or a photo frame. Sometimes the cake box is made corrugated, it can be used as a mold for pouring, for example, plaster. If you have accumulated cylindrical tubes for storing discs, then do not throw them away!

  1. Cut off the axle on which the discs were mounted from the bottom and attach it to the bottom of the shelf. You have an original, completely space-free storage system for all sorts of little things.
  2. If you also drill or burn a small hole in the end of the cylinder, your threads will never get tangled, and the balls will not roll away from you when knitting.