
Didactic games by nature 2 ml gr. "ecological games and exercises for preschool children". Theme: Winter. Signs of winter


Synopsis of GCD on art senior group
on the topic: "Dress for mom."
Target: Expand children's ideas about Mother's Day. Program tasks: - To teach children to draw according to plan, filling all the intended space, to find beautiful combinations of colors. - Improve the technical skills of brush painting. Arouse interest in working with gouache. Develop Creative skills. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your mothers.
Material: Collection "Fabrics", a fashion magazine with an image evening dresses, gouache, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, sheets of paper with the silhouette of a dress, a template for showing.
Preliminary work: a conversation about the holiday "Mother's Day", examining a collection of fabrics, magazines, presentations.
1. Organizational moment
Teacher: Hello my friends!
Glad to see you always.
We woke up early in the morning
We smile at the sun.
Everyone smiled at each other
And returned to the chairs.
2. Main body
Introductory conversation.
Educator: Guys, your mothers will have a holiday very soon. Do you know what it's called? Children's answers: "Mother's Day." Now I will read you a poem, you listen to it and tell me what it is about?
Mom's dress is innumerable.
There is blue and there is green
There is blue with large flowers -
each serves its mother in its own way.
This is where she goes to work.
In this he goes to the theater and visits,
She sits in this, busy with drawings.
Each serves its mother in its own way.
(G. Demykina)
Did you like the poem?
Children: Yes, I liked it.
Teacher: What is the poem about?
Children: about mother's dresses.
Educator: Tell me, does mom have a lot of outfits? Why does she need different outfits?
Children's statements
Educator: Today I invite you to be fashion designers for your mothers. A fashion designer is a specialist in the manufacture of clothing, their duties include creating clothes taking into account fashion trends and consumer demand. I propose to come up with a gift for your mom - holiday dress, everyone will be able to make mom exactly the dress that he wants. We will learn how to draw patterns for mother's dress.
The game "4 extra"
Educator: how do we understand that we have a festive dress in front of us? Let's try to play game 4 extra. (find among different types clothes a festive dress, we find among the images of "mothers" a mother in festive clothes.
Children express their point of view - long, lush, “like a princess”, beautiful, bright pattern.
Educator: what parts does the dress consist of?
Children (with the help of a teacher): skirt, bodice, collar, belt.
Educator: let's see what patterns are on the fabric (we show patterns of patterns). What patterns do you see?
Children: swirls, stripes, dots, circles, all in bright colors.
Educator: now let's have a little rest, and then we will start making a gift to mom.
Physical education:
Mom needs to rest. (stretch)
Mom wants to sleep.
I walk on tiptoe. (Walking on toes)
I won't wake my mom.
I'll slip into the kitchen (minching step)
I'll start making a gift.
The guys sit down at the tables and get to work. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance.
Educator: each of you has a dress template on the table. You need to correctly position it on a sheet of paper and carefully circle it with a pencil. With one hand we hold the template motionless, and with the other we hold the pencils and trace.
Children do the work - on the demonstration board an intermediate stage of work is presented - a circled dress template.
Educator: as we have already said, the dress has a collar, bodice, skirt. We see folds on the skirt. Now you need to depict them in your work with the help of paints.
Children do the work on their own - the demonstration board shows an intermediate stage of work - a circled dress template with details.
Educator: Now each of you can take paints. First you need to paint according to your desire to make a contour and circle the details.
The board shows an intermediate stage of work.
Educator: now the most important stage of work. Guys, you will now paint the pattern on the dress that you have in mind.
Children draw on their own - the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance individually.
3. The final part (removal of emotional stress):
Educator: Guys, what wonderful dresses you drew for your mothers.
Let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine how happy your mother was with your gift, how she smiled, hugged you and thanked you.

Synopsis of GCD on fine arts - activities in middle group"Portrait for the Christmas Tree"

Agrafonova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Place of work: educator MBDOU DS "Pearl", Volgodonsk
Work description: My summary will undoubtedly be useful to kindergarten teachers, as well as teachers of additional education when working with preschoolers.
Target: Teaching children how to draw a Christmas tree using non-traditional drawing materials.
Introduce children to new visual materials and techniques.
Learn to mix colors.
Learn to highlight familiar geometric shapes in objects when drawing.
Activate the child's vocabulary with concepts: shade, color mixing, composition.
develop imagination, fine motor skills.
Cultivate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.
To cultivate the ability to listen, to perform certain actions according to the verbal instructions of the teacher.
Materials: artificial christmas tree with balls; geometric shapes on magnets (triangles), different sizes, simple pencils, an eraser, a foam sponge, napkins, jars of non-spill, gouache 6 colors, sheets of white thick paper, better cardboard, plasticine 8 colors, cotton wool, PVA glue.
Preliminary work: drawing, application of Christmas trees, learning a song about a Christmas tree, reading poems, playing with Christmas trees.

GCD progress:

Educator. Guys, an unusual guest will come to us today, and try to guess who it is.
Needles grow on it
Thick and prickly
And resinous cones,
Sticky, fragrant.
She's on New Year's Eve
Will come to visit us!
Slim, fluffy
With golden lights.
Children. Christmas tree!!!
Educator. Certainly! Well done!
Oh, guys, look, why is our Christmas tree so smart?
Children. Children's answers.
Educator. And let's make a gift to our guest, draw her portrait, and decorate, each as he likes!
Children. Yes!
Educator. First, let's prepare our fingers so that they are dexterous and fast.
Finger gymnastics"Christmas tree"
The tree turns out quickly,
if the fingers are intertwined.
Raise your elbows
spread your fingers.
Palms away from you, fingers are skipped between each other (palms at an angle to each other). Put your fingers forward. Do not press the elbows to the body.
Educator. Guys, look carefully, what figure does the Christmas tree remind you of?
Children. Triangle.
Educator. And if you look closely, you will see many triangles of different sizes. Can you tell me where they are?
Children. Big on the bottom, small on the top.
Educator. Right. And now draw with a pencil 3 triangles of the appropriate size. (showing with magnets on the board and a schematic image on a piece of paper).

Educator. Guys, look, the Christmas tree was in the air. Is it possible?
Children. No. The tree grows from the ground.
Educator. Our Christmas tree is New Year's, and this is a winter holiday, in winter we can see the earth?
Children. No. The ground is covered with snow.
Educator. See what is most like snow on your table?
Children. Cotton wool is like snow.
Educator. Now you can put the Christmas tree in a snowdrift. (children glue cotton wool with PVA) Oh, and now the whole sheet is white, around the Christmas tree, is something missing?
Children. The sky is missing.
Educator. What color is the sky in winter?
Children's answers(blue, light grey, etc.)
Educator. Blue can be obtained by mixing blue and white paints, and gray can be obtained by mixing white and black. (children mix colors and tint the sheet with a sponge)
Educator. Oh, our guest is bored. Let's cheer her up!
Round dance:“It’s fun along the path ...” (while the gouache dries)
1. Fun along the track
Our feet went
And to the elegant Christmas tree
We came to visit.
Chorus: Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Christmas tree big
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
That's so beautiful.
2. Under the elegant Christmas tree
Everyone wants to dance.
The tree is waving its branches,
Chur, do not lag behind!
3. We will stroke you all
Just don't poke.
With bright lights
Christmas tree light up.
Educator. Do you think the Christmas tree liked our song? Now you can finish your portraits. Pay attention to the Christmas tree - fluffy needles! And we can create volume with the help of plasticine. We roll small balls between the fingers and “paint” the Christmas tree. What color plasticine do you need?
Children. herringbone Green colour. (children attach plasticine inside the contour image)
Educator. Now let's decorate!
Christmas tree in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree remembers the winter forest with sadness,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree, do not be sad in vain, -
We are your cheerful, loyal friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, Christmas tree, like we are now!
Summary of the lesson:
Well done boys! What do you think, did the Christmas tree like the portraits that we painted? Educator (turning to the Christmas tree): Christmas tree, do you like our gifts? Look how it shone, it means you liked it. Then come visit us next year. And now an exhibition of our work.

AbstractGCD for drawing

in the middle group.

Line of business:

artistic and aesthetic.

Educational area:

artistic creativity.

Topic: « Spring"

Educator: Kolotushkina M.G.

Target: to teach children to notice changes in nature with the advent of spring, to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of spring nature; educate interest and respect for nature.

educational task:

- expand and enrich children's understanding of seasonal changes nature in early spring;

- to teach children to talk about the picture, to read poetry clearly and expressively, to activate the vocabulary of children;

- reinforce the ability to workbrush.

Development tasks:

- to activate in children the development of curiosity, imagination, develop attention, memory;

- develop in children creative thinking, perception, fantasy, creativity;

- develop emotional responsiveness when meeting with the beautiful: music, paintings.

Educational tasks:

- cultivate love for the native nature;

- to form the ability to work together, to cultivate independence, activity, accuracy.

Preliminary work:observations in nature; reading works fiction with description spring landscape; learning poems about spring; familiarity with the ways non-traditional drawing; viewing reproductions of paintings and illustrations about spring.

Equipment and materials: reproductions of paintings and illustrations about spring;

watercolor, brushes, jars of water, napkins; tape recorder, music about spring.

GCD progress:

Educator: Guys, let's remember the poem about spring.


Spring came along the edge,
She carried buckets of rain.
Stumbled on a hillock -
The buckets overturned.

Drops rang -
The herons roared.
Ants scared
The doors were locked.

Rain buckets Spring
Didn't make it to the village.
A colored rocker
Fled to heaven
And hung over the lake -

- Spring is a magnificent time of the year, it is in spring that everything comes to life, is born, and the joy and fullness of life are especially well felt. A lot of poems, music, paintings have been written about spring. Let's take a look at some of the paintings painted by great artists.

Children are looking at reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan "March";

A.K. Savrasov "Rooks have arrived."

- Children, look carefully and tell me what season is depicted in the pictures?

- Why do you think so? What happens to nature in spring? (Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun shines, the sky turns blue, birds fly in, the first flowers appear.)

- What happens to trees in spring? (Buds swell, leaves appear.)

- What birds are the first to arrive to us from warm countries?

- That's right guys. And in the spring, the sun gently laughs, streams run loudly, snowdrifts melt. Everyone rejoices in the sun. Let's celebrate him too.

Children's drawings lie on a pre-prepared table. A landscape sheet is attached to the easel, on which the same drawing is drawn as that of the children.

- In the last lesson, we started drawing spring. What have we drawn? (heaven and earth)

- Let's take a look at our fields. Some of them turned out to be sad, not at all spring.

Probably, winter has bewitched them, let's disenchant our clearings.

- Imagine that we are the great artists of Spring. What could we draw in our clearings to make it warm and fun in spring.(Suggested answers of children: sun, grass, flowers)

- Well done! And now let's start drawing, but first we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Sun, sun wake up"

- How are we going to draw a tree……?

The teacher calls one child to the easel, and the children show how to depict this or that object.

Educator: Well, now sit down at the tables, and let's start drawing.

The teacher includes the classical music of Tchaikovsky "The Seasons: MARCH, APRIL, MAY."

Independent work of children, if necessary, the teacher provides assistance.

At the end of the work, the children look at each other's drawings, exchange remarks, evaluate their work, noting what was most successful. The teacher praises the children for the beautiful landscapes that will decorate the group and make it smart.


-What did we do today? What new have you learned? Did you enjoy the activity?

- Well done, you did your best and drew excellent spring pictures that great artists can envy.

This concludes our lesson. Thank you all!

Synopsis of GCD on fine arts activities using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "It's snowing"

Target: continue to master unconventional techniques drawing ( crumpled paper, cotton buds, finger).


To expand children's knowledge of seasonal phenomena in nature in winter;

Enrich their vocabulary on the topic;

Improve the ability to carefully use gouache, draw using different techniques;

Develop imagination, attention in children;

Cultivate love for nature, interest in drawing.

Materials: tinted A4 sheets blue, blue background, white gouache, napkins, pieces of paper, cotton buds, a box, a snowflake, a cloud, a bucket of snow and a bucket of cotton wool, a stick with a string, a box of gouache

Preliminary work: During a walk, we observe with the children at the flower bed how the first snow covered the stems and leaves of flowers. We consider the beauty of snowflakes, their color. Reading poems about winter. Children tint paper.

Lesson progress

  1. Surprise moment "Casket".

Guys, look, today I brought a magic box with me, what is in it? Here lies a snowflake with riddles:

Let's do some riddles, shall we?

  1. The tablecloth is white

She covered the whole field. (snow)

  1. Star from the sky

On the palm of your hand with water. (Snowflake)

  1. He is fluffy white

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falls down. (snow)

Guys, what time of year do these riddles belong to? These riddles are magical and beautiful like winter itself.

What season is it now? What month? Most recently, on a walk, we watched with you how the leaves from the trees fly around, lie on the ground with a beautiful colorful carpet. We had fun playing with you, throwing leaves, watching the rain. Remember how you paddled through puddles in rubber boots. But every day it became colder outside, the first snow fell. It covered roads, rooftops and trees.

We talked a lot about autumn, read it, drew it, made crafts. Gone wonderful autumn holiday v kindergarten. And then autumn turned to winter.

  1. Breathing exercises "Snow cloud".

Look at what "Snow Cloud" flew into our group, let's all blow together and snowflakes will fly. Here comes the long-awaited winter.

  1. Phys. minute "Snowflakes".

Guys, I suggest you play, turn into "snowflakes", do you agree?

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out snow.

(Perform movements, pronounce the text)

  1. Examination of illustrations with a winter landscape.

Look at the pictures of winter.

In winter, there is snow all around. What snow? (fluffy, sticky, shiny).

What is snow made of? (from snowflakes)

What can you say about a snowflake? (white, patterned, light)

Why do you love winter? (In winter you can go skiing. You can go sledding. You can go ice skating.)

  1. Game-experiment "Magic bucket".

And now I invite you to play. Here are two buckets. And what is in them, you have to guess without peeping. (In one bucket - snow, in the other - cotton wool)

Terms of the game: touch, but do not take, guess, but do not speak.

Who guessed what lies in red (Vata) And why?

And in the blue bucket? (Snow) Why?

  1. D / and "Magic Wand".

Christina, take a wand, start winding the string until you reach the paint box. When it opens, you will find out what paint we will paint today. (white)

  1. Explanation and demonstration of drawing techniques.

Look, these drawings are unfinished, do they have snow on them?

I suggest you draw snowflakes, snow and snowdrifts.

We are unusual artists, we can draw without brushes.

And how can we draw snow? ( cotton buds, finger, crumpled paper)

But before we start drawing, let's do a warm-up for our fingers.

  1. Dynamic pause "Snowball".

One, two, three, four, (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

We made snow with you. ("sculpt" me the position of the palms)

Round strong, very smooth (show a circle, clench their palms)

And not at all sweet. (threaten finger)

Let's toss it up once. We'll catch two. (look up, tossing imaginary snowball)

Let's drop three, (drop an imaginary snowball)

And we'll break it. (stomp foot)

  1. Painting. Artistic word.

(Children draw to calm music, read the poem "Snowflakes")


Painted snowflakes

Gathered in a round dance

beautiful, carved,

They flutter without a hitch.

Settle down quietly

Among your friends

Covering yourself lightly

And the square, and the house, and the meadow.

Shine in the moonlight

Shine in the sun.

Do not melt at dawn

In the cold, they creak.

  1. Analysis of children's work.

What a fluffy white snowball adorned your paintings, well done!

Guys, did you like today's game? I'm very glad! And how did we draw snow? What do you remember the most? What is your mood? (children's answers). You are all great!

Synopsis of directly organized activities in the senior group teacher of additional education in art activities N.V. Demeshko

D / s No. 154 JSC "Russian Railways"

"Stone Flower"

Target: Generalize and consolidate the ideas of older children preschool age about the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov



1. to form the ability to convey the texture of malachite in the image of a stone flower, to select the desired shades of colored paper.

2. learn to find compositional balance on a sheet of paper.

3. consolidate the skills of working in the technique of application "mosaic"

    encourage children to independently find a solution to the problem and teach them to express their assumptions and judgments;

    continue to teach how to transfer subject matters into applications
    images, develop a sense of composition (learn how to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper);


    develop fine motor skills of the hands;

    develop speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory;

    develop application skills;


    cultivate a careful and careful attitude to materials;

    cultivate accuracy;

3. evoke positive emotions associated with new experiences.


portrait of P.P. Bazhov, a collection of stones, album sheets for each child, glue, glue brushes, colored paper, scissors, a chest, a letter from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, a sample of the Stone Flower.

Preliminary work:

    Reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov;

    Retelling and playing out the read tales;

Artistic and creative activity "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Silver Hoof",

"Sinyushkin-well", " Malachite Box»;

    Conversations about P.P. Bazhov and about the precious stones of the Urals;

    Examination of collections of stones.

Course progress.

Teacher: Guys, look, here lies an envelope adorned with precious stones ... who could leave it? (children's answers).

Let's read what is written there ... reads a letter from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, but there are riddles and some kind of tasks ...

Teacher: listen...

    So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny and has a button nose. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps up after them...

("Silver Hoof")

    With this, the word leaned against the stack of malachite and melted. All that remains is that the stones sparkle on the wall, as they stuck to the places where the head, neck, hands were ...

("Malachite Box")

    One girl is walking in the outskirts, about eighteen years old, Her dress is blue, her scarf is blue. And pretty, I can't say. Eyebrows in an arc, eyes - a star, lips - raspberries, a russa braid is thrown over her shoulder, and there is a blue ribbon on it. And barefoot...


    There is a beauty, they only talk about such people in fairy tales. And the clothes are truly such that you will not find another in the world. Made of silk malachite dress with overflow. This kind happens. A stone, but on the eye like silk, at least stroke it with your hand. And she's all decorated expensive stones. And so this dress is sewn, like queens.

("Mistress of the Copper Mountain")

(children name works)

Teacher: The guys answered all questions. Who can tell me the name of the author?

(children's answers)

Teacher: True, the Ural writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote them. His tales are the best way to acquaint us with the Ural nature, with the life of people, their work. The heroes of the tales, created by the writer, embody the extraordinary diligence and talent of a working person. In fairy tales, truth is intertwined with fantasy.

Teacher: We did our job and what do we need to do?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Guys, the hostess of the Copper Mountain has prepared the following task for us. Answer the question, what in the work "Silver Hoof" appeared in the place where the goat stamped with its hoof?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Yes, that's right, they appeared from under the hooves gems. Now I will make riddles about stones, and you must guess them and show these stones.

The one who loves this stone

Friendship is true to heart pure.


Who knows how to keep a secret

He is mysteriously silent

And always be able to understand

Stone of lizards and snakes -

Dark-eyed …………. (Malachite)

red stone beauty

Ural mountains

Bud something in a bowl, in this stone

The waters are clean lakes. (Jasper)

That stone looks like a sunset

Another one looks like sunrise.

These stones in necklaces

The power of the sun is hidden. (Granite, agate )

(children answer and show)

Teacher: Well done guys, you did it. And we have to complete the last task.

(children's answers)

Teacher: Right. Guys, what do you think we can do to please and surprise the Mistress of the Copper Mountain?

(children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, we can give something handmade. Guys, how many of you remember the name of the work of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, in which the master Danila was told about an unusual flower, an unprecedented beauty?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Correctly, this work is called "Stone Flower". Let's try to make a vase in the form of an unusual flower as a gift for the Mistress of the Copper Mountain today, I think she will be very pleased. Do you agree? Go to your jobs... (children go to the tables)

Practical activity of children.

Teacher: We completed all tasks

Mistress of Copper Mountain: