
Calendar plan for fgos on the topic "the world around us" calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic. Outline plan for the educational area "Knowledge" "The world around us The world around us abstract middle group


Target: education in children of respect for nature, interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today we received an SMS message from the forest. Let's read it: a violator of silence appeared in the forest, a disturber of the peace of rivers and lakes, a destroyer of bird nests - a HOOLIGAN. Help, help.

Teacher: What are we going to do? (children's answers). I think we should go to the forest to help nature. How can we go there? (children's answers). But before you and I go to the forest by car, let's remember some regulations:

What part of the road should a pedestrian walk on? (sidewalk)

At what traffic light sign can you cross the street? (green)

What is the name of the people crossing the road? (pedestrians)

- What is the name of the animal that marks the section of the road? (zebra)

Educator: Well done, and now we take places in the car. Go. (background sounds)

Educator: So we arrived in the forest. Guys, have you noticed how quiet, sad, sad it is here, the birds do not sing, the trees do not make noise. No wonder we were called for help. (There is a pile of rubbish in the clearing).

Educator: Guys, remember in the SMS message it was written about the bully, he probably littered it. Let's clear the forest of this garbage. And what needs to be done for this? (the guys collect the garbage in a bag to take it to the trash can)

(A bully enters with a slingshot in his hands)

Hooligan: I didn't understand why it became so clean in the forest? (children's answers).

Educator: Hooligan, you know that the forest is the home of many animals and birds. And in a strange house it is indecent to litter and shout loudly.

Bully: Okay, I get it. Garbage is nonsense, I picked mushrooms today, and I'm going to eat them.

Educator: Guys, let's check what mushrooms he collected (children look at mushrooms and find fly agaric among them)

Hooligan: Such a beautiful mushroom, this fly agaric, I'll eat it first (children take fly agaric from a bully).

Hooligan: Why can't you eat it? And who can? (children's answers). Guys, what kind of mushrooms do you know?

Physical education:

1. We all walk through the forest

We raise our hands higher

We put our feet wide

And we meet a bear

We put our hands behind our backs,

Before us is a reservoir,

One-two, one-two

There is water behind.

4. Suddenly we see a bush

The chick fell out of the nest

Quietly we take a chick,

And we put it in the nest.

Hooligan: Guys, I have a surprise for you. (takes out a black box from his backpack). Listen to the riddle: there is an object hidden in this box and you have to guess what is there. This is an item that will help you in the forest, but on the other hand, this item can cause a lot of trouble.

It's a cramped, cramped house

A hundred sisters huddle in it

And any of the sisters

May erupt like a fire

Don't mess with your sisters

Thin….. matches.

Hooligan: How can matches help in the forest? And what harm can a fire do in a forest? (children's answers, after which the music of the forest sounds, the birds sing).

Educator: Guys, so we did everything right with you?

Hooligan: Thank you guys, I give you my word of honor that I will not be hooligans anymore, I will protect the forest.

Educator: Guys, did you like the trip? What did you like? How do we help the forest? What can not be done in the forest? (children's answers). Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we take places in the car, let's go! (phonogram sounds).

Theme of the week:World around us. Man and his health

Target: Develop an idea of ​​yourself - a person and signs of human health, interest in studying yourself, your physical capabilities (posture, height, movement, health picture, etc.), in the rules of health-saving and safe behavior.




Communicative activity

Conversation“I save health” Purpose: to tell children about useful products about the benefits of physical education, walking on fresh air; to form an idea of ​​the need to protect their health.

Individual work on connected speech with Roma K. D / and “Say kindly” Purpose: to promote the ability to name words with the suffix “points”.

Self pictorialI amactivity. Drawing with pencils at the request of children. Purpose: to develop interest in drawing, visual skills.

. Ph.D.. Canteen duty

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about dishes and cutlery, their purpose; education of KPs, culture of behavior and self-service skills.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1.motor activity. Sports.9.00-9.20

N O D No. 2 cognitive activity. The study of objects of animate and inanimate nature. Cognition of the objective and social world.9.30-9.50

TOPIC: " Tablets grow in the garden

Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones and a desire to help them. Learn to answer questions correctly, develop active speech.


: Watch for seasonal changes.

Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night is growing and the day is waning); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, teaches you to guess riddles. The teacher makes riddles for the children, talks about signs.

It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

December ends the year - winter begins.

Warm winter to cold summer.

The sun is warm in summer and cold in winter.

Motor activity subgame "We are funny guys" - increase motor activity, act quickly on the signal of the educator.

"Pair run". Purpose: to continue to teach to run in pairs.

Game activity D.I"Hot Cold"

Purpose: fixing in the representation and vocabulary of the child opposite signs of objects or words-antonyms.

Individual work physical activity (with Natasha S.) Gliding exercises - learn to slide along ice paths from a running start.

self-service and elementary household work To replenish the feeders - to involve children in feeding birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Independent activity: games with remote material (shovels, buckets)


hardening e. Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage path.

Game activity. Role-playing game. Preliminary work. "I am a driver"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr". Purpose: reading and discussion of the work, formation of ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.


Cognitive research activity: Car monitoring

Purpose: to expand knowledge about land transport (their classification, purpose). Repeat the basic rules for crossing the street .

Motor activity: p.i. "Homeless Hare" Purpose: to teach children to run fast, navigate in space.

Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity.


Game activity. Board games Offer children board - printed games at the request of children. Purpose: to develop the ability to determine the choice of the game.

building game"We are building a house." Purpose: to organize the use by children of the ability to rhythmically arrange bricks in a row, to observe symmetry when building a simple structure.




Communication activity

Examining the illustrations on the topic "Parts of the body. Hygiene supplies". Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​​​the appearance of a person, about his features as a living organism. To develop in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of hygiene procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

With Misha E. didactic game"One - many" Purpose: to form the ability to form the plural of nouns.

Game activity

3 « What changed?" Purpose: to promote the development of attention, coherent speech, the ability to describe objects.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1“Cognitive activity. Mathematical and sensory development. 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:#2 "Score within 4."

1. Exercise in counting within four: to form the ability to correlate the numeral with the noun; find given geometric shapes

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical culture. 9.30-9.50 game


Cognitive research activity: Observation of the work of the janitor. Objectives: to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; to cultivate respect for working people; develop speech, expand vocabulary (the name and purpose of the janitor's working equipment).

Motor activity:.P/I"Run quietly" Purpose: to cultivate endurance, patience, the ability to move silently. P/I"Horses". Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal.

On acquaintance with the natural world “It happens - it doesn’t happen” (with a ball) Goals: develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

(with Alina Zh.) Exercise in throwing at a distance. develop accuracy and throwing power.

self-service and elementary household work Clearing the feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of food is to cultivate a desire to take care of the birds.

Independent activity


Hardening Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage path.

Game activity

Role-playing game "Bus". The plot “Controller checks tickets” Purpose: invite children to play a game, ask for the role of a controller for yourself. Develop social behavior skills in society

Experimental activitiesWater coloring»

Reveal the property of water: does water have a color

Perception fiction and folklore Reading "Zhikharka" Purpose: to arouse the desire to listen carefully to a fairy tale .. To cultivate friendly relations, to promote the ability to answer questions about the content.


Cognitive research activity: Watching the snowfall

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the phenomena of nature; to form a cognitive interest, the ability to observe the surrounding world.

Motor activity: p.i"We are funny guys." Purpose: to improve motor skills and skills, the ability to play together.

Independent activity. Independent play activity children on the site, games of choice. Remind them to be friendly to each other.


1Self-play activityü Games in the play corners at the request of the children. Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's ability to organize joint games, form friendly relationships. Enrich the experience of organizing your own leisure time with your favorite toys.

2Constructive modeling activity. Designing furniture (table, sofa) for nesting dolls Purpose: to promote the ability to build from a desktop builder as shown by the educator, to offer to beat your building.




Cognitive. - research activity

Conversation on OZOZHINSTRUCTIONS Walking on ice

Individual work on mathematical and sensory development with Yegor K. Purpose: to play a game of quantitative determination of objects (one, many, none).

self-service and elementary household work _ assignment Watering indoor plants. Purpose: to remember with children the correct methods of watering plants.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Communicative activity.The development of speech. 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:"Caring Helpers"

P.S.: To form the ability to use elements of explanatory speech when answering questions; support the desire to ask and correctly formulate questions; support the initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers; consolidate knowledge about the benefits of hygiene items, rules of conduct at the table

N O D No. 2 9.30-9.50


Cognitive research activity: observation for sparrows. Purpose: to pay attention to appearance birds, plumage color. Observe the behavior of sparrows. To develop the speech of children, to cultivate a careful attitude towards birds

Motor activity: p.i"Sparrows and a car" Purpose: to bring children a joyful mood, to develop physical activity.

X / and "Loaf" Purpose: to achieve the ability to independently stand in a circle, move in a circle without ahead of comrades.

Game activity"Name the objects in one word." Purpose: to form the ability to classify objects according to their main features.

Individual work: engine with Natasha S. Walking between the lines (10-15 cm) Purpose: to develop and improve physical activity.

self-service and elementary household work __ Cleaning the paths from ice and snow - to consolidate the skills of working with a shovel; to cultivate perseverance, independence.

Independent activity. Remote material


hardening Exercise after sleep. Hand massage.

Game activity

Role-playing game."Bus" Purpose: to propose the plot "Tour of the city." To form the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.

Ind. art work with Natasha S. Purpose: strengthening the skills of drawing straight and wavy lines.

Perception of fiction and folklore. Making riddles, reading proverbs about health. Purpose: to teach children to guess riddles, to understand the meaning of proverbs, to form in children an idea of healthy way life.


Cognitive research activity: Monitoring the delivery of products to kindergarten. Purpose: to recall the concept of “products”, to talk about the fact that there are a lot of products, they are brought by truck so that the cook in the kitchen prepares food for children. Develop thinking, the desire to enter into a dialogue.

P / s Airplanes, Cars. Purpose: to develop physical activity, teach to follow the rules of the road.


Self-play activityRole-playing games at the request of children. Purpose: to create an environment for uniting children in the game, to cultivate friendliness.

ppm. "Pick the right timbre" Purpose: to develop timbre hearing, learn to select a musical instrument in accordance with the character of the hero




Communicative activity

1 Conversation (My city) "Houses on our street."

Objective: To introduce architecture hometown: houses are wooden, brick; single storey and multi storey. To cultivate a feeling of love for one's home and city, the ability to see its beauty in residential buildings. Learn to follow basic hygiene rules

Individual work on coherent speech, ZKR with Egor K. Did. ex. "Who has whom?"

Purpose: practical assimilation of a compound sentence with an adversative union A

Game activity

Role-playing game"Bus" Purpose: to invite children to play a game, help distribute roles, educate communication skills, friendships and partnerships, develop interest in the game.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Painting. 9.00 - 9.20

TOPIC“It smelled of winter cold ...” (winter landscape)

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with winter natural phenomena; learn to notice the beauty of the winter landscape; improve the ability to draw with gouache; develop imagination, compositional skills.

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical education 9.30-9.50


“Target walk: “Excursion to the kindergarten laundry”.

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the content and structure of the laundress's labor, the result and significance of labor; talk about the dangers of household electrical appliances and their careful handling .

Motor activity:P / s"Cat and Mice" Purpose: to develop loose running, on a signal

Individual work: engine with Alina Zh. Development of movements.

Target: learn to walk on an inclined board.

self-service and elementary household work _ Clearing the site from snow - to cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site

Independent activity. Remote material masks for games, dolls dressed according to the weather


hardening Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Individual work (sensorics) with Roma K. _ Ind. work (sensorics) with Nastya O. Did. ex. "Long short". Purpose: to learn to compare objects in length, to learn to use the words “longer”, “shorter” in speech

Communication activityimplementation of the partial program"Attention, ice!" (educational situation)

Tasks: to teach children to enter into a dialogue, to understand the essence problem situation; to form the ability to examine objects; introduce the properties of ice, lead to an understanding of what properties are associated with danger; learn to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the course of practical action with ice; to form a conscious attitude towards their health and safety.


Cognitive research activity: Monitor the work of the janitor.

Objectives: to continue monitoring the work of the janitor; improve vocabulary; to form a desire for order and cleanliness; to instill a love for nature, a thrifty and caring attitude towards the environment.

Motor activity: p.i"Two frosts" - teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

Independent activity outdoor games at the request of children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity.


1 Watching cartoons"Be Healthy", "Masha and the Bear" Purpose: consolidation of the CPG, creation of a positive emotional climate

2N.P.I Board games: "lotto", "lacing", "Collect a picture", Purpose: to develop attention, sensory perception of objects, fine motor skills hands




Cognitive. - research activity

1Conversation on etiquette"Polite words »

Target: To teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with friends and strangers, the rules for the use of words of greetings. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.

2. Motor activity Outdoor game"Mousetrap" - to develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly after a signal.

self-service and elementary household work. Ph.D.. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to eat carefully, use cutlery correctly, maintain correct posture at the table.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Sculpting/Applique 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:"Birdhouse" (plot application)

Tasks: continue to develop children's interest in applications; learn to glue the finished form on a certain part of the base of the sheet according to the sample; develop visual perception, attention, motor and speech activity, fantasy, Creative skills; generalize knowledge about birds; to cultivate love and respect for birds.

N O D No. 2 Musical activity. musical 9.30-9.50


Cognitive research activity: Observation of trees and shrubs

Goal: Continue to teach to describe plants, noting their differences and similarities, characteristic features.

Observation course: pay attention to plants that stand without foliage. In winter, all the differences between trees and shrubs are especially clearly visible. Find differences and similarities between plants.

Motor activity. The mobile game "Frost - Red Nose" - learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

“We are funny guys” - increase motor activity, act quickly on the signal of the educator.

Game activity.Di"Useful-harmful" Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about environmental factors that affect health

Individual work: engine with Yegor K. Jumping up from a place. Purpose: to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

self-service and elementary household work. Replenish feeders - involve children in feeding birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds

Independent activity. Takeaway game material with spades and buckets, hockey game


hardening Wellness exercises after sleepwalking on massage paths

Entertainment "Journey through fairy tales"

Purpose: to introduce children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales

Tasks: to activate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;

promote the development of speech, attention, memory through various tasks;

bring up friendly relations in a team when performing joint tasks;

create conditions for guessing the character of the fairy tale and the name of the fairy tale according to the description;

to form the ability to make a whole from separate parts;

encourage children to find errors in the names of fairy tales.

self-service and elementary household work Create conditions for households. domestic labor. Group cleaning. Purpose: to independently clean up toys after the game, arrange them in specially designated places.


Cognitive research activity: Observing the wind Purpose: The teacher asks the children questions. Guys, is there any wind today? How can you define wind? (along the swaying branches of trees). arouse interest in the world around; learn to determine the presence and direction of the wind; expand horizons.

Motor activity. mobile game"Birds and a cat" - learn to move on a signal to develop dexterity.

Independent activity Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity


Self. activity Independent games in the musical corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical ear, to develop interest in music. tools

Game activity: Theatrical game "Wintering of animals".

Purpose: To introduce children to folk verbal creativity, involve them in a game situation, develop imagination, awaken an emotional response in children

The child remains a passive consumer of knowledge Knowledge is not associated with personal experience, experiences. Children's ideas about the environment are poor Stories of the same type, recreating the speech of an adult Not created complete picture world Cognitive and communicative functions of speech are not formed

Video films Final script In early spring this field was sown with grain. All summer they fertilized crops, followed them. And when, at the end of summer, the grain ripened, the golden ears poured in, the harvesters entered the field. A harvester is driving a combine. A combine is a very complex machine. He cuts the ears, threshing them. It knocks grains out of the spikelet, blows off the husks with air ...

Planning Period Cycle Lexical Topics siteVideoPresentation of photos and videos of children album Excursions, exhibitions September - October (three weeks) Charm of the eyes "Golden Autumn" "Forest is our wealth" " autumn fair: garden, garden "" Labor of people in the fall. Bread" "What kind of bread is there?" “How bread came to the table” “At the bakery” Edible and non-edible mushrooms How to behave in the forest Work in the country Autumn. What kind of bread is Excursion to the kitchen Exhibition of bakery products October (two weeks) Animal world “The animal world of our forests” “Migratory birds” “Animals of cold and hot countries” “Animals of the seas and oceans” “Animals of our forests” “Migratory birds » "Animals of cold and hot countries" A year in the forestHow I was at the zoo

I was surprised how grain is harvested in the field. And one more thing, how the drivers went to the mill to take the grain and give it away. I was very surprised how an iron hand stirs the dough like that. And I also liked how much grain there was in the mill. And flour was made from hard grain. And then they took them to the bakery, made the dough, made balls and they drove along the path. And sent to the oven. And from there they already got baked ones. And they sent it to the package. And there iron hand opens the bag and closes the bag. Here is the bread in the package. And I drew an old mill. They were a long time ago. The wind twisted as the fan and the mill worked.

Positive outcomes Children get vivid impressions of the environment. Their stories are based on personal experience Children gain knowledge about their family, city, country Children and parents become equal participants in the educational process Information competence of teachers increases

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of Nefteyugansk

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2"

Script content directly educational activities

in the middle group

Topic:"World around us"

Checked by: Deputy for V M R - Korotkova N.A.

Nefteyugansk 2014

Integration of educational areas: communication, socialization, cognition, artistic creativity.


Educational area "Cognition":

    Reinforce children's ideas about pollution environment, about the main physical properties and phenomena.

    Exercise in the ability to use various devices - assistants in conducting games - experiments.

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the health of others.

Educational area "Socialization":

    To educate a humane person who is able to understand and love the surrounding nature, the ability to work in pairs. Educational area "Communication":

    Strengthen the ability of children to express their opinions, using the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, educational.

Demonstration and handout material: encyclopedia "I know the world", telegram, map, ball, easel illustrations about water, cups, water, pictures: animals, trees, berries, mushrooms, flowers, pictograms.

Stages of activity

Teacher activity

Children activities

1, Organizational moment

Communication game"Smile to each other"

Entry into






There is a knock on the door. Telegram urgent. "Attention attention. Our planet is in danger, if we do not save and cleanse our earth, then all people will not be able to smile anymore. Bring joy back to our planet. Yegor's Gimlet.

Children, here is another interesting map.

    What does she look like?

How polluted our planet is, even the little man cries.

    What to do?

    How to be?

To our planet.

We need to save our planet.

H.Main stage

The first circle is blue - the ocean of air, which is called the atmosphere.

We call the ocean of air - the sky. All living things breathe air and the air must be clean.

Terrible microbes are eating our air. It becomes harder to breathe.

What needs to be done to make them disappear?

Ventilate the room, wipe the dust, do not sneeze, do not cough, do not pollute with cars, do not burn garbage.

Change icon

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty


Flowers reach for the sun

Stretch with them and you

The wind blows sometimes, but it doesn't matter

Flowers bend, petals fall.

The next circle is about water.

D / and "Where does water live?"

Children, look how much garbage. Let's remember how

need to conserve water.

Children, I brought water from the reservoir, how dirty it is, let's

Don't throw trash, don't wash cars,

Let's try to clean it up.

bike, turn off the faucet.

The water has become clear and look who appeared in our water?



Kids, who needs more water?

Fish, jellyfish, sharks, dolphins,

algae, birds

I change the icon (the man is surprised)

Animals, people, trees, flowers

The next circle is green.

What do you think it means green color?

Let's populate this circle with plants and animals, birds, flowers

Grass, plants, trees.

Practical activities. Work in pairs.

Children choose a partner for practical activities. Game "Rules of behavior in nature"

    why didn't they stick a net, a tape recorder?

    Children, look how funny our little man has become

Children's statements.

4. Reflection.

What good deed have we done today?

    Why did we make this map?

    Who can we give it to?

We saved our planet, cleared of garbage, our little man became cheerful

What are you going to tell moms and dads tonight?

KVN "Nature around us" (for the middle group)
Program Content: Development creative imagination, attention, ingenuity, speech, generalization and clarification of children's knowledge about animals, plants; educating the ability to work together, to help each other.
Preliminary work: preparation of "barrels", carrots - for scoring; for each child - a sheet of cardboard smeared with a thin layer of plasticine.
Vocabulary work: Ecology, ecologists.
Material (equipment): cards on the topic "How to behave in nature"; stacks; cardboard with plasticine for drawing; team medals; musical arrangement; scoreboard for points; magnetic board.
1 part. The children are sitting on the carpet.
- Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests!
I am glad to see everyone at our lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Nature around us”.
Nature in the books is called ecology. Ecology is a science that teaches us to take care of the world around us, the Earth.
The world is colorful and bright. But environmentalists' favorite color is green. “The world is around us, the Earth is our Green Home,” environmentalists say.
The sea and rivers, forests and mountains, villages and cities… There are so many things in this wonderful house! And together with us, plants and fungi, insects and fish, birds and animals live in it ...
Is everything in order in our Green House? Unfortunately, the water in the river was polluted and the fish died from it. All the flowers in the meadow were cut off, and therefore the butterflies disappeared.
Who is to blame for these violations? Unfortunately, the people themselves! So let's take care of our Green House, our nature.
Today there will be a KVN between the teams (showing by hand, the team answers) "Hares" and "Bears".
The guys want to demonstrate their knowledge of nature and prove that they are true friends of nature.
Teams get comfortable.
- Guys, you know that for the game we need a fair jury (choose a jury).
For each correct and most liked answer, the “Bunny” team will receive, for example, a delicious carrot (I show: like this). And the team "Bears" will also be encouraged for the correct answer. What do you think? What do bears love? (Honey).
That's right, honey; and our honey will be in such barrels (I show the barrels).
Then let's start.
Enter Distracted.
He says hello and reads a poem.
What station is this? I repeat, what a joke!
Dibuny or Yamskaya? I'm looking for a second day...
The guys say to me Help me, friends!
That I ended up in kindergarten. Explain to me where am I?
What is this stop?
Bologoe or Popovka?
But they tell me again:
That I ended up in kindergarten.
Children talk about their kindergarten, get acquainted, invite Scattered to play in KVN.
Educator. There is fun game To avoid sadness
It is called - KVN. To answer everything
Jokes, laughter, question, answer. In KVN.
The whole world knows that game! KVN. So that the jury was satisfied
Well, it's time for us to start, In KVN.
I want to wish you
For you to be friendly
To laugh, not to be sad,
1 task. "Tell me a word." They fled on the lawn, The tree leaned towards the river,
A carefree, light flock, And bending down, she was surprised:
Like teenage girls. - How beautiful I am!
White-haired…. (birches). I am a river ... (willow).

What is my name, tell me? On a green cord
I often hide in the rye, White bells.
Modest, wild flower, Even the kids know:
Blue-eyed ... (cornflower). That is forest ... (lilies of the valley).
2 Task. "Say one word."
1. Wolf, fox, fox, deer - this is ... (Beasts).
2. Strawberries, blueberries, cloudberries, raspberries are ... (Berries).
3. Spruce, pine, birch, willow - this is ... (Trees).
4. Sparrow, nightingale, thrush, crossbill - this is ... (Birds).
Z Assignment. "Puzzles".
They go to the forest for berries, for mushrooms, for nuts. And what if you go to the forest for riddles? It is interesting to collect berries, mushrooms, nuts, and riddles are even more interesting.
1. bobtail, long-eared, 2. The plane is not steel,
On the stump you are like a toy. With a nose - a thin needle.
You tucked your paws in. He flies and squeaks
Did you run away from the fox? (Hare). It wants to bite us. (mosquito).
3. Pale panama hat, 4. Very friendly guys,
Pale…. (Toadstool). They live near the hemp ... (Honey mushrooms).
5. This bird never 6. I found her on a stump,
Doesn't make nests for chicks. Thought she was tired.
She will sit somewhere on a bitch, I wanted to catch her,
And shouts: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! (Cuckoo). But looked into the palm -
Wonders! Blimey!
She slipped away without a tail. (Lizard).
Fizkult. Minute.
Standing in a circle, we sing a song about nature. Music by Shainsky "The world is like a colored meadow."
4 Task. Competition of captains "Behavior in the forest".
One by one they raise the cards and say how not to behave in nature. (The cards are reverse side on the table).
Scattered. Just think they know how to behave in nature, riddles guess. Mushrooms, flowers, trees ... Now I will set you tasks. More difficult than any riddle will be ...
1. Animals have two pairs of legs, two right legs, two left legs, two legs in the back and two in the front. How many legs are there? (Four)
2. The long-awaited January came, and a lonely wild apple tree blossomed, and then three more lindens. How many trees bloomed? (Apple and linden do not bloom in January).
3. And who can say this to himself: “I live in a hole, sleep there, rest, then start hunting. I am looking for a field mouse, I want to catch a hare, but I can’t catch up with him? (Fox).
4. And this is about whom: “In winter, I sleep soundly, burrowing into a warm hole. I have been preparing a stock since autumn, I have stocked mushrooms and berries. I worked, I was not lazy. The bear and I have the same concern in winter - sleep soundly and wait for spring? (Hedgehog).
6 Task. fun competition"Pin a bow on the scattered one."
II part. "Painters".
(Children sit at the tables).
On a sheet of cardboard - plasticine, draw on it with a stack, for example, the team "Hares" - a hare, "Cubs" - a bear. Summary of the lesson.
Absent-minded says goodbye to the guys:
I liked you
You played simply class!
And now it's time for me
Yes, I forgot where.
Children: That's what Absent-minded, from Basseynaya Street!
Absent-minded: Yes - yes, I remembered where!
It's time for the Basin.
So, children, goodbye,
Goodbye, kids!
In conclusion, the jury sums up and awards medals to the participants of KVN.