
Strongly damaged nails after. How to restore nails after shellac: the most effective ways to solve the problem. How to restore nails after shellac at home

breast cancer

The lacquer, which lasts for a couple of weeks, does not fade and does not chip off from water, household chores, saunas, etc. Women have dreamed of this unique product for centuries. A few years ago, manicure ratings were topped by very short polished nails, covered with beige or rich dark varnish. It was then that manufacturers of manicure products presented a durable gel polish (a product that combines all the best qualities of regular polish and extension gel), which lasts from 10 to 20 days on nails, and when applied correctly, does not fade or chip.

What is gel polish

The first permanent nail polish appeared in 2010. The cover called Shellac released by CND (its products are known under the Creative brand). Thereafter for a long time Shellac was also called all gel polishes from other companies. However, their composition is slightly different, but the application technology for all products is the same:

1. Edged or unedged manicure should be done before.

2. Then the nails are perfectly polished. In this case, the alignment and degreasing of the plate takes place in a more gentle mode than before building.

3. Then a transparent base or base is applied, which is dried in a specialized UV lamp.

4. After that, 2 or 3 colored layers are applied, each of which is thoroughly dried in a lamp. Gel polishes, like ordinary ones, can be painted, stickers, rhinestones, etc. can be added.

5. At the end, the nails are covered with a fixing base of a transparent color and dried again. Manicure is ready.

This polish will last 10 to 20 days on hands and even longer as a pedicure.

Gel polish removal and reapplying

After 10-20 days, you will need to remove the coating. Even if there are no chips and cracks on it, the nail plate will grow back, and a solid regrown unpainted part of the nail will show off near the cuticle. The faster the nails grow, the more often you need to update the color . There is no need to get rid of this coating on your own.. The risk of damaging the nails is too high and then undergoing a very long recovery procedure, which will rather be waiting until the damaged plate grows together. Even if you do not want to re-coat your nails with gel polish, go to the salon to remove the old layer.

1. Sometimes before removing the cover of the master pass over the glossy layer of varnish with a hard file to remove the top base . It depends on the quality of the gel polish.

2. During the nail polish removal procedure itself, the master will first carefully soak the cotton pads special tool, then apply them to the nails, after which tightly wrap each finger on top with foil. You will have to sit in this form for 15-20 minutes.

3. Then the foil and cotton pads will be removed, along with them the main part of the varnish should come off the nails. Leftovers are removed with an orange stick. and the nails are delicately polished.

4. Now you can reapply gel polish or do a regular manicure.

Why can't you peel off gel polish yourself?

Even if a piece of coating has broken off, you should not nervously get rid of the rest of the coating using improvised means. It is better to wait for a visit to the manicure master. Otherwise you risk removing gel polish along with the top layer of your nails, and then you will injure already damaged nails during grinding with a home file, which is most likely not intended for this. It will be unrealistic to restore nails after such barbarism, you just have to wait until the damaged millimeters grow back.

Nails after gel polish

Despite all the manufacturers' promises to make your nails stronger and thicker, and absolutely not to harm them, gel polish is not so simple. Even if your master fully complies with all the technology, polishes his nails very carefully and then carefully removes the varnish, you are still guaranteed problems of various levels.

Even light permanent polishing, as well as polish removal, slightly, but damage the top layer of the nail. You should be ready for this and stock up on an arsenal of restoring professional and home remedies.

How not to ruin your nails with gel polish

  • Don't forget about strengthening products for nails and cuticles even while wearing gel polish. Let the growing nails get special oils or such folk remedies like vitamin E, lemon juice and olive oil, as well as baths with sea salt. After all, they penetrate inside the nail and from the inside of the skin.
  • Don't save! Go through the procedure only with a professional master who uses proven expensive products in his work. . They fit really well, shine for a long time and, most importantly, they are easily removed from the nail without injuring it and without requiring the use of hard files.
  • Do not go with gel polish for longer than the prescribed three weeks. Even if your nails grow very slowly, the composition must be renewed every 20 days, otherwise it will begin to penetrate into the nail, and will not be removed well. In this case, serious problems with the health and appearance of your nails are provided to you.
  • Take a break after every 2-3 treatments. And it is better to alternate gel polish and traditional coating. Otherwise, the nails from constant grinding will become brittle, may delaminate, etc. In this case, there is a danger of falling into a vicious circle. Nails without gel polish look terrible: thin, brittle, uneven. And many lovers of chic manicure, forgetting about the health and natural beauty of their nails, begin to wear gel polish for years. After this, the procedure for restoring nails becomes very long. Not only is it necessary to grow the damaged length, but new nails will grow weakened and thin.

How to restore nails after gel polish

Even if you did the procedure only 2-3 times, your nails are well “gotten” and they need a shock dose of restorative agents. What can we say about the nails, which were not allowed to rest for several months. How to restore nails?

Inexpensive home remedies:

Professional tools:

  • Special oil. Most often they are recommended for softening and moisturizing cuticles and nails. Always carry the product with you in your purse. Apply it throughout the day at least 1, and preferably 2-3 times, even if the nails are covered with colored varnish.
  • Absorbent liquid agent Suitable for those who are ready to give up varnish for a while. It, like oil, can be applied an unlimited number of times during the day. The main thing is to wait until it absorbs and dries, because unlike an oil product, it is easy to lubricate.
  • Healing coating or restorative varnish. They are either colored or transparent. Most believe that they are not so much use, because there is a varnish base. However, their advantage is that they are artificial nail hardeners: they make them very hard, which means they save them from brittleness. In addition, they protect nails from water and various chemicals.

It is best to use all means at the same time. Nails after gel polish become thin and brittle, so you should not leave them uncoated. However, you can temporarily abandon colored varnishes and purchase transparent remedies designed to make your nails harder. Nail and cuticle oil can be applied daily directly on top of this medical varnish. But the strengthening liquid should be used between overlaps.

1. After removing the gel polish For a while, forget about covering even with ordinary varnish. Nails need to be given a proper rest, so the best thing you can do with them now is to cut them short and cover your nails only with medicinal products.

2. Repair and strengthen nails olive oil will help. Heat it in the microwave or in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, dip your fingers in the oil and keep them there for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure every evening for at least one week.

3. Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice onto a cotton pad. Wipe each nail with a cotton pad with lemon juice, apply on top fat cream for hands to prevent evaporation. Vitamin C, which is contained in the juice, will quickly help restore a well-groomed appearance to the nails, and essential oils will make them stronger.

4. Well proven in the restoration of nails, sour berries, such as cranberries, lingonberries or red currants. But they should not be eaten, but made into masks. Grind a handful of berries until smooth, apply the resulting composition to the nails, wrap with cling film for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. During this time, the nails will have time to be nourished with useful fruit acids and trace elements.

5. Baths with sea salt will help to make nails stronger and prevent their delamination. Dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt in 0.5 liters of warm water. Dip your fingers in the resulting composition for 10-15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, dry the nails and skin thoroughly and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

6. Return healthy looking nails iodine will help. Apply cotton swab a small amount of iodine for each nail plate. Don't worry about yellow color nails, by morning it will come off, and the nails will become strong.

7. Can be done at home paraffin applications for nail restoration. To do this, melt ordinary candles in a water bath until soft. Dip your fingertips into the paraffin for one minute. Wax "thimbles" should form on the nails. You don't need to take them off. Put on cosmetic gloves over them and go to bed. Wax should be removed only in the morning.

8. Beauty salons offer a procedure called "nail sealing". Its essence lies in the fact that a special composition based on honey and beeswax. Thanks to this composition, a thin film is formed on the nail, which prevents damage, reduces brittleness of the nails and provides them with a healthy and radiant appearance.

9. A good result gives the application castor oil. To prepare a healing mixture, mix 1 tsp. castor oil, 2 vitamin E capsules and 5 drops of essential oil (lavender or eucalyptus). Moisten a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and apply it to the nail for two minutes. Then use the disk to rub the mixture into the nail. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a week for a month.

10. Take supplements or vitamin complexes high in iron and zinc. These elements make the nails supple, elastic, smooth and restore their healthy pink tone.

Gel polish is good for everyone: I applied it once, and then for at least two weeks you don’t have to worry about appearance hands There is only one problem: after prolonged use of such a coating, the nails deteriorate. They become dry, brittle, thin and sensitive. To bring them back to life, you must, firstly, give the plates a rest and do not use gel polish for a couple of months. We tell you what else will help to return the perfect manicure.

Olive oil

One of the most effective recipes recovery plates at the same time and the easiest - olive oil. Simply give your nails a 10-minute soak in warm oil every evening (at an elevated temperature). useful material better penetrate the structure of the plate). The result will be noticeable in a week. As a bonus - soft skin of the hands.

Sea salt

Another remedy from the "grandmother's chest" is baths with sea salt. We think that no one doubts their effectiveness: you probably noticed that after being at sea, nails become strong and grow quickly. But if you can’t fly to the coast in the near future, you can create an “oasis” at home. The main thing here is regularity. Baths should be done every day.

Mar 5, 2018 at 11:56 PST

Feb 10, 2018 at 7:11 AM PST

IBX System

IBX System is available in most nail salons. Do not rush to refuse it - this is just the case when the procedure can really help your long-suffering nails. The tool penetrates deep into the nail and, as it were, fuses with it, gluing the delaminated plate. That is why it will not work to remove this coating - it will grow along with the nail. By the way, IBX System can be applied under the gel polish itself, thus preventing a catastrophe.

Paraffin therapy

Another procedure that is presented in the salons. Pleasant and helpful. Immersion of hands in a bath of molten paraffin not only in the best way affects the skin, but also nourishes the nail plate, and also improves blood circulation - the nails grow a little faster from this.


No, now we are not talking about the need to drink vitamins (although this, of course, does not hurt). Their external use will bring no less benefit. Buy vitamins A and E in capsules at the pharmacy and rub their mixture into the nail plate every evening.

Wax sealing

Or waxing. You can do this procedure at home. First, wax should be applied to the plate (the required consistency is like that of thick honey) and distributed over the entire surface, and then go over the top with a polishing file. Such simple manipulations lead to the fact that the nail becomes protected from the influence environment and household chemicals, and the moisture in it is "sealed".

Permanent manicure is one of the best beauty innovations. In conditions of total lack of time, gel polish becomes a real salvation for many women! However, this pleasure is not without consequences, and after the procedure, girls often ask why the nails exfoliate after gel polish. What is the reason: in the master, in the product or in you?

The main problems after removing gel polish

Before blaming the salon and the master for a poor-quality procedure or poor material for your manicure, try to figure out on your own what the matter might be and whether it could have been avoided. Four of the most common problems are associated with gel polish exposure: let's figure out what can cause them?

Problem one: nails exfoliate

This problem brings girls a lot of problems: no polish is applied to the exfoliating nails, to give them nice shape difficult, and it looks very ugly. However, practice shows that most often nails begin to exfoliate after self-removal of gel polish: they either try to tear it off like a film, or try to use a homemade nail polish remover, sealing it in foil, as they do in salons.

Most main advice In this case: do not remove the gel polish yourself, contact a professional! Even the presence professional tool does not guarantee you a good result, because different companies use gel polishes in the salons, which require appropriate removal.

Problem #2: Sore nails

Sore nails after removing gel polish occurs for several reasons. The most common is associated with the presence of acetone in the gel polish remover: in many girls, the nails react very painfully to it due to the fact that the nails are very dry under its influence.

Also, the problem may be related to the structure of the nail plate: too thin nails respond with pain to the removal of gel polish, regardless of the qualifications of the master and the means used by him. In addition, the case may be in a non-moisturized cuticle - it is necessary to lubricate it with oil when wearing gel polish!

Problem three: gel polish breaks!

This problem, unfortunately, has nothing to do with either the master or the products provided by your salon. The fragility of nails directly depends on your internal health, and a persistent manicure is unable to influence this: nails break under gel polish just as well as without it. In case of permanent breakage at the same length, it is worth drinking vitamins.

Problem four: nails turn yellow

But this problem is associated exclusively with the drug used by your master. And do not believe the assurances that yellowness is normal! Nails are dead material that does not need air, so they cannot “breathe”, and even wearing gel polish for a month will not harm them. Of course, in the event that the gel polish was good and of high quality.

The nail plate may turn yellow due to mixing products from different manufacturers, due to nitrocellulose in the composition, and also due to expired varnish. In addition, expired gel polishes often form white spots on the nails after removal, which are not easy to get rid of. There is also a chance that you have brought a fungus - check with a dermatologist to rule out this possibility.

How to fix?

If the problems after removing the gel polish showed themselves in all their glory, and in the salon they only shrug, you will have to take care of your nails yourself. First of all, unfortunately, they will have to be cut off - the shorter the nail plate, the less likely it is to delamination and break off! If you want to keep your nails in good condition, say goodbye to length.

For nails after gel polish, baths will be a useful find. It is worth adding various oils and extracts to them that nourish and moisturize the nail plate - this will help in short term undo all the damage! In addition, if the nails turn yellow after removing the gel polish, add lemon juice or sea salt to such a bath. They will help restore the natural color of the nail.

Also use oils - both for hands and cuticles. Decent care for this area will allow you to quickly get rid of discomfort: adequate nutrition will save you from delamination, brittleness, and pain in the nails. Plus, they'll grow back faster!

In addition to these standard methods and moisturizers, special spa products can be used. Gloves or fingertips with special impregnation will be an excellent find: in just thirty minutes a day, they will help to significantly improve the situation! For the best effect, use such funds in a course: a week is considered the optimal period.

Every owner of a chic manicure knows that later this procedure can cost her a healthy state of nails. Faced with various defects, girls often think about how to cover their nails after removing the gel polish.

It is no secret that the nail plate can be damaged. That is why it is important to know what products will help preserve the beauty of nails after removing shellac.

IBX complex: application, positive impact

IBX is a comprehensive professional method for healing weakened, damaged nails. The tool is used in case of delamination of the structure of the nail plate and is aimed at eliminating many defects after removing the gel polish.

IBX is a comprehensive professional technique for healing weakened, damaged nails.

When applying IBX, it is necessary to use an ultraviolet lamp to fix the treatment procedure. You can use the professional complex only once a week. This tool can be used as a base for any type of nail coating.

Strengthening products for nails

Special strengthening agents that can be used individually or in combination therapy will help restore the nail plate.


One of the tools that can be used to strengthen nails is bio wax. With Bio Wax the surface of the nail plate is leveled, and shine returns.

One of the tools that can be used to strengthen nails is bio wax. With the help of biowax, the surface of the nail plate is leveled, and shine returns

There is both a bee wax and a cosmetic one. Masks, creams and oils with the addition of beeswax will forever solve the question of how to cover the nails after removing the gel polish. Bio wax can be applied directly to the nails or used for paraffin therapy.

To restore the nail plate, you should place your fingers in a small amount of melted beeswax. Hardened wax is removed after 15-20 minutes, the procedure can be carried out several times a week.

Formaldehyde products

The next tools that will help you put your nails in order are Trind and Eveline. They are formaldehyde free. This substance, as a rule, is used in the compositions of various varnishes, affects the durability of their color and consistency.

However, formaldehyde has medicinal properties, promotes rapid growth nails and their thickening:

Kalyon and Keratin Nail Restorer Firming Products

Strengtheners such as Kalyon and Keratin Nail Restorer are great as nail repair coats and are a reliable tool that you can safely use after gel polish has been removed.

Kalyon is used as a reinforcement after shellac removal, and as a base for applying varnish. Its use is calculated for 3 weeks. During this time, growth is stimulated and the nail plate is restored.

Keratin Nail Restorer is a balm containing keratin

Keratin Nail Restorer is a keratin balm. The firming agent has regenerating and moisturizing properties, does not have a strong specific smell, and strengthens weakened nails well.

Apply the balm 2 to 4 times during the day on cleaned nails. In general, the product has a positive effect on the structure of the nail plate after shellac removal.

Repair varnishes

In addition to all the coatings listed above to strengthen the nails, there are also special restorative preparations that can restore a healthy look to the nails.

The question under consideration, how to cover the nails after removing the gel polish, will help resolve repair varnish Super Duper. This is a remedy for delamination and fragility of the nail plate. It is applied after removing shellac, and also applied as a top coat over any other varnish. Repairing agent adds shine and prevents splitting of nails.

Another restorative drug - Pink Up. Used as a base, firming agent and coating. They are used for delaminations, hides the unevenness of the nail surface, makes it hard, protects against various negative factors.

Another restorative drug is Pink Up. Used as a foundation, firming agent and coating

Gel Shine 3 D easily restore nails, eliminate defects resulting from the removal of gel polish. Its composition contains acrylic gel, contributing to the strengthening of the nail plate and its restoration.

Oils for cuticles and nails

Various oils will help restore nails after shellac:

  • olive;
  • almond;
  • castor;
  • apricot;
  • burdock.

These oils should be used in their pure form without the addition of other agents. Rubbing oils massage movements to the fingertips, will help soften the skin and eliminate rough areas.

Various oils will help restore nails after shellac

Apricot oil is rich in vitamins A, B, C, F, which will undoubtedly benefit damaged nails. Useful components contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and cracks, in addition, moisturize the skin of the hands.

Almond oil will give strengthening and get rid of burrs. It should be used 2 times a week, it also nourishes the skin well. Castor is suitable for daily use, is characterized by healing properties, helps to strengthen nails.

Carefully! Castor oil has a dense structure, so it should be used in small quantities.

Olive and burdock oil give your nails a beautiful look, impregnate them with a whole range of polyunsaturated fatty acids, make nails stronger and healthier. Olive oil contains a lot of calcium, which is required by dry and brittle nails.

Olive and burdock oils will give your nails a beautiful look, saturate them with a whole range of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Burdock is enriched with protein, vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, mineral salts and iron.

In addition, essential oils can be used, but it is worth noting that they are used diluted, usually mixed with essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, grapefruit and lavender help well against infections. Cedar or pine oils have healing, anti-inflammatory properties and a rejuvenating cosmetic effect.

Note! Essential oils can cause unwanted allergic manifestations. Therefore, before using them, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test.

Vitamins for the restoration of nails

After removing the gel polish, the nails need a coating that will fill their structure with healing power. How to use various chemicals, nail plates it is better to restore with the help of various vitamins.

It's important to know! Vitamins E and C are an essential part of healthy nails. Thanks to these components, many positive processes occur. First of all, the fragility of the nail plate is eliminated, it becomes strong.

Than using various chemicals, it is better to restore the nail plates with the help of various vitamins

Vitamin E has useful properties and is rightfully considered a vitamin of beauty and youth. It perfectly softens nails and skin, favorably affects the growth of the nail plate and helps restore its healthy appearance.

Vitamin C improves the absorption of other vitamins by the nail plate. It has a positive effect on the condition of the nails, preventing damage under the influence of temperature changes and other adverse factors.

To restore and strengthen nails after shellac it is useful to make masks with vitamins:

  • vitamin E and iodine are mixed, nails are regularly lubricated with the resulting mixture;
  • olive oil (1 tablespoon), 2 drops of iodine and lemon juice (vitamin C) are mixed and rubbed into damaged nails.

Revitalizing Serums

Restoring the nail plate after removing the gel polish can take time and patience. A fairly popular way is the use of special health serums.

Maestro is a system complex, solving many problems with nails. Serum protects against delamination and cracks. It contains the most important vitamins A, E and C, argan oil, filters that protect against yellowness and other essential nutrients to effectively strengthen the nail plate.

The use of this serum warns the question in question, how can you safely cover your nails after removing the gel polish.

Mava-Flex is a balanced tool that strengthens the structure of nails, leveling them

Mava-Flex is a balanced product, strengthening the structure of nails, leveling them, and most importantly, characterized by a quick result. This serum has the strongest effect and is intended for very damaged nails with a dry and brittle structure.

MARGARET DABBS - nourishing serum for nails and cuticles. It has a unique composition that combines the restorative properties of tea tree extract and emu oil.

Considering the question of how to cover the nails after shellac, it is necessary to describe how to use all of the above tools in combination.

Removing gel polish is quite traumatic for the nail plates. regardless of whether the procedure was carried out at home or in the salon. Therefore, it is necessary to restore nails in a complex.

The following scheme will be the most effective the use of firming and restorative agents:

  1. Once a week use the IBX strengthening complex.
  2. Next 2 days, after IBX, it is necessary to apply only bio-wax for polishing nails and oils to soften the cuticle.
  3. After 2 days you can add any strengthening agents.
  4. In between, between polishing with biowax and firming agents, you can use restorative serums and masks with vitamins.

Thus, nails after removing shellac can be restored with the help of strengthening and restorative agents, the main rule is to use them in combination to achieve a faster effect.

Useful video about the restoration of nails after removing varnish

For the restoration of nails after gel polish, see this video:

How to strengthen and restore nails, see this video:

You can find out if gel polish spoils your nails from this video: