
All about multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis: symptoms, causes, treatment, signs. What is sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis(MS) is a severe chronic disease with a poor prognosis. Although sclerosis is often colloquially referred to as memory impairment in old age, the term "multiple sclerosis" does not refer to either senile "sclerosis" or distraction.

The disease got its name because of a distinctive pathoanatomical feature: the presence of scattered foci of damage to the myelin sheath that passes around the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The nerves are "bare" and cannot conduct signals. This is due to disorders in the immune system. Damage to the myelin sheath leads to a gradual breakdown in work nervous system which affects the physical and psycho-emotional state sick.

Why is multiple sclerosis dangerous?

Multiple sclerosis proceeds as a progressive primary autoimmune disease of the central nervous system with a steady deterioration of the pathological process. Unfortunately, it should be stated that multiple sclerosis has a disappointing prognosis for life - this disease is now incurable and its course is unpredictable. Sometimes it proceeds benignly (with exacerbations and remissions), but spasmodic or steady progression of the disease is also possible. Even during remission, there is an active process of damage to nerve cells, and disorders of the immune system continue.

The clinical picture of multiple sclerosis is very extensive and includes the following pathological disorders:

  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity and field of vision, impaired color perception;
  • violations of the movement of the eyeball, pupillary disorders;
  • sensory disturbances - numbness or tingling in the hands and feet;
  • pain syndromes;
  • movement disorders - muscle weakness, muscle spasticity, impaired coordination;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of the functions of the pelvic organs - urination, defecation, sexual activity;
  • mental disorders;
  • fatigue;
  • a complex of functional disorders caused by dysregulation of vascular tone;
  • disturbances in sleep, level of consciousness and wakefulness.

The causes of multiple sclerosis have not been elucidated. The treatment of the disease is one of the most serious problems of modern medicine, since there is no medicine that would cure the disease completely. Therapy is aimed at relieving the severity of exacerbations of the pathology, stopping its neurological symptoms and strengthening the immune system.

When treating a disease, it is of great importance how it manifests itself - aggressively or more smoothly. The aggressive course of multiple sclerosis requires the use of strong drugs that develop many side effects.

Multiple sclerosis inevitably leads the patient to disability. The disease usually affects young people, and in last years Increasingly, new cases of the disease are being recorded in children and adolescents, and in young women.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

The development of multiple sclerosis proceeds on the basis of three main pathological processes:

  • an inflamed reaction in the central nervous system;
  • damage to the myelin sheath passing around the nerve fibers of the central or peripheral nervous system - demyelination;
  • progressive death of nerve cells.

Plaque formation (inflammation) mainly occurs in the white matter. The process of their formation is especially active in the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, in the region of the bridge, in the cerebellum and optic nerves. It is at these moments that a new symptom of pathology appears or the already existing signs of the disease clearly worsen. The frequency of exacerbation (attack) of the disease is associated with this pathological process.

The destruction of the myelin sheath alternates with stages of remission - the process of restoring myelin. At this time, the patient's condition is clearly improving. A remission that lasts more than a month is already defined as persistent.

However, even when the myelin sheath is restored at the initial stages of plaque formation, this process is not effective enough. Therefore, in the later stages of the development of pathology, the restoration of the myelin sheath is weakly expressed. This exacerbates the common symptoms of neurological deficits (neurological symptoms). The chronic progression of multiple sclerosis begins: the severity of symptoms increases for several weeks without stabilization and improvement.

At-risk groups

The disease affects people different ages. Women get sick more often. However, men suffer from the most dangerous, rapidly progressive form. With this disease, several parts of the nervous system are simultaneously affected, which is characterized by the appearance of various neurological disorders. The first signs of the disease include: a feeling of numbness or aches. These symptoms may come and go and then long time not show up.

The plaques have different sizes, from a few millimeters to a centimeter or more. If the disease progresses, then they are interconnected, forming large scars. Special Methods examinations make it possible to identify new and old foci of lesions in the same patient, since the process does not stop, but only subsides for a while, then resumes again.

He suffers from multiple sclerosis a large number of people. According to statistics, there are more than 2 million such patients on our planet. Largest number such patients live in large metropolitan areas. In Russia in 2016, 150 thousand patients were registered. When studying the epidemiology of the disease in Moscow, it was found that the onset of multiple sclerosis before the age of 16 was observed in 5.66% of people.
The geographic latitude of the place of residence is also important. The incidence rate is highest in those who live north of the 30th parallel. This is typical for the inhabitants of all continents.

Race is also important. Caucasians are more likely to suffer from this disease than residents of Asian countries: China, Japan, Korea.

V Lately The number of people suffering from multiple sclerosis is on the rise. This is happening both due to an increase in the number of cases, as well as due to the modernization of diagnostic equipment.

Is multiple sclerosis hereditary?

Years of research have confirmed the theory that there is a genetic predisposition to multiple sclerosis. It is determined by a set of genes, both associated and not associated with the immune response (this depends on which ethnic group the affected person belongs to). Hereditary factors can determine the characteristic clinical form of the course of multiple sclerosis, the progression of the disease.

There is an assumption that in Europeans the disease is associated with a set of the DR2 gene form on the sixth chromosome. This association was most significant when examining cases of pathology with an early onset of the disease, that is, at the age of up to 16 years.

The hereditary factor in the occurrence of multiple sclerosis is often combined with external causes. Of particular importance for the formation of a provocative background in the development of the disease in a child are:

  • frequent infectious diseases, especially viral ones, as well as mycoplasmas, staphylococci, streptococci, pale spirochete, fungi;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • vitamin D deficiency, as it is able to suppress reactions associated with a disorder of the body's immune system.

High levels of vitamin D in the blood reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis in Europeans.


It has not yet been possible to determine what causes multiple sclerosis. Scientists suggest that multiple sclerosis is caused by coincidence several health hazards:

  • infections of various etiologies;
  • poisoning;
  • radiation (including solar);
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent stress.

Multiple sclerosis is not inherited, but genetic dependence is of great importance. Not always, but often observed in close relatives.

How does multiple sclerosis manifest itself? What are the signs?

In the early periods, the disease may not manifest itself even in the presence of plaques in the brain. This happens because if a small amount of nerve fibers, then healthy ones fully compensate for their function. With the spread of the pathological process, neurological symptoms also appear. The clinic depends on the location and degree of damage to the patient's brain tissue.

At first, the disease is unstable. Symptoms may come on, stay for a while, then go away and reappear. Over time, periods of remission become shorter, then disappear altogether, and the intensity of painful phenomena increases. Functional disorders depend on where the scars are located, which prevent the passage of nerve impulses. Most often, patients are concerned about:

  • causeless fatigue;
  • frequent weakness;
  • visual acuity decreases, double vision appears, then partial or complete paralysis of the ophthalmic or facial nerves may join;
  • feeling of numbness or tingling;
  • tremor or trembling in the limbs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • gait becomes unstable;
  • tactile sensitivity is reduced in 60% of patients;
  • there is a delay in urination and stool, followed by incontinence;
  • decreased sexual function;
  • in the early stages there is a frequent change of mood, which leads to conflicts with others, then depression, behavioral disorders and decreased intelligence;
  • some patients may experience pain - headache, spinal or limbs;
  • eventually partial or complete paralysis occurs.

Several syndromes help doctors diagnose the disease, which are also signs of the disease:

  1. The "hot bath" syndrome in multiple sclerosis is the most common. It manifests itself as a deterioration in the condition, an increase in neurological symptoms, especially motor, visual disorders after a bath, a hot bath, with an increase in ambient temperature.
  2. The syndrome of "clinical splitting" is a manifestation of a discrepancy between the symptoms of damage to certain systems. For example, blanching of the optic discs, narrowing of the visual fields with normal visual acuity and, conversely, a significant decrease in vision with a normal fundus. Or spastic gait with weak muscle tone in the prone position.
  3. The syndrome of "inconstancy of clinical signs" - the severity of neurological manifestations fluctuates within a day or several days.

An atypical symptom of the disease, clinicians call pain that is associated with impaired muscle tone, painful muscle spasms, sensitivity disorders, with associated changes in the spine and joints, with concomitant diseases.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are individual for each patient. It depends on which parts of the central nervous system are affected, on the depth of damage. The appearance of new neurological symptoms, the intensification of already manifested symptoms indicates an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Until recently, the time when the diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis" would be correctly established was not decisive, since the treatment did not affect the course of the disease in any way. Now the situation has changed dramatically: early diagnosis is of fundamental importance. This is due to the fact that immunomodulatory drugs have been found that have a positive effect on the course of the disease and slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can reduce the likelihood of developing disability and provide a good prognosis for a patient who can maintain their social activity, family life to remain a full member of society.

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have specific tests and methods for examining multiple sclerosis. Diagnosis is difficult and is based on the clinical picture, the patient's complaints, according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and studies of the cerebrospinal fluid, which also reveals characteristic changes for this disease.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most effective modern methods of examination, which allows to detect changes in the brain and spinal cord that are characteristic of multiple sclerosis. This research technique allows you to get a clear image of the structures of the brain and spinal cord and describe the degree of their damage by the pathological process.

Foci of demyelination (active plaques) have a characteristic shape and localization. The sizes of the foci, as a rule, are 1–5 mm, but sometimes due to fusion and edema, they reach 10 mm. "Fresh" lesions of the brain have an uneven, fuzzy contour. The most typical localization sites of foci are along the lateral ventricles, in the corpus callosum. Spinal cord lesions can also be identified.

Options for the course of the disease

Multiple sclerosis as a disease has a diverse course. If a patient has had minimal neurological symptoms for more than ten years, the MS is defined as mild, non-aggressive. If during the first five years there are frequent exacerbations with residual symptoms or there is a rapid progression, leading to the complete helplessness of patients, such multiple sclerosis is defined as malignant.

The clinical forms of the disease are based on how multiple sclerosis proceeds:

  1. Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.

The undulating course of the disease with periods of deterioration and improvement. It proceeds with exacerbations and remissions, full or incomplete restoration of functions in the periods between exacerbations. During periods of remission, there is no increase in symptoms. This is a classic version of the course of the disease.

As a rule, over time, remissions are observed less frequently and in the majority of patients they pass into the stage of secondary progression of the pathological process.

  1. Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Gradual increase in symptoms with rare exacerbations (or without them). There are periods of stabilization. After 15 - 20 years from the onset of the disease, almost all patients become disabled. But about 50% of patients can serve themselves.

  1. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

A steadily progressive increase in neurological disorders from the very beginning of the disease, without exacerbations and remissions. In a quarter of patients, the condition worsens every year. After 25 years of the course of the disease, almost all patients have problems with self-care. The prevalence of multiple sclerosis of this form is 10-15% of cases.

  1. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis with exacerbations.

A progressive increase in neurological symptoms from the very beginning of the disease, against which exacerbations occur. A rare form of the disease, observed in 3-5% of cases.

The main indicators of the course of the disease are the presence and frequency of clinically detectable exacerbations and the rate of increase in neurological symptoms.

Treatment of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis

The task of treating multiple sclerosis is to make the course of the disease milder, remissions - long, neurological disorders - not deep. It is important to help the patient maintain his ability to work, delay the onset of disability, helplessness in everyday life, and reduce the severity of disability.

The exacerbation of the disease is assessed by three parameters: how often, how long and how severe the clinical symptoms are. An MRI is performed to identify hyperintense lesions of nerve cells.

For the treatment of exacerbation of the disease, hormonal therapy with methylprednisolone, a synthetic glucocorticoid drug, is performed. When taking drugs of this group, the following side effects may develop:

  • the occurrence of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • high blood pressure;
  • violation of water-electrolyte metabolism, excretion of potassium salts;
  • increased intraocular pressure, development of steroid cataracts;
  • activation and accession of infections;
  • possible reactivation of the tuberculous process;
  • mental disorders - anxiety, sleep disturbances, emotional changes, steroid psychoses;
  • increased levels of glucose in the blood, urine, the manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, steroid diabetes;
  • , aseptic necrosis of the femoral neck with prolonged use;
  • cardiac arrhythmia with high doses.

To correct the side effects of corticosteroids, a diet rich in potassium, taking drugs containing potassium and calcium, diuretics, and drugs that protect the gastric mucosa are simultaneously prescribed. Level control is also required. blood pressure, blood glucose, electrocardiogram control.

Contraindications for corticosteroid therapy are:

  • a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus with high blood glucose levels;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • the presence of any other infectious process;
  • presence of erosive gastritis or gastric ulcer.

In this regard, all patients before prescribing hormonal therapy, it is necessary to conduct a study of blood glucose levels, x-rays of the lungs and gastroscopy (endoscopic examination of the digestive tube).

Hormonal pulse therapy not only stops exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, but also slows down the progression of the disease. In severe exacerbations, plasmapheresis is indicated - a blood purification procedure.

The second direction of disease therapy is immunocorrective therapy. It aims to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Drugs that change the course of multiple sclerosis include beta interferons (immunomodulators), as well as glatiramer acetate. The inflammatory process is limited by immunoglobulin G, used in high doses intravenously. The main problem with treatment with drugs that affect the frequency of exacerbations and the rate of progression is that they are expensive.

The third line of therapy for the disease is symptomatic treatment: treatment of increased muscle tone, damage to the optic nerve, pain syndromes, urinary incontinence, disorders of the large intestine, decreased potency in men and other signs of the disease.

In the case of persistent movement disorders in patients, it may be necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures aimed at reducing spasticity in the limbs, improving coordination or fine motor skills if you have tremors or weakness in your hands.

Patients with multiple sclerosis especially require regular psychological support due to the difficult process of accepting the diagnosis and the emotional disorders that arise during the progression of the disease. Therefore, psychotherapy is indicated at all stages of the disease.

Multiple sclerosis: disease prognosis

Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in half of the patients after 10 years flows into a secondary progressive form of the course of the disease. After 25 years, almost all patients receive little treatment.

If there is no supportive treatment, over 15 years of the development of the disease, 80% of patients have disorders in the functioning of organs, 70% of patients find it difficult to take care of themselves, half of the patients cannot move independently.

Autonomic disorders are detected in 80% of patients:

  • constant moderate decrease in body temperature;
  • dizziness, high blood pressure;
  • sweating disorders;
  • during an exacerbation of the disease, cardiac arrhythmia develops;
  • reduced motor activity forms osteoporosis;
  • respiratory dysfunction - shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, difficulty coughing, prolonged hiccups.

In multiple sclerosis in children, the secondary progression of the disease occurs after about 30 years. The quality of life of adolescents worsens depression, chronic fatigue, anxiety.

The outcomes and prognosis of the disease depend on the timeliness of diagnosis and the initiation of adequate therapy of the disease with drugs that change the course of multiple sclerosis. Medications slow down the progression of disability.

Research into the causes of multiple sclerosis, the course of the disease, the search for drugs for its treatment are very active. The time is approaching when ways will be found to prevent the secondary progression of the disease. Therapy for multiple sclerosis will change dramatically. Treatment will be aimed at influencing the mechanisms of the onset and development of the disease.

Multiple sclerosis (multiple encephalomyelitis) is a severe chronic disease of the central nervous system. The disease often affects women, often manifesting at a young age (20-40 years), it is steadily progressing. According to statistics, in recent years, multiple sclerosis in men has become much more common, and cases of detection of the disease in children under 16 have also become more frequent. Let's talk about the symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Predisposing factors

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the structure of nerve fibers is disrupted - they lose their ability to transmit impulses.

Multiple sclerosis is a multifactorial disease, that is, it is impossible to reliably establish the specific cause of its development. In most cases, the disease manifests itself under the simultaneous influence of several factors:

  • genetic predisposition (in families in which there are people suffering from multiple sclerosis, the likelihood of the disease increases by 20-30%);
  • transferred viral diseases (, etc.);
  • the presence of any autoimmune diseases;
  • spinal cord and brain injuries, operations;
  • constant psycho-emotional stress, stress;
  • , especially, ;
  • impaired glucose tolerance;
  • occupational hazards (constant work with paints, solvents, refined products, etc.).

Also, scientists came to the conclusion that the likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis is higher in white people living in the Northern regions.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis has a very large number of symptoms, one patient may experience only one of them or several at once. The disease proceeds with periods of exacerbations and remissions. Any factors can provoke an exacerbation of the disease: acute viral diseases, stress, diet errors, hypothermia or overheating, etc. The duration of remission periods can be more than a dozen years, the patient leads a normal life and feels completely healthy. But the disease does not disappear, sooner or later a new exacerbation is sure to occur.

There is a mild (benign) course of the disease, in which rare exacerbations are replaced by long periods of remission, during which the patient feels satisfactory. During periods of exacerbation, new symptoms of the disease do not appear.

At medium degree the severity of the disease (remitting course) during exacerbations, new symptoms of multiple sclerosis appear or existing ones are aggravated. Remission periods can last from several months to several years.

The severe course of multiple sclerosis is divided into primary progressive and secondary progressive. The first option is characterized by a constant slow increase in symptoms after the onset of the disease for the first time, there are no exacerbations as such, but the condition of patients is constantly deteriorating. In the secondary progressive course of multiple sclerosis, the condition worsens after a long remitting course.

Multiple sclerosis occurs as a result of the appearance of foci of demyelination of nerve fibers and a slowdown in the behavior of nerve impulses. The nature of the symptoms of the disease depends on the localization of these foci. The first signs of the disease can be so diverse that it is not immediately possible to establish the correct diagnosis. If you experience the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • pain and impaired sensitivity in the fingers, arms, legs, torso, manifested in the form of numbness or tingling (patients have sensations of the following nature: “as if lying down”, “I walk as if on soft ground”, “I feel badly the ground under my feet”, “ I lose my slippers, but I don’t notice”);
  • violation motor activity due to the appearance of strong tension in the limbs, it is even possible the appearance of paresis and paralysis, the occurrence of pathological reflexes;
  • impaired coordination of movements, unstable (staggering) gait, and legs, awkwardness when performing the most common manipulations (“hands do not obey”), in severe cases, it is difficult for patients to serve themselves on their own;
  • visual disturbances: decreased visual acuity, possibly only one eye, a feeling of a veil or cloudy glass in front of the eyes, doubling of objects;
  • speech disorder (slow, slurred or slurred speech);
  • violation of the functions of the pelvic organs (, gas, stool,);
  • decrease in muscle tone of one half of the face, a violation of taste sensitivity (food becomes tasteless);
  • disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere (anxiety, depression, irritability, euphoria, apathy, etc.);
  • increased fatigue, a constant feeling of fatigue even after light exercise, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis may increase after taking a hot bath, drinking hot drinks, insolation, staying in a stuffy room.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis cannot be cured, but adequate therapy started in a timely manner leads to an improvement in the patient's condition and an increase in his social activity.

Patients in whom the disease is diagnosed for the first time are usually hospitalized in the neurological department of the hospital for a detailed examination and therapy. Treatment is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease and symptoms. Multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, but timely therapy can reduce the manifestations of the disease and improve patient adaptation.

Hormone therapy (pulse therapy) - a short course of treatment with large doses (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.) - helps to speed up the recovery of lost functions and reduce the duration of the exacerbation period. The sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis.

Immunomodulators (Copaxone, Betaferon, etc.) contribute to the weakening of the manifestations of the disease and increase the duration of remission periods.

Drugs with an immunosuppressive effect (Mitoxantrone, Natalizumab, etc.) are drugs that suppress the activity of the immune system of patients, preventing damage to the myelin sheath of nerve fibers during an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.

Symptomatic therapy is selected individually using a very wide range of drugs: nootropics, drugs that reduce muscle hypertonicity, b-blockers, antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, etc.

The prognosis of the disease is considered the most favorable if the disease manifests itself at a later age, exacerbations occur rarely, new symptoms of multiple sclerosis do not appear, and the previous ones do not intensify.

Which doctor to contact

When the first symptoms of disruption of the brain or nerves appear, you should contact a neurologist. Additionally, the patient may need to consult an endocrinologist (for the treatment of obesity and impaired glucose tolerance), a nutritionist, and a geneticist.

Most of us mistakenly believe that sclerosis is a disease of old people who are losing strength. age features memory. Unfortunately, the reality is that this disease affects not only the elderly, but also the very young, and memory loss is just one of the symptoms, and even then it is quite rare.

What is sclerosis, what are its symptoms and types, who is at risk? This article will try to answer all the questions posed.

What is sclerosis?

The term "sclerosis" in medicine refers to a chronic inflammatory process that affects medium and large arteries due to their "overgrowth" with cholesterol deposits and manifests itself in the replacement of normal tissue of connective organs. The occurrence of sclerotic changes in the body can provoke:

  • transferred inflammatory diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • age changes.

It should be noted that sclerosis is a disease that can affect almost any human organs and tissues: brain vessels, lungs, heart, kidneys, and others.

Risk factors

Studies have shown that sclerotic lesions can be caused by a variety of factors that are both modifiable and uncontrollable.

Unmodified risk factors for the development of multiple sclerosis that cannot be controlled include:

1. Genetic, inherited by us from our parents. For example, the specific structure of proteins and enzymes, the characteristics of metabolism.

2. Belonging to one or another ethnic group.

3. Age-related changes. It has been established that sclerotic manifestations occur much more often in postmenopausal women and in men over 45 years of age.

Modifiable or controllable factors are:

1. Lifestyle.

2. Those or other bad habits.

3. High cholesterol.

4. Diseases caused by metabolic disorders.

5. Blood clotting disorders.

6. High pressure.

7. Physical inactivity.

Disease classification

Sclerosis is classified according to how much the disease has damaged the nervous system and which organs are affected:

  • Multiple sclerosis is a disease of an autoimmune nature, in which, under the attacks of one's own blood cells, the protective myelin sheath of nerve fibers is destroyed, and their conductivity is disturbed. There are such clinical forms of this disease:






  • Arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis) is a chronic disease resulting from the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which impede blood supply, which can lead to the development of ischemia in the future.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive disease that results in the death of motor neurons in the brain and lateral columns of the spinal cord, which leads to muscle atrophy and the development of muscle paralysis.
  • Cardiosclerosis develops on the valves and muscles of the heart and triggers the development of scar tissue in them, which significantly reduces the ability of the heart muscle to contract.
  • Nephrosclerosis occurs as a result of various lesions and injuries of the kidneys and blood vessels that provide them with blood. There is a replacement of normal scar tissue, which leads to dysfunction of this organ.
  • Cerebral vascular sclerosis is caused by cholesterol plaques that disrupt blood circulation, thereby creating a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen in brain cells and their subsequent death. In place of dead cells, cysts form from scar tissue.

  • Cirrhosis (sclerosis) of the liver can be caused by prolonged intoxication of various substances, and also develop as a result of viral hepatitis.
  • Pneumosclerosis is a disease that causes the growth of scar tissue in the lungs, leading to a decrease in the elasticity of damaged areas and a violation of gas exchange functions.
  • Systemic scleroderma causes inflammation of small vessels throughout the body, resulting in sclerotic lesions. internal organs, skin and musculoskeletal system.
  • Subchondral sclerosis is a disease that affects the joints.

Having listed the main types of this serious illness, we will consider in more detail the most common forms.

It is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. To date, it is incurable, there are only a number of methods that stop the development of this disease, as well as reduce the frequency and number of exacerbations. Despite many ongoing studies, scientists have not yet been able to establish the exact cause of its occurrence. Today, physicians consider multiple sclerosis as a polyetiological disease, that is, having several causes that cause it. Thus, the mechanism of the disease is triggered only in a certain combination of them.


This disease manifests itself in a very diverse way, so much so that doctors had to identify 50 different signs of this disease that can manifest themselves in one case or another. When making a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, the most common symptoms considered are:

  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • depressive state;
  • dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • tingling and numbness of hands and feet;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • bowel dysfunction and Bladder.

However, similar symptoms in one combination or another may indicate other diseases. That is why various laboratory tests are carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

motor neuron disease

This is what is also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It selectively affects peripheral and central motor neurons, which manifests itself:

  • in the growing weakness of the pelvic and shoulder girdle, muscles of the abdomen and trunk;
  • damage to the bulbar muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx and paresis of the palate;
  • in a decrease or increase in reflexes;
  • in spontaneous and non-rhythmic contractions of bundles of muscle fibers of individual muscles or their groups;
  • speech disorder.

Lateral sclerosis in most cases develops in patients after 50 years, although this disease can affect a person of any age. Experts distinguish the following types of it:




How is it treated?

Current therapies cannot cure this disease. Patients with a similar diagnosis should be regularly observed by doctors of several specialties. To maintain the vital activity of patients with a disease such as lateral sclerosis, treatment consists in taking many different drugs, including anabolic hormones. The disease lasts from 2 to 10 years and always, with the exception of the case of Stephen Hawking, has a poor prognosis. Patients die from exhaustion, concomitant infections or paralysis of the respiratory center.


This is another name that hides cerebral vascular sclerosis, a fairly common and often diagnosed disease. Its first symptoms may appear after the age of 25, but usually this disease is diagnosed in people over 50 years of age. In the process of development of this disease, there is a narrowing and deformation of the vessels of the brain under the influence of cholesterol deposits on their inner surface. As a result, there is a slowly increasing deficit in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organ fed by the affected vessel.

Atherosclerosis symptoms are different, and their manifestation depends on the localization of the disease and the spread of the process. Diagnosis is carried out by identifying lesions of individual vessels.


The development of this disease can be provoked by the following factors:

1. Heredity.

2. Stay in constant psycho-emotional stress.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system.

4. High blood pressure.

5. Bad habits, such as smoking.

6. Little physical activity.

In the course of treatment, special attention is paid to regular physical activity, contributing to the development of alternative ways of blood flow, as well as the correct diet.

subchondral sclerosis

During the development of this disease, degradation of the articular cartilage occurs, leading to a change in the surface of the joint. This type of sclerosis is divided into primary and secondary forms. In the first case, healthy cartilage is affected under the influence of strong overloads of the spine. The secondary form occurs on cartilage that has been injured in any way. Thus, subchondral sclerosis is a disease that can occur both under the influence of injuries and diseases, and with improper organization of physical activity.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is characterized by a chronic form of manifestation.

The peculiarity of such a disease is that it is associated with a malfunction of the immune system, as a result of which the spinal cord and brain are affected.

The disease manifests itself in the form of disorders associated with coordination, vision, sensitivity.

This is all due to the fact that such a process as demyelination of nerve fibers occurs in the body, namely, their exposure from myelin.

The disease is one of the autoimmune diseases in which the immune system is disrupted. Its main goal becomes "erroneous" and instead of foreign cells and bacteria, it directs its action to its own.

The main essence of this disease is the formation of areas of sclerotic tissue or scars in the areas of the spinal cord and brain.

As a result of this phenomenon, all electrical impulses passing through these barriers are either suppressed or their character is distorted.

As a result, this leads to the inability of the brain to control and coordinate the entire process, that is, to efficiently send and receive incoming information from the whole organism.

The first sign of multiple sclerosis manifests itself at the age of 20-30 years. But there are cases when multiple sclerosis manifests itself both at an older age and in children.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are more common in women than in men. And the countries of northern Europe are characteristic of it, but in states with a tropical climate, this disease is a rare occurrence.

Disease types

Depending on the type of multiple sclerosis and its characteristics, it is possible to predict the complexity of the course of the disease, as well as the response to treatment methods.

There are the following types:

  1. Primary progressive- a characteristic constant deterioration of the condition. Seizures may be mild or not pronounced. Symptoms are problems with walking, speech, vision, urination, bowel movements,
  2. relapsing-remitting- appears at the age of 20. Seizures occur periodically. Symptoms of manifestation are constantly changing, but mainly manifest as pain in the eyes, legs, dizziness, imbalance, coordination, thinking, depression,
  3. secondary progressive- develops after a relapsing-remitting, which has taken place over the years. This type is characterized by a stable onset without relapses and remissions. Symptoms include a significant increase in weakness and lack of coordination, the muscles of the legs become stiff and dense, there are significant changes in the work of the intestines and bladder, fatigue sets in quickly, depression increases, problematic thinking,
  4. progressive relapsing- is a less common type. It is characterized by periodic attacks, the safety of symptoms, which increase between relapses. Symptoms include similar disorders in the functioning of the motor apparatus, intestines, bladder, visual function, sensitivity, coordination, depression, etc.

Why Disorder Occurs

The exact causes that would provoke the development of multiple sclerosis have not yet been identified. But despite this, there are theories that relate to the development of this disease.

These include:

  • the absence of a hereditary nature, but a risk factor for development is present if close relatives have such a diagnosis;
  • a viral infection can contribute to the appearance of this disease;
  • lack of vitamin D - can lead to a decrease in the body's defense response to multiple sclerosis;
  • autoimmune reaction - is a process of destruction of myelin, in which the body mistakenly tries to fight against its own cells;
  • malnutrition;
  • strong frequent stresses can act as triggers for the development of this disease;
  • chronic intoxication;
  • traumatic brain injury.

Main symptoms and signs

The course of the disease for each patient is an individual phenomenon.

For some, the manifestation may be quite violent, while for others it may not be noticeable at all for a long period.

The main symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

  • feeling of tingling, numbness;
  • double vision;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • decreased vision;
  • lack of coordination;
  • "unrelated" speech;
  • neuropathic disorders that entail problems with urination;
  • psychopathic changes - manifested in the form of irritability, lethargy, apathy, depression.

For convenience, all the symptoms of sclerosis are divided into groups:

  1. Primary- they are characterized by symptoms that are the result of demyelination, which is based on the process of impaired conduction of impulses along the nerve fibers. These include: tremor, muscle weakness, visual disturbances, bowel, bladder, balance, paralysis.
  2. Secondary- are a consequence of the primary group. For example, due to paralysis, bedsores, diaper rash, etc. follow. These symptoms can be cured, or a preventive technique applied to them,
  3. Tertiary This group is characterized by psychological symptoms. For example, depression.

You can find out about what will lead to the result in our material.

Many disorders of the nervous system accompanies Parkinson's syndrome. about methods of prevention, treatment and symptomatology of the syndrome.

Features of treatment

Full-fledged methods that would guarantee one hundred percent cure for multiple sclerosis do not exist today.

Allocate only those activities that help to cope with the exacerbation, prevent its occurrence or weaken the strength of the manifestation.

A professional approach to the treatment of multiple sclerosis should be based on the following features:

  1. Individual approach. The stage of the disease at a particular moment, the peculiarity of its course,
  2. Examination in dynamics. These include: MRI of the brain and spinal cord, immunological blood test, electrophysiological, psychotherapeutic methods,
  3. Constant monitoring by a number of specialists(neuropathologist, immunologist, electrophysiologist, neuropsychologist, urologist, neuroophthalmologist).

The main objectives of treatment:

  • stop the exacerbation;
  • stimulation of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms;
  • prevent the development of new exacerbations, reduce their strength;
  • selection of measures that will help the patient adapt to the existing consequences.

Types of drugs that are used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis:

Preventive measures

Prevention of multiple sclerosis is a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating provoking factors and preventing relapses.

The constituent elements are:

  1. Implementation of anti-relapse treatment. It should be regular, regardless of whether the disease manifests itself or not,
  2. Exclusion from the diet of hot food, avoidance of any thermal procedures, even hot water. The implementation of this recommendation will prevent the appearance of new symptoms,
  3. Maximum protection(prophylaxis) against viral infections,
  4. Diet, the essential elements of which are Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fresh fruits, vegetables,
  5. Physiotherapy- moderate exercise stimulates metabolism, creates conditions for the restoration of damaged tissues,
  6. Maximum calmness, avoidance of stress, conflicts.

Thus, multiple sclerosis is a rather dangerous disease that can lead to disability if left untreated.

Despite the uncertain nature of the origin of this disease, there are quite adequate methods of treatment.

Thanks to the right approach, it is possible to weaken or even avoid exacerbations over a long period.

The desire to live, to fight, to overcome difficulties, to avoid provoking factors - this is the real key to successfully overcoming the disease.