
Raising a child up to a year: the main tips for parents. Raising a child up to a year: the main tips for parents Educational games from 0 to 3 months


A newborn baby is very helpless and needs constant care and attention from adults. Exercise with your baby constantly while caring. movement exercises to promote his correct physical development.

At the end of the month, the baby can already raise his head to look at the surrounding objects.

When the baby is lying on his back, you can effortlessly bend and unbend his legs, pat his feet.

Laying on your back and stomach, encourage you to hold your head. Can imitate bicycle movement, saying: "We're going, we're going, we're going ..."

Holding the baby in your arms in a horizontal position, turn it in one direction or the other, then facing you, then with your back to you.

Rolling on a soft surface. Take your ankle and thigh and place one leg on top of the other. Hips and top part torsos will roll over themselves. Repeat the movement in the other direction.

You can try to induce movement in the baby. repulsion legs, while the adult talks to the child, smiles at him, tries to evoke a reciprocal animation.

When the baby is one month old, play with him by giving him your finger, then removing, and the baby will grab it. You can dance with your baby in your arms to calm music, starting from one month.


You need to communicate with the baby calmly, affectionately, singing his name in different ways, it is good to sing lullabies.

When communicating with a child, try to evoke a response to your presence, to your smile.

The child should look for his mother with his eyes, turn his head to her voice. From the second month, the baby can look at the face of an adult.

And by the age of three months, the baby is already perked up at the sight of a close relative.

All gymnastic complexes for babies must meet the following requirements:

1. Classes are held daily several times a day, throughout the first year of life.

3. Exercise should be done 30 minutes before or an hour after feeding.

4. The room must be well ventilated, the optimum air temperature is 21 ° C.

5. All exercises are repeated 3 times.

6. The duration of the procedures is about 15 minutes.

7. All exercises should be accompanied affectionate words and a smile, causing the baby to react positively.

8. In no case should a child sit or stand before he learns to turn on his back, on his stomach, crawl on his stomach and on all fours!

9. Begin and end the procedure by lightly stroking the child's palms and fingers, in which the skin does not fold.

10. Stroking hands the child is held from hand to shoulder, feet- from feet to groin, belly- in the direction from the sides to the navel and clockwise around the navel.

11. You should not do gymnastics with a cold or tired child.

If you want your child to develop correctly, do not spare time with him. Remember that everything needs to be done on time, making up for lost time is always more difficult.

Massage and gymnastics

Infancy- not a hindrance to starting massage and gymnastics. Massage is passive gymnastics, a system of dosed mechanical effects on muscles and muscles. During the massage, the muscles are brought into such a state as if they had worked well. So, massage of the abdominal muscles activates the activity of its smooth muscles, that is, intestinal peristalsis.

It is desirable that the classes are held at the same time. "Time" in this case is not a certain hour, but a certain sequence of actions. For comfort, a kid needs predictability of events, when he knows when and what to expect. Therefore, you can exercise before swimming, after a nap, before a walk - when it is convenient for both you and your child. Gymnastics and massage should not be done immediately after eating, bathing or sleeping at night. It is important that the baby is in the mood for classes. If he is tired, hungry, or just not in the mood, postpone the session.

It is best to carry out massage and gymnastics in a ventilated room with an air temperature of 22 to 25 ° C. Place a fleece blanket on any hard surface, and an oilcloth and a sheet on top of it. The first massage sessions should last no longer than 2 minutes. Gradually, the duration of the massage can be increased to 10 minutes a day, and by 1 year - up to 15 minutes.

In no case should you do a massage if:

- the child is sick;

- the baby has a temperature above 37.5 ° C;

- the child has a diathetic rash, pustular or inflammatory skin diseases;

- Diagnosed with heart disease.

Massage can be done every other day, and gymnastic exercises should be done daily. It is advisable to accompany all your actions with verbal explanations - to name those parts of the body that you touch, to come up with funny songs and rhymes for certain movements. It is very important not to forget to praise your baby during class - this will encourage him to do whatever you ask him to do. While doing massage and gymnastics with your child, you will notice how he himself seeks to repeat what you just did with him, rejoices in the "game" that you offered him.

Development fine motor skills a child depends a lot on good hand muscle development and finger flexibility.

Hand massage for babies from birth to 1.5 months

- Take the baby's right hand, gently stroke it in the direction from the wrist to the forearm and shoulder, bypassing the elbow and then to the armpit. The flexor muscles at this age are still very tense, so do not try to unbend your arm forcibly so as not to hurt the baby. Repeat the same movements with the child's left arm.

- Take the baby's fist in your hand and open it. Straighten your fingers, stroke each of them on the sides, from palm to tips, lightly press on each nail, lightly massage the pads of your fingers.

Hand massage and exercises for babies from 1.5 to 3 months

The kid was only one and a half months old, and he has changed so noticeably: the flexor muscles are already less tense, new movements and skills have appeared.

- Put the child on the back and do a hand massage in the same way as before, with the only difference that your "weightless" stroking movements should become more tangible.

- Take the baby's hand, grasp the wrist with your thumb and forefinger and rub in the same direction as when stroking, that is, up the arm.

- Take the child's hands in your hands and lightly shake them, then spread his arms to the sides and move them as if a bird was flapping its wings. This exercise relaxes the baby's arm muscles well.

- Put your thumbs in the hands of the child - he will immediately reflexively clench his fists. With the rest of your fingers, grasp his fingers and stretch (lift) his right hand up, and lower his left down, and then change their position. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

- Spread the baby's arms to the sides, place them on the table, then cross them on his chest and spread them apart again. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

- Take the child's hand with one hand, placing your thumb in his fist. Take your hand to the side, place it on the table, pressing the child's shoulder to the table with your other hand. Bend and unbend your arm at the elbow 3-4 times. Repeat this exercise with the other hand.

- Take the baby's hand by the forearm and easily turn the palm, first to the left, then to the right, and then straighten and bend the arm at the wrist joint. Do this exercise with the other hand.

Interest in the outside world

From birth, the baby enters the objective world. To enter this world, one must learn to cognize it, perceive it correctly, and act with objects. Cognitive activity The baby begins from about 2 months old, when he focuses his gaze on the object of attention and makes still erratic movements of the handles.

Before the age of 3 months, such important abilities as visual tracking and viewing, auditory attention, skin sensitivity. It's no secret that curious people have a lot of knowledge. Therefore, the first thing we should do as soon as a child is born is to stimulate his activity in every possible way, not only physical, but also cognitive. A newborn is interested in everything, but first of all - in those who surround him.

- Remember with what pleasure you made different grimaces in childhood. Make a funny face for your child and look at him smiling. He may just smile back or try to copy your grimace. Stick out your tongue, raise your eyebrows, wrinkle your nose - in short, play with your face. The child will watch without stopping. Move back a moment so that the baby does not see your face. If the game does not tire him, you will see how he will start looking for you. Then continue the game until he gets bored.

- Babies really like it when the body and arms are stroked soft toy... It's even better if this toy makes some sounds. It can be a soft dog that barks when you press on its tummy, or a bunny squeaking when squeezed. Perhaps this is a doll that can say: "Mom!" Pat and tickle your child with a toy, and then hide it behind your back. If the child becomes anxious and looking for a toy, continue playing.

- Children quite quickly begin to study their hands: they bring their palms closer to their faces and wiggle their fingers. You can help your child by playing with his hands. Bring the child's hands to your lips, blow on them, kiss, move your fingers, saying something tender and affectionate. Then release the handles and slightly turn away, glancing at the child from time to time, so that he notices it. If he tries to get your attention again, continue playing.

Observation- one more required quality that needs to be developed from a very tender age. The child acquires knowledge about the world around him, observing everything that happens around. To develop the innate tendency to observe, you need to make sure that the environment is interesting for the child, would attract his attention. A child in this regard is not much different from us: getting on a train, we start looking out the window with interest, but if the landscape is monotonous and boring, our attention quickly switches to something more interesting. If there is nothing interesting, we will most likely prefer to sleep all the way.

Up to 3 months, the baby spends most of the time in his crib. How to make his world interesting? The best remedy for this - an outboard mobile.

- The mobile can be hung on a cord (this is especially convenient for a bed with a canopy) or fixed on a bracket. It is not necessary to buy a mobile; it can be made from an ordinary hanger by hanging toys, balls or ribbons to it. He should hang so that the child can examine objects, but would not reach for them.

- Be sure to walk with your baby around the apartment, put him on the sofa, on the chair, on the floor. Thus, you change the child's field of vision, which means that you train his coordination in space and a sense of balance, you give the opportunity to compose your impressions of the house.

- Such a seemingly simple toy, like a rattle, contributes to the development of hearing, attention, coordination of movements. By the age of 3 months (and often even earlier), the child already turns his head in the direction from which the sound comes. The baby responds well to sounds at a distance of no more than one and a half meters. Take a bright rattle and shake it to the right of the baby. He will turn the head in the direction from which the sound is coming. Praise the clever girl. Rumble the toy on the left. The kid will look with interest in this direction. Draw attention to yourself with the rattle.

- Let your child touch the rattle. The surface of the toy must be smooth. The rattle should be bright, comfortable to grip, safe and pleasant-sounding. Remember too loud sounds can scare the child.

- Ring a bell near the baby so that the sound comes from the right, left, top, back, etc.

- Bind balloon to the baby's handle with a ribbon so that the child can observe his movement and, therefore, coordinate the movements of his eyes and hands. Just be careful and careful so that the balloon does not burst and frighten the baby.

Other exercises will be useful and pleasant for the baby.

Come on, pull yourself up!

Healthy newborns up to 2 months of age have a grasping reflex that can be used to play and exercise the baby.

Insert your index fingers into the child's arms and raise your arms slightly. The baby will reach for your hands and lift up slightly. After 1-2 seconds, lower the baby to rest, then lift it up again.

Now insert your thumbs into the baby's clenched fists. Gently pull it towards you until the baby “sits down”.

Help your baby to grasp a wooden stick, plastic or wooden ring and lift gently.

As soon as the baby's arms begin to weaken, you need to carefully lay him down. By two months, he will already be able to rise, holding on to your fingers.

The game develops fine motor skills, strengthens muscles, and improves coordination.

Our little hands

Carefully, gently stroke the baby's right arm from the wrist to the shoulder, bypassing the elbow and then to the armpit. Repeat the same steps for the left handle.

Taking the child's fist in your hand, open it, stroke your palm, straighten your fingers. Pat each finger, starting from the base, and at the end of the massage, lightly press on the nail.

The game is necessary for physical development, hardening, strengthening the emotional connection of mother and child.

Our fingers

Sing the nursery rhyme, fingering the children's fingers:

White-sided magpie cooked porridge,

She fed the children.

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

But she did not give this:

- You didn't carry water,

I didn't chop wood,

I didn't cook porridge -

I won't give you anything!

Lightly stroke your baby's palm, gently pressing down on the base of your fingers.

The game develops fine motor skills, hearing, memory.

A healthy baby has many innate reflexes that help him survive. On the basis of these reflexes, massage and special gymnastics are built, which deserve a separate discussion. In the meantime, you can practice reflex walking and crawling.

If a tiny baby, lying on its stomach, is placed under the heels of his palm with an edge, he will rest his feet on it and, unbending his legs, crawl forward a little.


What toys may you need at this age? Practice shows that a large tumbler doll is always popular with children of many generations. They are attracted by her bright, rich color, expressive face and gentle, melodic ringing. Place the tumbler in the crib and show your baby how to move the toy to make it sound. Then, when your baby is 3-4 months old, tie a ribbon to the tumbler and teach him to control the toy with the ribbon. By the way, this is not just fun - this is how the baby learns to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between action and result.

“Quite by accident, I invented an amazing toy for my two-month-old Sanka. Once we were given a shiny balloon inflated with helium. At first, the ball just flew under the ceiling, and Sanya, forgetting about everything in the world, closely watched him. Then I tied a ribbon from the ball to the baby's handle, and there was simply no limit to delight, because the ribbon could be pulled - and the ball instantly "responded" and jumped under the ceiling. Then, in the same way, we tied the ball to the leg. The “magic ball” more than once helped us out when Sanya needed to be distracted and, for example, given him medicine or just keep him busy for quite a long time. "

In general, try to surround the child with bright monochrome toys at this age, but they should not clutter up the entire space. Show the items one at a time to keep your baby's attention focused and be sure to name them clearly.

They love babies and mobiles, which are very popular in our Lately... Mobiles are lightweight suspended structures, carefully balanced and moving with the slightest breeze. Is it worth it, you say, to design mobiles, if now the sale is full of all kinds of musical carousels with clowns, fish and whatever your heart desires? First, the carousel must be constantly started, and the mobile is a kind of perpetual motion machine that does not require your constant presence. Secondly, the figures on mobiles can be easily changed. And there is truly no limit to the variety of mobiles! They are made from paper, cardboard, fabric, pieces of wire, plastic, felt, natural materials and so on. By the way, older children can also take part in their production.

Such toys develop the baby's eyesight, help him focus his gaze, follow moving objects, and distinguish colors.

“At this age, a chaise longue chair served us well (it is suitable for babies from birth). The armchair could be carried by the handles throughout the apartment, but our kitchen was beyond competition - there were so many interesting things and mom is always clearly visible! "

“We really like the developmental rug with a horizontal bar, on which toys are attached (the horizontal bar is unfastened from the rug), sometimes we put the child on the rug - then it knocks with a leg or a handle on different“ rustlers ”and has fun (we are 3 months old).”

Very attractive for a toddler at this age human face... Above the crib, you can hang some funny face or reinforce photographs of family members. When you hold the baby in your hands, facing you, try to make faces (stick out your tongue, open and close your eyes, make funny faces). The kid will really appreciate your acting skills, and when very little time has passed, he will try to imitate you.

Developing the sense of touch

Try to develop the child's tactile sensitivity - this is very useful for the development of fine motor skills. Let the child touch a wide variety of materials, clearly naming them - this is mother's silk blouse, and this is a rough brick wall. Let your little one fall into more than just standard plastic rattles! You can touch (by the way, not only with handles, but also with legs!) A tree trunk, a polished writing table, various fabrics - from delicate chiffon or smooth satin to a rough matting, velvety velor. A whole patchwork quilt or a soft cube can be sewn from fabrics of various textures. For a variety of tactile sensations, you can sew on buttons, beads, make volumetric applications from other fabrics.

They are very fond of kids and homemade rattles... The principle of their manufacture is very simple. First you need to find a suitable small hollow plastic case (this can be a cap from a felt-tip pen, a kinder surprise box, small medicine bottles or cream jars, film cases, etc.). We fill our container with some kind of rattling or rustling filler (various cereals, beads, plastic balls, etc. will do), and now we wrap the future rattle with a piece of cloth and sew it tightly.

Another option is not to cover the container with fabric, but to crochet using yarn different colors and textures. It is desirable that the color and sound be in some correspondence with each other: for example, if the container is filled with jingling coins or metal clips, let the lining be bright, and if the rattle rustles softly with rice, it is more suitable for the "clothes" of pale, pastel colors. You can sew ribbons or loops to the rattle for hanging.

Tactile sensitivity develops during massage, especially if you do not limit yourself to traditional stroking and rubbing, but use it for massage various materials- it is easy to stroke a delicate body with a feather or fluffy fur, pat it with a thick sponge, roll it with a massage rubber hedgehog with "needles". For the child, this will be new sensations from touching things, which in turn develops activity and the desire for new impressions.

And in the spring you can go outside and watch the buds open. The kid will stroke them with his tiny fingers and rub the sticky leaves that have just appeared. Probably, this is not only the development of fine motor skills, it is also a touch to a new life.

We listen

Now it's not a secret for anyone that hearing develops in a baby when he is still in his mother's stomach. To stimulate further development of hearing, teach your child to different sound contrasts. For example, you can first ring a small bell, and then a larger bell. In the kitchen, show what sound you get if you knock on a crystal glass with a spoon (just not very hard), on a large saucepan, on a table, etc. (an inventive parent will always find something else to knock on). Try to play with different sounds so your baby doesn't see where they are coming from. He will listen and try to find the source of the sound.

On the street, you can draw the baby's attention to the voices of birds, to the dull rumbling of cars or to the shrill sound of a siren - all this will enrich his baggage of auditory impressions. It's great if there is an opportunity to listen to live voices of animals or birds. By the way, in the old days, nannies carried crying babies into the chicken coop. The chickens, at the sight of the little screaming alien, made a terrible commotion, and their clucking and flapping of their wings miraculously soothed the most inconsolable cry. If for some reason you do not want to cluck over your child, you can try to listen to some not very loud monotonous sound with him (for example, the noise of a working vacuum cleaner or washing machine).

Do not forget about the music, and let it also be quite diverse. Most babies love classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky). You can listen to male and female voices in excerpts from operas (preferably, without the intensity of passions, so that the baby is not frightened).

Surprisingly, a child at the age of one month already reacts differently to the sounds of a cheerful and sad melody: with a sad one, he calms down, and with a cheerful one he revives, starting to joyfully wave his arms and legs - “dance”. Thus, the auditory and physical activity, the baby learns to coordinate the movements of his body.

In the first three months of life, a child perceives the surrounding reality much more intensively than is commonly believed. And so let his first impressions be the most varied and interesting!

Inessa Smyk

The appearance of a child in a family is fraught with many new concerns, one of which is the choice of clothes for a newborn. Good parents understand that the baby's wardrobe must meet the most stringent requirements. Today, many mothers and fathers prefer not to swaddle the baby, but to dress him almost like an adult from birth. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right first everyday things for a baby. We will tell you about the types of undershirts and pants, as well as how to figure out the modern assortment of caps for crumbs.

Clothes for the baby must be safe, hygienic and natural

Varieties of children's clothing

First you need to figure out what kind of clothes for newborns from 0 to 3 months exist. The wardrobe of modern boys and girls has been replenished with new products that our mothers and grandmothers have never heard of. In the table, we have provided a classification of the most popular models for babies and children up to three months.

The table of the most relevant things for newborns:

NameAppearanceMain functions
Bodysuits are popular among parents of babies. They look like a long T-shirt with sleeves that fastens between the legs.The body does not slip out from under the sliders, exposing the body. They are sewn from different types fabrics, they can be designed for summer and winter.
Special pants for babies can be with an elastic band, as well as with shoulder straps. The second are fastened on the shoulders with buttons or buttons.These pants are comfortable for crawling, they should not slide down.
Blouses that do not have fasteners, but only wrap around on the chest or back. Sometimes the undershirt can be tied under the throat.Undershirts are suitable only for the smallest. Due to the lack of fasteners, this toilet item is used as underwear when swaddling a baby.
Most of the blouse models have clasps. Sometimes they are fastened with buttons, less often with buttons. They are a kind of substitute for vests.It is better to combine blouses with panties with shoulder straps. Otherwise, they will look untidy - the hem of the blouse often slips out of the elasticated sliders.
Overalls or slips ("little men")Children's clothing for the whole body - pants together with a blouse in one set. They can be buttoned in different ways - in the front, in the back. Many models allow you to change the diaper by unbuttoning between the legs.The overalls can be insulated, intended for walking. "Man" -slip, made of thin jersey or fleece, is suitable for home, sleeping and crawling.

Additional accessories:

NameAppearanceMain functions
BeanieFor home use caps made of knitted fabric. They tightly fit the baby's head, have strings that are tied under the chin. Hats for walking are sewn from denser materials - they are beautiful and fit the baby freely.The headpiece is designed to protect the child from the sun, wind or frost. Choosing a hat or cap is not easy - you need the chosen model to fit well.
Socks are a must-have item for a baby's toilet. For summer, you can purchase several pairs of fine knitwear, for cold weather - terry or woolen.Socks are used not only to protect the feet from the cold. Toes sometimes fix too loose sliders.
BootiesBooties are a piece of clothing that imitates shoes.A 3 month old baby is still unable to walk, so the task of booties is the same as for socks. "Slippers" look elegant and are well fixed on the leg with a lace or Velcro.
Protection for handlesPen protection is similar to a mitten, however, without a separate "house" for thumb... Such mittens are popularly called "anti-scratches". They can be tied on the wrist, or they can be fixed on the arm with an elastic band.Anti-scratches are designed so that the baby does not scratch himself.

Booties (we recommend to read :)

Clothes for the first days

When planning to buy vestments for a newborn, it is impossible to consider everything. In this regard, it is advisable to act, focusing on the standard set of infant equipment. We have compiled a list of products that a baby needs immediately after leaving the hospital:

  • bodysuit with short or long sleeve depending on the season - 2-4 pieces;
  • sliders with elastic and shoulder straps - 3-5 pcs;
  • blouses or undershirts - 2-4 pcs;
  • knitted caps - 2-4 pcs;
  • socks - 2-4 pairs.

For discharge from the hospital, when happy parents order the services of a photographer, you need to prepare a traditional set: an elegant jumpsuit, a bright envelope, and a hat. Then the photo and video of the first appearance of the baby "into the light" will remind parents of happy moments.

Later, in this jumpsuit and hat, the mother will be able to go out with the baby for a walk. If it's winter or late fall, the vestments should be warm, if summer is enough fleece "man". It is advisable to choose all products by size, which is determined by the growth of the crumbs.

An elegant jumpsuit can then be used for walks and photo shoots

You will also need diapers. The number depends on whether the parents are using diapers. If mom and dad plan to use disposable diapers and not swaddle the baby from the first days of life, 4-5 diapers are enough. It is convenient to use them to make a bed, a mattress in a cradle or a stroller, a changing table. You will also need diapers for every visit to your pediatrician.

If the parents do not plan to use disposable diapers, they will have to buy more diapers. How many pieces do you need? The more, the better - an average of 15-20 units. It is also advisable to purchase a couple of waterproof diapers.

Clothes for the season

When choosing clothes for your baby, you should take into account the season. Children under one year old grow much faster than 2-4-year-old babies. It is not worth buying a jumpsuit "for growth", which will be needed only after six months. No one knows how the baby will grow up, what size it will fit. It is advisable to purchase products designed for 2-3 months. If the baby was born in the summer, you should not buy things for him intended for the winter, it is advisable to do this later. Below we will consider what clothes a newborn will need, depending on the time of his birth.

In the summertime, the child needs Lightweight clothing, which will protect against drafts and sun rays


In hot weather, a baby sweats just like an adult, so you need to choose several sets of light sweaters and pants. You should not try to dress the baby warmly so that he does not catch a cold. In this way, you can achieve the opposite result - the child will sweat and cough from a slight breeze. A list of children's things that are suitable for the summer:

  • Bodysuits - They may or may not have short sleeves.
  • Sandpipers - this outfit is a shirt or T-shirt, combined with shorts. Sandpipers (rompers) are comfortable in that they do not fit the body like a bodysuit. These clothes are loose, rompers do not chafe, they are usually not hot in them. However, sandpipers are better suited for older children who are already starting to sit - from 4-5 months.
  • For cooler days it is necessary to have warmer clothes - comfortable to wear knitted sweaters with buttons (not pullovers), flannel overalls, jackets and pants made of thick cotton (we recommend reading :).


The main toilet for a newborn for winter is a warm and comfortable overalls (see also:). His choice should be taken seriously. Primary requirements:

  • The jumpsuit should be designed for winter. A newborn should not wear demi-season clothing at sub-zero temperatures.
  • It is desirable that the top layer of the product is waterproof - usually a sprayed canvas fabric is used.

The top layer of the overalls must be waterproof
  • A good jumpsuit fastens quickly and easily. This quality will help not to overheat the baby during the long putting on of outerwear. It is optimal if the jumpsuit is equipped with two long and reliable zippers.
  • It is desirable that the winter overalls have a hood. It will be needed not only to protect the baby's head from wind and snow, but also to cover the neck.
  • When buying, you immediately need to check with the seller if the overalls can be washed. This information is also on the product label. If the filler is down, then the overalls will have to be dry-cleaned, which is not always convenient. Firstly, the service is not cheap, and secondly, while the product is being cleaned, the baby will not be able to go for a walk. Budget models are sewn with padding polyester or holofiber, they can be machine washed (we recommend reading :).
  • The overalls are usually completed with mittens and shoe covers. Most often they are sewn from the same material as the main product. Then they are attached to the sleeves and legs with zippers, buttons.

Instead of a jumpsuit, you can use a warmed envelope. Also for winter walks a warm hat will come in handy - it should sit on your head freely so that you can put on a cap under it. In this case, the hat is designed to cover the ears and cover part of the forehead.


In autumn and spring, you need to be especially careful about your baby's clothes. This time is insidious - in March-April the sun warms the air during the day, and closer to the ground the temperature is lower. Do not forget that the baby in the stroller is lower than the mother, so it may be colder. At the same time, you should not overheat your baby so that he does not sweat.

Overheating for a baby is just as dangerous as strong cooling.

Demi-season jumpsuit is the most relevant product for spring and autumn. Let the baby be dressed the same as in winter, only outerwear must be appropriate for the season. Demi-season jumpsuit is thinner than winter, it will not be hot in it. At the same time, children's overalls are sewn from waterproof fabrics, and they may also have a detachable lining.

If a mother doubts how to dress her baby in the off-season, she should be guided by her own feelings.

There is a universal rule: a child should have as many layers of clothing as an adult, plus another layer. For example, mom put on two layers for a walk - a tracksuit and a jacket. This means that the baby will need a bottom layer, an intermediate and an upper one.

To make it easier to navigate how to dress the child depending on the weather, we have collected the available information in a table. At this age, the gender of the child does not matter - the attire for boys and girls may be identical.

Table of types of clothes depending on the season

Child's ageWinterSummerOff-season
In the early days in the hospitalIn any season, the child will need: "little man", bodysuit, undershirts, sliders, caps
NewbornWarm envelope or overalls (or both), warm hat. Below the child should have two more layers of clothing: a cap, a man, as well as a vest, pants.Envelope made of lightweight fabric, overalls-man, undershirt, pants. Socks, anti-scratches, bonnet and summer hat.Demi-season overalls or envelope, "little man" fleece (flannel), sweater-shirt, pants.
0 to 3 monthsDiapers, bodysuits, little men, undershirts, pants, blouses. An envelope or overalls for winter, caps and hats. For home, anti-scratches, socks, booties are desirable.Diapers, lightweight blanket for strollers. Sandpipers, bodysuits, sliders, undershirts, caps. 1-2 pieces of fleece overalls, a pair of knitted blouses. Socks, booties.Diapers, warm blanket in the stroller. Demi-season envelope or overalls, walking hat, bonnets. Bodysuits, undershirts and pants.

All of the above for newborns and children up to three months is the most relevant. It is important not to rush to extremes, buying a huge number of all kinds of things for the baby - the mother may not have time to use everything. In addition, the baby grows quickly, and sliders and undershirts for a short time will become small for him. It is better to purchase clothes in small batches as needed, focusing on the current needs of the crumbs.

Infant games
Part 1.

Traditions of caring for young children are being created and changed right before our eyes. Ten or fifteen years ago, they began to play and study with a child when he was at least two or three years old. And a nursing baby - what can he actually understand? Do you really need to play with him somehow? Now times have changed, and pediatricians and psychologists unanimously advise new parents: play with the baby, keep him busy all the time while he is awake. But is it easy for parents, most of whom were deprived of such games in tender infancy? What to play with a baby up to a year - we will talk about this today.

0 to 3 months

Do you think that a newborn baby is absolutely helpless and can only eat and sleep? In fact, this is not the case. A healthy newborn baby has many innate reflexes that help him survive. On the basis of these reflexes, massage and special gymnastics are built, which deserve a separate discussion. In the meantime, you can practice reflex walking and crawling. If a tiny baby, lying on its stomach, is placed under the heels of his palm with an edge, he will rest his feet on it and, unbending his legs, crawl forward a little.

What toys may you need at this age? Practice shows that a large tumbler doll is always popular with children of many generations. They are attracted by her bright, rich color, expressive face and gentle, melodic ringing. Place the tumbler in the crib and show your baby how to move the toy to make it sound. Then, when your baby is 3-4 months old, tie a ribbon to the tumbler and teach him to control the toy with the ribbon. By the way, this is not just fun - this is how the baby learns to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between action and result.

“Quite by accident, I invented an amazing toy for my two-month-old Sanka. Once we were given a shiny balloon inflated with helium. At first, the ball just flew under the ceiling, and Sanya, forgetting about everything in the world, closely watched him. Then I tied a ribbon from the ball to the baby's handle, and there was simply no limit to delight, because the ribbon could be pulled - and the ball instantly "responded" and jumped under the ceiling. Then, in the same way, we tied the ball to the leg. The “magic ball” more than once helped us out when Sanya needed to be distracted and, for example, given him medicine or just keep him busy for quite a long time. "

In general, try to surround the child with bright monochrome toys at this age, but they should not clutter up the entire space. Show the items one at a time to keep your baby's attention focused and be sure to name them clearly.
They love babies and mobiles, which are very popular with us lately. Mobiles are lightweight suspended structures, carefully balanced and moving with the slightest breeze. Is it worth it, you say, to design mobiles, if now the sale is full of all kinds of musical carousels with clowns, fish and whatever your heart desires? First, the carousel must be constantly started, and the mobile is a kind of perpetual motion machine that does not require your constant presence. Secondly, the figures on mobiles can be easily changed. And there is truly no limit to the variety of mobiles! They are made of paper, cardboard, fabric, pieces of wire, plastic, felt, natural materials, etc. By the way, older children can also take part in their production (for example, my eldest six-year-old daughter happily cut out cardboard figures for her newborn sister for the first mobile ).

Such toys develop the baby's eyesight, help him focus his gaze, follow moving objects, and distinguish colors.

“At this age, a chaise longue chair served us well (it is suitable for babies from birth). The armchair could be carried by the handles throughout the apartment, but our kitchen was beyond competition - there were so many interesting things and mom is always clearly visible! "

“We really like the developmental rug with a horizontal bar, on which toys are attached (the horizontal bar is unfastened from the rug), sometimes we put the child on the rug - then it knocks with a leg or a handle on different“ rustlers ”and has fun (we are 3 months old).”
The human face is very attractive for a baby at this age. You can hang a funny face over the crib or reinforce photos of family members. When you hold the baby in your hands, facing you, try to make faces (stick out your tongue, open and close your eyes, make funny faces). The kid will really appreciate your acting skills, and when very little time has passed, he will try to imitate you.

Developing the sense of touch
Try to develop the tactile sensitivity of your baby - this is very useful for the development of fine motor skills. Let the child touch a wide variety of materials, clearly naming them - this is mother's silk blouse, and this is a rough brick wall. Let your little one fall into more than just standard plastic rattles! You can touch (by the way, not only with handles, but also with legs!) A tree trunk, a polished writing table, various fabrics - from delicate chiffon or smooth satin to a rough matting, velvety velor. A whole patchwork quilt or a soft cube can be sewn from fabrics of various textures. For a variety of tactile sensations, you can sew on buttons, beads, make volumetric appliques from other fabrics.
They are very fond of babies and homemade rattles. The principle of their manufacture is very simple. First you need to find a suitable small hollow plastic case (this can be a cap from a felt-tip pen, a kinder surprise box, small medicine bottles or cream jars, film cases, etc.). We fill our container with some kind of rattling or rustling filler (various cereals, beads, plastic balls, etc. will do), and now we wrap the future rattle with a piece of cloth and sew it tightly. Another option is not to cover the container with fabric, but to crochet it using yarn of different colors and textures. It is desirable that the color and sound be in some correspondence with each other: for example, if the container is filled with jingling coins or metal clips, let the lining be bright, and if the rattle rustles softly with rice, it is more suitable for the "clothes" of pale, pastel colors. You can sew ribbons or loops to the rattle for hanging.
Tactile sensitivity also develops during massage, especially if you do not limit yourself to traditional stroking and rubbing, but use various materials for massage - it is easy to stroke a delicate body with a feather or fluffy fur, pat it with a thick sponge, roll it with a massage rubber hedgehog with "needles". For the baby, it will be new sensations from touching things, which in turn develops activity and the desire for new impressions.

Finally, spring has come, and Dasha and I go out every day to watch the buds open. The girl strokes them with her tiny fingers and fumbles with the sticky leaves that have just appeared. Probably, this is not only the development of fine motor skills, it is also a touch to a new life.

We listen
Now it's not a secret for anyone that hearing develops in a baby when he is still in his mother's tummy. To stimulate further development of hearing, accustom your baby to different sound contrasts. For example, you can first ring a small bell, and then a larger bell. In the kitchen, show what sound you get if you knock a spoon on a crystal glass (just not very hard), on a large saucepan, on a table, etc. (an inventive parent will always find something else to knock on!). Try to play with different sounds so your baby doesn't see where they are coming from. He will listen and try to find the source of the sound.
Depict different sounds with your voice, sing songs (and not only gentle lullabies, but also loud, funny melodies).
On the street, you can draw the baby's attention to the voices of birds, to the dull rumbling of cars or to the shrill sound of a siren - all this will enrich his baggage of auditory impressions. It's great if there is an opportunity to listen to live voices of animals or birds. Incidentally, in the old days, nannies carried crying babies into the chicken coop. The chickens, at the sight of the little screaming alien, made a terrible commotion, and their clucking and flapping of their wings miraculously soothed the most inconsolable cry. If for some reason you do not want to cluck over your child, you can try to listen to some not very loud monotonous sound with him (for example, the noise of a working vacuum cleaner or washing machine).
Do not forget about the music, and let it also be quite diverse. Most babies love classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky). You can listen to male and female voices in excerpts from operas (preferably, without the intensity of passions, so that the baby is not frightened).
Surprisingly, a child at the age of one month already reacts differently to the sounds of a cheerful and sad melody: with a sad one, he calms down, and with a cheerful one he revives, starting to joyfully wave his arms and legs - “dance”. Thus, hearing and physical activity develops, the baby learns to coordinate the movements of his body.
In the first three months of life, a child perceives the surrounding reality much more intensively than is commonly believed. And so let his first impressions be the most varied and interesting!
Inessa Smyk