
Entertainment that is always with you: finger games for babies up to a year. Fine motor skills Finger games "Pianist"

Pathology of the uterus

“Our fingers wrote, our fingers were tired ...” Remember how we recited these lines in chorus, squeezing and unclenching our palms that worked hard for glory?

Oh, this is not an easy thing to bring out different hooks and sticks. What can I say, even just holding the pen correctly is a whole art. Parents of first-graders, having read these words, nod in agreement, letting out a heavy sigh, parents of preschoolers will shrug their shoulders in bewilderment.

Alas, not all adults pay attention to how their child handles a pencil or pen. Clenched in a fist - it does not matter, the main thing is that he draws! All three fingers with a pinch, resting and interfering with each other, grabbed the pen at the very tip of the rod - it doesn’t matter, but it writes! So the baby gets used to acting in this way, and not otherwise. A year, two, three, sometimes longer ...

And in the first grade, it turns out that he writes very slowly, his hand gets very tired, and the letters turn out to be somehow ugly. The result is poor grades in school, terrible handwriting, and a persistent dislike of writing.

Fine motor skills of hands

Why do some children learn to write playfully, while others experience incredible difficulties in doing so? Of course, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. However, one cannot deny the direct connection of the child's success in this area with the development of fine motor skills of the hands. The very combination of the words “fine motor skills” is certainly eternal for every modern parent.

As well as the fact that it must be developed in every possible way and that it, in turn, affects the development of the baby's speech. But for some reason, few people think that the process of improvement fine motor skills it is necessary to pay considerable attention even after the child has spoken! After all, success in learning depends on how dexterous and agile his fingers become by the age of 5-6.

As adults, it is sometimes difficult to grasp this truth. Often adults, and especially grandparents, say: “When we were little. No one thought about any motor skills. And nothing, everyone learned to write!” There is, of course, some truth in this. However, do not forget, during our childhood, all shoes were lace-up, and jackets were button-down. No zippers or Velcro for you. So the little fingers were training, while their owners were snoring with zeal, dressing in the garden for a walk.

And already at the age of 5, and even more so at 6, the child perfectly knew how to tie shoelaces and fasten the jacket on his own. Practicing every day many times, the fingers became strong and dexterous. Of course, after such serious preparation, learning how to properly handle a pen and pencil is just a couple of trifles.

And today, perhaps, no one will be surprised by such a picture: a seven-year-old hero stands with his hands limply lowered, and his mother fastens him with all the buttons. Having at their disposal such blessings of civilization as zippers, buttons and Velcro, the children ceased to automatically acquire the necessary skills of fine motor skills, the fingers became "lazy" and they have time to learn with their master.

So it turns out that a six-year-old cheerfully reads, counts and sings songs in English, but does not know how to hold a pen correctly. The intellect seems to be developed, but the skills necessary for successful study at school are not in sight.

What to do? How can we help our children? There are enjoyable and fun ways to ensure the development of fine motor skills, which means avoiding a lot of unpleasant moments in your child's future school life.

Among them are games with plasticine, pebbles and peas, games with buttons and lacing. All these activities will help your child learn to be a real master of his hands and ten fingers, perform complex manipulations with objects, and therefore climb another step of the steep ladder leading to the heights of knowledge and skills. Where to start this difficult ascent? Let's try some finger exercises.

First of all, this is ideal for super-busy parents, as it requires a minimum of time and does not involve any additional “tools” other than the baby’s hands.

Secondly, finger gymnastics can be practiced with the youngest children.

And thirdly, the kids really, really like it, they will be happy to repeat all the movements and words after you, so our goal - the development of fine motor skills - will be achieved without much effort.

Finger gymnastics

The best thing is that finger gymnastics with a child can be practiced almost from birth. When you breastfeed your baby, stroke his palm, touch his fingers. Of course, this is more of a massage, and not gymnastics in the truest sense of the word. However, a start will be made.

When the kid grows up, he begins to play "Thieving Magpie" with pleasure. The one that fed delicious porridge to children, but didn’t give it to the laziest? Yes Yes. Here is an excellent finger exercise under the famous proverb.

  • The next stage is independent movement. Closer to a year, children can already “tell” the following poem well with their pens: We chop cabbage - chop (alternately hit the edges of our palms on the surface of the table), We salt cabbage - salt (“salt” with small pinches of the left and right hands), We three cabbage - three (we rub our palms), We press the cabbage - we press (we squeeze - we unclench the left and right hands into fists).
  • It is not at all necessary that finger gymnastics should be accompanied by rhymes. Older children can, for example, be told a story about a little dwarf who went to the forest. Top - top (index and middle fingers stomp on the table, depicting legs). And towards him are two hedgehogs (hands slap the table with their palms down). Slap - slap. Suddenly, one hedgehog heard a gnome, got scared, curled up into a ball (we squeeze the fist of the right hand). Then he straightened the thorns, ceased to be afraid (fingers - thorns calmly lie on the table with the palm down). The other hedgehog was frightened, clenched into a ball (the other hand is clenched into a fist. Then there are asymmetric hand movements. The left one is in a fist - the right spreads its fingers, and vice versa). This hedgehog is afraid, and that one straightens the thorns, now the first one shrinks into a ball, and the second one becomes brave.

The continuation of the tale depends entirely on your imagination. A gnome can quickly run away from the forest (the index and middle fingers represent running legs), or a snake can crawl (smooth movements of the palm and hand).

  • Exercises for more "adult" fingers can be as follows: One, two, three, four, five (to the beat of the words, one by one, starting with the little finger, we bend the fingers on the right hand). We will count the fingers (now we alternately unbend the fingers, starting with the thumb, on the same hand). Everyone was gathered (we squeeze our palm into a fist). We counted (we open our palm, and keep our fingers splayed). It turned out to be exactly five (with the index finger of the left hand, we alternately touch the fingertips of the right). After that, we change hands and perform all the exercises first, but with the left hand.

If you think it's not difficult, try to train yourself at a fairly fast pace. Believe me, counting the fingers on the hand in a certain rhythm, simply bending and unbending them in turn, is not an easy task even for adults. A 3-4- summer baby Gets it right the first time for sure.

But after a few days, this exercise will get better and better for him. You will be surprised to find that literally in front of your eyes, previously naughty fingers acquire enviable dexterity.

Do you want to complicate finger gymnastics or add new exercises? Just try to "tell" with your fingers new story or a rhyme. Show how the rain drips outside the window (using the fingers of both hands), how it gradually turns into a downpour (blows more and more often), and in the corner the mouse quietly scratches (scratch the surface of the table with your fingertips). In a word, fantasize from the heart!

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I continue to publish our selection of finger games. And today in line finger games for kids from 1.5 years. All these games have been tested and approved by us :), so you can safely use them in your classes.

For convenience, the finger games on the site are divided in order of increasing difficulty. Let me remind you that the indicated age limits are somewhat arbitrary and do not mean at all that you need to wait for a certain age before starting the game. Always focus on the child.

Many of the games from the previous articles will surely also appeal to you and your baby. Pay special attention to them if you are just starting to get acquainted with finger games. You can view them here:

And here's the promised selection:

We are nesting dolls, We are nesting dolls,
We want to dance a little. ( standing still, turn your head to the right, then to the left)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
We have new boots . (we put forward one or the other leg)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
We want to run a little . (run around the room)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
Let's walk along the path . (slowly walk around the room)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
Oh, our legs are tired . (squat down and hug your knees with your hands)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
Our feet are dancing again. (standing still, stomp your feet)
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls,
Matryoshkas will bow to everyone. (we bow)
Why do we need legs? (clap both hands on the legs)
To mom run along the path.
Why do we need pens? ("draw" circles with your fingers in front of you)
Draw circles and clouds.
Ears - to listen to songs, (point to ears)
Mouth - to eat sweets, (point to mouth, smack lips)
Eyes to see everything (put an open palm with an edge to the forehead and look around)
Voice to sing songs. (sing some sound)
Morning begins, begins.
Children wake up, wake up. (three eyes, stretch)
All the windows are open (eyes closed with palms, then opened)
We clap our hands. (clap hands)
And let's jump a little. (jump in place)
Morning begins, begins. (hands from below in a semicircle gradually raise up)
The sun wakes up, wakes up. (three eyes, stretch)
Get up on your toes (stand on toes)
Sit down and straighten up. (squat and stand up)
And bend down. (make a slope)
Butterfly flew, flew (running in circles, flapping arms like wings)
sat on a flower, (squat down)
Wings folded, (put hands on knees)
She fed the kids. (palms together, bring to mouth, say "yum-yum")
Sleeping bear in his lair (we put our palms pressed to each other under the head - “sleep”)
Can't find a way for him. (put hands on cheeks and shake head)
Snow covered all around (we tap the table or floor in front of us with our fingers)
Sleep soon and you, my friend ("sleep")
The red horse beats with its hoof, (beat hands on knees)
Waving mane and neighing . (we shake our head and say: "Y-ho-ho")
I'll give him water
Feed fresh grass . (stretch right and left hands alternately forward)
I will stroke the red-haired tail (stroking each other with a child)
And I'll put a saddle on the horse. (continue stroking)
I'm going to get on my horse! (jump up)
Horse-fire, take me ! (bouncing, move around the room)
A giant walked along the high road, (we walk with wide steps, stomp)
His feet were pounding - param-pam-pam.
A gnome ran along a small path, (walk on toes with small steps)
His legs were pounding - param-pam-pam
Barely, barely, the carousels spun, ( hold hands, walk in a circle)
And then, then, then run, run, run! (gradually accelerating, run)
Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel. (slow down run)
One, two. One, two. So the game is over! (take a step, squat)
They washed their ears with soap, they washed their legs with soap. (three ears, then legs)
(stretch arms forward, palms up, then down)
Boiled porridge, stirred with a spoon. (one hand in a semicircle in front of you, the second “interfere”)
Here are some almonds, almonds, almonds! (again show palms on both sides)
The chicken was crumbled. (three fingers together - “crush”)
Here are some almonds, almonds, almonds!
The palms were building a house for nesting dolls. (cover one brush with another, repeat several times)
Here are some almonds, almonds, almonds! (show palms on both sides)
Hands clapped, feet danced. (clap, put legs out)
Here are some almonds, almonds, almonds! (show palms on both sides)
Rest your palms to rest a little (put palms under cheek)
Here are some almonds, almonds, almonds!
The chicken went out for a walk, to peck fresh grass, (we walk in a circle, arms bent at the elbows)
And behind her - chickens, yellow guys.
Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far! (we threaten with index finger)
Row with your paws, look for grains. ( sit down, fingers scratching on the floor)
They ate a fat beetle - um! (on "am" we clap our hands)
An earthworm - um!
We drank a full trough of water. (depict how we drink water)
Hey horse, don't be lazy (an adult gets up behind a child depicting a horse, and, holding on to him, walks around the room)
Raise your legs higher
Visit, visit, hurry up
Hurry up, you walk.
Well let's go faster (adult and baby speed up the step)
Let's run fast.
Well, rather, well, faster
We are in a hurry to visit you.
Now walk slowly (adult and baby slow down)
We are going home with you.
We will come home with you (squat down)
We will rest there with you.

Try also to play gestural and finger games to the music, the songs-games of Ekaterina Zheleznova are great for this. Here HERE YOU CAN DOWNLOADmusical games that will appeal to kids from 1.5 years old.

Developing a baby from the cradle is fashionable. But educational psychologists, supporters of traditional methods, believe that it is much more important to help your children get used to the living space that surrounds them more easily and comfortably than to load them with unnecessary extra knowledge. How to be? Just play with the child. Believe me, this is the most rewarding pastime. And to play and at the same time, literally and figuratively, to have a hand in the development of speech is not only pleasant, but also useful. And today we will talk about "finger" games, which can hardly be called training. Fun, exciting and rewarding!

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the statement: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." Today, all mothers and fathers, without exception, know that playing with fingers develops the brain of a child, stimulates the development of speech, Creative skills, fantasy kid. Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better baby He speaks. To determine the level of speech development, speech therapists have long developed the following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and unbend only together and cannot move separately from each other, then these are children with problems in the development of speech.

Why is this so? Let's figure it out.

The fact is that the hand has the largest “representation” in the cerebral cortex, therefore it is the development of the hand that belongs important role in the formation of the brain and the formation of speech. And that's why verbal speech the child begins when the movements of his fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The child's hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. In addition, the purpose of classes on the development of dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and synchronize their work. The fact is that in the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images of objects and phenomena, and in the left hemisphere they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression, and this process occurs due to the "bridge" between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses go through it, the more active thought processes, more precisely attention, higher abilities.

If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, deftly perform any, the most delicate work, start developing his hands from an early age: fingers and hands.

It is interesting!

In China, exercises with stone and metal balls are common. Regular exercise with them improves memory, the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminates emotional stress, develops coordination of movements, strength and dexterity, and maintains vitality. And in Japan, exercises for the palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between the palms has a wonderful effect.

Most different peoples finger games have been around for a long time. So, from an early age, children were taught to play “Ladushki”, “Forty-white-sided”, “Horned Goat” in our country. Today, experts are resurrecting old games and inventing new ones.

For the little ones

In a newborn, the hands are always clenched into fists, and if an adult puts his index fingers in the palms of a child, he squeezes them tightly. Thus, the baby can even be slightly raised. As the brain matures, this reflex evolves into grasping and letting go. Attention, parents: the more often the child’s grasping reflex “turns on”, the more effective his emotional development is.

You can train your child's fingers from six to seven months with the help of a massage of the hands and each finger individually, each of its phalanxes. Stroking should be in the direction from the fingertips to the wrists, and each finger of the child is bent and unbent in turn. It is useful to carry out such unpretentious exercises daily for 2-3 minutes.

From the age of 10 months, it is necessary to begin the development of fine movements of the fingers and the entire hand. Let the baby sort out first large, and then smaller objects. A child can roll wooden balls of various diameters, sort through large beads strung on an elastic band, collect pyramids, construct from cubes, transfer pencils and buttons from one pile to another. It is important that all fingers are involved in the movement. Help the little one coordinate and deftly manipulate fingers in Everyday life. Pay attention to mastering such simple, but at the same time important skills - to hold a cup, a spoon, a pencil, to wash your face. And, of course, at this age they are already playing with might and main with the baby in the "Forty-white-sided":

magpie, magpie,
Where was? - Far!
cooked porridge,
She stood on the table.
Jumped on the porch
Guests were waiting.
This porridge
This mash
This raspberry
This viburnum
And this bump
Bump - under the sock!
He is a small boy
Didn't break the krupka
Didn't walk on water
We won't give him porridge!
And little Sasha
Didn't get the porridge!
Shug-shug! flew,
sat on the head,
The songs are sung!

And here is the other ending of the White-sided Magpie:

Why didn't you chop wood?
Know ahead:
Didn't carry water?
Here the water is cold (stroking the child on the wrist).
Here - warm (stroking the bend of the elbow).
Here - hot (stroking on the shoulder).
And here - boiling water, boiling water! (Tickling the child).

The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known as early as the 2nd century BC in China. Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers like our "White-sided Magpie" help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem, keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on such reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which can affect internal organs reflexively associated with them. In saturation with accapuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. So, for example, massage of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; index - positively affects the condition of the stomach, middle - on the intestines, nameless - on the liver and kidneys, little finger - on the heart.

From a year and a half, a child must be taught to fasten buttons, manipulate with laces. And it's best to start practicing these skills on specially prepared pieces of fabric, for example, with sewn on buttons. different sizes and corresponding size loops. It is also necessary to start lacing, using improvised material or with the help of manuals purchased in specialized stores. At the same age, it's time to pick up a pencil and use it for its intended purpose. At two years old, give your child a Lego constructor, it’s good if he becomes your baby’s friend for many years. From the age of two and a half, introduce your baby to the mosaic - this wonderful invention will accompany him throughout the whole school age. At three years old, it's time to "make friends" with scissors and plasticine and how to work with them. And it is at this age that the baby should be able to show three fingers separately from each other. By the age of four and a half, a child should be able to properly lace up and tie shoelaces, and untie knots. Confidently hold the pencil and shade the picture without going beyond the outline. To the elder preschool age the child should be able to correctly name the fingers in direct and reverse sequence, out of order, with a touch, with a show in himself and others, with his eyes closed. It is good to use a pencil, paint, varying the pressure, connect the dots with precise lines, cut along the contour and sculpt. At this age, you can introduce the child to beading, how to work with a thread and a needle. Each finger of the child to school should be "independent" and dexterous. And to help form these skills and abilities, develop the dexterity of children's hands, and hence intellectual ability The child is called to FINGER GAMES.

"Each finger has its own pocket." (1.5-2.5 years)

Take gloves and help the child find a home for each finger.

"My family" (1-3 years)
An adult reads a poem, unclenching the baby's fist one finger at a time. After 2.5 years, the baby should perform finger movements independently.
This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is a grandfather
Well, this finger is me,
That's my whole family.
On the last line, the baby shakes his open palms.

"Swallow, swallow, quail" (3-4 years)
The right palm of the peanut lies on the left palm of the adult. Quietly, affectionately and slowly, the adult says: “Swallow”, while at the same time running the fingers of his right hand along the thumb of the baby from the base to the tip; then, with the same word, strokes the other finger of the child. Having touched several fingers of the baby in this way, the adult, without changing intonation, pronounces simultaneously with stroking: “Quail”. The task of the baby is to be vigilant and pull his hand back as quickly as possible, since on the last syllable of this word the adult will grab him by the tip of his finger and start shaking, joyfully saying: “Caught, caught!” After the quail has been "caught" or "flew away", the game continues with the child's other hand.
Having mastered the game, the kid himself often offers a change of roles and with pleasure catches the “quail” - the finger of an adult.

"Tell and show" (4-5 years)
Little Little Finger
Crying, crying, crying.
Nameless will not understand:
What does all of this mean?
The middle finger is very important
Doesn't want to listen.
Pointer asked:
- Do you want to eat?
And the big one runs after rice,
Carrying a spoon for rice
He speaks:
- No need to cry
Ha, eat a little!
The child shows the fingers himself, as the adult reads the poem, opening them from the fist.

"Fingers say hello" (2-3 years)
The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers.
The index and middle fingers of the right hand "run" on the table.
"Tree Roots"
The roots of the trees are intertwined, the outstretched fingers are lowered down.
"Baby elephant"
The middle finger is exposed forward (trunk), and the index and ring fingers are the legs. The baby elephant "walks" on the table.
The index finger of the left hand closes with the thumb of the right, the index finger of the right - with the thumb of the left. The lower pair of fingers opens, then closes over the top. Then the same movements, paired with the thumbs, alternately do the rest of the fingers.
The hands are clasped together, the thumbs spinning around each other, faster and faster without touching the palm.
Two players grapple with three or two fingers; everyone is trying to pull the opponent.
Closed thumb and forefinger of the right hand - a large ring, closed little finger and thumb of the left - small. The fingers of both hands simultaneously begin to move, alternately closing with the thumbs so that a small ring is obtained on the right hand, and a large one on the left.
All exercises are performed at a slow pace, three to five times, first with one hand, then with the other hand, and finally with both hands together. Adults monitor the correct setting of the child's hand and the accuracy of switching from one movement to another. Instructions should be calm, friendly, clear.

Do you want to replenish your finger toy library? Then find a site dedicated to finger games on the Internet. In cooperation with ethnographers, historians, philologists from St. Petersburg State University, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, the State Academy of Culture, the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialists regularly study and expand the range of finger games. They turn not only to folk culture, but use archives, author's methods, professional finger gymnastics of pianists and other various educational teachings.

Finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and soothe. This is a great activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line). Just touch your finger and say:

Hello, finger, come out,
Look at Julia (say the name of your child).
Here's your palm - bend over, baby. (Touch your palm with your finger.)
Here's your palm - get up, baby. (Straighten your finger.)
Then take the next finger and repeat the same. And so with all ten.

Soon you will notice how the child will begin to "help" you by giving the next finger. This means that your baby's fingers become "smarter", the speech center is activated and speech development improves.

Toddlers are very fond of rhythmically organized speech, so plain verses or fairy tales will bring them special joy:

We planted a turnip (“digging” a hole in a child’s palm with your fingers),
They watered the turnip (show with your fingers how water flows from the watering can),
A turnip grew (show how it grows, gradually straighten your fingers)
Good and strong (leave your palms open and bend your fingers like hooks)!
Pull-pull (the hooks of the left and right hands interlock and pull - each in its own direction),
We can’t pull it out (we shook it with our hands),
Who will help us (all the heroes of the fairy tale come running in turn and help to pull)?
Pull-pull, pull-pull!
Wow (hands unhooked, shaken with brushes)!

Pulled out the turnip.

Simple game rules
Try to get all fingers involved in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
Be sure to alternate three types of movements:
How else to activate the fingers

Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let them vomit (just make sure that you don’t send these “pieces” into your mouth).

String large buttons on a strong thread - let it sort through.

Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.

Draw muzzles on plastic plugs, put them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of those games and activities that can captivate a child and spend time with benefit.

If you are interested in how to deal with a child, how to develop him, how to reveal all his abilities, then I advise you to pay attention to the collection of educational games “Child Development. How and what to do with the child. In it you will find a huge variety of games and activities with the child for every age period from birth to school, which will contribute to his development.

These games are simple, do not require complex manuals and materials for their implementation. But they help to make ordinary activities and walks with the child useful and interesting.

With the help of this book, your child will learn a lot, develop thinking, memory, speech, logic, imagination, get acquainted with the basics of geography, physics, chemistry. The child will enjoy the process of such learning, and you will take with him the first step towards learning with passion.

Finger gymnastics for preschool children

The level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the development of the movement of the fingers and the improvement of fine motor skills of the child's hands. Most delayed children speech development there are deviations in the formation of fine finger movements (inaccurate, non-coordinated movements).

Then the repetition begins. Preliminary, the names of the fingers are memorized with the children. Each complex consists of five exercises and one nursery rhyme.

First, exercises are given, and then a nursery rhyme. Listening to the nursery rhyme, the children make the appropriate movements, gradually memorizing the text.


1. Palms on the table (at the expense of "one-two" fingers apart - together.)

2. Palm - cam - edge (at the expense of "one, two, three").

3. Fingers greet (at the expense of "one-two-three-four-five" the fingers of both hands are connected: thumb with thumb, index with index, etc.)

4. Little man (index and middle fingers of the right, and then the left hand run around the table).

5. Children run a race (movements, as in the fourth exercise, but perform both hands at the same time).


Finger boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

adult shows thumb right hand and says, as if addressing him: touches the tip of the thumb to the tips of all fingers from the index to the little finger.


1. Goat (pull out the index finger and little finger of the right hand, then the left hand).

2. Kids (the same exercise, but performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands).

3. Glasses (form two circles from the thumb and forefinger of both hands, connect them).

4. Hares (pull up the index and middle fingers, connect the thumb, little finger and ring finger).

5. Trees (raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers wide apart).

Rhyme "BELKA"

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Mustachioed hare.

An adult and children, with the help of the left hand, bend the fingers of the right hand in turn, starting with the thumb.


1. Checkbox (pull the thumb up, connect the rest together).

2. Birds (alternately, the thumb is connected to the rest).

3. Nest (connect both hands in the form of a bowl, fingers tightly squeeze).

4. Flower (the same, but the fingers are separated).

5. The roots of the plant (press the roots - hands with the back side to each other, lower your fingers down).


This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

Children are invited to bend the fingers of their left hand into a fist, then, listening to the nursery rhyme, unbend them in turn, starting with the thumb.


1. Bee (with the index finger of the right, and then the left hand, rotate around).

2. Bees (the same exercise is performed with two hands).

3. Boat (point the ends of the fingers forward, press the hands with the palms to each other, slightly opening them).

4. Sun rays(cross fingers, raise hands up, spread fingers).

5. Bus passengers (fingers crossed down, backs of hands up, thumbs up).


This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jump into bed!
This finger curled up
This finger is already asleep.
Hush, finger, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the brothers...
Fingers up, cheers!
AT Kindergarten it's time to go.

Raise the left hand with the palm facing you and, in accordance with the text, bend the fingers of the left hand in turn with the right hand, starting with the little finger. Then turn to the thumb, straighten all the fingers.


1. Castle (at the expense of "one" - palms together, and about "two" - the fingers are connected into a "castle").

2. The fox and the hare (the fox “sneaks” - all fingers slowly step forward on the table; the hare “runs away” - fingering, quickly moving back).

3. Spider (fingers bent, slowly move across the table).

4. Butterfly (put palms together with the back side, wave fingers tightly pressed together).

5. Count up to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all the others).

The nursery rhyme "HO-KA, BROTHERS, FOR WORK"

Come on, brothers, get to work!
Show your passion.
The big one is chopping wood.
All stoves - you heat.
And you have to carry water.
And you have to cook dinner.
And the baby - to sing songs.
Sing songs and dance
To amuse the siblings.

Children turn to the right hand, bent into a fist, alternately bending all fingers.

Usually children like finger games with movements: they are fond of them in the garden and even at school, older children play them with each other, younger ones with their parents and relatives. What are they needed for? This is not only a pleasant pastime. They are ideal for developing fine motor skills. Scientists have long proven the connection between small hand movements and the development of the brain, especially its part responsible for speech.

Finger games for toddlers

At such an early age, the development of fine motor skills is inseparable from the development of movement in general. Therefore, in addition to playing directly with your fingers, do not forget to perform simple exercises and massage. If there are no special instructions from the doctor, massage and simple exercises can be done by parents. In such a massage, be sure to include massaging the fingers on both hands, it can be combined with familiar rhymes, for example, “Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers”, or:

Spider, spider,

Anya grab the barrel.

Frog, frog,

Anya grab by the ear.

Deer, deer,

Grab Anya by the knees.

Doggy, doggy,

Anya grab the nose.

Hippo, hippo,

Anya grab the stomach.

wasp, wasp,

Anya grab by the hair.

Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,

Grab Anya by the shoulders.

(Lightly rub the specified part of the body.)

In addition to massage, you can play with the baby by placing him on your lap. Under various rhymes or songs, perform certain actions, such as in the well-known to everyone since childhood “Into the Hole Boom” or:

The bear came to the ford

Climbed onto the deck (we put the baby between the knees),

Bultykh in the water! (We drop on our knees.)

He's mok-mok-mok

Already he is kitty-kitty-kiss (light pushes on his knees),

Got out, vykis, got out, dried up (raise),

Got up on the deck

Bultykh in the water! (We drop between the knees.)

The finger games themselves, of course, are still passive: you yourself massage the fingers and the child’s hand, for example, with the famous rhyme “We shared an orange” or with these words:

This little finger

This finger is weak

This finger is long

This finger is strong.

This finger is fat.

Well, together - a fist.

Finger games for children 1-2 years old

Exercises at this age are still passive: the child is only trying to repeat the movements, so you yourself massage the fingers on both hands. Used nursery rhymes can become more difficult. For example:

Here is a fist (we close the palm of the crumbs, squeezing our fingers into a fist),

But the palm (open).

A cat sat on the palm of her hand (we put pinched fingers on it)

And sneaks, and sneaks, and sneaks (we move up to the shoulder).

Jump under the arm (put your hand under the arm)

Where is the mouse? (We spread our arms to the sides.)

Finger games for children 2-3, 3-4 years and older

About two years old, children gradually begin to repeat the movements shown themselves. There are nursery rhymes that the baby can play either on the lap of an adult, or separately from the mother.

For example:

A gray bunny sits (the child sits on the lap of the parent or himself)

And he moves his ears (we make “ears” with the baby’s arms above his head).

Like this, like this

He moves his ears (we move the "ears" above his head).

It's cold for a bunny to sit

It is necessary to warm the paws (three palms).

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

It is necessary for the bunny to jump (we jump or shake the baby on our knees).

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump.

When the children begin to repeat the movements after you, move on to more difficult activities. Toddlers 2-4 years old begin to like games not only performed by their parents, but also recorded.

Homa-hamster-hamster (inflate cheeks),

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early (we stretch)

Washes cheeks, rubs ears (three corresponding parts of the body).

Sweeps the house, the fence ("we sweep")

And goes to charge.

One-two-three-four-five (we do exercises).

Homka wants to become strong (we show biceps).


Quiet, quiet, quiet rain (we sit on the floor and knock on it with our palms).

Rain, rain drip-drip-drip.

And then it rains harder (we knock faster).

Rain, rain drip-drip-drip.

Heavy, heavy, heavy downpour (quick and hard knock).

Thunder, thunder, thunder (clap our hands).

There is lightning all around in the sky (raise your hands up and shake them).

And silence ts-s-s, ts-s-s (put a finger to your mouth, as if showing “quieter”).

Suddenly, by the force of the wind, it changed (we raise the handles up and swing).

And here again the rain, quietly,

Do you hear? (We again tap our palms on the floor quietly.)

Dripped, dripped, dripped on the roof.

Probably now he will drum,

Already drumming, already drumming (knocking fast).

For winter:

We went for a walk in the yard

To sculpt a snow woman (we pretend to make snowballs).

Feed the birds with crumbs (finger pinch, as if crumbling bread).

And also ride from the mountain (with one handle we draw along the other from the shoulder down),

And then wallow in the snow (we turn our palms from side to side).

Everyone came home in the snow (we shake off the snow from ourselves),

We ate soup and went to bed (we put our palms under our heads).

For spring:

Our scarlet flowers (the handles are connected in the shape of a tulip)

Dissolve the petals (fingers "bloom").

The wind breathes a little

Petals sway(wiggle the brushes).

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals (fingers "close"),

Sleeping quietly

shake their heads (wiggle with clenched fingers).

For summer:

Five little fish

Played in the river (folded palms sway, as if floating),

lay large

Log on the sand

And the fish said:

"Dive here is easy!" (Turn your palms from side to side.)

The second said:

"It's deep in here." (Swing with joined palms.)

And the third said:

"I want to sleep!" (Turn palms to side.)

The fourth became

Freeze a little. (Trembling in hands.)

And the fifth shouted:

"There's a crocodile here! (The handles open and close like a crocodile's mouth.)

Swim quickly

To not swallow! (Quickly remove hands.)

Do not force your child to memorize words and movements, daily repetition will help him remember them without pressure.

Games for children from 6 years old

Primary school children also love activities with movements. They become more and more complex. Children develop coordination, manual dexterity. In finger games, complex schemes are used, they try to connect fingers different ways, play in pairs, clapping their hands. Rhythms also become more difficult:

Once upon a time there were three Japanese:



Oh-oh-oh ... Yak,



In a country where there is a lot of sun,

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women:




Oh-oh-oh ... Tzipi,



Here they are married:

Yak on Tzipi,

Yak-Tsidrak on Tzipi-Dripi,

Oh-oh-oh ... Yak on Tzipi,

Yak-Tsidrak on Tzipi-Dripi,

Yak-Cidrak-Cidrak-Cidroni on Tzipi-Dripi-Lampomponi.

And they had children:

Yak and Tsipa have Shak,

At Yak-Tsidrak with Tsipa-Dripa - Shak-Sharak,

At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsipa-Dripa-Lyampomponi - Shak-Sharak-Sharoni.

Older children often pass game options to each other and no longer require adults to participate in them.

According to numerous studies, it is finger games, that is, the development of fine motor skills, that contribute to how fast a child is. When to start playing them and how to adjust the game for a growing baby, says I am a Parent.

Why are finger games so important?

The fact is that in the palm of your hand, especially on the fingers, there are many nerve centers that are associated with speech and. Therefore, the development of a hand, starting with simple stroking, bending fingers and ending with the actual games - performing coordinated actions with fingers to a rhyming rhyme - is so important for the timely mastery of the necessary skills.

In addition, as you will soon see, this is an easy way to have fun and interesting time with your child at any time: in between household chores, on the road in public transport, putting the child to bed. On the other hand, finger play good way distract the child from whims, quickly switch his attention.

What are finger games?

Although modern scientists have made a sensational conclusion about the unconditional benefits of fine motor skills, in fact, the practice of finger games has long existed in our culture: the well-known Magpie-Crow, Horned Goat, Ladushki are, in fact, those the most finger games. So you know them well and, most likely, have already played this way with your baby.

Finger play is the simultaneous pronunciation of folk rhymes, ditties or other nursery rhymes and “manipulation” with the child’s hands:

The cat has a kitten (we bend the fingers on the handle to the child in turn),
The duck has a duckling,
The cow has a calf,
The dog has a puppy
And mommy has a son! (or - and mommy has a daughter! - point to the baby)

Examples of finger games for different ages

Finger games for children from 4-5 months

The inclusion of finger games in activities with the baby, of course, is directly related to his age. Before finger games, it is, in fact, a simple massage of the fingers, stroking, straightening the fingers.

You can already include more complex games in your arsenal. For example, run your finger along the child's palm, bending his fingers.

At the same time, you can say the following verse:

finger boy,
Where have you been?
- With this brother
Walked into the forest
With this brother
cabbage soup cooked,
With this brother
ate porridge,
With this brother
sang songs,
He sang songs and danced
He amused his brothers.

Finger games for children from 9 months

The older the baby becomes, the greater the range of concepts that can be introduced to him through finger games becomes. And, in other words, reading various rhymes to the child and at the same time making simple movements with the handles.

In the period from six months to a year, through finger games, we introduce the child to various life phenomena, for example, with the names of animals or with the names of body parts:

Hammers banged (the kid hits the table with his hands),
Hammers banged
The elbows began to play (shows the elbows):
Knock-tock, knock-tock,
Soon Vanechka is a year old (we say the name of the child).

In the course of finger games, the child will improve his skills more and more: for example, at first it will be difficult for him to make movements with his fingers separately - show two or three fingers, and then the hand will become more flexible, less tense.

Some parents want their child to immediately achieve great success. Finger games are games because it’s good when a parent treats them like a game. Then the training is unobtrusive, easier, and, ultimately, more effective.

Finger games for children from 1 year old

If at first we, together with the baby, simply bend and unbend our fingers, clap our hands, knock on the table, then the growing baby can be offered more difficult games, rather, reminiscent of the beginning of a dance, where more complex movements must be depicted:

I pull Tonya (the child pulls),
I catch fish.
I put it in my purse (shows how I put it),
I bring home:
Bee-eaters and bunches,
Plotichki and polychki (bend fingers).
One brush -
Yes, and that one in a pot (bend the thumb).
I’ll make cabbage soup (show how it cooks),
I will feed Nikolai (we substitute the name of the child).

Use of additional materials

Finger games are only part of the fine motor skills development. Therefore, in a broader sense, experts consider finger games not only games involving hand movements, but also games where there are Additional materials, developing point capture.

At six months, you can offer your baby to collect bread crumbs, play percussion instruments (for example, a xylophone), put cubes and balls into an empty container. We give examples of such games in our section "" for kids of different ages.

During the finger game, the child simultaneously memorizes the poem, gets used to the rhythm and performs actions with his hands. If you devote enough time to this lesson, then after a certain period the baby will be able to pronounce individual words and phrases from the poem with you.

Natalia Naryshkina