
How to wash the collar of a white shirt


The profession of a wife is not easy. Each one tries to make her husband look neat, and. In particular, care should be taken to keep the cuffed collar clean.

Often shirts are made of thick fabrics, and the collar must be rubbed gently so that it does not look wrinkled or frayed. Indeed, it is in close contact with the skin, sweat and dirt are absorbed into it, and its condition must be carefully monitored. Change shirts daily. This makes it easier to wash problem areas.

If the spouse or son wore the shirt for only 1 day, marks will remain on the collar and cuffs gray... They are fairly easy to remove. This will require:

  • lemon wedge;
  • talcum powder or baby powder;
  • ammonia.

These funds act quickly, the main thing is that the collars are not greasy.


With a cut piece of lemon, you need to wipe the dirty collar and leave the shirt in this state for 5-10 minutes. Then the thing can be washed by hand or using an automatic machine.

If the areas on the shirt are not too greasy, they can be cleaned with talcum powder. A dirty collar should be soaked and sprinkled generously with this mineral powder. After a while, the clothes are washed in the usual way.

If there is no talcum powder at home, then you can replace it with powder for newborn babies. It works exactly the same way.

Oxygen bleach

When washing white items, including shirts, add oxygen bleach to the washing machine. For a pure and snow-white effect, 1 tablespoon is enough.

Salt + ammonia + water

You need to make a mix that includes ordinary salt, ammonia and water. The shirt is soaked in this solution. If, as a result of mixing, a gruel is obtained, then it is previously applied to the collar and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed in the usual way.

For gruel you will need:

  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 4 tablespoons of water.

If the collar is too greasy, then stronger agents will be required to clean it. Suitable:

  • gel used to wash the dishes;
  • the best shampoo used for oily hair;
  • "Antipyatin" in the form of soap.

Such products are able to quickly break down and remove greasy dirt on the collar or cuffs.

Any shampoo

Shampoo the collar, then rub it lightly. The shirt can be soaked using hot water and rubbed not with your hands, but with a brush. Let the shirt sit in hot water for 30 minutes and then rinse it.

Dishwashing gel

The gel is smeared with a cloth and soaked in hot water. After half an hour, the clothes are washed, dried and you enjoy the view of a clean collar and cuff.


This soap is sold in supermarkets or markets. A cheap product, however, it perfectly removes greasy dirt. The shirt should be soaked and the collar with cuffs should be soaped with soap, then it should be rubbed lightly and the item should be left in soapy hot water for 30 minutes.

"Antipyatin" will help to quickly remove problem areas at home.

It's bad when a light shirt and any other shirt is not washed immediately, but after a few days. In this case, it is more difficult to remove greasy stains from the collar. However, you should not despair, because at home any housewife will find such means as laundry soap, various stain removers, vinegar with hydrogen peroxide.

Laundry soap

It is required to grate 100 g of soap on a grater (coarse) and add to the soaked shirt. Hot water is needed. Stir everything and leave the thing for 1 hour. laundry soap.

Vinegar + Peroxide

You can use vinegar and peroxide separately, but the combination works better. Saturate the collar with this solution and leave the shirt in the water for one hour. Then it remains to wash in the usual way.


Good Vanish gel or AMWAY sold as spray. There are also special cleaners for shirt collars. Apply them to problem areas before washing. The shirt will stay for an hour, and then it can be washed. Instructions are attached to the funds. It's simple.

It is not always possible to perfectly wash the collar of a light shirt, especially if the thing is a favorite and often worn. There are many ways to bring your collar back to a fresh look, but be prepared to do a little work. So roll up our sleeves, get to work!

Choosing ways

The collar and cuffs of a white shirt are the most vulnerable spots, so they will have to be returned to their whiteness using a special washing and soaking method.

  1. Modern bleaches and stain removers will help to wash greasy places. For example, beloved by many hostesses "Vanish" will perfectly cope with such a task. Just follow the directions and never try to experiment with household chemicals. Otherwise, you will be harvesting in your favorite thing in the country.
  2. Rub generously with laundry soap and leave for a couple of hours to let the dirt off. Many experienced hostesses successfully use Antipyatin instead of laundry soap. Then you can safely machine wash using the usual detergent... To be safe, walk through areas of special dirt accumulation with a clothes brush before washing. Just do not rub too much so as not to damage the material. If you are not very sure about the strength of laundry soap, try washing off dark stripes with dishwashing gel, because its direct purpose is to dissolve all kinds of fats. And the dirt on the collar is nothing more than sebum mixed with sweat and dust.
  3. Moisten the fabric, sprinkle talcum on the collar, try washing in the morning. True, this method is effective only for light pollution.

Before washing, treat with a special solution:

  • Mix a tablespoon of salt with 4 tablespoons of water, add the same amount of ammonia. The mixture for removing greasy spots from the shirt collar is ready.
  • The snow-white collar is capable of returning hydrogen peroxide. Before processing, add 4 tablespoons of peroxide to 50 ml of peroxide. tablespoons of a concentrated solution of laundry soap (grate, dissolve in hot water). Half an hour after application, you can wash your shirt in the usual way.
  • Just moisten the material with vinegar, leave for 15 minutes, then start washing the entire product.
  • Before choosing a means for processing, be sure to pay attention to what material the thing is sewn from, how and with what it can be washed. This information can be easily found on a special tag sewn on the shirt collar.
  • First, brush the dry, but still dirty collar with a clothes brush to get rid of dead skin particles. Due to the friction of the material against the skin, a kind of peeling occurs, the released scales of the epidermis are comfortably placed between the fibers of the fabric, collecting sweat, dust and forming ugly dark stripes. It is them that every housewife seeks to wash by any means.
  • Try to change light-colored shirts every day so that the collar does not get greasy. But if you wash too often, ugly pills may appear on the fabric.
  • To prevent the cuffs from losing their familiar appearance, first turn the entire sleeve inside out, fasten the buttons. Pull the cuffs onto a solid container appropriate for its size: a bottle of shampoo, shower gel. And only after all this, try to erase the worn out places.

A few minutes of proper washing or soaking - and the shirt collar will definitely shine white!

Updated: 18.10.2018

Washing machine- an ingenious invention that made it as easy as possible to care for clothes. But machine washing does not always get rid of the dirty streak remaining on the shirt collar. Therefore, the question of how to wash a shirt collar is relevant for many.

To avoid having to rewash your shirts, you need to prepare your clothes for washing. Here are some helpful tips:

  • try not to accumulate a large number of washing. Sweat, dirt and grease are absorbed into the fabric, making it harder to remove dirt. Therefore, do not "store" dirty laundry for a long time, wash it more often;
  • carefully study the recommendations on the product label, some things require special care. For example, you may not be able to use bleach on all types of fabric;
  • sort the laundry correctly, the drum with white laundry should not get into the red sock;
  • to keep the shirt in shape, fasten it with all the buttons and turn it inside out;
  • pre-treat the collar and cuffs of the shirt with a soft brush, this will remove dust or particles of peeling epidermis.
  • Handle bleach and cleanser with rubber gloves, otherwise your hands will dry out and irritate.

Household chemicals

Most modern housewives actively use household chemicals... How to wash the collar and cuffs using special products? Very simple! It is enough to purchase a suitable composition and follow the instructions of the instructions printed on the package.

  • Antipyatin. The product is available in the form of solid soap, powder and washing gel. It is suitable for all types of fabric, as it does not destroy the structure of the material and does not discolor.
  • Whiteness. This type of household chemicals is chosen if you need to not only wash, but also bleach the collar of a white shirt. However, it must be remembered that improper use of the product destroys the shirt fabric. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions.
    To get rid of grayness and yellowness, prepare a solution at the rate of a tablespoon of Whiteness per five liters of water. Soak laundry in this solution for an hour. For local bleaching of collars, a piece of clean gauze, folded in several layers, is moistened in the solution. A strip of gauze is laid on a fabric spread out on a horizontal surface.
  • Vanish. This product is suitable for white and colored fabrics. There is no chlorine in the composition, active oxygen has the main effect on the tissue. Available in several forms - liquid, gel, powder, spray and capsules for loading into the washing machine. Choose a washing method depending on the degree of grease in the collars.
    If they are practically clean, then prepare a solution at the rate of two measuring spoons per five liters of water and soak the shirt for one hour (a white thing can be kept in the solution longer - up to six hours). Heavily soiled collars are washed differently, the powder is diluted with water to form a thick paste, it is applied to the contaminated areas. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and wash the item as usual.
  • Sarma. These are products of a domestic manufacturer. For washing shirt collars, you can purchase Sarma soap - whitening or anti-stain. It is also recommended to use stain remover or bleach. Use in accordance with the instructions.

Improvised means

Some people do not use household chemicals due to allergies or other reasons. How can you wash your shirt collar without using special products? There are washing methods that allow you to tidy up a greasy collar without using household chemicals.


Ammonia solution is a good bleach; it perfectly dissolves organic impurities - grease and sweat. How to wash the collar of a white shirt with ammonia? The recipe is simple:

  • mix 300 ml of ammonia and water solution;
  • add 75 grams of ordinary table salt, stir;
  • soak the problem parts on the shirt (collar, cuffs) in the solution;
  • withstand one hour;
  • rinse the fabric;
  • wash your shirt as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to whiten a shirt collar with hydrogen peroxide? For washing, you should use a 3% peroxide solution (sold in pharmacies). You can take hydroperite tablets and prepare a solution yourself by dissolving six tablets in 100 ml of cold water.

Then you need to prepare a soap solution using any washing powder or laundry soap. Mix equal volumes of soap and peroxide solutions. Apply the solution to the location of contamination. After half an hour, rinse the item with water and wash in the machine or by hand.

Laundry soap

How do I wash the cuffs? This part of the shirt can have a wide variety of dirt. Most universal remedy washing is the usual laundry soap. Necessary:

  • lightly wash the shirt in hot water;
  • rub the cuffs thickly with laundry soap;
  • put a thing in plastic bag and pack carefully (try to keep the packaging as tight as possible;
  • after an hour and a half, remove the item and wash it by hand or in a typewriter.

Lemon or vinegar

There is not always time to soak things in bleaching solutions for a long time. Consider how to quickly wash your shirt collar. In this case, it is best to use lemon juice or table vinegar.

You just need to moisten a swab of cotton or gauze in an acidic liquid and wipe the dirty strip on the collar with it. After ten minutes, you can send your shirt to the machine wash. You can take 9% vinegar instead of lemon juice.

Whichever collar detergent you choose, do not rub the fabric too hard. This will damage the fibers of the fabric. It is best to use a soft synthetic bristle brush for washing.

If you follow our advice, your shirt collars and cuffs will look flawless.

White shirts are very sensitive to washing. Even the most expensive item can lose its pure white color after the first cleaning. First of all, the cuffs and collar become gray: these places get dirty faster and after washing they lose their presentable appearance. You will be able to remove dirt without harm to the thing if you follow these simple tips.

Refresh your shirt in 10 minutes

After the first day of wear, gray marks may appear on the collar and cuffs. Removing them is very easy. As a cleaner you can use:

  • Talcum powder or baby powder.
  • Ammonia.
  • A slice of lemon.

The safest method for a white shirt is to remove the dirt with a lemon wedge. Wipe the gray areas well with the fruit pulp and leave the thing for 5-10 minutes. Lemon juice neutralizes impurities and whitens the collar and cuffs very quickly.

Fresh dirt will help remove talcum powder. Just dust the problem areas with white powder and leave it on for a while. After that, wash your shirt as usual. If you haven't found talcum powder at home, replace it with regular baby powder.

If you want the shirt to keep its White color, add a small amount of oxygen bleach with each wash.

Use a mixture of ammonia, salt and water to wash your shirt collar. You can dissolve all the ingredients in water and soak the shirt completely, or prepare a thick gruel for topical cleansing. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 4 tbsp. spoons of ammonia, 4 tbsp. spoons of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

We clean the cuffs and collar in half an hour

For heavily soiled shirts, use more effective methods, namely:

  • Shampoo.
  • Dishwashing gel.
  • Antipyatin soap

All of these agents work in the same way: they break down fat, which accumulates in excess on the collar and cuffs in contact with the body.

Any shampoo can help wash the collar of a white shirt. To completely remove dirt, apply generous amount of shampoo on the dirt and rub. To enhance the effect, you can use a laundry brush and soak your shirt in hot water. After 30 minutes, the shirt will shine again.... To wash off any remaining shampoo and freshen up the garment completely, rewash it in washing machine... Dishwashing gel should be applied in the same way.

Antipyatin soap will cope with any kind of dirt, just like with gray cuffs and collars. It can be bought in any store at a symbolic price, but the effect of washing is simply impressive. For washing, the shirt should be wetted and then lather the darkened areas. After 30 minutes, wash off the soap, and wash the shirt again with the addition of powder.

In order not to damage the fibers of the fabric, all cleaning agents must be applied from the inside out. If the shirt needs to be washed, it is also necessary to rub the fabric from the wrong side.

Reinforced wash - removes gray stains from a shirt in 1 hour

If you have not washed your shirt immediately after wearing it, it will not be so easy to remove dark marks on the collar and sleeves after 3-4 days. For complete cleansing, the item will need to be soaked for an hour using active cleaning agents. This can be a variety of stain removers, laundry or bile soaps, peroxide and vinegar.

Laundry soap will help to wash the shirt collar and cuffs. For washing, it is rubbed on a coarse grater, dissolved in hot water and added to a bowl with a dirty shirt. For the cleaner to give a result, you need to soak the thing for at least an hour. If you have gall soap in your home, this will come in handy too. For washing, you can use soap in liquid or solid form. Any soap will come in handy if you need to remove foundation from the collar of a shirt or blouse.

Perfectly whitens collars with a mixture of vinegar and peroxide... You can use each of the cleaners separately, or mix them together to enhance their effect. Dirty spots on the shirt are soaked with a solution, and after an hour the shirt is washed again in the machine.

Let's not forget about bleaches. The shirt can be washed with Vanish Gel or AMWAY Spray. There are also specialized cleaners that are designed to treat collars and cuffs before washing. They can be found in any supermarket.

It doesn't matter how many days the shirt has been in the laundry basket, it is important to choose The right way clean it and follow simple instructions.

Collars and cuffs cause a lot of trouble for hostesses. This is the part of the shirt that is the most dirty and the hardest to clean. These areas should not be rubbed vigorously so that the product does not lose its original appearance. Knowing simple, inexpensive methods on how to wash your white shirt collar and cuffs can dramatically reduce cleaning time and extend the life of your favorite item.

Removing easy stains

If the item has not been worn for long and only slight traces of wear are visible on it, without strong oily stains, simple home methods are also suitable. Means for cleaning stains on a white shirt are available in every kitchen or medicine cabinet.

You can clean the cuffs and collar of your shirt using:

  1. Lemon.
  2. Talcum powder.
  3. Baby powder.

Lemon... Effectively removes stains, helps to lighten existing wear marks. To clean the collars of men's shirts you need to cut the lemon in half and wipe the contaminated area with a wedge. Leave the fabric on for 10-15 minutes. After this, the shirt should be washed with any in a convenient way.

Talc... A great way to clean a greasy collar. The substance absorbs fat efficiently. To clean the garment, apply a generous layer of talcum powder to the collar and leave for 20 minutes. This will be enough to get an excellent result after a normal wash. If the collar is heavily soiled, then the powder should be changed 10 minutes after application and left for another 10 minutes.

Baby powder... Has a similar effect as talc. To remove stains, it is better to give preference to the cheapest product that does not have additional components in the form of flavors and others. This will not change the cleaning efficiency, but the price of the product will change. Spread a thick layer on greasy collars and cuffs and leave for 10 minutes. Shake the rest of the powder and.

Prized for its ability to absorb oil and moisture. It will help to make the collar of the shirt snow-white. The starch is divorced small amount clean warm water until the consistency of a thick slurry. Apply the prepared product to the collar and cuffs from the side of contact with the body. Leave for 15 minutes, and then send the item to the machine.

Fresh marks on your shirt can be removed with simple laundry soap. It is necessary to wash up the stained area and leave for 10 minutes, then wash the clothes. If the stains are outdated or pronounced, more effective products should be used.

Reinforced arsenal

How to wash:

  1. Vinegar and peroxide.
  2. Salt and ammonia.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Dishwashing liquid.

Vinegar and peroxide... Together, these two components effectively remove even the most difficult stains and refresh the whiteness of clothes. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and saturate the collar and cuffs intensively. Better to leave for 30 minutes.

Salt and ammonia... Both substances can enhance the whiteness of the material and remove old stains. Even yellowed things will save. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l salt and 4 tbsp. l ammonia. Add another 10 ml of water to the resulting slurry. The gruel will become more rare. It should be applied to the dirty area and left for 15 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide... It can be used alone as well as vinegar. This remedy is widely known for combating a wide variety of stains. You need to add 30 ml of the product to 5 liters of warm water and soak the thing. Leave it on for 35-40 minutes. Wash as usual.

Dishwashing liquid... It is advisable to choose colorless, so as not to stain the thing. They need to wash the parts of the shirt that are dirty and leave for 20 minutes. The product will remove grease and traces of dirt.

If the methods do not help, you can try to repeat the procedure.

Store funds

When there is no time to check the advice of grandmothers or there is simply no desire to wash and wait, you can use special means... They will safely remove dirt and bleach the product. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use and study the composition of the product. Strong bleaches have negative impact on the delicate fabrics and can ruin the thing.

Most popular remedies:

  1. Vanish.
  2. Sarma.
  3. White.
  4. Antipyatin.

Vanish White can be added to the drum with clothes during the machine wash. At the same time, one should not forget that the remedy only enhances the effect of an ordinary powder or gel, and is not an independent remedy. Has a fairly high cost.

Bose is an oxygen bleach. Effectively removes traces of dirt, sweat and other origin. The agent is added during the machine wash. Also used for soaking laundry that is too dirty.

Sarma will remove plant stains as well as traces of dirt and grease. Additionally removes linen mites. Does not contain chlorine, which is safe for fabric fibers. The tool will not only remove dirt from the collar, but also give whiteness to the whole thing.

White. Inexpensive and proven remedy for years. Suitable only for natural fabrics. It is strictly prohibited for colored laundry. The composition contains a large chlorine content. It is better to use it for soaking dirty clothes, since corrosive whiteness substances can corrode the parts of the washing machine.

Antipyatin. Available in powder and soap form. Both options are effective. Powder is added during washing. Soap can be used to wash the dirty area and put it in the machine. After a regular wash, the product will become snow-white.

Regardless of the type of fabric and the intensity of soiling, wash white shirts immediately after removal. Aged stains tend to eat into the fibers and may be more difficult to clean. Also, you should not cover such things, it is better to have 2-3 pieces in your wardrobe at once. This will avoid quick wear and tear and the need to wash them every day.