
How to paint a white leather jacket. How to paint a leather jacket at home with liquid, powder paint, aerosol, folk remedies? How to properly dye a genuine leather jacket: tips and tricks. Prepare clothes for renewal


They simply forget that such products lose their appearance over time. Abrasions appear, and the gloss gradually fades. Deterioration anyway appearance products cannot be avoided. And this will happen in just a couple of years. After all, the factory paint is gradually slipping away. So how is the jacket at home?

Can you paint?

Each hostess can restore attractiveness by painting her. There are a lot of options. But there are only two ways. On the this moment carried out using an aerosol or liquid paint.

However, do not try to change the color of the item. If the jacket is black or gray, then the aerosol should be used in the same tone. Otherwise, the product will be completely damaged. And nothing can be done about it.

Special aerosol

So how to paint leather jacket at home using spray paint. This method is considered to be the simplest. For painting, you will need at least several cans of paint of the same shade. According to the instructions, apply the composition to the product for fresh air rather than indoors. Despite this, it is worth wearing protective equipment such as simple mask or a respirator. This will eliminate the likelihood of the paint entering the respiratory tract. In addition, it should be remembered that the composition in the spray can, when spraying, will fall not only on the jacket, but also on everything that is nearby. Therefore, the surrounding objects can be covered with foil or covered with paper. Ordinary cotton gloves will not be superfluous. They will protect the skin of the hands.

What to do with the product

Before you start painting, you should prepare the place. It will not be very convenient to hold the product in your hands and apply the composition to problem areas. If you put the jacket horizontally, then the paint will be unevenly distributed and dry out with clearly visible flaws. Therefore, the most the best option- this is to hang the product on ordinary hangers.

But that's not all. You need to hang the product so that the folds do not interfere, and the bottom should not come into contact with the floor. Otherwise, the paint will rub off.

How to apply the composition?

Since dyeing a leather jacket at home is not so easy, there are some rules to follow. First of all, the product must be cleaned of dirt and, of course, dust. To do this, wipe the surface only with a slightly damp sponge, but do not wet it. After that, you can spray the contents of the can. This should be done at some distance from the jacket, about 20 centimeters.

Dyeing leather jackets should be done with extreme care. The composition should be applied evenly over the entire surface. In this case, you need to ensure that no smudges appear. If you could not avoid them, then it is worth removing the excess paint by lightly touching with a sponge. When spraying, do not forget about the collar and armpits.

After painting, the product should be left for an hour. In this short period of time, the composition will completely dry out. That's all the jacket is ready to use.

How to use the powder

So how to paint a leather jacket at home using powder? In any specialty store, powder is sold in addition to aerosol. To use it, you must follow a series of steps.

Pour some warm water into the container and add a dye - powder. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed and drained without fail. This will remove all lumps from the coloring composition. Otherwise, on the painted trigger will appear dark spots, which cannot be removed in the future.

Leather paint - black, brown or white - is easy to prepare. After mixing, pour a few more liters of water into the container. The dishes with the solution should be boiled and cooled to a temperature of 45 ° C. If the solution is hot, the leather product will shrink and then lose its strength and elasticity.

How do I prepare my jacket?

The product should be placed in water for several hours before painting. The skin should be well saturated. Otherwise, in those places where the product is poorly moistened, practically unpainted areas may remain. If bubbles emerge from the pores of the skin, then the product must still be held in water.

How to paint?

So, we figured out how to paint a leather jacket. It remains to understand the process of applying the composition itself. The dye should be poured into a large enough container. Take the leather jacket out of the water and wring it out, then place it in the solution. When dyeing, the product must be turned over regularly. This will distribute the composition more evenly.

At the end of the procedure, the product must be removed from the solution and squeezed out, and then rinsed thoroughly. First in warm water, and then in cold water. For the paint to adhere better, you should treat the jacket with a vinegar solution. It is prepared very simply. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water and add a glass of vinegar. It is necessary to place the product in the resulting solution, and then wring it out and spread it skin upwards on a wooden surface so that the product dries out.

A leather jacket has been serving for more than one season. During this time, changes unwittingly occur to her: scuffs appear, in places a layer of paint is erased.
To extend the service life, any leather thing, and even more so a jacket, requires special treatment and care. Systematic cleaning is not always enough, sometimes a more radical action is required - painting.

It is quite possible to return the gloss or freshen up the color at home.

We will tell you how to paint your leather jacket yourself.

Before starting work, assess its scale. This will help you understand exactly what actions you need to take.

Types of staining

  • If it is necessary to eliminate defects in the form of small abrasions, cracks and stains then you you need to apply local painting.
  • Small scratches you can s camouflage with pinpoint reception.
  • Complete color change or update necessary, if the skin is burnt out but in the sun.

Important! To paint your jacket yourself, purchase a special dye.

Tools for work

The following paints are used depending on the problem encountered:

  • liquid;
  • aerosol;
  • powder.

The painting procedure is rather complicated. Site preparation and accuracy are required when using chemicals.

At home, you can not return your favorite clothes to their original appearance. for a long time... But restoration work can be carried out from time to time. These dyes are sold in shoe or household chemicals stores.
When buying a product, you must carefully read the instructions. This will help you determine which skin type the dye is intended for.

ATTENTION! There are special dyes for nubuck, suede and smooth leather.

Preparation for work

How to prepare a thing for coloring

Before dyeing, the thing must be cleaned of external contamination..
Keep in mind that after getting completely wet, the skin may shrink, become rough or deformed. So it is advisable to exclude washing, but do with dry surface cleaning.

  • Wonderful suitable for cleaning shoes or leather furniture.
  • Follow the instructions from the manufacturer on the use of these drugs
  • WITH try to act on the material delicately, as the skin requires careful handling.
  • You can wipe the thing with soft foam rubber... Rinse the sponge in running water and squeeze out excess moisture thoroughly.
  • After wet cleaning or processing chemical means be sure to dry the thing! Then ventilate the jacket outdoors. Avoid direct sunlight when doing this.

Cleaning products

You can also use available tools for cleaning.

1. Lemon juice.

Dilute lemon juice with water. Soak a cotton ball in an acidic solution. And wipe the entire surface of the thing with it. Such processing suitable for dark skin colors.

2. Soap solution + glycerin.

Prepare a solution of soap in a separate container (10 g of soap per 100 ml of water). Add 2 tbsp there. l. glycerin. Rub the product thoroughly with this composition.
Or use liquid soap. The proportion is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. of each ingredient.

3. Egg white.

Take the egg. Separate the white from the yolk. Rub the whipped egg whites over the front of the jacket.

Preparation of the workplace

Restoration work is being carried out in a ventilated area. The lighting should be bright.

For work you will need the following materials and tools.

  • Gloves;
  • medical respirator;
  • hangers;
  • newspapers or film;
  • dye.

Protect all areas where paint can accidentally get into... Cover them with newspapers or plastic wrap.

Hang your jacket on a coat hanger, button it up, this way you protect the lining of the thing from contamination.

Put on your gloves... Do not forget that all dyes are chemical, protect your hands from getting the product.

A medical respirator will protect you from unpleasant odors and possible allergic reactions.

Painting a leather jacket

Algorithm of work execution

Start staining from areas that are badly worn. Check all the parts of the jacket that are most affected. These include:

  • collar, its outer and inner sides;
  • all outer lines and seams;
  • cuffs;
  • front strips;
  • belt;
  • back.

Then look closely at the full tone of the jacket in good light. For the best visual result, treat the product again.

How to use aerosols

The advantage of these dyes is their high covering power. Per a short time you can paint a large area of ​​the jacket.

A the disadvantage is that they are quite easily soiled... To prevent aerosol spraying from staining the surrounding objects, do not forget about their protection, cover with cellophane. We put on gloves on our hands.

The aerosol cans are very easy to use.

  • Place the item on a flat surface protected by a film.
  • Another option: hang on a hanger... This way you can paint in the open air.
  • Spray on the front, then the back surface of the product from a distance of 15–20 centimeters.
  • Be sure to let the dye dry.

How to apply powder dyes

Powder Dye Principle - Radical Coloring... It gives a long lasting effect.
Powder divorced according to instructions, as a result we get the paint in a liquid state.

Important! The color of the dye must be close in shade to your jacket.

He maybe darker, but by no means lighter!

Operating procedure

  • Immerse the item in warm water in advance... This will help to distribute the paint evenly on the skin.
  • Dissolve the powder according to the instructions. Stir well, the powder should dissolve without forming lumps.
  • Boil water, pour the diluted powder into it.
  • Stir until completely dissolved powder. After that, the coloring composition is ready.
  • In the solution cooled to 40 degrees, lower the jacket.
  • The thing must be turned over periodically... This is necessary to evenly distribute the coloring composition.
  • Soak the item in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  • Rinse thoroughly to clean water.

The next step is to fix the paint. To fix the coloring pigment, you need to prepare a special solution. Mix 200 ml of vinegar with 1 tbsp. l. table salt and 1 liter of water. Put the product in the solution. Exposure time 30 minutes.
Then all that remains is to dry the jacket. It is recommended to do this outdoors.

How to use liquid dye

This method is considered the easiest for durable painting.

Buy special coloring agent... Check (be sure!) The expiration date. Follow the instructions so as not to spoil either the thing or the mood for yourself.

The choice of shades will allow you to choose the right shade of dye.

Advice! One bottle may not be enough for you, buy a dye with a margin.

Be sure to follow the instructions.


  • Shake the mixture. Pour it into a container that can be easily washed to remove the dye.
  • Place your jacket on a flat surface. Cover the table with foil beforehand so that it does not get dirty.
  • Dip the brush, foam rubber, napkin into the dye mixture, squeeze out a little.
  • Apply the composition with gentle, smooth movements, as if rubbing in the color pigment.
  • For a uniform shade, a second coat can be applied.
  • Let the skin dry.
  • Then wipe the item with a napkin to remove excess dye.

Repainting a leather jacket

We have offered several options partial staining leather jacket. These methods will update the color and add shine to your favorite item.
Is it possible to completely repaint the jacket at home? We will understand this issue as well.

The ability to change the color at home

Do you want to dye your leather item while saving your budget? And to do this using only your own strength, without resorting to the help of professionals?

You're in luck if your thing is black or Brown... These are common shades and can be used to easily update this color range... And also scuffs, burnt areas will be easily painted over.
If your jacket is light, then repaint it more dark color, you can get pretty good results.
The main thing is to adhere to the following rules.

  • Choose a color tone incrementally.
  • Combine warm colors with warm, and cold with cold.

Remember! A well-chosen dye is a prerequisite for the success of your work.

How to repaint a jacket

To achieve a good result, do not rush, act carefully, follow the sequence of actions.

  1. We lay out the jacket on a flat surface which can be protected from drops of paint with a sheet.
  2. We remove dust and various contaminants, if any, with soap and water. Then wipe it off with a simple damp cloth.
  3. Traces from ballpoint pen or oil stains remove with solvents.
  4. We straighten all the creases, folds on the jacket.
  5. We take nitro paint for repainting, it has a wide range of colors. 100 g of dye is enough for one product.
  6. Add 5 drops castor oil , which is a fixer for the color shade. And it will subsequently give gloss and shine to the painted product.
  7. Shake the bottle, pour the solution into a glass or ceramic container.
  8. We apply the dye with a brush, it will be much more convenient than foam rubber.
  9. We apply paint in two or three, and if desired, more layers.
  10. Give the applied layers dry within 24 hours... The item should dry naturally. In no case do not use artificial heaters, in order to avoid cracks on the leather product.

Of course, you can entrust your clothes to professionals and they will be dyed with high quality in dry cleaning. However, this "pleasure" is not cheap and will cost you a pretty penny.

We offered several options, gave advice and recommendations on how to extend the useful life and give your favorite thing a second or even a third life. And do it yourself, at home, without resorting to the help of others.

Before starting to study the question of how to paint a leather jacket at home, it is necessary to visually assess the condition of the surface of a worn product. If during operation the thing has been badly damaged, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to return it to its presentable appearance with your own hands, however, small cracks are quite possible. The whole process does not take much time, and your favorite jacket will again delight its owner with shine.

Preparatory activities

In fact, dyeing a leather jacket at home, according to those who have had a similar procedure, is not so difficult. Immediately before the painting itself, it is important to properly prepare the leather product. They empty all the pockets, if there is an opportunity to unfasten the lining, remove the fur elements - then proceed to the purification of natural or artificial material. You can clean a wardrobe item using the following available tools:

In the event that oil stains or traces of ink were found on the jacket, you cannot do without the use of alcohol-based solvents. Immediately after cleaning, the item must be dried: carefully hang it on a hanger and leave to dry at room temperature. Under no circumstances should a leather jacket be left next to any artificial heat source, as there is a risk that the item will become covered with cracks.

Dyeing methods

In specialized stores, everyone can find coloring products that fully satisfy their own needs. In addition, using the colors produced for these purposes, you can easily repaint a leather jacket in a different color.

You don't have to spend extra money on professional services. Having acquired the necessary tools, you can easily cope with painting on your own. The most popular products used for dyeing leather are:

  • liquid dyes;
  • aerosols;
  • dry powdery substances.

For a person who for the first time will return their original appearance to their jacket, experts recommend paying attention to the first color option. When spraying an aerosol, you need to be prepared for the fact that particles of a coloring matter can accidentally fall on the floor, furniture, walls. Having given preference to this method, you should cover all objects located at home with protective film or old newspapers. Carry out the painting in goggles and overalls.

With regards to dry powders, they are more convenient to use and, moreover, contain less toxic substances. However, here you can not do without some skills. It is also important that the pigment powder must be diluted with water, and water-based paints, as you know, demonstrate poor adhesion to the surface.

Step-by-step instruction

You need to start with the fact that if you are not confident in your abilities, and, of course, you don’t want to spoil a wardrobe item, then it’s better not to risk it, but after reading the reviews and obtaining information, take the thing to a trusted atelier, where experts are guaranteed to paint the jacket without any flaws. If for some reason this is not possible, it is necessary to prepare all the attributes, without which it will be problematic to repaint a leather jacket at home:

  • a deep container where you can pour liquid paint;
  • rags or napkins so that excess dye can be removed from the skin;
  • foam sponge;
  • a pair of rubber gloves.

Before applying the first coat of paint to a problem area, you should experiment on an inconspicuous area to assess the quality of the pigment composition and see the result. After all the preparations are completed, they proceed to the main stage.

Aerosol use

A simple and accessible method for everyone. The number of cans with paint of the corresponding color is selected in accordance with the area of ​​the leather product. The instructions should indicate that it is better to apply the composition to the surface outdoors, and not indoors. Even taking this into account, it is worthwhile to take care of personal protective equipment in advance - put on a respirator or a gauze mask on your face.

Also, we must not forget that when spraying, paint particles will fall not only on the jacket itself, but also on all objects located nearby, so it is worth covering them with something. Next, perform several elementary steps:

  1. Hang the item on a hanger or place it on a horizontal surface in such a way that wrinkles do not form.
  2. Holding a spray can, spray an aerosol onto the product from a distance of 10-15 cm.
  3. At the end, leave the item on a hanger and wait until the paint is completely dry.

Dry powder painting

Powdery substance containing pigment is a common means of painting things made from natural or artificial materials... Before using the powder, the thing must be kept in cold water. Such a measure is necessary so that air bubbles do not appear, and the paint lays down in an even layer. The technological process consists of the following sequential stages:

Liquid paint application

The variety of shades of commercially available leather dyes allows you to choose the right dye. To paint, for example, a black leather jacket, one bottle may not be enough, so it is better to take several at once.

The thing is placed on a horizontal surface so that folds and kinks do not form. Now you need to shake the contents of the bottle well and pour into a bowl.

Painting is done in parts. So that no drips remain, the sponge is impregnated small amount dye, and then, making smooth movements, evenly apply it in small strokes. The main thing is not to rush, but to process every centimeter step by step.

Hang up the fully painted jacket to dry away from the battery, rinse again and leave to dry again. You can get rid of excess shine by wiping the wardrobe item with a clean, dry cloth.

The technology for dyeing a leather jacket at home is quite simple. Anyone who does not want to say goodbye to a favorite thing can try to give her a second life.

Jacket from genuine leather wear-resistant and durable. I have been wearing my leather jacket for more than 5 years. But about once every 2 years, you have to bring her into a divine form - creases, cracks, abrasions appear on the skin. They attach to clothes untidy look... I will share my experience on how to dye a leather jacket at home.

Prepare clothes for renewal

Before dyeing your jacket at home, prepare it:

  • take everything out of the pockets of your clothes;
  • fight off fur elements (if any);
  • clean and degrease the product.

Here are the compounds that can be used to treat the skin:

A mixture of lemon juice and water
  1. Juice one citrus fruit.
  2. Mix it with a glass of water (200 ml).
  3. Moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution.
  4. Treat your clothes with it

Mixture laundry soap with turpentine or glycerin
  1. Prepare a thin solution. To do this, dissolve 30 g of soap in warm water (200 ml).
  2. Pour 2 tbsp into the mixture. l. glycerin or 1 tbsp. l. turpentine.
  3. Moisten a piece of foam rubber in the solution.
  4. Treat your leather coat or jacket with it gently

Vinegar solution
  1. Stir 2 tsp in a glass of water. essences.
  2. Soak a cotton swab, soft cloth, or piece of foam rubber in the solution.
  3. Wipe your skin

Use one of three painting methods

Manufacturers offer many colorants for leather goods... There are three forms of their release:

  • liquid or cream;
  • spray;
  • powder.
These formulations differ in cost, application complexity and labor costs. What unites them is that there are no harmful components in them - the solvent of pigments is ordinary water.

View 1. Liquid dye

The easiest way to renew a jacket at home with liquid paint is:

Step 1. Choose a composition

Buy the correct shade of colorant from a hardware store.

The color range is in a wide palette, so it is possible to paint the skin black, brown, blue, red, etc.

Step 2. Prepare the dye
  • Shake the bottle vigorously for 2-3 minutes (the settled paint should mix with the solvent);
  • pour the liquid into a small container
Step 3. Prepare your clothes
  • lay a clean, non-fading cloth out of the blue;
  • put your jacket on her

Step 4. Dye the jacket
  • moisten a piece of foam rubber or a small brush in the paint;
  • apply liquid to the jacket in straight lines;
  • distribute the dye evenly, so it will give the skin a uniform color

Step 5. Dry the paint
  • hang clothes on a hanger;
  • wait until the dye is completely dry

Step 6. Remove paint residues

Wipe clothes with a laundry soap solution to remove excess dye

View 2. Aerosol

Updating a leather jacket at home in this way is not easy, because you can get everything around. Therefore, it is best to paint a jacket with an aerosol in the garage, outbuilding or on the street.

Step 1. Prepare your clothes
  • hang the jacket on a hanger or lay it out on level ground;
  • straighten the clothes, there should be no folds or creases on it

Step 2. Dye the jacket
  • shake the can vigorously for 2-3 minutes;
  • spray the dye evenly over the skin;
  • keep the can at a distance of 15 cm from the product
Step 3. Dry the skin
  • hang the jacket on a hanger;
  • let it dry completely

View 3. Powder paint

  1. Buy a can of dry paint in the color you want.
  2. Before dyeing your leather jacket, soak it in water for a couple of hours. This will make the product softer and better saturated with pigment.
  3. Dissolve the dye in 0.5 L of warm water. Mix the pigment well. No lumps should remain in the solution.
  4. Heat 3 liters of water, pour the concentrate into it.
  5. Place the clothes in the solution for a couple of hours. Turn it over from time to time. So it will be colored more evenly.
  6. Remove the product from the basin and rinse well in running water.
  7. Fix the paint. To do this, dilute 1 glass of vinegar essence and 1 tbsp in 3 liters of water. l. table salt. Soak the jacket for half an hour in this solution.
  8. Hang the garment on a hanger and let it dry completely.

Choose a quality paint: 7 brands I trust

Leather jackets can be dyed with compounds from many manufacturers. But based on my experience, I recommend these:

1. Silver / Premium

Cream paint made in Turkey.

Available in 8 colors.

Suitable for all types of leather clothing.

Price- 245 ₽ for a jar of 75 ml

2. Le Tech/ LeatherColourant

French-made liquid dye for leather.

Made from water-based polyurethane.

There are 16 colors of this paint available.

Price- 2992 ₽ for a bottle of 0.5 l

3. Saphir/ TeintureFrancaise

This is a French universal coloring composition.

Suitable for all skin types.

Price- 695 ₽ for a jar of 50 ml

4. Color-Lock / Leder-Fresh

German composition in the form of an aerosol.

The manufacturer offers 12 dye colors.

Price- 990 ₽ for a 150 ml can

5. Fiebing's / Pro-Oil-Leather-Dye

Powder dye for genuine leather of American production.

There are 16 colors in the line of paints.

Price- 480 ₽ for a jar of 50 ml

6. Sitil / Special

French spray paint.

The manufacturer offers 16 colors of the material.

Price- 170 ₽ for a 200 ml can

7. Salamander / Leather-Fresh

The famous German manufacturer offers spray paint for leather.

The composition is available in 25 colors.

Price- 530 ₽ for a 250 ml can


  1. Dyeing the jacket after processing. A leather jacket can be painted with a liquid, aerosol or powder composition. Before using them, clothes are cleaned and degreased.
  2. Do not change your skin color dramatically... You can only renew its original tone. When thinking about how to dye a black leather jacket, choose paint in the same color, otherwise the jacket will be painted unevenly.
  3. Dry skin naturally... Do not use a hair dryer, heating radiator, etc. The skin does not tolerate sudden temperature changes - it will be covered with cracks.

Painting is not an easy procedure. Dry cleaning professionals will perfectly cope with it. But it is quite expensive to paint a leather jacket in dry cleaning, the price will be about 1.5-5 thousand rubles. There are many ways you can do it yourself. The workplace should be prepared. Consider how to dye your old worn leather jacket while at home.

Each person has one favorite thing in their wardrobe that has been worn for more than a year. During this time, the clothes lose their color and other external characteristics. Let's talk about how to dye a leather jacket at home.

Spray paint

This is the most convenient and fastest way to update your favorite item. The aerosol can be found at any shoe store. There are many colors and shades. For staining, you need to prepare:

  • spray paint of the desired type;
  • sponge;
  • latex gloves.

The whole process is fast:

  1. Before painting, be sure to clean the product from dirt and dust.
  2. Hang the jacket on a special coat hanger.
  3. Spray paint with rubber gloves at a distance of 30 cm.
  4. If excess paint appears on the material, it can be removed with a sponge.
  5. Dry the product for an hour, and then you can put on an updated item.

The entire procedure must be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Remove all unnecessary items. They can get stained with paint.

If the bald spots are not painted over from the first time, the whole procedure can be repeated. In this case, each new layer must be applied after the previous one is completely dry.

Professional liquid paint in a bottle

Still thinking about how to dye your leather jacket and update its look, use the following effective method... If you want to update leather clothes with such a tool, then prepare the necessary materials:

  • paint;
  • latex gloves;
  • deep enameled basin.
  1. Dilute the required amount of paint in a bowl of water.
  2. Remember to clean your clothes before the procedure.
  3. Place the jacket in the prepared solution. At the same time, rinse the item well to remove the remaining air.
  4. Turn it over constantly for even dyeing.

To consolidate the result, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of warm water.
  • 100 grams of vinegar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. table salt.

The jacket must be rinsed with this compound and dried thoroughly.

When using this staining method, pay special attention to areas such as armpits, pockets and folds.

If you are afraid that the jacket will deteriorate from water, then you can paint over it with a sponge. To do this, rub the coloring matter in a circular motion over the entire surface of the material. You can fix the dye with simple vinegar.

Be sure to dry the product naturally.

Dry powder with coloring pigment

This is another of the most common remedies. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • Dissolve the powder in warm water;
  • stir thoroughly;
  • strain;
  • pour the solution into boiling water (2 liters);
  • bring to a boil and cool (the approximate temperature should be 40 degrees).

To renew the skin, it must be cleaned and soaked in water for several hours. The material must be thoroughly saturated with moisture. This manipulation is carried out so that all the air comes out of the pores of the material. Otherwise, the staining will be uneven. Next, we soak the jacket in a solution with paint, constantly turning it over. It is also recommended to use an acetic-salt solution to fix the color.

Traditional methods

The surface must be cleaned before any painting. To do this, we suggest using simple recipes:

  • Dark leather clothes are best cleaned with diluted lemon juice.
  • Prepare a soapy water with a little glycerin.
  • You can use well-beaten egg white.

The following tips will help you improve the dyeing process of your favorite leather jacket:

  1. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can replace it with a special acrylic fixer. It is sold in any specialty store.
  2. You can use a natural wool cloth instead of a paint sponge.
  3. It doesn't matter what paint you use, the main thing is to clean the surface before processing.
  4. Do not use hair dryers or any other electrical appliances to dry your products. Everything should go naturally.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to dye clothes from one color to another. It is better to restore its original shade. Otherwise, the item may be damaged.
  6. To keep the painting process as rare as possible, do not hang wet clothes in the closet, do not wash them in an automatic machine and avoid mechanical damage.
  7. If you are afraid to ruin your favorite clothes with your own hands, then it is better to trust the specialists. They know exactly how to dye a leather jacket and will do it professionally.

As you can see, do not rush to throw out old things. With the help of these simple recommendations, you can try to give them a second life.