
The difference between the first pregnancy and the second. Pregnancy with the second child. Re-pregnancy risk factors


After the birth of their first baby, young families often think about an imminent hike "after a brother" or "little sister". After all, it has long been believed that having two children in a row makes life much easier for parents both financially and morally. The clothes from the first child have not yet had time to wear out, and mom and dad have not forgotten the nuances of caring for a newborn. However, doctors have a slightly different opinion on this matter.

When to plan a second pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are serious stress for a woman's body, because hormonal changes affect all vital organs and systems.

It is necessary to plan a second pregnancy after a full recovery of the body.

Therefore, with the birth of a baby, a young mother should remember about protection in order to avoid a new, unplanned pregnancy. Female body is restored within three to five years. During this time, a balance of minerals and vitamins is established in the body, and the immune system returns to normal.

Based on this, when planning a second pregnancy, you should focus on the following recommendations:

  • after natural childbirth, at least two years must pass;
  • after caesarean section or childbirth with complications, it is advisable to wait up to five years (until the scar on the uterus or other sutures on the internal genital organs completely dissolve).

The danger of early planning for re-pregnancy (less than five years) is the increased likelihood of rupture of the uterine organ along the suture left over from the cesarean section. At the same time, pregnancy 10 years after cesarean is threatened with complications due to engorgement in healed tissues.

To determine the degree of readiness of the female womb for repeated bearing of the fetus after a previous operation, it is necessary to make examinations:

  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus with a vaginal probe;
  • hysterography by introducing a special liquid into the organ cavity and X-ray irradiation;
  • hysteroscopy using an endoscope.

Based on the results of the examination, the gynecologist will give recommendations to the expectant mother on the timing of re-conception. If connective tissues remain on the surface of the uterus, planning a new pregnancy becomes undesirable. And when the scar is almost invisible or the trace from the operation has retained only muscle tissue, you can become pregnant again without fear.

It is equally important to take into account age when preparing for a second pregnancy. future mother... Doctors in this matter unanimously came to an unequivocal conclusion. The minimum risk of developing fetal pathologies and health complications in a woman exists between 18 and 35 years.

In addition, when planning a second pregnancy, a woman should take into account the following points:

  • the degree of security and material readiness for the appearance of a second baby in the family;
  • the level of relationship with the spouse and the presence of support from close relatives;
  • the presence of comfortable living conditions necessary for the first child and the future newborn;
  • an acceptable age difference between children (psychologists recommend the age of 3-4 years).

If a woman is determined to have a second child and there are no contraindications for this, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors to prepare the body for a second pregnancy. So, gynecologists advise couples planning to conceive to regularly take folic acid, play sports and eat healthy food. You should stop taking alcohol and smoking, observe weight norms and have a good rest.

However, the second pregnancy is not always safe for the woman and the unborn baby. This happens if the mother of the only child has one of the following diseases:

  • vices of cardio-vascular system and rheumatism of the heart are dangerous intrauterine retention development, placental abruption and preterm labor;
  • diabetes mellitus - leads to malformations in the embryo and spontaneous abortion;
  • pathology in the work of the endocrine gland - an increased or decreased level of hormones is fraught with miscarriages and deterioration intellectual development fetus.

At the same time, the above list is not strictly restrictive. After all, the level of modern medicine allows you to endure and give birth to a healthy child with due attention to the condition of a pregnant woman on the part of doctors.

How to tell if you're pregnant again

If a woman plans to give birth to a second child, then she monitors changes in the body more vigilantly than usual. And the onset of pregnancy is detected already in the first weeks after conception. At such an early stage, only intuition and an appropriate test help.

A planned pregnancy for the second time is even psychologically easier to bear.

However, it is not uncommon for a second pregnancy to occur within a year after the birth of the first child. And, as a rule, a young mother did not prepare at all for the appearance of a new family member.

The first sign of an interesting situation, like the first time, is a delay in the menstrual cycle. Often women attribute such a violation in the body to fatigue and stress, but not to the conception that took place.

The situation is more complicated if conception occurred during the period of the so-called lactational amenorrhea, when menstruation is, in principle, absent. In theory, pregnancy should not happen in this state. Because of this belief, a young mother may not pay attention to changes in well-being, especially if there is no toxicosis and dizziness.

Each woman individually tolerates a pregnant position, and often the second pregnancy is easier than the first. And in the case of a breastfeeding child, the birth of a new life can be revealed by the parent only at 16 weeks, when the fetus first moves.

At the same time, the second pregnancy is easier to recognize (as opposed to the first) by external signs:

  • the tummy increases - already from the first weeks;
  • the breast swells noticeably (and when breastfeeding the sensitivity of the nipples also increases);
  • weight is gradually increasing (especially noticeable for figure-watching mothers).

In general, both pregnancies are detected in about the same way, and the woman's condition depends in both cases on the level of her health. The second time, due to age or deterioration in material well-being, an interesting situation can be more difficult. Here, a lot already depends on the psychological mood of the expectant mother and the degree of desirability of another baby.

Video: signs of a second pregnancy

How is the second pregnancy going?

After the expectant mother of the second baby learns about an interesting situation, she needs to as soon as possible register with the antenatal clinic. This is important because the health risk for the woman and the child increases significantly during the second pregnancy.

The second pregnancy is usually easier than the first.

If a young mother leads an active lifestyle, does not smoke and eats properly, then when carrying another baby, difficulties may not arise. An exception is the risk of a Rh conflict between maternal and child organisms. But you should not be afraid in advance - modern medicine has in its arsenal drugs that eliminate this serious pathology.

And the pregnancy itself will proceed according to the following scenario:

  • from 2-3 weeks, the stomach is already visible to others and its volume is greater than in the first gestation;
  • at 10-12 weeks, there is swelling in the legs and varicose veins due to the increased load on the kidneys and limbs;
  • back and pelvic pains begin to appear as early as 34 weeks, since the muscles are quickly stretched;
  • false contractions also appear a week earlier than during the first pregnancy.

An interesting feature many multiparous people call the rate of a new pregnancy. For the first time, a woman is more tense about her position and focuses all her emotions on it. When another pregnancy comes, the young mother no longer has fear of the unknown and unnecessary worries about childbirth. In addition, the first child still requires constant attention, so that the gestational period sometimes passes almost imperceptibly.

The situation is somewhat different with the second pregnancy after a cesarean section:

  • in order to avoid rupture of the scar on the uterus, you will have to visit the gynecologist weekly;
  • the doctor will prescribe drugs that relax the muscles and relieve tension from the scar;
  • you will need to take medications that improve the metabolism and blood supply to the placenta;
  • hospitalization is required at 35 weeks of gestation.

In the normal state of the suture, pregnancy after a cesarean section does not differ from the first one except for close observation by doctors.

Separately, it is worth highlighting a repeated pregnancy with several embryos, that is, multiple pregnancies. In itself, this situation and for the first time is an increased load on the body. And if gestation is repeated, then twice or even three times more attention from medical workers is required.

The distinctive moments of bearing two or more children after the birth of the first child are called:

  • severe toxicosis from the first weeks;
  • increased pigmentation on the body;
  • anemia from the second trimester;
  • increase in pressure.

To exclude the pathology of the development of babies, a future mother with many children is shown hospitalization in a hospital under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists from the second trimester.

At the same time, it must be remembered that each female body is individual, and repeated pregnancy, even with multiple pregnancies, can pass easily and without complications.

Video: second pregnancy - third trimester

Features of repeated delivery

At the final stage of the second pregnancy, there is a mandatory referral to inpatient observation.

The second birth practically does not differ in sensations from the first, but it lasts less

At the same time, in some multiparous women, the abdomen drops for a week. ahead of time, while in others, omission is not observed at all. This is due to the degree of stretching of the muscle tissues of the uterus and abdominal cavity. If in the first pregnancy the belly was voluminous or there was multiple pregnancy, then the first option is possible. Otherwise, it is better not to hope for such a harbinger of imminent birth.

Other signs of the onset of labor during the second pregnancy are:

  • discharge of the mucous plug two days before delivery;
  • explicit and rhythmic contractions;
  • frequent urge "out of great need";
  • changes in fetal activity;
  • the appearance of generic chills.

After the one who is preparing to become a mother for the second time, they leave amniotic fluid, the woman is sent to the maternity ward. The process of childbirth then takes place within 5-8 hours and is less painful than in the first delivery.

Natural childbirth with a scar on the uterus imposes increased responsibility on doctors and is possible only if:

  • a woman in labor is less than 40 years old;
  • delivery began on its own after the outpouring of amniotic fluid;
  • the suture on the uterus is thickened by more than 4 mm.

Otherwise, after a cesarean section, the repeated pregnancy also ends with a planned operation.

Statistics show that after the first cesarean section, every third pregnant woman gives birth in a natural way.

In addition, with a suture on the uterus, the second delivery by the method of surgical intervention is prescribed:

  • if less than two years have passed since the first pregnancy;
  • when the first cesarean was transverse (from the base to the navel);
  • if the baby weighs more than 4–4.5 kg or, conversely, the pregnancy is premature;
  • in case of thickening of the placenta or fusion of it with the tissues of the uterus.

Speaking about childbirth with repeated pregnancy with multiple pregnancies, it should be noted that a cesarean section is required at 36 weeks. This is due to the desire of doctors to avoid unnecessary risks to the health of the mother and child.

Video: multiple pregnancy

Risk factors

Repeated pregnancy is perceived by a woman's body as a "common thing" if two or three years have passed since the first gestation. And many multiparous people talk about a positive perception of an interesting situation with the second baby.

Pregnancy after 35 years is dangerous with complications for both the mother and the baby.

However, not everyone is so lucky, especially after the age of 35. Indeed, in this case, one cannot speak unequivocally about the physical readiness of the body for new bearing. Despite the fact that there is a stretch of the muscles of the abdomen and abdominal cavity, "training" of the uterus, the expectant mother may aggravate or develop chronic diseases. The load on the entire body can result in diabetes mellitus and even the formation of tumor areas.

Other dangerous moments of the second pregnancy can be considered:

  • untreated infectious diseases in the internal genital organs;
  • a history of abortions and miscarriages;
  • insufficient or overweight women.

In order for the waiting time for a new family member to pass with the least excitement, a pregnant woman with a second baby needs to immediately inform the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic about all the health features and pass the necessary tests without delay.

The second pregnancy and childbirth are said to be easier. Undoubtedly, a woman is psychologically more prepared. But the second gestation has its own characteristics. How does it go and how can it differ from the first?


According to statistics, every fifth woman who gave birth to her first child dreams of a second baby in two years. Doctors approve and support this planning. During this time, the female body underwent recovery processes, and the next pregnancy is usually easier. In addition, the mother is much less worried, with the accumulated experience she better understands the signs and childbirth is no longer scary.

But the claim that a second pregnancy will be easier than the first is not always true. Of course, psychologically it is easier, but with age, the likelihood of complications increases. This is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, Rh-conflict, vitamin deficiency and anemia.

Repeated pregnancy, when the period between the first and the next is short, predicts a quick, rapid birth, a "knurled" course. After all, for a short time in the cells of the brain, peculiar neural connections have not yet been severed.

In any case, preparation for a planned pregnancy should be no less serious. To exclude possible pathology during gestation, you should be examined in a timely manner and take all the necessary measures.


The second pregnancy, like any subsequent pregnancy, does not differ from the first in terms of the main symptoms. But we must not forget that with a new conception, bearing will proceed in completely different conditions, because each fetus is genetically different.

If only a few months pass after the first birth, there may be no signs of a second pregnancy at all. A woman will understand that she has conceived by the first stirring of the fetus. With breastfeeding and delayed menstruation, without toxicosis, this happens quite often.

But when more than two years have passed, the woman has fully recovered, the signs of a second pregnancy will be the same:

  • Increased basal temperature.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands with darkening of the halo, visible meshwork, burning and soreness.

  • Lack of menstruation.
  • The appearance of unnatural discharge. Cervical mucus becomes thick and white.
  • By the day the menstruation is supposed to begin, a migraine-like headache, acne, pulling soreness in the lower abdomen appears. Discharge is similar to menstrual flow, but if you look closely, it is lighter, with scarlet bloody blotches. Such a daub is the first sign of conception, the stage of embryonic implantation.
  • Dyspepsia from relaxation and decreased bowel function: constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  • Emotional instability with drowsiness, constant feeling of lack of sleep and excessive fatigue. This is one of the most characteristic early signs of conception.
  • Morning toxicosis.
  • Possible enlargement of the thyroid gland with discomfort and sore throat.

It is not necessary that the symptoms of the second pregnancy will continue as in the previous time. It can be completely opposite. And do not worry women who for the first time suffered "in full" from toxicosis, severe heartburn and other complications.

The second pregnancy will go smoothly and calmly, especially if it is desired.


The second gestation is different, and this is due to the changes that have occurred in the woman's body.

During the first pregnancy, the anterior abdominal wall is already sufficiently stretched, elasticity and firmness are slightly lost. Therefore, the “interesting position” will be seen much earlier on the stomach.

Fetal head on late date in multiparous, it goes down a little differently. If in the first pregnancy this happens in two or three weeks, then the next time - only for the birth itself.

A woman will feel fetal movement much earlier, by the fourth, not the fifth month.

In pregnancy with 2 children, the belly is lower. This makes life much easier for a woman: there is no strong pressure on the stomach, digestive problems occur less often. But there is also a negative point - the urge to urinate will be more frequent. From increased pressure on lower part spine, lower back pain, swelling of the veins in the legs, hypertonicity of the uterus may appear.

  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Avoid standing for extended periods.
  • During sleep and rest, lie on your side, laying a small roller between your knees bent at the knees.

It is believed that the second pregnancy ends a week or two ahead of schedule. This is not true. The order and timing do not affect each other in any way. Another thing is true: the second time, labor can be much shorter. The likelihood of rapidity in childbirth is quite high.

Risk factors

It would be better if a woman consults with a gynecologist or family doctor before planning a second conception. Usually, experts recommend that parents be tested for genital infections, since they give a high probability of a complicated pregnancy.

Adverse factors also include:

  1. Stay of a woman in the risk group for pathologies of the kidneys, heart, lungs.
  2. Aggravated chronic diseases.
  3. Rhesus conflicts between the blood of mom, dad, fetus.

Rh-negative women should be tested regularly for antibodies. If abnormalities are found, she undergoes treatment.

Features of the generic period

Two pregnancies - two children, with their own special history of development and appearance in this world. And each is unpredictable. Changes in character, taste preferences, drowsiness, toxicosis and edema are individual, and it is impossible to predict them even in one woman.

But, as a rule, pregnancy with the second child ends in timely delivery.

Usually, the weight of the fruit will be 250-550 g more than the first.

If a woman carried a child without complications, three periods of labor are quick and easy.

The uterus opens intensively, the cervix needs only 4-6 hours to prepare.

The period of contractions is active, but with less pain. The woman in labor is familiar with all the sensations, so she completely controls the attempts.

The first birth made the cervix elastic: the fetus easily overcomes the path, the placenta comes out painlessly.

Of course, repeated pregnancy and delivery will have special features. But the main thing: mom becomes doubly happy. This means that you can endure and survive any troubles.

Many women who have already become mothers are interested in the question - will the second pregnancy differ from the first, and if so, then how? There are still differences, but a woman should not worry about this. If she has no health problems, then the second pregnancy will be easier than the first. Perhaps the reason for this is the experience of the body, which he received during the first pregnancy. After all, as you know, cells and organs have memory.

It is worth planning a second pregnancy 2-5 years after the first. During this period, a woman's body is able to fully recover and gain strength after the process of bearing a child, childbirth and lactation.

Features of the second pregnancy

The second pregnancy has a number of distinctive features, namely:

  • It's easier to spot... After pregnancy, the uterus does not contract to its original size, but is in a slightly enlarged state. This leads to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy, the abdomen increases by 1-1.5 months. before. In this case, the expectant mother may earlier feel the movement of the fetus in the womb. If during the first bearing of a child, movement can be felt only at 5 months, then at the second - closer to 4 months of pregnancy. Perhaps the reason for this is that the expectant mother already has an idea of ​​how such movement manifests itself.
  • Different location of the abdomen... The second pregnancy is characterized by its lower location. After the first pregnancy, the muscles and ligaments in the abdomen stretch and become weaker. As a result, they can no longer support the fetus as it was during the first pregnancy. This feature has both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, the woman will not experience major digestive problems, and the breathing process will not be difficult. The negative side is the increased frequency of urination and increased stress on the lower back. In order to reduce this load, it is necessary to use a bandage designed for pregnant women. It will allow not only to relax the back, but also prevent the development of increased uterine tone in a pregnant woman. In this case, a special set of exercises for the spine should be performed, before that, having coordinated them with a doctor.
  • Rapid reaction of the mammary glands. This manifests itself in the form of an increase in their size, the appearance of pain and discomfort. The skin around the nipples becomes rough.
  • Strengthening the sense of smell. There is an immediate reaction to certain pungent odors and food.
  • Increased fatigue. It is caused by the fact that the woman's body is biologically “worn out” after the first pregnancy and does not have the capabilities that it had before.

Signs of a second pregnancy

The second pregnancy has almost the same standard features as the first. Noticing them, a woman can find out about her situation. These include:

  • bloody issues;
  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

As medical practice shows, in some women, the symptoms of a second pregnancy did not differ at all from the first. At the same time, there are women who, during their second pregnancy, discovered new, unusual signs for themselves.

Benefits of a second pregnancy over a first

According to statistics, second births are easier and faster. The reason for this is that the cervix and the muscles around the vagina are more elastic after the first birth. In this case, the process of cervical dilatation takes about 6-8 hours. But, along with this, "false contractions" can occur from time to time. When the position of the body changes, they usually disappear within 10 minutes. If after this time the contractions have not passed, then this sure sign the beginning of the labor process.

The first pregnancy is a time of uncertainty. With her, all sensations are new, joyful or disturbing. Having become pregnant for the first time, a woman is acutely aware of all the changes that are happening to her.

What happens during the second pregnancy? Does it have any features and differences from the first?

Second pregnancy

Usually the second pregnancy differs from the first psychologically. Waiting for a second child is first and foremost conscientious motherhood... Although the second children are often unplanned - contraception failed, they hoped that it was too early for the body. But having become pregnant a second time, a woman perfectly understands what awaits her.

She knows about difficulties and joys, is ready for problems and consciously approaches them.

There are other psychological differences as well. Often, having become pregnant for the first time, especially at a young age, a woman unconsciously seeks to designate her new position. Hence the expectation of the growth of the abdomen, and clothes for pregnant women in the second month, and complaints that they did not give way on the bus in the first trimester. The second pregnancy is more often perceived as a natural process and the attitude towards it is calmer.

Physical differences

There is a widespread belief that the second pregnancy is easier, childbirth occurs faster, and the birth process itself is much more pleasant. But this is far from the case.

In the second pregnancy, the features of its course are difficult to predict. This is an individual process that can proceed in completely different ways - easier or much more difficult. Sometimes both pregnancies go the same way. Not a single doctor can say for sure what awaits the expectant mother a second time. But there are patterns that are observed in most women:

  • body changes;
  • features of well-being;
  • deviations in health;
  • the feeling of the baby's movements;
  • the onset of the first contractions;
  • generic process;
  • postpartum changes.

Body changes

More often during the second pregnancy, body changes are more obvious. If there was a tendency to gain weight, the fullness will become noticeable faster. The same applies to a growing belly. Usually it becomes visible at the end of the fourth month, while the first pregnancy is not always noticed even in the fifth or sixth.

The chest usually does not increase so sharply, but nevertheless, changes in the bust are visible to the naked eye.

Stretch marks appear most intensively during the first pregnancy. Then they can be added little by little or not at all. But there are also opposite situations, when stretch marks are formed precisely during the second pregnancy and in large quantities.

During the second pregnancy, diastasis often occurs - the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Because of this, a small belly can persist for a long period after childbirth. Regular physical exercise, and in case of significant discrepancy - plastic of the abdominal wall.


Most often, toxicosis in its manifestations is similar to the previous one. It can be weaker or stronger, but the differences are not too significant. Repeated toxicosis is usually tolerated more easily. After all, a woman already knows what helps her the most and what smells and tastes should be avoided.

It relieves well the condition and the realization that toxicosis is not eternal.

Back problems

Back pain is a frequent companion of an interesting position. In subsequent pregnancies, they are more common and felt stronger. If there were back pains before, and after childbirth the woman did not engage in treatment, then in the future they are inevitable.

Joint pain

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Usually, women who are aware of their characteristics try to observe the drinking regime, monitor their weight, and consult a doctor in time.

Sometimes, during the second pregnancy, restless legs syndrome is added. This is a condition in which a woman cannot sleep due to excruciating pain in her legs and is forced to constantly move them, which leads to temporary relief.

Carrying a baby is one of the main causes of this unpleasant syndrome; about 20% of expectant mothers are susceptible to it. Postpartum pain in the legs most often disappears, but in rare cases it can persist for a long time.


This unpleasant disease often appears after the first birth. Its reasons are usually:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • wrong actions of a woman in a persistent period.

During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids appear in many women and are accompanied by painful sensations... Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the doctor's recommendations, do not abuse spicy and sweet foods, and move more.

Changes in blood iron levels

After the first birth, many women experience a decrease in the level of iron in their blood. This is due to its increased consumption during childbirth and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone a rehabilitation course of treatment, then she develops iron deficiency anemia.

This disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • a tendency to frequent illnesses;
  • a change in taste and smell;
  • brittle nails and hair, dry skin.

Especially often, iron deficiency anemia develops if not enough time has passed after the first birth, and the body has not had time to recover. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the woman suffers, but also the growing child. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

Calcium exchange

As with iron, when a baby is carried, the body's calcium reserves decrease. If you do not take vitamins and calcium supplements, its deficiency develops during the second pregnancy. This is manifested by problems with teeth and hair, brittle nails, increased fragility of bones and pain in them.

Fractures can occur even with minor injuries. In addition, calcium is essential for the proper formation of the child's skeletal system.

Baby wiggle

In the second pregnancy, the woman feels the baby's movements 2-3 weeks earlier. This usually happens at 16-18 weeks. Often mothers expecting a second baby claim that they feel his movements even at 14-15 weeks.

The beginning of labor

The onset of labor is an individual process, there is no single pattern. Gynecologists say that in the case of a second pregnancy, labor may begin 1-2 weeks later due to the greater extensibility of the uterus. But usually they are expected in the same time frame as the first ones.

The duration of the generic process

Unlike the first birth, which can last up to 12 hours, the second in most cases goes away faster - in 5-8 hours. Although sometimes the opposite happens.

In the second pregnancy, you need to be ready for a faster delivery and go to the hospital in time.

Postpartum period

Usually, the postpartum period in multiparous women is easier. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Less complications thanks to the experience of the first birth.
  2. Understanding how to deal with emerging difficulties.
  3. Ability to establish lactation and avoid lactostasis.

In addition, caring for an older child also helps a woman cope with postpartum difficulties and distracts from unpleasant moments.

It is important to understand that the course of any pregnancy depends very much on the psychological mood of the expectant mother. With self-confidence and expectation of a healthy child, both the first and second pregnancies will bring only pleasant memories to the woman, despite their differences.

There is a lot of conflicting information related to the course and characteristics of childbirth. This is fully justified, because all processes occurring in the body are individual and unique. When a second "interesting situation" occurs, you will be able to confirm or refute the persistent beliefs associated with the second pregnancy from your own experience.

Differences between the first and second pregnancy

  • The belly will be slightly lower, which is due to the ligaments stretched after the first time. They cannot hold the growing uterus with full strength.
  • It will be much easier for you to breathe. you may be able to avoid heartburn, but pressure on the pelvic organs will increase, the urge to urinate will become more frequent, constipation will appear earlier, and discomfort in the lower back may increase. For the prevention of discomfort, it is necessary to constantly wear it, including after childbirth.
  • The baby's movements will be noticeable 2-3 weeks earlier.... However, childbirth, contrary to the usual beliefs, may not come earlier. The onset of labor has nothing to do with the number of pregnancies. Labor begins when there is sufficient accumulation of certain hormones in the body.
  • It is believed that the second child will be larger... This is indeed the case. Your body, which has received such a serious experience, is in the mood for bearing and creates more comfortable conditions for the offspring.

Differences between the first birth and the second

The main difference between the second genera and the first is their duration:

  • If the second pregnancy occurs a year later, childbirth will be quick or even rapid... This is due to well-formed connections in the brain.
  • The second birth will last no more than 12 hours if the interval between pregnancies is no more than 8 years.
  • If you give birth for the second time 8-10 years after the first birth, the body re-forms neural connections, and labor can take more than 18 hours like the first ones.

At repeated childbirth the cervix opens faster, but the contractions will be stronger, they can become more painful, but the tense period is shorter and the child appears earlier. The postpartum period has its own characteristics. The afterbirth, as a rule, is rejected faster, but the contractions of the uterus will be quite noticeable, even painful. This is best shown when feeding your baby.

The psychological state is no less important. As a rule, a woman carrying a second child knows well what awaits her and remembers all the stages passed. She has no fear of the unknown, she knows how to behave. Such confidence gives additional strength and makes it easier to endure any difficulties.

Have you noticed the differences between the first and second pregnancies? Which one was easier?

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