
How to wash a wadded blanket in a typewriter and by hand. Proper washing of a cotton blanket at home

Pathology of the uterus

Does the comforter smell musty or is it stained? It's time for cleaning and laundry.

Many housewives face a number of problems when the question arises of how to wash wadded blanket at home. The work is really difficult and troublesome.

However, such a product must be washed. After all, it absorbs sweat and dust well, which is an excellent environment for germs and dust mites.

Surface cleaning

If there is no time for a total wash, only the stains formed on the material can be removed. And you can do it at home too.

Proper cleaning of contaminants:

  1. First, knock out all the dust. The blanket is taken out into the street and this is done with the help of a special carpet beater. You can leave the bedding outside for a while so that unpleasant odors disappear.
  2. While the blanket is hanging outside, prepare a soapy solution and pour into a spray bottle. Make sure the sprayer works and sprays properly, not a trickle.
  3. Then lay the bedspread on a flat surface, if it is the floor, then wash it, dry it and then lay out the product.
  4. On the dirt formed during the use of the blanket, apply a spot of soapy water and gently rub with the hard side of the sponge. The agent should not have time to be absorbed into the filler. This is a superficial cleaning, so do not pour it too much.

In the same way, a downy and woolen blanket is cleaned with small spots on the surface.

The procedure can be repeated if necessary. But after it, you should dry the product thoroughly. If you leave the blanket to dry on its own, soap stains will be visible, and a clear contour will remain from the water.

If stains do appear, this is a great way to remove them. It takes little time and removes dirt.

The blanket is washed quickly, but if it is larger, you will need the help of another person to wring out excess liquid and hang to dry.

Action algorithm:

  1. Water is poured into the bath, the temperature of which must correspond, and the product is placed in it.
  2. Soap solution is prepared in a separate container: laundry soap combined with 2 measuring caps of washing powder. If the blanket is very dirty, the concentration of one of the products can be increased to get a more effective and effective solution.
  3. It is poured into a bath with a blanket and soaked for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time allotted for the procedure, they take a brush and actively rub all contaminated places.
  5. When the product is immediately pulled out, it is squeezed out of excess liquid, then it is rinsed, squeezed again and hung out to dry.

For soaking, it is better to use liquid or capsule powder. If it is the most common, then first wait until all the grains dissolve, and then pour it into the bath.

After rubbing with a brush, do not leave the product for a long time in dirty water. It will be saturated with this liquid, and even after rinsing it will be a little gray.

Washing a quilt at home is difficult, but effective.

For white products, you can add a little hydrogen peroxide or ammonia to the solution. These substances perfectly bleach. Only here the main thing is to regularly turn the product over, at least 3 times in half an hour.

This is necessary for whitening to occur evenly.

Manual way

Wadded bedspreads serve for a long time, they perfectly retain heat. However, like any item of home wardrobe, they need to be washed. This product can be cleaned manually.

How to wash a quilt:

  1. First you need to make a soap solution. You will need any stain remover suitable for the type of fabric from which the fabric is made (it is also chosen based on color), a foam rubber sponge and a hard brush for cleaning carpets.
  2. In this case, soaking is not required. The blanket is taken out into the street and all the dust is knocked out, because when wet it will penetrate even more into the internal fibers.
  3. Then take a carpet brush and remove dry dirt. After that, the means prepared for washing are used.
  4. The product is laid out on a flat surface, an oilcloth of a suitable size is laid under it.
  5. Processing begins with laundry and washing powder. They are mixed in equal amounts, wait for the complete dissolution of both substances and proceed to clean the contaminants. They treat not only the spots themselves, but the entire surface. At the same time, it is impossible to allow strong penetration of moisture inside, otherwise it will take a long time to dry the product or a musty smell will appear.
  6. Then cleaning is carried out with a purchased stain remover. Be sure to wear gloves, usually such products contain caustic substances that leave burns on the hands. Stain remover, unlike washing powder and laundry soap, is applied only to heavily soiled areas. After its application, wait for some time (it is indicated on the package), and then blot with a dry cloth. Vanish stain remover is one of the the best means among all, it is recommended to use it for cleaning a wadded blanket.
  7. After such treatment, they again pass over the surface of the product with a foam rubber sponge moistened in a solution of washing powder and laundry soap.

Thus, the bedding is processed from two sides. After finishing the treatment with detergents, the product can be rinsed in a basin with warm water.

You will have to rinse several times, there will be a lot of foam. You can simply soak a sponge in clean water and use it to remove residues from the surface of the product. This procedure is longer, but after it there will be no smell of dampness if the blanket is not dried out.

At the end, hang the product on the balcony under direct Sun rays for drying. If possible, take it outside so that the sun dries equally on all sides.

Typewriter machine

Can a quilt be washed in a washing machine? Probably every woman asks this question. You can wash a quilt in the machine if it corresponds to the maximum weight that can be placed in the unit.

Most often, adult 2-bed products do not fit into the equipment, and you have to give them to dry cleaning. And baby blankets can be washed in washing machine.

Before this, it is necessary to clean the bedding from dust and other contaminants. This can be done with any suitable stain remover.

After the product has been cleaned of heavy contamination, it can be placed in the unit.

How to wash a blanket in a washing machine:

  1. Place the product in the drum, put in 6-8 tennis balls and close the door.
  2. Pour the liquid helium agent in the required amount into the powder compartment, the volume depends on the degree of contamination.
  3. You can also pour the agent into the conditioner compartment, and also add the appropriate substance to the stain remover tray.
  4. The temperature is set no more than 40 degrees, the washing mode is delicate or for wool.
  5. After the end of the cycle, you can not leave the product to stale, so carry out the procedure when one of the household members is at home. If the blanket is left in the machine for a long time, it will begin to sag.

The product is lightly wrung out and taken out to dry outside. It is advisable to dry on a flat surface, and not in an upright position. In this case, it is necessary to turn it over regularly.

It is important not only to know the rules for washing, but also how to care for such products.

  1. To avoid lumps, fluff the blanket constantly.
  2. Do not eat on this product. Sauces and other goodies are quickly absorbed into cotton wool and stains are hard to remove.
  3. If you don't have time to do laundry, just hang your bedding on Fresh air and dry. This will prevent the appearance of dust mites and germs.
  4. Soaking is possible only in emergency cases and with very strong pollution.

If you feel that you can’t cope on your own or it’s raining and snowing outside, take the product to a dry cleaner.

A soiled blanket should not be thrown away. Any bedding, including pillows, can be brought back to life at home with a little effort.

Numerous advantages of wadded blankets are undeniable: they do not cause allergies, are light and natural, and serve as a good source of heat. But all these positive points pale when you have to think about how to wash a quilt.

Dry cleaning is contraindicated for these products, and they simply will not fit in the washing machine. Of course, it is possible to purchase a new blanket after each serious contamination or accumulation of dust in the filler, the price of the item allows this, but there are other options. If desired, a functional thing is quickly restored at home, but this will require serious work.

Features of using a washing machine to clean the product

A children's wadded blanket fits perfectly in an automatic typewriter, so with this product, which is rapidly losing cleanliness and freshness, there will be no special problems (at least before the drying procedure). True, you first need to make sure that after getting wet, the object will not weigh a critical amount and will not provoke a breakdown of household appliances.

At the same time, it is necessary to wash a wadded blanket with the following parameters:

  1. The maximum water temperature is set at 40ºС.
  2. Washing mode should be delicate or manual. The number of revolutions can be set independently at the lowest setting.

Tip: It is recommended to load several new tennis balls together with the blanket into the machine, then the material will not roll up so much.

  1. Traditional washing powder it is better to replace it with a liquid analogue, then there will be no problems with the procedure for washing out the composition from the fibers.
  2. The spin on the washing machine will have to be turned off altogether, otherwise the blanket will have to be thrown away. The bulk of the water must be removed by hand, using pressure rather than twisting movements. Additionally, you can use terry towels.

Immediately after removing the item from the washing machine, the item must be dried, otherwise it will be almost impossible to break the lumps later. And this is not only not very attractive and not convenient, but also the risk of mold and yellow streaks.

Rules for manual cleaning of a wadded blanket

The only option for restoring the freshness and cleanliness of an overall wadded blanket is its manual processing. It may take more than one hour to conduct it at home, but the result will be optimal. To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to prepare a basin with warm water, a washing gel or powder, laundry soap shavings, a stain remover, a foam rubber sponge and a hard brush.

Features of cleaning and the sequence of stages:

  • Soaking will have to be abandoned in favor of surface treatment. The blanket can only be soaked if there is extensive organic contamination. In this case, you will have to use a bath and gel detergents (it is almost impossible to wash the powder out of a cotton product).
  • Before starting wet processing, the object must be cleaned of dry contaminants, dust must be knocked out. If you immediately wet the fabric, then harmless dust particles will be absorbed into the filler, which will lead to its deterioration.
  • We lay out the prepared blanket on a dense horizontal surface. We prepare an active solution by adding laundry soap shavings, liquid or dry washing powder to warm water. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the product, otherwise stains and a specific smell from the product are guaranteed and these phenomena can be eliminated only as a result of repeated washings.
  • Then the cleaning begins. We dip the selected tool in the finished solution and treat obvious spots with it first. Ideally, you need to walk with detergent over the entire surface of the product on both sides. If necessary, we treat especially resistant formations with a stain remover. The main thing is that the clothes do not get wet through.
  • After achieving the desired result, you can start rinsing. To do this, we collect cool clean water in a basin and with a clean sponge we also pass over the entire surface of the blanket. Only after removing all signs of soap is it allowed to dry the item.

Even if puddles form on the surface of the blanket during the cleaning process, it should not be wrung out. We only blot the problem area with a dry cloth until the matter remains dry.

How to properly dry a household item after washing?

The cleaned thing must be placed horizontally, spreading all the folds and creases as much as possible. The best option calcining the blanket in direct sunlight is considered. In this case, ultraviolet eliminates all pathogenic microorganisms, including dust mites. By hanging the blanket, you can provoke the deformation of the filler and it will be difficult to break the formed clods.

If lumps appeared during the processing of the product, then they must be systematically broken as the object dries. To do this, use your hands or a suitable cane. When forming dense lumps, due to the violation of all the rules for processing a wadded blanket, it is better to wash the product, stretching the problematic formations with your hands. After that, you need to dry again, but taking into account the recommendations.

If the first time it was not possible to achieve the desired result, it is worth thinking about replacing the product. It will not survive another aggressive work.

Such a procedure as washing a wadded blanket scares many. The filler is very capricious and if the manufacturer sewed the product of poor quality, then it will only have to be thrown away. Consider how to wash a wadded blanket.

Automatic cleaning

If you need to wash at home Baby blanket filled with cotton wool, it will easily fit in an automatic machine. with product big size everything is more complicated. Here you need to estimate in advance the approximate weight when it gets wet. Otherwise, household appliances may break.

If you still decide on an automatic wash, then you need to use the following parameters:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. Preferably choose a manual or delicate wash cycle.
  3. Set only the lowest spin speed.
  4. It is better to replace ordinary washing powder with a liquid counterpart. In this case, no agent will remain in the fibers of the fabric.
  5. If possible, it is better to turn off the automatic spin mode, and remove excess moisture manually.
To prevent the cotton filling from rolling up so much, we recommend putting a few tennis balls with the blanket.

After the duvet has been cleaned in the washing machine, dry it thoroughly immediately. This will help avoid large lumps. It is better to do it in the open air in the unfolded form. In this case, the risk of mold and yellow stains appearing inside will be minimized.

Manual cleaning

If you do not trust the washing machine, then you can clean the blanket with your own hands. It doesn't matter if it's a child or an adult. It is worth noting right away that for this you must stock up on a lot of free time. To clean a cotton blanket at home, prepare the following:

  • warm water;
  • liquid washing powder;
  • crushed laundry soap;
  • stain remover;
  • sponge or brush with stiff bristles.

If the contamination is large, then it is better to soak the product. To do this, pour water into the bath, add a cleaning agent and lay a blanket. In another case, we suggest stopping at surface cleaning. We do everything according to the instructions:

  1. Before processing, be sure to shake out all the dust. Lay on a hard horizontal surface.
  2. We dissolve laundry soap and washing powder in warm water.
  3. Take a sponge or brush, dip into the working solution and begin to rub the stain thoroughly. If necessary, treat the entire surface. For stubborn organic stains, use a stain remover.
  4. Remove the remaining detergent with a clean sponge and cool water.
  5. Dry bedding thoroughly.
Ideally, no twisting of a cotton-filled blanket is allowed. All excess moisture should drain on its own.

Many experts do not allow the use of a wadded blanket for several years. In its upholstery, bed mites easily start up.

Alternative Method

You can clean the blanket at home with steam. This method is considered more gentle. Not only stains are removed, but also disinfection from various microbes occurs. For such cleaning, a regular iron with a steamer or a special steam generator is suitable.

Using steam cleaning, you will remove not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors.

All about drying

It is necessary to dry a wadded blanket strictly on a horizontal surface, which is located on the street under the sun. If weather conditions do not allow, then be sure to use heaters. Thoroughly beat the filler.

It is strictly forbidden to hang a quilt to dry on a rope. The filler will be lumped together and can only be thrown away.

The following tips will help you keep your quilt properly:

  1. If you decide to wash the product, then do it only in sunny weather, which is favorable for drying. Humidity promotes the growth of mold and bacteria in the filler.
  2. So that after washing there are no stains, before trusting the washing machine, wash all stains with warm water and laundry soap.
  3. Do not leave the duvet unattended while drying. To avoid lumps, constantly beat the product with your hands and knead the filler.
  4. If you feel that you can’t handle the laundry yourself at home, then you can use a professional dry cleaner. But even here a positive result is not guaranteed. Some dry cleaners will not accept these items.
  5. Do not soak the blanket in either warm or cold water before washing.
  6. Always take the blanket out into the fresh air and into the sun. This is a prevention against the accumulation of ticks and germs.

Now you can not be afraid that a soiled blanket can only be thrown away. With our recipes and methods, you can try to remove any pollution at home and return the product to its original appearance.

You should not consider cotton wool an outdated filler for blankets, such products are durable, hypoallergenic. In addition, it is such a product that will quickly warm. Over time, the question arises, how? Is it possible to carry out the procedure in the washing machine? How to do it correctly so that the product can be used?

The answers to these questions are quite simple, cleaning is allowed, but under certain circumstances. Hand washing at home is welcome, dry cleaning is completely contraindicated for the product, and wadded blankets in the machine can simply go astray if washed incorrectly.

How to wash a wadded blanket at home so as not to spoil it? There are several basic rules, but before the main cleaning it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • Before carrying out any wet cleaning, it is necessary to remove all possible contaminants in a dry way with a soft brush.
  • Drying in the sun and careful knocking out of the product are welcome.
  • With any type of washing, soaking is prohibited, even heavy soiling is removed with minimal exposure to water.
  • For washing use water, not higher than 40 degrees.
  • It is recommended to use only liquid detergents, powdered detergents remain in the product for a long time and can cause rashes or other allergic reactions of the body.

Important! Immediately after washing in any way, dry the blanket thoroughly. If this procedure is postponed even for a short period of time, you can permanently spoil the product.

The same preparatory procedures are carried out for outerwear with this filler. Before washing a jersey or trousers, they are thoroughly cleaned from surface dirt.

How to wash a quilt in the washing machine correctly

For everyone who has wadded products, sooner or later the question arises, is it possible to wash a wadded blanket in an automatic machine? In addition, they often ask how to wash a sweatshirt, padded jacket, pants in a typewriter if their filler is the same ingredient?

Before you wash a wadded blanket in a washing machine, you should know and apply the following rules:

  • A one and a half or double product should not be placed in the drum of a home assistant. In dry form, this may work, but when wet, the products will become very heavy and can break the machine.
  • A baby blanket can be subjected to such a cleansing, even if soaked with water it will not be very heavy.
  • The temperature indicator is set at 40 degrees.
  • The spin is removed completely or set to a minimum.
  • Before starting the procedure, liquid detergent is poured into the tray.
  • Expose a delicate or gentle strika.

Starting the car, carefully monitor the process. As soon as the wash ends, the product is immediately dried.

Advice! So that the blanket does not go astray during the cleaning process, 3-4 new tennis balls are placed in the drum to the product before starting. They will break up the resulting cotton balls, make the product more airy, and speed up the drying process.

It can also occur on the “hand wash” program, the main thing is that the spin is minimal.

How to wash a cotton blanket at home with your hands

What to do if you can’t wash a quilt in the washing machine? Manual cleaning of the product will come to the rescue. It will take more than one hour, and you will have to spend energy, but in the end your favorite product will become cleaner and fresher.

How to wash a cotton blanket in this case? The step-by-step procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Even with heavy pollution, soaking is prohibited. This stage of washing will ruin the blanket forever, the filler will clump into lumps, which are very problematic to break.
  • Only the place of contamination is subject to treatment with water with a stain remover or a simple soapy solution, the rest of the product remains unwetted.
  • To remove stubborn dirt, liquid detergents or oxygen-based stain removers are used. Chlorine-containing substances are contraindicated for the product.
  • After preliminary preparation, the product is placed strictly horizontally on a hard surface.
  • A solution is prepared in a container, using a gel for washing delicate items, shavings of household or baby soap and water. The selected agent must be completely dissolved.
  • Depending on the degree of contamination, a sponge or brush is used. The selected tool is dipped into the solution and strong contamination immediately passes, and then the entire surface of the blanket.
  • The product is turned over, the processing is repeated on the other side.
  • After removing all visible contaminants, proceed to rinsing. The procedure is also carried out in their basin, clean water is collected into it. Lightly moisten the sponge and pass over the surface on both sides, periodically changing the water and rinsing the sponge.

After removing the soap from the surface, they begin to dry the product.

Important! It is worth remembering that under no circumstances should a wadded blanket be twisted, excess water is driven off with light hand movements or removed with terry towels, which are changed as needed.

A jersey is better in a typewriter, if the dimensions do not allow it to be placed there, the above method is used.

Drying products with cotton filling

Is it possible to wash a wadded blanket and how to do it better found out. And how to dry the product? Are there any subtleties of the procedure?

It is necessary to break the formed lumps regularly during drying. A dry product will not allow this to be done.

If the result achieved did not meet expectations, better blanket replace. Repeated washing may not always correct the situation.

The subtleties of washing cotton products are established, using them your blankets will always be in perfect order.

03/15/2017 2 3 463 views

Not every woman knows how to wash a quilt at home, but sooner or later this question arises. A blanket with cotton filler is an indispensable attribute in the cold season. It is difficult to freeze under it, even if the apartment is quite cold. But over time it gets dirty, so regular and proper care will keep him fresh and comfortable.

How to wash a cotton blanket?

Washing a cotton blanket is quite simple, the main thing is to choose the most suitable method. It is more convenient and faster to wash in the washing machine, but you can also achieve good results by hand.

Automatic in the machine

Unfortunately, not every blanket can be washed in automatic mode. If it is double, then it will swell in the drum and can lead to its breakage. It is better to wash in the washing machine a small cotton product, so you will get the result that suits you as much as possible.

  • water temperature during washing should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • wash better with liquid detergents;
  • be sure to turn off the spin and set the delicate mode.


If your blanket is quite impressive, then there is nothing left but to wash by hand. This process will be more energy and time consuming than washing in a washing machine, but in the end you will get no worse result.

To begin with, we will prepare: a basin with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 40 degrees; liquid detergent; brush of medium hardness; sponge.

  1. Cleaning a quilt begins with knocking it out to get rid of accumulated dust.
  2. It is best to clean the blanket in the open air, spreading it out on a large, pre-spread oilcloth.
  3. The detergent is diluted in water.
  4. Using a brush, the soapy solution is gently applied to the surface of the blanket and rubbed.
  5. If there are stains, a minimal amount of stain remover can be applied to them.
  6. When the blanket is cleaned on one side, it is turned over and the procedure is repeated.
  7. Finally, the remaining soap solution is removed with a sponge dipped in clean cool water.
  8. Without squeezing, the blanket is hung on a clothesline to drain the liquid.

Steam cleaning

Instead of automatic and hand washing, you can resort to steam cleaning. This method will not only get rid of dirt on the blanket, but also rid the filler of an unpleasant smell. You can use a regular iron with a steam mode, or use a special steam generator.

How to dry a cotton blanket?

You can use a clothesline only to get rid of excess moisture. Drying itself should take place in a horizontal position.

  1. Before spreading the duvet, give the duvet a good fluff to loosen the filling. You need to do this periodically until it dries completely.
  2. You can dry the blanket both in the sun and at home next to heating appliances.
  3. Do not leave it to dry on a clothesline, the filler will get stuck in one place and it will be difficult to return it to its original place.

Video: how to wash a quilt at home?

  • it is better to choose a sunny summer day for washing, when it can be left outside until it dries completely;
  • do not leave the blanket unattended for a long time, regularly come up and straighten the filler;
  • do not forget to periodically turn the blanket over so that it dries evenly;
  • if you understand that you can’t cope with washing yourself, contact a dry cleaner, the very next day you will receive a fresh and clean blanket;
  • drying in the sun will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • do not pre-soak the blanket;
  • even if the blanket has not been washed, dry it in the sun, so you can prevent the appearance of mites and germs.

At what temperature should you wash a quilt?