
From what to choose a blanket for a newborn. What is the best blanket to put in a newborn's crib? Choosing a good envelope for an extract for a baby


Each of the mothers is faced with the choice of a blanket for a newborn. In fact, not even one blanket, but a set of blankets for all occasions: in bed, in a stroller, in the heat, in the cold. If you have not yet decided which fillers and materials are better, then in my publication I will try to dot J.
At a time when I was not particularly worried about such qualities of things as ease of care, hygroscopicity, and I was not so pretentious about tactile qualities, stereotypes prevailed over me that the best is all natural. Let's try to overcome stereotypes and consider what options are actually more optimal.

Blanket for newborn | select the required properties

    1. Temperature regime. Almost any filler can be used to make blankets for various temperature conditions. Depending on the thickness, it can be both synthetic fibers and natural ones. As a rule, wool or synthetic fibers are used for the production of warm blankets. And in terms of its thermal insulation qualities, modern synthetics are no longer inferior to wool. For the production of light summer blankets, cotton and, again, synthetics can be used.
    2. Hypoallergenic. Synthetic fibers are unsuitable for use as food by bed mites and other living creatures, which is why they have significantly higher hypoallergenic qualities. Therefore, do not brush aside synthetics when choosing a blanket for a newborn. Manufacturers report high hypoallergenic qualities of cotton, bamboo and camel wool, but I would still advise you to remember that when choosing a blanket:
      • natural fibers are an ideal habitat for bed mites, which are the cause of allergies;
      • in the production of any type of filler, an unscrupulous manufacturer can use toxic substances. Most often, such substances are used to soften fibers or as dyes. It is for this reason that it is worth giving preference to trusted brands.
    3. Weight and tactile qualities. Depending on the manufacturing technology, blankets made from the same fibers can feel very different to the touch. Some synthetic fibers are not as pleasant to the touch, but this problem is solved by a duvet cover. At the same time, blankets made of high-quality synthetic fibers are much lighter and softer. Leaders in light weight blankets with synthetic fillings. They are light as a feather and under them it is very cozy even for newborn babies!
    4. Ease of care. When it comes to babies (including newborns), the question often arises of washing. And in this matter, synthetic fibers are again in the lead - they can be washed in a typewriter and are not afraid that the blanket will sit down or the filler will gather in a heap. Of course, we are talking about high-quality synthetic fibers.
    5. Hygroscopicity. A very important quality for many is the speed of drying the blanket! Synthetic fillers are also leading in this position! Our favorite holofan blanket dries in just 3 hours in a ventilated area at room temperature of 22 degrees, in the sun at 30 degrees - about 1.5 hours. At the same time, it takes about 10 hours for a classic flannelette blanket to dry completely at a room temperature of 22 degrees. If we are talking about drying a flannelette blanket in winter, then the time increases to a day.

    6. Natural materials - These are classic wool and cotton. Cotton is ideal for warm climates. Wool is used if you want to keep warm.
    7. Mixed (natural + synthetic). I see no reason to dilute the excellent characteristics of synthetic fibers with natural ones. As an exception, perhaps, I will indicate a wool mixture. I only ask you to take into account that the wool mixture should be chosen in cases where you see a neat texture of the fabric. For example, meet great options wool blend blankets. As for quilts filled with wool mixture, I would advise you to avoid these, as it is too likely that they are trying to sell you a pig in a poke.
    8. Breathable properties. It is believed that synthetics do not allow the body to "breathe", but is it really so? It turns out it's almost the other way around! With natural fibers, everything goes fine until the moment when sweat comes out. At the moment of sweat release, natural fibers, due to their hygroscopicity, absorb moisture and then stop letting air through. As for synthetics, there are “breathable” and “non-breathable” synthetics. The use of non-breathable synthetics for blankets is unacceptable. The breathable synthetic blanket is ideal even for newborns. When covering with woolen blankets, you should be especially careful not to overheat, as the blanket can sweat and lose its breathable properties.
    9. Synthetic fillings for quilts. Everything is simple here, the larger the budget, the better the fiber. The concept of quality includes thermal insulation, breathability, softness, hygroscopicity, resistance to washing. I will list the most popular in ascending order of quality: synthetic winterizer, holofiber (analogues slightly different in holofan processing technology), tinsulate, isosoft. The cheapest and least quality synthetic winterizer on this list. Perhaps, I did not purchase it for a newborn baby, and all the rest are quite appropriate and modern.

Blanket for newborn | We make a set of blankets for a newborn for all occasions

I will describe our set of blankets and my conclusions regarding each of them:

Woolen quilt in the best traditions of our grandmothers. Designed for winter. After the blanket with holofan, they could not use it - it was too thick and uncomfortable. After washing, dry for at least 2 days. Each wash significantly takes away resources from its original qualities - deformation occurs, coarsens. Grandma's wool quilt
A blanket with holofan came with a bed sheet. Initially, it was unclear when it would be best to use it. It has been tested for all conditions and concluded that it is the best as a basic universal blanket, including for newborns - warm, very light, very soft. Dries quickly when washed. Quilted duvet with holofan filling
A flannelette blanket, as in childhood. Blanket of medium thickness. Designed for medium temperature with a duvet cover and also for use as a blanket. Compared to holofan and velsoft, it seems rude and unpleasant. We use only if the main blanket is in the wash. modern flannelette blanket is distinguished by a variety of colors

Velsoft or fleece blanket.

Over the past few years, fleece blankets have given way to velsoft blankets. Many people are familiar with fleece, but velsoft is a less well-known brand of fabric.

Velsoft on this moment The most popular fabric from which blankets for babies are made. It is synthetic, but despite this, it leads in its tactile qualities. Terry, very soft to the touch. Plaids, overalls for cool weather, as well as terry bathrobes are often made from it.

Velsoft is more gentle and pleasant compared to fleece, but at the same time, Velsoft quickly loses appearance.

Given that we prefer soft cotton for skin contact, velvet blankets are good for covering a lightly dressed baby. Velsoft is perfectly erased, wrung out in a typewriter. Dries quickly after washing. Has a wide range of colors.

Favorite blanket from velsoft

Blanket for newborn | optimal choice

So, it's time to return to the issue of forming a set of blankets for a newborn.

The key point in this question will be:

    • If you are a supporter of diapers, then a set of two blankets and a pair of blankets will be enough for you. Blankets can be taken of the same thickness, with high-quality artificial filler - in cold weather, cover at once with two, and the rest of the time you will have two universal blankets available, one of which can be washed at any time. You can take one thicker, but it will spend most of the time in the closet, and this is not very practical. But the blankets seem reasonable to me to choose one in summer version, another in winter. In the summer version, velsoft is ideal for babies, in winter, thick fleece or wool mixture.
    • If you are an opponent of diapers, then the choice of fibers is definitely synthetics. In terms of quantity, at least 3 universal blankets and 3 medium-thick blankets + 1 thick winter blanket will be required. Of course, this will not fully cover all the costs of dry blankets, but there will already be time for maneuvers.

I hope this publication has convinced you that natural is not always the best and your attitude towards modern synthetic fabrics has improved. AT modern world it is important not to be a prisoner of prejudices and to distinguish between what is actually good and what is a stereotype. In fact, this publication is relevant not only for blankets for newborns, but also for

Sweet dreams for your little ones!

Every loving parents they want to provide their child with all the best, therefore, before buying any item, the baby tries to find out everything about it. What blanket to choose for a newborn? - The question is quite serious, because such a thing should not only warm the baby, but also be safe and comfortable. This article will tell about all the main nuances of choosing this item of bedding.

What is the best blanket for a newborn in the crib?

First of all, parents should take into account one important fact - the time of year when the child was born. Depending on this, the choice of blanket will differ:

  • If it is a cold autumn or winter, then the following options are more suitable for the baby: wadded, downy, woolen or fur blankets.
  • If it is a warm spring or summer, then it is better to purchase a thin fleece or baize cover. A beautiful woolen blanket will also come in handy.

At the same time, young parents should understand that when buying a blanket for the summer, they will also have to buy a second one for the winter, and vice versa. Therefore, do not delay the purchase, it is better to buy the necessary set of blankets immediately.

How to choose a baby blanket? Primary requirements

A newborn does not have its own immunity, therefore, increased requirements are placed on such products. The first blanket of the baby must necessarily have the following list of qualities.


Infant bedding should only be made from breathable materials. Even a not too active child can wrap himself in a blanket with his head during sleep, therefore, for safety reasons, the product must necessarily pass air well.


In the first days and months of a child's life, it is very difficult to predict which of the materials can cause an allergic reaction in him. For this reason, the blanket should be made from environmentally friendly materials, not attract dust mites, and not create favorable conditions for fungi and mold to thrive.

Hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity

The body of an infant, unlike the body of an adult, is not able to adapt to temperature. environment. So that the newborn does not sweat in his sleep, does not freeze and does not overheat, his blanket should have the ability to absorb skin fumes as quickly as possible and bring them out, while remaining dry.

Light weight and softness

The skin of the baby is very delicate, so in order not to injure it, the blanket should not be dense, heavy and hard. In this case, it is better to choose a blanket for a newborn, which will be pleasant to the touch and does not put pressure on the child with its weight.

Ease of care

To maintain the hygiene of the products that surround the baby, they should be washed and washed regularly. This also applies to the blanket, so it would be better if this item can be washed in the washing machine.

What is the best blanket for a newborn in winter?

Consider best options baby blankets that can warm the baby in the cold season.

This material is used as a filler for blankets for people of all ages.


  • It is characterized by lightness, well passes air, remarkably warms.
  • It is recommended to use such a blanket in rooms where the air temperature does not exceed + 16-18 degrees.

Important! If the temperature in the room is higher than indicated, then there is a possibility of overheating of the baby.


  • Such a filler is prone to infection with feather mites, the waste products of which can provoke severe allergies in a child.
  • A product with down requires periodic drying, as it absorbs moisture well.

Cotton wool or natural cotton

Natural cotton and wadding are another popular filler for baby blankets.


  • Cotton is a hypoallergenic material, so you should not be afraid of any problems associated with the reaction of the baby to the filler.
  • Such a blanket can perfectly warm, while not allowing the child to overheat.


  • A fairly tangible weight of the blanket can create some discomfort for the baby.
  • Over time, cotton wool can stray into separate lumps. Such bedding will eventually be uncomfortable, lose its thermal properties, and eventually become unusable.
  • Cotton is able to absorb moisture well, so such a product also requires periodic drying.


Wool products can be of two types: in the form of a quilt and in the form of a plaid. When choosing a blanket for a newborn from this material, preference should be given to a quilted wool product.


  • This blanket is light in weight, so it will be comfortable for the baby.
  • Wool retains heat very well, so parents should not worry that the baby under it will freeze at night.
  • A child can use such a product for about 8 years, or even more. Throughout this period, the blanket will not lose its thermal characteristics and beautiful appearance.
  • Under such a blanket, the baby will not sweat, as it is hygroscopic and perfectly evaporates moisture.
  • Wool has good breathability.


A significant disadvantage of a product made of wool is the allergenicity of the material.

Important! If after the first night spent by the child under such a blanket, he developed a rash or other manifestations of allergies, then use in the future woolen product it is forbidden.


Many parents refuse to buy synthetic products, preferring everything for their baby only natural. However, in cases where a newborn suddenly has an allergy to a filler, for example, from down or wool, then a synthetic blanket will be an ideal substitute.


  • It is quite easy to care for a product with a synthetic filler. Such an item can be safely washed in an automatic machine.
  • The weight of the blanket is light, so the child in this regard will be comfortable under it.


  • Synthetics do not allow heat to pass through, so it can be quite hot for a baby to sleep in them.


Such a blanket is ideal for a newborn, however, it also has its drawback, which is very significant for many parents. However, first things first.


  • The bamboo blanket is thin, pleasant to the touch (silky), perfectly keeps the temperature comfortable for the baby's body.
  • The service life of such a product is quite long, it is durable and reliable.
  • Hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which is very important for the sensitive body of the baby.


  • There is only one drawback - the high cost of the blanket. Not all parents will be able to purchase such a product for their child without a noticeable emptying of the wallet.

What blanket to choose for a newborn in a crib in the summer?

A summer blanket should be breathable, light, soft and easy to care for. The most popular options for such products are as follows.

flannelette blanket

Products from bikes are well known to our grandmothers, as our mothers and fathers were wrapped in them. It is not strange that they have retained their popularity to this day, because their merits are undeniable.


  • The flannelette blanket is soft to the touch, light in weight, able to quickly take the shape of the child's body, providing the baby with comfort during sleep.
  • The product perfectly passes air, so the baby will not have prickly heat and diaper rash.
  • It is hypoallergenic.
  • Under such a blanket it will be warm even on the coolest summer or spring evening.
  • The product does not require special conditions for care, so it can be easily washed by children. washing powder or ordinary laundry soap.
  • The appearance of the product can be very diverse. You can choose colors for both girls and boys.
  • The durability of a flannelette blanket and its affordable price- important pluses in the piggy bank of the advantages of this version of the product for the bed of a newborn.

If one of the important criteria for choosing a blanket for a newborn for young parents is the naturalness of the material, then they can choose a calico blanket.


  • Light in weight.
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials, and therefore safe for the sensitive body of the baby.
  • It features low creasing, so it retains a beautiful look even during intensive use.
  • Durability. A coarse calico blanket is able to retain its original pattern for several years.

This material is a synthetic knitted fabric. It has firmly entered our lives, as it is distinguished by practicality. Regarding the choice of a fleece blanket for a baby, there are pros and cons.


  • A fleece blanket is almost weightless.
  • The material is hypoallergenic.
  • The fleece blanket does not require special care, is easy to wash and dries quickly, and does not undergo biological degradation over time.


  • The material quickly accumulates dust, which can cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose a baby blanket for warmth?

Very few modern parents know that the warmth of any blanket is indicated on its packaging. This is done with dots. Let's figure out what exactly the row of dots on the package means?

  • 5 points. This mark indicates the highest level of warmth of the blanket.
  • 4 points. Simple comfortable warm blankets have this designation.
  • 3 points. Blanket designed for spring or autumn.
  • 2 points. Light duvet of standard warmth.
  • 1 point. This blanket is suitable only for the warm summer season.

Important! To buy a truly safe item for your baby, ask the seller for a quality certificate. It should be on any product sold in the store. If there is none, then it is better to refuse to purchase this item.

standard sized duvets

The main rule for parents regarding the choice of a blanket in a crib is to start from the size of the bed:

  • If the bed itself is small, and you buy a large blanket, then the child will be uncomfortable - the blanket will constantly interfere with him, disrupting the baby's sleep, and often the thermoregulation of the body.
  • A small blanket is also not an option, as often the blanket rolls to one side, or the child’s head is under the blanket during sleep, then most of the body is simply not covered.
  • The best blanket for a newborn's bed is a model with Velcro, buttons or ties, so the baby will not be able to throw it off at night.

Important! A large blanket can be tucked under the mattress, so you protect your baby from the cold. A child in such an “envelope” must definitely feel comfortable, and not pressed to the bed.

  • For small cradle beds, an ideal blanket would be a product with dimensions of 80x90 cm. It will also be convenient to use it in a stroller while walking.
  • The standard sizes of blankets are 110x140 cm and 100x135 cm.

Important! With the growing up of the child, the blanket will need to be bought new, taking into account its growth and changes in the size of the bed.

Popular manufacturers

The following are the most popular and reliable manufacturers of bedding for the smallest children. Thanks to this rating, you can easily figure out among all the textile variety which blanket is better to choose for a newborn:

  • Runo factory. Under this brand, a wide variety of models for the winter season are produced: alpaca wool blankets, sheep wool or camel down.
  • Natures. The products of this factory are distinguished by a large number of different collections. The manufacturer uses wool, silk, down, bamboo or eucalyptus fiber as a filler for blankets. All of them are of high quality.
  • Magic Wool. The company produces plaids and blankets from natural wool of camels or sheep.
  • MuzaNoche. She is known for her BabySilk collection, which is based on natural silk.
  • Primavelle. Brand products are represented by a wide variety of materials at a variety of prices.
  • TAS. Blankets of this factory are made of synthetic filler. They differ in quality and variety of colors.
  • If you want the best for your child, then before buying, be sure to study the characteristics of the filler.
  • Give preference to well-known and reliable manufacturers.
  • In the store, be sure to examine the product from all sides to determine the level of its softness, the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor, the presence of any defects.


Choosing a good blanket for your baby is not so difficult, you just need to know the basic important points, which will affect the warmth of the baby in the crib and its comfort. Having studied useful advice from the article, you can easily buy the right version of the product, which will meet not only the norms of children's household items, but also your family budget.

Only a baby who was born spends most of his time in a dream, so it is very important to provide him with maximum comfort, which contributes to a strong and healthy sleep. One of the most important components is a blanket. About how it should be, we will talk in today's article.

Varieties of blankets

Fleece products

Fleece in many ways resembles a bike despite the fact that it is a synthetic material. Its properties are hypoallergenic and light weight. An example is the “My Bunny” blanket.

What should be a blanket for a newborn?

  • Hypoallergenic. This condition is mandatory. The fabric from which the blanket is made should not cause allergic reactions.
  • Pleasant to the touch. A newborn baby will adapt to the new world for a long time, and all this time his skin will remain very tender and sensitive. Rough material can cause not only discomfort, but also damage to the skin.
  • breathable. This means that the material of the blanket should allow air to circulate. The point is not only to create a favorable microclimate under the covers, but also to be safe - tossing and turning, the baby may well be under the covers with his head.
  • Does not absorb moisture. While a duvet is primarily intended to retain heat, it must also vent moisture well.
  • Practical. A newborn baby blanket will be washed and cleaned frequently. In the process of care, it should not wear out quickly and lose its original properties.

Overheating an infant can often lead to more tragic consequences than hypothermia. Care must be taken to ensure that the child is comfortable. It is preferable to have two blankets - light and warm. If the child has to be in a room with high humidity, it is necessary to purchase a product made of wool. If the house is dry and warm, then you can get by with a blanket made of artificial materials. Synthetic materials are also preferred if the child suffers from allergies.


Each blanket is suitable for different climatic conditions, and we are talking not only about the weather and season, but also about the microclimate of the home. When choosing a blanket for a newborn, it is necessary to take into account both of these factors - only then will the purchase please both the baby and the parents.

Looking for a blanket for a newborn baby? The product must be suitable in size, thickness, material and color. Let's determine which blanket to choose for newly-made parents.

The invariable attribute of the "equipment" of the crumbs is a plaid - soft, warm and cozy. Parents themselves, grandparents, as well as other relatives who want to give a newborn a truly useful gift, are puzzled by his purchase.

On a note! A plaid is a dense product that is used as a blanket. Initially, they were made from woolen or half-woolen fabric. Today, the choice of materials for this product is more diverse. Signs of a baby blanket are small size, light weight and hypoallergenic material.

Is a blanket really necessary when caring for a baby? Just starting to use it, moms and dads are convinced of its benefits. In a beautiful blanket, the baby can be discharged from the hospital. The child is covered with the product during sleep or walking on the street, they are covered with a crib. When the neonatal period has passed, it can be used as a floor mat for games. Plaid is one of useful accessories, which should be in the children's room.

Five criteria for choosing a blanket for a newborn

In order for the blanket to bring only joy and comfort to the baby and parents, it is important to choose it correctly. When buying, you should focus on several criteria.

The size

Buying a large product is a rash step. When the baby begins to actively move the legs and arms, it can get confused in it. The optimal sizes of blankets for newborns are recognized:

  • 75 × 100 cm,
  • 80 × 110 cm.

Do not ignore the square options with sides of 80-100 cm. It is convenient to wrap the baby in them.


Today, manufacturers offer a large selection of bedspreads. When sewing, up to 10 types of fabrics are used. We present the characteristics of some of them.

  1. Wool. Wool blankets are usually knitted products. For them, yarn is taken from pre-treated wool.

    On a note! Wool initially (without processing) is a strong allergen. It can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems. Proven manufacturers use only adapted hypoallergenic yarn.

  2. Fleece, velsoft and other synthetic fabrics with little pile. 100% polyester material guarantees light weight and hypoallergenicity. Fleece products are unpretentious, withstand frequent washing and dry quickly, which is important for children's blankets, as the child often gets them dirty.
  3. Cotton. Natural fabric is used both independently (in summer models), and as a cover for options with a filler. The advantages of the material are safety, hygroscopicity, breathability.
  4. Modal. From this variety of viscose, practical, environmentally friendly, breathable and incredibly soft products for a newborn are created.

The choice of blankets is not limited to models with a natural or synthetic composition. In the assortment of manufacturers there are options with a mixed composition, for example, wool / acrylic, cotton / polyester, etc.

Design and color

Parents often underestimate the importance of color and design. Color therapists and psychologists have long proven that specific shades, patterns and patterns affect the psychological state of the baby.

Important! For a baby up to two months, it is enough to choose a white and black blanket. The kid at this age distinguishes only them. It has been proven that blue, red, black, orange and purple colors dominant in the design of the blanket are recognized as aggressive for the baby..

Aggressive drawings should also be avoided, because they can tritely scare the child. Patterns and images that are pleasing to the eye, on the contrary, will attract his attention. The kid will look at them for a long time, giving mom some free time.


A warm, dense blanket is not appropriate in summer, and, conversely, a light, thin product will not save you from cool air in winter. , It is important for parents to choose a model according to the season, depending on the month in which the baby was born. When it's cold outside, models from faux fur, woolen cloth, with filler. Sheepskin blankets are ideal.

For summer, models made of cotton, knitwear with a natural or mixed composition are optimal. Openwork knitted bedspreads made of cotton threads will also give comfort to the baby. 100% wool, thick fleece and blends (e.g. wool/polyamide) are great for spring and fall. In the off-season, quilted blankets with the required amount of filler are also chosen.

Types of blankets for newborns

Due to the variety of blankets for newborns, parents experience real pangs of choice. How to get past the delicate openwork knitted product? How to deprive attention of an incredibly soft fleece option? How not to prefer a flannelette blanket that is associated with your own childhood?

Consider the features of the types of blankets for newborns:

Knitted blankets - keep hands warm

Products self made are highly valued. They keep the warmth of the hands of craftswomen and are the only ones of their kind. A variety of patterns and types of yarn helps to create products for all occasions.

  • Need a fancy summer blanket? Openwork translucent models made of cotton yarn are suitable.
  • Appreciate in baby blanket practicality and ability to keep warm? Acrylic plaids from patterns with braids - your choice!
  • Ready to entrust the comfort of the crumbs only to natural products? Knitted blankets made of wool yarn will do.

A flannelette blanket is a timeless classic

It is sewn from moderately loose soft cotton fabric with double-sided pile. A similar composition and structure give blankets a number of advantages: the ability to retain heat, breathability, and environmental friendliness. Today in stores you can choose from countless models with different designs: from traditional checks to thematic patterns.

On a note! A plaid from a bike, for all its merits, is a “household” option. It is ideal for use at home, on a walk, on a picnic. For solemn situations, for example, for discharge, you should choose other, more elegant, models.

Blankets for discharge - No. 1 in elegance


This is a special category of textile products for newborns. Manufacturers work especially carefully on their design. Models should reflect the solemnity of the moment. For discharge, parents choose blankets made of silk, satin, skillfully framed with lace, knitted options, blankets-envelopes using patchwork technique. Today are gaining popularity and concise knitwear co stylish design, with appliqués and embroidery.

Quilted blankets for newborns - simplicity and conciseness

Practical beautiful products are also one of the favorites of parents. Their advantage is in layering: the top and bottom are made of a pleasant material (usually cotton). There is a thin filler, so the blanket retains heat well.

In the table below, we have revealed the advantages and disadvantages of children's blankets of different categories. The information will help parents make the right choice.

Type of blanket





Lightweight, breathable thanks to the loose structure, pleasant to the touch

simple design

knitted wool

Warm, absorbs excess moisture, beautiful, natural composition

May cause allergies, slightly prickly


100% polyester

Soft, lightweight, hypoallergenic, dries quickly

Parents may not be satisfied with the composition - 100% synthetics


100% cotton

Hygroscopic, breathable, ideal for summer, dries quickly

May shrink if washed frequently

Knitted from acrylic

100% acrylic

Incredibly soft, warm, fluffy due to bulk yarn

May stretch if not washed properly


100% silk

Premium appearance, light weight, hypoallergenic

Difficult to maintain, expensive


100% bamboo

Silky structure, antibacterial properties, hygroscopicity, shape retention after many washes

High absorbency (noticeable in rooms with high humidity).


Cotton, polyester

Warm, light, quilted, so the filler does not bunch up, all season

Takes up a lot of space, so it is difficult to take for a walk

Given all the criteria for choosing a blanket for newborns, parents will be able to choose perfect option, which will suit them in all respects, and the baby will give comfort in any weather.

Looking for a blanket for a newborn baby? The product must be suitable in size, thickness, material and color. Let's determine which blanket to choose for newly-made parents.

The invariable attribute of the "equipment" of the crumbs is a plaid - soft, warm and cozy. Parents themselves, grandparents, as well as other relatives who want to give a newborn a truly useful gift, are puzzled by his purchase.

On a note! A plaid is a dense product that is used as a blanket. Initially, they were made from woolen or half-woolen fabric. Today, the choice of materials for this product is more diverse. Signs of a baby blanket are small size, light weight and hypoallergenic material.

Is a blanket really necessary when caring for a baby? Just starting to use it, moms and dads are convinced of its benefits. In a beautiful blanket, the baby can be discharged from the hospital. The child is covered with the product during sleep or walking on the street, they are covered with a crib. When the neonatal period has passed, it can be used as a floor mat for games. A blanket is one of the useful accessories that should be in a child's room.

Five criteria for choosing a blanket for a newborn

In order for the blanket to bring only joy and comfort to the baby and parents, it is important to choose it correctly. When buying, you should focus on several criteria.

The size

Buying a large product is a rash step. When the baby begins to actively move the legs and arms, it can get confused in it. The optimal sizes of blankets for newborns are recognized:

  • 75 × 100 cm,
  • 80 × 110 cm.

Do not ignore the square options with sides of 80-100 cm. It is convenient to wrap the baby in them.


Today, manufacturers offer a large selection of bedspreads. When sewing, up to 10 types of fabrics are used. We present the characteristics of some of them.

  1. Wool. Wool blankets are usually knitted products. For them, yarn is taken from pre-treated wool.

    On a note! Wool initially (without processing) is a strong allergen. It can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems. Proven manufacturers use only adapted hypoallergenic yarn.

  2. Fleece, velsoft and other synthetic fabrics with little pile. 100% polyester material guarantees light weight and hypoallergenicity. Fleece products are unpretentious, withstand frequent washing and dry quickly, which is important for children's blankets, as the child often gets them dirty.
  3. Cotton. Natural fabric is used both independently (in summer models) and as a cover for options with filler. The advantages of the material are safety, hygroscopicity, breathability.
  4. Modal. From this variety of viscose, practical, environmentally friendly, breathable and incredibly soft products for a newborn are created.

The choice of blankets is not limited to models with a natural or synthetic composition. In the assortment of manufacturers there are options with a mixed composition, for example, wool / acrylic, cotton / polyester, etc.

Design and color

Parents often underestimate the importance of color and design. Color therapists and psychologists have long proven that specific shades, patterns and patterns affect the psychological state of the baby.

Important! For a baby up to two months, it is enough to choose a white and black blanket. The kid at this age distinguishes only them. It has been proven that blue, red, black, orange and purple colors dominant in the design of the blanket are recognized as aggressive for the baby..

Aggressive drawings should also be avoided, because they can tritely scare the child. Patterns and images that are pleasing to the eye, on the contrary, will attract his attention. The kid will look at them for a long time, giving mom some free time.


A warm, dense blanket is not appropriate in summer, and, conversely, a light, thin product will not save you from cool air in winter. , It is important for parents to choose a model according to the season, depending on the month in which the baby was born. When it's cold outside, models made of faux fur, woolen cloth, with filler will do. Sheepskin blankets are ideal.

For summer, models made of cotton, knitwear with a natural or mixed composition are optimal. Openwork knitted bedspreads made of cotton threads will also give comfort to the baby. 100% wool, thick fleece and blends (e.g. wool/polyamide) are great for spring and fall. In the off-season, quilted blankets with the required amount of filler are also chosen.

Types of blankets for newborns

Due to the variety of blankets for newborns, parents experience real pangs of choice. How to get past the delicate openwork knitwear? How to deprive attention of an incredibly soft fleece option? How not to prefer a flannelette blanket that is associated with your own childhood?

Consider the features of the types of blankets for newborns:

Knitted blankets - keep hands warm

Handicrafts are highly valued. They keep the warmth of the hands of craftswomen and are the only ones of their kind. A variety of patterns and types of yarn helps to create products for all occasions.

  • Need a fancy summer blanket? Openwork translucent models made of cotton yarn are suitable.
  • Do you value practicality and the ability to keep warm in a baby blanket? Acrylic plaids from patterns with braids - your choice!
  • Ready to entrust the comfort of the crumbs only to natural products? Knitted blankets made of wool yarn will do.

A flannelette blanket is a timeless classic

It is sewn from moderately loose soft cotton fabric with double-sided pile. A similar composition and structure give blankets a number of advantages: the ability to retain heat, breathability, and environmental friendliness. Today in stores you can choose from countless models with different designs: from traditional checks to thematic patterns.

On a note! A plaid from a bike, for all its merits, is a “household” option. It is ideal for use at home, on a walk, on a picnic. For solemn situations, for example, for discharge, you should choose other, more elegant, models.

Blankets for discharge - No. 1 in elegance


This is a special category of textile products for newborns. Manufacturers work especially carefully on their design. Models should reflect the solemnity of the moment. For discharge, parents choose blankets made of silk, satin, skillfully framed with lace, knitted options, blankets-envelopes using patchwork technique. Today, laconic knitwear with a stylish design, with appliqués and embroidery is also gaining popularity.

Quilted blankets for newborns - simplicity and conciseness

Practical beautiful products are also one of the favorites of parents. Their advantage is in layering: the top and bottom are made of a pleasant material (usually cotton). There is a thin filler, so the blanket retains heat well.

In the table below, we have revealed the advantages and disadvantages of children's blankets of different categories. The information will help parents make the right choice.

Type of blanket





Lightweight, breathable thanks to the loose structure, pleasant to the touch

simple design

knitted wool

Warm, absorbs excess moisture, beautiful, natural composition

May cause allergies, slightly prickly


100% polyester

Soft, lightweight, hypoallergenic, dries quickly

Parents may not be satisfied with the composition - 100% synthetics


100% cotton

Hygroscopic, breathable, ideal for summer, dries quickly

May shrink if washed frequently

Knitted from acrylic

100% acrylic

Incredibly soft, warm, fluffy due to bulky yarn

May stretch if not washed properly


100% silk

Premium appearance, light weight, hypoallergenic

Difficult to maintain, expensive


100% bamboo

Silky structure, antibacterial properties, hygroscopicity, shape retention after many washes

High absorbency (noticeable in rooms with high humidity).


Cotton, polyester

Warm, light, quilted, so the filler does not bunch up, all season

Takes up a lot of space, so it is difficult to take for a walk

Given all the criteria for choosing a blanket for newborns, parents will be able to choose the perfect option that will suit them in all respects, and give the baby comfort in any weather.