
5 years of marriage as they say. Wedding anniversaries and their names by year (wedding anniversaries). years - what a wedding


Wedding Anniversary 5 years - wooden wedding. What to give, what to give for the 5th anniversary living together? Congratulations and poems on the 5th wedding anniversary.

V different countries world: in Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, England and Russia, the tree is unanimously the symbol of the 5th wedding anniversary. Tree From time immemorial it has been considered a symbol of the family. The roots are the ancestors, the trunk is the husband and wife, and the branches and leaves are the children and grandchildren. Tree symbolizes the stability and strength of the family and clan.

Number 5 symbolizes the "creativity of chaos", the new, the birth of ideas.

What do you give for a wooden wedding?

If you know the preferences and hobbies of your husband and wife well, then choosing a gift for the 5th wedding anniversary will not make it difficult for you. Nevertheless, we offer you a few ideas of what you can give for a wooden wedding.

Gift for 5 years from the wedding day:

  • painting "Money tree" from coins / banknotes with "wooden" rubles
  • souvenir tree with coins semi-precious stones or beads
  • wooden kitchen utensils: spoons, coasters, vases, plates, salad bowls, cutting boards, cups, salt shaker, bread box, etc.
  • live bonsai tree
  • photo frame in the shape of a tree
  • wooden box or box/chest
  • set of wooden hangers
  • housekeeper
  • wooden archival photo album in the form of a box with cells
  • wooden chest of drawers for needlework
  • wooden wall or wrist clock
  • wooden massage roller for face/body
  • wooden stand for alcohol bottles
  • pillow in the form of a log
  • various paired figurines made of wood, a candlestick
  • bath accessories: thermometer, bedding, ladle, simple broom or with bamboo canes
  • nesting dolls
  • mirror in wood frame
  • wooden musical instrument

A gift can be quite modest, but beautifully designed and accompanied by interesting and sincere wishes, it will surely bring joy to the husband and wife.

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary.

My lovely spouses!
We are ready to congratulate you...
With a wooden wedding
Such a long awaited...
You've been together for five years already,
"Rooting" the family ...
Grow up, first fruits
You are ready to collect.
Let the family tree
predicts longevity,
And in life - prosperity,
So that all wishes come true ...
So that your union from year to year
He grew stronger and saved your hearth ...

wooden wedding,
You have lived for five years.
And all these years
We valued each other.

You be happy
Appreciate the feeling.
Take care of each other
Love passionately!

They gave wooden spoons today,
We have not forgotten about the wooden wedding.
Let the strong son grow up,
We wish you and your daughters to be born again.

Always be patient with each other
And don't forget about your friends in a year.
Happiness, health, love and care,
So that you run home from work.

A wooden wedding is exactly the time!
Passed on the five of life you are a lesson!
Together we built our lives in joy!
Created a great, strong family!
Be only happy and always sweet,
So that they can raise small children!
To live together, have fun for a hundred years
And they did not know sorrows, evil, scandals, troubles!

Best wishes!

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person. 5 years have passed since the conclusion of your marriage, and what kind of wedding is it still unknown to you? Let's figure it out.

wooden wedding- this is the name of the fifth anniversary of marriage.

Anniversary of joint life - when and what?

According to well-known legends and legends, every year of the joint life of the spouses is a kind of anniversary. The date does not have to be round, and this is its own peculiarity!

Although in the twenty-first century it is not so difficult to find information on any topic that interests you, when it comes to holidays, the matter becomes noticeably more complicated.

If you are a relative or friend of a married couple, then you should immediately think about gifts. If you are a friend or buddy of a newly created family, and take part in a feast, you need to know how to arrange a holiday.

To begin with, ask the heroes of the occasion if they know what the wedding is called at five years old? If the answer is no, you can go a little deeper and give some backstory.

Critical mark

Five years family life since ancient times, they have been considered the very “critical mark”, having crossed which, the marriage of the spouses will be strong and successful. Over the past five years, people have already studied the advantages and disadvantages of each other to the fullest. And this applies not only to personal life, in terms of relationships, but also to everyday life, which is important. During this time, many different goals have been set, many joint plans have been implemented (or not implemented). It is with these events that the name of the wedding is associated.

In general, legends folk beliefs, and just experience suggests that in married life there are several “impassable” milestones - these are marks of three and five years of marriage. If a couple survives them, albeit with minor quarrels, then "the fire of love in their hearts will burn forever." Wooden wedding - this is the name of the fifth anniversary of marriage.

Let's talk a little about the celebration

So, you know how many years have passed since the couple got married. And you know exactly which anniversary you need to celebrate - a 5-year wedding. What is a wedding without a traditional celebration?

A wooden wedding symbolizes the duality of relationships in a couple. In general, wood is a so-called "soft" building material that can be easily processed. And this material appeared a long time ago, so it has been tested by more than one generation. On the other hand, some types of wood are quite rough, and it is very difficult to bring them into proper form.

For the 5th wedding anniversary, the newlyweds must plant a tree. Most popular options:

  • Maple - success in business, prosperity.
  • Oak or acacia is a symbol of a stable and reliable life.
  • Birch - purity, romance, tenderness.
  • Willow or alder - fidelity, devotion, trust.
  • Pine - long life, kindness and mercy.
  • Juniper - eternal life.
  • Trees with fruits - procreation, a good relationship between children and parents
  • Exotic trees - the search for new sensations, emotions.
Where to plant, what kind of seedling to buy - this is decided by the newlyweds. Since the tree is traditionally used to heat the home, so the tree will only be a great gift for environment, but also a talisman for a couple.

Unlike previous anniversaries, which were symbolized by rather simple and light materials, wood, the symbol of the fifth anniversary, is the first durable material. In addition, this is the first material from which you can build a house. However, spouses should remember that a wooden building easily burns out from one careless spark. Drawing an analogy with relationships, we conclude: a couple should be simpler with emotions.

As for the wedding...

If you can not celebrate the second or third anniversary, or just gather in a close circle, which will consist only of the newlyweds themselves, then a wooden wedding is worth celebrating. Only 5 years of marriage have passed, what kind of wedding will be forgotten during this time?! Therefore, one of the good options for celebrating is the so-called "repetition" of the wedding.

Directly spending time on the anniversary day can be different. In general, a wooden wedding according to the type of celebration can be divided into two types: traditional and comfortable.


The traditional way of celebrating is to get closer to nature. It can be a trip to barbecue, to the river or to the forest - the main thing is to be together. It is important to spend this day with each other, and at the same time be in nature.

On the eve of the anniversary, according to tradition, the spouses should engage in a common business, somehow connected with the tree.. The ideal option will be needlework. Spouses themselves give each other things that "bind" them. It can be a common box, a board game (if the couple likes to play something similar), a photo frame. The only criterion for a wedding anniversary gift is the material - it must be wood.


A convenient way of celebrating has become popular in the twenty-first century, and is suitable for couples who are rarely free or do not like to go out. In this case, it is worth staging wedding day starting from the kidnapping of the bride and ending with the wedding night. A feast can and should be arranged by inviting friends and relatives. Celebrating the fifth wedding anniversary in the family circle will strengthen the relationship between husband and wife, and provide them with a pleasant life in the future.

And now let's talk about sore, but pleasant: what to give?

Anniversary of 5 years - what a wedding without congratulations and gifts! Regardless of the scope of the presentation, it must be made of wood. It is best to give wedding items that will later come in handy in family life - these can be coasters for hot surfaces, dishes, rolling pins, and even candlesticks or vases. Moreover, the gift can be both practical and comic (keychain in the form of a rolling pin, for example).

Separately, for the owner of the family, a newly-made husband, purchase an ashtray or a smoking pipe, or a keg of alcohol as a present. Even if a person does not drink alcohol, such a gift will serve as an excellent souvenir and will be a wonderful amulet for the family. A woman can be presented with wooden jewelry as a gift for a wooden wedding. It can be bracelets or beads, earrings, rings, brooches or small figurines.

In general, for a family, as a gift, you can absolutely safely choose an amulet made by yourself or under the order from the master. Furniture - for example, an elegant and practical table, book shelves, cabinets and so on. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can donate stools. Great option a gift will be a living plant - a tree seedling or flowerpot.

The first serious anniversary of a joint married life - five years - is called a wooden one. This is the first round date that you should definitely celebrate, even if you celebrated previous marriage anniversaries purely symbolically or did not celebrate at all. A wooden wedding is an important date, indicating that relationships have become stronger and warmer. You have gone through many trials and at the same time managed to save love, keep family warmth, home.

Wooden wedding: celebration traditions

Many people ask the question: 5 years of marriage - what kind of wedding? But this is the first anniversary in the life of the young, which is called a wooden wedding! The holiday has its own traditions, customs, which you can take into account and follow if you wish. By this time, the spouses, as a rule, equip their housing, improve their life, give birth to children, grow roots to each other.

The first five-year milestone of family life began to be celebrated by couples in southern Germany back in the Middle Ages. All relatives and friends who helped to take care of the family for 5 years were invited to this celebration, they were always there. During the celebration, the house was decorated with wooden figurines, spruce branches, a festive table was laid.

Later, the tradition of celebrating a wooden wedding appeared in Russia. The anniversary was celebrated on a grand scale - they threw a feast, inviting all relatives, even the most distant ones. Such a celebration testified to well-being, prosperity, generosity, determined the status, position of the family in society.

An important tradition that has been preserved since ancient times is the planting of a tree by a young family. Everyone remembers that a real man build a house, raise a son, plant a tree. The fifth wedding anniversary is a great chance to implement the third point.

According to tradition, a married couple celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary should plant a tree together. As a rule, a fruit tree is chosen as a seedling, which will begin to bear fruit by the time the children grow up and get stronger, perhaps even by the time the grandchildren appear. Such trees are considered a symbol of fertility, procreation.

To plant a tree, select and buy a seedling, plant it on suburban area or in the front garden under the windows of a city apartment. The main thing - do not forget to take care of your tree so that it grows, grows stronger, like your love.

In addition to the fruit tree, it’s good to choose another tree, the planting of which has its own meaning:

  • By planting an acacia or an oak, you will ensure fidelity and longevity to the family.
  • By choosing a birch, enrich the family with tenderness, add romance to the relationship.
  • Maple will give married couple financial stability.

But do not forget that these are beliefs, and not a panacea for all problems.
It is considered a good tradition to decorate yourself and planted trees with bright ribbons. It was believed that such trees would give strength to a married couple.

How to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary

A wooden wedding is an anniversary that you should definitely celebrate. How to do this, with whom to spend a significant day - it's up to you, it all depends on your wishes, financial capabilities.

Where to celebrate

The place for the celebration depends on the number of guests and the scale of the celebration. The ideal option would be a celebration in nature, surrounded by trees that are of great importance in the context of the name of the wedding itself. You can rent a gazebo, a house in the forest or on the river bank if the celebration takes place in the summer.

If the celebration of five years from the date of marriage is planned in the cold season, choose a restaurant for the event or celebrate it at home in the family circle, bringing joy to yourself and your closest people.

With whom to share the holiday

You can organize a quiet event, inviting only parents, as well as immediate family members. To sit, chat, indulge in memories of how your family journey began, what you had to endure, what difficulties to cope with and what moments you especially enjoyed, were proud of - a great pastime.

Often, anniversaries want to spend their wedding day in a romantic setting just the two of them. They have the opportunity to enjoy moments of togetherness by organizing a romantic walk or a quiet romantic candlelit dinner. This type of celebration, for example, can be chosen by couples with a child (or several children), sending the children to stay with their grandparents.

Five years of married life (wooden anniversary) is a great date to have a wedding ceremony if you haven't already. Making the decision to get married is a serious step that will confirm your love, strengthen relationships and bring them to a new, higher level of life.

"Wooden" photo session

Thematic photo shoots have been especially popular recently. It would be nice to organize an outdoor photo session dedicated to the wooden wedding anniversary. Hire a photographer, he will think over the scenario of the photo session, help you organize everything, take amazing pictures that will remain with you for a long time.

Anniversary script

You can come up with your own by organizing the anniversary as you wish. For a fun event, it is worth hiring a professional toastmaster who will do all the work for you and will not allow your holiday to turn into a simple feast.

The choice of scenario for this date depends on personal wishes: you can organize a noisy holiday, go on a short trip together, or just go for a romantic walk. It doesn't matter how you decide to spend this day, the main thing is that you are together with your soul mate and this day will be remembered by both.

Wooden wedding gift

What to give for this date? As a gift for the wedding anniversary (wooden), various things made of wood are perfect. It is preferable that the gift be made from natural wood: oak is the ideal material. Common gifts for such a date are carved boxes, amulets, wood pictures, candlesticks, spoons, various kitchen utensils.

Friends and relatives can buy any gift, but at least some little thing made of wood should be in it. The gift does not have to be expensive, first of all, attention is important and the fact that the gift is given from the heart with a piece of the soul. It could be simple postcard with a beautiful short inscription expressing warm feelings and attitude towards a married couple.

The spouses themselves should also exchange gifts. As a gift, a husband can do something with his own hands - cut a spoon out of wood or make a beautiful wooden frame and insert it into it family photo. A wife can give her husband a wooden beer mug or chess (checkers) if the man is fond of such games.

For examples of wood products that are suitable as a gift for a wooden wedding, see the video:

If you are far from the heroes of the occasion and do not have the opportunity to congratulate in person, use the Internet connection services by sending a playcast - original postcard With cheerful congratulations, animated letters and a beautiful melody suitable for the holiday.

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary

For the five-year anniversary of the marriage (wooden), you need to prepare in advance by picking up beautiful congratulations(poem or prose), with which guests will address the anniversaries. See examples of congratulations below.

What is the name of the anniversary of 5 years lived together, what kind of wedding is celebrated at this time, what to give a husband or wife on a solemn day, and what traditions should be taken into account when congratulating spouses? If you ask these questions, then you or your friends can be congratulated.

The family successfully withstood the first tests of strength, and everyday troubles and routine that inevitably arise in family life did not weaken feelings, but, on the contrary, made them deeper and stronger. Now you can remember how wonderful the wedding was 5 years ago, and feel free to make plans.

Every wedding anniversary has its own name.

For example, when the family has overcome the first annual milestone since the marriage, a cotton wedding is celebrated, after 2 years - a paper one. Further, as the union develops, the material that symbolizes the relationship between the spouses at a certain stage becomes stronger.

Our ancestors compared the strength of the bonds of a five-year union with a tree, which is not so little.

And if 5 years have passed since the wedding, then what kind of wedding will it be? What material will become its symbol? After all, the relationship of spouses who are preparing to receive congratulations on their 5-year wedding anniversary is already much stronger than paper, but still they are still far from the golden ideal. It is believed that it is customary for spouses to give congratulations on a wooden wedding for 5 years of marriage.

During this time, every healthy tree firmly takes root in the soil and bears fruit.

So the family, in which harmony and mutual understanding reign, by this time is already acquiring its own housing and heirs. Relations in a couple are already quite strong, like wood, but still retain some roughness, which will smooth out over time if the spouses make an effort. Even a tree well grown into the ground can very easily be destroyed by a fire or flood. So happiness in a family that celebrated its fifth anniversary is still threatened by quarrels. To preserve the family hearth, efforts must be made by both spouses, showing attention and care in relationships. For information on what to give for a wooden anniversary, see this video:

But how to celebrate a wooden wedding so that this day will be remembered for a long time, and what can be presented to the "newlyweds"?

Holiday traditions

No important family holiday is complete without guests, treats and good wishes. But in order to properly celebrate the 5th wedding anniversary, you need to follow some traditions.

For example, there is a custom to decorate with postcards in which congratulations from guests are written, a plant that acts as a symbol of celebration.

The holiday will bring even more positive emotions if the husband and wife do not ignore the tradition of planting a seedling on this day. Of particular importance will be the name of the tree they choose. For example, it is believed that oak will provide longevity and reliability. family union, and the birch will fill it with light and ringing children's laughter.

If the spouses are still very young, they can be pleased with a strong pair gift that they will be happy to wear together.

Spouses, preparing to celebrate the day when the family turns 5 years old (wooden wedding), can remember one more old tradition. To do this, a man must make something out of wood, and a woman must decorate the product. For example, it can be an ordinary cutting board, which for spouses will become a symbol of cooperation and unity.

At the celebration, which is commonly called the wooden anniversary, they usually try to invite all the friends and relatives who were present at the wedding 5 years ago.

To revive the memories, you can send the original wedding invitations to the guests again. The holiday itself is good to celebrate in nature. Then it will be convenient to observe the tradition of planting a seedling. You can rent a restaurant hall and decorate it in accordance with the theme of the anniversary and even prepare a scenario for a wooden wedding for such an occasion.

Wooden handmade can become the most original gift for the anniversary

Now that you know about the symbols of the holiday and its traditions, you may be wondering what gifts to choose for a wooden wedding and 5 years of a happy relationship.

Gift options for a wooden wedding

After receiving an invitation to the holiday of friends or relatives, many begin to think: 5 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is this and what do they give for it?

On this day, it is customary for spouses to give gifts made of wood or somehow connected with it.

There is a good opportunity to show imagination, because you can come up with a lot of options for such gifts for a 5-year wedding. An anniversary gift can be an invitation card to a concert or performance printed on paper. If the gift has already been chosen, and you want to keep the tradition, you can simply pack it in a wooden box, which will be a good souvenir. By tradition, it is recommended to supplement the gift greeting card happy wedding anniversary at 5 years old.

Wooden ring or wooden keyboard?! Yes, everything is possible these days!

Among the most popular gifts for friends for a wooden wedding are photo frames, wooden decorations and dishes, as well as interior items, paintings and even furniture.

When making a choice, you should pay attention not only to the symbolism of the date, but also remember that the gift should be useful.

Otherwise, there will be a risk of giving, albeit beautiful, but completely useless wooden products, the only purpose of which will be to collect dust in the farthest corner of the apartment. The most successful solution to the question of what to give for a wooden wedding is often considered to be a cash gift.

How can you please your wife on her anniversary?

The question of which gift to choose for the 5th wedding anniversary also worries the spouses, especially since this is the first significant date in family history.

Men who are thinking about what to give their wife are often advised to purchase some useful gadgets for this purpose.

This could be, for example, new model smartphone. You can pack it, as already mentioned, in a wooden box or paper with floral motifs.

The fifth wedding anniversary obliges you to choose a gift that will stay with your beloved woman for many years and will remind her of this day. The best option there will be decorations, for example, beautiful earrings gold or ring. The theme of the holiday is conducive to making the presentation of such a gift original.

When congratulating your wedding anniversary, you can choose something sentimental as a symbolic gift to your wife for a wooden wedding and 5 years of marriage.

For example, a double photo frame, in one part of which a wedding photograph is inserted, and in the other there is a place for a photo from the upcoming holiday. For more information about gifts, see this video:

In any case, when choosing what to give for a wooden wedding, we must not forget that, in addition to material values, it is important to present emotions that will arise again every time you look at a ring or earrings from the 5th wedding anniversary. Best gift always accompanied by a smile and reflected happiness in the eyes of the second half.

Anniversary gifts for husband

By the fifth year of marriage, the wife already knows well what surprises her husband is most happy about.

But the question of what to give your husband for a wooden wedding is still exciting, because this day is almost as important as the one when the wedding took place.

It would be useful to add a cute souvenir to the gift. As such a congratulation on the wedding day, a thing can be chosen that matches the husband’s hobby: a billiard cue with a commemorative inscription, a prefabricated ship model, a wood burning kit, a hockey stick.

Delight the intellectual with chess masterfully carved from wood

Solving the problem of what to give your husband for 5 years of marriage, you can look at interesting devices for a pleasant pastime. The choice here is also huge: a wooden massager, sauna accessories, numerous board games and books, a souvenir pen in a wooden case.

Another good gift for a husband is a piece of furniture, for example, a large and comfortable chair that will emphasize the status of the head of the family.

Men, almost more than women, appreciate the emotional component of the holiday. And to make the celebration really memorable, you can give your husband an impression on your wedding anniversary. What if he had long dreamed of jumping with a parachute or learning to snowboard, take part in auto racing or become a champion in archery? It's time to fulfill this desire, and it's best to do it together to revive the feelings that have become more even and calm over the 5 years since the wedding. Such impressions will bring the spouses even closer and leave vivid memories.

Gifts for children on the anniversary of their parents

Thinking about how to choose a good gift for a wooden wedding for friends or relatives, do not forget about their children, because by the 5th wedding anniversary, the union of two loving people should bear fruit.

Such a sign of attention will please not only the kids, but also their parents.

But what to give for 5 years of the wedding to the little heroes of the solemn day? The theme of the holiday here also offers a lot of options, because there is such a variety of toys and items for children's creativity made of wood. These are rocking horses, cubes, a wooden constructor, nesting dolls, easels and brushes for drawing, puzzles and mosaics, construction kits.

Children will not be left indifferent to musical instruments, such as drums, balalaikas or maracas. Children will immediately want to try them out and surprise guests with their skills. What kind of family holiday is complete without noisy fun, and even more so, such a significant one as a wooden wedding.

An anniversary is a wonderful occasion for spouses, surrounded by loved ones, to once again confirm their decision to go through life hand in hand and even repeat the vow of love and fidelity once given to each other, and for guests to once again congratulate the couple on their wedding day.

So often in the routine Everyday life there is no time for important words or they just seem out of place in the daily hustle and bustle. The holiday is the best way to say special words to your loved one and again feel the atmosphere of happiness and serene love that will return every time you remember a wooden wedding, no matter how many years have passed since its day.