
Rituals, ceremonies and fortune-telling for the old new year. How to celebrate the Old New Year: traditions, signs, rituals


How to celebrate the Old New Year? Traditions, customs and folk signs... How to set a festive table. Prophetic divination.

The content of the article:

On the night of January 13-14, Old New Year is celebrated. This is the most unusual and strange holiday. It is also called "rich" or "generous Vasilyev's evening". That evening, a generous table was laid and those who came to visit were treated. For unmarried girls, this date is interesting because in the evening you can guess fortune, predicting the future and the betrothed.

Old New Year's story

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is due to the discrepancy between the calendar dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar is the "old style" calendar, but the Gregorian calendar is used by the whole world. In 1918, Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian chronology, so that there was no time difference with Europe. After that, the Julian calendar was abolished, but the Orthodox Church continued to celebrate the holiday according to the old regime - January 14. The tradition turned out to be tenacious and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

Traditions and customs of the Old New Year

From the evening of January 13 to the morning of the 14th, they celebrate the arrival of the Old New Year. The eve of this celebration is called Generous evening, which was called Vasilyev's evening. On this day, the church commemorates the patron saint of pig breeders, St. Basil.

In the evening of January 13, the hostesses prepare generous kutya seasoned with meat and bacon, which is traditionally placed in the corner with icons. Roasted pig was considered one of the main dishes on the table - it is a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock. On this evening, with the sunset and until midnight, teenage girls go to neighbors to generously, wishing the owners health, happiness and good luck in the new year.

On the morning of January 14, men sow grain from godfathers, relatives, acquaintances, loved ones. According to popular belief, a man should be the first to enter the house on this day. This will bring happiness next year. The sowers wish you a Happy New Year and wish you wealth and abundance. In response, the owners present them with pies, sweets and fruits, and sometimes money. The grain is left after the sowers until the evening. It is customary not to sweep it with a broom, but to carefully collect it, and use it for sowing in the spring.

Folk omens of the Old New Year

There are many beliefs about the Old New Year. So, in some villages to this day, on the night of January 13-14, they burn old clothes and put on a new one, which symbolizes the beginning of a new and good life. The rite of January 14, when housewives with three lighted candles walk around the whole house clockwise and cross themselves, has survived. This will protect the house from all troubles. And the male owners on this day lightly knock on the doorstep with an ax, saying “life, health, bread”.

Young people have a tradition associated with matters of the heart. For example, a previously rejected guy could try his luck in love again and offer his hand and heart to the lady. Matchmaking is also common on this day. If you enter into an engagement on January 13, then the marriage will be successful.

In popular beliefs, the Old New Year is also associated with other signs, which read:

  • On the eve of the holiday, you cannot pronounce the number 13.
  • January 14 is not considered a trifle, otherwise the year will be whiny.
  • You can't take out the trash on January 14, otherwise, take out the happiness out of the house with it.
  • If the branches are covered with fluffy frost on the morning of January 14, it means that a lot of honey will be born next year.
  • On the Old New Year, nothing can be borrowed, otherwise the year will be in debt.
  • On a holiday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness, make peace and settle conflicts. You cannot refuse reconciliation and forgiveness.
  • If you get sick on this day, it means that you will get sick all year.
  • Morning snow - winter will be snowy, and spring will be late.
  • Ice on the street is a good harvest.
  • If you want to harvest a large harvest of apples, then shake the snow from the apple tree at midnight.
  • To be born on this day, they promised a rich life.

Festive table for the Old New Year

This evening the whole family sits down at the table in clean, ironed and tidy clothes. Special attention is paid to things on this holiday. The festive table must comply with the canons of Old Church Slavonic traditions. Traditionally, for the Old New Year, they bake pies and pancakes, make dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese. This food is treated to those who come to the house with songs, dances and congratulations. Also, on the eve of Vasiliev evenings, a pig is usually slaughtered in every family, from which hearty meals are prepared. Among the ancestors, the pig denoted a symbol of the fertility of livestock and family well-being... Especially a lot of jellied meat was cooked on the Generous Evening, it was he who was the main treat (after kutya) for those who came to visit.

The most important dish on the Generous Evening is kutia, which is cooked in a special way: at night at a certain hour, with conspiracies. If the dish turned out to be good, they would eat it, and if it turned out bad, they would throw it into the river so that it would take the trouble with it. Ritual porridge is made from buckwheat and barley, but today they still use peeled rice. Dried fruits, honey, nuts, grapes are added to it. Each product has its own meaning: grain symbolizes the beginning of a new life, raisins - longevity, honey - good news, nuts - health, poppy - prosperity. The richer the filling, the better.

Our ancestors were attentive to fortune-telling rituals. The main tradition at the festive table was eating dumplings with a surprise, where, along with the filling, they hid any objects, from a bay leaf to coins. With what filling the dumpling will get, then it is worth waiting for next year. Each filling symbolizes the following prediction:

  • Cherries are a temptation.
  • Cabbage is money.
  • The ring is a wedding.
  • A thread is a long journey.
  • The button is new.
  • Salt is chagrin.
  • Money is wealth.
  • Sugar is a sweet life.
  • Pepper is a thrill.
  • Beans are children.
  • Torment is torment.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

It is believed that fortune-telling on Christmastide is the most truthful. Therefore, according to tradition, the girls got together on the evening of January 13th. To create a mysterious and magical atmosphere, the lights were turned off, the windows were covered with curtains, and the room was lit with candles. In this room, fortune-telling was carried out on the betrothed, the future, desires, etc.

Fortune-telling for the future husband:

  1. Before going to bed, they put 4 kings under the pillow and say: "The bridegroom-mummer come to me in my sleep." In the morning, the interpretation of the dream is judged: the king of the cross dreamed, the husband will be an entrepreneur or military man, the peak one is much older or jealous, the red one is handsome and rich, the tambourine is marriage for great mutual love.
  2. Bread, a brush, a ring and a cigarette are covered with a plate so that the fortuneteller does not know where and what is. Then the girl chooses one plate at random. If there is bread under it, then the husband will be rich, the brush - a simple profession, the ring - a dandy, tobacco - dysfunctional.
  3. To find out the name of the betrothed, the girls go outside after midnight and the first man they meet is asked for the name. There was a belief that whatever name he would call, that would be the name of the future husband.
  4. The girls threw their shoes on the road. Where the toe of the shoe that fell to the ground was pointing, the husband will be from that side. If the shoe turned toe to the fortuneteller's house, she will not see a crown.
  5. Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair and says: "The betrothed, dressed up, come and comb my hair." This comb is placed under the pillow. The dreamed guy will be narrowed.
Divination by desires:
  1. Several wishes are written on identical leaves. They are folded in half and placed under the pillow. Waking up in the morning, they take out one piece of paper. What is written on it will come true.
  2. Grits (rice, millet, barley, etc.) are poured into the container. They ask a question and take out a handful of grain with their left hand, which is counted. An even number - a wish will come true, an odd number - no.
  3. A question is asked in the mind. Take a favorite book, call the page number and line. Read, interpret the answer.
Fortune telling on a guy in love with you:
  1. In the afternoon, they break off a small sprig of spruce, which they put under the pillow before going to bed with the words: "I go to bed on Monday, I put a fir-tree in my head, dream about the one who thinks about me."
  2. They take 3 bay leaves, which they put under the pillow before going to bed with the words: "From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams of me, let me dream in my dream."
Divination for marriage:
  1. Water is poured into a basin and two nutshells are lowered. Stir the water with your finger so that the shells float. If they come close, the girl will soon get married.
  2. Take a handful of peas or beans, which are poured into a bowl. After that, one pea is transferred to another container and sentenced: "I will marry (one pea) - I will not marry (the second pea)." On which pea the first bowl is empty, so be it.
Fortune-telling for the future:
  1. Four glasses were half filled with water. Salt was poured into one, sugar, the third, the ring, the fourth was left empty. These glasses were placed behind the back of the fortuneteller so that she could not see. A friend alternately runs her finger along the glasses and asks "this glass?" On that glass, on which the fortuneteller will say "this" and judge the prediction. Water with salt (you need to try it) - promises sadness, sugar - success and happiness, a ring - a wedding, fresh - an ordinary year.
  2. Pebbles, cereals, a handkerchief, bread, a ring and a hook were placed in different bags. The fortune-telling girl is given to choose one of them. If you get bread, it means a rich life awaits, a hook - a hard fate, a ring - happy marriage, cereal is a well-fed life, and a scarf is a poor one.
Video about the old New Year - history, customs and traditions:

- not quite an ordinary holiday. The tradition of celebrating it arose only at the beginning of the 20th century, after Russia switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. On the night of January 13-14 comes New Year according to the Julian calendar, or as we say - according to the old style.

In Russia, the celebration of the old New Year is associated with the fact that the Orthodox Church continues to celebrate all church holidays Julian, Old Style. At the same time, the modern New Year, which we celebrate on January 1, falls on the Nativity Fast, established in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

Traditions and customs

There are many customs and traditions associated with the Old New Year. In the Old Russian calendar, this day was dedicated to Basil the Great and was called Vasiliev's day. This day was considered very important in terms of its impact on the entire following year. On Vasilyev's day, peasants celebrated the ancient holiday "avsen", or "oats" - an agricultural holiday associated with the rite of sowing, coaxing the future harvest. For example, in the Tula province, children scattered grains of spring bread around the house, saying:

"Goddamn it, God, everyone lives in the bins, that in the bins and for the great, but it would become a baptized life for the whole world."

The hostess of the house collected grain from the floor and stored it until sowing.

A special place was occupied by the cereal of boiling porridge. It was performed on the night of January 13-14 in a new style. The eldest woman in the house at exactly two o'clock in the morning brought cereals from the barn, and the eldest of the men brought water from a river or a well. The groats and water stood on the table until the stove was heated, and no one touched them so as not to scare away fate. Then the whole family sat down at the table, and the older woman, stirring the porridge, lamented:

"We sowed and grew buckwheat all summer.Buckwheat porridge was born and large, and blush. They called-called our buckwheat v to visit Constantinople, n and a princely feast to feast.Buckwheat went to Constantinople P live with princes, With about boyars, withhonest oats, With golden barley. They were waiting for buckwheat d waiting at the stone gate.Princes and boyars met buckwheat, With squeezed buckwheat for an oak table pir r feast, andour buckwheat came tovisit us. "

After that, everyone got up from the table, and the hostess with a bow put the porridge in the oven. When the porridge was ripe, they looked to see if the pot was full. If the porridge crawled out of him, it foreshadowed trouble for the whole house. There was no good to expect from a cracked pot either. After skimming off the foam, they examined the porridge itself - if it was rich, it means there will be both happiness and a harvest. Good porridge was eaten for breakfast, while bad porridge was thrown into the river.

In the evening, the peasants went out into the street to generously - they put on masks, dressed up and went to the neighbors. Walkers sang generosity, special songs in which the owners of the house, to which the mummers came, are praised. For these songs, the mummers received the most generous gifts for the whole time of caroling. Hence one of the names of January 13 - generous. On the Old New Year, it was customary to generously treat home and guests with meat and fatty dishes, so this day was also called "fat kutia". It was believed that the more generously the owners would treat or present the carols, the richer they would live in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the old New Year

On the eve of the old New Year's holiday, it is very good to guess. If you live in a private house and you still have a stove, stick your left hand into the blower and take out a handful of ash. Select nine coals in the ash and wrap each piece of paper with one of the inscriptions:

"happiness, unhappiness, poverty, misery, wealth, love, separation, illness, boredom."

Place the coals under the pillow, after wrapping them with thread so that the pieces of paper with the inscriptions do not come off. Before you go to bed, read the conspiracy on truthful divination:

"I go to sleep on an oak bed, not ashes in my heads, but my maiden fate. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, get the first ember you come across from under the pillow. A word on a piece of paper predicts your life in the new year. If you don’t have a stove, then you can tell fortunes for the old New Year with the help of one of the fortune-telling on Christmastide.

Signs for the old New Year

And here are some beliefs and signs associated with this day:

  • On the eve and on the old New Year itself, you cannot say the word "thirteen".
  • On the Old New Year, you cannot count a trifle, otherwise you will cry all year.
  • Shake off the snow from the apple trees at midnight, then in the coming year there will be a rich harvest of apples.
  • Since ancient times, healers knew that a person who fell ill on that day would be ill for a very long time.

But, unfortunately, not only pleasant chores are associated with this date. According to popular beliefs, on January 13th, on the eve of the old New Year, a devil-instigator, or, as healers call him, a devil-breeder, was born. Therefore, it is believed that people born on the night of January 13-14 are always smart, cunning, resourceful and sin a lot. However, despite their cunning, they get along badly with people and are rarely happy in marriages. Therefore, in the old days, village healers immediately spoke to a child born on the devil's birthday, so that unclean spirits would not subjugate a person in the future.

  • Guessing at the table for the Old New Year
  • Luring good luck in the Old New Year!
  • The old New Year, or rather the New Year according to the Julian calendar, is celebrated not only in Russia and other countries the former USSR, but also in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in some of the German cantons of Switzerland. However, it became "old" for us quite recently, 100 years ago. And before it was just New Year, a fun and a bit mystical holiday, when everyone wanted to glimpse the future at least out of the corner of their eye. The peasants were interested in the future harvest, the girls were interested in grooms, the heads of families were interested in profit, and all without exception - in happiness!

    What happy omens do you lack? Maybe it's time to tell a little fortune?

    Weather for the Old New Year: a note to summer residents

    Earlier in the New Year, people watched ... the wind!

      If the wind blew from the south at night, the summer will be hot and dry.

      From the west, it means there will be a lot of milk and fish.

      The east wind foreshadowed an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

    For some reason, folk signs keep an ominous silence about the north wind. Let's hope he just harvests it all at once!

      The clear starry sky foreshadows the berry year, and the abundant frost in the morning - a record honey harvest.

      If it is warm outside, then the summer will be with rains, if it is wet snowing, then you should expect a good harvest.

    Guessing on the groom for the Old New Year

    Probably, there was no one in Russia more superstitious than maidens of marriageable age. They wondered about the coming marriage in such a number of ways, as if they were going to marry ten times a year. For example, did you know about fortune telling ... on bulbs?

      Fortune telling on bulbs. On the night of 13-14, the girls put the bulbs in a bowl of water and watched them for several days. Which one will release the roots faster - that mistress will be the first to marry!

      Divination on a ring, bread and a hook: these three items were put in a bowl together with coals, stones, any other rubbish and covered with a cloth. The girls, without looking, pulled out the first thing that came to hand for this bowl: bread foreshadowed a rich marriage, a ring - a handsome husband, a hook - a poor or sick husband. Well, she pulled out a pebble - do not wait for a marriage proposal!

      Fortune telling by a dog. The dog was launched into the room where the girl was waiting for her. By the behavior of the dog, they judged the disposition of the future husband: caressing - and the husband will be affectionate, sniffing and bypassing - the husband will be jealous and angry. And God forbid, if he strives to bite!

      Divination with a comb. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under the pillow with the words "The betrothed, dressed up, come and comb my hair." If in a dream he sees a man combing her hair, then this year be married to the man who dreamed.

      Fortune-telling with eavesdropping. The bride-to-be, in the company of her bridesmaids, sneaked up to the neighbors' windows and listened to what was happening in the house. They swear - and the husband will swear, laugh - there will be fun in the family, drink - the husband will get drunk.

    Celebrating the Old New Year in an exclusively female company is a bad omen: the year will be full of various troubles. So it's better to invite a young man to the house, preferably from a large family... It was believed that if he becomes the first guest in your house, then the year will be well-fed, rich and prosperous.

    Guessing at the table

    Besides the traditional fortune-telling on dumplings or dumplings was very popular, in the filling of which various edible and inedible items were added. Quite frankly, everything that is small enough to be rolled up in a dumpling seems to go there! Print out the list of values ​​for "attachments in dumplings" in advance, if you decide to treat guests - great fun! Just do not forget to warn that inedible solid objects may be present in the dish ... The list of predictions is under the spoiler.

    Old New Year's fortune telling on dumplings

    • Orange - to delight
    • Peanuts - for a love affair
    • Cherries - good luck
    • Peas - home peace
    • Walnut - health
    • Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
    • Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
    • Big money - to a big win
    • Grain - to wealth
    • Raisins - to a great temptation
    • Cabbage - for money
    • Caramel - for love
    • Potatoes - for a promotion at work
    • Cranberries - to unexpected changes in life
    • Ring - for the wedding
    • Red pepper - to chagrin
    • Dried apricots - to joy
    • Bay leaf- to fame (career growth)
    • Honey - health
    • Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
    • Carrots - to new acquaintances
    • Meat - to well-being
    • White thread - long road (long and long journey)
    • The thread is green - the road abroad
    • A thread with knots - for a difficult year
    • Black thread - short and not very long trip
    • Walnut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
    • Pepper - thrill
    • Ground allspice - to "spicy", ie. eventful life, serious changes
    • Button - for a new thing
    • Millet - fruitless chores
    • Rice - well-being in the house
    • Sugar is a sweet life (easy, auspicious year)
    • Seeds - to new fruitful plans
    • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
    • Cheese - to win
    • Cottage cheese - to new friends
    • Dough, beans, or fish scales - to replenish the family
    • Dill - to good health
    • Hazelnuts - to successful acquisitions
    • Bread - the year will be full, good
    • Chain - strengthening family ties
    • Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
    • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
    • Apple - to a well-deserved reward

    Luring good luck in the Old New Year!

    Don't rely solely on good omens; a number of rituals have been designed to make the new year better than the previous one.

    It is advisable to cook dishes from pork, chicken or hare... Pork promised wealth, rooster dishes - freedom, and hare - success in all endeavors. If you are not ready to look for hare or do not like pork, then replace the meat with the symbols of these animals - cookies or crackers in the form of animals.

    On the table no game or fish was served so that happiness “does not fly away” and “does not float away” from home. Crayfish and other animals that move backward or move sideways were also undesirable - they promised the return of old problems in the new year.

    Finally, the network found a description of "the surest and most reliable way to attract money into the house for the Old New Year." So: take two candles, one white wax and the other yellow. White will symbolize you, and yellow - gold, which will be attracted to your house. Light them at the festive table, placing them on a platter 10 centimeters apart. Close your eyes and mentally imagine a yellow candle being attracted to a white one. Put them out and the next day repeat the ritual, setting the candles a little closer. Continue this way until Epiphany, when the candles should burn out to the end. Wrap the cinders in a silk cloth and hide in a secluded place. Keep them for as long as there is no money in the house (and this, of course, will happen very soon!)

    Happy new (now definitely new) year to you!

    Prepared by Alena Novikova

    New Year is a favorite holiday of many people, but in Russia there is an opportunity to repeat it exactly 14 days later. The traditions of celebrating the Old New Year began to take shape at the beginning of the last century when the calendar changed. Not all of them, alas, have survived to this day, although they can significantly diversify the usual holidays.
    In this article, you will learn:

    • where did the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year come from;
    • in which countries there is a custom to celebrate the Old New Year;
    • the main customs and ceremonies carried out in Russia;
    • how to make the modern Old New Year memorable;
    • what signs are worth paying attention to in this new year's eve.

    Holiday history or how it all began

    If Russia in 1918 had not made the decision to switch to the Gregorian calendar of time reckoning, the Old New Year would not have appeared. While it falls on the night of January 14. But over time, the date will be postponed.

    Church celebrations took place on the same days as before. As a result, a lot got mixed up, it was necessary to constantly remind which customs should be performed on a specific date.

    From 13 to 14 January they began to celebrate New Year's celebration, motivated by the transfer of dates. But at the same time, two important church dates were superimposed: the day of remembrance of Melania and the veneration of St. Basil the Great. In Orthodox families, they began to call this night also the meeting of Melanka with Vasily.

    Do other countries celebrate the old New Year?

    In addition to the countries that were previously part of the USSR, the Old New Year is celebrated by residents:

    • Algeria;
    • Tunisia;
    • Greece;
    • Romania;
    • Serbia;
    • Montenegro;
    • Switzerland;
    • Morocco.

    There are peculiarities about how the celebration should take place.

    In Greece, on the Old New Year, it is forbidden to raise your voice and quarrel. It's bad if the dishes break, so everyone tries to handle it carefully. If you are invited to a celebration, you need to take a stone with you. It symbolizes the wealth that the owners want to acquire next year.

    In Romania, there must be pies on the table. But with an interesting filling in the form of coins, hot peppers, garlic or rings.

    In Switzerland, this holiday is dedicated to the veneration of St. Sylvester. Residents dress in funny fancy dresses resembling botanical gardens or houses, calling themselves Sylvester Claus.

    In Montenegro, a couple is always prepared - a national dish made from corn dough.

    Russian customs largely overlap with Ukrainian or Belarusian, and therefore are considered common.

    Traditions and customs of celebration in Russia

    Despite the fact that on January 1, the table was saturated, the Old New Year for the stomach became an even greater test. The indispensable attributes of this holiday in Russia were:

    1. baking a 2-3-week-old piglet;
    2. generous kutia, emphasizing the end of the fast;
    3. dumplings with surprises;
    4. pancakes and pies, with which they also thanked those who came to carol.

    The whole family decided to make dumplings. As in Romania, they hid various surprises. This symbolized fortune-telling about what awaited next year.

    Very bright decoration of the holiday there were carols. And they went caroling only until midnight, until the evil forces roamed around. On January 13, young girls and guys were hiding under masks, and one of the guys was dressed up in women's clothing as a symbol of Melanka.

    What other traditions were characteristic of this time? Kutya for the New Year's feast began to be cooked in the morning. If there were unpleasant omens, she had to be thrown right into the hole with the pot.

    An interesting tradition on this night was the burning of Didukha (grandfather). For this:

    1. a sheaf of straw was prepared in advance;
    2. on the Old New Year, after the end of Christmas carols, they went to the crossroads;
    3. set fire to a sheaf;
    4. when the main flame diminished, they began to jump over the fire, saying goodbye to evil spirits.

    All this was accompanied by songs, dances, ditties and other merrymaking.

    There is another beautiful tradition associated with the life of the peasants. In the morning with wishes of happiness, health and wealth, we went to the homes of relatives and friends to "sow" grain. It is not known where the custom came from, but it has its own rules:

    • sow only males, since it was believed that girls could not bring happiness;
    • the first to visit the houses of the godparents;
    • the grains were carefully collected and stored until spring in order to mix them with spring crops.

    A special porridge was also cooked. The oldest woman in the family poured groats for her. The oldest man at home had to bring water from the well. Groats from the barn were received at two in the morning. It was impossible to touch it, so as not to change your future. Until the oven burned out, the ingredients were ignored. Then when the porridge was being cooked, all the family members would sit around. The woman stirred it, pronouncing special words. Then they put the porridge in the oven and waited for the result:

    • if the porridge came out of the pot, this promised trouble to the whole house, so no one ate it;
    • when the pot was burst, they acted in the same way, since it was a disease;
    • a lot of foam from above foreshadowed empty chores;
    • rich tasty porridge meant harvest and happiness to all household members.

    The whole family sat down at the table late in the evening, and this dinner was not to be missed.

    At this time, Christmastide continued, so Old New Year's fortune-telling was also used. It was customary to guess at the betrothed, on strings for a quick wedding, the fulfillment of a wish, the appearance of a child, etc. Traditions could differ depending on the place of residence, as well as on the veneration of the saints. Some villages had their own saints, who were given additional attention during the New Year.

    Modern Old New Year

    Now it is customary to celebrate in the same way as on New Year's Eve. It is believed that on the Old New Year you need to do something that you did not manage to do on January 1. For instance:

    • make a wish, having previously written it on a napkin, which is burned and thrown into champagne;
    • watch concerts and letters that you have not yet seen;
    • send congratulations on the Old New Year to relatives and friends with repeated wishes for good and health;
    • put gifts that were previously forgotten under christmas tree, after which it can be removed.

    In the southern regions, the custom of cooking a pig or pork dishes has been preserved so that the New Year becomes rich in good news. Carols are held in some villages, but their true meaning is often lost.

    Signs for January 13 and 14

    They were attentive to the signs, among which the following stood out especially:

    • on the first, on January 14, a girl entered the house - to trouble;
    • Melanka was warm, the summer will be good;
    • frost on the trees meant a fruitful year;
    • it was forbidden to count small money on Vasily, so as not to shed tears. Neither did they lend or borrow;
      if there was a blizzard or blizzard at night, it was believed that the year would be hectic;
    • to hear an unusual ringing in the morning was news of a possible replenishment.

    Be sure to placate livestock so that the New Year for them was calm and fruitful.
    If even some of the elements and traditions of the celebration are returned to modern reality, it can be improved even more. Christmas mood and make the celebration unforgettable.

    On the night of January 13-14, all Russians will celebrate the New Year in the old style. The tradition of celebrating the old New Year arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia. They got used to the new calendar for a long time, there was a confusion with the dates, and the people began to celebrate along with the new and the old New Year. This tradition turned out to be quite tenacious and has been perfectly preserved to this day. The old New Year has its own customs, and it should be celebrated in a special way, reports IA EAOmedia. IA SakhalinMedia tells about the history of the holiday and how it should be celebrated.

    history of the holiday

    The tradition of celebrating the old New Year among the Slavs originated in 1918, when Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian calendar in order to eliminate the frightening time difference between Europe and Russia.

    Subsequently, the Julian calendar was abolished, but the Orthodox Church did not obey the order of the Soviet government and continued to celebrate the New Year in the old regime, but now on January 14.

    But this is not the only holiday that Orthodox Christians celebrate on this day. This is also Vasilyev's day, when they remember Basil the Great of Caesarea, a church writer and theologian.

    However, as you know, almost all Orthodox holidays there are pagan roots. So, for example, before the adoption of Christianity, this day was dedicated to the pagan idol Kolyada. Among the Slavs, this god was considered the patron saint of joyful feasts and fun. And carols were generally taken for witchcraft.

    Old New Year. Photo: IA SakhalinMedia

    Folk omens

    Certain beliefs are also associated with the old New Year. Since ancient times, healers knew that a person who fell ill on that day would be ill for a very long time. It is believed that on the eve and on the old New Year itself, one cannot say the word "thirteen". And if you count a trifle on this day, then you will cry all year.

    Several interesting holiday signs are associated with the weather. So, in the morning you should pay attention to the tree branches. If you see fluffy frost on them, then a lot of honey will be born in the coming year. Morning snow means that winter will be snowy and spring will come late. Ice on the street - for a good harvest. By the way, if you want to pick a lot of apples in the coming year, shake the snow from the apples at midnight.

    Since the New Year was celebrated on this day earlier, it was often said that as you spend it, the year will pass, if it is fun, then it will continue as well, if with longing and sadness, then the year will be sad. In addition, the children born on this day were promised a rich life.

    There are also some other beliefs. So, if you want to save cattle from misfortunes, on festive table there must be cookies in the form of various animals. On this day, you cannot count a trifle, otherwise you will shed tears throughout the year. And if you lend, you will spend the whole year in debt. In addition, on January 14, you should not take out the trash, along with it, take out happiness from the house.

    Earlier, and even today, the New Year is the beginning of a new life and changes for the better. Therefore, as a symbol of renewal, people burned old clothes and prepared new ones for the holiday. And the women tried to throw into the fire also the things of the children in which they suffered the disease. It is believed that this way you can get rid of ailments in the new year.

    On the first day of the New Year, our ancestors took three candles and walked around each room in a clockwise direction. They were baptized, and then they took an ax and did not knock hard on the threshold, saying: “life, health, bread”.

    Old New Year is also a holiday of reconciliation. It was believed that if you do not make peace with your enemies, then you can run into trouble in the new year. Therefore, on January 13, they tried to forget all the insults and apologize for themselves.

    When the guys were sowing, then, in principle, like today, they must sprinkle the owners with grain. It was believed that this could provide a good harvest in the coming year. And the eldest in the house tried to catch this grain with her apron. All production was stored until the start of the planting season and added to the first planter.

    Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. Photo: IA SakhalinMedia


    In Russia, this holiday has always been especially revered, people tried to have fun and rejoice, fulfilling many traditions and customs. So, in the morning, the hostesses treated the whole family to wheat porridge, which was generously seasoned with meat or honey. There was a sign among the people: the tastier the porridge, the better the coming year will stand out. But if the dish failed, then the family will be haunted by failure. Then, from lunchtime until evening, the women baked pancakes, made dumplings with different fillings and baked piglets. The men helped them with the housework, and the children went to carol.

    There was a ritual of "oats", which was accompanied by dressing up in national costumes and going from house to house with songs. Clothes were supposed to attract good luck and prosperity to the village. The owners, letting carols on their doorstep, were sure to treat the children with something tasty. In the evening, a generous table was laid to appease the coming year, and at night the whole family went to visit their neighbors - this was how they attracted peace and grace into relationships.

    On the morning of January 14, young people went out into the streets and kindled fires to burn the symbol of the harvest - "didukh", which is a rye, wheat or oat sheaf, and jump over the New Year's fire as a sign of purification. That night they believed: the more stars there are in the sky, the greater the harvest will be.

    Porridge. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

    Festive dishes

    On the night of January 13-14, the people re-celebrated the arrival of the New Year, the eve of which was called Vasiliev's evening in honor of the patron saint of pig breeders - St. Basil. On this day, a pig was usually slaughtered, from the meat of which they cooked countless hearty dishes, since it was the pig in the ancestors who was a symbol of the fertility of livestock and family well-being. In addition to the aforementioned name, this day was often called by the people as "Generous evening" or "Oats".

    As well as on Christmas Eve and Christmas, so on this holiday the first dish that must be tasted is kutia. Traditionally, it was prepared from buckwheat and barley, but today, refined rice with the addition of a variety of dried fruits, nuts, grapes and honey is more often used. The richer the filling, the better. The thing is that each product has a sacred meaning: nuts symbolize health, raisins - longevity, grain - the beginning of a new life, honey - good news, poppy - prosperity.

    Unlike Christmas, New Year's kutya should be well flavored with oil, fat or lard. That is why it was customary to call it Generous evening or Generous kutia. The hostesses cooked kutya with special trepidation, but if it did not work out, then they threw it into the river so that it would take away all the troubles.

    Even a special ritual existed for the preparation of kutya. The whole family got up at two in the morning, the woman went for cereals, and the man went for water. But until the oven is heated, the food has not even been touched. The eldest woman in the house took porridge and, while pronouncing the conspiracy, rubbed it. With a vessel, the woman approached each member of the family and worshiped, and then put it in the oven. The fact that the pot had burst or that the porridge did not fit into the pot spoke of the misfortune. And the color of porridge promises good - it should be red.

    The meal was supposed to be rich, because there should be enough food for everyone who decides to visit the hosts for the holiday. Especially a lot of jellied meat was prepared for the Generous Evening. After all, it was he who was intended for caroling.

    As already mentioned, this is also St. Basil's Day, which has always been considered the patron saint of pigs. That is why it is customary to cook a pig for the holiday. This is one of the most important dishes for a holiday. It does not have to be a baked pig, as long as it is pork. And what exactly it will be - at the discretion of the hostess.

    Festive meat. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

    Ancient traditions

    Today guys usually sow, and girls stay at home. But before that everyone did it, but in different time... According to the signs, it is on this night that evil spirits and evil roam. To drive away all the evil spirits, the girls went from house to house to carol. However, in order to find happiness, and the year passed happily and in abundance, a guy should be the first to enter the house in the new year. That is why young people went from house to house to sow. All carols and sowers were treated to jellied meat, sweets, pies and so on.

    In addition to the Great Basil, this day is also the holiday of Melanka. Therefore, the guys, when they sowed, they also organized performances, and one of them dressed in Melanka. Girls never missed such gatherings, but not for treats, but just for fun, to watch theatrical performances.

    By the way, our ancestors paid special attention to the rituals associated with fortune telling.

    The main tradition in every family was to eat special dumplings with a surprise. A variety of objects were hidden in their filling - from a bay leaf to a coin. Got a cherry dumpling? To temptation. With cabbage? Money. The ring spoke of an imminent wedding, the thread warned of a long journey, the button - for a new thing, pepper and salt - to chagrin.

    Youth traditions, of course, were primarily associated with matters of the heart. So, for example, only on this day, a rejected guy once could try his luck again. Any young man had the right to offer his hand and heart to a lady. Ordinary matchmaking was also common.

    Many guys tried to get their engagement on January 13th. It was believed that this day would bring good luck and the lady of the heart would agree.

    But the girls, as always, got together to guess at the betrothed. It was believed that it was on Christmastide that fortune-telling was the most accurate. But the guys do not waste this time, but start hunting for the gates at their house or even the door. To return her, the father of this lady must give the maharych young man... According to all beliefs, a marriage concluded on this day promises wealth, and it is also believed that life for these young people will give many pleasant and kind memories.

    Vareniki. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

    Popular divination in the old New Year

    Previously, on this holiday, everyone, young and old, waited with special reverence for the onset of darkness to do fortune-telling. People believed that the night from 13 to 14 is magical, it was during this period that dark and light forces that possess knowledge descended to the earth.

    So, if you want to know what year lies ahead, then you just need to listen to someone else's conversation. Ask yourself a question and listen to what the people around you are saying: if they laugh, everything will be fine; if they cry or swear, then a difficult life awaits you, and if they drink, stay away from temptations.

    In the old days, girls especially loved to read fortunes on books. They prepared questions in their minds and then called the page number and line. The answer served as a prophecy. And to find out who would be the first to marry, unmarried girls chose an onion for themselves and put it in the water with the spine. Whoever has sprouted before will be the first to marry.

    And to find out the name of the betrothed, unmarried girls often ran out of the house right after midnight to look for the first male they met. There was a belief: what name a stranger would call, this is what the future husband will wear.

    There is another equally interesting fortune-telling, for which a bag with a variety of small objects - pebbles, cereals, handkerchiefs - was prepared in advance in the house. There was also a crust of bread, a ring and a hook. Without looking inside, it was necessary to get the first thing out of the bag. If a girl pulled out a loaf, she would live in wealth, a hook - to wait for trouble or a difficult fate, and a ring - to a happy marriage.

    Divination. Photo: IA SakhalinMedia

    How old New Year is celebrated in other countries

    Surprisingly, this tradition has been preserved not only in our country, but also in other countries. Usually these are the countries of the former CIS or those states where the church adheres to the Julian calendar.


    Just like with us, it is customary here to go from house to house for caroling. However, instead of cereal, Bulgarians take fresh dogwood branches. Coming to visit, they easily beat the owners on the back, from the oldest to the animals. During this ritual, which is called Survakara, good wishes are always pronounced.


    Today in our countries it is a working day, which does not prevent us from celebrating it with joy as before. But here it is a day off and the holiday is called Azhyrnykhua or Hechhuama, which translates as the Day of the Creation of the World. By tradition, on this day, roosters and goats are slaughtered as a sacrifice to Shashva. All paternal relatives gather in the house, but those who do not belong to their family, in particular, wives and daughters-in-law, remain at home.


    They also carol and go from house to house, dressing up in costumes. But their outfits are not the same as ours. The guys put on the representatives of the wedding procession - the bride, groom, mother-in-law, matchmakers. Theatrical performances are played. During this ceremony, they must knock with sticks and make a lot of noise to ward off evil spirits.


    In Greece, St. Basil is also remembered. They revered him as we do Santa Claus. Children leave their shoes by the fireplace and, according to legend, Saint Basil leaves gifts there on the night of January 13-14.