
How to celebrate 5 years of marriage. Wooden wedding (5 years). years - a pink or pewter wedding. Pewter Wedding Gifts


5 years living together- a wooden wedding, the first anniversary and a serious milestone in the life of young spouses. This significant date, which should be noted among friends and close relatives. And in order for the holiday to be successful, you need to know how to celebrate it and what to present.

What wedding

5 years of marriage is called a wooden wedding. It is not by chance that a tree was chosen as the symbol of the anniversary. Its roots are the parents, the trunk is itself married couple and the leaves and branches are their children. Usually, it is by the age of 5 that the tree begins to bear fruit.

The next meaning is related to the properties of the wood. It is a durable material. It symbolizes a strong, reliable home and a warm family home. In 5 years, the couple should acquire their own housing, create a cozy atmosphere in it.

Despite the fact that high-quality structures are obtained from wood, they can be easily destroyed by fire. So it is with relationships: after 5 years of marriage, a crisis may occur in the family. At the same time, couples who have crossed the five-year milestone with success will celebrate the next anniversaries together. Ardent love will be replaced by a deeper feeling based on mutual understanding and respect.


The history and customs of wooden weddings go back centuries. Previously, every person in Russia compared himself to a tree. The two seedlings raised by a husband and wife were a symbol of the strength of their relationship. These trees were cared for and cherished. Chopping them was forbidden in order to avoid discord in the family.

It was considered a good sign to plant one common tree for a wooden wedding. Its trunk was tied with a red ribbon, which was left until the next anniversary. If you want to repeat the ceremony, choose a seedling that is closest to you in spirit. Each breed is endowed with a certain symbolic meaning:

  • birch represents tenderness, purity, sincerity, openness in relationships;
  • pine and spruce - longevity;
  • alder - fidelity;
  • oak - reliability;
  • acacia - stability, success in business;
  • maple - wealth;
  • linden - eternal love.

If you have a vacation home or summer cottage, plant an apple tree or other fruit tree together. After waiting for the first fruit, you will definitely remember what the fifth wedding anniversary was like. If the date of the celebration does not coincide with the planting season, buy an indoor tree. Transplant the plant into a pot using four hands.

In the southern regions of Russia there is a custom to throw a wreath into the river with a request to give the family longevity, joy, and prosperity. In Siberia, they go to the forest for 5 years from the date of the wedding. Then 5 ribbons are tied to the branch of any tree you like - for good luck.

How to celebrate

The first family anniversary is celebrated in different ways: some invite many guests, others prefer a family circle, and still others decide to go on a romantic trip. The ideal option for a 5th wedding anniversary is a trip to a country house. A wooden wedding symbolizes the close connection between people and nature. The more naturally it goes, the better. If the weather does not allow you to celebrate the holiday outdoors, rent the restaurant's banquet hall. Be sure to take care that the room is decorated and decorated with wood.

An interesting solution would be to celebrate the anniversary in folk style: delicious homemade food, crackling fire in the hearth, happy guests at the table. Food can be as simple as homemade sausage, meat in pots, vegetables and salads. It is advisable to choose cognac from strong drinks - a drink made from grapes and aged in oak barrels for at least 3 years. You can also serve champagne and wine to guests. The table is covered with an embroidered tablecloth, served with wooden dishes, painted spoons. Towels, clay pots, flowers, tree branches are suitable as decor.

For a 5 year wedding, wooden tableware should be used in the table setting.

An important role in organizing a wooden wedding is played by entertainment... With the help of various quizzes, you will find out how well you have learned to understand each other. Also show if you know how to work together, finding a way out of difficult life situations... Create fun games and contests to keep your guests entertained. Both adults and children should participate in them. For example, a folk song contest, pantomimes, horseback riding.

You can arrange a walk through the places where 5 years ago passed wedding photo session... Take fresh pictures and post them in a new photo album. If you have a baby, take it with you so that the whole family is together.

Gift to husband

Husband and wife are supposed to exchange gifts on their 5th wedding anniversary self made... The wives adorned the head of the chosen one with wreaths of oak leaves. It was believed that the oak has the power to preserve peace and harmony in the family.

Today, you can find a lot of wood products on sale. When choosing a gift for your beloved, consider his tastes and interests. A person with a good sense of humor can be presented with a set of rolling pins with cut out parting words.

If a man is into chess, hand him a collectible game with wooden pieces. Such gifts will be no less original:

  • ashtray;
  • wooden photo frame with a joint photo;
  • a collection of books by a favorite author;
  • baseball bat;
  • a picture in a wooden frame;
  • cue if the spouse is a billiard lover.

Gift to wife

In the old days, husbands for a wooden wedding presented their wives with oak products - carved boards, forks, spoons and other kitchen utensils. Nowadays, choosing an anniversary gift is much easier. This could be:

  • carved box;
  • wood jewelry: bracelets, beads, earrings, rings;
  • interior items: paintings, chests, dressers, flower stands;
  • figurines.

If you do not dwell on the symbolism of the celebration, you can donate no less practical items: household appliances, home textiles, houseplants, a membership to a fitness club or a beauty salon. A woman will be pleased to receive a bouquet of her favorite flowers and expensive perfume.

What guests give

The name “wooden wedding” alone speaks of what can be presented to those anniversaries. Beautiful cutting boards, bread bins, wooden dishes, carved frames, boxes, mirrors and pictures in a beautiful frame will become appropriate gifts.

It is a good idea to order an exclusive item in the form of a portrait of the spouses, burnt on a tree. Wooden gifts indicate that guests wish the spouses a long and happy life.

Also, presentations related to health are appropriate on this day. We are talking about a voucher to a sanatorium for two or gift certificate to visit the spa.


For 5 years of marriage, the heroes of the day will be glad to hear my sincere congratulations guests. Creative people can write their own welcome speech. For those who are not strong in poetry, it is better to use ready-made poems and toasts. Such wishes will not leave indifferent spouses.

Happy five year anniversary,
Wooden wedding to you!
You have become a single family,
You have a strong relationship.

Let the family grow, grow stronger,
So that your marriage is happy,
Joy dwells in the house
And always so.

I wish you to swim in tenderness,
You can keep your love.
For trifles so as not to swear,
Sincerely appreciate each other.

It is already five years old,
How they made a vow of fidelity.
Relatives blessed you,
And you connected destinies.

On your wooden wedding day
I wish you not to find out a deception,
Live in mutual love for a long time
And cherish a strong marriage.

Surround each other with attention
Care, affection, compassion.
Be able to understand, be able to forgive
And in happiness to live every day.

You can also write congratulations on a postcard and give it along with the gift. In the future, a married couple will be able to read your parting words and remember a pleasant event. Some express their thoughts and feelings in the form of prose. The text contains praise for the achievements of a young family, wishes of happy bright days and mutual understanding.

Each year the spouses have lived in marriage is crowned with a holiday - the next wedding anniversary. They all have their own name, although the most famous are gold and silver wedding... The names usually reflect the essence of the new relationship between spouses, symbolize some important points that happened over the years together. The fifth wedding anniversary is an important holiday; even if it does not seem very solid yet, it is still an anniversary. Such an anniversary is called a wooden wedding. It is the awareness of this date that helps the spouses to be confident in the correctness of their choice and to become even more attached to each other.

About the symbol of the holiday

The tree became the symbol of this jubilee. Unlike all the previous ones - chintz, paper, leather, linen - it is the first material that is durable and solid... It used to build good warm houses, durable and beautiful. The young family has become much stronger in the five years they have lived under one roof. It can no longer be “torn” like cloth or paper. Family ties have become strong and stable, like an excellent wooden house, warming in the cold and not allowing the summer heat to penetrate inside. Such a house can shelter two lovers, become a safe haven for them, and there will be enough space not only for them, but also for posterity. In all cultures the tree is a symbol of fertility and life itself in its eternal renewal... The world tree is the axis of the universe and the central component of time and space. Its juices, like living water, enable immortality through rebirth. In a more down-to-earth interpretation, it means comfort, warmth, family happiness and strength of relationships... Despite the fact that the "construction" of the family may still suffer, because it is still afraid of the "fires" of quarrels, it is still a reliable material. It is believed that by the time the spouses celebrate the sixth wedding anniversary, they have already had time to put down roots and grow to each other. The roots symbolize that by this time the family already has its own home.. Leaves or fruits represent children., because rarely what family with five years of experience did not have time to grow - to acquire offspring. The family is built like a log house: slowly, on a log, the relationship of spouses is built year after year, habits and their own traditions are created.

Customs and traditions

The five-year wedding anniversary, like many other dates, has its own traditions. They may differ slightly from each other in different cities and regions, change according to local customs, but basically they have a lot in common and, of course, all are associated with the symbol of the holiday.


Homemade wooden products are the first custom preserved almost everywhere. For the holiday, the spouse must have time to do something for the house - decoration, household item or kitchen utensils - necessarily from this material. This will be proof to his other half that by this time, the husband has not yet forgotten how to tinker, can work with his hands and is always ready to please his spouse... She, in turn, stocks up special paints or varnish. When the husband's craft is ready, the wife gives it a complete look, painting or varnishing, depending on which item was chosen by her beloved spouse. Completing what he started, his wife shows her complaisance and humility and at the same time skills acquired over the years of marriage... Such joint crafts contain a part of both spouses, therefore, they are especially dear to them. If this is a decoration, then it is hung out in the most prominent and honorable place, for example, in the living room.


One of the most widespread and beautiful traditions says that on this wonderful date spouses should plant a tree... Moreover, in contrast to the well-known saying, which speaks only of a man's duty (to plant a tree ...), today the husband and wife do it together. You need to choose a seedling in advance and prepare a planting site. Previously, weddings were played in the fall, after the harvest, so there was always such an opportunity, which speaks of the antiquity of the tradition. Now this is not necessary, so you can cheat a little. Couples can do this sooner or later, simply by timing the event for the holiday. After the seedling is firmly nestled in the ground, you need to hold hands and walk around it five times. At the same time, certain words must be said: “How strong this tree is, how spreading it is, how flexible it is, so reliable it is. Let our family be the same ”.

There is also a variation on this beautiful tradition: each family member has their own seedling. If a couple has a very small child, then the parents do it for him. They choose what to plant, the spouses are also together. All trees have their own meaning:

  • Birch- tenderness and romance;
  • oak (acacia)- loyalty, friendliness, trust;
  • alder (willow)- devotion;
  • cherry, plum or apple tree(generally fruiting) - healthy children, a strong and friendly family;
  • maple- success in the financial field, material well-being and confidence in the future.

If the spouses have children at least a little bit know how to “hold a shovel in their hands”, then they should also take part in planting a tree:


In some regions, especially where there are rivers, a different custom is popular. "Newlyweds" in the morning should come to a river or other natural body of water (it is better if the water is running there). There they weave wreaths to each other, exchange them, and then give them to the water (throw them into the river). The only caveat: this cannot be done in winter.


In Siberia, there is another custom, somewhat different from the previous ones. There the couple at dawn go together into the forest, taking with him long bright multi-colored ribbons. There, they choose the five trees that they liked the most. On them you need to tightly tie the brought ribbons. No trees are planted here, probably because there are a lot of them.

Briefly about the scenario

All four previous wedding anniversaries are usually celebrated in a small scale. But for the first anniversary, it is advisable to arrange a truly grandiose holiday, comparable to the wedding itself, but having a slightly playful connotation.

They invite those people who were at the very first holiday on the day of the wedding. If these people, of course, not including relatives, are still close to the spouses, take part in their lives, then they, too, have stood the test of time and deserve honorary title"Wooden" friends. The ideal place to celebrate an anniversary is a country house or summer cottage.... Firstly, there will be enough room for all those invited. Secondly, it will allow you to arrange the holiday according to all the rules. At the entrance to the site, you need to put a wooden gate. If the gate and the fence are already in place, you can simply make a symbolic arch made of wood, through which both guests and the heroes of the day will necessarily pass. Garlands of flowers are supposed to decorate the house and the plot. You can take artificial flowers and live ones, tree branches for this purpose; if it is winter, then fir branches are best suited, which also give a special festive smell. The hosts, holding hands, greet the guests inside. This must be done together. Everyone who comes is sent to a special "family wedding tree". It can be a growing living tree or a symbolic one made by yourself. On its branches, everyone who comes should tie his wish to the heroes of the day. To demonstrate wealth, the level of well-being that a family has achieved, tables should be completely filled with food and delicacies. It is not worth saving on such an anniversary. At the same time, the spouses show the guests how much they respect and value them.


Of course, you need to come up with a special congratulation for such an anniversary. In your wish-congratulation, be it poetry or ordinary speech, you need to mention the name of the holiday or the date for which everyone gathered.

Congratulations to the young!

Pour it up soon

In wooden glasses

For your first anniversary!

How good it became -

The two of you - and we are warm,

The house is like a bowl, the children are the leaves.

Congratulations to the young!

So that there is always prosperity, good,

So that there is no tension

To have fun, live

Together they strove for the best!

We want to congratulate friends

With a wooden wedding.

Let them grow up in your family

Healthy kids are nice.

May love keep warm

In a wooden house.

Let everything be - happiness, money

In the best shape!

So 5 years have flown by -

And I can't believe a bit.

Like 5 days or yesterday

We saw each other.

On this jubilee holiday

We wish you good things and a miracle!

Happiness, well, of course, children

Let your family be!

What to gift

Everything that is presented to the heroes of the day on a beautiful wooden wedding day must be somehow connected with the symbol of the holiday or with the date itself - 5 years.

  • Parents on this day give their children something living plant... You can choose seedlings if a young family is doing this, or just a plant in a pot. An interesting option is bonsai... At the same time, a living small plant that can be grown in an ordinary apartment, and a real tree.
  • Traditions offer to choose as a gift utensils and utensils made of wood... It is better to coordinate such a gift with the choice of other guests, because if everyone brings dishes, even very beautiful carved ones, the spouses simply will not be able to find a place for it.
  • The expanded list of gifts has been supplemented with all kinds of souvenirs from the same material or those with the number "5" written on them.
  • The owner can be presented wooden smoking pipe, snuff box if he smokes. If not, then a set of tools for woodworking.
  • The hostess gets all sorts of jewelry made of precious woods and inlaid.
  • For a generic gift, you can choose a beautiful wooden table or other piece of furniture, such as a carved chair or rocking chair.
  • V Lately changed the traditions a little and began to give the heroes of the day gifts related to rest and health, for example, vouchers.

A wooden wedding celebrated with friends will prove that the couple made the right choice five years ago.

Wedding anniversary 5 years - wooden wedding. What do you give, what can you give for the 5th anniversary of your marriage? Congratulations and poems on your 5th wedding anniversary.

V different countries the world: in Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, England and Russia, the tree is unanimously the symbol of the 5th wedding anniversary. Tree from time immemorial it was considered a symbol of the family. The roots are the ancestors, the trunk is the husband and wife, and the branches and leaves are the children and grandchildren. Tree symbolizes the stability and strength of the family and clan.

Number 5 symbolizes "creativity of chaos", new, the birth of ideas.

What do you get for a wooden wedding?

If you are well aware of the preferences and hobbies of your husband and wife, then choosing a gift for the 5th wedding anniversary will not make it difficult for you. Nevertheless, we offer you some ideas of what you can give for a wooden wedding.

Gift for 5 years from the wedding day:

  • painting "Money tree" from coins / banknotes with "wooden" rubles
  • souvenir tree with coins either semiprecious stones or beads
  • kitchen utensils made of wood: spoons, coasters for hot dishes, vases, plates, salad bowls, cutting boards, cups, salt shaker, bread bin, etc.
  • live bonsai tree
  • photo frame in the shape of a tree
  • wooden box or box / chest
  • set of wooden hangers
  • housekeeper
  • wooden archival photo album in the form of a box with cells
  • wooden chest of drawers for needlework
  • wooden wall or wristwatch
  • wooden massage roller for face / body
  • wooden stand for alcohol bottles
  • pillow in the form of a log
  • various paired figurines made of wood, candlestick
  • bath accessories: thermometer, bedding, ladle, broom, simple or with bamboo canes
  • nesting dolls
  • a mirror in a wooden frame
  • wooden musical instrument

A gift can be quite modest, but beautifully designed and accompanied by interesting and sincere wishes, it will certainly bring joy to the husband and wife.

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary.

My dear spouses!
We are ready to congratulate you ...
With a wooden wedding,
Such a long-awaited ...
For five years you have been paired together,
"Rooting" the family ...
Growing, first fruits
You are ready to collect.
Let the family tree
Prophesies longevity
And in life - prosperity,
Come true so that all desires ...
So that your union from year to year
It grew stronger and saved your hearth ...

Wooden wedding,
You have lived for five years.
And all these years
They valued each other.

Be happy
Cherish your feeling.
Take care of each other
Love anxiously!

Wooden spoons were given today,
We have not forgotten about the wooden wedding.
Let him grow up strong son
We wish you to give birth to daughters too.

Always be patient with each other
And don't forget about your friends in a year.
Happiness, health, love and care,
So that you run home from work.

A wooden wedding is definitely a deadline!
You passed a lesson on the five of life!
Together we built our lives in our joy!
We created an excellent, strong family!
Be only happy and always sweet
So that children can grow up little ones!
To live together, cheerfully for a hundred years
And they did not know sorrows, evil, scandals, troubles!

Best wishes!

The first serious anniversary of a joint married life - five years - is called a wooden one. This is the first round date that is definitely worth celebrating, even if you celebrated previous marriage anniversaries purely symbolically or not at all. A wooden wedding is an important date, indicating that the relationship has become stronger and warmer. You have gone through a lot of trials and at the same time managed to save love, keep family warmth, home.

Wooden wedding: celebration traditions

Many people ask the question: 5 years of marriage - what kind of wedding? But this is the first anniversary in the life of young people, which is called a wooden wedding! The holiday has its own traditions, customs, which, if you wish, you can take into account and follow them. By this time, the spouses, as a rule, equip their homes, establish everyday life, give birth to children, grow roots to each other.

The first five-year milestone family life married couples began to celebrate in southern Germany in the Middle Ages. All relatives and friends were invited to this celebration, who for 5 years helped to take care of the family, were always there. During the celebration, the house was decorated with wooden figurines, spruce branches, the festive table was laid.

Later, the tradition of celebrating a wooden wedding appeared in Russia. The anniversary was celebrated on a grand scale - a feast was rolled up, inviting all relatives, even the most distant ones. Such a celebration testified to the welfare, prosperity, generosity, determined the status, position of the family in society.

Planting a tree by a young family is considered an important tradition that has been preserved since ancient times. Everyone remembers that a real man must build a house, raise a son, plant a tree. Fifth wedding anniversary is a great chance for the third point to come true.

According to tradition, a married couple celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary should plant a tree together. As a rule, a fruit tree is chosen as a seedling, which will begin to bear fruit by the time the children grow up and get stronger, perhaps even by the time the grandchildren appear. Such trees are considered a symbol of fertility, procreation.

To plant a tree, select and buy a seedling, plant it on summer cottage or in the front garden under the windows of a city apartment. The main thing is not to forget to take care of your tree so that it grows and grows stronger, like your love.

In addition to the fruit tree, it is good to choose another tree, the planting of which has its own meaning:

  • By planting an acacia or oak tree, you will ensure loyalty and longevity to your family.
  • Choosing a birch - enrich the family with tenderness, add romance to the relationship.
  • Maple will give a married couple financial stability.

But do not forget that these are beliefs, and not a panacea for all problems.
It is considered a good tradition to decorate oneself and the planted trees with bright ribbons. It was believed that such trees will give strength to a married couple.

How to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary

A wooden wedding is an anniversary you should definitely celebrate. How to do this, with whom to spend a significant day - it's up to you to decide, it all depends on your wishes, financial capabilities.

Where to celebrate

The location for the celebration depends on the number of guests and the scale of the celebration. Ideal option there will be a celebration in nature, surrounded by trees, which are of great importance in the context of the name of the wedding itself. You can rent a gazebo, a cabin in the woods or on the river bank if the celebration takes place in summertime.

If the celebration of five years from the date of the wedding is planned in the cold season, choose a restaurant for the event or celebrate it at home with your family, giving joy to yourself and those closest to you.

Who to share the holiday with

You can organize a quiet event by inviting only parents and immediate family members. Sitting, chatting, reminiscing about how your family path began, what you had to go through, what difficulties to cope with and what moments you especially enjoyed and were proud of is a great pastime.

Often, only two people wish to spend their wedding day in a romantic atmosphere. They have the opportunity to enjoy moments of togetherness by organizing a romantic walk or a quiet romantic candlelit dinner. This type of celebration, for example, can be chosen by couples with a child (or several children) by sending the children to visit their grandparents.

Five years of marriage (wooden jubilee) is a great date to have a wedding ceremony if you haven't already. Making a wedding decision is a serious step that will confirm your love, strengthen your relationship and take them to a new, higher standard of living.

"Wooden" photo session

Themed photo sessions have been especially popular recently. It would be nice to organize an outdoor photo session dedicated to the wooden wedding anniversary. Hire a photographer, he will think over the scenario of the photo session, help organize everything, take amazing pictures that will remain in your memory for a long time.

Anniversary script

You can think of it yourself by organizing the anniversary the way you want. For a fun event, it is worth hiring a professional toastmaster who will do all the work for you and will not allow your holiday to turn into a simple feast.

The choice of a scenario for this date depends on personal wishes: you can organize a noisy holiday, go on a small trip together, or just go on a romantic walk. It doesn't matter how you decide to spend this day, the main thing is that you are with your soul mate and this day will be remembered by both.

Gift for a wooden wedding

What to present for this date? As a gift for a wedding anniversary (wooden), various things made of wood are perfect. It is preferable that the gift is made from natural wood: oak is the ideal material. Carved boxes, charms, pictures made of wood, candlesticks, spoons, and various kitchen utensils are considered common gifts for such a date.

Friends and relatives can buy any gift, but at least some little thing made of wood should be in it. The gift does not have to be expensive, first of all, attention is important and that the gift is given from the bottom of the heart with a piece of soul. It could be simple postcard with a beautiful short inscription expressing warm feelings and attitude towards a married couple.

The spouses themselves must also exchange gifts. As a gift, a husband can do something with his own hands - cut a spoon out of wood or make a beautiful wooden frame and insert into it family photo... The wife can give her husband a wooden beer mug or chess (checkers), if the man is fond of such games.

Examples of wood products that are suitable as a gift for a wooden wedding, watch the video:

If you are far from the heroes of the occasion and do not have the opportunity to congratulate personally, use the Internet communication services by sending a playcast - original postcard With happy congratulations, animated letters and a beautiful melody suitable for the holiday.

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary

For the five-year anniversary of the wedding (wooden), you need to prepare in advance by choosing beautiful congratulations(poem or prose), with which guests will address the heroes of the day. See examples of congratulations below.

The first marriage anniversary is approaching - is your family already 5 years old? For those who do not know: 5 years of wedding - what a wedding, let us remind you that the first anniversary of the family is called "wooden". After five joint years the spouses can already sum up an intermediate result, compare the expectations that were on the wedding day with the experience they have lived, besides, in many families at this period children are already growing up, there is joint property. And in our traditions it is customary to celebrate anniversaries ...

Wooden wedding traditions

A family with an experience of 5 years can be compared with a young tree: the plant has already taken root and gave the first harvest, but it is still capable of breaking under the hurricane wind of family quarrels. Traditionally, the spouses plant a tree for a “wooden” wedding, if the season permits. It is not necessary to do the landing exactly on the wedding anniversary, the main thing is that the event should be timed to coincide with this event. In extreme cases, on your wedding day, you can buy a small tree in a pot and bring it home, and transplant the plant in the warm season. Do not forget about the symbolism of trees, because they are completely different! For instance:

  • maple brings material well-being;
  • acacia and oak build trust and loyalty;
  • birch revives romance in relationships;
  • willow symbolizes devotion;
  • cherry, apple and plum - the strength of the family and the health of children.

It is advisable to complete the planting of a tree in the ground with a certain ritual, for example, to lead a round dance and sing symbolic songs. Or, as our ancestors did, tie a red ribbon around this tree and not remove it until the next anniversary. And in Siberia, for example, it was customary for the five-year anniversary of living together for spouses to go for a walk in the forest and hang ribbons on five trees they like. The tape should help protect a young family from hardships and troubles for the next 5 years.

You can also follow another tradition: together to make something useful out of wood, for example, a bread bin. Both husband and wife should take part in the creation of the craft (a woman can simply open the masterpiece with varnish).

5 years of marriage: what a wedding without a button accordion ?!

The five-year anniversary is a turning point in the life of many families: on the one hand, a lot has already been passed, and on the other hand, 5 years is not such a long time. The euphoria of the first family joys has already passed, the spouses got to know each other better, and at this stage it is very easy to decide to start all over again - to create new family... After all, it is not in vain that they think: during the first decade of family life, spouses face two dangerous moments - three years and seven years, and the five-year line lies just in the middle. If the family has successfully survived this period, then there is a high probability that the couple will be together forever.

For a long time in the Russian tradition it was customary to celebrate the "wooden" wedding on a special scale: they arranged a repetition of the wedding, but in a playful manner. The newlyweds' house was decorated with spruce twigs and carvings, invited the same guests, set a chic table. Only this time, the spouses were given the first exam: they checked for strength, coordination of actions and patience.

In our time, the traditions of celebrating a wedding have changed a little: a married couple themselves choose where and how to celebrate their anniversary - it can be a romantic trip, a trip to a restaurant or a party with friends. But the best place for celebrating the fifth wedding anniversary is, of course, nature. Spouses or their loved ones can organize:

  • picnic on the lake in spring,
  • cozy weekend in front of the fireplace in country house in winter,
  • fun rest at the camp site in the summer;
  • a secluded walk through the autumn forest.

The main rule of the holiday, wherever you decide to celebrate it, is the wooden element: it is advisable to put carved utensils on the table (plates, bowls, vases); candlesticks made of wood will also be relevant. In some countries, on this day, there is a tradition of serving hot dishes on freshly sawn logs, which were cut by the husband and wife with their own hands.

In an urban setting, you can completely do with a romantic dinner for two by candlelight. Once again tell each other about your feelings, arrange an evening of memories (first meeting, wedding, expectation and birth of a child). And it is also quite acceptable to arrange a festive photo session, wear Wedding Dress and go to places of "military glory".

Extreme spouses can celebrate this day in something unusual: jump in tandem with a parachute or decide on badji jumping. And romantics - in some symbolic place, exchange wooden rings. It's perfectly acceptable to celebrate 5 years of your wedding in a Finnish sauna. The main thing is that your actions are coordinated and bring joy to both husband and wife. After all, this is a family holiday, how else can you spend it ?!

In our traditions, it is customary to give gifts for any occasion: 5 years of wedding is no exception. Considering all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself - you need to give everything that is somehow connected with the tree:

  • household utensils - souvenir spoons or practical cutting boards, etc .;
  • home accessories - boxes, chests, chests (for tools or handicrafts), openwork lampshades, candlesticks, photo frames, original designs from matches or just souvenirs;
  • paired jewelry - pendants, rings, bracelets;
  • furniture - 2 or 4 pine stools, oak rocking chairs or wicker wicker furniture;
  • wooden massagers or car seat covers;
  • all kinds of jokes in a wooden frame or a real work of art in an expensively carved frame ...