
Tar birch for the face. Homemade masks with other ingredients. Birch tar for facial skin


It is birch tar face masks that will help get rid of blackheads and blackheads. Plus, tar masks are used for lifting at home.

Tar is a substance obtained from birch bark. Black liquid, with a peculiar smell, widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Tar is used in its pure form or as a component of various cosmetics. In addition to cosmetology and medicine, tar is widely used in veterinary medicine and industry. In countries where it is not produced, but only exported, it is known as "Russian oil".

What are the benefits of tar face masks

Due to its unique properties, tar is used as part of medical preparations for the treatment of diseases such as eczema, acne, demodicosis.

Rules for using tar for the face

Like any cosmetic product, tar has a number of indications and contraindications for use. By following them, you can achieve optimal results and not harm yourself.

Methods of using tar for cosmetic and medicinal purposes

  1. washing
    For washing, tar is added to liquid soap or gel. Then they wash as usual. You can also use tar soap.
  2. Cream with tar
    Another way to use "Russian oil" is a cream. To prepare such a cream, you need to add a few drops of tar to a regular, easily absorbed cream. The cream is ready.
  3. Milk with tar
    We add tar to cosmetic milk, then we use the resulting mixture on the affected areas of the skin. Effective for acne, pimples, inflammation.
  4. Pure tar in the treatment of acne
    Pure tar is applied to pimples with a cotton swab or disc. This method of using tar is not suitable for dry skin, as it dries the skin very much.
  5. Lotion
    This recipe is only suitable for oily skin. The lotion dries out the skin very much. To prepare the lotion, tar is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10.

  6. Depending on the problems being solved, there are many masks with tar. Each will be discussed separately below.

Tar face mask recipes

Birch tar face masks are available to everyone. Mask components are inexpensive and can be easily found in any store. Tar is also a very inexpensive remedy, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. Masks with it are effective and suitable for solving various problems with the skin of the face. Homemade recipes with "Russian oil" are a good alternative to expensive ones. salon procedures, and most importantly, at a price affordable to everyone.

However, before applying such masks, do an allergy test. Apply some tar on your wrist and wait a few hours. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely use masks with tar on your face.

Purifying face mask with tar

Purifying masks with tar are suitable for oily skin prone to acne, comedones, blackheads. They effectively draw dirt out of skin, remove excess fat, reduce inflammation. Works great on blackheads. Apply 1-2 times a week.

  1. Tar soap mask.

    - in order to make this mask, lather a cotton pad with tar soap until abundant foam appears;
    - then spread the foam over the face;
    - the mask should be kept for about 10 minutes;
    - then rinse with cool water.

  2. Soap mask with tar and salt. This mask is effective for acne.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - grate the soap, add a little water and beat until foam forms;
    - add fine salt to the resulting foam;
    - apply the resulting mixture on the face, keep for about 20 minutes;
    - then rinse.

  3. Soap mask with soda. This mask is used for blackheads. Soda, which is part of the mask, allows you to effectively lighten them.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - for cooking, grate tar soap, add water, beat until foam appears;
    - add soda to the foam;
    - apply on the face massage movements and hold for about 5 minutes;
    - Wash off after the procedure.

Lifting face mask with birch tar

Masks with lifting effect give the face a fresh and healthy look. In their composition, they have components containing fat to nourish the skin. Such masks are made once a week, not more often.

  1. Mask with tar and sour cream. Sour cream for the mask should be taken natural, without any additives. The sour cream in this recipe provides nourishment to the skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - grate tar soap on a fine grater, add water and beat until foam is obtained;
    - add a tablespoon of sour cream to the resulting foam;
    - apply on face and leave for 15 minutes;
    - Finally, rinse with warm water.

  2. Mask with tar and cream. Cream for a mask with birch, use natural. Ideally, if you remove them from whole milk. In stores, they very often contain various additives or are of plant origin. Pay attention to composition.

    How to prepare and use the mask:
    - as in the previous case, make soap foam, add a spoonful of cream to the foam;
    - Apply the mixture on the face and neck;
    - hold the mask for 15 minutes;
    - Rinse with warm water.

Here you will find other recipes for lifting masks for a facelift at home, which we recommend using at the first signs of skin aging.

Tar is widely used to treat problem skin. It removes excess sebum, reduces irritation, dries pimples. Its antiseptic properties help prevent redness from reappearing. After applying tar masks for problem skin, its regeneration is enhanced, damage heals faster.

  1. Mask with tar and honey. This mask is suitable for oily or very oily skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - make foam from tar soap;
    - add a teaspoon of honey to it. Honey must be liquid;
    - apply the resulting mixture on the face and hold for 10 minutes;
    - Rinse with cool water.

  2. Mask with tar, olive oil and honey. This mask contains oil that nourishes the skin, so it is suitable for normal and combination skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - prepare foam from tar soap;
    - add one teaspoon of honey and olive oil to the foam;
    - apply the mixture on the face and keep for 20 minutes;
    - wash off.

Tar mask for skin diseases

Tar, due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, fights skin diseases well. For home treatment, you can use the following masks.

  1. Mask of tar from demodicosis. To prepare this mask, you will need not soap, but tar. The second component of the mask is sulfur.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - mix sulfur and tar in equal proportions, one teaspoon each;
    - treat the affected areas of the skin with the resulting composition;
    - Leave on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  2. Tar mask for dermatitis. To prepare this mask you will need vegetable oil. Any oil can be used.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - make foam from tar soap by analogy with previous recipes;
    - add a teaspoon of oil to the resulting foam;
    - apply foam on face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.

Video on the use of birch tar

And now we offer to watch a video on the preparation of a tar face mask for acne, wrinkles and blackheads. Also, these masks can be used to lift the skin of the face at home.

And one more video about what masks for your face can be made from birch tar.

In custody. Stay beautiful, don't be afraid to use Hair Face's tar recipes. This is a time-tested and many generations of skin care and treatment of skin diseases.

There are many ways to take care of the skin of the face, using cosmetic creams, scrubs and masks. But it is the use of natural products that favorably affects the condition of the skin, thereby proving that nature is the best remedy in the fight for beauty.

Useful properties of tar

Tar is a natural product obtained from the distillation of birch bark. He has dark color and rich, not very pleasant smell, has many healing properties, has in its composition a huge amount useful substances, rich in organic acids, recognized as an excellent antiseptic.

What cures tar?

  • Pyoderma.
  • Various types of rashes on the face.
  • Pimples and blackheads.
  • Complex allergic rashes.

He also:

  1. Refreshes the epidermis.
  2. Great for healing wounds and burns.
  3. Increases blood circulation, which leads to skin rejuvenation.
  4. An excellent antimicrobial agent.
  5. Tightens the skin well.
  6. Smoothes wrinkles.
  7. Removes fatigue and oily sheen.
  8. Fights scabies, diathesis and dermatitis.

Precautions and application of tar

Despite their healing properties, tar must be handled with extreme care. Why?

  • Tar has a drying and tightening effect, so it is not recommended for people with dry skin.
  • Allergy sufferers should first check on the elbow area of ​​the skin, whether there will be a side effect - a rash.

Store tar liquid in a tightly closed container.

Birch tar face masks will perfectly improve the condition of the skin, relieve rashes and acne. In just a few applications, "black dots" will disappear, red pimples will decrease. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will be rejuvenated.

Applying tar at home is easy and simple. However, you need to know a few rules for its use.

We clean the skin with a tar mask

Cleansing the skin of the face is the renewal of the epidermis, the elimination of acne and blackheads, as well as the cleansing of pores from fat and dirt.

Recipe number 1. Lather tar soap, then apply the resulting foam to the face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water, then warm.

This mask is ideal for owners of problem skin, which is characterized by frequent pimples. Can also, in order to avoid an adverse reaction, simply burn the pimples with foam, applying it with a cotton swab directly to each pimple.

Recipe number 2. Grate tar soap, beat until foam forms, add a little ordinary salt. The duration of the mask is 5-10 minutes. It helps to get rid of blackheads and dirt in the pores.

Recipe number 3. Grate 0.5 tablespoon of soap on a fine grater and mix with a small amount of face cream. It is advisable to take nutritious. Apply a generous layer of the mask on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The duration of action is 10-15 minutes, depending on the oiliness of the skin.

Lifting masks for face, neck and décolleté

Already in adulthood, women are worried about the problem of sagging skin, flabbiness and "flews" on the chin.

Recipe number 1. Mix a small amount of sour cream or cream with a pre-made foam from tar soap. After just a few applications of the mask, the skin will noticeably tighten and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

  1. Complexly apply the resulting mixture on the chin and cheeks, neck and décolleté.
  2. For a good effect, you need to wait for the mask to dry completely.
  3. Then wash off with cold water.

Recipe number 2. Milk ( a small amount of) for the face or body should be mixed with a teaspoon of tar liquid. Apply to face no more than once a week for 10 minutes. The skin of the face is tightened and nourished at the same time.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Often, red rashes, irritations and inflammations appear on the skin of the face. You can deal with them by applying a tar mask.

Recipe number 1. Mix bee honey (3 teaspoons) with 1 tea tar. You will get a viscous thick mixture. Apply it on the face, gently spreading. Wash off after 15 minutes.

This mask will help eliminate even the most severe inflammatory processes.

Recipe number 2. Honey, olive oil and birch tar are great for fighting rashes and irritations.

  1. In a water bath, heat 3 teaspoons of honey, mix with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and tar.
  2. Treat the entire skin of the face with the mixture, except for the areas around the eyes.
  3. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then moisturize the skin with cream.

Tar from fungus

This substance is a powerful warrior against fungal diseases and skin infections. In the fight against skin diseases, tar masks provide incredibly fast help.

Recipe number 1. Fungal diseases can be eliminated by using this mask once a week.

Recipe number 2. Will help with demodicosis simple mask from sulfur and birch tar. Mix 1 teaspoon of sulfur and tar and apply on a pre-steamed face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes with cold, then warm water. Then apply an anti-demodectic cream or ointment.

There is an easy recipe for a mask for psoriasis, which slows down the development of the disease, making its symptoms not so painful and unpleasant. Mix 1 tablespoon of birch tar with 2 tablespoons (also tablespoons) of fresh bee honey. Keep on the affected areas for no longer than 10 minutes.

Ambulance with decoctions of medicinal herbs

A unique opportunity to combine tar and a variety of herbal decoctions in a mask. Tar will relieve irritation, redness, rashes, and herbs will give the skin elasticity, nourish it with vitamins and nutrients

Recipe number 1 - for oily skin. Dissolve a little shavings of tar soap in a small amount of decoction of eucalyptus and calendula until foam forms. Apply the mask to the skin of the face, wash off after 10 minutes.

Recipe number 2 - for normal and combination skin. St. John's wort and yarrow are suitable for this type of skin. In a decoction, beat the foam and apply to the skin. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Recipe number 3 - for dry and sensitive skin. Chamomile is ideal for decoction. The principle of preparing the mask is the same as the previous two. This mask will cleanse the skin well and soothe it.

Ready tar mask

If there is no time to prepare a mask at home, then you can buy a ready-made tar mask at any cosmetic store or pharmacy. It's easy to use and doesn't cost too much.

The duration of such masks is identical to homemade ones. Rinse off the purchased mask should also be first cold, then warm water.

most wanted and popular mask among consumers is the tar mask "For a steam room" - Banka Agafya. Reviews about it are only positive, and it is not too expensive. Anyone can purchase it.

Salvation for wounds and scratches

If by some miracle an unwanted wound has formed on the face or a scratch has appeared, then a birch tar mask will help. It will speed up the healing process, and in a few applications it will put everything in order.

  1. Combine 1 teaspoon of birch tar with any nourishing cream.
  2. Gently, not too thick layer should be applied to the affected area.
  3. Wash off after 15 minutes. Moisturize your face with a cream or other cosmetic product.

This mask can also be used for cracked heels, pustules.

We cook tar soap on our own

To prepare tar soap at home, you need:

  • Baby soap without dyes and fragrances 300 g.
  • Plain water 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Birch tar 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Fill molds.

Soap should be rubbed on a fine grater. Then stir in a tablespoon of water until a viscous mass is formed and add tar. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and leave to harden for several days.

Molds are best taken old and unnecessary. The best option become silicone and plastic.

So that soap does not burn, it is best to cook it in a water bath.

If you want to not only get rid of acne and inflammation, but also smooth the skin, make it more elastic, then you can add a few drops of any oil (almond, peach, olive, pink) to the recipe. In addition to rejuvenation, they will give the soap a more pleasant smell and aroma.

Side effects and contraindications

Before using tar in cosmetics to improve the condition of the skin and eliminate inflammatory processes, you need to check if it is contraindicated for you. The use of tar is not recommended for people who:

  • Are in a position (pregnant) and breastfeeding.
  • They do not tolerate tar in any form.
  • They are in the period of acute inflammatory processes. In this case, tar should be used very carefully and strictly according to the recommendations, without exceeding the duration of action.

Side effects are to be expected if the dosage is increased or the mask is applied incorrectly, as well as if it is not removed well from the face. The most common side effects are allergies, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and in very difficult cases even dermatitis and kidney intoxication.

You should be extremely careful and follow all recommendations and dosages, duration of action, and also make sure that the mask does not get into your eyes.

Birch tar is ambulance your face. Use it properly and you will have a beautiful, fresh and youthful reflection in the mirror.

Birch tar is a natural, oily, thick liquid with a specific odor, used in folk and official medicine to treat many skin diseases. Finds the use of birch tar from acne, is used for skin care, hair, treatment of some infectious and somatic diseases.

Tar pharmacology

As a natural antiseptic, tar has a wound-healing effect, accelerates the process of blood circulation in the skin, and rejuvenates epidermal tissues.

How tar affects the skin

Tar does an excellent job with rashes, acne, pimples that have settled on the skin. Relieves inflammation, irritation, rejuvenates, regenerates, cleanses, gives the skin a velvety and delicate healthy glow.

List of diseases for which tar is used for treatment:

  • skin allergies, children's diathesis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, trophic ulcers;
  • lichen, seborrhea;
  • scabies, pyoderma, gangrene;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • mycoses (fungal skin diseases), furunculosis;
  • lichen, bedsores, scrofula;
  • stomatitis, otitis media, urethritis, mastitis;
  • tumors, indigestion.

The list of diseases can go on and on.

Birch tar - what's in it

More than once a person thought about this, watching how birch tar helps to successfully cope with such different diseases. And this is due to its composition. Phytoncides, cresols (organic aromatic compounds), phenol, which are part of the tar, exhibit the following properties:

  • disinfecting;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectants;
  • antiseptic.

How to get tar from birch

Quality tar is obtained from pure, living white birch bark, which grows in Russia and parts of Europe. From dead birch, deadwood, old stumps, household tar is obtained, which is of lower quality. At the birch, they remove the top layer, the corked fabric that protects the trunk of the tree, trying not to damage the bark so as not to destroy the birch. Birch bark is mainly collected from old trees in early summer, when the birch bark easily lags behind the bark. The removed birch bark is dried for some time, pressed in special tar distillers. Then, without access to air, tar is obtained by dry distillation.

This is interesting: About 300 kg of tar can be obtained from one ton of birch bark.

Where to buy tar

You can buy tar-based medical and cosmetic products in pharmacies or specialized stores. It is undesirable to buy from tar (tar specialists), because it is impossible to determine exactly what kind of tar you are buying - purified medical or technical.

What to buy at the pharmacy

In the pharmacy you can buy:

Advice: When buying pharmacy products, pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

What to buy in perfume and cosmetic stores

In many stores, entire series of tar-based products are on the shelves.

Natural, hypoallergenic hair wash without the use of synthetic fragrances and dyes. It is made from medical tar according to a unique old recipe, gently cleanses the skin, eliminates oiliness and dandruff, and boils in the scalp. Trichologists (doctors who treat hair diseases) advise using tar shampoo not only for adults, but also for children.

Tar soap is the most effective and in demand for skin care. Soap properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

Soap successfully helps the skin cope with pimples, acne, acne, boils. Dermatologists say that when using soap twice a day, pimples dry out quickly, acne foci are reduced, and after a week, an improvement in skin condition is observed. Since soap dries out the skin a lot, after using it, you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin.

On large foci of inflammation, you can apply a little soap, and hold for 5-10 minutes, then saturate it with warm water. The use of soap to treat the skin is sometimes recommended to be combined with oral medication. You can not use several external tar-based products to treat the skin, as this will lead to its strong overdrying and deterioration.

Important: Before use cosmetic products and whether medical preparations need to consult a doctor. In some regions of the country, tar-based pharmaceutical preparations are dispensed only by prescription.

Washing and shower gels

They are made on the basis of natural birch tar. Recommended for inflamed, problematic skin, The composition of the gel gently cleanses, does not dry out the skin, It has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic effect. Gels are hypoallergenic.

The soap foams well, rinses off perfectly, gives the hair and body a velvety, pleasant tenderness. Produced in cosmetic jars.

Clear, yellowish oily liquid with a smoky and leathery aroma. The oil goes well with the aromas of orange, cinnamon, frankincense, rosemary, tea tree.

home remedies

At home, using pharmaceutical medical tar, you can prepare tar water. To obtain the composition, you need to add 40 ml of pharmaceutical tar in one and a half liters of boiled water, insist well and separate the middle, liquid part, which is tar water. The liquid may be slightly yellowish in color. You need to store it in the refrigerator.

The use of drugs based on tar

Preparations containing tar are used in folk medicine for external and internal use.

Drugs are prescribed for diseases of certain organ systems:

  1. Infections of the oral cavity and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomatitis, gingivitis).
  2. infections genitourinary system(cystitis, urethritis).
  3. Diseases of a catarrhal nature (tonsillitis, tonsillitis).
  4. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders (gout, urolithiasis).
  5. Diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, tuberculosis).
  6. Oncological pathologies.

Advice: They say that a fly in the ointment can ruin a barrel of honey. This saying can be applied not only to honey. Any substance can be evil and good. Tar can be the cause of allergies. Before use, be sure to check the body's sensitivity to its drugs and consult a doctor.

Acne Treatment Recipes

A few drops of birch tar can be added to gels, lotions and used to get rid of pimples, acne, blackheads.

cauterization of acne

Twice a day, you can cauterize acne for several seconds with tar applied to cotton swab. After cauterization with a cotton swab or napkin, remove the remnants of the product, since the tar is not absorbed into the skin.


There are not many contraindications, but they are. You can not use preparations with tar during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity of the body. Modern medicine does not recommend the use of tar for internal use, as it contains many carcinogenic substances. Therefore, its independent, thoughtless use can cause significant harm to health. In contact with the mucous membranes of the body, tar can cause slight itching and burning, but this is not a contraindication for the use of the drug. If there are no other unpleasant symptoms, treatment can be continued. For some people, a sharp, unpleasant smell can become an obstacle to the use of tar.

Treatment with birch tar is a great way to cure many diseases, in particular, acne on the face and body. Pharmacy and self-prepared products successfully cope with many problems that have arisen on the skin, or struck internal organs. The only thing to remember is that the use of pure tar, especially inside, is not shown to everyone. Cosmetic gels, lotions, shampoos, soaps are mostly hypoallergenic and can be used, with certain interruptions, for daily use. And remember that even though the tar is black, the skin from it is white. Health to all and clear skin.

The healing power of tar is actively used in medicine. In home cosmetology, tar masks cleanse the face of acne, restore the metabolism in the skin, and give it a healthy glow.

An oily black liquid is obtained in the process of processing various kinds of trees. In cosmetology, birch and birch bark tar is used, obtained respectively from the bark and part of the wood of mature trees or from the birch bark of young birches. Much has been said about the benefits of birch tar for hair. Masks with it are also recommended for facial skin. Unfortunately, the tar mask is by no means a panacea, and not everyone needs to use it.

The specific smoky smell and dirty oiliness do not deter those who know how good tar is for the skin. As part of medical preparations, it fights eczema, psoriasis, acne and demodicosis. In cosmetic products, it is valued for the following qualities:

Despite the undeniable benefits, a tar mask can harm not only people with individual intolerance. Excessive stimulation of interstitial metabolism in the skin of the face results in irritation, folliculitis, and increased exfoliation.

Owners of dry sensitive skin are better off completely refraining from tar even as one of the ingredients. Even with normal and oily skin, prolonged redness after such masks, increased sensitivity to sunlight is possible.

Homemade masks with tar

In its pure form, inflamed pimples are lubricated with pharmaceutical tar. There is a healing mask for acne from a mixture of zinc, salicylic ointments with the addition of tar, which you can mix yourself. But such methods of dealing with acne and other inflammations of the face can only be performed under medical supervision.

Tar is added to all homemade face masks at the rate of 2-5 drops per spoon of all other components. A couple of drops of lavender oil visibly reduces the unpleasant smell of mixtures.

Sometimes it is easier to pre-mix in a glass bottle a base of a tablespoon of tar and four tablespoons of olive, peach, castor or almond oils. After shaking, it is added to the rest of the ingredients in the right amount.

honey mask

Having melted 3 teaspoons of honey, pour in a teaspoon of ready-made talker or 5 drops of tar and a teaspoon of peach oil. After surviving 15 minutes, the face is washed with massage movements, then, as after a scrub, a nourishing cream is applied.

White and pink clay

White or pink clay is mixed in equal proportions with warm milk or almond oil. Up to 15 drops of tar are dripped onto 3 tablespoons of the finished mixture, mixing thoroughly. If the mask is too liquid, you can add a pinch of talc. After 15-20 minutes, everything is thoroughly washed off the face, wiped with a tonic and a regular cream is applied.

Blue clay with tar for acne

Combine 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blue clay with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calendula tincture and 1 teaspoon of the prepared oil-tar mixture. This mask fights acne on oily skin. For a normal and combined type of face, a decoction is taken instead of calendula tincture. After rinsing, the skin is moisturized with a cream.

Pumpkin mask with potatoes

A piece of slightly boiled or blanched pumpkin is kneaded, combined with grated raw potatoes, half a teaspoon of tar is added. The mask applied to the face can be held for up to half an hour. So that it does not dry out, pass over it with wet fingers.

foam mask

Grate a piece baby soap, whip it up. Add 10 drops of tar there, thickly smear the face with the resulting foam. Leave on for 2-5 minutes and wash off. You can take a ready-made tar soap, diligently roll a non-moistened bar between wet hands and smear dry skin at the same time.

These mixtures can be used no more than 1-2 times a week, with the exception of a foam mask. It can replace the usual morning and evening washing. When dry, but problematic skin they are used 2-3 times a month. It is also acceptable to replace lemon juice in other recipes with a tar and butter mash. Or add a few drops of tar to any other drying mask.

Tar in home cosmetics

For a comprehensive fight against acne and pimples on the face, tar is dripped into the washing gel, 1-2 drops at a time. Or in a bottle combine 200 ml of liquid detergent with a teaspoon of tar.

A lotion is prepared from a vial with a 2% solution of salicylic acid and half a teaspoon of tar, which is used to wipe problem areas of the skin.

For a face, a tar mask can be a real salvation: it will tighten the skin, restore its tone, and get rid of acne. But still, this wonderful tool should not be abused.

Everyone knows how useful and unique birch tar is for the human body. The use of this remedy for acne is no less effective, due to its composition. This article will analyze the beneficial effect of birch tar on skin prone to acne, and will also be given healthy recipes for quick release from these eruptions.

Why is birch tar effective against acne?

The benefits of birch tar for the skin

Birch tar is extracted from tree bark and wood by heating in an oxygen-free environment (dry distillation method). During the distillation process, a lot of useful substances are released that are necessary for the skin and are present in the tar, these include:

  1. alkaloids;
  2. Betulenol (triterpene alcohol);
  3. Betulozide;
  4. Gaulterin;
  5. Dioxybenzene;
  6. Tannins;
  7. organic acids;
  8. Toluene;
  9. Phenol;
  10. Phytoncides;
  11. resins;
  12. Essential oils.

All of these components make birch tar an effective antibacterial, regenerating and analgesic agent - all that our skin needs so much. However, birch tar cannot be used in its pure form. It can be added to ready-made creams and skin lotions in an amount not exceeding 20% ​​of the total volume, or diluted in a ratio of no more than 20 grams of tar per 100 grams of liquid.

The harm of birch tar for the skin

With frequent and excessive use of birch tar, instead of getting rid of acne, you can get even bigger skin problems - allergic reactions or irritations. It is for this reason that it cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components of birch tar. Due to the presence of carcinogens in birch tar, it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Of course, any remedy that is not used for its intended purpose or without complying with the norms will be a danger to the body. You can not use pure undiluted tar, apply it more and longer than the problem requires.

Birch tar: natural remedy for safely cleansing the skin of the face from acne

Recipes for getting rid of acne

Washing with tar soap

Using purchased tar soap

You can buy ready-made tar soap and wash it every evening when acne appears on your face. Also, there will be efficient use your daily cleanser with the addition of tar soap shavings. Then you get a dual-action product and the skin does not have to get used to a new way of washing or removing makeup.

Recipe for tar soap for washing

To prepare the simplest tar soap, you will need to take:

  1. Baby soap - 100 grams;
  2. Birch tar - 20 grams;
  3. Essential oil - 20 grams;
  4. Water - 100 ml.

Baby soap is grated and melted in a water bath, then added to it essential oil. If you have oily skin faces, give preference solid oils(for example, Coconut oil). If you have normal to dry skin, oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil are suitable. Fragrant coniferous oils are also suitable. Let the mixture cool slightly and add tar, mix thoroughly and pour the soap into molds for further solidification. Full tar soap will harden and be ready to use in 5 to 7 days.

Using tar cream

To get rid of acne, you can lubricate the skin with a cream containing tar. You can either buy this cream or make your own. This will require the usual baby cream. Before applying to the skin, mix a small amount of the cream that you usually use at a time and 1 drop of birch tar. Lubricate your face every day and you will see how the inflammation is reduced. Similarly with a cream, if acne bothers you on the entire surface of the body, skin milk is suitable.

Tar acne mask

A tar mask will help you get rid of acne very quickly. For this you will need:

  1. Birch tar - 5 drops;
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Tea tree oil - 2 drops.

All ingredients are mixed, and the mask is applied evenly on the skin of the face for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Cauterization of acne with tar

If you have oily skin, you can use effective method. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in a solution of birch tar and burn the pimples very carefully. By analogy with birch tar, iodine can also be used to cauterize pimples.

The best remedies for acne

Of course, birch tar is one of the most effective means in the fight against acne. But there is not always time to find or cook birch tar in accordance with the recipe. The use of other equally effective remedies for acne will help you get rid of unnecessary rashes in the shortest possible time.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid can be purchased at any pharmacy, unlike birch tar. Also, its advantage is that you can immediately burn acne, and not dilute like tar in a ratio that is safe for the skin.


If you have Kalanchoe or Aloe at home, then there is nothing to think about - in your hands is a life-saving remedy for acne. Tear off a leaf of aloe 15 - 30 cm long, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it, the pimple will soon disappear without leaving marks.


If there is absolutely no time for all home remedies, or there is simply no way to get rid of acne at home, get Zineryt. This remedy contains antibiotics, of course, it costs more than iodine or salicylic acid, but there is no better remedy if a pimple has jumped up in the most visible place.

As you can see, birch tar is very useful for the skin and in the fight against acne. If there is no time - it does not matter, purchase affordable products that will save you from skin problems for short term. Whatever method you use, the main thing is the result. Any of the means will help you stay on top always.