
How to use an aroma lamp. An aroma lamp is a pleasant way to improve your mood, lift your spirit and improve your health.


In this article, you will learn:

    What are the main types of aroma lamps

    How to use an aroma lamp with oils in magic

    What are magical properties essential oils

    What are the magical recipes for an aroma lamp with oils

The history of oils can be called as ancient as the history of mankind. Their magical properties were described by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, sacred treatises were dedicated to them, they were the main participants in ancient rituals. For thousands of years, it was believed that oils protect, bring good luck, money, wealth, happiness, love, success. Believe it or not, you can still not neglect their strength, proven over the centuries. In this article, you will learn about the magical properties of various scents, as well as how to use the aroma lamp.

The main types of aroma lamps

An aroma lamp with a candle is a small bowl for water and oil. A vessel with water and an aromatic substance is located above the fire, under its influence the oil evaporates, saturating the air.

Using a ceramic aroma lamp is very simple, just pour water into the bowl, diluting it with a few (maximum five) drops essential oil... When the mixture heats up, its vapors will spread through the air. You can use an aroma lamp with oils and a candle anywhere.

Now you can buy an electric aroma lamp and a USB aroma lamp, thus solving the problem of finding small candles. The oils in them are heated by electricity. The lamps are a ceramic saucer connected to a power supply. To get a pleasant aroma, it is enough to plug them into the network.

You can use such an aroma lamp for essential oils, as in the photo, not only at home, but also in any other room. For example, such a device with an unobtrusive neutral odor can even be placed on a work table.

In order for the air throughout the house to be evenly filled with the aroma of essential oils, it will be necessary to adapt to your aroma lamp. If she has a large water bowl, start with ½ of its volume, adding no more than 5 drops of an essential oil.

Some experts recommend that beginners start with a couple of drops of oil. In this case, you give the body the opportunity to adapt to the scent gradually. The bowl of the aroma lamp can hold from 2 to 15 tablespoons of water, while the larger the volume of the bowl, the more slowly the house will be filled with the aroma of essential oil.

How to properly use an aroma lamp in aromatherapy

The use of aroma lamps is similar to the use of inhalation methods, but the spectrum of their action is wider. Basically, you can use an aroma lamp to scent rooms, but the tasks and goals can be pursued differently.

There is their conditional division into aromatic, that is, the use of an aroma lamp for aromatizing a room and giving it a special atmosphere with the help of smell, and medicinal, in this case, essential oils solve problems of a preventive or therapeutic nature.

Effectively use an aroma lamp in order to correct emotional background and obsessive mental states, reduce stress levels, reduce the manifestation of depressive conditions, fatigue. In addition, they can be used to prevent dystonia, to improve tone, memory and intellectual functions, to fight respiratory infections.

To add flavor to the room, choose an essential oil based on your preference and taste. However, you can start using the aroma lamp with basic mixtures.

    Tangerine and cinnamon aromatic oils, taken in equal proportions, will help to create the perfect scent for the nursery; for the work area and office - lemon and rosemary, for the bedroom - a mixture of essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, neroli and inspiring ylang-ylang, and the living room can be filled with aromas of active and socializing oils of lemon, orange, petitgrain and lemongrass.

    For preventive purposes, you can use an aroma lamp with eucalyptus and tea tree oils, they will prevent viruses from spreading if someone from your home is sick. Sandalwood, sage, mandarin and bergamot aromatic oils are also suitable for this purpose.

    You can also use an aroma lamp to remove unpleasant odors, for example, from cigarette smoke. To do this, you need aromatic citronella or lemongrass oils, or you can use a mixture of peppermint, lemon and rosemary oils.

    An aroma lamp with rose oil, delicious ylang-ylang, tart notes of sandalwood, neroli and ginger will contribute to the creation of a romantic intimate atmosphere.

    To relieve the stress that occurs during hard work, mental stress, when working with a computer, you can use an aroma lamp with a mixture of ginger, limette and lemongrass.

So how do you properly use an aroma lamp and oils? Pour 2–6 tablespoons of warm water into a bowl, adding aromatic oil at the rate of 5–6 drops per 15 m 2 room (maximum number of drops - 15, minimum - 3). Start with a smaller amount, gradually increasing your concentration.

Watch how the water evaporates, adding as needed. In no case should you leave a working aroma lamp unattended.

Before using an aroma lamp with new oils, you need to thoroughly wash the bowl and then rinse with water diluted with vinegar.

Watch a video on how to use the aroma lamp:

You can also use candles with scented wax for an aroma lamp, then the smell will not be as concentrated as from the oil.

However, in addition to the therapeutic effect, aroma lamps also have magical properties, the use and application of which will be described below.

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How to use an aroma lamp with oils for magical purposes

Together with the aromas of essential oil, millions of particles of fine essences enter our respiratory tract.

These molecules, entering the bloodstream, are carried throughout our body, stimulate its various functions and include those that are needed at a particular moment.

Essential oils have more than just common knowledge medicinal properties, they contribute to the awakening of unique abilities in us, to improve mood, calmness, or, conversely, vigor.

There are various ways to use essential oils in magic:

    use an aroma lamp;

    make mixtures with base oils, which are then applied to various subjects or on the body;

    apply one oil or a mixture of them to objects (without adding base oil), in this case it is no longer possible to drip onto the skin;

    you can add oil to a bath, cream, shampoo, shower gel (thus enhancing attractiveness, attracting success, etc.)

You just need to know about the properties of different essential oils, and use the aroma lamp in accordance with their purpose.

The magical properties of essential oils

Essential oil in its pure form, without mixing with the base, is not applied to the skin. However, if you exclude contact skin with essential oil, that is, put a drop of oil on cotton wool or paper, then you can carry it with you, putting it in your wallet, pocket, handbag, etc. A number of oils can be added to a glass of water, leaving it on the table. Some can be used by adding them to the bath (maximum one drop). In addition, you can use an aroma lamp, filling the room with certain aromas and expecting their magical effects.

Here's a guide to the various aroma oils:

    Apricot: it is the scent of passion and love.

    Avocado: will bring happiness, wealth and long life.

    Acacia: holy oil, they use it before lighting a candle or an incense burner.

    Ambergris: protects from evil and trouble.

    Ambrosia: promotes the transformation of a timid and shy person into a bold and determined person.

    Anise: will increase the ability to clairvoyance.

    Bergamot: when mixed with base oil and applied to both palms, it wards off evil.

    Verbena: will help remove the curse, protect.

    Vetiver: will allow you to overcome any spell, will protect you from the evil eye.

    Grape seeds: promotes popularity and wealth.

    Clove (spice): When mixed with a base oil and applied to the base of the neck or thighs, sexual desire can be aroused.

    Carnation (flowers): can be used to attract good luck while gambling.

    Allspice: strength and energy will be given by a mixture of allspice and any base oil applied to the chest and legs.

    Ylang-ylang: will help you find a good job, you need to use it as follows - put it on a cotton swab or a piece of paper and take it with you when you go to the interview.

    Camphor oil: bestows power when used with essential oil.

    Cedar: will help protect against adversity and suffering.

    Cypress: help to find comfort in adversity, as well as comfort the child.

    Clover: apply to the pillow to keep the spouse faithful.

    Cinnamon: brings luck, money, love.

    Lavender: will help to find peace in the house, stop the spread of gossip (add to a glass of water).

    Bay leaf: when applied to the body in a mixture with a base oil, it will help in cleansing the soul.

    Lemon: to protect your home.

    Raspberries: helps pregnant women and also promotes successful childbirth.

    Mandarin: can be used when protection or extra strength is needed, just add a drop of oil while taking a bath.

    Almonds (base oil): will help to attract money, you can use an aroma lamp, combining with other oils.

    Myrtle: helps to attract love, luck, money.

    Juniper: will fulfill desires, lead to honor and glory.

    Nutmeg: use to protect against the evil eye, attract good luck, add a drop of oil when taking a bath.

    Peppermint: add interest to life, protect housing.

    Patchouli: is considered a powerful aphrodisiac with magical properties.

    Peach oil: will bring harmony, peace and love, you can carry it with you or drip on the furniture in the house.

    The Rose: will attract love into life, help to find consistency in relationships.

    Rosemary: will rejuvenate, relieve emotional distress and pain.

    Chamomile: helps to attract attention, enhances sexual attractiveness.

    Ruta: protect from curses.

    Sandal: helps to heal, strengthen intuition and clairvoyance.

    Pine: It is considered a cleansing oil, adding a drop of it to the water when taking a bath, you can cleanse yourself of sins, mistakes, the bad that was before.

    Citronella: helps to attract friends or clients (in business).

    Sage: it is considered a foresight oil, it is applied to the forehead (necessarily together with base oils).

    Eucalyptus: promotes healing.

5 magical recipes for an aroma lamp with oils

1. Blend for attracting money.

Take a small bottle, fill it with sweet almond oil, add three drops of marjoram essential oil and two drops each of lemon and eucalyptus oil, shake. Store the bottle in a cool dry place.

Looking at the history of oils, you can understand that this recipe is not accidental.

For a long time, sweet almond oil (base) has been believed to be attractive for money, wealth and wisdom. Marjoram (Origanum majorana) was used to drive away evil spirits. Tinctures made from a mixture of marjoram, rosemary and mint were irrigated at home to protect them from the evil eye.

Marjoram and violet helped protect from cold weather, so amulets were worn with them in winter. Lemon represents purity and energy. It was believed that if you use lemon oil amulets on the full moon, you can defeat various diseases. Eucalyptus is considered a "health-giving agent".

The blend contains four ingredients that represent the four elements. Almonds are Earth, marjoram is Air, lemon is Fire, eucalyptus is Water. In the Middle Ages, a person closely watched what surrounds him. Medieval alchemists, in order to achieve balance and harmony in life, health, nutrition, advised to combine the surrounding objects and compose the menu so that it would include elements that would relate to these four elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

2. A mixture for attracting health.

Take a small bottle, fill it with sesame oil, add three drops of sage essential oil, two drops each of lavender and cinnamon oils, shake, store in a cool dry place.

This recipe also consists of plants belonging to the four elements - Earth, Air, Water, Fire, with a base of sesame oil.

Sesame is considered one of the oldest plants. It is believed that its seeds are able to open the doors of love, wealth, luck, health, find treasures, and learn secrets. If you put sesame seeds on an open dish and leave them on the table, they will attract money. The main thing is not to forget to change them every month.

3. A mixture for attracting love.

Take a small bottle, fill it with avocado oil, add three drops each of basil and coriander oils, two drops of marjoram oil, shake, store in a cool dry place.

This composition is with a shifted balance, since it contains two oils related to the element of Fire, designed to ignite the fire of love. An aphrodisiac such as avocado is used as a basis.

4. A mixture for protecting the home from evil forces.

To obtain this mixture, you must combine four drops of basil essential oil with three drops of geranium oil, two drops of pine oil and one drop of vetiver oil.

In ancient times, there were a huge number of herbal recipes to help protect the house from thieves. To do this, the herbal sweat was wrapped in cloth or placed in special bags of various colors.

5. A mixture for attracting good luck.

To obtain a mixture, you need to take three drops of allspice essential oil (pimento, allspace), two drops each of cedar (Atlas or Virginia) and Roman chamomile oils, one drop of peppermint.

Apply the resulting mixture to a piece of red fabric, put it in a suede bag and carry it with you.

You can also fill a small bottle with rosehip base oil, drip essential oils, store in a cool, dry place at home or work.

You can buy various oils for aroma lamps in our Witch Happiness online store, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, is responsible for his actions not only to people, but also to the entire Universe.

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Explore the corner of true magic!

The aroma lamp is not a woman's whim or an imitation of movie masterpieces. Such a thing helps to balance the psychological state, reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases, and even eliminate sleep problems. How to use an aroma lamp with oils? Let's tell you now. But first, let's figure out what such a thing is.

Types of similar devices

The aroma lamp is a ceramic container. It consists of an evaporator, an arch and a colorful body for installing a candle in the form of a tablet. Modern technologists have also created an electric version of the oriental aroma lamp and aroma lamp-USB, thereby simplifying the problem of finding small candles. You can use such a thing in any room, not limited only to the house. Choose an unobtrusive, neutral scent, and even in your workplace an aroma lamp will be appropriate.

How to use the device to evenly fill the room or even the whole house with a light scent? It is necessary to get used to the selected lamp. If it has an impressive capacity for evaporation, it is worth starting with half of the available volume, and the amount of aromatic oil or mixture should not exceed 5 drops.

How to use an aroma lamp correctly? Many experts advise beginners to get acquainted with this therapy, starting with 2 drops. This is how the body gradually adapts to the scent.

To understand how to use an aroma lamp, the photo of which you see in our article, it is worth considering its simple design. The evaporation container can hold from 2 to 15 tablespoons of liquid, the larger the evaporator, the slower it will fill the house with aroma.

The first session of aromatherapy should not exceed 25 minutes, each next session can be safely extended, but experts recommend stopping at 2 hours. This time is enough for the body to relax, emotionally rest and recharge.

How to use an aroma lamp with oils: photos and instructions

For aromatherapy to give positive results, it is worth memorizing a few rules living together with the device:

  • Before each aromatherapy session, you must thoroughly ventilate the room. You should not save time on renewing the air in the apartment. Therapy should be carried out with tightly closed windows, no drafts or ventilation. Due to the small amount of evaporated liquid, the filling of the space proceeds rather slowly, therefore the inflow fresh air contraindicated.
  • If the evaporator is heated by heating the bowl with a candle, the combustion factor must be taken into account - you should not install the lamp on plastic or flammable surfaces. Also, do not forget about the presence of children - the interest of children can lead to a tragic outcome.
  • The temperature of the aromatic liquid should not exceed 55-60 ºС, boiling is the first enemy of such therapy. Why? Because oils lose their medicinal properties. In order for the aroma lamp to work in the required mode, you should choose a design with a sufficient distance between the burner and the container itself for evaporation.
  • The scent should be chosen "for yourself" - if the session is strictly individual, but if several people enjoy the lamp's action at once, it is worth approaching this process with the utmost care. After all, each smell affects different people in its own way.
  • Only warm water is suitable for aromatherapy - this will significantly save heating time and allow the oils to dissolve more easily.
  • Do not leave a working (burning) lamp with an empty container for evaporation.
  • Each person with experience himself determines the optimal number of drops of oil, but experts limit the average values ​​to 5 drops for every 15-16 m 2 of the room. This process should be taken seriously. The smell for the first sessions should be selected neutral and friendly, passionate loaded oils can damage the mucous membrane and cause an attack of suffocation.
  • As the liquid evaporates in the aroma lamp, it must be replenished with the same lukewarm water. Topping up a cold one is not worth it - the bowl has already become hot during use, and therefore such a liquid can lead to cracks in ceramic vessels.
  • After each use, the evaporation container must be very thoroughly washed with soap. Therefore, it is worth choosing designs with removable evaporator tanks. Some sources mistakenly deduce a similar rule of regular washing only in those cases when the active ingredient changes - oily residues on the container contribute to a longer duration of the heating process.

What is the best oil to choose for a particular room?

How to use an aroma lamp with a candle? Therapists recommend different types of oils for each room in order to get the most out of the session. Let's take a look at them:

  • For emotional relaxation in the bedroom, lemon balm oil, touching lavender, flirty ylang-ylang and wonderful neroli are perfect - these substances can be safely mixed together or only paired mixtures can be combined.
  • Refreshing lemon and delicate rosemary are ideal for normalizing the atmosphere in the workplace. These oils can be used together, especially users allocate a 2: 1 concentration.
  • But the combination of attractive cinnamon and wonderful tangerine will help to please children`s penates. These oils will give the room an aroma of celebration, comfort and happiness.
  • A wonderful quartet of oils - lavender, miraculous lemon balm, exciting lemongrass and colorful petitgrain - will help to envelop the living room with a charming aroma.

Mixing substances in different proportions can not only help you relax and tune in, but also cure many diseases.


What oils help in the treatment of certain diseases? Of course, this is a rather serious topic. Now we will highlight the popular compositions. For example, lemon. This oil will be useful for bronchitis, headache, hepatitis. It can also be used to prevent infectious and respiratory diseases. With bronchitis, it will be useful to inhale the scent of cedar, lime and lavender.

Mint - useful substance... It can be used to calm down nervous system... The oil also helps with migraines and toothaches.

Another popular oil is rosemary. It is used to normalize blood pressure and also as an anti-inflammatory agent for the respiratory system.

Electric lamp

An electric aroma lamp is safer and more practical. How do I use it? Let's tell you now. It all depends on its design. There are several types of such devices:

  • Aroma lamp-saucer. It is completely fireproof - warm water is poured into a saucer and the optimal amount of oil is dripped. The saucer is powered by connecting to a standard power supply network.
  • There is a more futuristic look - a ceramic ring impregnated with oil. It can be safely put on a table lamp or sconce, and when heated from a light bulb, it begins to exude a delicate aroma.

How to use an electric aroma lamp is clearly stated in the attached instructions for each specific model. Due to the maximum simplification and adaptation to the needs of the average consumer, electric evaporators are the most convenient for frequent use.

Ultrasonic aroma lamp: how to use?

Many are attracted by the ultrasonic device. Due to the finer and better distribution and heating, the bioavailability of the aroma oil increases several times, the process of smell spreading is accelerated. All this advantageously reduces the session time and allows you to use the device in any situation.

USB device

An electric USB aroma lamp for essential oils can delight you with a pure aroma. Even a student can understand how to use this work of technical thought. The metal saucer (base) is connected and heated by connecting it to the computer's USB port. The area of ​​action of such a mini-lamp is small, so no discomfort will spoil the session. Also, such devices have original appearance, which greatly simplifies the process of their operation in the workplace.

A properly selected device and substances will help to present an inimitable evening or just a few hours of pacification. Oil treatments can be supplemented with aromatic baths with sea salt, vanilla candles and rose petals.

The main rule of any aromatherapy session is pleasure and complete pacification. Therefore, you should not start the procedure in a bad mood. You should give your body a few minutes of emotional rest: negative thoughts can prevent you from enjoying the wonderful combination of oil and the sight of fluttering fire.

A little conclusion

Now you know what an aroma lamp is, how to use it, we have also written. Good luck and pleasant smells!

There is little that can be compared to lighted candles, good music and a pleasant smell floating around the apartment ... The perfect way to spend a relaxing evening at home! But it's even better to apply beneficial features essential oils for solving specific problems: relaxation, eliminating germs, relieving stress, getting a charge of vivacity, etc. Home aromatherapy is available to everyone - you just need to know how to choose and combine different oils for an aroma lamp. Several ideas with interesting recipes for mixtures await you in this article.

Aroma lamps are one of the simplest and beautiful ways bring a pleasant smell into the home. They are usually inexpensive, and thanks to the sparkling candles inside, they make your room look even warmer and more attractive.

Using an essential oil burner is quite simple: fill a bowl with water and then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a mixture of both. Light a candle, place it under the bowl and enjoy the scent! The correct dosage depends on the size of the room and how strong the odor you want it to be. It is considered comfortable to use 5 to 15 drops of essential oil at a time.

The only drawback of the aroma lamp is the need to ensure that it does not run out of water. If you prudently buy a burner with a large and deep bowl, then you will not have to add water often, and you will significantly reduce the risk of burning it.

Moving on to our collection of stunning aromatherapy essential oil blend recipes collected from home aromatherapy aficionados around the internet!

TOP-4 mixtures of essential oils for aromatization of an apartment

Aromatherapy is great, but first, let me introduce you to home essential oils that will fill your home with delicious natural scents, lift your spirits and simply enrich your daily life.

1. A warming Christmas-inspired blend of essential oils

This spicy blend is ideal for whipping cold winter evenings... Very cozy, homely and soothing, it also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Here is a list of essential oils you need:

  • 4-6 drops of patchouli;
  • 2-4 drops of cinnamon;
  • 3-5 drops of orange;
  • 1-2 drops of cloves.

Optionally, you can also add 1 drop of ylang ylang to the recipe to bring a light floral note to this mixture.

2. Flower blend of scent for a light spring mood

This essential oil blend for the aroma lamp smells like a fresh field of flowers. You can use it to calm your nerves or relax in your bedroom before bed.

  • 8-10 drops of lavender;
  • 2 to 3 drops of palmarose;
  • 2 to 3 drops of geranium.

3. A refreshing recipe for the use of an aroma lamp in summer

The use of these essential oils at home for aromatizing an apartment will be most appropriate on hot summer evenings. The mixture has a refreshing scent, helps to clear the head and at the same time takes care of eliminating viruses and bacteria.

  • 4-6 drops of spearmint;
  • 3-5 drops peppermint;
  • 3-5 drops of palmarose or citronella oil;
  • optional: 1 drop of lemongrass.

4. A rich blend of essential oils that men will love

Deep and rich in hues, this essential oil blend is best for a quiet evening by candlelight. Save your recipe:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of cedar;
  • 2 drops of orange or petitgrain;
  • 1 drop of palmarosa or ylang-ylang;
  • optional: 1 drop of vetiver.

Aromatherapy at home: essential oils to lift your mood

Are you sad, anxious, or simply bored? Use the beneficial properties of essential oils to raise your temper and get a boost of energy!

Light combinations of citrus and floral scents can help you treat depression and anxiety. To start aromatherapy at home, try mixing 3 drops of clary sage, 1 drop of lemon, and 1 drop of lavender. Alternatively: 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 1 drop of jasmine oil, and 1 drop of ylang ylang. Also, in solving emotional problems, a healing mixture will come in handy, which includes 2 drops of essential oils of orange, bergamot, cypress and frankincense.

To soothe headaches, use the scents of essential oils of marjoram, thyme, peppermint, rosemary and lavender in approximately equal parts.

A mixture of 3 drops of orange and 3 drops of peppermint comes in handy when you need to quickly lift your mood and energize (for example, in the early morning). And to create a wonderful atmosphere for family or friendly gatherings, add 3 drops of bergamot essential oil, 2 drops of geranium and 3 drops of lavender to the aroma lamp.

Super-stimulating recipe for concentration and energy boost: 8 drops of grapefruit, 4 drops of lavender, 4 drops of lemon and 2 drops of basil.

We select essential oils-aphrozodiacs for romance

To create the right mood for a romantic meeting at home, you will need the following oils for an aroma lamp: sandalwood (7-10 drops), vanilla (2 drops) and ylang-ylang (1 drop). The aroma of essential oils of black pepper, grapefruit and jasmine (2 drops each) will also be quite promising for your partner.

Using Essential Oils to Relieve Stress

Most often, home aromatherapy is required when a person often has to deal with stressful situations. What is the correct way to use essential oils in this case?

Quickly recover after hard day A soothing blend of 4 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of clary sage, 2 drops of geranium and 1 drop of ylang ylang will help you.

A relaxing recipe blend is also great for overcoming stress, calming the mind and emotions: 4 drops of lavender + 2 drops of cedar + 2 drops of orange + 1 drop of ylang-ylang.

You can try creating your own blend that contains your favorite scent as well as the soothing power of lavender, clary sage, vetiver, chamomile, flowers and citrus of your choice.

Combination of essential oil scent for immunity and fighting viruses

Home aromatherapy can successfully fight not only psychological problems but also with diseases of the body. So, during the flu and cold season, it is recommended to use spicy and citrus oils for the aroma lamp, such as lemon, lime, mint, rosemary and eucalyptus. Mix 1 drop of them for prophylaxis or at the first symptoms of the disease. Another healing recipe: 4 drops of regular mint, 4 drops of peppermint, 4 drops of citronella and 1 drop of lemongrass.

A mixture of 2 drops of lemon, 2 drops of orange, 1 drop of cloves, 1 drop of eucalyptus, 1 drop of cinnamon and 1 drop of tea tree helps to defeat up to 99% of bacteria contained in the air. And if you want to help your body quickly overcome the infection, then prepare in advance a mixture of 20 drops of orange, 10 drops of eucalyptus, 10 drops of juniper, 10 drops of pine, 6 drops of basil, 6 drops of rosewood and 4 drops of ginger, which you will constantly add to aroma lamp.

A simple mixture "for healthy breathing" containing 2-3 drops of lavender, lemon and peppermint essential oils will help to fight germs and allergies in the spring-summer period.

Essential oil fragrances for relaxation and sleep

The use of essential oils at home does not end there. Aromatherapy can also be used to healthy sleep, relaxation and meditation. We offer you several recipes for aroma lamp mixtures that will help create a relaxing atmosphere in your apartment.

  • 4 drops of cedarwood + 3 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops each of lavender, marjoram, orange and chamomile;
  • 3 drops each of grapefruit, bergamot and lime, 2 drops of ginger and 1 drop of sandalwood;
  • 8-10 drops of lavender + 2-3 drops of palmarose + 2-3 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops each of bergamot, lavender, patchouli and ylang-ylang essential oils.

Finally: What essential oils are insect repellent?

How to use essential oils to scent your apartment and repel harmful insects at the same time? Try one of these two popular repellent mixtures:

  • 1 drop each of lemongrass, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus and rosemary;
  • 4-6 drops of mint + 3-5 drops of peppermint + 3-5 drops of citronella + 1 drop of lemongrass.

Since ancient times, people have been using aromatic oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma, soothe or invigorate, drive away bad thoughts, and tune in to a romantic mood. Many of them are used in the treatment various diseases. Natural oils are quite affordable, everyone can buy them in specialized stores.

You can use them different ways... The most comfortable, convenient and safe of them is the aroma lamp. In addition to the positive effect of aromatic oils on the body, these devices also provide purely aesthetic pleasure. They greatly decorate the interior and improve the energy of the house.

Well, you have decided that you need an aroma lamp - how to use such a device correctly? What essential oils to buy for an aroma lamp, what are their properties and how will they help you? This is what we will talk about today with you:

Main types of devices

These devices are intended for aromatization of residential and office premises, salons. You will find several types on sale:

Electrical. They can be aqueous or anhydrous. The aquatic ones have a ceramic saucer, where water is poured, aromatic substances are added. Then the device is connected to the mains. The anhydrous are equipped with a ceramic ring fitted to the bulb. After connecting to the mains, the added oil starts to evaporate. Electrical devices can be dangerous if there is an open source of fire nearby (such as a fireplace).

Ultrasonic (diffusers). Their advantage is that there is no need to use water, and the oil is added directly to the diffuser. When used, there is no burning or settling of oils on the walls.
Such devices are absolutely safe, therefore they are often used for children's rooms.

But the most popular and simplest device is the classic aroma lamps. They are made from ceramics, glass or stone. Combination possible various materials, including wood. Such a device works according to the simple principle of heating. Let's find out how to use it correctly:

Using an aroma lamp

First of all, be sure to ventilate the room. Then close the windows so that there are no drafts.

Pour warm (preferably distilled) water into the bowl of a classic aroma lamp. Drop in a little of the scent you want. Place a small candle under the bowl and light it. Gradually, the water and oil will begin to heat up and a pleasant aroma will spread throughout the room.

After using the device, put out the candle, and rinse the bowl with soapy water, wipe with a dry cloth.

Regardless of the type of device used, carefully select the composition of the oils, take into account the number of drops added to the water for evaporation. Remember, the more oil you add, the stronger the smell will be. This can cause a headache or, even worse, allergic phenomena appear, and your health worsens.

Therefore, start with the lowest dosages. Experts recommend the following dosage: 6 tbsp. l of water no more than 5 drops. essential oil. This dosage is sufficient for every 15 sq. m. premises.

Properties of essential oils for aroma lamp

Choose aromatic oils based on your preference and the desired effect. You can start with basic, popular fragrances, mixtures thereof. Let's list their main properties:

To invigorate, eliminate drowsiness, you can use the aromas of bergamot, black pepper. Orange, lemon, mint, rosemary are also effective.

For relaxation, relaxation, use lavender, lemon balm. Soothes tangerine, sweet marjoram, neroli oil.

Antiseptic properties are: eucalyptus and juniper. Cleanse the air from microbes: benzoin oil, tea tree and thyme (thyme).

For a romantic mood, enhancing sensuality, use the scents of cedar, lavender, patchouli, or rose, ylang-ylang.

Aromas of geranium, juniper, marjoram will relieve nervousness, anxiety, reduce the impact of stress. Rose and sandalwood will help.

They will improve the state of the nervous system, citrus aromas will have a tonic effect: lemon, orange, grapefruit.

In case of fatigue, high physical exertion, mental strain, when working at a computer, use the following essential oils for an aroma lamp: a mixture of ginger, limette and lemongrass.

If you have a headache, add chamomile, lavender, marjoram oil to the bowl of the device. Use neroli, rosemary effectively.

In order to prevent various diseases, including colds, we can recommend the aromas of eucalyptus, tea tree, thyme. You can make a mixture of sandalwood and sage oils. It is also good to add bergamot and tangerine.

You can improve blood circulation with a mixture of three drops of cypress and lemon, two bergamot. Add a drop of ginger or geranium there.

If you catch a cold, inhale the scent of the tea tree or eucalyptus.

Facilitate painful sensations with PMS, the smell of a rose, geranium will help. Or use geranium, sage, nutmeg.

Indoor oils:

For a child's room, an aroma from a mixture of tangerine and cinnamon (equal number of drops) is suitable.

For the bedroom, it is better to use lavender, neroli, lemon balm or ylang-ylang.

For an office, a mixture of lemon and rosemary aromas (2x1) is suitable.

Well, for the living room, the aromas of lemon, orange, as well as petitgrain and lemongrass are best suited.

If you need to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the room, you can add citronella or lemongrass oil to the aroma lamp. Or use a mixture of mint, rosemary, lemon scents.

Using aromatic oils added to the aroma lamp can improve mood, well-being, strengthen health, and also help oneself to cope with life's difficulties. Be healthy!

A great way to create an amazing atmosphere in a room is to use an aroma lamp. With it, you can enjoy exquisite incense. To understand how the aroma lamp works, how to use it, you do not need any specific knowledge or skills. Its application consists in languishing aromatic oil in a special vessel. Thanks to him, the air in the room is saturated with a wonderful aroma.

Aroma lamps can be used both at home and at work. Smells improve mood, tone up, and have a relaxing effect. This lamp is used during meditation, as well as as an adjunct in the treatment of certain diseases. You can buy it in almost every haberdashery or gift store, or in a pharmacy.

Aroma lamp with candle

The design of an aroma lamp with a candle consists of a small bowl for water and oil. The depression is located directly above the fire, which heats the vessel of oil, which begins to evaporate and thus spreads through the air. How to use an aroma lamp with a candle? Just. You need to fill it with water, add a few drops (no more than five) of essential oil. After the mixture is heated, the vapors will begin to dissipate in the air. Such an aroma lamp is convenient, it can be used in almost any conditions.

Electric aroma lamps

In such products, heating occurs due to electricity. The lamp looks like a ceramic saucer that is connected to a current source. Now you can even find USB aroma lamps in stores. To enjoy a pleasant aroma, such a device just needs to be connected to the network.

How to use an aroma lamp correctly

As a rule, it consists of two parts: the base (a candle is placed here) and the upper part, which is made in the form of a bowl. The latter needs to be filled with water. Although now you can see more original models, for example, in the shape of the month. In this version, the bowl hangs on a chain, and the candle is located under it at a short distance.

So, you have finally bought such a coveted thing as an aroma lamp. We will now tell you how to use it.

Before using the lamp, you need to ventilate the room well, then light it by closing all doors and windows. Fill the upper bowl with water, pour in a few drops of essential oil (at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq. M. Of the area of ​​the room). The lamp can be used from twenty minutes to four hours. It is advisable to increase the time gradually, starting from the minimum. When the water evaporates, you need to add it little by little to the bowl.

Rules for using a device such as an aroma lamp

How do I use it? Do not use plastic as a support surface. Keep the lamp away from children.

When pouring your oils, don't overdo it. A delicate smell should appear in the room, not an intense one, otherwise you may have a headache from harsh aromas.

After use, the lamp must be washed with soap, then rinsed with water, you can sometimes use vinegar for this.

Note that aroma lamps are made of various materials (ceramics, glass, stone). Therefore, choose the right option for yourself. We hope you now understand what an aroma lamp is. How to use it is also clear!