
Master class "ways of folding napkins". How to fold paper napkins beautifully Techniques for folding paper napkins


The most frequent use of napkins was in countries where men wore mustaches and beards. The first mention in Russia of an interesting type of napkins was a handkerchief for wiping lips or a small tablecloth. Folding napkins in beautiful and intricate figures and objects came to us a long time ago.

AT modern world There are two types of napkins - fabric and paper. Cloth ones are used to put her on her knees, and paper ones are used to wipe her lips.

Sometimes it happens that paper napkins are not served on the table, but only fabric ones are present. In this case, one napkin is used both to protect clothes and to wipe.

Consider the most popular ways to fold napkins when setting the table:


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. 4. Bend the top of the upper triangle.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half. 2. Re-fold the napkin in the same direction. 3. Bend both sides of the narrow rectangle symmetrically down. 4. Turn the figure with the front side away from you and twist the “bags” from the ends 5. Connect the “bags” to each other.

South Cross

  1. The original form of the napkin lies upside down. 2. Bend all corners in turn towards the center. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend all corners to the center again. 5. Turn the napkin over. 6. And once again, bend each corner to the center. 7. Pull out the upper right corner. 8. Then all the other corners. Straighten the napkin slightly.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half (fold on the right). 2. Fold the rectangle in half again. 3. Bend the bottom half diagonally up. 4. Bend the left corner forward. Fold the right corner forward as well. 5. Bend both protruding corners back. 6. Fold the napkin along the longitudinal axis back. 7. Holding the bent corners with your hand, we pull out the edges of the “sail” napkin in turn.


  1. For the original shape, fold the napkin in half vertically (right fold). 2. And fold in half again from bottom to top. 3. Bend the two layers of the upper left corner to the center. 4. Bend the upper right corner to the center. 5. Bend the resulting triangle down along the line just below the middle. 6. Bend the upper right and left corners to the middle. 7. Bend the resulting triangle down to the first triangle.


  1. The original form of the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Bend all four corners to the center. 2. Bend all corners to the center again. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend all corners to the center again. 5. Pull out the tip of the napkin that is inside the rectangle. 6. Pull out the rest of the tips. 7. Pull the remaining four corners from under the folded figure.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half horizontally (fold from above). 2. Fold the top corners diagonally towards the middle. 3. Align the sides of the triangle so that their sharp corners are at the bottom. 4a. Turn the figure over and bend the ends, which will become a support for it. 4b. Bend along the vertical axis with folds inward. 5. Stand the napkin upright.

Asian fan

  1. The original form-napkin lies wrong side down. Approximately 1/4 top. bend the parts down. 2. Turn the napkin over. Approximately 1/3 of the bottom fold up. 3. Fold the napkin in half from bottom to top. 4. Fold the resulting figure with an "accordion" so that five uniform folds. 5. Holding the open side in your hand, pull the folds laid in the depths in opposite directions in the upper part and fix them. 6. Dissolve the "fan".

Gate arch

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the two side corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the figure along the horizontal axis, turning the bottom corner down. 4. Bend the side corners forward. 5. Now the "arch of the gate" has taken its shape.

Horizontal sachet

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half with the front side inward (fold at the bottom). 2. Bend a third of the top layer down to form a central crease. 3. Turn the opposite side towards you. Bend the sides so that they touch in the center. Fold the same again.

Fan in the ring

  1. The original form of the napkin in the straightened form lies face down.
  2. Fold the napkin "accordion" (2a). 3. Bend it in half in the middle. 4. Fill the napkin in the ring (or put it in a glass) and straighten the “fan”.

table fan

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half with the right side out (fold from above). Collect three-quarters of its length into an "accordion", bending the first fold down. 2. Fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and not the folded part on the right. 3. Take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds look up. 4. Fold the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to make a “stand”, as shown in the photo. After that, tuck the “stand” between the folds and place the napkin on the table.


  1. original form napkin folded in half(fold down). 2. Fold the napkin in half again (open corners are on the top right). 3. Bend the top of the corners down diagonally and fold it "accordion" in the direction of the diagonal fold. 4. Fold "accordion" in the direction of the fold the next corner at the top right. 5. Bend the bottom corner under the napkin. The right and left corners are also folded under the napkin.

Diagonal sachet

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold back the corner of the first layer of fabric 2 inches (5 cm), repeat the operation. 3. Fold over the second layer of tissue paper, tucking a corner under the diagonal bolster to form a second 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide roll. 4. Fold the top and bottom of the napkin and lay it on the table, orienting it vertically so that the folds remain diagonal.

fan star

  1. The original form of the napkin is wrong side out. 2. Fold the top and bottom edges of the napkin towards the center. 3. Bend the bottom half upward, holding the fold firmly. 4. Fold the napkin "accordion" (from 4 to 6 folds) 5. Holding upper part figures, pull the lower deep-lying folds forward. 6. Put the "fan".

Bread basket

  1. The original form of the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Bend the right corner to the center. 2. Bend to the center all other corners. 3. Turn the napkin over and again bend all corners to the center. 4. Turn the napkin over. 5. Bend the four corners inward from the center.

Case for devices

  1. The original form of the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Fold the top left corner towards the center. 2. Fold the napkin in half from left to right. 3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. Bend the bottom under the top. 4. Bend the top corner to the center. 5. Bend the side corners back.


  1. The original shape of the napkin is folded diagonally with the front side out (fold at the bottom). 2. Finish the upper corner, forming a "bag" 3. Turn out about 1/3 of the "bag". 4. Straighten the resulting figure and give the napkin a vertical position.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Bend the base up, then back about 2-3 cm. 3. Starting from the left, roll the napkin into a tube. Lay the remaining edge in the lower folded edge of the napkin.

royal lily

  1. The original form of the napkin lies face down. 2. Bend in turn all its corners to the center. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend its corners to the center again. 5. Holding the corners in the center, pull the corners from the bottom so that they form “petals”.

royal mantle

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally downwards. 2. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold them up. 4. Bend the top of the upper of the two lower triangles up to the middle. 5. in half again and again, going to the top half of the napkin. Bend the lower part (the remaining triangle) back. Fasten the side corners to each other and pull out the points. 6. Bend the tips of the "royal mantle" down and fasten behind the welt.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half along the vertical axis (left fold) 2. Bend the top left and right corners down. 3. Bend the left and right bottom corners up. 4. Fold the top triangle down and the bottom one up.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Fold the resulting triangle with an accordion, leaving a small triangle on top. 3. Fasten the "accordion" with the top. 4. ... and fold the figure in half. 5. The resulting figure can be fixed with a ring or decorative elements.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin right side out. 3. Bend the right corner to the left down, the left corner to the right down. 4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and fold the bottom edge back. "Shirt" can be decorated with a bow or candy.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top). 2. Bend the bottom corner up. 3. Bend the left protruding corner down. 4. Fold the right corner in the same way. 5. left side fold to the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way. 6. Turn the figure over and decorate it with a small shell.

Sachet corners

  1. The original shape of the napkin is folded four times right side out (open corners in the upper right part) 2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the lower left point. 3. Fold back the second layer of fabric so that its corner touches the center fold. Bend the first corner from the bottom so that it touches the corner at the central fold. 4. Bend the lower right and upper left corners back. 5. Place the napkin on the table in a vertical orientation.

Slipper with train

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half with the wrong side inward. Fold both top corners of the napkin towards the middle. 2. Bend the resulting top down. 3. Turn the napkin right side away from you and fold the top corners towards the middle again. 4. Turn the napkin away from you again and fold the folds from the bottom edge. 5. Place the folds under the square, holding it in the center with your fingers, and fan out on both sides.

Tiara and lily

  1. The original shape of the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the bottom) 2. Align the two side corners with the top. 3. Fold the napkin so that the bottom corner is 1 inch (2.5cm) lower than the top. 4. Bend the top corner down to the fold. 5a. Bend the sides back and insert one into the other to form a circle at the base. 5 B. Set the napkin straight up. 6. Style "Lily" Perform operations 1-5 (see above). To fold the napkin in a lily style, fold down the top two corners.

Tiered corners

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Bend the second layer so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the first. 3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. 4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

Princess Frog

  1. The original form of the napkin lies face down. 1. Fold the top quarter of the napkin down and the bottom quarter up. 2. Turn the napkin away from you and fold it in half along the horizontal axis towards you. 3. Bend the upper right corner down. 4. Lay the next corner inward. 5. Bend the last right corner back under the figure. 6. Do the same with the left corners. 7. Fold the figure in the middle. 8. Place it on the folded corners. Glue confetti circles instead of eyes.

Royal bun

  1. The original form of the napkin lies with the wrong side up. 2. Bend to the center all other corners. 3. Turn the napkin over and again bend all corners to the center. 4. Turn the napkin over. Bend to the center again all the corners. 5. Bend the four corners inward from the center. 6. Bend all corners to the center again and turn the napkin over. 7. Straighten the folded corners.

Hat with lapel

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded inside out (fold on the left). 2. Fold the napkin in half again to make a square (fold at the bottom). 3. Wrap the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top. 4. Bend the side corners inward and fasten in each other. 5. Place the napkin vertically to make a “hat” with a folding collar, bend one of the upper peaks down.

Bishop's Cap

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half (fold at the bottom). 2. Fold the top left and bottom right corners diagonally towards the middle. Turn the napkin over so that the top right corner is at the bottom left. 3. Fold the figure along the horizontal axis in half, releasing the left triangles. 4. Bend the right side of the figure to the left and place it under the left triangle. 5. And finally, turn the napkin over and place the left side under the right triangle. Fasten the corners.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded horizontally in half (fold at the top). 2. Fold the napkin into a triangle (align the lower left corner with the lower right corner). 3. Move the right corner of the resulting triangle to the left. 4. Repeat step 2, after which shift the lower right corner to the left. 5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left and place the napkin so that the edges do not wrinkle.

twisted tent

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half (fold at the top). 2. Align the lower left corner of the napkin with its lower right part to form an isosceles triangle on top. 3. Move the right corner to the right. 4. Repeat step 2, shift the lower right corner to the left. 5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left. 6. Roll the napkin from left to right. 7. Give the napkin a vertical position without unfolding it completely.

Tent for two

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded in half (fold at the top). 2. Bend the upper left corner to the middle diagonally. 3. Bend the upper right corner to the middle diagonally. 4. Fold the napkin in half. Place the napkin in a vertical position.

Tent for three

  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the bottom). 2. Align the left corner with the right corner by folding the napkin in half. 3. Align the top corner with the bottom right corner by folding the napkin again. 4. Give the figure a vertical position.


  1. The original form of the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the left and right corners of the triangle with its top. 3. Fold the figure in half relative to the horizontal axis. 4. Connect the right corner with the left corner behind the napkins and lay one inside the other. 5. Rotate the figure. Pull the sharp corners looking up, respectively, to the right and left. Place the napkin upright.

Cardinal's hat

  1. original form napkin folded in half vertically (fold on the left). At the top and bottom, make two narrow folds down and up. 2. Fold the upper corners towards the middle so that the lapel is visible. 3. Bend the lower part up, turn the corners towards the middle. 4. Turn the lower part up. Bend the side peaks back and secure in each other.


  1. To fold a Rosa napkin, you need two napkins: green for the leaves and any color for the flower. You can combine napkins with flowers that will decorate your table. If you do not have colored napkins, you can paint white acrylic paints for batik.
  2. To make leaves suitable napkins any shape square and rectangular. Fold the green napkin in half diagonally. Fold it in half again along the long side. Fold the resulting triangle in half again.
  3. Only square napkins are suitable for making a flower. Fold the fabric in half diagonally. Fold the top of the resulting triangle back to the long side so that the end is visible. The top and bottom lines should be parallel. Once again, fold the bottom edge to the top. Start twisting the napkin from one end, following the fabric to shape the flower. Insert a flower napkin into a green leaf napkin and place in a glass.


  1. Lay the napkin face down on a table on a hard surface; 2. Take a table fork and place it in the center of the napkin (as if we were winding spaghetti), move small folds of fabric between the prongs of the fork; 3. Slowly rotate the fork clockwise or counterclockwise so that the napkin forms a spiral; 4. Gently remove the fork, take a napkin with your palms and squeeze it, preventing it from unwinding and turning it over to the front side.


Here are the most interesting ones for any table and for any event:

1. Lay the folded napkin on the table so that the corner where all the folds meet is at the top.

2. Begin to fold the bottom ends of the napkin up, but after each folded end, leave some room at the top.

3. When you have folded all the ends of the napkin, turn it over.

4. Turn the napkin with the large end down so that it is shaped like the sign of Superman.

5. Fold the left and right sides in thirds, one on top of the other.

6. Turn the napkin over.

If desired, you can put a beautiful print on the tip of the napkin.

Beautifully folded paper napkins

1. Fold the unfolded paper napkin in half and in half again to make a small square.

2. Fold the top layer of the napkin in half diagonally and press gently.

3. Turn the napkin over and fold the (already different) top layer diagonally again.

4. Bend the right side of the napkin by 1/3 and bend the left side also by a third over the right.

5. Turn the napkin over and you can fold the cutlery into the formed pocket.

Beautiful paper napkins on the table: double fan

1. Lay the unfolded napkin on the table.

2. Fold in half (from bottom to top).

3. Bend the top layer down (toward the bottom edge).

4. Turn the napkin over.

5. Fold the top layer down (toward the bottom edge).

6. Fold the napkin evenly into an accordion shape.

7. Take a napkin in your hand so that there are 2 layers on top. Bend the first layer inside each inner harmonica down (see image).

8. Gently spread the napkin to make a fan.

Festive paper napkins: aster in a plate

1. Unfold the napkin and place it on the table.

2. Bend the bottom and top to the middle.

3. Rotate the napkin so it lies across the table. Fold the top and lower part towards the middle.

4. Unfold the napkin to a rectangular shape (with two opposite folds made in step 2). You will get 4 folds that divide the napkin into 4 rectangles (2 on each side).

5. Now you need to make 8 out of 4 rectangles (each of them will become an aster petal in the future). Begin to fold the napkin evenly with an accordion. First turn the napkin over and start with the fold towards you and then away from you.

6. Cooking aster petals. From all the folds you need to make volumetric triangles. The work will take place with a quarter of the folds.

Start tucking in the edges of the folds, after which they need to be bent so as to get triangles - the petals of a paper flower.

7. When all the edges of the folds are folded into triangles, connect the extreme triangles together and the flower is ready. Put it on a plate.

Beautiful paper napkins on the table: spinner

1. Unfold the napkin and place it on the table.

2. Bend each end of the napkin to its center.

3. Fold the napkin in half.

4. Lay the napkin so that it lies across the table and fold the bottom and top towards the center.

5. Now you need to push the upper right triangle to the right. Next, push the left triangle up, then the lower right triangle to the right and the lower left triangle down.

How to festively fold paper napkins: a tie

Square paper napkins (diagram)

Ideal for any event.

How to fold a paper napkin on a holiday table: starfish

So papery starfish you can decorate any holiday table.

How to fold a paper napkin into the shape of the sun (diagram)

Decorate any dining table with such a paper sun.

Serving paper napkins in the form of a candle

This candle napkin is perfect for a birthday or anniversary party.

Paper napkins in the form of the Sydney Opera House (photo)

The napkin is reminiscent of the famous Sydney Opera House, as well as a pretty skirt. Ideal for anyone holiday table, especially for wedding table or a table decorated in honor of a birthday.

We hope our ways of folding napkins will help you in the design and serving of the festive table.

An important part of any festive event is the decoration of the festive table. There are many rules that come together in one bible of table etiquette. It includes rules for arranging dishes for different types meals. For large holiday events an invariable detail is the presence of linen and paper napkins. Table decoration includes the art of folding napkins different ways for a sophisticated look.

learning skill

Today, when setting the table at home, preference is given to paper napkins. Napkins should be on the table in accessible use in large quantities, most in a simple way serving napkins are convenient napkin holders, from which they can be easily removed.

The most common way to fold napkins is with a fan, as they do in cafes and canteens, or in boxes specially purchased in stores. The design of some napkin holders, however, will be associated with dining rooms, but you can find quite stylish solutions.

At children's parties, you can wrap napkins in tubes and fill a bright paper cup.

To fold an individual napkin, each guest can beautifully arrange a napkin more expensive in a glass. Agree, this is better than a casually lying napkin folded into four.

Figures from napkins

For special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, New Year, it is appropriate to prepare interesting thematic figures for each of the guests, adding gifts or postcards with wishes or names, if a seating plan is required. There are many options for folding napkins for such cases. This will set the guests in the mood for the holiday. For example, Christmas trees made of napkins for the New Year, decorated with toys.

Heart-shaped napkin suitable for romantic dinner. Find red or pink napkins in the store and follow the pattern.

The napkin should be folded diagonally and turned with the fold towards you. Fold the bottom side corners to the top, then turn the napkin over and bend the top corner down. And fold the upper parts along the bisector of right angle triangles. The photo shows the whole process in more detail. The napkin is almost heart shaped now, complete it by folding in all the top corners to make your heart more rounded.

Serving examples

On important solemn events they try to approach the design with taste, according to all the rules of etiquette. They use all kinds of napkins: both paper and fabric to cover their knees. At official receptions, everything must be impeccable.

Napkins for table setting can be arranged stylishly on a plate or wrapped with cutlery, or using special ring holders for folding napkins. They are purchased in stores or made by hand. Instead of rings, you can also simply tie with ribbons.

Original fan. very popular and fast way folding napkins. To do this, fold the napkin in half. The fold is turned away from you. An accordion is collected from one end and some part is left unfolded. In this form, together with the entire accordion, fold the entire structure in half. Bend the remaining piece into a triangle. Now, holding on to it, you can let go of the fan.

Junk- a sailing ship from a napkin. You need to use large multi-layered napkins or fabric. Paper, already folded in four, turn the square with the fold to the right. Next, we need to fold the square in half again, but only diagonally. Unfold the fold towards you and now lower the side corners of the triangle down, as if you are making an airplane. Wrap the bottom corners under the bottom and fold in half along the longitudinal line inward. Holding the free corners with your hand, pull into the "sails".

A well-decorated table creates a fabulous atmosphere, improves appetite and improves mood. If you want to gather guests, then you need to surprise them with something. One of the best options- find unusual ways folding napkins. Thanks to your imagination, serving will acquire a certain charm and brilliance.

History of napkins

Napkins appeared at a time when food was still taken with bare hands. There was a need to wipe hands, but it was forbidden to do this in front of people about yourself or something else. different peoples found a replacement for napkins as follows:

  • For this, the ancient Greeks took a rolled piece of bread crumb, which is similar to Armenian lavash.
  • The Asians replaced napkins with a bowl of plain water where they could wash their hands after eating.

The forerunners of regular napkins were simple handkerchiefs that were used to wipe sweat from the forehead. In the past, strips of fabric were used in the form of a tablecloth, on which important guests rested. At that time, a special custom developed. Each guest brought a strip of material with them, so that at the end of the feast they could carry away as many leftovers as possible.

Napkins were very popular in France in the 19th century. For each person there were at least 3 types of fabric products. Each of them was created for its own purpose. The largest was used at serious feasts, the smaller one was used for light lunches and dinners, the smallest ones were used for the tea ceremony.

Now the festive table in restaurants is decorated with paper products. Despite the low price of the material, many housewives use different methods of folding products for table setting. This helps to achieve an interesting feast.

The best way

The best option for gatherings with loved ones would be folding paper napkins different ways. But for real social events, you need to give your choice to linen products, perfectly combined with the main tone of the tablecloth and dishes. If you cannot decide on best view, then stop at neutral whites.

The classic option is an even triangle next to each plate, but this will probably not surprise picky people, while ordinary, easy to perform, but interesting masterpieces will help make the feast unforgettable.

A romantic dinner is hard to imagine without candles. In the absence of real ones, one can find proper way to fold napkins. For this type of origami, you will need plain paper products that fit perfectly into the interior, fit color scheme dishes or tablecloths. Step by step description works:

Fan with stand

Invite your child to participate in the design of the table. Explain to him how to make a beautiful fan with a stand. Unfold the product so that it lies face up. Starting from the top, fold back a strip that is equal to a quarter of the entire area.

Turn the product over with the back side facing you. Bend a third of the bottom up. Fold the paper product into two parts, starting from the bottom. Fold the created blank into an accordion of five identical strips. Hold in your hand or press your finger on the completed design. Slowly pull up the crease from the depth. Do exactly the same on the other side. Fix the created and dissolve the fan.

Folding napkins in various ways is a fun activity which has a good effect on fine motor skills, so serve with the children. For adults, this case can also be useful, it develops the imagination and calms nervous system. In addition, this way you can get a plus in the piggy bank of your culinary skills, despite the fact that the methods of folding napkins have nothing to do with the kitchen.

The ways of folding for table setting are varied, and their number is endless.

Serving in the kitchen has become a real art that can be understood. By laying the table in the morning for your loved ones, show how you care about their convenience, and leave a wonderful feeling for the whole day.

Attention, only TODAY!

There is such an anecdote: a client in a restaurant asks why the napkins are greasy, and the waiter says, they say, I’m sorry, but you don’t need to wipe yourself with pancakes.

Laughter with laughter, but once thin low-fat pancakes such as pita bread were really used as napkins. For the same purpose in different time fig leaves, rice paper, sleeves of clothing and even the hair of court boys were used.

The first cloth napkins appeared among the ancient Romans. Large rectangular panels protected the bed from pollution (the patricians ate lying down), they also got their lips and hands wet.

In Russia, the decree of Peter the Great stimulated the use of these hygiene products, since then it was impossible to wipe yourself with a sleeve or a tablecloth. Paper napkins familiar to us were patented in the 19th century, and their in-line production began only in the 70s of the last century.

To date, when serving a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used. The former are designed to protect clothes from contamination; wiping greasy hands or lips with them is now not accepted. Although it will be right to blot your lips with a cloth after drinking or touch it with slightly soiled fingers.

To create festive mood and surprise guests, you can wrap and twist the most incredible shapes from square napkins. After washing, the fabric needs to be starched - so it keeps its shape better.

Impressive compositions are built in napkin holders and from ordinary paper products, cutlery is wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant, many young people strive to twist a napkin rose for their lady.

The art of folding original paper figures - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign good manners and was mandatory for the upper classes. According to one version, origami goes back to the Asian art of draping fabrics for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but we are able to decorate the table and cheer up loved ones. We present you a variety of ways to fold napkins with your own hands. Step by step instructions attached. A little practice and you can give lessons to others.


Start with a simple scheme that does not require time and skill. Wrap the napkin with a tube (for convenience, you can wrap it on a pencil, then remove it) and put it in a glass or glass. Appropriate decoration of home evening, new year holiday, dinner with your loved one. Fast, easy and sophisticated, and guests don't have to guess how to unwrap. By the way, if you arrange a master class for children, then they will gladly take over this function.


A coniferous tree is a companion of the New Year and Christmas. Christmas trees from napkins will look beautiful on the table, it’s easy to make them. This option is also suitable for a children's birthday celebrated in winter. Arrange the Christmas trees on plates, and on top for decoration, you can put a bow, or cookies in the form of an asterisk.

4 schemes for adding flowers: lotus, tulip, rose, lily

In any decor, the floral theme is traditionally in the lead, table setting is no exception. Try to “grow” a lotus, a tulip, a rose or a lily in stages according to our recipes. The table will be very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, always keeps flowers and leaves clean. A symbol of divine power (the Egyptian god Ra was born from a lotus), purity, cordiality and fertility.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any holiday. If the hero of the occasion is a man, choose shades of blue color if a woman is pink or lilac. White or red lotuses are suitable for a wedding table. White color is generally universal, such "flowers" are good for a business lunch.


Symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to an established custom, these flowers are given to women on March 8th. Tulip-shaped napkins can also decorate the table.

White color symbolizes purity of thought and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with appropriate napkins as a sign of openness of your intentions.

red tulips mean love, passion and fidelity - use this symbolism in the table setting for the next anniversary of family life.

If you have decided to part with your partner and want to arrange a farewell dinner, please, here you are yellow tulips. Although in the East a different meaning is attributed to yellow tulips - this is a compliment: “Your smile is like the sun!”

Dark purple color- royal blood, nobility, nobility. Such tulips-napkins can be used to decorate a status table: on the occasion of a solid anniversary, reception of significant guests, celebration of major projects with serious partners...


The queen of flowers. In Ayurveda, it is considered blissful along with the lotus. It symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passions, innocence and fertility, the triumph of life and the mystery of death.

Napkins folded in the form of roses will be a wonderful decoration wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, any women's holiday. The daughter will be pleased with pink roses, the spouse will appreciate the red flowers that tell her about the strength of your feelings. But a man should not be given roses for his celebration, even from napkins.


The lily has conflicting meanings. A Slavic female amulet, a European royal flower... But in the Renaissance, the rulers branded criminals with their emblem - probably everyone remembers the Three Musketeers.

lilies white color symbolize purity and innocence, so they are often given as a wedding gift. But - and on mourning days, since these flowers also mean life "on the other side" and the atonement of sins.

Accordingly, napkins-lilies will be appropriate both on the festive and on the memorial table. If there is Lily among your relatives and friends, decorate the table on her holiday with namesake flowers.


The way of folding is close to a lily. Suitable for any event, just choose the colors in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have napkins that match the tablecloth, try to make them from a thinner material - this will look more advantageous.

A heart

Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to express your feelings to a partner, mother or child. See an example of how you can set the table using this scheme.


Universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner in a friendly or family circle, a cheerful drawing can be laid out on a children's table, while white ones will add solemnity to the moment. And these step by step photos- help you!


Gentleman's accessory. Put the butterfly on a plate by February 23, or on the birthday of a boy or man. If the representative of the strong half of humanity is harsh and serious, choose a strict color scheme.


Perky rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day (rabbits also have long ears, and they are a symbol of reproduction), and indeed for any holiday in a close circle. For official receptions and sad occasions, hares, of course, are out of place.

If it’s difficult, watch the video instruction that even a child will learn from:

With a place for a guest card: 2 schemes

Napkins folded according to the following two schemes have a place for a business card. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events, where there are a lot of people who do not know each other.

You can decorate with such napkins a big family celebration - an anniversary or a wedding, if you plan in advance who to plant with whom. Little guests will also enjoy children's day birthday - just choose a bright color, and instead of a business card, you can put a photo of the child and candy.

With napkin ring

If you are thinking about how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table for the most solemn occasion, stop at this elegant option. Such a stylish decor is worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a summit.

Previously, napkins were hung by the collar, now they are placed on your knees. And the hosts should be the first to do this, so they give a signal to start the meal.

"For appliances": bag and envelope

The last two schemes use paper napkins, from which a bag and an envelope for a spoon, fork and knife are folded.

The table, where there are no cloth napkins, is suitable for a buffet celebration or informal meetings in a close circle.

Napkins in their utilitarian meaning have a long history. AT Ancient Greece the leaves of the fig tree served as napkins, with which the slaves wiped their master's lips. Cloth napkins are first mentioned in ancient Rome. During the Middle Ages, napkins appeared in Europe.

Nowadays, when serving a festive table, the hostess will never forget to put a napkin near the plate of each guest. Currently, two types of napkins are used: fabric and paper. Cloth ones are usually laid on their knees, and lips and fingers are wiped with paper ones.

Sometimes paper napkins are not served on the table, but only fabric ones are present. In this case, one napkin is used both to protect clothes and to wipe.

Today, napkins are a table decoration!

Here are some ways how to fold cloth napkins when setting the table beautifully:

  • Lily

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. 4. Bend the top of the upper triangle.

  • royal lily

1. Initial form - the napkin lies face down. 2. Bend in turn all its corners to the center. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend its corners to the center again. 5. Holding the corners in the center, pull the corners from the bottom so that they form “petals”.

  • Artichoke

1. Initial form - the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Bend all four corners to the center. 2. Bend all corners to the center again. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend all corners to the center again. 5. Pull out the tip of the napkin that is inside the rectangle. 6. Pull out the rest of the tips. 7. Pull the remaining four corners from under the folded figure.

  • Handbag

1. Initial form - fold the napkin vertically in half (fold on the right). 2. And fold in half again from bottom to top. 3. Bend the two layers of the upper left corner to the center. 4. Bend the upper right corner to the center. 5. Bend the resulting triangle down along the line just below the middle. 6. Bend the upper right and left corners to the middle. 7. Bend the resulting triangle down to the first triangle.

  • Horizontal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the front side inward (fold at the bottom). 2. Bend a third of the top layer down to form a central crease. 3. Turn the opposite side towards you. Bend the sides so that they touch in the center. Fold the same again.

  • Diagonal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold back the corner of the first layer of fabric 2 inches (5 cm), repeat the operation. 3. Fold over the second layer of tissue paper, tucking a corner under the diagonal bolster to form a second 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide roll. 4. Fold the top and bottom of the napkin and lay it on the table, orienting it vertically so that the folds remain diagonal.

  • Tiered corners

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Bend the second layer so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the first. 3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. 4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

  • Everest

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half horizontally (fold from above). 2. Fold the top corners diagonally towards the middle. 3. Align the sides of the triangle so that their sharp corners are at the bottom. 4a. Turn the figure over and bend the ends, which will become a support for it. 4b. Bend along the vertical axis with folds inward. 5. Stand the napkin upright.

  • Calla

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally with the front side out (fold at the bottom). 2. Finish the upper corner, forming a "bag" 3. Turn out about 1/3 of the "bag". 4. Straighten the resulting figure and give the napkin a vertical position.

  • Column

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Bend the base up, then back about 2-3 cm. 3. Starting from the left, roll the napkin into a tube. Lay the remaining edge in the lower folded edge of the napkin.

  • Hat with lapel

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded with the wrong side inward (left fold). 2. Fold the napkin in half again to make a square (fold at the bottom). 3. Wrap the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top. 4. Bend the side corners inward and fasten in each other. 5. Place the napkin vertically to make a “hat” with a folding collar, bend one of the upper peaks down.

  • Fan in the ring

1. Initial form - a napkin in a straightened form lies face down. 2. Fold the napkin "accordion" (2a). 3. Bend it in half in the middle. 4. Fill the napkin in the ring (or put it in a glass) and straighten the “fan”.

  • table fan

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the right side out (fold from above). Collect three-quarters of its length into an "accordion", bending the first fold down. 2. Fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and not the folded part on the right. 3. Take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds look up. 4. Fold the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to make a “stand”, as shown in the photo. After that, tuck the “stand” between the folds and place the napkin on the table.

  • Rybka

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top). 2. Bend the bottom corner up. 3. Bend the left protruding corner down. 4. Fold the right corner in the same way. 5. Bend the left side to the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way. 6. Turn the figure over and decorate it with a small shell.

  • Shirt

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin right side out. 3. Bend the right corner to the left down, the left corner to the right down. 4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and fold the bottom edge back. "Shirt" can be decorated with a bow or candy.

Have a nice holiday!