
Remedy for sunburn. What to do if you are burned - the main methods of treating and restoring the skin. How to remove redness


Sunburn of the skin is blistering or redness caused by ultraviolet rays, which cause damage to all layers of the skin. More often, under the influence of the sun, the epidermis suffers, damage occurs with the formation of swelling, severe pain, redness and peeling.

People with fair skin types suffer especially, but no one is immune from sunburn. What to do if you get sunburned? First aid depends on the symptoms of the burn and the depth of tissue damage.

Symptoms of sunburn

Exposed parts of the body - the face and nose - are more likely to get sunburned. In a swimsuit and open clothes, the shoulders, back or other uncovered part of the body suffers.

Legs are less likely to burn, but burns in this area cause symptoms of severe pain, swelling and are difficult to treat.

The first symptoms of a sunburn appear within 30 minutes, and peak after 8-10 hours.

The clinical picture is known, it is as follows:

  1. Focal or diffuse redness;
  2. Local swelling;
  3. Pain with every movement and touching the burned area;
  4. The burn site is hot;
  5. The temperature rises, both local and general;
  6. The skin is dry and blisters appear.

Damage to the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin is accompanied by the formation of toxins. Clinically, this is manifested by symptoms of endogenous intoxication: headache, fever, nausea.

Young children quickly develop dehydration and shock. Symptoms of sunburn may be accompanied by signs of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as allergic urticaria.

The extent of medical care for a burn depends on the degree of tissue damage.

At first degree(redness of the skin) treatment is carried out at home, body temperature remains normal.

Second degree(formation of liquid-filled bubbles different sizes) requires special treatment. The condition is accompanied by fever and symptoms of intoxication.

Facial burns, skin burning in pregnant women and the appearance of blisters filled with bloody fluid require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Medical care for a sunburned face: how to relieve redness?

Excessive exposure to sunlight causes the formation of age spots, photodermatosis, and in severe cases leads to scars. When the first signs of burning appear, you need to cool the damaged skin with cool water.

You can apply a mask of kefir, sour cream or whey. Do not allow it to dry out so as not to further damage the skin. The mask needs to be moistened periodically and an additional layer applied on top.

It is prohibited to use alcohol lotions to wipe your face after a burn; they dry out the skin and lead to additional damage to epidermal cells.

Cannot be applied to skin fat cream, Vaseline, this will lead to heat retention and thermal damage to the deep layers of the skin.

What to do if your nose is burned?

The nose is always exposed to direct sunlight. Sunscreen, a hat with a visor, or a long-brimmed hat will help prevent it from burning.

If your nose is still burnt, grated cucumber will help tidy it up. Apply fresh pulp for 15-20 minutes.

A good effect when the nose is burned is provided by aloe juice, which is used to lubricate the burnt area until the redness and symptoms of the burn disappear.

You can also use all the remedies for burns and scalding given below.

Sunburn without fever

Local burns to the back can be treated with home remedies; they occur without increasing body temperature. If you experience symptoms of sunburn, cool your skin with cool water and apply an after-sun moisturizer or burn spray. You can use sour cream or kefir.

Do not overdry the skin (lubricate with alcohol), or apply greasy cream.

What to do if, after sunburn, the temperature rises and nausea appears?

Extensive burns, as well as local burns with deep damage to the skin, occur with symptoms of intoxication and signs heatstroke. Possible drop in blood pressure and fainting, nausea, vomiting.

A patient with such symptoms of burning should be placed in a cool place, protected from sunlight. If possible, measure blood pressure and temperature.

Treatment regimen for skin burns with a temperature above 37.5 degrees:

  • Moisten and cool damaged areas;
  • Lubricate the burn area with a medicinal aerosol;
  • Take painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol);
  • Antihistamines (suprastin, loratadine, claritin) will relieve swelling, redness and itching of the skin.

To detoxify and prevent dehydration, the amount of fluid you drink should be at least 3 l/day.

The resulting blisters should not be punctured to avoid infection.

Sunburn, which is accompanied by symptoms of heat stroke, is subject to specialized medical care.

Treatment of sunburn with folk remedies

If after burning the temperature does not rise and the burn is limited, then you can use home treatment methods. In folk medicine, simple and combined recipes for remedies are used. sunburn:

  1. Grate the potatoes and apply the pulp to the burn site. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Cold compresses made from green tea, aloe juice, and sauerkraut masks will relieve swelling and relieve pain.
  3. Freeze the cottage cheese and apply to the affected area for 5-10 minutes.
  4. A cooled oatmeal mask is applied to the face. You need to keep it for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Lavender cream: mix 50 ml body milk with essential oil lavender (20 drops), add a teaspoon of chamomile decoction.

Home remedies for burns should be applied 4-6 times/day to the sunburned skin of the face, back and other areas. Home remedies are used as the main ones for mild burns.

For extensive burns, severe intoxication, increased body temperature, use pharmaceutical ointments and aerosols.

Burnt in a T-shirt

Medicines must have analgesic, regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects. The following pharmaceuticals that are used to treat sunburn have these properties:

Ointments and gels with hydrocortisone– relieve itching, tissue swelling and redness. They have a fast, effective action.

Pain relieving ointments based on lidocaine.

Aerosols and sprays containing panthenol– the most popular remedy with analgesic and wound healing effects. Vitamin E and coenzyme A have a regenerating effect, soften the skin and eliminate inflammation.

Burning, even mildly, causes pigmentation and aging of the skin. Nevi can become malignant when exposed to sunlight.

Therefore, protect your skin from direct ultraviolet rays, use sunscreen and sun hats. And if a sunburn has already happened, help yourself and your loved ones correctly.

With the onset of summer, city dwellers, missing the sun, strive to spend as much time as possible in nature, on the river, or go to the sea. When going to the beach, the most conscious and health-conscious vacationers always use sunscreen, foam, and gel to lubricate their skin.

Sunscreens protect against redness and burns, and at the same time make the tan even and very beautiful. But as soon as you forget to apply such a cream to your skin, the risk of sunburn increases many times over. If you spend the whole day on the beach without protecting your skin in any way, a burn is almost inevitable. In this case, urgent measures should be taken.

At the same time, the question arises: when the skin is burned in the sun, what should you do, what should you apply to the burn? How to reduce pain, itching, eliminate the feeling of heat? Let's find answers to these questions together:

If your skin is burned, what should you do?

If you get sunburned, the first thing to do is return to a cool room and take an antihistamine, such as Tavegil. A little later, after eating, you can take an aspirin or paracetamol tablet. This must be done in order to prevent the temperature from rising, to reduce painful sensations, reduce itching and inflammation.

Now take a cool shower at a comfortable temperature. Water will cool hot skin and reduce pain. If you have dry chamomile, you can brew it and take a chamomile bath, which will soothe your skin. During water procedures, you should not rub your body with a washcloth, use foams, gels and soaps. If you really need to, you can wash your skin with your palms and some baby detergent.

After a shower, pat your body dry with a soft towel, and then apply a softening, cooling after-sun product with delicate, gentle movements. If it is not there, smear yourself with kefir. Rinse off the kefir after 15-20 minutes. Apply moisturizing milk.

Fat sour cream and kefir will also help soften and relieve redness and burning from sunburned facial skin. Well, if your nose is burned, the first thing to do is take a fresh cucumber out of the refrigerator. Grate it on a fine grater. Then place the wet, cool pulp on a piece of gauze and apply it to your nose.
Rinse off after 20 minutes. Instead of cucumber, you can lubricate your nose with aloe juice.

Medicines from the pharmacy

For severe sunburn, you can use popular pharmaceutical medications. In these cases, doctors often prescribe:

Hydrocortisone ointment. This drug reduces inflammation and eliminates itching.
- Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain and soften other burn symptoms.
- Panthenol. A very effective spray, restores skin regeneration, covers damaged skin with a thin film, which protects it from peeling, cracks and blisters.
- Paracetamol, aspirin - eliminate fever, relieve symptoms, improve general condition.

Folk remedies and advice

He knows how to eliminate the pain from a sunburn and what to apply to the skin. ethnoscience. There are many useful, very effective remedies that are safe and easy to prepare. Here are a few such recipes that you can use if, for example, you are going on vacation:

The following remedy will provide relief from painful symptoms: pour 1 glass of cool mineral water (not carbonated) into a cup. Add 1 tsp. lavender aromatic oil. Mix thoroughly. Pour into a clean aerosol bottle. Spray damaged skin several times a day. Iced green tea helps a lot. It is also useful for them to spray the surface of the body and face.

After you take a shower, pour tea leaves into a cup (strained, without tea leaves). Add fresh aloe juice. Moisten a clean, soft cloth with the mixture, then apply a lotion to the burn-damaged area. Lotions can also be made from potato juice.

Squeeze the juice from the leaves of perennial aloe. Mix with non-carbonated mineral water (1x1). Pour into molds and then freeze. If the sun has damaged your facial skin, lubricate it with this ice cube.

Grind using a coffee grinder cereals. Pour into a cup and add slightly warm water to make a paste. Apply it to damaged areas.

Cut a very ripe tomato into slices. Apply the juice to sun-damaged skin; you can lie down and place tomato slices on your sunburned face. Exposure time - hour. Then rinse with cool water.

Fresh cottage cheese will relieve pain and cool a hot face and body. Put 3-4 tbsp. l. cottage cheese in a fabric bag or napkin. Then freeze it. If you get sunburned on the beach, just take out a bag of cottage cheese and apply it instead of a compress.

Before you go on vacation to the water, to the beach, or just going to sunbathe somewhere in the courtyard of your grandmother’s house in the village, never forget about sunscreen. Remember that all such creams are easily washed off with water. Therefore, they must be applied after each entry into the water. Many people forget about this and inevitably get sunburn. So keep that in mind.

We all know about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation and caution when spending time in the sun, but sometimes we still spend too long on the beach. As a result, the skin turns red. The situation is especially unpleasant when one is suffering soft skin faces. If your face is sunburned, what should you do first? In this publication we will talk about how to treat a sunburn on the skin at home, how to help the epidermis recover faster, and in what cases it is worth seeking help from doctors.

What to do first if you have a sunburn

When redness of the skin occurs, accompanied by itching, you should immediately get out of the sun. Karin Grossman, a practicing dermatologist, says that most victims do not leave the beach after experiencing alarming symptoms and continue to sunbathe. Some repeat the procedure the next day. But the skin thus sends a signal that it can no longer cope with ultraviolet radiation. Learn to listen to your own body and you won't have to think about how to cure a sunburn.

When tanning, you should be especially careful on your face; the skin there is thin and delicate, and reacts to ultraviolet radiation very quickly. Exacerbating a sunburn on the face can provoke the development of serious diseases.

To avoid having to spend the rest of your vacation in your room, after the first reddening of the skin, do not expose your face to direct sunlight again. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunbathe under an umbrella, and increase your dose of sunscreen.

After the first signs of a sunburn on your face appear, you should immediately leave the beach. Then you need to soothe the irritated skin. Take a short cool shower, then wash your face with water and add a little milk. A mask made from oatmeal will be useful:

Cold compresses can be used to relieve redness and reduce itching. Just don't use ice cubes! Contact with them will lead to the death of the upper layer of cells. You can use cold water, chilled black tea. Soak a small towel or gauze in the liquid, apply to the burned areas of the skin and hold until it warms up. Repeat the procedure several times.

After the compress, without removing the remaining liquid, apply a moisturizing lotion with a light texture. Make sure that there are no oils in the composition, as their effect will increase the pain.

Moisturize your skin periodically for a few days until you notice that the puffiness and redness go away.

Symptoms when to see a doctor

If your face is sunburnt, you may need to health care. Consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • blisters appeared on the skin;
  • more than 50% of the face is affected;
  • you feel hot or cold;
  • the burn is accompanied by dizziness and disorientation.

Knowing which injuries can be treated at home, and which ones require a visit to a specialist, you will save your health.

How to help skin recover from sunburn: general rules

To speed up the process of natural skin regeneration and not harm the sunburned face, follow these rules:

  1. Avoid products that contain benzocaine and lidocaine. A few years ago, similar spray preparations were used to treat skin burns, but often caused irritation and allergic reactions. Dermatologists advise to abandon such treatment and cool the skin with compresses.
  2. Do not skimp on moisturizers, and they should not only supply the skin with moisture, but also retain it inside. To do the job, look for ceramides, glycerin, oat extract, vitamins C and E in the composition. With the help of these ingredients, you will relieve inflammation. Whitney Bowe, a dermatologist from New York, advises using products with hydrocortisone: just apply them not in a thick layer, but with gentle pats.
  3. If a sunburn on the face covers a large area, the skin loses water very quickly. Drink more fluids for several days.
  4. Do you have blisters after a sunburn? Don't touch them. Whitney Bowe warns that doing so will leave you with scars that are difficult to get rid of.
  5. Avoid using anti-aging creams; if your skin burns, they will cause irritation.

Following these rules will allow you to cope with a sunburn on your face in a few days.

Prevention: sunscreens and accessories

When the burn and swelling begin to subside, the main task is to prevent new injury to the integument. Remember how unpleasant this sensation is and get additional motivation to use protective products with an SPF level of 30-50 every day. Choose waterproof products because they will withstand the impact. sea ​​water and sweat. Products with zinc or titanium oxide have proven themselves best: apply them 15 minutes before going to the beach and repeat the treatment every 2 hours. Read more about choosing sunscreens for tanning in our.

It is advisable to avoid products that promise a quick and even tan. Research conducted by the University of Arizona showed that their use increases the risk of sunburn on the skin. To avoid such a prospect, you should also follow the rules:

  • do not be under the rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  • wear hats with brims no narrower than 10 cm;
  • Do not neglect to wear sunglasses designed against ultraviolet rays.

After visiting the beach, don’t you want to think about why your face was sunburned and how to help your skin recover faster? Then choose accessories based on practicality. The publication Allure claims that fashionable aviator glasses will harm their owners: the metal frame reflects enough rays to affect the skin. Wear models with plastic frames and renew the protective layer more often, because massive accessories cause increased sweating.

The forehead, cheeks, cheekbones and nose are most susceptible to burning. According to Janet Graf, a dermatologist in New York, these areas are where skin cancer caused by exposure to radiation most often occurs.

How to treat the effects of sunburn at home

What to do if a sunburn causes severe pain? You can relieve the burning sensation and reduce swelling with the help of home remedies:

  1. Baking soda has the ability to soothe irritated skin. Mix it with water to obtain a paste-like consistency and apply to the affected areas. After 10 minutes, you will notice that the swelling goes down and the pain decreases. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.
  2. Make a mask from oatmeal It is possible not only immediately after a burn, but also during the recovery stage. Pour hot water over them, let them swell and spread over the skin. Do not rub the product in! Gently apply the mask to your face, wait 30 minutes and remove any residue by washing with water.
  3. Black tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial for inflamed skin. Apply it with gauze, treating your face with light pats, let it dry and do not rinse. The method is suitable when you suffer from a severely swollen eyelid after a burn, because sometimes your eyes even stop opening. Natural remedy will not cause harm, so do the lotions without fear.
  4. Coconut oil will act as a moisturizer necessary for dry skin. You will need to lubricate the damaged areas with it, after slightly warming it in the palms, and the improvement will not take long. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.
  5. Honey is a natural antibiotic that will also provide hydration. It will also help if you are thinking about how to relieve swelling. Apply honey in a thin layer and let dry: when the skin receives the necessary fluid, the recovery processes will accelerate. Apply the remedy 2 times a day, and after 7 days you will notice the result.
  6. Mask from potatoes relieve discomfort: grind 2 raw tubers in a blender, spread on the burns and let dry. Using gruel will soothe pain and relieve swelling of the face after sunburn.
  7. Use aloe vera. The plant cools the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can attach the flesh of the leaf to the burnt place or purchase a ready-made gel at the pharmacy.

The above methods help with damage moderate and in more serious cases, see a doctor.

Additional methods: reduce pain and swelling

When you are at a resort, the question of how to treat a burn is often difficult. After all, you don’t always have what you need at hand! Simple tools will help you:

  1. washing face with soda will relieve pain. You can also mix 1 cup of oatmeal (pre-soak) with 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and add milk to make a paste. Apply it to the affected areas, keep for 20 minutes. If you anoint burnt skin with the mixture, the ingredients will relieve inflammation.
  2. Natural food grade contains acid, which helps reduce pain and itching. It is enough to wet a paper towel or napkin in it, attach it to the burn and let it dry. Be careful to avoid getting vinegar in your eyes. Never use concentrated vinegar essence!
  3. Green tea Useful as a preventative because it contains antioxidants that prevent burns and the development of skin cancer. By applying it to your face, you can tan longer without consequences. To improve the effect, mix the product with mint tea.
  4. To relieve swelling and pain, use lavender oil. Its properties were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, when a French chemist, who burned his hand, dipped it into a container with this substance. The pain quickly went away, so the scientist decided to investigate the features of the remedy. To use the method, dilute 1 tbsp. l. oil in 60 ml of water and spray the affected areas.
  5. Vitamins E and C will not eliminate the pain from a sunburn on the face, but the treatment will be shorter. The substances will accelerate tissue regeneration if taken for 8 days: these antioxidants neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from new damage.

By using these remedies, you will significantly alleviate your condition.

A few more effective ones traditional methods in a situation where your face is sunburned, you will learn from the video:


To avoid having to treat sunburn, protect your face with wide-brimmed hats and SPF filters. If you do get hurt, the first thing you should do is leave the beach. Next, you will need to cool the skin with washes and make a compress. If blisters appear on your face or you have a fever, you should see a doctor. In other cases, home remedies will suffice.

Sunburn is the most common problem during the summer holidays. As soon as we get to the beach, we immediately strive to get a portion of the long-awaited sun, without thinking about what harm it can cause. Having basked under its rays, we notice that we have received burns. This by-effect tanning... Skin burned in the sun - what to do with it? What to anoint your skin with? How can it be processed and what can’t? What are the dangers of sunburn? “Popular about health” will answer these questions right now.

Types of sunburn

There are two types of sunburn, depending on their severity. First degree - the skin becomes pink or reddish in color, a slight burning sensation and discomfort are felt. The second degree is characterized by more serious manifestations - the skin becomes red, hot, watery blisters and blisters appear on it. The sensations of a person burned in the sun are not pleasant - there is a strong burning sensation and pain when touched, and the body temperature rises. In some cases, second-degree burns are accompanied by dehydration and swelling. This condition is extremely dangerous. How to give yourself first aid if your skin is sunburnt?

What to do with sunburned skin?

As soon as you feel that after prolonged sunbathing your body is burned in the sun, usually this is felt in the evening, when the skin turns red and begins to tingle, then immediately go to the shower. The body needs to be cooled a little, but it is not advisable to wash in cold water, as well as in hot water. The water should be warm, slightly cooler than body temperature. Remember to use detergents forbidden. Just stand under the running water for 10 minutes.

If you can take a bath, great. Brew chamomile (10 bags per 2 liters of boiling water) and pour the infusion into the water. Immerse yourself in a slightly warm bath and relax; chamomile will relieve inflammation and soften burned skin. If your back is sunburnt, you can soak a sheet or towel in chamomile infusion and lie down on it. Such applications will help relieve fever and lead to a speedy recovery. After a shower or bath, gently pat your body dry with a soft towel and apply any anti-burn product to your skin:


If you don’t have any of these on hand, then you need to anoint the burnt skin with kefir or sour cream. The affected areas should be lubricated frequently (up to 6 times a day), especially in the first 2-3 days, when the inflammation is especially severe. However, preference should still be given to modern medications to avoid skin infection. In addition to moisturizing the affected areas, those affected by ultraviolet radiation need to restore their water balance. You need to drink as much plain water or green tea as possible.

Important! If your body is burned, your temperature rises, and it becomes difficult to breathe, go to the hospital immediately. These may be symptoms of swelling. This condition is life-threatening. The same steps should be taken if you feel nausea and headache - symptoms of heat stroke.

First aid has been provided, what to do next? If you get a sunburn, you should avoid staying on the beach for at least 3 days. In the future, you can swim in the sea, but you can’t sunbathe. If your face is burned, then bathing is not advisable, since there is again a risk of burning this part of the body. The same recommendation applies to those whose shoulders are burned in the sun. Visiting the beach is only possible if you have an umbrella; if you don’t have one, stay in the shade of trees or wear light, closed clothing made of natural cotton. Now let's look at the effective ones folk remedies from sunburn.

Traditional recipes for sunburn

1. If your face is sunburned, use cucumber pulp; fortunately, cucumbers are not in short supply in the summer. Grate one vegetable and apply the paste to the burn areas. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off. This therapy will help cool and moisturize inflamed skin.

2. Another remedy for burns is oatmeal. Brew the flakes with boiling water, let them cool, apply to the burn areas.

3. If you have access to an aloe flower, this is excellent, as this plant exhibits good regenerative properties. Squeeze the flower juice, combine with water (1:1), freeze. Wipe the affected areas of the body with the resulting ice cubes.

What not to do for those with sunburned skin?

When the body burns and hurts due to severe burn, the mistake of many is that they try to apply to the body everything that comes to hand. But it is important to understand that not all remedies will help in this situation, and some will also harm. So, what actions will aggravate the problem:

1. Application of alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions.
2. Application of sunflower oil.
3. Washing with a washcloth or just soap.
4. Combing the blisters, scraping the skin.

The latter is generally extremely dangerous - damage to the blisters can lead to infection of the epidermis. And, of course, this list is missing a mention of the fact that you cannot continue sunbathing after you have managed to rehabilitate yourself after the first unsuccessful attempt. The skin is still too delicate and sensitive, so there is a high risk of burning even more.

When going on vacation, be careful not to ruin your trip. A beautiful tan develops gradually, not all at once. Best time for sunbathing - morning (before 10:30) and evening (after 16:00). If you have been in the sun for too long, you know what to do - follow the instructions and you will recover quickly.

Getting sunburned is as easy as shelling pears; just a few minutes of exposure to direct rays on a hot day is enough. Most often, areas of the skin unprotected by clothing get burned, and if your back is open, you can be absolutely sure that burns will appear there first. Of course, sunburn can be avoided. To do this, you don’t even have to cover your back with clothes, you can simply use a good sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. But it is still difficult to find a person who would not suffer at least once in his life because of a burnt back. Therefore, tips for treating sunburn on the back will be useful to everyone.

There are 4 degrees of severity of sunburn:

  1. The skin turns purple and hurts when touched, but no blisters appear.
  2. The skin not only becomes red, but also becomes covered with blisters and papules. In addition, there is weakness, headache and severe nausea.
  3. Severe burn with disruption of the dermis and extensive damage, which occupies up to 60% skin.
  4. Serious skin damage, which is accompanied by complete dehydration, disruption of the heart and kidneys, which leads to death.

There is also a huge risk of worsening the condition through irresponsible attitude or improper treatment of burns. This can lead to infection through a damaged area of ​​skin, which will lead to the death of skin cells and more serious consequences. If you want to quickly restore the normal condition of the skin, avoiding the appearance of scars, spots and other defects, then you need to take seriously the treatment of even not very severe first-degree sunburns.

First steps for a back burn

As soon as you feel that your back has been exposed to too much UV rays, you should get out of the sun and take care to quickly cool down and cleanse your skin. To cool down, you should never use ice; it is better to take a cool shower or bath. Do not scrub your skin with a washcloth or use gel or soap, as these dry out your skin and further dehydrate it. After water procedures, do not rub your back with a towel, let it dry in the air and start applying medicinal products.

Effective remedies for sunburn

A compress that can be made by adding aluminum acetate and bursol or doboro to water will help you cope with pain and itching of the skin of the back. A cream with the addition of aloe extract or menthol will soothe the skin well; in addition, sprays and gels with vitamin C and for sensitive skin. An effective remedy For sunburn on the back there are all kinds of creams, gels and ointments containing hydrocortisone.

Among other remedies for burns that can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is worth noting:

  • panthenol, which is rightfully considered one of the best means from sunburn;
  • “Rescuer” for relieving pain and irritation from burned back skin;
  • for severe burns, Cantharis for internal use is very helpful;
  • Ercal is the best homeopathic medicine for burns.

Traditional methods of treating sunburn

For sunburn on your back, you can use your grandmother’s method and apply a thick ball of sour cream, kefir or cottage cheese to your sunburned shoulders and back. Dairy products perfectly soothe the skin, relieve itching and inflammation, and accelerate the regeneration process.

Painful sensations after a burn can also be relieved with grated cucumber, cabbage or potatoes. These vegetables give a pleasant feeling of coolness and soothe the skin, and are also rich in substances that promote rapid healing of the skin.

If you have starch at home, it can also be used for treatment. You just need to dilute the starch in small quantity water, stir to a homogeneous thick consistency and gently apply to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Amazing results can be achieved with oatmeal. You just need to make compresses by pouring oatmeal inside the gauze fabric, moisten them in water and apply to the burn site. After a few hours, you will see that the redness has visibly subsided and you will feel much better.

Those who have aloe vera plants at home have an excellent asset for treating burns. Aloe leaf juice effectively treats burns and activates regeneration processes. It is enough to cut a fresh leaf and squeeze aloe juice directly onto the burn. You will feel instant relief, and very quickly feel that the pain and itching have subsided, and the skin begins to gradually recover.

Natural honey is highly valued and is even used to treat burn patients in some medical institutions. Tests have shown that honey heals skin faster than many other traditional remedies. In some cases, treating burns with honey alone is not only acceptable, but also more effective than other methods of treatment. Therefore, if you burn your back, do not be afraid to spread honey on it.

Sea buckthorn and coconut oil can often be found in the composition cosmetics. They do a good job of softening the skin, making it more elastic and strong. Spread with sea buckthorn or coconut oil burnt back, you can get rid of the unpleasant feeling of constant itching and significantly improve the condition of the skin. These oils help restore the epithelium and also perfectly resist inflammatory processes.

For those who prefer to treat back burns more elegantly and comfortably, cool baths with white wine vinegar and rose petals are suitable. Vinegar cools the skin well, and rose petals relieve inflammation and unpleasant itching. You can also take a bath or make compresses on your back with a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs.

If you want to help cope with a burn from nutria, then do not forget about vitamins and nutrition during the recovery period after sunburn. Try to drink plenty of fluids, and also avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods. At this time, you need products rich in vitamins C, A, E, which have a positive effect on the skin, accelerate its regeneration and, according to some studies, even prevent the development of skin cancer. If you suffer from sunburn as a result of pain syndrome and severe inflammation, then Paracetamol and Ibuprofen will help overcome these symptoms. Antihistamines are also often prescribed to relieve burning and itching.

Common mistakes when treating back sunburn

We have already mentioned that you should not use soap and ice. In addition, after a burn, while the recovery process lasts, you cannot be under the influence again. sun rays, drink alcohol, tea or coffee. Do not puncture blisters under any circumstances, as this will greatly increase the risk of infection. Also, do not treat the burn with alcohol, petroleum jelly, fat, sunflower oil and other products that will only lead to even greater dehydration, clog pores and impede metabolic processes.

Be careful and do not take a back burn lightly, because it is up to you whether it will go away quickly and unnoticed or it will cause a lot of discomfort and problems.