
How to burn incense sticks. Flavored sticks: benefit or harm


beautiful word aromatherapy is known to all mankind in all corners of the Earth in the same meaning. The first evidence that people used incense is in medical books. It was the special antiseptic odors, spread by the method of fumigation, that could disinfect premises and even entire cities in times of severe epidemics. If in southern latitudes they could use essential oils exotic plants for us, which are successfully used today in the production of aromatic oils, in the northern latitudes, the function of such an antiseptic was performed by pines. This genus is widespread throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. In the Middle Ages, in large and small cities, during epidemics, bonfires were kindled from whole trees, which, during burning, released a huge amount of resins and essential oil, thereby disinfecting everything around.

The modern use of aromatherapy is a solution not only for medical, but also for psychological problems.

Aroma oil application methods

Aroma oils can be used in different ways for different purposes:

  • inhalation;
  • skin methods;
  • food use.

Each of the methods is used for different purposes:

  • treatment of colds;
  • skin improvement and treatment;
  • improvement in emotional state, etc.

Perhaps the most common use is aroma sticks.

Useful properties of aroma oils

Each incense stick is impregnated with essential oils. Depending on the properties of the oil, their appropriate use is recommended. Moreover, before you enjoy and benefit from aromas, you need to clearly imagine the combination of smells.

Combination rules:

  1. You can only mix smells of one group: floral with floral, woody with woody, citrus with citrus.
  2. All fragrances have a different duration of existence. Therefore, it is recommended to mix instantly volatile (for example, tea tree) and long-lasting fragrant (it is better to add conifers to the tea tree tree pair to achieve the ideal period).
  3. If it is possible to choose aromatic oils with chopsticks based on smells, be sure to focus on your own feelings. For example, cosmetologists who work with essential oils and create individual skin care creams believe that a person can help himself by adding fragrances, improve psychological well-being, and even achieve desired goals. To do this, the client is offered a fairly large range of flavors, which is simply sorted into 3 categories:
  • Like;
  • I do not like;
  • I doubt.

From a bouquet "like" will definitely be created perfect option, in which there will be nothing superfluous for a person (this will all go into the “dislike” category). A kit called “doubt” will help a professional cosmetologist to supplement existing desires with the necessary components. The best choice is when there are 3 aroma oils in the set “like” and “doubt”, from such a bouquet you can create an ideal composition. Be guided by personal feelings and create your own fragrances that are useful only to you.

But there are universal solutions for creating good mood and improve well-being, which are sold in all small and large cities of our country - these are incense sticks. Do you know the secret, how to set fire to incense sticks? How long do they burn?

Types of incense sticks

Incense sticks from different parts of the world in each case have their own bouquet and, accordingly, the effect.

The main thing in their use is to learn not to harm yourself and your loved ones. This is only possible with a high concentration of one or a mixture of several fragrances in a poorly ventilated area.

The main types of sticks:

  • Indian;
  • Nepalese;
  • Tibetan;
  • Chinese.

All these names do not necessarily mean that the incense sticks are produced in the countries of the same name. The most important thing in them is a bouquet of incense. It is this bouquet that gives the name to the sticks.


The uniqueness of the technology for applying aromas in India is that natural bamboo is used as a material for sticks. The material itself has a unique smell. The bouquet of incense applied to it is complemented by bamboo fragrance and thanks to this, a special uniqueness of the smell is created.

The most popular oils are: patchouli and sandalwood (a bouquet that kindles passion); eucalyptus (cures any cold).

Having perhaps the most nondescript packaging, Indian incense sticks are the most popular on the Russian market.

Chinese chopsticks

If you see a pack of standard looking sticks that says "Chinese incense" it's not true. In China, there is no standard concept of a stick, they fumigate the premises with products that coincide in meaning with the concept of "aroma sticks", in fact, they look like spirals, kegs, boats.

In Chinese sticks, bouquets can be very different, philosophy is the main place in them. The incense twisted in a spiral is lit and repeats the turns of life, thereby influencing the solution of various issues.

Nepalese sticks

The uniqueness of these incense lies in the way they are used. How to burn incense sticks correctly? It is the Nepalese version that is set on fire for 2-3 minutes and immediately extinguished. It's all about their basic composition. For the manufacture of the base, pressed plant stems and grass are used, which burn for a very short time.

The Nepalese believe that, when burned, sandalwood oil calms the nerves, helps to cope with insomnia and anxiety; the aroma of jasmine relieves painful coughs and asthmatic conditions; geranium calms the nerves.

Tibetan sticks

Created on the principle of Nepalese sticks, Tibetan ones can contain up to 40 incense at once. In this case, the combustion period will give a gradual mixture of flavors. They are given particular preference for several reasons:

  • collection of herbs - only in a certain period;
  • only handmade from collection to packaging;
  • the possibility of not only using sticks as aromatherapy, but also using the remains of combustion products (and the sticks themselves) for massage sessions, acupuncture treatments, etc.

Now you know what incense sticks are, how to set them on fire and how to combine them. Choose your personal bouquet and type of wands to set the mood and feel great.

In Europe, incense came from the East. The most ancient perfumers were probably the Egyptians. Incense accompanied them not only in life, but also after death. Now, thanks to the enthusiasm of our contemporaries for the exoticism of oriental teachings and medicine, incense is experiencing a new period of popularity. Incense is different types: bamboo chip incense sticks, charcoal incense sticks, baseless incense sticks, cones, kegs, powders, plasticine incense and liquid essential oils. How to use incense correctly to get a favorable result, not a headache or an allergy.

You will need

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Benefits for the body

Is Bulgarian sour milk stick harmful?

When pronouncing “bacterial bacillus”, associations immediately arise with some kind of harmful pathogen. But the sour-milk Bulgarian stick does not have bad qualities. Its benefits and harms to the body are constantly being studied by microbiologists and immunologists.

To date, only the beneficial qualities of the bacterium Lactobacterium bulgaricum have been recorded. This is especially true for aging and strengthening the immune system.

Bulgarian yoghurt reviews

How to choose?

>Incense sticks

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Incense sticks (incense), properties of aroma sticks, aromatherapy in horoscopes

Incense sticks (incense), properties of aroma sticks, aromatherapy in horoscopes

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect the human condition: psychological and physical. During the excavations of ancient civilizations, vessels for incense were found for a reason - incense was valued by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks like gold and like spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague mowed down people indiscriminately, it was effectively fought with the help of fumigation of the air. Aromatic pine fires were kindled all over the city, giving off acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time was used against the plague, because they were the best antiseptics available at that time.

Modern civilization has given us daily fumigation with fumes and chemicals, and the modern way of life has given us stress and haste along with lack of movement and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing the resistance to harmful external influences.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but incense sticks are considered one of the most popular.

Incense sticks (incense) are inexpensive and very easy to use.

Harm of aroma sticks

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became very popular during the "esoteric boom" when the magic of the East began to penetrate our country. In those days, they were credited with all sorts of "magic" and healing properties, used during rituals, practices and various ceremonies. Then incense began to be used mainly as fragrances, to create a pleasant atmosphere, and so on.

V Lately there were a lot of discussions on the web on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? The use of incense is said to increase the risk of lung cancer, asthma, and other diseases. They are also credited with a psychotropic effect and are sometimes even classified as narcotic substances.

In fact, incense sticks have practically no effect directly on health. They cannot cure a cold or relieve stomach pain, nor can they cause cancer or asthma. Incense does not have a narcotic effect and does not contribute to the expansion of consciousness.

Incense sticks can only be harmful if they are of poor quality. Then you can earn a headache and an allergy. Also, outdoor incense will seem too smoky and spicy and may cause discomfort.

In order to avoid such troubles as allergies and headaches, you should carefully consider the choice of incense sticks. High-quality aroma sticks are never cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that they do not smell too intense and “poisonous”.

Properties of different flavors of aroma sticks
indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are burned during temple festivals and meditations. The fragrant base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked for several days in essential oil, resulting in a double fragrance. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a pronounced smell, they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most popular essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (excites passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is the most popular on the Russian market. Their packaging may be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense is offered in brighter packaging, but they are more expensive and of lower quality.
Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks are baseless, they consist of several minerals and herbs that are pressed for a long time. It is not necessary to burn them to the ground: only the tip is set on fire for about two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Composed of pressed grass, Nepalese sticks have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

The most commonly used in Nepalese sticks are lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar.

The aroma of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, calms the nerves, and also treats a bad cold and eliminates nausea.

Jasmine treats runny nose and asthmatic cough. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense soothes, relieves fears.
Tibetan incense

These are the most sought after incense and have a special place in the aromatherapy tradition.

Herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at a strictly defined time.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. The sticks are pressed, like the Nepalese ones. When burning, they gradually change the smell, but they are intended not only for flavoring. They are used both in acupuncture for cauterization of points, and in massage, ground into powder and added to cream.
Chinese incense

These are most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an "energy pillar", as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, kegs.

How are aroma sticks used?

Properties of aroma sticks

Smell plays an important role in our life. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and focus attention, cheer up and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Incense sticks are the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is ensured by convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to a wooden chip. Usually the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black aroma sticks are made of charcoal. When burning, they smell only of aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a masala base is used, whose smell will be mixed with the aroma when burned.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic fragrance is not as pleasant and healthy as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn several sticks at the same time - they can have the exact opposite effect.

In order not to get drowsiness instead of the expected increased working capacity, you need to figure out which smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

Stress removes the smell of jasmine, it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart smell of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes

* Aries are most prone to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. They are recommended the aroma of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
Aries can also use incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli sticks.

* Taurus has a chance to live life to a ripe old age without diseases, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, a lot of bad habits, leads the energy of the body to decline. In such situations, they are found by ailments - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
The aroma of Taurus is jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and improves the body's defenses. Recommended and sticks with scents of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, lily of the valley.
* Gemini suffer from boredom and nerves. Hence the insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. For therapy, sandalwood is used, which relieves depression, insomnia, headache, colds. The taste for life is returned with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.
* Cancer is most prone to depression. All ailments come from the nerves and through self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, and urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the smell of myrrh, which helps to get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
* The lion is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place in Leo is the heart. Less worries, loads and stresses are needed. The main aroma is considered to be a rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves tension.
* Virgos are attentive to their health, but due to anxiety and unrest, the intestines can become a problem. The scent of sandalwood is good for soothing. In case of poor health, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
* Libra can get sick from anything. Put in order nervous system can be scented with ylang ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use more mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
* Scorpios can manage health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, vivacity. The smells of magnolia, lemon, pine are good.
* If Sagittarians are interested in life, they can live it without illnesses. They will need good mood and do not overwork, otherwise diseases of the cardiac system, nerves, liver may occur. For prevention, the aroma of cinnamon is suitable, which uplifts the mood, calms the nerves, and gives self-confidence. Also use incense sticks with almond, patchouli, rosemary, frankincense scents.
* Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He tends to think of chronic diseases. Suffer skin, joints, blood circulation. Lavender-scented incense sticks are the best. They will give strength to resist the painful condition. For Capricorns, aromas of bergamot, cloves, pine, sage, sandalwood are effective.
* Because of the unwillingness to be treated, chronic diseases occur in Aquarius. It is better for them not to allow illnesses at all, which means that they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Raises the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius incense, whose smell does not allow you to become depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus also contribute to this.
* Pisces are most predisposed to schizophrenia. This is due to the peculiarity of the nature of Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, often giving complications to the nose and legs. The festive and bright smell of orange cheers up and helps to take a more positive look at what is happening. Incense sticks with the smells of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, lemon are suitable for fish.

Lilia Yurkanis
for women's magazine

Sandalwood - a fragrance of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from the inside, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a misty musky undertone. The fragrance of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive fragrance. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, the best is called a word. "chanda", those. "sandal".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals, is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, clears the mind, helps to overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps to open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

The smell of sandalwood is considered sacred, in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood fragrance and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the aroma of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during pooja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the smell of sandalwood, added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. Holy places were cleansed with it, they smoked it in houses to drive away evil spirits. Interestingly, the smell of sandal attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations, one can find the image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the smell of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and humble them with the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood fragrance has excellent antiseptic properties, cleansing the room and killing bacteria and germs.

The scent of sandalwood one of the classic aromatherapy fragrances. This is a complex philosophical smell. It has the following effect:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, makes it possible to open up from the inside, removes barriers, releases the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to changes, protects against impulsive actions that are not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a sense of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to adequately meet unpleasant life surprises, in stressful situations and conflicts

- at the medical level- normalizes heart rhythm, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives deep sleep, treats sexual disorders that have arisen due to psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, menopause problems, nervous hiccups, skin inflammation, irritation of the throat and nasopharynx, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, "spiritual smell" used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, male and female, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and "cools » after meditation

Sandalwood popular for its divine aroma. Incense with a rich woody scent of sandalwood the best way Suitable for meditation and yoga. The fragrance does not include harsh notes, it is calm, persistent, rich. There are no analogues to this fragrance in nature. The fragrance of sandalwood is considered the most expensive, because in India everything that is most expensive and beautiful is called "chanda" (sandalwood).

In Hinduism, sandalwood is traditionally used for rituals.

Impact of sandalwood:

  • clears space;
  • restores;
  • increases sensuality;
  • creates a feeling of calm and well-being;
  • effectively fights depression;
  • normalizes the emotional state.

A woody fragrance with musky notes used as an aphrodisiac, sandalwood excites passion and reveals sensuality. Incense gently lifts out of meditation thanks to the cooling properties of sandalwood.

Sandalwood-scented incense is an indispensable component of meditation practices. In Hinduism, sandalwood is used to move into the subtle world, it is believed that a rich woody aroma helps to enlighten the mind and opens the "third eye".

In India, sandalwood is considered sacred, and its fragrance is accompanied in all religious services. It is generally accepted that the Gods love the smell of sandalwood, so I use it in ritual actions. According to mythology, Paradise is filled with the scent of sandalwood. With the help of sandalwood, they clean the room, fumigate houses to expel evil spirits. In many illustrations, snakes can be seen entwining a sandalwood tree. Interestingly, the scent of sandalwood is attractive to snakes. The fragrance of sandalwood accompanies a person throughout his life, and after death helps the soul to reach God.

Actions of sandalwood fragrance:

  • eliminates the state of anxiety and fear;
  • reveals creative thinking;
  • helps to rebuild and adapt;
  • effective in stressful situations;
  • calms and concentrates;
  • gives a feeling of peace;
  • favorably affects the nervous system.

sandalwood has many medicinal properties among which: normalization of the work of the heart, eliminates psychological problems and sexual disorders, eliminates insomnia, fights inflammation skin, soothing effect on the nervous system. Incense relieves tension in the nasopharynx and helps restore the voice in case of neurotic voice loss, helps to cope with difficulty swallowing.

sandalwood scent is a popular aphrodisiac, it has a beneficial effect on sensuality, relieves sexual tension. Recommended for menopause.

The scent of sandalwood has magical properties: develops intuition, cleans the aura, restores after meditation, gives clear dreams, improves concentration during spiritual practices.

Quantity: 1x12 pcs.

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect the human condition: psychological and physical. During the excavations of ancient civilizations, vessels for incense were found for a reason - incense was valued by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks like gold and like spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague mowed down people indiscriminately, it was effectively fought with the help of fumigation of the air. Aromatic pine fires were kindled all over the city, giving off acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time was used against the plague, because they were the best antiseptics available at that time.

Modern civilization has given us daily fumigation with fumes and chemicals, and the modern lifestyle has given us stress and haste along with lack of movement and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing the resistance to harmful external influences.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but incense sticks are considered one of the most popular.

Incense sticks (incense) are inexpensive and very easy to use.

Harm of aroma sticks

Not so long ago, Danish scientists announced that they had established a link between an increased risk of lung cancer and the constant use of incense sticks. It turns out that systematic long-term inhalation of incense almost doubles the risk of lung cancer.

And with irregular use of incense, you can inhale them calmly: the likelihood of cancer does not increase.

The development of cancer is influenced by organic carcinogens contained in smoke: carbonyl compounds, benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are burned during temple festivals and meditations. The fragrant base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked for several days in essential oil, resulting in a double fragrance. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a pronounced smell, they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most popular essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (excites passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is the most popular on the Russian market. Their packaging may be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense is offered in brighter packaging, but they are more expensive and of lower quality.

Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks are baseless, they consist of several minerals and herbs that are pressed for a long time. It is not necessary to burn them to the ground: only the tip is set on fire for about two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Composed of pressed grass, Nepalese sticks have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

The most commonly used in Nepalese sticks are lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar.

The aroma of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, calms the nerves, and also treats a bad cold and eliminates nausea.

Jasmine treats runny nose and asthmatic cough. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense soothes, relieves fears.
Tibetan incense

These are the most sought after incense and have a special place in the aromatherapy tradition.

Herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at a strictly defined time.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. The sticks are pressed, like the Nepalese ones. When burning, they gradually change the smell, but they are intended not only for flavoring. They are used both in acupuncture for cauterization of points, and in massage, ground into powder and added to cream.
Chinese incense

These are most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an "energy pillar", as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, kegs.

How are aroma sticks used?

Smell plays an important role in our life. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and focus attention, cheer up and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Incense sticks are the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is ensured by convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to a wooden chip. Usually the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black aroma sticks are made of charcoal. When burning, they smell only of aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a masala base is used, whose smell will be mixed with the aroma when burned.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic fragrance is not as pleasant and healthy as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn several sticks at the same time - they can have the exact opposite effect.

In order not to get drowsiness instead of the expected increased working capacity, you need to figure out which smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

Stress removes the smell of jasmine, it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart smell of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes
Aries are most prone to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. They are recommended the aroma of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
Aries can also use incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli sticks.
Taurus has a chance to live life to a ripe old age without disease, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, a lot of bad habits, causes the body's energy to decline. In such situations, they are found by ailments - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
The aroma of Taurus is jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, improves body defenses. Recommended and sticks with scents of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, lily of the valley.
Gemini suffer from boredom and nerves. Hence the insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. For therapy, sandalwood is used, which relieves depression, insomnia, headache, colds. The taste for life is returned with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.
Cancer is the most susceptible to depression. All ailments come from the nerves and through self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, and urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the smell of myrrh, which helps to get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
The lion is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place in Leo is the heart. Less worries, loads and stresses are needed. The main aroma is considered to be a rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves tension.
Virgos are attentive to their health, but due to anxiety and unrest, the intestines can become a problematic place. The scent of sandalwood is good for soothing. In case of poor health, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
Anything can make Libra sick. You can tidy up the nervous system with the aroma of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use more mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
Scorpios can manage health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, vivacity. The smells of magnolia, lemon, pine are good.
If life is interesting to Sagittarius, then they can live it without illness. They will need a good mood and should not overwork, otherwise diseases of the heart system, nerves, and liver may occur. For prevention, the aroma of cinnamon is suitable, which uplifts the mood, calms the nerves, and gives self-confidence. Also use incense sticks with almond, patchouli, rosemary, frankincense scents.
Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He tends to think of chronic diseases. Suffer skin, joints, blood circulation. Lavender-scented incense sticks are the best. They will give strength to resist the painful condition. For Capricorns, aromas of bergamot, cloves, pine, sage, sandalwood are effective.
Due to unwillingness to be treated, chronic diseases occur in Aquarius. It is better for them not to allow illnesses at all, which means that they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Raises the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius incense, whose smell does not allow you to become depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus also contribute to this.
Pisces are most predisposed to schizophrenia. This is due to the peculiarity of the nature of Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, often giving complications to the nose and legs. The festive and bright smell of orange cheers up and helps to take a more positive look at what is happening. Incense sticks with the smells of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, lemon are suitable for fish.

14 incense for relaxation and recharging

1. Bergamot tones, gives strength, improves memory and attention.

2. Jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, mobilizes the body's reserves. Enhances sensuality, is considered a "feminine" fragrance.

3. Ylang-ylang is a good antidepressant, it causes a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. Excellent aphrodisiac "male smell", increases male potency.

4. Lavender relieves fatigue, insomnia, strengthens the immune system. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates mental lethargy, irritability and states of causeless fear.

5. Frankincense inspires, awakens interest in life.

6. Lemon tones, strengthens the immune system, has an antiviral effect. Relieves headaches, dizziness, nausea.

7. Lotus relieves fatigue, promotes spiritual development.

8. Myrrh is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress.

9. Opium tones, invigorates, sharpens the mind and fires the heart.

10. Patchouli antiviral. Nourishes, refreshes, gives strength and determination. Strong erotic stimulant.

11. Rose helps with depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. Relieves fear, nightmares. Improves blood circulation.

12. Sandalwood relaxes, calms the nerves. Helps with depression, insomnia, nervous hiccups, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. It is a mild aphrodisiac, increases sensuality.

13. Pine activates respiration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the process of rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.

14. Eucalyptus purifies the air, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.