
Onyx and Libra compatibility. History and origin. Healing properties of the mineral


Ancient peoples considered onyx a stone of power. It could be used by rulers, high-ranking clergy or sorcerers. Later, as an activator of inspiration, onyx stone was appreciated by creative people. Today, this mineral has the number one "duty" - to attract money and make the owner successful.

History and origins

The stone appears in myths and legends. They were decorated with royal chambers, tombs, robes and regalia of priests.


The Old Testament states that this ornamental stone(not marble) went to build Solomon's temple. The structure did not provide for windows, but was filled with light: the material let it through well. Onyx was in Eden and on the breastplate of the high priest of Judea.

Ancient Greek mythology mentions the gem. Onyxes are the petrified nails of Aphrodite. When the goddess slept, her son Eros cut them off. Onyx in ancient Greek means "nail". Outwardly, the pebble also resembles a nail.

This is a sacred attribute of Islam: the stone in the main Muslim shrine Kaaba is black onyx.

The Aztecs valued above all others the influence of a pale green mineral with brown-orange stratification. Temples were decorated with it, sacrificial vessels were made from it. Religious and secular buildings were erected from the gem.

Modern architects also use onyx, but more artificial. Tiles are used to cover metro stations, official and private residences, chic restaurants, and clubs.

Physicochemical characteristics

Onyx is silicon dioxide, a chalcedonic variety of quartz. The color of natural onyx is created by impurities.

The physical properties of onyx equalize it with marble or granite. In terms of frost resistance, water absorption or hardness, it surpasses them.

Mining place

Onyx is common on the planet. The most beautiful specimens are mined in Uruguay, Brazil, India, Arabia. Australia and the USA have rich deposits. There are many gems in Russia in Chukotka, Kolyma, and Primorye. Raw materials for industrial purposes are mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan.

The most famous are the Karlyuk and Kap-Kotan cave deposits in Turkmenistan. Halls and galleries are lined with minerals. Onyx stalactites and stalagmites formed in Cap Cotane.

Varieties and colors

The characteristic by which onyx is identified is striping. In nature, there are monochrome specimens. According to the description, types of stone are classified.


Varieties of stone are created by alternating colored stripes:

There are different examples:

Onyx is mistaken for agate. However, in onyx, multi-colored layers form clear parallel lines on the cut. Agate has soft, vague patterns. It is matte and lighter.

Onyx is chalcedonic quartz. With its translucent varieties, many associate a moonstone resembling chalcedony.


The usual colors of natural onyx are blue, greenish, brown or pink. The white stone is not pure, but a pale aquamarine or tea rose color.

The rarest and most expensive are completely black stones. Next come white, red, green specimens.

artificial onyx

Artificial onyx is obtained by two methods:

  1. Chemical dyes and substances are pumped into a cheap variety of agate. The pebble looks like natural, but fades or fades over time.
  2. "Honest imitation". A polymer that resembles natural stone as much as possible. It is popular as a decorative interior decoration, a material for countertops or mantelpieces.

Stone imitations are easy to distinguish from the original by their cheapness or rich tones.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of natural onyx have been used for centuries. The stone, powder from it and water infused with onyx helps:

  • the wound will heal faster if sprinkled with onyx powder;
  • powder treats the oral cavity;
  • water infused with crushed mineral is drunk to improve metabolism or lose weight.

Jewelry with a stone is placed at the level of the problem area:

  • eyes, ears - earrings with marble stone;
  • arthritis - bracelet;
  • heart - a pendant of red shades;
  • therapeutic massage - an onyx egg is used, the sore spot is lightly pressed with a stone every day.

In a house lined with onyx slabs, people feel healthier.

Onyx - a talisman that resists diseases:

  • headache or migraine;
  • fever or inflammation;
  • stuttering (black stone);
  • potency (for men, red-striped is needed);
  • distraction;
  • rheumatism, cardiovascular disease, asthma or oncology;
  • colic, kidney pain, or liver disease.

black onyx

Properties natural stone harmonize the work of organs, improving the human condition. The gem fights laziness, fatigue, returns a positive attitude and drives away gloomy thoughts. Reverses drug addiction or alcoholism. The thicker the stripes, the more powerful magical properties such onyx.

Rejuvenates the body, strengthens the immune system or helps to overcome fatigue green onyx.

Healing natural properties has only a natural stone.

Magical properties

All varieties have magical properties. The stone helps strong people who are not afraid to take responsibility. The best way talisman and amulet of generals, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, teachers or leaders in other areas.

To lure good luck, find a way out of a hopeless situation or strengthen willpower, it is enough to wear a ring.

General impact

The value of a stone for a person is multifaceted:

  • improves memory, develops logic, intelligence;
  • helps to complete the case;
  • activates or develops talents;
  • helps to become a speaker (beads on the neck or a small stone under the tongue);
  • strengthens self-confidence;
  • helps to gain the authority of others.

The stone makes the owner wise, purposeful, hardy and courageous. Suitable for young hot natures: they will assess the situation and act in cold blood.

Natural blue onyx beads

For older people, the stone gives peace, health, does not allow to fall into despondency.

Color Specialization

The magical properties of natural onyx are determined by the variety.


Protects the family hearth, prevents domestic quarrels or conflicts. The gem is useful for newlyweds or those who have lived in a long marriage. The most powerful family guardians are rings or beads. The mineral restores peace of mind, tranquility. A pyramid or a ball is an attribute of esoteric fans. This is an energy accumulator or an activator of the host's dormant capabilities.


The gem is the patron saint of people prone to depression. A beautiful little thing in the color of the sun will make the atmosphere of the room light and cozy.


The guardian of marital fidelity, an appropriate wedding gift. The mineral is suitable for choleric people as a stabilizer of the nervous system.


The most powerful energy source of the "family", protects from any negativity, allows you to achieve success.

White onyx earrings

The stone makes the wearer "invisible" to unpleasant or dangerous people. A suitable talisman for people with low self-esteem. Worn as a pendant at the level of the solar plexus or as a ring. Good gift for women before being appointed to high office.


Amulet number one from witchcraft and a magic shield. Helps to survive loss or overcome fear (including death).

Due to the aggressive energy, the black mineral can become a strong amulet only for strong-willed individuals. For example, entrepreneurs or those who want to become them. However, it will not allow you to drown in greed, while maintaining sobriety of thinking.

Traditionally, black onyx is considered a "male" stone, but it is also suitable for strong-willed ladies.

For students in the session, the gem will help to cope with excitement and respond without hesitation. Useful gift at the end of school: the child will go to university, will study well, make a career.


The power of onyx will be nearby if you carry miniature gizmos or figurines made of stone:

  • Pyramid or apple. A find for sick people. The gem is applied to the problem area, and after a few weeks, improvement is felt.
  • A fish. Attribute of careerists: attracts good luck, high earnings, helps to pass an exam or win at a casting.
  • Tableware. Plates, glasses, glasses - an excellent family purchase. Enhance the taste of food or drinks.
  • Ring with black onyx. Talisman of businessmen: helps to establish connections, avoid losses. The rest will be more confident with this decoration, increase self-esteem or get rid of chronic psychological trauma.

The magical properties of the stone are enhanced in silver. Gold awakens leadership skills. For people who are eager to reach career heights in a dishonest way, the stone is useless.

Any object made of stone will protect the home from robbers or destruction.

Who suits the zodiac sign

According to astrologers, the stone suits strong personalities of the entire zodiac circle.

This is a universal mineral that improves positive or nullifies negative for any zodiac sign.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

The combination of magically strong onyx with other gems requires caution. Current or potential leaders do not need an amethyst, a ruby, or a pearl. Gems will soothe, relax the owner. And it is dangerous for a leader to “rest on his laurels”.

Silver ring with onyx

Earth element stone is incompatible with fire minerals. Pavel Globa believes that he energetically conflicts with citrine.

Where is used

An attractive mineral is used in areas that adorn life - jewelry, design and arts and crafts.


Strength made the gem a material for jewelry all kinds: bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks.

Natural onyx stone is beautiful in its original form, jewelers make a minimum of effort to create cabochon inserts.


Everything is made of stone: from figurines to facing panels.

The utilitarian and aesthetic functions in the interior combine:

  • crockery (wine glasses, dishes, bowls);
  • candlesticks;
  • caskets;
  • lampshades, lamps;
  • ashtrays;
  • stands for stationery sets;
  • countertops.

It is not a shame to present chess from dark and light varieties of the mineral to the most demanding fan of the game.

Onyx Chess

Residential, public, office premises with wall panels, mosaics, stained-glass windows made of stone become refined. Especially if a backlight is mounted behind the onyx slab. It can be created even in a bath or pool.


Onyx is a semi-precious or ornamental stone. Even jewelry specimens are evaluated in grams (not carats), ornamental material is taken into account in kilograms.

The price is determined by the type of stone, but is always available.

The most expensive black and white onyx are rare because they are mined only in Arab countries. Go on jewelry. The price includes colorful stones: the brighter and more varied the palette, the thinner the striping, the better.

The cost of onyx jewelry is more influenced by a precious setting or expensive gems:

  • with white or yellow metal - up to 1 thousand rubles;
  • silver of the 925th test - 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • premium segment (gold, diamonds, black onyx) - 13–17 thousand rubles.

The facing material is evaluated according to the dimensions of the product and the type of stone:

  • 18 mm thick slab - $400/m2;
  • agate raw materials - from 100 rubles / kg;
  • marble material - from 50 rubles / kg.

Onyx table top

For a countertop they ask from 10 thousand rubles. average price onyx tumbling - 10 rubles. per gram.

How to distinguish a fake

Onyx is available, but it is counterfeited. The characteristic of the mineral helps to determine the authenticity of the product:

  • harmonious color without sharp transitions: an unnatural transition or brightness means a fake;
  • the blade will not leave scratches on the surface of the gem;
  • heats up slowly
  • doesn't come cheap.

Most often fake black onyx.

How to wear and care

A beautiful gem, like most of its brethren, is picky about people. He needs to first "scan" the energy of the new owner, get used to it. Compatibility is checked as standard for precious minerals: a pebble is held in hands. The feeling of comfort at the same time means that you can wear jewelry as much as you want. Anxiety is a warning: you will have to pay an exorbitant price for the patronage of a pebble.

Black onyx bracelet

The magical mineral onyx works best when worn consistently. But even if it fits according to the horoscope, with long contact it can “whisper” to the owner the desire to get rich at any cost. If the character of a person has become tougher, the jewelry with a stone is removed for a while.

  • To enhance the magic of the gem, it is worn in the solar plexus area or on the index finger of the main hand.
  • Onyx is a cold stone, so it is appropriate in winter, early spring or dank autumn.
  • The strongest effect of the mineral on people from middle age.

In storage, the gem is picky: a spacious box is enough so that the pebbles do not rub. Clean the stone with a medium hard toothbrush in soapy water. If there is more than one onyx in the decoration, baking soda is added. You can rub the insert with breadcrumbs.

The mineral is not afraid of heat, but in bright light it discolors to gray.

The stone absorbs negativity, but shares only positive energy with the owner. Therefore, it is periodically cleaned under running cold water and recharged with moonlight.

Favorable time to buy

Onyx is bought on the 5th, they begin to be used on the 19th lunar day. A special time is provided for carnelian - the 3rd and 17th days and sardonyx - the 24th and 10th.

Onyx is a stone that belongs to the varieties of agate. The semi-precious mineral is valued for its magical effects and healing properties. The color of the stone is a multi-layered stripes of white, red, black and brown shades. According to the pattern of a stone, its value is determined - what thinner stripes on a stone, the more expensive the mineral is valued.

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Onyx is known for its hardness, which makes it possible to make various caskets, vases from it, and also use it for decorating rooms. It is believed that the gem spreads good and bright energy and nourishes with inner strength and energy. Therefore, most people prefer to wear onyx jewelry as a talisman.

    Onyx - magic by color palette

    Onyx manifests itself differently depending on its colors. In order for the stone to have a positive effect and serve as a kind of talisman, it is necessary to choose the right color for the mineral.

      People engaged in business and entrepreneurial activities, a stone with a black color is suitable. It attracts good luck in business to its owner, helps to become more enterprising and sociable. It also promotes the disclosure of negotiating skills with partners, which leads to profitable deals and moving things uphill. Men usually prefer to wear a black onyx ring, symbolizing leadership and strength.

      Green onyx is considered the best stone for improving family relationships. It gives its owner prosperity and peace of mind. Jewelry and products made of green onyx can be given to newlyweds. The mineral contributes to the establishment of harmony and mutual understanding in a newly created family.

      A white gem is a kind of amulet against negativity and evil. This mineral is one of the strongest among onyxes, which attracts positive energy. The stone protects its owner from negative events and enemies. White onyx symbolizes white magic.

      The mineral of orange and red shades helps single people find their soul mate. He will protect from unnecessary acquaintances and will attract people who are suitable for energy to his owner.

      You can also find gems in yellow, brown, pink and beige shades. Stones of these colors have positive energy and have healing properties.

      The magical properties of the stone

      Onyx has powerful magical properties, so it is often used by magicians, psychics and esotericists (especially black onyx). There were legends about the magical properties of the gem back in Ancient Greece. Legend has it that the stone was formed from the nails of the Greek goddess of beauty, Aphrodite. The gem really resembles the layers of the nail plate with its uneven color.

      Onyx has such a strong energy that it helps to remove various curses, slander and evil eye. People who wear onyx products as talismans are less affected by black magic. The gem creates a kind of protective shell, which is a powerful obstacle to negative phenomena. Also, the mineral gives its owner vitality and energy. It helps people become more self-confident, fills them with strength and positive energy. The stone is also a family amulet and a powerful amulet against external negativity. The gem gives its owner harmony and peace of mind, attracts good luck and concentrates energy. The main thing is to remember that onyx helps only people with good intentions.

      Onyx is a talisman against death and accident. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it to people who have a dangerous profession - stuntmen, miners, firefighters, rescue workers, etc.

      The semi-precious mineral is considered a symbol of eloquence. It is ideal for people-theorists who, with the help of the magical properties of the stone, will be able to pick up words and competently convey them to the audience. He especially fell in love with such people as lecturers, teachers, lawyers, preachers and politicians.

      The gem helps people with a gentle character to gain confidence and inner core. Such properties of the stone help people who wish to achieve any goals. It contributes to the emergence of inspiration and gaining faith in one's strengths and capabilities. The stone brings purposeful individuals good luck and success.

      Interior items made of onyx will help protect the house from fire, flood, destruction and attacks by thieves. These can be vases, caskets, dishes, bas-relief paintings and even architectural columns.

      Healing properties of the mineral

      The gemstone has been known for its healing properties since ancient times. People applied mineral powder to wet wounds, thereby accelerating the healing process. Water, infused with a crushed gem, helped people suffering from obesity.

      Modern science does not deny the healing properties of onyx. It is known that natural stone has the following healing properties:

      • helps to cope with kidney diseases;
      • improves liver function;
      • normalizes the work of the intestines and the digestive system;
      • restores the psyche;
      • relieves depression and insomnia.

      The owner of a pendant made of red onyx can normalize the work of the heart. And the owner of earrings with inserts of this stone will have the opportunity to improve their eyesight and hearing. It is believed that the owners of apartments finished with onyx slabs live longer and suffer less from various ailments.

      What names and signs of the zodiac fit onyx?

      The healing and magical properties of onyx will be most noticeable to women with the names Vasilisa, Elena, Veronica, Claudia and Vasilina. A woman named Polina, a gem will relieve bad thoughts and add self-confidence. Jeanne onyx will help to focus all the forces in the right direction.

      As for men, the stone suits Eduard and Anton the most. Makar, with the help of a gem, will get rid of a depressive state and gain peace of mind. And the owner of the name Ruslan onyx will help to avoid rash acts.

      According to the zodiac horoscope, the stone suits very many people. The table shows which of the signs of the zodiac is the "favorite" of the stone, and who should not wear talismans and jewelry from this gem:

      Zodiac sign Compatible with onyx stone
      AriesThe stone has a positive effect and helps very active Aries to concentrate and direct the flow of their energy in the right direction.
      TaurusHigh compatibility. The gem will help its owner get rid of bad habits, become more sociable and independent. But it is worth remembering that the stone is recommended to be worn only by self-confident Taurus, otherwise the gem will only bring trouble. For earthly Taurus, warm shades of the mineral are most suitable.
      TwinsVersatile Gemini is not recommended to wear onyx products. This is especially true for black and white shades of the gem. The stone promotes concentration and suppresses excessive activity, which negatively affects the freedom-loving and active Gemini. The energy of the stone is different from the energy of the representatives of this sign.
      CrayfishIt is Cancers who are most favored by the gem. It will protect especially impressionable representatives of this zodiac sign from external negative impacts and will give strength and confidence to Cancers who need it. The most effective will be a blue-colored mineral
      a lionProud and domineering Leos are perfect for black onyx, which characterizes their leadership abilities. The stone enhances the ability of Lions to attract the attention and love of others. It also helps to reveal in oneself such qualities as determination and inflexibility.
      VirgoFor suspicious and many thinking people of this sign, it is recommended to wear onyx products. The stone will help get rid of fatigue and headaches. Restrained Virgo, the mineral will help express their feelings more vividly and emotionally. Energetically, the gem is very suitable for the soft natures of this sign. The stone helps to get rid of stress, calm and restore the strength of hardworking Virgos.
      scalesLibra needs to carry a stone of blue color. It is blue onyx that harmoniously combines with balanced people of this sign. The gem will help Libra to maintain peace of mind and feel confident in the future.
      ScorpionBlack onyx is the most suitable for Scorpions. The mineral will help to avoid depression and melancholy mood. For Scorpios with a family, the stone will help in resolving conflicts, and will also help to improve the overall atmosphere in the house.
      SagittariusIt is especially useful for Sagittarians to have a talisman or jewelry with onyx inserts. The mineral helps Sagittarius, who is changeable by nature, find balance. Also, the stone serves as a kind of shield from negativity and envy. Sagittarius recommended black gem
      CapricornThe mineral will endow Capricorns with its energy, increase efficiency and add activity to its owner. Women just need to wear some kind of onyx jewelry. It will help the representatives of this sign make the right decision in difficult situation
      AquariusGood compatibility. Onyx will help Aquarius to feel confident in overcoming life's difficulties and contribute to the achievement of their goals. The stone will add perseverance to its owner, which is sometimes very lacking for those who are carried away by Aquarius. It is advisable for a woman of this sign to wear onyx jewelry, which will help find answers to vital questions.
      FishesFor people born under the sign of Pisces, onyx is completely unsuitable. The energy and temperament of Pisces differ from the action of this gem

Onyx stone is a natural semi-precious mineral that is widely used in jewelry, alternative medicine, magic, and even in construction. It has been known to people since ancient times: in Christianity it is mentioned as the material from which the famous temple of Solomon was built. Let's find out what are the features of onyx stone, what it is and what properties make it so attractive to people.


Onyx is one of the varieties of quartz with impurities in the rock. By the way, agate is also classified as quartz, so it is sometimes called one of the types of agate. The mineral comes in a variety of shades - from pale green to deep black. Among the mined there are striped, veined, interspersed, multi-colored specimens. The stone can be translucent and easily transmit light, or it can be completely opaque. The way this aesthetic mineral looks is one of the reasons for its popularity with people.

The properties of carnelian make it similar to such popular minerals as or. In addition, it is very easy to handle. That is why onyx is a convenient ornamental stone. At the same time, the hardness of onyx on the Moss scale (up to 7), as well as its characteristics in terms of frost resistance, water absorption and abrasion, are much better than those of the above-mentioned materials. The density of the stone is slightly higher than that of marble, which makes it an excellent building material.

Onyx deposits are found in many countries. In Russia, where there are not so many deposits, the gem is mined in the Primorsky Territory, in Chukotka, in the Kolyma. The most valuable species - the chalcedonic variety - is rarely found in the Russian Federation; it is mined in the countries of South America, India, and the Arabian Peninsula. The most famous places where onyx is mined are Kap-Kotan and the Karklyuk deposit. Many interesting things are produced there from the mined mineral, and in the deposits themselves you can even see stalactites and stalagmites made of onyx.

Types and colors of onyx

There are various varieties of onyx on the planet.

Here are the main types:

  • Sardonyx is an agate with alternating stripes of red, orange, brown or white.
  • Chalcedony - white and gray stripes.
  • Marble onyx - various shades of green.
  • Three-layer - many thin lines of burgundy red, blue, white.
  • White onyx is a pale pink or light aquamarine shade of white stone.
  • Arabic onyx, which is also called a dark stone with white lines or inclusions.
  • Carnelian is a red and white stone.
  • Onyx agate - gray onyx with inclusions.
  • Cave onyx is a brown stone with veins of different shades.
  • Ordinary - a stone, the stripes of which are only a couple of tones lighter or darker than the main color, for example, pink onyx.

It is worth noting that the words sardonyx, carnelian, chalcedony are often used as a common name for all types of stone.

Most appreciated completely black matte onyx. It is followed by white onyx, red, brown.

History and use

Legends say that this gem appeared from the nails of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Even the name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek language, where it means “nail”. The ancient Greeks and Romans attributed only the blue stone called chalcedony to onyx, and highly revered it.

The description of the stone is found in many old books. Onyx is the stone of kings, palaces have been decorated with it for a long time, it was inserted into crowns, wands, swords of kings, goblets and bowls were made from it.

The gem plays a certain meaning in world religions. He is mentioned in the Bible: in the phrase “And the gold of that land is good; there is a bdol and an onyx stone ”(Gen.2:12) about Eden, and also as one of the stones in the ring of the high priest Aaron. Also, the gem is part of the wall of the Islamic mosque in the Kaaba.

Today, the mineral is actively used in jewelry, magic, healing, making handicrafts, finishing, and construction work. Due to the fact that agate is a semi-precious stone belonging to the middle class, products made from it are available to a wide range of people.

Interesting Facts:

  1. One of the most famous legends about the stone is that Solomon's palace was built from it. It is said that there were no windows in the castle, because the translucent sardonyx let in light even without them.
  2. It was customary to store aromatic oils, herbs, incense in onyx vessels.
  3. Gem tumbling was used by speakers to improve speech.
  4. When a gem is heated, it changes color, but not hardness.
  5. Now natural onyx used for lining metro stations, large concert halls, government agencies.
  6. Once upon a time, scientists believed that sardonyx refers to radioactive materials, but this turned out to be a mistake.

Magical properties

Natural stone is actively used by magicians. Even in ancient times, seals, amulets, talismans were made from onyx, along with precious stones. His unique properties make agate indispensable for people interested in mystical practices or simply wanting to improve their lives. Do not forget that the naturalness of the stone is the key to its work, and fakes do not have any power.

First, let's look at the impact of a pebble on ordinary people:

  • Inner strength. Carnelian gives its owner courage, endurance, willpower, confidence, makes the character firm.
  • Mental capacity. The mineral improves brain function, strengthens memory, enhances observation, ingenuity, and the ability to think logically.
  • Creative skills. The stone gives inspiration, the ability to oratory, helps to discover new talents in oneself, increases the already known ones.
  • Charm. The gem protects the owner, as well as his family from accidents, criminals, black witchcraft, betrayal, perjury, malicious gossip.

Some varieties have their own characteristics. Marble onyx will protect the owner from adultery and lies. Red onyx will give sluggish people an inner fire that would not appear just like that, and make them change their lives. A green gem, especially an emerald or light green onyx, will retain feelings and mutual respect in the family for life. Onyx yellow color will give an elderly person peace and save him from lonely and poor old age. Blue and blue onyx attract love and family happiness into a person's life.

Chalcedony has a powerful energy and wayward character. If it is worn by an embittered person who is overwhelmed with negative feelings, the stone is able to absorb them, strengthen them and return them to the owner. It is believed that the best addition to sardonyx is snowy obsidian and reddish gold.

Practitioners most often use black chalcedony. It is believed that the power of these gems located on the finger (ring) or in the solar plexus area (pendant) is the strongest protection against magical influence. Also, the mineral is able to reveal and increase the magical abilities of the owner. Information that gives magical knowledge is more easily absorbed by the owners of the gem.

To believe such data or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, chalcedony figurines and decorations can at least decorate your home.

Interaction with zodiac signs

Consider how the mineral affects representatives of different zodiac signs:

  1. Aries. For a person born under the auspices of the constellation Aries, chalcedony will help direct energy in the right direction, bring everything to the end.
  2. Taurus. A mineral of a warm hue, especially yellow, will help Taurus become more self-confident, overcome laziness, addiction, and also make their character stronger.
  3. Twins. Agate is not suitable for these people: Geminis are usually versatile, creative people, and the stone will put pressure on them, forcing them to choose one goal and go towards it, which means destroying creativity.
  4. Crayfish. Impressive, vulnerable, insecure Cancers will receive courage, determination, the opportunity to reveal their potential from agate.
  5. A lion. Black colored sardonyx is one of the most suitable stones for Leo as a talisman. It will enhance the natural charisma, courage of the representative of the sign, and also help him win the respect of others.
  6. Virgo. Light chalcedony will help Virgos to get out of the shadows, to stop doing all the dirty work without receiving any reward. It will reveal their leadership potential and help them achieve career growth.
  7. Scales. Blue onyx will help Libra to keep peace in the soul even in the most difficult situations make the right and thoughtful decisions, understand others.
  8. Scorpion. Dark quartz will protect Scorpio from gloomy, sad thoughts, as well as from the machinations of ill-wishers, accidents, and severe emotional upheavals.
  9. Sagittarius. A blue stone will protect Sagittarius, who is often in the center of attention, from envy, gossip, slander, evil eye, damage, any negativity coming from other people.
  10. Capricorn. The stone will save Capricorn from minor injuries, illnesses, help fight manipulators, and become the best adviser.
  11. Aquarius. Green onyx will help Aquarius to concentrate, direct all thoughts and actions towards achieving a dream, which will lead to incredible success.
  12. Fishes. Sardonyx is not very suitable for the representatives of this sign, as it can greatly increase their tendency to loneliness, pessimism, asceticism.

Healing properties of onyx stone

Supporters of alternative medicine claim that the stone can help get rid of many diseases.

That's what medicinal properties this quartz:

  • helps to develop intelligence, memory, attention;
  • contributes to the normalization of speech, getting rid of stuttering, burr, tongue-tied;
  • reduces the level of anxiety, depression, causeless fear, apathy, insomnia;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, spinal cord;
  • striped chalcedony helps to establish potency;
  • improves vision, hearing, smell;
  • water, which was insisted on pieces of onyx, helps fight obesity.

It is believed that this stone is able to alleviate any pain and heal wounds. You need to wear jewelry with it next to the problem area. For example, with hearing problems, earrings with a stone will help, with a finger injury, a ring, etc. Mineral gray color more suitable for a woman, as it will positively affect her reproductive organs.

Methods for using sardonyx also exist in lithotherapy - stone treatment. The main method of treatment is to gently press a ball-shaped mineral on the painful area once a day. Marble onyx is especially popular in medicine. Do not forget that only natural stone is useful.

It is generally accepted that a house, the walls of which are lined with quartz tiles, improves health and prolongs the life of the people living in it. It is also believed that pregnant women wearing onyx jewelry are more likely to have healthy babies.

As you can see, onyx is a mineral that has received recognition from people for a reason. Its unique properties make it possible to use the gem in a variety of areas - from the manufacture of stone figurines to magical rituals.

Ancient tales, myths, legends and Biblical writings are not complete without mention of onyx. This mineral has long been associated with power, holiness, witchcraft. A striped nugget adorned the images of priests and rulers, and a black mineral accompanied magicians and shamans.

Today, the gem is used in the same areas as in antiquity. Only modern world allows everyone to feel the power of the mineral, and not just a select few.

History and origins

The legends of several peoples who professed different faiths tell about onyx. The mineral acted as an obligatory ritual attribute, decorated the walls of sanctuaries, and was used to make dishes and handicrafts.

  1. The ancient Greeks in their myths identified the gem with the petrified nails of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to legend, the divine son Eros cut off his mother's nails during sleep. The word "onyx" itself is translated from ancient Greek as "nail". In fact, nugget stones are shaped like nails.
  2. Islamists highly revered the black mineral. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaab, is decorated with a rare gem.
  3. The Aztecs erected entire buildings from onyx, for religious and secular purposes. Temples were decorated with a striped nugget, and vessels for sacrifices were created from it. This people more than others revered the green mineral of pale shades with orange-brown layers.
  4. Biblical stories on the first pages mention onyx as a stone from the Garden of Eden. The Paradise gem adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, being one of the 12 gems. The rich robes of ancient Jewish priests were decorated with a nugget. And according to the Old Testament of the Bible, Solomon's temple was built from onyx.
  5. The most extraordinary story tells about sardonyx - one of the varieties of onyx. A legend is connected with the name of the famous artist Benvenuto Cellini. Disappearing one day for a long time from the Vatican, along with a bunch of gold and precious stones, the master aroused the wrath and indignation of His Holiness.
  6. In response to abusive reproaches, Cellini presented the Pope with a gem carved from multi-colored sardonyx. The gospel canonical plot showed the Last Supper, where each multi-colored layer of the mineral characterized the characters. Christ was depicted in white, the apostle John was dressed in a blue robe. Peter got a red vestment, and a gloomy tunic of a dark Brown intended for Judas.

This work struck the Pope not only with its skill, but also with the way that an ordinary cobblestone turned into a masterpiece, although for many years it lay needlessly underfoot. So Cellini received forgiveness and the title of the beloved son of the church, and the work of the master to this day adorns the altar of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Modern architects, following the example of the ancients, use onyx for cladding. Only today such decor is used not in temples, but at metro stations, restaurants, private residences of high-ranking persons.

Place of Birth

Onyx refers to minerals that are widely distributed throughout the globe. The most rare and exotic specimens have deposits:

  • Brazil.
  • Uruguay.
  • Arabian Peninsula.
  • India.

Turkmenistan is famous for its cave deposits, where nature has created entire galleries from onyx, decorated with stalagmites and stalactites.

Industrial onyx raw materials have:

  • Pakistan.
  • Turkey.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Iran.
  • Mexico.
  • Egypt.

Russia is also rich in onyx deposits. The mineral is mined in Kolyma, Chukotka and Primorye.

Physical properties

Onyx is a silicon dioxide, it acts as a variety, in which minor impurities form parallel multi-colored layers.

Onyx is hard, frost-resistant, endowed with the ability to absorb water. These properties exceed those of Granite and.

Color varieties

Jewelry with a mineral

Natural stone is not only beautiful, but also easily processed due to its physical properties. Therefore, jewelers do not miss the opportunity to create a variety of jewelry with onyx.

The cost of such jewelry depends more on the setting and the accompanying gemstone inserts than on the onyx itself. However, rare gems of black and white flowers valued more than usual. Such specimens are sent in gold or silver. Therefore, the price of these jewelry is several times higher. For instance:

  • Gold earrings with black onyx start at 10,000 rubles.
  • A pendant in gold can be purchased for 4,000 rubles and more.
  • Average price for silver rings- 1000 rubles, for gold - 15 thousand.
  • Silver cufflinks cost 4,000–5,000 rubles, while gold cufflinks cost about 30,000 rubles.
  • Bracelets start from 1000 rubles.

Beads made of multi-colored onyx vary in price from 1000–2500 rubles, given that handmade costs more.

How to distinguish a fake

Onyx is available and inexpensive, but fakes still occur. Most often imitate a black gem. You can recognize a linden mineral as follows:

  • A natural nugget cannot be scratched with a blade.
  • The natural mineral is endowed with harmonious colors without sharp transitions. The unnatural brightness of the color also signals a fake.
  • The Linden Gem will be suspiciously cheap.
  • Natural stone is always cool and almost does not absorb the heat of the hands.

Usually, the cheapest agate, painted with all kinds of chemical dyes, acts as an imitation.

How to wear

Traditionally, we first choose an auspicious day to buy a talisman. Sardonyx and carnelian, prefer their days for acquisition. Sardonyx is recommended to be bought on the 24th lunar day, and worn from the 10th of the next cycle.

Carnelian is demanding by the 3rd day of purchase and the 17th moon day to start using. As for the rest of onyxes, such stones are brought home on the 5th lunar day, starting to be used from the 19th lunar day.

When buying an amulet, you should try to establish a primary energy contact. Hold the gem for a few minutes in your hands. Pleasant sensations will signal friendliness, and discomfort will signal an undesirable union. Remember that you do not choose onyx, but he chooses you.

It is believed that it is useful to wear onyx all the time so that magical abilities manifest themselves continuously. However, there is one “zest” here - with prolonged contact, a stone that does not tolerate deception can push the owner to impure desires. For example, to improve the financial situation by any means. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the change in human behavior - if the owner of the stone has become rigid, it is necessary to remove the jewelry for a while.

Onyx is considered a cold mineral, so it is best to wear jewelry in late autumn, winter or early spring. The stone has the strongest effect on middle-aged and older people.

Onyx gives a person positive energy, but is able to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, periodically the stone must be energetically cleansed. Cold running water will do this best. After the mineral is charged under the moon.

How to care

Storage and care of onyx does not require a special approach. It is recommended to keep the jewelry in a spacious box to avoid rubbing the stones against each other.

For cleaning, a soapy solution and a brush with medium-hard bristles are suitable. It is allowed to add a small amount baking soda, if the decoration is complemented by other minerals. Another cleansing option is wiping with bread crumbs.

The gem is not afraid of high temperature, however, bright light leads to discoloration of the mineral.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Onyx refers to the patrons of such names:

  • Zhanna. The mineral contributes to the concentration and proper direction of the energy flow. Also, the amulet protects Jeanne from trouble.
  • Makar. Onyx will bring joy, emotional balance to his life, drive away depression and bad thoughts, pacify passions and protect him from dangerous actions.
  • Pauline. The gem will help her to assert herself, give confidence, help defend her own interests, expelling gloomy thoughts.
  • Ruslan. Excessive rage of passions will help to overcome the onyx talisman. The stone will help Ruslan concentrate in the right direction, warning against rash decisions and actions.

As for the horoscope, onyx contradicts one single sign -. The mineral is dangerous for them only because the people of this sign are versatile individuals who are looking for themselves in many areas of activity. Onyx, on the other hand, will push Gemini to choose one side, which will create an unpleasant uncomfortable union that will bring a person to depression.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Aries. Perfect match. The temper and outbursts of anger of Aries will be able to cool the gem. The mineral will push the representatives of this family to the goal, helping to bring the things they have started to their logical end.
  • Onyx will help Capricorns cope with laziness, contributing to the personal growth of the owner. This sign will receive an incentive from the gem to develop itself, to move along the intended path. With such a talisman, there is every chance of making a successful career.
  • Virgo. The talisman will overcome natural shyness in Virgo, help develop the qualities of a speaker, give determination and confidence.

With the rest of the signs of the zodiacal circle, the mineral will be almost neutral.


Onyx is an amazing, magical gem. A rare mineral compared to its magical and healing powers. And the natural prevalence of the nugget makes it accessible to every person.

Onyx - magical and healing properties of the mineral

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Black onyx is a fairly rare stone that has black color interspersed with snow-white stripes. In its raw form, it is unattractive and only after passing jewelry processing onyx begins to shine and acquires beauty. The best black onyxes mined in Brazil, Uruguay, the Arabian Peninsula and India.

Significance for a person

The stone has a positive effect on the psyche of its owners - it gives them peace, tranquility, generosity. The stone helps to restrain emotions in stressful situations, preventing the loss of dignity and self-respect. Onyx promotes getting rid of insomnia, depression and feelings of loneliness.

Black onyx is a unique stone, it can literally "pull out" diseases from the host's body. It alleviates the condition and promotes recovery with:

  • infectious problems with the skin;
  • with diseases of the bladder;
  • improves kidney function;
  • stabilizes bowel function.

Onyx promotes improvement and appearance teeth, hair, nails. The stone helps to strengthen the spine and bones, it stabilizes the work internal organs, and for weather-dependent people, it is useful for getting rid of headaches and other unpleasant symptoms that manifest themselves when the weather changes - this is enough put on the forehead for a quarter of an hour beads from a mineral.

The mineral has an amazing property - it helps to cope with obesity and overweight. In order to lose weight, it is enough to eat and drink from dishes made of black onyx.

Magical properties

Black onyx can be even, solid color or have white "streaks" - this does not affect the energy of the stone in any way. On my own the stone is quite strong- it not only cleanses the owner's body of diseases, but also fills it with powerful energy.

Even the laziest owners of onyxes soon note that they have become more in time, but they do not feel tired. Due to this property, the stone is considered useful for businessmen.

This stone helps to concentrate, to complete even the most difficult task. With regular wear, it will help strengthen all organs, improve their work, improve immunity.

Magicians also highly value the stone - it is used in many rites and rituals, because it can concentrate energy and redirect it in the right direction. Another positive quality of onyx used in magic is the beneficial influence on chakras and aura owner.

Who suits?

The stone is suitable for people engaged in entrepreneurial activities - it will strengthen leadership qualities, help to endure the problems that arise. Black onyx is worth wearing and practicing mental activity- students at school or in a higher educational institution, scientists, professors.

Minera is equally favorable for both men and women, but it should be chosen based on your own feelings - if you have pleasant sensations when wearing it, you feel warmth and a surge of energy, then the stone can be worn without removing it.

A rock goes well with bloodstone, aventurine, mother-of-pearl, quartz, jasper, pearls, lapis lazuli and rubellite. Jewelry with this stone, as well as figurines or other decorative crafts, have a beneficial effect on the owner.

Zodiac signs

The stone is suitable for almost all signs:

  • lions, born leaders, will receive great determination and self-confidence from the mineral;
  • crayfish they will become more self-confident, they will receive protection from the influence of others and the negative directed towards them from black onyx;
  • scorpions, constantly wearing black onyx, will become less apathetic and melancholy, a pebble will help them to establish family life and make them more open;
  • Aquarius a stone will help to bring what has been started to the end, since representatives of this sign often quit, being distracted by something more interesting;
  • Taurus a pebble will help to relax, become more self-confident, help to cope with cravings for alcohol or other negative addictions;
  • Aries who constantly wears a stone will become more intelligent and compliant, the mineral will protect the representatives of the sign from directional negativity;
  • energy Libra harmonizes perfectly with the energy of black onyx, so they should often wear jewelry made from this mineral and place a figurine from it on their desktop - thanks to the positive influence of the stone, Libra will become more balanced and will be able to make decisions without hesitation;
  • Virgins a pebble will help restore strength and calm down in a stressful situation;
  • on Streltsov onyx acts favorably, helping them to find harmony and become less changeable;
  • great black onyx Capricorn, helps them in business and other activities, he also guides and helps them make the right decision in a difficult situation.

For Gemini

Wearing onyx is not contraindicated for representatives of this sign - the stone strengthens and develops the qualities of a leader originally inherent in a person, helps to develop creatively and saves from the adverse influence of others.

stone promotes harmony in the soul of Gemini, helps them achieve everything that is planned. But, it is better for this sign to acquire a mineral not black, but a bright and warm color.

Shouldn't be worn black onyx Pisces- it is absolutely not in harmony with the temperament, creativity and ways to achieve the desired, which this sign uses. In a difficult situation in the life of Pisces, onyx will only increase the negative and adverse changes.

Since black onyx accumulates negative energy in itself, it needs to be washed regularly, at least once a week, under cool running water. If you feel that onyx is your stone, then you can wear it practically without taking it off.