
What to do if the child is a vampire. How does it all start? Children's vampirism. How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at home



A lot of information can be found about energy vampires and vampirism. Most often, various tips and techniques are given on how to protect yourself and get rid of the "alien vampire". And if the vampire is your own, dear and beloved child ... You cannot leave him and "you cannot throw out the window." You get it ... This understanding is the first step to healing.

How does a vampire child manifest themselves?

Firstly. He insists on demanding attention in a very specific manner, for example:

"Mom, I want some tea." When the tea is brought, "I do not want tea, I want milk."

Okay, tea has been replaced with milk. "I don't want milk anymore, give me some soup." Etc. etc.

If the mother cannot stand the “bullying”, the child can cry a little, and then play calmly, he doesn't want anything anymore - he got what he wanted.

Mom needs to understand that a child, especially a small child, is not being bullied on purpose, he feels bad ...

Something similar might be happening in the classroom. A student tries to “get hold of” someone, for example: pushes, pricks, pulls on neighbors. If the children did not react, they are focused, for example, on the test, the energy vampire will attract the teacher's attention. It can happen something like this: the child will tap a pencil on the desk - the teacher will make a remark to him, in a minute he will drop something - the teacher will make a remark to him, he will noisily look for something in the portfolio - depending on patience and tact, the teacher will make him a remark will either be expelled from the class, or will somehow react outwardly.

But, for sure, after the second remark, the teacher will feel tension, internal irritation, anger, and then indignation, possibly resentment. It does not matter how she acts outwardly: “calmly” puts her in the corridor or yells - there is a release of energy directed at this student.

The student, even if he remained in his place, immediately calms down and begins to study with concentration together with all the children. He received the energy he was missing. And he did this because he felt very bad, he could not concentrate on the task, he could not listen attentively, he simply could not sit still - he was internally “exhausted”. If you do not help such a child from the outside, in the future he will become "unbearable".

Think about it! What kind of energy does he receive from loved ones, from those around him? The energy of irritation, evil, hatred, anger, ... Every year the "attacks of hunger" will be longer. And the kindness, tenderness is less and less. And this person will try to constantly anger someone, "piss him off" by all sorts of means available to him. (In SN Lazarev's book "Man of the Future. Raising Parents" it is written that a pedophile is an energy vampire who feeds on the energy of fear, humiliation, pain. Therefore, pedophiles are often sadists in order to get as much of this energy as possible.)

You yourself have probably experienced this at least once in your life. For example: You are at home. I ought to do something. Take a book - you can't read it, you don't understand the meaning of the words. You turn on the TV - you cannot understand the meaning of what you hear. If you have favorite hobby, and his occupation "does not work." And so on and so forth.

The main thing in such a situation is what you feel inside yourself ... Unpleasant whining in the center of your chest, like a feeling of hunger, some kind of longing, restlessness, emptiness, melancholy ... When you understand that everything - you can no longer tolerate such a state, you need to go somewhere go down. To a neighbor, for example, or to a friend - complain about life. (Variants of the development of events in the article "We all vampire a little bit" - role-playing game"Neighbors").

This is what a child feels like. He cannot do otherwise. He needs energy to live on. Why he ended up without natural, cosmic recharge - we'll talk later.

And now let's return to the topic of our conversation "How to help your child - an energy vampire."

Secondly. Such "attacks" of a child's behavior, unpleasant for others, to put it mildly, occur periodically: for someone after 2-3 weeks, for someone after a month or two (depending on whether the inflow of the cosmic energy flow is completely closed or partially) ...

We must also draw your attention to the fact that after a mother or a teacher, or a neighbor, internally or externally, “lost her temper”, “threw out her energy,” the vampire child becomes affectionate, attentive, kind, caring, ... contrast and should alert, push to understand the situation.

So, your actions:

1. If you notice this frequency, you can mark the date on the calendar for the start of such abnormal behavior of the child to check your doubts.

2. Remember the previous incidents. How long did they last? How did it end? When it all started, from birth, or such "seizures" appeared some time ago. Depending on the age, you will understand: the child was born a vampire or became one as a result of some very painful incident for him.

3. When you have realized everything and understood that the child is not to blame, he is very unhappy (after all, he cannot understand, know why this is happening to him, he suffers from a feeling of guilt for having upset his loved ones; he suffers, feeling cold and the remoteness of his parents, he feels lonely and helpless; he doesn't mind ...), and only you are to blame for his behavior ...

Then, the feeling of love, tenderness, warmth, remorse, a desire to help, save, surging inside your chest, will help your child to heal, to become a normal, calm, benevolent, loving child.

4. Check the calendar - is the “fateful” date coming soon? Don't wait for her! After all, your child's energy is running out, and he already feels “out of place”. You probably noticed this: he can flare up "out of the blue", refuse to do something unmotivated, can spend time aimlessly, not being interested in anything, feel tired, etc.

5. Give up all your important and urgent matters. There is nothing more important than your child! The moment you saw that he is passionate about something, for example: draws, does homework ...

6. You stand behind him (distance doesn't matter) and look at him lovingly. Feel this love in the center of your chest, in your soul, in your heart. Don't think, don't talk about it - feel it! It is the feeling that is the energy. Imagine how you send him these feelings, imagine how your energy of love envelops him, shelters him from all misfortunes in the world. Have tears appeared in your eyes from an excess of feelings? Wonderful! Continue to hold on to these emotions as long as you can.

7.If you see that you have the opportunity to treat a child, but the feeling of love in your chest did not appear ... Remember him when he was very, very young, how he gagged and smiled, how he hugged you and kissed you in an outburst of his open childish sincerity ... Or any other situation when you looked at him with affection, enthusiasm, ... Remember those moments when, out of an excess of feelings, you wanted to hug him and press him tightly to your chest, as if trying to become one with him ...

8) Recall those most important loving people feelings and give them to your child, not once or twice, but as often as possible. If your child was born as a vampire, his upper chakra is closed. It will take a lot of time and your efforts, your energy to completely correct his condition. But don't you owe him? It is your responsibility to correct your mistakes.

9. To find out why you have such a child, you need to understand, remember your "crime".

There are a lot of types of physical (with physical crimes, everything is clear without explanation) and moral crimes leading to the birth of a child - an energy vampire. About them, with examples, it is well written in one of the first books by SN Lazarev "Diagnostics of Karma" (in which one, I do not remember).

I will try to briefly, in my own words, talk about one of the most common options.

Situation. The girl meets the boy. At some point, she realizes that she doesn't like him, annoys her, for example: with her sweaty palms, or bad breath, or his nose is crooked - it doesn't matter. And she, without thinking twice, abruptly, in a rude form, and perhaps with a mockery and with a desire to humiliate (so that he surely left behind her) tells him about the gap between them, because he has ...

For him, this is a huge stress, a tragedy (especially if he cannot correct his physical disability, or he has overestimated ambitions, pride, a sense of increased importance, and maybe just mental problems). The options in the consequence of the behavior, actions of the outcast gentleman, as you know, are endless.

The young man decides to take revenge on all the girls: he meets, looks after, falls in love with himself and ... abandons her. Perhaps with the same words that I heard from my first beloved. After all, girls also have disadvantages.

Someday he will marry without much love, for the sake of decency, or he needs a mistress in the house (the reason is again unimportant). They may have children. The life of a wife and children in such a family will be hell: the husband and father will humiliate, offend, find fault with trifles ...

And what about the girl? She can meet another, corresponding to her, guy, get married. And they will have a son. Yes, there he is. He is an energy vampire, because he will be born with a closed upper chakra, without access to cosmic, Divine energy, “cursed” - call it what you want.

Why? The girl, having humiliated her first beloved, committed a moral crime. Because the consequences affected not only her life. Fates turned out to be ruined: young men, maybe dozens of girls, deceived by him, his wife, their children, the parents of this young man and his wife (after all, they are also experiencing, seeing the unsuccessful life of their children, the sufferings of their grandchildren), we can also mention the parents of the deceived girls, grandparents ... The girl's husband, his and her parents, educators, teachers, classmates of such a child ...

One rash act and a huge "lump" of ruined destinies ...

Of course, if love has passed and the relationship has begun to cause, to put it mildly, discomfort (Read the article "How to understand whether I like a girl or not?" In the "Articles" section), it is probably better to leave. But it is necessary to talk about this calmly, without humiliating a person's personal dignity, without indicating physical disabilities (for which the person is not to blame and, in most cases, cannot correct them).

Energy vampires in the family - what to do?

Energy vampires in the family can be very dangerous, as, without realizing that they have such a unique and terrible gift, people can harm their loved ones. Don't panic, however, as there are many ways you can protect yourself from the energy vampire's husband, mother, and child.

Energy vampires in the family - husband

Before assuring that there really is an individual in your family who actually siphons emotions and strength out of you, you need to go through a special one that will help you confirm or deny fears.

Unfortunately, the presence of energy vampires in the circle of close relatives is not an uncommon case, and often people need to get along under the same roof with those who in every possible way draws vitality from them. What if the husband is an energy vampire, and how to protect yourself from him?

Unfortunately, even the most dear person can be dangerous, but don't panic right away. If you are convinced that your spouse really has an unsafe and strong gift, then the first thing to do is to carry out the same analysis for all the people who live with you under the same roof.

If the combination is favorable, then there is nothing to worry about. It is quite possible that in your case the presence in the family is necessary. But if a donor, a victim (especially if it is a child) lives in the same apartment or house with such a person, then serious measures must be taken.

To do this, you first need to talk to your spouse. If he unknowingly harms others and is not happy about it himself, then there is an opportunity to find the simplest solution to the problem. For this, a man needs to receive all this charge of power that he pumps out of you, from something else.

First of all, it can be doing what you love, frequent walks in nature, visiting special places of power where you can recharge. In this case, the person will be literally overwhelmed with positive energy, and he simply will not need to draw strength from other people.

Of course, if a person denies having such a gift or is not going to change anything, then more radical methods should be adopted. Of course, the easiest way is to break such an alliance.

If this is not an option, then you need to use several techniques that will allow you to build protective barriers and, of course, arm yourself with special amulets that will not give the vampire the opportunity to attack you.

What else can you do if you are a husband? Save yourself from such an impact by simply embroidering ordinary rings on any clothes, linen, tablecloths and towels (you need to embroider two red circles). They are called rings of fire. It is enough to embroider small circles.

Such a protective sign will reliably protect you from negative influences. Also, make sure that your spouse drank alcohol as little as possible; from alcoholic beverages, evil spirits usually become more aggressive.

Dealing with individuals who can siphon vitality from you in a work collective or on the street is, of course, much easier than constantly fighting such a monster within the walls of your home. But, unfortunately, no one is safe from the fact that his closest people - parents - can have such a gift. Standard methods can be used as protection.

Be sure to carry amulets with you. Place them in different rooms, as soon as you feel that the mother is trying to provoke you into a conflict, be sure to put a barrier in front of you.

If a person does not want to do anything with himself and denies the fact that he is harming you (either unintentionally or knowingly), this will have to be dealt with by a more radical method (to limit communication). It is much worse if your mom, dad, brothers and sisters are not attacking you, but your children.

It is much easier to protect yourself from negative influences than a child. And convince loving grandmother or an aunt in the fact that by her actions she devastates the baby and deprives him of vitality, of course, it is almost impossible. Most likely, your words will simply not be taken seriously.

If your child is still very young, place icons, a crucifix, amulets in his room, pour quaternary salt and a consecrated poppy at the threshold and on the windowsill. You can also put a small package with these ingredients in your baby's bed.

If the child has already grown up, talk to him frankly, tell him who energy vampires are and how you can.

It is possible that the ability to take human energy even a child can possess. That is why you need to immediately explain to him how you can control his amazing abilities. Conduct a conversation with the child, describe how exactly such an influence of his can affect other people.

Also, be sure to keep your child busy. Give him the opportunity to do what he loves, to develop, to be often on the street, to be charged with positive energy. You don't need to force the child to do something through force, bother him so much that he gets very tired, because otherwise the evil little vampire will pump out even more energy from his loved ones.

Abilities (especially small children) can be blocked using special talismans (those used for protection will also work). Using such tactics, you will not only protect relatives and strangers from harmful effects, but also will not harm your child.

Ignore any attempts to drain your life force as much as possible. If you understand that the baby deliberately pisses you off, provokes aggression, complains, cries for no reason and tries to pity you, then you should not follow his lead.

It will probably be difficult to ignore this behavior, but understand, paying attention to such a provocation, you will make it even worse.

It is actually possible to live with an energy vampire under one roof, but there are many methods that will help disarm a relative with such a gift and protect yourself. Your task is to understand that the person did not choose such abilities for himself and he really needs your support.

Dhampir is the child of a vampire and a human woman. This phenomenon is quite new and very rare in the history of vampirism. Vampire mythology does not store information about such phenomena.

It used to be thought that vampires were unable to reproduce physically. They considered their "children" those whom they converted, a close bond was established between them, the "parents" taught and took care of the "children."

But recently it turned out that some vampires have living sex hormones and are able to activate the physiological processes associated with sex and reproduction. The child of such a vampire and man is called a dhampir. According to some sources, the first dhampirs appeared in the second half of the last century. Vampires often engage in sexual relations with their victims, but not every woman can conceive a child for a vampire, just as not every person can be turned into a vampire. Only a select few will get this role.

Dhampirs can be compared to revenants, who in the world of darkness are called people born of a ghoul mother (in Arab mythology, Jin is female). They possess the powers and weaknesses of ghouls, but they do not need to drink vampire blood to sustain life. Life expectancy is quite long, about 400 years. In addition, revenants can prolong life in the same way as ghouls. They breed like humans, the child of two revenants is also a revenant. Some vampires use them as their servants, and those who excel can be promoted by vampires.

Although dhampirs grow up at human speed, they live for a very long time and they do not need to feed on blood for this, some may not even know about their origin. A dampir, unlike a vampire, cannot make a person a vampire.

For the most part, dhampirs are a threat to vampires, becoming professional vampire hunters. What is the reason for this hatred?

Over the years, the human half of the dhampir rejects the thirst for blood. As a result of the anger that arose, fangs grow in the dhampirs, their lips turn pale and a terrible hunger torments them. But they are able to cope with it, hatred gives them strength, agility and invulnerability. On the one hand, they have many of the strengths of vampires, on the other, they lack the natural weaknesses of a vampire. Their innate hostility has given them a special flair for recognizing and locating the vampire or their lair.

The light half of the dhampirs rejects the desire to drink human blood, but in rare cases, for example, in case of wounds, they simply need blood to recuperate. They, unlike vampires, are not afraid of garlic, aspen cola (if it does not pierce the heart), etc., since they are at the highest stage of evolution. Dhampir is a living person, even if he lives longer than any mortal and five times stronger. In other words, it is the perfect vampire killing machine.

The history of vampirism contains information about the dampir-hunter Murat Barnabar, who lived among the gypsies and wielded in the region of Kosovo-Metohija, Serbia. In the 50s, he achieved great success in his business.

For example, in the film "Dracula Andy Warhol" by Kim Newman, a person who has become a vampire for a short time is called a dhampir.

In the encyclopedia “I get to know the world. Unclean power ”it is said that dhampirs, on the contrary, are very weak and barely live to thirty, but at the same time they skillfully destroy vampires, and they never have children.

I. Origins
Dampirs are the children of human women and male vampires. Vampires are creatures frozen in their development, they do not change, do not age and, consequently, do not die. These points are followed by the fact that a vampire woman is not able to have children, her body loses this function with circulation. Male vampires are more fortunate - they can conceive a child with a human woman (men do not change from puberty to death, and they do not have specific years for conception or cycles of the ability to reproduce offspring).
Just as the dhampir is unusual, everything that precedes its appearance is unusual, from the union of a man and a vampire, ending with the life of this creature. Pregnancy falls in the interval between one and the other. Dhampirs appear like human children through childbirth. But pregnancy is not included in the category of something very human and ordinary: 9 months are equated in this case with 19-20 days, that is, every day is equal to about two weeks.
Since the creature that a person bears is half a vampire, it follows that it feeds on blood, and since everything that surrounds the little dhampir is the mother's womb, he feeds on her blood. Thus, the woman's body is depleted and pallor and pain become companions of a pregnant woman with a dhampir.
The mother's immune system weakens and the temperature constantly changes - a consequence of the fact that the fetus does not allow her to eat properly, in principle, to eat at all, anything other than blood, the body simply begins to reject human food. The conclusion follows: the fetus is not compatible with the woman's body.
The longer the period, the more it affects the health of the woman, the dhampir grows and gains strength, but this strength is the heritage of the father and in this regard, every movement of the crumbs breaks a couple of three bones, which is why the woman's belly is covered with bruises. It is also worth noting that the shell around the child - a gift from daddy - is as hard as the skin of a vampire, which does not allow an ultrasound or an injection in the stomach, which means that it is simply impossible to learn anything about the fetus, right up to its appearance. In the last hours of being in the mother's womb, the dhampir breaks down the most important bones of a woman, namely the spine and pelvic bones, after which he literally gnaws his way into the world, thereby killing his mother.

II. Appearance
These little monsters inherited a lot of data from vampires, appearance is one of these points. Pallor is still an expressive feature of the child of a vampire and a man, only to the beautiful porcelain skin, as an addition, there is a slight charming blush. The color of the eyes carries more human on both sides, that is, the color of the eyes of the child can be inherited from both the woman and the male vampire (for example, if the color of his eyes was green during his lifetime, then it is quite possible that the baby will get exactly that eye color). Also, this seemingly beautiful creature inherits the gracefulness of movements - from an early age you can catch these inclinations in dhampirs; the melodic voice still resembles the ringing of bells and partly, the smell - their smell is different from the smell of vampires and is attractive, both for vampires and for the Changing werewolves. A mixture of great perfume and simple human scent is a good compromise.

III. Physiology
Let's remember those 9 months of gestation, which were replaced by 20 days ... The growth rate of dampirs does not disappear, but slows down, starting at nothing upon reaching 7 years of life, that is, after 7 years they no longer grow, do not change, do not age - they are immortal, like the fathers. At the age of 7, dhampirs already look great 18. The color of the eyes also does not change anymore, remaining human, and the pale, seemingly porcelain skin is actually like a stone - just as strong, only the blush can be misleading. Despite the hereditary pallor, the body temperature of a dhampir is much higher than that of a vampire and is almost equal to the body temperature of a changing werewolf (about 38, 4 degrees). It should be noted that most of the superdata is inherited from vampires: strength, speed, hearing, sight, smell - everything is many times superior to human data. But since the dhampir is one half a vampire, and the other half a man, it is not surprising that blood flows in the veins of these creatures, and their heart beats, although their heartbeat is hardly comparable to that of a human, it is several times faster. It is also worth noting that dhampirs need air and sleep. As for the diet, this is already a matter of choice: dhampirs can eat human food, or they can consume blood in the same way as vampires when hunting people or animals. Most often, little dhampirs are preferable to the blood of people, but everything depends on further education, willpower and decision.
Dampirs also have the ability to cry, which vampires lack, due to their immutability of bodies and many other factors.
As for the poisonousness, only male dhampirs have it, which means that they can also turn people, but not into dhampirs, but into vampires. Dhampirs-women are safe in this regard.

IV. sunlight
Although dhampirs and descendants of vampires, the sunlight does not matter to them. These creatures can safely move in sunny weather, surrounded by people and not be afraid of any kind of exposure. Their skin is not full of glow like a vampire's, it only glows faintly, giving their personality more mystery, grace and mystery.

V. Abilities
Dampirs, although not as majestic and dangerous as their fathers, but still not reckoning with them and their strength will be one of the biggest mistakes in the world. Dampirs, as mentioned earlier, inherited immortality from vampires, but in addition to this, they have strength, speed and silence in their trump cards, which of course are not as developed as that of vampires, but are many times superior to humans. And this is not to mention hearing, vision, smell and touch, which are also much more developed than human ones. Hearing the beating of a person's heart, being a few meters from him, hearing the conversation of people a hundred meters away - all this is also within the power of a dampir. It is the same with other senses.

Vi. Talents
If, in the case of vampires, some of their human qualities increase many times over when converted, creating a platform for the emergence of a special gift, then everything is somewhat different. The abilities that the father possessed - a vampire, and those makings of abilities that could appear in the mother when turning into a vampire, are reflected, creating the complete opposite of parental gifts. For example, if a vampire was a shield for psychological attacks, then it is likely that no shields will have any effect on the dampir's gift, that is, no one will be able to prevent them from entering their mind.

Vii. How to kill a dhampir?
In this case, all the points for the most part coincide with the points of methods for killing a vampire. Only in this case, in a battle: a vampire against a dhampir, the battle can end disastrously for the dhampir and without being torn apart, but it is pointless to expect a fatal outcome - regeneration is also inherited by these creatures from vampires, although not so fast, but still.
This means that the usual methods that act on people, in this case, are just as useless as in relation to vampires. To kill a dhampir, he must be torn to pieces and burned. It is just as important that all parts of the body are devoted to the fire, otherwise everything is meaningless.

VIII. Smell
The smell of dhampirs is somewhat different from the smell of vampires and is attractive for both vampires and Changing werewolves, and there is nothing to write about people. For humans, the scent of dhampirs is almost as delicious as the scent of vampires, not so sweet, but still as attractive. A mixture of a wonderful perfume and a simple human scent, the scent of blood, is a good compromise for all creatures.

IX. Weak spots
Dhampirs are morally right
are virtually as fragile as humans. Fatigue, depression, migraines are not alien to them, only diseases for dhampirs are still as safe as for vampires. The structure of their brain also has its own differences from the human and the vampire - they have the ability to think about a lot They are capable of feeling everything at the same time many times stronger than any person. The difference from the activity of the vampire brain is the ability to concentrate on important events and do not let them out of your head until they are resolved, which means that their appearance is not so susceptible to distraction. They also have a phenomenal memory, they can even remember the moment of their birth. Dampirs are also capable of higher feelings, such as love and hate, but unlike humans, they put more feelings into it, because they have eternity ahead of them, and there is quite a lot of room in their hearts.
Weaknesses also come from moral and mental gaps in the defense. Hits on family and friends, depression and problems - all this is tiring, brings bitterness, and so on. Etc
Awda dhampirs have a rather human expression of bitterness and pain - tears.
Dhampirs can also be harmed by the teeth of another male vampire / dhampir, or by the teeth of a werewolf, which leave scars invisible to humans on their bodies.

No strength! Maybe someone had this, help ...

I have two children, the eldest son is a vampire, the youngest daughter is a donor, if it weren’t for my daughter I wouldn’t be there, the son would have sucked everything. I'll tell you from the beginning, but I'll try in the stealth.

With my first pregnancy, health problems came to me. I lost consciousness, my head was constantly spinning, sometimes I didn't even have the strength to breathe, nothing helped, no one could identify a clear reason for these phenomena. The son was born, sick and very weak, while he was in intensive care, I went to see him every day across the city, it seemed that I was more or less healthy (at that time I thought it was bad, but what happened later changed my opinion). Then I lay with him in the hospital, it was hell, every day, as on schedule, I had a headache, the head that flowed so that tears flowed, paralyzed my face, did not see, did not hear, periodically came to fainting, nothing helped, the only thing that made me happy this is what my mother helped, after work she went to us ...

My son is 3 months old, we are at home, after the operation, it seems that everything is over, but it was not there ... My legs are taken away, if I move, the doctors said that he should not cry, you need to do anything to calm him down and I did, through tears and terrible pain, wore and rocked, walked on her knees ... He was almost half a year since my legs were almost completely taken away (I forgot to clarify, we don't have a dad, we live with my parents). My mother began to understand that this was no longer normal and began to examine me, it turned out that I had 4 spinal hernias and a brain cyst. They began to actively treat me, they sent me to a sanatorium myself, it became easier there, returned, went to work, because I realized that when I was not at home, I felt much better. Since I spent the night at home anyway, I ate the evening and night, insomnia, if I managed to fall asleep, I dreamed of horrors, very realistic, began to go crazy, it constantly seemed to me that there was someone nearby, I was sure that it was death, abruptly Opening my eyes I saw a leaving shadow, in short, I got a little crazy ...

Leshka is one year and three months old, I can't stand it and leave home. Insomnia and horror ceases after two weeks. I still lost consciousness and periodically could not walk, but still it became easier, and most importantly, calmer ...

For three years, I lived at home, then no, when I realized that I had no more strength, that I was losing my mind, I left as soon as my strength returned, went to live home.

My son is almost 4, I am returning home, pregnant with my second child. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was sure that I could not stand it because I was insanely sick, I thought the spine would not stand it, but oddly enough, everything went well, I endured it for up to 40 weeks without saving. My daughter was born and my health and strength again appeared, I do not lose consciousness, my back hurts no more than ordinary mom who carries the child for half a day, she smiles and wants to live ...

Now, my son is 6, my daughter is one and a half, I love them very much and try to give them as much as possible in everything, materially, morally, spiritually, but there is a problem, the son is a terrible vampire, for the last 2 years, somehow it was normal, my daughter gave energy, and here she can’t cope, and he is furious.

So ... my biggest problem is that I am afraid of my son, he was always harmful, but lately it’s generally horror, he hits and pushes me and Margosha (my daughter). Yelling, roaring, hysterical, I tried everything, but the further the more difficult it becomes, it becomes absolutely uncontrollable, I cannot watch it without tears, I constantly cry and feel that I’m starting to get depressed, I’m struggling with it, but really no forces .... Leshka constantly provokes conflicts in the family, when we swear he smiles, tried to talk to him about it, says that he likes it when they yell at me. The last straw was that he told me today "Mom, when you die everything will be fine, grandma will become my mother" Lately he often says that I will die soon, he can feel it, but why does he like it?

It seems that I wrote so much, but in fact this is not enough to understand the whole horror of the situation and convey my despair. Help, please, can someone tell me how to behave? what to do? how to live?

Who among us does not remember ourselves in childhood. It is at this age, from birth to graduation, that vampirism is born. Every person goes through this phase of development, but it still cannot be called a disease. The child is pure, this is an Angel sent to us by God, and only we are responsible for the fact that he can develop the disease of vampirism.

While the child is helpless, he just needs us to pay attention to him: we played and walked with him, to tell him fairy tales and sing songs, to teach him to draw, build, tinker, etc. Remember how your parents treated you, constantly drove you away from themselves, or patiently worked with you?

A child in a family is a sacred duty of parents, especially a mother, to devote themselves to his upbringing, to give the child the warmth of his soul, to teach him to rejoice and love. But you can teach this only by loving your child, and this is what children often lack. Quite often we see parental indifference and irritation. It is in this field that vampirism is born.

Child vampirism Is a punishment for parents and adults. A child is an indicator of the family's soul, a "litmus test" of the quality of the energies in which he lives, with which he comes in contact. It is known that a child is always drawn to a pure, bright and joyful person, and begins to be capricious in the presence of a bad person with a difficult character. And if your child annoys you all the time, admit that you are a difficult person, that you are always better off without him than with him, that he is like a stone, like a load, crushing the soul. This means that you are a vampire to your child, and not vice versa. Who will admit this? But from the outside it is more visible how you treat your child, how you shout, scold, beat him in front of everyone. And at this time your face becomes bestial, predatory, a barking voice, and a nervous tremor runs through your body. You are no longer a man, Remember this, because from the outside it is more visible.

We must help the child to learn about the world, charge him with interest, and captivate him with a personal example. If we do not give the child our love, joy and knowledge, if we say - leave me alone, tired, go play yourself - then he is capricious, and grows up - bickers, grows up - rude.

In these contradictions, we break down and throw out hatred and irritation on the child. Instead of pure energies, you threw the accumulated dirt of your soul on him, and he calmed down, he recharged. But with what?

This is how a child lives, recharging himself at home, at school and on the street with the energy waste of adults and peers. He gets the contemptuous label "oohlamon", "idiot", "redneck", etc. He is already looking for the strength by which he is accustomed to live. He needs to break and destroy, swear and be rude, drink and smoke, and all this for show, in order to cause obvious or latent irritation of others in order to recharge. He does not understand this, here the instinct of self-survival is acting in him unconsciously. And then all life will be subordinated to this animal instinct for self-preservation, most often with a primitive mind. It is good if on his way there is a teacher, friend or girlfriend who will show him the joy of life, love for his neighbor and for knowledge, if they open the spiritual world to him, then he will be saved.

Children's vampirism manifests itself through early cruelty to plants and animals, to peers and parents. Frequent grievances inflicted on the child's soul form that niche in it in which negative energy accumulates.

Now it has become fashionable to keep a dog in a city apartment. But do parents see their children walking with their “beloved” friend? If a child is not loved in the family, this is immediately evident in his relationship with the dog on the street. An early manifestation of vampirism can be seen in these actions of the child. And then it becomes clear that there are more frequent cases of dog attacks on children.

If not parents, then who will take over moral education children? Kindergartens, schools, churches or colonies? Who? Perhaps only an early Christian upbringing of a child can prevent the development of vampirism.

How can we evaluate a teacher who has many students - poor students? He does not like his work, he cannot captivate with his subject, interest and prove that his knowledge is the most important in a person's life. Not to force, but to drag you into the world that you have built for yourself. If this is not the case, then the student unconsciously begins to take the teacher out of mental equilibrium. Not receiving the joy of cognition, these subtle and pure energies, the student shakes out at least some energy from the teacher. He unconsciously does not allow himself to be robbed and begins to vampire from the teacher. And then another hidden meaning of the "winged" phrase of the teachers becomes clear: "Either I, or ..!"

A student's grades are an indicator of his attitude to the teacher. If it's from two to three, then this student does not want you to teach him. You are disgusting to him, because there are no uninteresting objects. Perhaps that is why in American schools only he himself, the teacher and the parents know about the grades of the student. Telling everyone in a row how your student learns, you thereby open your attitude towards him: you are a friend and helper to him or ...

Education is the path of service. And therefore, children's vampirism should be the first signal that a future citizen is in trouble. If at home, in the family, he is not dealt with, then this is your holy mission before the Motherland, before God.

By the age of twelve, a child can freely argue, defend his interests and views. He should have his own natural interest in life: sports, technology, art, nature, books, etc. But here we see that he is not interested in anything, does not care, he does not want to make efforts for his spiritual and intellectual development.

His desires fit into only two terms: "give" and "want". All your attempts to draw a teenager into the world of spiritual joy are broken up in the flesh: "And what will I have from this?" This is an already formed vampire. I have met adult people with vampirism, and after a long study of the circumstances of their life, I discovered that the cause of this condition was the school and even a particular teacher. Indeed, some of our teachers are already in the habit of humiliating and insulting the student in front of the class, peers, school and even parents. But I do not want to be angry, but to put everything in its place, to say directly and openly. Such teachers need to be driven away from children, from kindergartens, schools, technical schools and universities, so as not to infect children with the virus of vampirism. By the age of fourteen, many children are sick with chronic vampirism. And there is a great life ahead, but what kind? Trouble for the family in which the vampire child grows up, but three times grief for the family that he will create for himself. This will be discussed below.