
If a vampire made a child to a man to a girl. How does it all start? Children's vampirism. Energy vampires in the family - what to do


Under the term "energy vampirism" you need to understand such relationships between people in which there is a power withdrawal of vitality. "Don't be nervous," says the doctor. “Be calm,” says the psychologist, not understanding that there are people who deliberately provoke us to breakdowns and irritations, because this is the only way to take away our vitality.

These people are vampires, they draw, shake out and suck our psychic energy in all ways available to them. Vampirism is energy looting. At the same time, the vampire always becomes easy and good, and the donor, or the vampire's victim, always remains "broken" and sick.

Esotericists divide energy vampires into solar and lunar. The energy of the solar vampire people is hot and dry, always aggressive. We say that this is a cruel person, a bloodsucker and a sadist. They themselves attack the "victim", provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental and physical pain.

The energy of the lunar vampire people is the opposite of the solar energy. She is cold and wet. If the solar vampire is an energy bandit, then the moon vampire is an energy thief, quiet and secretive. He always cries about his problems, pretends to be deaf and incomprehensible. It's a bore. He does not swear, does not quarrel, does not prove, he whines and this brings us out of balance.

Energy vampires in family

There are many subtle energy connections in families that can be confused with vampirism. Therefore, let us clarify that a vampire loves only himself, he does not know how to love others and enjoy life. Even in the family moon vampires they are always aggressive and daily carry out an energy shake-up for the whole family or one of its members.

The first indicator of vampirism among spouses is JEALY. Jealousy is not love, but vampires' tricks to keep their victim in constant energy (psychic) ​​tension and breakdown. family dramas on the basis of jealousy almost always lead to the breakup of the family. In the meantime, while they are together, the vampire spouse, through jealousy, provokes the spouse's donor for his energy supply.

It is very difficult for one of the spouses to live in constant tension and proof of their love and devotion. Jealousy is a disease of a deaf, blind and callous person, it is vampirism. The vampire does not see or hear the object of his love until he shakes him with an energy visor. And only after that can he crucify his false feelings. It is hard for the heart without love, it is hard for the body without a heart, - one might say, to paraphrase Homer.

Is it necessary to prove that love does not need proof, that one lives in love with one breath, that love is always afraid of offending one's neighbor, that true love is not tormented by doubts of fidelity. Yes, we need to prove it, because we live, not knowing with whom, we humiliate ourselves and come up with excuses: being jealous means loving. But in fact, it turns out that he is proud, suspicious, distrustful and sick with vampirism.

The French philosopher Rene Descartes said: “Jealousy is a kind of fear when you want to retain the possession of some kind of good, considering yourself unworthy, and therefore suspicious and distrustful.”

When looking for a spouse, we often focus on the appearance or financial situation of a partner. This gives rise to imaginary love, it will definitely show the effect of vampirism. "Blind love" is always involved in carnal passions, and then these passions will shake the soul. Jealousy is a vice, it is spiritual, intellectual and physical limitation. Therefore, the soul suffers, the mind does not know what it is doing, and the body beats in search of strength.

Very often in family relationships mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law act as vampires, but not to their children, but to those whom their children have chosen as their spouses. True, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law are also not gifts. One wise man said that whoever got a good son-in-law, he also gained a son, and whoever got a bad one, he also lost his daughter.

Once, after a lecture, a young woman came up to me and said that she had only now realized that her mother-in-law was a pure vampire. I asked her not to say anything more, and I myself gave a picture of how her mother-in-law behaves in the family. I spoke at length and in detail, and the woman told me that she had the feeling that I had lived in their apartment for many years. Let me briefly retell this story.

Every day, when you come home from work, you must have front door meets mother-in-law. She spits out words that make you explode. There are always a lot of reasons and reasons: I did something wrong, put it in, removed it. It doesn’t matter what, where and how, the main thing is to catch on, turn on the trigger of your feelings, cause a surge of emotions and irritations. And she does it easily. At the same time, opening her mouth, she, smacking her lips, swallows your junk energy. Everything. The conflict is over before the end of the next day, when you return from work.

All evening and the next morning, the mother-in-law no longer screams at you, does not swear. She can stroke you and ask for forgiveness, becomes quiet, like a mouse, and affectionate, like a cat. You forgive her everything, but your strength and health are gone, you cannot pay attention to your children and your husband, go to bed early. You wake up hard in the morning.

And during the day at your favorite job, in the joy of communication, you are again charged with pure human feelings, but this is only up to the threshold of the house. Your mother-in-law feels how you got off the bus, entered the entrance, into the elevator ... She is already at the door and is “sincerely glad” to meet you. You could give her your love and joy, but this is not there, and then you become the only salvation for her life, but for this you need to be shaken, blown up ...

If at least once, - I continue, - to her words, bitter and offensive, you would say: “YES! I’m SUCH!”, and at the same time, proudly raising their heads, they went into the apartment, then your mother-in-law, who had thrown out the rest of her strength and received nothing in return, would have collapsed right there, insensibly softening at the door.

Lord, - the woman says to me, - once it happened. I did not respond to her rudeness, smiled and went into the room. I hear something fall, I turn around, and this mother-in-law is lying at the door and does not move. I don't understand what happened, what happened. The children ran out of the room, the husband: "What did you do with your grandmother?" I was taken aback. I began to assure them that I myself would not understand, that I didn’t even come close, she herself fell. The whole family began to bring her to life - it did not work. called out ambulance- to no avail. The ambulance took her to the hospital, and she lay there for two months.

Here I again suggested that if she had another son or daughter, then after the hospital she should have gone to live with one of them, but she never returned to you.

Yes, - the woman answered, - she really went to live with another son, with another daughter-in-law.

Here, - I conclude, - it turns out that there is a trick against scrap, as they say among the people. And then, when the children grow up, the grandmother will shake the forces out of them too. With relatives, this is always easier to do and there are plenty of motives.

Another woman told me that only now, after the lecture, she understood why every year, when she leaves for the country, for the whole summer, her mother-in-law, having lost a donor, ends up in the hospital and lies there all summer. What about the staff at the hospital? Sick relatives, whether at home or in the hospital, on petty grievances, annoying others, support their existence.

Naturally, lying in bed, sometimes for years, they are forced to take strength from those around them. And this is an indicator that they will have to lie down for a long time, and medicines and therapy will not have the desired effect on them. Apparently, hospitals need to create an entertainment industry to brighten up their gray existence. We need comfort, interiors, music, needlework. And the house? And again the poems of Pushkin come to mind, which laments:

But, my God, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
Not leaving and a step away!
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself:
"When will the devil take you!"

And in those distant times, they also did not know how to treat vampires ..!

Turn on the “triple heater” of your soul for your sick relatives. It will displace, dissolve the heavy energies of illness and fill the body with a new quality.

I knew a woman whose son and mother are vampires. The son is a drug addict, and the mother has been bedridden for several years. Both shake her daily, but she still loves them, pities them and gives all of herself to serve them. Every three days, her mother makes her faint, but her love for her mother brings the woman back to life. The son threatens to kill every day, and she forgives him everything.

After the lecture, she wrote in her note: “I realized that I am a classic donor, thank you, you charged me with good energy and distracted me from terrible thoughts with your lecture. Without knowing it, you cut off my last hope. This means that this is my fate - a test and punishment for my son.

Now he is in the hospital and curses me, but love and pity are much greater than my fear of him - much more! And let him kill, but I love him! And I won’t go on vacation even for one day, because there is no one to leave my mother with, she has terrible pains. I have to be there and make her life easier.”

Yes, love does wonders! But an even greater miracle is something else. If you sincerely and lovingly tell your sick relative who does not get out of bed that it is you who are to blame for his illness, that it was you who brought him to the state in which he is now, if you manage to convince him of this and ask him forgiveness (and this is not difficult to do, because he already believes that you and those around him are to blame for this), then it is then, having begged, having received his FORGIVENESS, the Miracle happens. Your bedridden relative begins to revive. On the same day or the next, he will get out of bed on his own, begin to walk, eat, sing songs, etc.

Your life will change radically, but from now on you must become an altruist - to live for others, completely devoting yourself to serving people, helping them. Forget about yourself, this is your cross, but this is a good cross, it will bring you spiritual happiness.

Only in this way will you burn the Karma of a relative transferred to you, extinguish your Karma, and the family curse will stop.

Here is another example, told by a woman in Perm, when I gave a course of lectures there. It refers to the most inhuman kind of family vampirism - energy looting. There is insidiousness and cruelty in it, it cannot even be called an animal, because animals do not suffer from a lack of energy, they live in harmony with nature. Here is the story.

“Every morning, for many years, I hear from my mother, and she is already 77 years old, the same words: “You haven’t died yet?! When will you die ?!” This is how my day starts.You can get used to it and not get annoyed, but the mother, getting no response, falls to the floor and starts biting her hands and scratching her face.

At the same time, she makes animal sounds, to which the neighbors come running. She shows them what, supposedly, I did to her. The neighbors know that I'm not like that, they feel sorry for me, and they are secretly, and sometimes even openly annoyed at my mother.

After a few minutes, the mother gets up, as if nothing had happened. Her wounds heal like on a cat. For fifteen years she keeps me in suspense, saying that she will change the apartment, and all this time she is suing, but she herself does not appear, or she will do something wrong with the papers, she pulls. Now she goes to various organizations and public bodies in Perm, says that I beat her, shows scratches and bites.

Once she managed to go around sixteen organizations in two days with complaints about me. And they believe her everywhere, and consider it their duty to call me for trial. Constant phone calls from them haunt me, I'm tired of this life. And they don’t even listen to my explanations, they shout: “How dare you! She's a mother!"

And I realized that it was her fault that I already had a second disability group. The only thing that saves me is that I make music, write poetry, draw - this gives me back my strength. I take a break from her in the summer, when she lives in the country.

These are the insidious, evil and cruel family vampires. God forbid to have them always next to you. From loved ones, the blows are stronger and hurt longer. One single extravagant married half can nullify and beautiful impulses, and accumulated wisdom, and directed position, and life itself.

But on the other hand, there is no evil without good. On them, on vampires, we can learn how to properly respond to energy impulses that constantly arise in life around us. “I am sending you like sheep among wolves: therefore be wise like snakes and simple like doves,” the Gospel says. And until we understand this, we will fall into the trap of a deep energy conflict and crisis, we will suffer and get sick. And only through awareness and will will peace and joy come to us.

Family vampires live agonizingly long lives without giving life to their household members. THEY OUTLIVE THEIR DONORS, and we wonder why good people die before bad ones. How many unfortunate destinies, families and talents turned to dust, because the cunning of vampires was not recognized and stopped in time. We didn't even know they existed. Instead, we create abstruse teachings or centers.

And, finally, there is another kind of family vampirism, but I have not had to meet its crude forms. It belongs to the lunar manifestation and flows gently, only at times creating tense situations.

This type of vampirism is born in parents when their children get married or get married. Fear or fear of being alone in old age pushes the parent, usually one of them, to put the children in material and financial dependence. Some like it, and they are even happy from such guardianship (for the time being, for the time being), while others are annoyed, they do not want to be dependent, they are burdened by obsession, parents, petty guardianship and reproaches on this basis.

Many people suffer not from a lack of strength and feelings, but from their excess. And if such people do not have a creative beginning, where they could throw out these, in general, good energies, for peaceful purposes, then they begin to suppress their loved one with them.

In an example, it might look like this.

A woman loves cleanliness and order very much, which in general is a noble quality - to keep the space in which you live clean and tidy. But there is always someone nearby: a husband, children, relatives who violate the joyful world she creates. And all her discontent pours out precisely in this.

Many women complained to me about their relatives, saying that they live with vampires, and asked for advice on how to deal with them, how to wean them from vampirism. When clarifying behavior and situations, it turned out that there were no vampires in her family, that she herself was limited in the criteria for assessing what was happening around. That it is she who first breaks down on her loved ones because of the slightest speck or improperly placed thing.

She can be called a vampire only conditionally, but if she does not expand the scope of her feelings, then such a complex on one thing will undoubtedly give rise to vampirism. And hence the breakdowns over the slightest trifles. This also applies equally to men.

Causes of tension in family life, generated by vampirism, lie in other aspects.

We already know what's around human body, negative clots of energies are held on his aura. We collected them at work, on the street, in in public places and when you get home, it's best to take a shower. They wash off easily. Otherwise, these energies will be felt by your family members as something cold and sticky, heavy and oppressive coming from you. You paid attention to the fact that when one of the family members comes home, a difficult and nervous situation immediately arises. These energies oppress everyone until an energy discharge called “equal to all” occurs.

Or like this: five days a week your husband is a normal person, and on Saturdays and Sundays, it’s like a demon takes possession of him. And so many years in a row. This means that five days a week he shakes everyone in the service, and on weekends he is charged with your energy. You can say that you are still lucky, and finding a way not to communicate with him these days, since there is no love between you, this is your problem.

No matter how much the thread twists, the end will come anyway, therefore, most often in these families, quarrels and tragedies occur.

Read also:

There is another type of familial vampirism that begins in marital relationships shortly after marriage or the birth of the first child. Here, both men and women exhibit a special kind of mental state that can be expressed in a simple and concise word - dissatisfaction.

Most often, a woman suffers from this, and any suffering deprives her of strength, de-energizes. Being at home or at work all day, she is dissatisfied with her husband, constantly tells something bad about him. Remember your friends or relatives who wash the bones for their husbands. This is how they undermine their power. When a husband comes home from work, he does not feel from his wife that force that would pull, attract, which would cause a desire to hug and kiss.

No, he meets a cold and soulless wife, and therefore at least a small scandal or silent irritation between them will definitely arise. And his empty soul, the one that has already shaken out, will provoke him. Normal spouses do not quarrel over trifles, they save their strength for a bigger scandal. Oh what am I saying. Normal spouses always and everyone say only good things about each other. This creates a field of joy and love, which is what I wish you. Love covers many sins.

There is no getting away from the topic of family vampirism. You can change jobs, keep vampires out of your neighbors, avoid irritants in public places.

But at home, in the family, when you are dependent and bound not by love, but by circumstances, vampirism flourishes and progresses on this soil. It is the vampire who will create and dictate the conditions, tone and rhythm for the whole family. When charged, the vampire begins to sing songs, the melodies of which sound solemn sounds.

Here is what Yuri K. wrote to me in Saratov after the lecture.

"This is exactly what I needed so much to understand the truth about my illness. The fact is that I fell under the influence of a vampire. It happened a very long time ago, in 1978, and continues to this day. I was a very cheerful and healthy person , but as soon as my parents changed the apartment and we began to live with my grandparents, my health began to deteriorate, and now I am a disabled person of the second group.

On the contrary, if until the age of 78 my grandmother was in the hospital every year, with a heart, with terrible asthma, then after we moved in together, she never lay in the hospital, she no longer remembers asthma, she even began to read without glasses. My grandmother is a pronounced lunar vampire, and all the signs you have described fit her. And I am writing because I hope to know from you when this hell will end.

In one of the letters from Irkutsk, a woman spoke about her 75-year-old mother.

“It’s very hard for me to live with her. Outwardly, she looks very healthy and energetic, but after she throws out a hail of grievances and reproaches at me. After reading your book, I realized that this is energy vampirism. Most of all I got it from my mother when I I was late after work, but now my work schedule has changed, and I began to come home two hours later.

The first days I found my mother half dead. She demanded that I return to my previous mode and work schedule, but, fortunately, this is impossible to do. I don’t know how I withstood the psychic attacks of my mother these days, but a miracle happened!

Returning one day after work, I did not find my mother at home. I got worried about her. Where could she go with her sore legs and on crutches? Everything turned out to be simple. She began to travel in public transport during the evening peak hours. She came home cheerful and energetic. Her face flushed red. But the most surprising thing is that she stopped making any claims against me.

Rain or heat, snow and frost, nothing could keep her at home anymore. It turns out that she was simply forced to switch to other people. Neighbors told me that she somehow got into a crowded bus, drove a few stops and got off. And it always happens with swearing and insulting passengers.

At the bus stop, she waits for the next bus, which is bound to be overcrowded, and starts getting on it again, cursing. And so every day. After reading your book, I realized that my mother is engaged in or even sick with classical vampirism. Help, tell me what can be done to treat her.

That is why I am writing this book so that everyone can find answers to their questions about the treatment and protection against vampires. Often in families where parents are vampires, children grow up the same. When such parents, day after day, year after year, for the slightest trifle or occasion, break down on a child, they raise a vampire for themselves. Such parents do not just forbid something to the child, but always do it sharply and rudely, with irritation and hatred: do not climb, do not take, do not jump, do not shout, sit still, etc.

At the same time, they humiliate and call the child names. And they don't know what the time will come when "mouse tears will shed to the cat." When such a child grows up, he himself becomes a vampire and shakes his parents. How many families I had to see such patients with vampirism, how many unfortunate parents tried to find an answer from me, protection and salvation from the son of a sadist.

The epistle of the holy Apostle Paul says: "Fathers, do not irritate your children, lest they become discouraged." When will we understand that “everything returns to normal” and that everyone will get back what he sows around him?!

I have seen many timid and downtrodden children who, growing up on the street, in company, hone the "skill" of revenge on parents, teachers and other adults, in contact with whom they always received physical and spiritual slaps in the face. Parents who gave their child neither love nor affection, let them not count on a happy old age, the children will remain indifferent to them.

And if in childhood a child endured almost daily beatings and insults from you, know that the same awaits you in old age. This is your Karma - the law of retribution. On this basis, many karmic diseases appear, without understanding and eliminating the causes of which diseases cannot be cured. All you have left is humility and repentance, and I conjure you, remember this!

Another circumstance is characteristic: lunar vampires in the family are content with the energy of one family member, as a rule, the weakest and most defenseless. Solar vampires shake the whole family. Here is one of the characteristic letters on this subject.

"I read your book and once again became convinced that I really had to live with two vampires. That's so" lucky "! One of them is my father. Although it's not good to talk about it, he is an extremely unpleasant person. Not only I don’t love him, but neither does my mother, sister, all relatives and even just acquaintances.

I remember from childhood how he poisoned the three of us, brought us to tears, and then calmed down and seemed to give way. At any time of the day, he turned on the TV loudly at the same time as the radio, turned on the lights in all rooms, and the dishes began to rattle loudly in the kitchen. He still does it all.

At night, he can call any of his acquaintances and at the same time talk loudly. He says that he does not hear well, and when something is not necessary, he will definitely hear. Naturally, with all his behavior he brought everyone to a state of shaking. And do not give God something to tell him. He started yelling and beating his mother. My sister and I are in tears, but at least he has something. “It’s your mother’s fault for everything,” is his favorite phrase.

When he is at home, everyone walks in tension and once again does not want to leave the room. And if he himself enters there, then you start to shake all over - such an unpleasant person. He doesn't like animals. Now I have a dog, we live separately from our parents. When I come with her to my parents, and my father is not at home, then the dog is calm. As soon as he puts the key in the keyhole, the hysterical barking of the dog begins, which is difficult to stop. Several times it happened that the dog bit his father.

Negative energy reigns at home, although the rooms were sanctified. Probably no one has as many cockroaches as we do. It's just trouble. We have already tried many means, but the result is deplorable. In summer, house flowers bloom on the balcony. Mom wants them to bloom in the apartment. But when you bring them from the balcony, after a while the flowers begin to die. Oddly enough, loaches grow very well.

Our mother is always sick. Behind last years immediately aged. There is no more strength to live next to my husband, and we are with my father. If you write about all his dirty tricks, then there is simply not enough paper. Periodically, he accuses one of us that we stole something from him. And literally exhausts on this basis to hysteria.

Until I was eighteen, I lived with my parents. And here is "happiness"! My grandmother and grandfather (my mother's parents) got a two-room apartment and really wanted me to live with them. I was so glad that I would see my father less often, that my profession - a pediatric nurse - would receive more strength for work. After a while, my joy faded. Grandma took care of me. Grandfather was a calm person, I respected him (God rest his kingdom).

I am by nature cheerful, but calm. So my grandmother didn’t like everything about me. She was looking only for the bad, the good just did not want to see. I couldn't come home late, I couldn't take a shower, I couldn't do my laundry every weekend. Do not iron clothes, otherwise the iron will burn. You can not talk on the phone for a long time, and even laugh out loud. You should have seen her face at the moment when I lashed out at her. How much happiness is in her eyes, how much balm is poured into her heart. And so every day.

For six years of living with my grandmother, I lost six kilograms. I have hypotension, and my grandmother suffers from hypertension. I was constantly depressed. I didn't want to go home to this hell. I often found myself walking slowly from the bus stop to my house, even though it was only a two-minute walk.

And what's more interesting. Grandfather was so thin, and by the end of his life and weak, that he looked like a covered skeleton. And the grandmother is still in bodies, although the grandfather is older. When my grandfather died, I moved out of their apartment. I couldn't be alone with her."

Alexander Astrogor, from the book "Energy Vampirism"

A dhampir is the child of a vampire and a human woman. This phenomenon is quite new and very rare in the history of vampirism. The mythology of vampires does not store information about such phenomena.

Previously, it was believed that vampires were not able to reproduce physically. They considered those who were converted to be their "children", a close relationship was established between them, "parents" taught and took care of the "children".

But more recently, it turned out that some vampires have live sex hormones and are able to activate the physiological processes associated with sex and reproduction. The child of such a vampire and human is called a dhampir. According to some sources, the first dhampirs appeared in the second half of the last century. Vampires often have sexual intercourse with their victims, but not every woman can conceive a child for a vampire, just as not every human can be turned by a vampire. Only a select few will be given this role.

Dhampirs can be compared to revenants, which in the world of darkness are called people born from a ghoul mother (in Arabic mythology, Jin is a female). They have the abilities and weaknesses of a ghoul, but they don't need to drink vampire blood to stay alive. Life expectancy is quite long, about 400 years. In addition, revenants can extend life in the same way that ghouls can. They breed like humans, the child of two revenants is also a revenant. Some vampires use them as their servants, and those who are especially distinguished can be turned from vampires.

Although dhampirs mature at human speed, they live a very long time and do not need to feed on blood for this, some may not even know about their origin. A dhampir, unlike a vampire, cannot make a person a vampire.

For the most part, dhampirs pose a threat to vampires, becoming professional vampire hunters. What is the reason for this hatred?

For many years, the human half of the dhampir rejects the thirst for blood. As a result of the anger that has arisen, fangs grow in dhampirs, lips turn pale, and terrible hunger torments them. But they are able to cope with it, hatred gives them strength, dexterity and invulnerability. On the one hand, they have many of the strengths of vampires, on the other hand, they lack the natural weaknesses of a vampire. Their innate hostility has endowed them with a special flair to recognize and locate a vampire or their lair.

The light half of dhampirs rejects the desire to drink human blood, but in rare cases, for example, when injured, they simply need blood to restore strength. They, unlike vampires, are not afraid of garlic, aspen stake (if it does not pierce the heart), etc., since they are at the highest stage of evolution. Dhampir is a living person, even if he lives longer than any mortal and five times stronger. In other words, he is the perfect vampire-killing machine.

The history of vampirism contains information about the dhampir hunter Murat Barnabar, who lived among the gypsies and operated in the region of Kosovo-Metohija, Serbia. In the 1950s, he achieved great success in his field.

For example, in Kim Newman's film Andy Warhol's Dracula, a dhampir is a person who has become a vampire for a short time.

In the encyclopedia “I know the world. Unclean Forces ”it is said that dhampirs, on the contrary, are very weak and barely live to be thirty, but at the same time they skillfully destroy vampires, and they never have children.

I. Origins
Dhampirs are the children of a human woman and male vampires. Vampires are creatures frozen in their development, they do not change, do not grow old and consequently do not die. These points are followed by the fact that a vampire woman is not able to have children, her body loses this function with circulation. Vampire males are more fortunate - they can conceive a child with a human woman (males do not change from puberty to death and they do not have certain years for conception or reproductive cycles).
Just as a dhampir is unusual, everything that precedes its appearance is unusual, starting from the union of a human and a vampire, ending with the life of this creature. Pregnancy falls between one and the other. Dhampirs appear like human children, through childbirth. But pregnancy is not included in the category of something very human and ordinary: 9 months are equated in this case with 19-20 days, that is, every day is equal to about two weeks.
Since the creature that the person bears is half a vampire, then, consequently, it feeds on blood, and since everything that surrounds the little dhampir is the mother's womb, it feeds on her blood. Thus, the body of a woman is depleted and pallor and pain become companions of a woman pregnant with a dhampir.
The mother's immune system is weakening and the temperature is constantly changing - a consequence of the fact that the fetus does not allow her to eat properly, in principle, to eat at all, with anything other than blood, the body begins to simply reject human food. The conclusion follows: the fetus is not compatible with the body of a woman.
The longer the period, the more it affects the health of the woman, the dhampir grows and gains strength, but this strength is the legacy of the father and in connection with this, every movement of the crumbs breaks a couple of bones, which is why the woman’s stomach is strewn with bruises. It is also worth noting that the shell around the child - a gift from daddy - is as hard as the skin of a vampire, which does not allow an ultrasound or an injection in the stomach, which means it is simply impossible to find out anything about the fetus, up to its appearance. In the last hours of being in the mother's womb, the dhampir breaks the most important bones of a woman, namely the spine and pelvic bones, after which he literally gnaws his way into the world, which kills his mother.

II. Appearance
These little monsters have inherited a lot of data from vampires, appearance is one of them. Paleness is still an expressive feature of the child of a vampire and a person, only a light charming blush goes to the beautiful porcelain skin, as an addition. The color of the eyes carries more human on both sides, that is, the color of the eyes of a child can be inherited from both a woman and a male vampire (for example, if the color of his eyes was green during his lifetime, then it is quite possible that the baby will get that eye color). Gracefulness of movements is also inherited by this seemingly beautiful creature - from childhood you can catch these inclinations in dhampirs; the melodious voice is still reminiscent of the chime of bells and, in part, the smell - their smell is different from the smell of vampires and is attractive to both vampires and Change werewolves. A mixture of a beautiful perfume and a simple human smell is a good compromise.

III. Physiology
Let's remember those prescribed 9 months of gestation, which were replaced by 20 days ... The growth rate of dhampirs does not disappear, but slows down, coming to naught upon reaching 7 years of life, that is, after 7 years they no longer grow, do not change, do not age - they are immortal, like their fathers. At 7 years old, dhampirs already look like 18. The color of the eyes also no longer changes, remaining human, and the pale, porcelain-looking skin is actually like a stone - just as strong, only a blush can be misleading. Despite hereditary pallor, a dhampir's body temperature is much higher than that of a vampire and nearly equal to that of a changing werewolf (approximately 38.4 degrees). It should be noted that most of the superdata is inherited from vampires: strength, speed, hearing, sight, smell - everything is many times greater than human data. But since a dhampir is half a vampire and half a man, it is not surprising that blood flows in the veins of these creatures, and their heart beats, although their heartbeat is hardly comparable to a human one, it is several times faster. It is also worth noting that dhampirs need air and sleep. As for the diet, this is already a matter of choice: dhampirs can eat human food, or they can, like vampires, consume blood by hunting people or animals. Most often, small dhampirs prefer the blood of people, but it all depends on further education, willpower and decision.
Dhampirs also have the ability to cry, which vampires lack due to their immutable bodies and many other factors.
As for poisonousness, only male dhampirs possess it, which means that they can also turn people, but not into dhampirs, but into vampires. Female dhampirs are safe in this regard.

IV. sunlight
Although dhampirs are descendants of vampires, sunlight does not matter to them. These creatures can safely move around in sunny weather surrounded by people and not be afraid of any kind of exposure. Their skin does not glow like a vampire, it only glows faintly, giving their personality more mystery, elegance and mystery.

V. Ability
Dhampirs, although not as majestic and dangerous as their fathers, but still not reckon with them and their strength will be one of the biggest mistakes in the world. Dhampirs, as mentioned earlier, inherited immortality from vampires, but in addition to this, they have strength, speed and noiselessness in their trump cards, which, of course, are not as developed as vampires, but are many times superior to human ones. And this is not to mention hearing, vision, smell and touch, which are also much more developed than human ones. Hearing the beating of a person's heart, being a few meters away from him, hearing the conversation of people a hundred meters away - all this is also within the power of a dhampir. It's the same with other feelings.

VI. Talents
If in the case of vampires, some of their human qualities are multiplied when converted, creating a platform for the emergence of a special gift, then everything is somewhat different. The abilities possessed by the father - a vampire, and those inclinations of abilities that could appear in the mother when turning into a vampire, are reflected, creating the complete opposite of parental gifts. For example, if a vampire was a shield for psychological attacks, then it is likely that no shields will have an effect on the gift of a dhampir, that is, no one will be able to keep them out of their mind.

VII. How to kill a dhampir?
In this case, all points for the most part coincide with the points of how to kill a vampire. Only in this case, in the battle: a vampire against a dhampir, the battle can end detrimentally for the dhampir and without being torn to pieces, but it is pointless to expect a fatal outcome - regeneration is also inherited by these creatures from vampires, although not so fast, but still.
This means that the usual methods that act on people are just as useless in this case as they are with respect to vampires. To kill a dhampir, it must be torn to pieces and burned. It is also important that all parts of the body are given over to the fire, otherwise everything is meaningless.

VIII. Smell
The smell of dhampirs is somewhat different from the smell of vampires and is attractive to both vampires and Change werewolves, and there is nothing to write about people. To humans, the smell of dhampirs is almost as delicious as the smell of vampires, not as sweet, but still just as addictive. A mixture of fine perfume and a simple human smell, the smell of blood, is a good compromise for all beings.

IX. Weak spots
Dhampirs are morally right
just as fragile as humans. They are not alien to fatigue, depression, migraine, only diseases for dhampirs are still as safe as for vampires. The structure of their brain also has its own differences from the human and vampire - they have the ability to think about many things. they are capable of feeling everything at the same time many times stronger than any person. The difference from the activity of the brain of vampires is the ability to concentrate on important events and keep them in mind until they are resolved, which means their appearance is not so susceptible to distraction. They also have a phenomenal memory, they can even remember the moment of their birth. Dampirs are also capable of higher feelings, such as love and hate, but unlike humans, they put more feelings into it, because they have eternity ahead of them, and there is quite a lot of space in their hearts.
Weaknesses also come from moral and mental gaps in the defense. Blows to relatives and friends, depression and problems - all this is tiring, brings bitterness, and so on. Etc
avda dhampirs have a rather human expression of bitterness and pain - tears.
Dhampirs can also be harmed by the teeth of another vampire / male dhampir or werewolf teeth, which leave scars invisible to humans on their body.

Who among us does not remember himself in childhood. It is at this age, from birth to graduation, that vampirism is born. Every person goes through this phase of development, but it cannot yet be called a disease. The child is clean, this is an Angel sent to us by God, and only we are responsible for the fact that he may develop the disease of vampirism.

While the child is helpless, he just needs us to pay attention to him: play and walk with him, tell him stories and sing songs, teach him to draw, build, craft, etc. Remember how your parents treated you, constantly drove you away or patiently worked with you?

A child in a family is the sacred duty of parents, especially a mother, to devote themselves to his upbringing, to give the child the warmth of his soul, to teach him to rejoice and love. But you can teach this only by loving your child, and this is precisely what children often lack. Quite often we see parental indifference and irritation. It is in this field that vampirism is born.

Children's vampirism This is a punishment for parents and adults. A child is an indicator of the soul of the family, a “litmus test” of the quality of the energies in which he lives, with which he comes into contact. It is known that a child is always drawn to a pure, bright and joyful person, and begins to act up in the presence of a bad person with a difficult character. And if your child annoys you all the time, admit that you are a difficult person, that you are always better off without him than with him, that he is like a stone, like a burden, crushing your soul. This means that you are a vampire to your child, and not vice versa. Who admits this? But after all, from the side you can see how you treat your child, how you scream, scold, beat him in front of everyone. And at this time your face becomes bestial, predatory, your voice is barking, and a nervous trembling runs through your body. You are no longer a person, Remember this, because from the outside you can see it better.

We must help the child to learn about the world, charge him with interest, captivate by personal example. If we do not give our child our love, joy and knowledge, if we say - leave me alone, tired, go play by yourself - then he is capricious, and grows up - argues, grows up - rude.

In these contradictions, we break down and throw out hatred and irritation on the child. Instead of pure energies, you dumped the accumulated dirt of your soul on him, and he calmed down, he recharged. But what?

This is how a child lives, charging at home, at school and on the street with the energy waste of adults and peers. He receives the contemptuous label of "scumbag", "idiot", "redneck", etc. He himself is looking for the forces due to which he is used to living. He needs to break and destroy, swear and be rude, drink and smoke, and all this for show in order to cause obvious or hidden irritation of others in order to recharge. He does not understand this, here the instinct of self-survival operates unconsciously in him. And then the whole life will be subordinated to this animal instinct of self-preservation, most often with a primitive mind. It is good if on his way he meets a teacher, friend or girlfriend who will show him the joy of life, love for neighbor and knowledge, if they open the spiritual world to him, then he will be saved.

Children's vampirism manifests itself through early bitterness towards plants and animals, towards peers and parents. Frequent insults inflicted on the soul of a child form in it that niche in which negative energy accumulates.

Now it has become fashionable to keep a dog in a city apartment. But do parents see their children hanging out with their “beloved” friend? If a child is not loved in the family, this is immediately evident in his relationship with the dog on the street. These actions of the child show an early manifestation of vampirism. And then the more frequent cases of dog attacks on children become clear.

If not the parents, then who will take over moral education children? Kindergartens, schools, church or colonies? Who? Perhaps only an early Christian upbringing of a child can prevent the development of vampirism.

How can we evaluate a teacher who has many students - losers? He does not like his work, he cannot captivate with his subject, interest and prove that his knowledge is the most important in a person's life. Not to force, but to carry away into the world that you have built for yourself. If this is not the case, then the student unconsciously begins to bring the teacher out of balance. Not receiving the joy of knowing these subtle and pure energies, the student shakes out at least some energy from the teacher. He unconsciously does not allow himself to be robbed and begins to vampirize from the teacher. And then another hidden meaning of the “winged” phrase of teachers becomes clear: “Either I, or ..!”

A student's grades are an indicator of his relationship with the teacher. If from two to three, then this student does not want you to teach him. You are disgusting to him, because there are no uninteresting objects. Maybe that's why in American schools only he, the teacher and parents know about the student's grades. Telling everyone in a row how your student is studying, you thereby reveal your attitude towards him: are you a friend and assistant to him or ...

Education is a path of service. And therefore, children's vampirism should be the first signal of trouble for the future citizen. If at home, in the family they don’t work with him, then this is your holy mission before the Motherland, before God.

By the age of twelve, a child can freely reason, defend his interests and views. He should have his natural interest in life: sports, technology, art, nature, books, etc. But here we see that he is not interested in anything, does not care, he does not want to make efforts for his spiritual and intellectual development.

His desires fit into only two terms: "give" and "I want." All your attempts to captivate a teenager into the world of spiritual joy are broken on the carnal: “What will I get from this?” Here is a fully formed vampire. I met adults with vampirism, and after a long clarification of the circumstances of their lives, I discovered that the school and even a particular teacher became the cause of this condition. Indeed, some of our teachers are already in the habit of humiliating and insulting the student in front of the class, peers, school and even parents. But I don’t want to be angry, but to put everything in its place, to speak directly and openly. Such teachers need to be driven away from children, from kindergartens, schools, technical schools and universities, so that they do not infect children with the virus of vampirism. By the age of fourteen, many children are sick with chronic vampirism. And ahead of a great life, but what? The trouble is for the family in which the child-vampire grows up, but thrice woe to the family that he will create for himself. This will be discussed below.

Do you ever have the feeling that the child takes all the strength without a trace? When he is not around, you are cheerful. And after spending some time with the baby, you feel like a squeezed lemon. There is incomprehensible fatigue, drowsiness and heaviness in the whole body.

The child takes all the energy

The child whines and whimpers for any reason. Walks on the heels, constantly asking for something. Then eat, then hug, then pick up. At this moment, it is enough to strictly watch how the corners of his lips drop sharply down, and his wide-open eyes fill with tears.

Before you can blink your eyes, the child falls to the floor, kicks and sobs bitterly. It takes a lot of energy to calm him down. There is physical weakness and emptiness, as much as I want to cry myself. After all, there is still so much to do!

Even at work, you do not get tired like with a child. It feels like it feeds on your energy. Teasing with his whining and provoking to suck all your strength.

"Energy vampires" - who are they?

There are different points of view why a child becomes an "energy vampire". A lot of advice is given on how to interact with such a child. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan offers his own interesting view on this problem.

Each person has their own unique character traits, desires and abilities. A set of such properties is called a vector. There are eight vectors in total.

Surely you noticed how one child is not like another. Even twins and twins are different from each other. If one of them prefers calm games, where you can take your time and sit quietly, then the second one seems boring. He likes to be in motion: run, jump, somersault.

And if one of the children is calm and silent, likes to be in silence and solitude, then the other, on the contrary, is sociable, emotional. Literally blooms when in the spotlight

From smile to tears - one step

Such a child is sensitive, subject to various emotional experiences and frequent mood swings. According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, he has a visual vector. It is he who is considered a small "energy vampire."

A child with a visual vector has a fine mental organization. Each child cries and laughs, and the visual one does it with special emotionality. His ability to rejoice, to be afraid, to be upset is much greater than that of others. Therefore, he experiences everything many times stronger.

They say about these: "Makes an elephant out of a fly". Sudden mood swings, emotional swings, tantrums - all this is characteristic of the owner of the visual vector, which is in a state of fear. And he is also a rare dreamer - the monsters under the bed will not let him sleep, but also all family members.

Cause of tantrums

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the reason for hysteria and constant whining lies in the lack of emotional connection with the mother. In the absence of a sense of security and safety.

Each owner of a visual vector needs strong emotions. They can receive them in two ways: suffering or enjoying life.

With tantrums, a small spectator tries to attract attention to himself and get positive emotions, mother's love which he so desperately needs. When mom strengthens an emotional connection with him, he feels protected. The need to get the missing feelings with tantrums passes.

What to do?

For proper development, each child needs a strong emotional connection with his mother, and a small spectator in particular. To strengthen this connection, it is enough to spend more time with the child. Involve him in joint games or other useful activities. Take a walk, devoting time to communicate with him.

It is also important to develop his innate mental properties - kindness, fantasy and imagination, to awaken feelings of empathy.

How does this happen? Through contemplation of the beauty of the surrounding world, reading good books, watching cartoons in which the child learns to sympathize with the characters. When a small spectator is taught to show empathy for people, to think about other people's feelings, then in adulthood he will not feel inner emptiness, a feeling of loneliness and will forget about fears.

Tolerate tantrums or find an effective way of interaction?

It's hard when spending time with your child is emotionally devastating. It takes a lot of patience in dealing with a small "emotional troglodyte". The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan makes it possible to take a different look at the current situation. Learn more about "energy vampires" and how to interact with them. Not to look for ways to be less tired of the child, but to find out why the child throws tantrums. Understand what is happening to him at such moments, and know how to behave in order to calm him down.
Learn more about effective ways Interaction with owners of different vectors is possible at a free online training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register - follow the link.

The article was written using materials

Energy vampires in the family - what to do?

Energy vampires in a family can be quite dangerous, because without realizing that they have such a unique and terrible gift, people can cause damage to their loved ones. However, do not panic, as there are many ways to help you protect yourself from the husband, mother, and child of an energy vampire.

Energy vampires in the family - husband

Before assuring that your family really has an individual who actually pumps emotions and strength out of you, you need to go through a special one that will help you confirm or refute your fears.

Unfortunately, the presence of energy vampires in the circle of close relatives is not uncommon, and often people need to get along under the same roof with those who in every possible way draw vitality from them. What to do if the husband is an energy vampire, and how to protect yourself from him?

Unfortunately, even the most dear person can be dangerous, but do not immediately panic. If you are convinced that your spouse really has an insecure and powerful gift, then first of all you should conduct the same analysis for all the people who live with you under the same roof.

If the combination is favorable, then there is nothing to worry about. It is possible that in your case the presence in the family is necessary. But if a donor, a victim (especially if it is a child) lives in the same apartment or house with such a person, then serious measures must be taken.

To do this, you first need to talk with your spouse. If he unknowingly harms others and is not happy about it himself, then there is an opportunity to find the simplest solution to the problem. To do this, a man needs to receive all this charge of power that he pumps out of you, from something else.

First of all, it can be doing what you love, frequent walks in nature, visiting special places of power where you can recharge. In this case, the person will be literally overwhelmed with positive energy, and he will simply not need to draw strength from other people.

Of course, if a person denies that he has such a gift or is not going to change anything, then more radical methods should be adopted. Of course, the easiest way is to break such an alliance.

If this is not an option, then you need to use several techniques that will allow you to build protective barriers and, of course, arm yourself with special amulets that will not give the vampire the opportunity to attack you.

What else can be done if the husband? Save yourself from such an impact by simply embroidering ordinary rings on any clothes, linen, tablecloths and towels (it is necessary to embroider two red circles). They are called fire rings. It is enough to embroider small circles.

Such a protective sign will reliably protect you from negative influences. Also make sure that the spouse drinks alcohol as little as possible, from alcoholic beverages evil spirits usually become more aggressive.

Dealing with individuals who can drain you of vitality in a work team or on the street is, of course, much easier than constantly fighting such a monster within the walls of your home. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from the fact that his closest people - parents - may have such a gift. Standard methods can be used as protection.

Be sure to carry amulets with you. Lay them out in different rooms, as soon as you feel that the mother is trying to provoke you into a conflict, be sure to put a barrier in front of you.

If a person does not want to do anything with himself and denies the fact that he is harming you (unintentionally or consciously), you will have to deal with this in a more radical way (limit communication). It is much worse if your mom, dad, brothers and sisters attack not you, but your children.

It is much easier to protect yourself from negative influences than a child. And convince loving grandmother or an aunt that by her actions she devastates the baby and deprives him of his vitality, of course, it is almost impossible. Most likely, your words simply will not be taken seriously.

If your child is still very small, place icons, a crucifix, amulets in his room, pour Thursday salt and consecrated poppy at the threshold and on the windowsill. You can also put a small bundle with these ingredients in the baby's crib.

If the child has already grown up, talk frankly with him, tell him who the energy vampires are and how it is possible.

It is possible that the ability to take human energy even a child can possess. That is why you need to immediately explain to him how to control his amazing abilities. Have a conversation with your child, describe how exactly his influence can affect other people.

Also, be sure to keep your child busy. Give him the opportunity to do what he loves, develop, often be on the street, recharge with positive energy. There is no need to force the child to do something by force, to bother him so much that he is very tired, because otherwise the evil little vampire will pump even more energy out of his loved ones.

Abilities (especially of small children) can be blocked using special talismans (those used for protection are also suitable). Using this tactic, you will not only protect relatives and strangers from harmful effects, but also will not harm your child.

Ignore as much as possible any attempts to drain the life force out of you. If you understand that the baby deliberately pisses you off, provokes aggression, complains, cries for no reason and tries to make you pity, then you should not follow his lead.

It will probably be difficult to ignore such behavior, but understand that by paying attention to such a provocation, you will make it even worse.

It is actually possible to live with an energy vampire under the same roof, but there are many methods that will help disarm a relative with such a gift and protect yourself. Your task is to understand that a person did not choose such abilities for himself and he really needs your support.