
From man to zombie or how to make up for Halloween? Zombie makeup of the series "The Walking Dead" Zombie makeup at home


Greetings, dear readers and readers! Today I'll tell you scared interesting story... Once upon a time there was a sweet girl, and her friends called her to a costume party in honor of the holiday of evil spirits, that is, on Halloween. At exactly 00:00, she stood at the door of the nightclub, dressed in an elegant dress, beads and beautiful patent leather shoes. Face control examined the visitor for a long time, and delivered the verdict: "Do not let her in!"

In tears, she returned home and began to think of what to make at least a little frightening costume. Found an old school blouse ripped jeans and worn shoes. The girl generously poured red gouache on them, and excellent bloody stains turned out. Well, what to do with the face? “I’m going to do some Halloween zombie makeup today, I’d better not think of it,” she mused aloud. That night in the club she became a real star of the party, met a young "vampire", and now they do not part for a minute.

If you have a problem with your All Saints' Night outfit, today we can easily solve it. To begin with, I will teach you how to create a believable make-up at home in order to literally "zombie" those around you with your appearance.

I'm the whiter in the world: Halloween zombie makeup details

The easiest way

Take powder or foundation of the lightest, bluish tint and apply on the face. Be sure to "put" bruises under the eyes. Even if you already have them, from lack of sleep or a strict diet, adding blackness will not hurt.

Dark lilac shades mixed with red blush are suitable for the lower eyelid. We also apply purple shades on the top.

It's great if you can find a red lip liner. Mark the lower border of the eyes with them, drawing them near the mucous membrane. Gently draw dripping blood near the lips with the same contour, and on one of the cheeks - a scar with stitches. Light party makeup is ready.

Pro Zombie Makeup

But if you intend to make a real sensation and scare yourself with a repulsive reflection in the mirror, you need to prepare for the holiday more thoroughly. How to make a creature out of the realm of the dead out of a cute person, but at the same time maintain charm? I propose to conduct a rehearsal, and give step-by-step instructions for a believable zombie makeup.

So, let's begin. First, get to know detailed list what you may need in the process:

  • tonal basis or white or bluish makeup,
  • palette of eyeshadows of different shades,
  • cosmetic pencils,
  • theater wax,
  • paper napkins,
  • glue for eyelashes,
  • a bag of gelatin
  • starch and food colors (blue and red),
  • color contact lenses.

With the help of this simple set at home, you will get an impressive make-up in which even your mother will not recognize you. I will "rehearse" with you, all the ingredients are ready.

Every detail counts: make-up details

Now you will find out in detail all the details of the zombie makeup for the terrifying Halloween.

Step # 1 - Cleansing

For the skin, any makeup is a mini-stress, and even a multi-layered theatrical and even more so. Therefore, the face should be softened, cleansed and prepared. You can wipe it with micellar water or tonic, or just wash and apply a small amount of moisturizer.

Step # 2 - basic makeup

Apply a white base (makeup or tonal mousse). You can mix in a little blue shadows (matte, so that there are no extra sparkles).

Pull your cheeks, and add dark or greenish tones in the places of the holes to simulate a sunken, like a deceased face. Gently draw circles under the eyes, scars, apply a light tone to the lips to whiten them and become like a real dead man. Smear a little red lipstick on top with your finger, imitating caked blood. The image is half ready, now the fun part.

Step # 3 - Important details

Zombie skin is rarely smooth. It usually has a lot of scars, signs of decay. Professional make-up artists know how to imitate even the visible bones of the jaw and skull.

It will be difficult for us to achieve such splendor, however, it is quite possible to create the effect of peeling skin with our own hands. You will need tissue paper, some eyelash glue, and a toothpick.

Tear off pieces of paper and stick them on your skin in several places: on the cheeks, chin, temples. Now apply the same foundation on them to even out those areas with the complexion. Top "decorate" with dark shadows: brown, purple. Mix colors for a more intimidating effect. Now take a toothpick and gently tear the napkins here and there.

Step # 4 - More Blood

The more bruising on your face and neck, the better. And the clothes will have to be decorated with scarlet stains. Ordinary paint is unlikely to work, and gouache or watercolor does not exclude allergic reactions. Therefore, now I will teach you to cook (oh horror!) Artificial blood.

  • Take a small saucepan or ladle, pour water into it and put it on fire.
  • Meanwhile, stir a few tablespoons of starch in a glass of cold water.
  • Mix the contents of the glass and saucepan, reduce heat. Add red dye to the mixture (paint for easter eggs) and a little blue. This will help you achieve the perfect shade of blood.

When the liquid has cooled down, start creating. Apply it preferably not with strokes, but with a pipette or a syringe without playing. This will create real drops that will harden and look very natural. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté area.

Gelatinous "blood" is made according to the same principle. It is even thicker in consistency and shines almost like natural in club lighting.

If it's not scary enough, add a few cadaveric spots, scars, draw the effect of a "torn" mouth. To prevent you from being betrayed by a snow-white smile, work on your teeth. A couple of the front ones can be painted over with a regular marker. And rinse the rest with brown or burgundy food coloring. Excellent: the corpse's mouth is half-rotten.

Finish off with creepy lenses and a zombie hair that has lain in the ground or crypt for decades and rebelled on Halloween. Styled or straightened curls will ruin everything. Necessary negligence, shaggy, sticking out, stray shreds. To help you, the usual bouffant and fixing varnish.

Well, now you can appreciate your creation - horror and nothing more. And this is just a dress rehearsal. On a holiday, you will be able to do even better, and even have time to make up your girlfriends. In the meantime, share your post on social media and think about new makeup ideas. Soon I will also tell you about new options for festive looks. Subscribe to the blog to stay tuned for new releases and always keep abreast of interesting news.

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

The main youth holiday of autumn - Halloween - is celebrated on October 31. The scariest hairstyles, the most unusual costumes, the most impressive make-up ... Every girl strives to create such an image so that with the help of it she will not only stand out from the crowd, but also be remembered by friends for a whole year. One of the most beloved creatures used on Halloween is the zombie. To create an original zombie makeup, you need to have a bit of imagination, artistic taste and basic makeup skills. Our article will tell you how to make an unforgettable Halloween makeup at home.

Secrets of a harmonious zombie image

"Makeup + outfit". Makeup alone is not enough for a zombie look, you need a suitable costume. When choosing an outfit and makeup, you need to constantly imagine how all the individual parts of the image will interact with each other. You can create a harmonious image only in this way.

"Repetition". Just before the holiday, try on an outfit and rehearse with makeup. If you are not satisfied with the result, there will always be time to correct what you have done.

"In agreement with yourself." The image of a zombie must be repulsive. This is one of its main features. But what girl wants to make a repulsive impression, especially at the brightest party? The attributes of a zombie creature are required, but you should not use something that does not suit you personally, so as not to spoil your mood.

"Unwashed hairstyle". As a hairstyle for a Halloween zombie look, ordinary unwashed hair is ideal. This will also need to be prepared in advance. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the greasy strands are unlikely to attract anyone. For some, regular bouffant or scattered strands are fine. Alternatively, you can artificially stain your hair with hair gel applied in excess to the strands.

"Eyes are the mirror of the soul." The most frightening impression is made by eyes with bleached pupils. Plus, this is one of the clearest signs of a zombie. To create those sinister eyes, you have to buy special lenses. By the way, with their help you can change the shape of the pupil, giving them an unusual look. In general, the color of the zombie's eyes can be anything, but it is desirable that it be unusual, striking.

"The effect of rotten teeth." With regard to teeth, there are two options: buy special removable jaws or artificially age your own. To do this, immediately before the holiday, rinse your mouth with a solution based on food coloring... The color of the dye can be brown, for example. Teeth will look creepy, but this can be easily fixed by rinsing out after the party with a baking soda solution or brushing her teeth.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a zombie makeup

If you have no idea how to do a believable zombie makeup at home, our guide will help you. Before you start applying makeup, you need to cleanse your face, hide your hair under a hat or bandage and apply any protective cream... By the way, you don't need to use face cream for zombie makeup. It is good if the skin is dry and cracked. Of course, you should not specifically bring the skin to such a state, but if there are already flaws, do not hide them.

Apply black paint or matte dark eyeshadow on the skin around the eyes. Thoroughly shade the resulting circles. Next, paint over the entire skin of the face with white latex paint. After application, you should dry the paint layer with a hairdryer to make it look more natural. By the way, you can make your skin look flabby by making faces. Latex paint will crack and wrinkle.

By mixing white and gray paints, get the desired tone, which should be used to cover the existing layer of paint on the face. By doing this, you will achieve the very pallor that is characteristic of the image of the dead. Use tweezers to poke holes in the latex, inside which you will need to apply artificial blood. Add some extra messy brush strokes as you see fit. Do not forget to "spoil" your teeth and hair, making them look like a dead man. After our master class, you will not be tormented by the question of how to do an awesome Halloween makeup correctly.

Fast Zombie Makeup Option

For those who find it difficult to create a masterpiece of make-up art with their own hands, a simpler option is suitable. It is done at home quickly and simply, but the type of makeup is quite effective, creative and threatening.

First, you will need to prepare a "bloody" mixture based on red (with the addition of blue) food coloring, water and gelatin. The red dye is mixed with water to create a scarlet mixture. In order to give it a more natural look of slightly dried blood, add a little blue dye to the mixture. Keep an eye on the color, an overabundance of blue pigment can ruin the idea, making the "blood" purple.

In a separate bowl, pour boiling water over the gelatin and mix thoroughly. You should get a very thick mass, and the thicker it turns out to be, the stronger it will hold on your face. In the absence of gelatin, you can use a pack of dry jelly. Mix the resulting mass with the previously prepared "blood". So the result is an excellent and very natural-looking mixture of "blood" and scraps of "flesh".

Next, we start creating our own festive Halloween makeup. Apply makeup on the skin white or ordinary powder several sizes lighter than the natural skin tone is needed to get a deathly pale skin. Highlight the lacrimal arch of the lower eyelids with a red lip pencil. Draw the eyes with purple shadows. For a more intimidating look, you can use blue, gray, black shadows. In general, you need to simulate sunken eyes and bruises under them.

On this basic make-up we apply a "bloody" mess and smear it believably across the face, creating bruises. Be aware that the mixture is quite stable and does not wash off the face well, and it is almost impossible to remove it from clothes. But with its help, you can easily create a really sinister zombie makeup for Halloween.

Remember that using makeup and a large number decorative cosmetics on the skin of the face, she is unlikely to like it. After the party, try to completely remove the make-up, thoroughly cleanse the skin and nourish it with your favorite skin care product.

If you are not afraid of repulsive images and want to shock others, then the image of a zombie is perfect for Halloween. It's not easy to create, but with the effort and rehearsal beforehand, you can create a terribly impactful look. You can limit yourself to a zombie costume: torn clothes, to add a frightening effect, you can sprinkle the outfit with fake blood. But without expressive makeup, the image will be incomplete. Therefore, it is worth taking some time to create a repulsive makeup.

To make the perfect image of a revived dead man, you need more than clothes and makeup. In this look, the following little things are very important:

  • lenses;
  • teeth;
  • fake blood.

Lenses help to create an impressive effect that no makeup can achieve. White lenses or with a luminous effect are ideal for this look. An important detail - teeth, the image of a zombie will not work if you have a snow-white smile. To darken them, rinse with dark food coloring. To return them to their natural color, they need to be cleaned with baking soda.

For a zombie image, you need to use fake blood... If you can't buy it, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need two colors of dyes - red and blue. If you add a little black paint, you get the effect of gore.

  1. Place a pot of water on a fire.
  2. Dissolve the starch in a glass of cold water.
  3. Pour the diluted starch into boiling water, stirring at the same time. The more starch you add, the thicker the mixture will be. Then add red dye and a little bit of blue until the "blood" takes on a natural hue. With a blue tint, you need to be careful not to get a purple color.

There are other options for creating artificial blood for Halloween zombie makeup:

  • dyed sugar syrup;
  • gelatinous solution with dyes.

Important! Don't try to replace artificial blood with lipstick! It looks unnatural and ruins the whole image.

Video: Zombie Halloween Makeup

What it takes to create a Halloween zombie makeup

To create a zombie look for a girl on Halloween, you will need:

  • theatrical makeup or tonal basis of a light shade;
  • shades of gray or gray-green, purple, blue or crimson colors.

To create important elements (artificial wounds), you will need theater wax. If you couldn't get one, paper towels and eyelash glue or gelatin can do the trick.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a zombie makeup for Halloween

Before doing zombie makeup, practice so that it does not turn out to be too repulsive, which is especially important for girls.

Step-by-step instructions for performing Halloween zombie makeup:

  1. The skin of the face is pre- clean with tonic... Then apply a light tone. You can use theatrical make-up: add a little blue or green tint to the white paint.
  2. Get started drawing circles near the eyes... To do this, take shadows of a dark color and blend them thoroughly. Apply a red tint around the edge of the circle and blend the borders between these and dark shadows. This helps create a bruising effect. If you paint the upper eyelid with light gray shadows, and paint the lower eyelids with dark red and emphasize the eye contour with a red pencil, this will create the effect of sore eyes.
  3. Pull in your cheeks and along the formed depressions brush with gray-green shadows... Add a dash of burgundy or purple and blend.
  4. Apply on lips foundation ... Apply lipstick without touching the contours of the lips. Your task is to create the effect of a carelessly stained mouth with blood. Use a brush to apply some fake blood.

Video: Halloween makeup in the style of a zombie apocalypse

Zombie makeup feature

Halloween zombie look will be unfinished if not done artificial damage to the skin. Simple option will make them from napkins. They need to be torn and glued to the skin with eyelash glue. So you need to stick several layers until you get a bumpy surface. When the glue dries, a tonal base is applied to the napkins in the same shade as on the skin. Use the shadows to create a "decomposition" effect.

In some places, tear the napkins with a toothpick, just be careful not to damage your skin. Disheve the resulting tear to create the illusion of flaking skin. Apply raspberry, purple and gray shadows over the area of ​​the resulting gap, and paint inside with red paint. Sprinkle the resulting "wound" with artificial blood, add a few smudges.

Video: Halloween Zombie Makeup

Photo gallery of ideas and images of zombies for Halloween

The technique of performing zombie makeup is simple, the whole impression of the image depends on the details. Don't be lazy and take the time to get fake blood or burns. But your zombie look will amaze and shock everyone at the Halloween celebration! The main thing is not to overdo it with the details: appearance should not only repel, but also delight with his idea. Practice, add fantasy and bring your ideas to life to be the most "scary" beautiful on Halloween!

Video: Halloween Zombie Makeup

In contact with

Whatever your goal on All Saints Day is - to scare away or, conversely, to attract attention, the image of a zombie to achieve it will do in any case. After all, zombie-style makeup cannot be called the same type - judging by horror films and cartoon horror stories, one recognizable zombie character does not exist. Therefore, you can create your own, one of a kind. In the material - more about how to create a zombie makeup at home with step by step instructions and photo.

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What will it take to make up a Halloween zombie?

The basis of zombie make-up is a sickly blue-green complexion, so first of all you need a make-up that can "tint" the skin. An ordinary cream from a basic cosmetic bag will not help - only a professional product that has increased durability will cope, because it needs to hold out until the end of the party.

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Basic products can also come in handy: we are talking about eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow gel, lipstick. However, they can only be used if the transformation into a zombie is planned only partially - with the preservation of "human" accents on the eyes or, for example, on the lips.

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In addition, you will need makeup in a red or burgundy shade - in case you plan to make the zombie makeup for Halloween scary, with traces of blood. It is better that it was paint in the form of a thick paste: this way it is easier to create an imitation of a "bulky" wound, a zombie bite.

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You can also stock up on bandages and rags. And such an image is often complemented with white lenses, creating the effect of an “absent” look. By the way, you can take the idea from the video below as a basis for eye makeup. The dark shade will give the effect of sunken eyes.

If you have not yet decided for sure that you want to transform into a zombie for the next Halloween, other ideas are suggested in one of these instructions:

You will find useful tricks in this video.

Variants of the image of a zombie for a girl

Halloween zombie makeup isn't exactly the most girly choice. But it all depends on how you approach the question: turning yourself into a monster is not at all necessary. How to do zombie makeup and at the same time keep at least a hint of femininity?

© diana_averbukh

  • Make a pop art make-up. Let the face of a zombie with a bare skull in some places, bared teeth, wounds and cuts be decorated in a cartoon manner, as if you left the pages of a comic book. Such an image will be difficult to take seriously - but you will look impressive, attracting attention. bright colors makeup.

© idahmua

  • Combine your familiar, feminine makeup, with accents on the eyes and lips, with a zombie horror-inspired tone of green / blue or earthy gray. This technique will allow you to partially remain "yourself", while acquiring a resemblance to the heroes of horror films.

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  • Light zombie makeup is swamp stains Brown that give the impression of stained skin, plus a few bruises and wounds painted with creamy makeup or lipstick. You can complement the image with lenses with white pupils. This detail will complement the look so that a Halloween zombie attack can be launched immediately.

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You can take the gloomy makeup traditional for Halloween, which we talked about in this video, as a basis for the image, and supplement it with frightening details. For the same purpose, you can use the video about.

Zombie style makeup options for a guy

For young people, being a zombie on Halloween is usually more fun. They are not afraid to stop being like themselves - and easily get used to the image of the chosen character.

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The most creepy versions of makeup are enthusiastically perceived - with imitation of wounds, bites of other zombies that caused the infection, with hints of mutation. Any horrors in this case will be more than appropriate.

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What can guys include in a zombie look?

  • Spare no makeup to create tone. Mix green with blue paint and apply not only on the face, but also on the neck so that the make-up does not look like a mask as a result.

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  • Add a few casual strokes across the face with brown foundation, which girls usually use as a sculptor when contouring. The result will be "dirty" spots, due to which the make-up will be more ominous.

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  • Give your skin a crumbling effect with a regular cleansing clay mask. Apply it in places directly over the makeup and wait until it dries until the texture of the mask begins to crack.

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  • To make the look of "empty" eyes after you put on light lenses, frighten off even more, make sure that the result is contrasting: blend black shadows over the eyelids.

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Find even more tips to help you create your boyfriend's Halloween look.

Life hacks to create a harmonious zombie image

A harmonious result, even when it comes to the image of a zombie on Halloween, will be ensured to you only if you think over your appearance to the smallest detail.

  • If you look at the photos of people with different options for zombie make-up, which make-up artists, makeup experts and beauty bloggers suggest to repeat, you will notice that a hairstyle must also be selected for makeup. This is usually tousled, matted hair that looks dusty. To achieve this effect, spray gray-brown powder on the strands treated with the clear gel.

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  • Another component of the zombie image is a "smile": crooked teeth with spots and stains that seem "rotten". Someone uses false teeth from zombie makeup kits, someone goes for another trick: rinsing with a brown food coloring that can be easily washed off with water.

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  • The outfit is an essential element of the zombie look. The basis of the suit should be rags - any worn-out things with holes, torn rags, stains (including "bloody" ones: it is easy to stain clothes properly with the help of paint).

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  • So that on the appointed evening everything works out as you intended, try on a "trial" image of a zombie a few days before Halloween. Look at the photo examples below and try to repeat the option you like yourself - at home. After seeing the result, you will be able to assess whether it meets your expectations, or if something needs to be corrected.

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Not ready for such a defiant look yet? Then it might be worth starting with one of these.

Would you like to make zombie makeup this Halloween? Write a comment.