
How to make a complex flower using the quilling technique. Volumetric flowers using the quilling technique: a master class for beginners. For such a composition you will need


This is an exciting activity for everyone who loves to create something. With the help of paper quilling, you can create various interesting compositions - both flat and voluminous. These crafts are always very beautiful, even for beginners, since twisting paper stripes is quite a simple task. One has only to start making them carefully and patiently, and the manifestation of imagination in new amazing images will immediately captivate you. And you can always find quilling schemes on this site.

For this case, you will need:

  • colored double-sided paper, it is cut into strips of 1.5-9 mm (or specially cut paper can be purchased);
  • stationery knife with a ruler and scissors (for cutting out fringed edges and other details);
  • a special rod to wind the paper (it can be replaced with some kind of stick, awl or toothpick, bifurcating one end);
  • stencil with round holes;
  • preferably tweezers so as not to smear your hands when applying glue;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • compass;
  • pencil.

Get started:

1. First, sketch with a simple pencil and compass the sketch you want for future production.

2. The main thing in quilling is the roll element, from which you can further make various flower shapes from it. It comes out if you roll paper strips tight enough into rolls. To do this, hook the desired piece with the tip of the bifurcated rod (if there is such a special one), and begin to screw it to the base more tightly. Then they let him open a little in a circle in a stencil. Here are the round details and you're done.

3. Easily now, by flattening with two of your fingers, you can start creating a variety of shapes from your roll. You can flatten it one end by the edges or several sides, then you get a lot of all kinds of elements for creativity.

4. Everything is fastened with glue, for example, PVA. Apply it while supporting the part with tweezers.

Take a look at some of the unique pieces you can create with this technique.

These colorful flower pictures will be good to decorate Greeting Cards for loved ones on a holiday.

Thanks to quilling, you will make a lot of interesting things. For example, these are the pictures.

Unique compositions will easily come out of your hands.

This is real art created by you.

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To make such delicate flowers, you need to create several blanks.

1. To make the middle, cut into the fringe. In this example, 11 large flowers and 4 buds are used.

2. To make the center of a large flower, prepare a paper strip peach blossom(1cm wide and 30cm long), and green (1cm wide and 10cm long).

* For making buds width paper strips you need to leave, and the length should be halved.

3. Start curling around the fringed centers of the flowers. Glue the green strip to the first peach-colored strip.

4. Prepare 3 orange elements and make a leaf shape out of them. These blanks need to be glued at the base - use just a drop of PVA glue.

* Do not glue the petals together, they need to be fixed only at the bottom.

5. Prepare 4 peach-colored pieces of paper and make a drop shape out of them. Next, you need to glue 2 "droplets" into the gaps that you find between the orange "petals". The remaining 2 "drops" need to be glued on top - you will need to step back from the edge of the base by about 5mm.

6. Now you need to glue the petal on top with an orange edging (all elements have the same width - 3mm). There will be 5 of them for one flower in total. The same number for buds but smaller in size.

7. Use a heat gun to pick flowers.

8. Making leaves. Prepare 4 strips approximately 3mm wide and 30cm long. These strips need to be twisted into a tight roll, and then the roll should be rolled between the thumb and forefinger so that it takes the shape of a cone.

You need to prepare 4 cones and grease each with glue in order to glue the petals of the buds and the middle into it.

9. We collect the leaf. Prepare 5 blanks and give them an "eye" shape. Next, you need to glue all these blanks together, applying glue only at the base.

10. Insert 4 more blanks between the leaves. Above you need to add 3 more blanks elongated shape... Squeeze the sides of the paper.

Several shades of green can be used.

The more greenery you use, the more beautiful the composition will look.

Fringed flowers using quilling technique (master class)

For these colors you will need strips 10mm and 5mm wide, and no more than 25cm long.

1. Start slicing the fringe. Its size is 2/3 of the width of a 10mm strip. It is worth noting that the thinner the fringe, the fluffier your flower will be.

You can cut the fringe into several strips at the same time.

2. Glue one 10mm and one 5mm paper strip and start winding the spiral, starting with a narrow strip.

Continue twisting even as you get to the fringed strip. At the end, simply secure the ponytail with glue.

3. After the glue has dried, the fringe can be folded back.

Here's what happens if you only twist the fringed strip. Flowers yellow color can play the role of dandelions, pink - daisies, and green centers for flowers.

You can safely change the length and color of the fringed stripes by gluing them in advance.

Volumetric flower using quilling technique

First you need to choose the color of your item. If you want a two-tone flower, you can choose two similar shades.

For one petal, choose a strip of 65cm length. You need to prepare 22 such strips by gluing several small strips into one long one.

1. Roll all prepared strips into tight rolls.

2. Dissolve each roll to a diameter of 2cm.

From the resulting elements, you can create many beautiful, and at the same time not very complex flowers.

You can complicate the task by slightly improving each diamond with a knitting needle, awl, toothpick, or a special quilling tool. Just twist the corner of each element a little.

4. Cooking the middle. To do this, you need to tightly twist a strip 10.5 cm long. If you want to make the middle two-tone, glue the two strips different color.

5. Prepare a wider paper strip. You can also make it two-tone by gluing two strips together.

6. Make a few small cuts in the new strip.

7. Now you need to wrap the middle with a wide strip and glue.

8. Making the base of the flower. The base will be in the shape of a cone. ...

Here simple instruction for the base: cut out a circle with a diameter of about 3cm. Draw a radius with a pencil and cut along the radius line. Now you can make a cone from the circle - use glue for fastening.

9. Glue 2 rows of petals into the cone along with the middle.

10. You can make 10 leaves following the same instructions as the petals and glue to the back of the cone.

Quilling paper flowers. Carnations.

1. Make vertical cuts in the wide red strip.

2. Wrap a toothpick in green paper and secure with glue.

3. Glue the beginning of the strip to the stem and start winding it. Finally, secure it with glue.

4. After that you have completely wrapped the paper tape, start straightening the flower.

5. Make petals out of strips of green paper and glue them to the stems.

If you make not vertical, but diagonal cuts on the strip. Then you get this version of the flower.

Do-it-yourself quilling flowers. Asters.

Prepare double-sided colored paper, scissors, rhinestones, quilling tool, glue.

1. Prepare a paper strip 30cm long and 2.5-4cm wide and fold it in half lengthwise.

2. Make a few small cuts in the strip.

3. Using a quilling tool (as already mentioned, it can be replaced with a toothpick, awl, needle, etc.), twist the strip.

4. After you have twisted the roll, carefully from the outside, begin to unscrew the fringe.

You should have a flower like this.

For different sizes of flowers, vary the size of the stripes.

How to make flowers using the quilling technique. Dandelions.

Prepare strips of yellow thick paper of two shades (for flowers), green paper strips (for leaves), crumpled paper (for stems and buds), scissors, tweezers, glue.

Each strip should be 3.5cm wide. Two strips of A4 length are enough for one flower.

1. Prepare 3 strips to cut into petals. Fold each strip in half lengthwise and fold into each other as shown in the picture. Next, you need to cut the petals about 0.5 mm in size.

2. Using a quilling tool, twist one yellow strip and secure the tip with glue. Next, wind two orange stripes on top of the yellow strip, after gluing them into one long strip.

* You can fix the flower underneath with glue.

* Gently straighten the petals.

3. Making leaves.

Prepare a small green paper rectangle. Fold it in half and cut out the shape of a leaf.

4. Squeeze the leaf into an accordion to make it look more realistic.

5. Making a bud.

Prepare 1/3 strip of paper and cut into petals. Roll the strip and secure with glue.

From crumpled paper, cut a strip 1.5 - 2 cm wide. Glue its edge, put a bud on it and wrap the paper. Twist the rest of the stem.

6. If you want to make a beautiful arrangement of flowers and buds, prepare a base from thick paper or cardboard.

Glue all the elements to the base. The first thing to glue is the flowers, and then the rest, smaller details.

How to make flowers using the quilling technique. Roses.

As always, you will need quilling paper, a ruler, glue, as well as wax paper and safety pins.

1. Make a "droplet" shape from the previously prepared element. This will be your bud.

2. Glue 5 petals together to make a flower.

3. Now make another same flower for the second layer of the paper rose, but make the petals smaller. To achieve this, simply do not unwind the workpiece too much.

4. Prepare a strip of yellow or green paper and fold it accordion as shown in the picture. You will get stalks.

5. Glue the stems to the paper.

Another article by Tatyana Yablonskaya (the author of the story about the technique "") - " Quilling for beginners". On our website there are different works in this technique, but it is much more convenient for those who are just starting to master it, to collect in one article all the initial shapes of the figures, useful tips and subtleties with photos.

And perhaps in the future you will be able to create such masterpieces:

But, of course, it is better to start from scratch. Our step by step description manufacturing of basic elements.

« Twig"Is obtained if the spirals are twisted to one side.

« Curl»- an element when the two ends of the strip are twisted in an S-shape.

This is a partial list of open items.

When you learn how to make all these modules, then any craft will be within your power.

Examples of work in the quilling technique for beginners

Now move on to making simple images. At the first stages, you can use ready-made graphic schemes, there all the necessary elements are painted for beginners. Or you can turn on your imagination and start experimenting!

For instance, butterfly... It consists of three main elements: the head is a tight roll, the torso is an eye, and the wings are a drop. All modules are glued together with glue and a mini-craft is obtained.

All kinds of flowers... We need the elements "free spiral" and "eye". They combine to form chamomile (chrysanthemum).

This is what a gorgeous bouquet looks like!

If we take the elements "free spiral" and "drop", then the flowers look a little different.

Composition for May 9 -

There is a huge variety of flowers of extraordinary beauty. You can try to make the flower as similar to the real one as possible. After watching our master class on the quilling technique, you will learn how to make beautiful flowers easily and simply.

For work we need:

  • Quilling strips (you choose the colors yourself);
  • Glue;
  • Awl or toothpick;
  • Scissors.

Quilling flowers for beginners: job description

Volumetric flowers they look much more interesting than flat ones, so in this master class just such a flower will be made.

First you need to make the petals. To do this, glue two strips of different colors together.

This flower will have 22 petals, which means you need to make 22 such stripes.

Roll a roll with a diameter of about 2 cm from each strip.

Squeeze each roll firmly to give it an eye shape.

To make flowers using the quilling technique unusual, you need to give the petals unusual shape... To do this, twist one edge of each petal slightly with an awl.

You should get the following petals (with the help of such petals, you can simply decorate various pictures):

Now you need to make the core of the flower. To do this, glue 2 strips of different colors, twist a roll from them and glue the edge. The roll should be tight.

Then you need to glue a thin strip of a different color on the edge of the strip with a length equal to the circumference of the core, cut this edge along the entire length.

Wrap this strip around the core, as shown in the photo:

In order for the flower to be voluminous, you need to glue the petals to the cone.

Now you need to glue the second layer of petals, but the curled ends should be facing in the opposite direction. Glue the core.

WITH back side glue the petals of the cone.

At the end, you need to glue a circle with cut ends, this will give the flower a neat look.

Here is such an unusual flower. You can decorate pictures, postcards and whatever you like with these flowers.

Undoubtedly, you need to start working in the quilling technique with the simplest colors, since in addition to imagination, neatness and perseverance are needed here. That is why not all beginners continue to make such crafts. In the quilling technique, you need to start developing your skills with the simplest schemes:

Having mastered simple ways creating spirals for quilling, it will be possible to move on to more complex schemes and create large volumetric paintings and panels.

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A variety of hand-made crafts can be a wonderful gift or decoration for any interior. Quilling is a unique activity that Lately is gaining popularity among children and even adults. To create an interesting thing in this case, you only need paper, imagination and a little skill. So what is quilling and where should you start?

What is quilling and where to start?

Quilling is an occupation that involves making bulky or flat products by twisting long and narrow paper strips. Ready-made paper spirals make different shapes, combine into various elements and form the conceived product.

You should start your quilling practice with the purchase of materials. Everything can be found in stationery stores or art stores. You will need the following:

  • Colored double-sided paper. It should not be too thin, as otherwise the twisted strips will not hold their shape. Thin strips will need to be cut out of colored paper (their width varies from 1.5 to 9 millimeters). You can also find ready-made special kits or quilling paper.
  • Rolling rod for paper. If one is not found, then a simple needle, a wooden stick, a toothpick will become an alternative.
  • Tweezers for holding curled strips while applying the adhesive.
  • Stencil with round holes in different sizes.
  • PVA glue
  • Simple pencil and ruler.
  • When choosing paper for quilling, you should pay attention to its density. So, the most suitable density is 120-160g / m². It is with this density that the paper will keep its shape well after twisting, and the parts will be connected efficiently. In particular, if a vase or plate is created using the quilling technique and pressure on the product is assumed, then the high density of the paper will make it durable.
  • Typically, the paper needs to be cut into 3-5mm strips. This makes it possible to do the work neatly and beautifully. However, some details of the product (for example, fluffy flowers, dolls, etc.) require wider stripes - 7-10 millimeters.
  • The length of the stripes is an important part of quilling. As a rule, standard ready-made strips reach a length of 30 cm, and this does not always make it possible to achieve the desired splendor or volume. Therefore, it is important to find ready-made colored strips for quilling on sale, the length of which is 75 cm.
  • To make your work beautiful and unusual, do not limit yourself to the standard colors paper. Nowadays, in stores you can find a variety of options for quilling paper, differing in interesting shades and a variety of patterns.

The main elements of quilling: how to make an open and closed (closed) roll

Simple spirals are the base shape for most of the other shapes you will create.

To make a closed roll, close to the end of the tape, apply a small amount of glue. After removing the roll from the tool, do not let it expand.

To make an open roll, remove it from the tool and allow it to expand. Once it has fully expanded, add some glue to the tip of the roll and secure.

How to make the basic shapes of parts for quilling a photo


A drop

Curved drop






Basic forms for quilling video tutorial