
Master class “Fireworks! Application "Festive salute" (emotional art task) How to make a salute on paper with your own hands


Everyone loves to watch fireworks, how multi-colored flashes soar into the sky. But what if you make your own homemade fireworks, but out of paper? Moreover, for its manufacture you do not need glue, but only colored paper, scissors and a little patience.

In order to make fireworks out of paper, you need to cut out 12 squares with a side of 15 centimeters. You can take a variety of colors. In this master class, 4 colors of 3 squares were used.

First you need to prepare the modules for making paper fireworks. The square is folded in half. All folds must be carefully ironed and the edges aligned very precisely so that the modules are even.

Then the square is again bent diagonally, but in the other direction.

Now you need to bend the square in half.

And without unfolding it, once again in half to get a strip.

On the expanded square, there were many folds that are needed to make it convenient to fold the module.

You also need to do the other side.

Now you need to unfold the square and fold the sides inward along the folds. It will turn out a triangle, in the photo - a top view.

It is imperative that the triangle is turned on the correct side, a transverse horizontal fold line and two small corners should be visible.

Then the edges of the boat need to be bent with a house.

First on one side.

Then exactly the same with the other. The figure really began to resemble a house.

Now you need to expand the bottom edge from the bottom up in the same way as before the entire module.

Align, press and smooth the edges well.

Do the same with the second edge.

And do the same on the other side. Unfold all edges so that only the folds are obtained. The module is ready.

Do the same for the rest of the squares.

Now you need to connect all the modules together. To do this, you need to insert a half of the other into the pocket of one module.

It turned out such a snake.

Now all the modules need to be aligned with each other, smoothed out well.

Here's what should happen.

Now you need to bend the trapezoidal parts from top to bottom, also starting from the second in a row.

Parts are also bent on both sides.

The fireworks are almost ready. While it still looks like a snake, on the sides of which there are protruding modules.

First you need to bend two corners on both sides.

Then the remaining trapezoidal parts, two on each side.

Fireworks ready!

Now you can try to expand it, how many different colorful shapes you get! This is how it turned out funny toy which will be of interest to both children and adults.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

The final look of the craft. Photo 4.

The final look of the craft. Photo 5.

The final look of the craft. Photo 6.

Summary of the lesson on the application " Fireworks»

middle group

Target: to promote the development of productive and creative activities through the application and the education of patriotism among preschoolers.


Educational: continue to teach children how to use scissors correctly;

Developing: development fine motor skills, color perception, interest in the application;

Educational: to cultivate accuracy in working with glue, brush, napkin; cultivate a positive attitude towards the motherland.

Lesson type - introductory.

Integration educational areas : "Cognition", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Activities : communicative, playful, productive, motor.

Methods - verbal, visual, playful, practical.

Forms cognitive activity children:



Material and equipment: glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins, scissors, semicircles, strips, mugs, sheets of paper, salute sample, laptop, projector, multimedia board, salute recording.

Preliminary work: conversation and reading poems about Victory Day.

move educational activities



Organizing time

Hello guys! What good fellows you are, sitting so well! Dressy, beautiful!

Guys, tell me, what holiday will we celebrate tomorrow?

Conversation about Victory Day. Fragment view.

And what is this holiday?

How is it celebrated? What activities are held on this day?

Do you go to the fireworks show with your parents? So, someone was, and who has not seen fireworks more than once.

Fireworks are multi-colored lights flying high into the sky. They are bright and beautiful. Fireworks are always held in the evening, when it is already dark, so that it can be clearly seen.

I propose to see a fragment of the festive fireworks in Moscow - the capital of our country.

How beautiful are you guys? Did you like it?

Let's also arrange a salute for war veterans! And it will be unusual for us, made of colored paper.

Examining the sample. Show application techniques.

Here's a look at a sample.

Everyone go to the tables, take your seats.

Please note that each of you has three semicircles, three stripes and three small circles on the table. How can they depict salute?

Look, we take a strip, put it on oilcloth, apply glue and stick it on the sheet, like this, at the bottom of the sheet. Glue a circle on top of the strip. This is the leg of the fireworks. Next, we take a semicircle, scissors and cut out such details that look like triangles. We glue them. These are fireworks. So, we made one bunch of fireworks. We do the same for others. But for now, let's take a break and play with you.

Physical education minute

A poem by Olga Vysotskaya.


Everything was quiet around

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! (arms up, swing your arms to the right, left, forward, back)

Rockets in the sky flashed

Both there and here!

over the square,

over rooftops,

Over festive Moscow

Soaring higher

Fire fountain alive!

To the street, to the street (running in place)

Everyone runs happily

Shout "Hurrah"!


For the festive


Productive activity, independent work of children.

Well done guys, sit down, get to work.

Tell me what will you do first? Later?

Children create their own image of fireworks.


Guys, admire what a beautiful festive fireworks we got! Well done, you tried, clap each other!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content:

  1. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bheroic deeds and patriotic feelings.
  2. Develop creative potential creative thinking, imagination.
  3. To cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, the memory of fallen soldiers.

Materials: Blue cardboard (application background) for each child, colored paper and foil, colored woolen threads, glue, brushes, napkins, scissors. Narrative drawings on the themes: “Peace”, “War”, flannelgraph.

Preliminary work. Reading fiction about the Great Patriotic War. Examination of illustrations of the war years. Conversations about the exploits and courage of soldiers, about selfless work behind enemy lines, about peaceful life. Listening to the songs of the war years. Design of the exhibition of drawings “We are for peace. We are against war." Collective work-mosaic “Lights over the city”.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Music "Military march" sounds.

Children enter the group one by one and sit on the chairs in a semicircle.

Leading. They all sat down nicely, comfortably, correctly.

II. Main part.

V. Guys, May 9 is very bright and joyful holiday for all. 65 years ago, on this day, the war against German fascism ended. We gratefully remember our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We will always remember how valuable our people have found this world. What do you think war is?

Children. War is hunger, grief, death, evil.

Q. What do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

D. The war lasted almost four years, a lot of people died, everyone rose to defend their homeland: children, women, and the elderly.

Q. That's right, guys, the Great Patriotic War was long and bloody. It was a terrible and cruel war. She brought grief to every family. Therefore, the whole vast country rose to fight the enemy. How did our soldiers fight, defending the country from the Nazis?

D. The soldiers fought bravely, boldly, courageously.

Q. What qualities did the defenders of our Motherland possess?

D. They possessed such qualities as strength, courage, endurance, resourcefulness, ingenuity, great love for the Motherland.

Q. That's right, guys, thanks to the courage and courage of our people, we won. And I really want you to never know what hunger and cold are, never wake up at night from explosions and bombings, never experience the horrors of war.

2. D / and "Express your protest."

The flannelograph displays drawings on the themes “Peace” and “War”.

Q. Guys, in front of you on the flannelgraph is an exhibition of drawings “We are for peace”. Look carefully at them and think about what drawings you would remove, expressing your protest against the war. (Children look at the pictures.)

Q. I ask you to remove those drawings that are not suitable for our exhibition. But when removing them, you must express your protest with the words: “We do not want war”, “We are against war”, “No war”. (Children remove unnecessary drawings.)

Q. This is how you protested against the war and made your small contribution to the cause of peace.

3. Poetic minute.

Q. What is Victory Day? What is the world? Our girls will tell us about this now.

1st girl.

Victory Day, Victory Day,
This holiday is yours and mine!
Let the sky be clear
The guys are over their heads!

2nd girl.

Let the guns roar today
At parades and in the cinema.
We are for peace! War is not needed
It's definitely decided!

3rd girl.

We are for children in the world
Wouldn't play war
To the morning at dawn
Hear the peace of the world!

4th girl.

We are for the whole planet
Green like a garden
To serve calmly
Peaceful homeland soldiers!

V. On the ninth of May, in honor of the Victory Day, salvos will thunder in all cities. Salute is a fiery good memory of our soldiers.

Lush bouquets bloom in the sky,
Like sparks of light, the petals sparkle.
Asters flash, blue, red,
Blue, purple, each time new.
And then the golden river flows.
What it is?

D. (Chorus.) Festive fireworks.

The phonogram of salute volleys sounds.

4. Physical education. Exercises "Salute".

Q. Guys, let's have a little rest and draw our salute. (Children, standing in a circle, do the exercises).

Rice. one

V. We got a very beautiful salute. I propose to go to the tables and depict a salute in the form of an application.

Children go and sit at the tables.

5. Display. Explanation. Performance.

V. As I already said, on May 9, in honor of the Victory, festive fireworks will thunder in almost every city. Guys, what do you think fireworks are?

D. Fireworks are multi-colored sparks in the sky, multi-colored lights.

Q. That's right, guys, fireworks are multi-colored sparks flying high into the sky. They can be compared with autumn flowers - asters, just as bright and beautiful. Fireworks always happen in the evening, and their volleys fly high into the sky. Therefore, for the background of our application, I suggest you take cardboard of blue color. Our salute will thunder on the main square of the country - on Red Square, above the Kremlin. We will perform several types of fireworks at once: using foil, colored paper and woolen threads. These are the beautiful fireworks I got. (Examination of samples.)

Q. Each table will perform a different salute: everyone will get a different salute. For the first table, I suggest working with foil. I cut strips of foil and pasted them on the fireworks.

Q. I want to propose to the second table to make a broken application. Look, I tore strips of colored paper into small squares and laid out a salute from them, gluing them.

Q. And for the rest of the guys, I suggest forming “salutiki” from threads and scraps wool yarn by gluing them.

B. Work must be done neatly and beautifully. Guys, remember the rules for working with scissors.

D. Do not turn around; do not swing scissors; work very carefully.

6. Independent work of children.

The samples are removed, and the children do the work on their own to the quiet, calm music of the war years.

Rice. 2

Individual work with children who have difficulty with this or that activity.

III. Lesson analysis.

1. Exhibition of children's works, their analysis.

B. Take your work and follow me, I propose to make an exhibition “Fireworks”.

Children hang out their work and sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Q. What beautiful, bright, multi-colored fireworks you got. It looks like you put a lot of effort into your work.

D. In honor of the soldiers-liberators, in honor of the victory of our people over fascism.

Let the Victory salute thunder
On this day over the whole country!
Let the Victory salute thunder
This light will warm the world!

2. Performance of the song “Today is fireworks”.

C. Our lesson has come to an end, and in conclusion, we invite our guests to listen to a song performed by the guys, which is called “Today is a fireworks”.

Children sing a song.

Q. Our lesson is over. Many thanks to all present for your attention.

To the music of “Military March”, the children leave the group.

Fireworks today.

1. Over Red Square under the sky of the Kremlin,
Flowers bloom like the dawn.
Above the Red Square colored lights,
They fly to the shoulder straps of the military.

Over the square of the Red gun they beat,
Salute in honor of our Army today.
In honor of our Army / 2 times
Today, today fireworks.

2. A blue flower descends from the sky,
For our pilots, he is the most dear.
Green petals burn in the sky
They are close to our border guards.

3. A blue flower descends from the clouds,
Like the waves of the sea for all sailors.
Descends yellow, crimson color,
Above the homeland of a peaceful spring bouquet.

A grandiose date is approaching - the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism and the end of World War II. We are faced with the task of conveying to our children the history of that war, not to let them forget the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In addition to stories about the war, reading books and watching movies, making postcards and crafts for Victory Day will help instill historical memory in children. offers a selection of crafts for May 9 that you can do with your children.

Simple postcards-applications for Victory Day

Flat postcards using the appliqué technique can be made even with younger preschoolers. The plot can be different: festive fireworks over the Kremlin, a soldier's helmet under a branch of a flowering apple tree, a poster composition with St. George ribbon, star and young foliage. Depending on the age of the child, he can be instructed to cut out parts from colored paper or just stick them on a sheet.

Volumetric postcards with appliqué

Interesting details can be included in the plot of the postcard: voluminous carnations, they are made according to the principle or unusual clouds and the sun.

Not a flat, but a voluminous red star looks very advantageous - a symbol of the victorious army.

You can make such a star according to the scheme:

The basis for crafts for Victory Day can be not only an album sheet. The circular composition made on an old CD looks interesting. The disc keeps its shape perfectly, and such a craft can be hung, for example, from a lamp in a room or from a mirror in a car.

Multilayer postcards and compositions

A three-dimensional picture can be made from several flat images arranged in several layers with an indent. To create space between layers, use pieces of thick corrugated cardboard or foam board, and an ordinary candy box can become a frame for the composition.

Straw appliqué

If you know the technique of applique from straw or birch bark, then you may decide to take on such serious work as the triptych shown in the photo below. It will take a lot of work and artistic taste, but the result is worth it.

Postcard decoration with embroidery

Embroidery on paper or cardboard looks very original. You can decorate in this way, for example, the famous fireworks on Red Square. It is better to embroider not on white, but on colored cardboard - this way the craft for Victory Day will turn out to be more elegant.

A bright craft for Victory Day, embroidered with sequins, perfectly conveys the festive mood.

Stained glass is a complicated technique, but the result is very elegant and festive, so it's worth a try! We select an image for a future stained glass window or draw a sketch. We put it under the glass, degrease the glass surface (you can use a cotton pad with nail polish remover) and circle it with contour paint. Let dry and gradually apply colors to the glass.

Vytynanki - silhouette paper cut

Loved by many can be used not only in New Year's decoration, but also in crafts for the Victory Day.
You can start with a simpler craft. Here large shapes are cut out of colored paper.

More painstaking work will require cutting out a thematic postcard-panel with colored paper inserts. First, the main pattern is applied to the paper and cut out slots, then carefully glued on the bottom side colored paper. Depending on the background color, the panel will look different!

You can make a postcard from individual silhouette clippings and stick on the base.

Volumetric crafts from colored paper

Modeling from colored paper and cardboard, you can create interesting three-dimensional compositions. beautiful themed crafts by the holiday will be the Order of the Patriotic War or the Order of Victory.

Kids can be offered to make a very simple plot: Eternal flame from red and yellow paper, a St. George ribbon and an inscription.

Older children or a group of children can take on the manufacture of a tank out of cardboard.

Well, for those who feel the strength in themselves, we offer an even more complex composition. The plot can be, for example, a monument to fallen soldiers, with an eternal flame, flowers and stairs leading to the monument.

Crafts for May 9 from plasticine

A real memorial can be made from plasticine. You can supplement the sculptural image with a St. George ribbon and inscriptions cut from last year's postcard.

Plasticine is a very grateful material. You can make almost anything you can think of from it: tanks and planes, monuments to fallen soldiers, paintings and posters with slogans. It can be wrapped in foil or spray-painted.

Battle reenactments

Reconstructions of battles can be made from the most different materials: clay, plasticine, cardboard and paper and even dough. Working on such compositions helps children to feel more deeply the stories they read about the war and the films they saw.

Drawings about the war

Drawings about the war speak a lot: sad, with the hope of Victory and joyful - with the return home.

Wall newspapers, collages and posters

Be sure to release a school wall newspaper for Victory Day. Look at some vivid examples of thematic wall newspapers by May 9 and be inspired by ideas!

Making a collage of old historical photographs and letters, enlivening them with poems and flowers is a great idea that conveys the atmosphere of the Great Patriotic War to the generation of our children.

A collage postcard is suitable for decorating an assembly hall or stand. Check out two decorating ideas for one pattern:

On the printed map of military operations, you can make your own special military composition. For example, with the famous "Katyusha".

The article used photos from sites:

Rasulova Larisa

Master Class« Salute of Victory It is very important to design a group for any holiday. For Victory Day on May 9, I had an idea for decorating festive salute of the curtains of the assembly hall.

On the back of the package, draw with a pencil several lines emanating from one point.

By cutting out this base detail, we are left with pieces of paper that we will use as explosion lines. « salute» .

We cut out stars from the remaining pieces of paper - these will be sparks « salute» .

So salute You can decorate a wall or a curtain with tailor's pins. After holiday carefully remove and put in a box or bag, because we can use it repeatedly.

Also for this work, you can use shiny packaging paper pasted on cardboard or a sheet of drawing paper. As a result, we get such a luxurious firework -« Salute of Victory» !

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