
How to help a child remember numbers advice on the topic. A Surprisingly Easy Way to Teach Your Child to Calculate How to Learn Numbers with a Child


What to do if your child can't remember the numbers?

Others remember, but yours doesn’t! It's a shame.

And, most importantly, why is this happening? Unclear.

After all, a child is no worse than the rest, right?

And, if we are to be extremely frank, then in some places - even better! Smart and talented...

Familiar story? And so it was with us as well 🙂.

What to do if your child can't remember numbers? How to help?

Masha is smart. Very smart and talented and… Well, you get the idea.

But remembering the numbers - it didn’t work out! No matter how much they repeated, or counted, stickers were pasted - no use.

All the figures for Masha were on the same face.

"On one face"

Here it is! This turned out to be main secret Masha and many other children.

It's all about perception! It is different for people. Not just for kids, by the way.

There are children for whom one is one, and two is two. Well, you know how a donkey is a donkey, and a lamb is a lamb. You would probably be surprised if your child couldn't tell a donkey from a ram, right?

And there are children for whom one, two, three and all-all-all (as well as letters!) -


And now imagine. They give you a piece of squiggles and say:

- This squiggle is called “one”, this “two”, and this is generally the letter “a”! Did you remember everything? Repeat!

Represented? Fearfully? So it is for children who do not remember numbers and letters in any way.

Well, okay, there’s nothing terrible about it now, because we have already come up with a solution that helped us learn letters first, and then numbers.

Quick memorization!

Yes, if our method suits you, let me remind you that you can learn the letters with with exactly the same method!

Before you begin to directly study the numbers, teach your child to count. And now, after the baby easily begins to pronounce a series of odes from one to ten, proceed to a new stage in the study of numbers.

It is important to show what these numbers look like. It can be pictures, cards, games. There are many methods, each mother chooses for her baby the most convenient and interesting in her opinion.

When to start learning numbers?

It is very important to interest the child. If the child cannot remember the numbers, maybe you should postpone classes a little, maybe he is not interested in it yet, maybe you started learning numbers too early.

It is difficult to say what age is most suitable for this case. Each child is individual and interest awakens in different ages. Someone already counts for a year, and for whom it is difficult to distinguish a four from a seven at the age of five. Now it is very fashionable to write, speak and so on as early as possible. It is not for nothing that the word “fashionable” is used here, because, in most cases, this is not necessary for children, but for their mothers, who later on the playground can praise their child. In fact, the child will have time to learn the numbers, so if the baby stubbornly does not want to study, you should not insist, for sure, he is not yet interested in the numbers.

Game - teaching

Don't worry if your child can't remember the numbers. Convert your . For example, buy a lotto, use kegs to memorize numbers. Does your kid love to draw? This is wonderful! Buy a children's easel with a magnetic board and a crayon board. It may be easier for a child to remember the number eight if you draw it in the form of glasses, and three in the form of a snake.

Try to show your child the numbers at every opportunity. In the store - price tags, on the street - numbers of houses and buses, in the elevator - buttons with floors. Over time, the baby will definitely remember all the numbers.

All kinds of coloring books, riddles, poems, educational toys can help you remember numbers. On a board or paper, draw a series of numbers, skip one or more, let the child name the missing numbers. To begin, write the numbers in order, for example, 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10. After a while, when the baby will easily cope with this task, write the numbers randomly - 3,6,4,2,7,1,9,10.

Another entertaining game: cut out large numbers from cardboard, let the child close his eyes and guess the numbers by touch.

Organization of a number memorization lesson

But, remember, all your work will be in vain if the baby is not interested in studying numbers. Take care of your child only good mood, in a calm environment, do not get angry and do not scold if the child cannot remember the numbers right away. Don't stop praising him. Correctly organize the regimen, it is better to practice every day for 10-15 minutes than once a week for two hours - this will only tire the child. Psychologists say that it is better to conduct classes in the morning, for example, after breakfast, so information is better perceived and remembered.

What if the child cannot remember the numbers?

If, nevertheless, the child cannot remember the numbers, do not insist, maybe the time has not come yet. Invite your child to work out in a couple of weeks. Do not insist, on the contrary, it will discourage the baby's interest in classes.

To teach a child numbers, you need not protect him from them and allow him to be interested because of his age, always answering his questions.

Basics: how to teach a child numbers?

Each child is an individual, so it is impossible to measure all children with one measure. It is always more correct to evaluate the actions and deeds of any person. You can't compare kids to each other you need to compare the child with himself: what he was yesterday and what he has become today.

At what age should a child know numbers?

The answer to this question is personal experience and a unique author's child development program by Masaru Ibuka, a well-known Japanese businessman, founder and chief engineer of Sony Corporation. The title of his publication speaks very categorically for itself: "After three years, it's already too late."

All psychologists and teachers agree with him: up to three years, the child's brain is so plastic, free, malleable, inquisitive and efficient that it is simply a crime not to take advantage of its capabilities during this period.

Interesting fact: up to seven years, the baby manages to master such a volume of information that can only be compared with the dimensions of knowledge acquired by a person for the rest of his life.

If the crumbs have no problems with the sign system, and parents are interested in knowing how and how their child lives, then the child can master numbers and even letters without any problems at three or even two years.

Teaching the little ones

With kids, everything is simple: bright, funny, mobile always attracts them:

  • Therefore, we use soft toys-numbers, poems about them and counting, and the child will involuntarily become interested in symbols unfamiliar to him.
  • The wallpaper in the nursery with numbers works well in this regard (a train with numbered cars, animal houses on a forest street).
  • Children love to sculpt, which means we play with plasticine and dough and sculpt digital signs. You can even bake cookies from the dough.

Learning the numbers for the little "Einstein" is very interesting activity. Children can be easily encouraged to develop lessons at any age, if this process does not violate the psyche of the crumbs. It is the kids who are most interested in symbols, and if adults limit themselves to indifference at best, then the painful acquaintance with numbers for a child will drag on until the age of five or six. Adults must remember that to teach a child anything you need on time: the road is a spoon for dinner.

Education at 4 years

A child at 4 years old is already junior preschooler, so to his mental development There are many more requirements than before.

The time has come for active work on fine motor skills brushes. The easiest way to do this is in the process of the favorite pastime of all children - drawing.

The child will learn to distinguish between numbers and correlate them with a certain (specific) quantity, as well as draw them independently.

Drawing will allow you to optimally prepare your baby for writing thanks to:

  • development of small muscles of the hand;
  • active formation of visual and motor images of each of the numbers.

Drawing steps:

  1. several times the baby draws a number big size;
  2. draws smaller images.

It is important for children to be able to draw materials different color- then the exercises will bring joy.

The development of visual-motor coordination is facilitated by such tasks as "tracks":

  • With multi-colored pencils, the child passes a race track drawn on paper, tangled and winding. You must not fly off the road at the turn.
  • Cut out complicated roads from cardboard or thick paper and arrange Formula 1 competitions by driving small toy cars along the track.

This game will also make it easier for your child to learn to write.

It is advisable to select tasks constructed in such a way as to ensure the development of attention and the beginning of logical thinking, and also provoke him to non-standard solutions:

  • We look at the figure with the crumbs and try to find objects around that are at least somehow associated with the number. appearance(form).
  • We sculpt a figure from salt dough, from plasticine, lay it out with the help of pasta, matches, write on asphalt, on sand, on snow.
  • We read S. Ya. Marshak “Let's Get Acquainted”, we try to learn what we like.

Adults should pay attention to the following in this children's activity:

  • whether the child is sitting correctly (taking care of posture and safety of vision);
  • how he holds a brush, pencil, wax crayon, felt-tip pen;
  • the baby should always have enough materials for his favorite business: albums, pencils, crayons, coloring books, stencils;
  • All classes must be held in game form and only if the baby wants.

Classes at the age of 5-6 years

After the stage of familiarizing the child with the process of forming any number, you can begin to closely communicate with the baby with numbers.

He will know and printed version which he will see in a newspaper, magazine, book, and handwritten - in the notebook of the older children in the family.

Teaching a child at the age of 5-6 years can already be more thorough and purposeful, because this is the average pre-preschool age and requires a more attentive attitude of adults to the knowledge and skills of the crumbs:

  • If the baby has no problems with the sign system, he calmly remembers and quickly learns to recognize and recognize the graphic image of all ten numbers, and if there is, then it is difficult to remember some numbers and get confused.
  • Speech therapist children have a mirror perception of numbers and more often this happens with numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Some digital signs require special attention:

  • 3 - similar to the letter "Z" for preschoolers who have already comprehended the Russian alphabet.
  • 4 - the printed image is perceived in two ways due to the variability in printing, and the written image is similar to the letter "H".
  • 6 and 9 - it's hard for guys not to confuse them, because graphic images These figures differ only in rotation around their own axis by 180°.

Learn numbers and numbers correctly

Before explaining anything to a child about numbers and figures, adults themselves must be clear about the difference between the two:

  • It is important not to confuse: a figure is a sign that serves to designate a number, a number is a value at which an account is made.
  • You can draw a parallel with sounds and letters: sounds are what we hear and pronounce, and letters are symbols (icons) for designating sounds in writing.
  • Thus, the letters make up the alphabet, and hence the numbers - this is also a kind of "alphabet", with the help of the symbols of which you can write any number.

Numbers (their notation) are made up of digits in the same way that words in a notation are made up of letters.

There are only 33 letters in the Russian alphabet, and an infinite number of words can be made from them.

We have only ten numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, but you can make up infinitely many numbers from them. Each time adding 1 to the named number, we will get the next number.

Each digit in the solo version (alone) denotes a single-digit number in the entry. In two-digit numbers, there are two characters (numbers), and in three-digit numbers, three characters (numbers), and so on.

Numbers in which we use more than one digit are called multi-digit numbers.

To avoid confusion, children need to explain:

  • Among the numbers from 1 to 20, two groups are distinguished: one-digit and two-digit.
  • Numbers after 10 are formed as follows: put one on “twenty” (ten) and get 11, put two on “twenty” and get 12, and so on.
  • We study 2,3,7,6,10 as a demonstration of the difference between single and double digit numbers, emphasizing that 10 is the smallest two digit number and 9 is the largest single digit number.
  • Numbers from 1 to 100 make up the first "hundred", but 100 is the smallest three-digit number.

Colors to help

Usage bright colors and shades have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child and serves as a kind of color therapy:

  • bright colors always cheer up and vitality;
  • a box of 18 or 24 colored pencils will make the child feel more confident - he will have many colored helpers;
  • bright colors have a positive effect on the unformed child's psyche, the child's fear of the new and the unknown disappears.

How the color variety works can be seen in the examples:

  • The child will be happy to color both the large number and the drawing for it. For example, to the "seven" - a painted rainbow, to the "troika" - a fabulous family of bears.
  • Having studied the new figure, we will try to color the clothes of the characters in the children's coloring book with the help of colored pencils, applying a “digital print” to it.

Counting materials

Depending on which analyzer (visual or auditory) a person is leading, is better developed, the form and method of the information presented will depend.

A well-known fact: in most people (and in small ones, even more so), the visual analyzer is naturally better developed. No wonder they say that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times.

Children are a special audience, requiring vivid impressions, unusual techniques, and memorable objects. In them, all mental processes are often involuntary. It requires adults thorough preparation for classes with a child.

How to help your child?

Calmly explaining to a baby is not an easy task. In this process, it is important not to sink to the level of the child, but to try to raise the baby a step above its previous position, bringing it closer to you.

Familiarization Methodology

After getting to know new figure, and doing exercises, you need to try in every possible way to consolidate the knowledge gained: together with the child, find familiar numbers on surrounding objects - on the pages of favorite books, on house numbers, on apartment doors, but mailboxes, on car numbers and so on.

If the child does not fully understand the material being studied, it is necessary to additionally perform similar tasks with him, and after a while it is necessary to return to an easy topic and repeat it. The material is studied from simple to complex. You cannot move forward without mastering the previous material, because it is the basis, the foundation for the study of subsequent topics.

Game forms of education

Children's education preschool age requires constant play:

  • Find the right pictures. The student is asked to connect with a pencil all the pictures with the corresponding number of objects.
  • Each picture has a number. For each picture, choose a number that corresponds to the number of objects in it.
  • "Choose a card." Choose a card with a number for the covers of popular books. For example: "Three Bears", "Flower-Semitsvetik".

  • “Artist figures” - we draw a continuous chain of “eights” - we get a round dance of nesting dolls, randomly scattered “triples” - fluttering birds, a line of “ones” - a fence.
  • "Draw a portrait of a figure." Adults read the description of the figure in verse, and the child must draw it.
  • "Drawing with a secret." By connecting the dots with one code number next to it (for example, "six"), the child will receive a drawing (for example, an elephant).

  • "Funny Numbers" The kid guesses the numbers in unusual drawings, where they are hidden in a funny story.
  • "Talking Numbers". According to the story of the figure about himself, the baby must guess who it is. For example, what number I am, the traffic light will tell. Or I am the favorite assessment of all students. Or all the loafers are afraid of me.

Learn to count quickly

Consolidation of the studied material

To make sure how the child has learned the numbers and their images, you can write a “mathematical dictation” with him:

  • mark the largest single number with a number;
  • what number stands for "empty" and "nothing";
  • write down the number that "lives" between 4 and 6 in a series of numbers;
  • answer with a number: three times 2.

It is better to fix the letter of numbers in a notebook in a large cell or in a special "Recipe".

At the fixing stage, you can use geometric shapes: three triangles, three squares and three ovals, each of which is repeated in three colors: yellow, red and blue.

We write 1 on triangles, 2 on squares, 3 on ovals. We ask the child to group the figures in any way known to him. He himself determines the options for choice: by color, by shape, by the written number.

For information on how to teach a child numbers, see the following video.

Very often, parents, trying to give their child a first understanding of mathematics, focus exclusively on ordinal counting or memorizing numbers. Naturally, both are useful activities, however, if you really want to teach a child to count, then you need to introduce him not to numbers, but quantities and not just memorize the count to ten with the baby, but help him understand the spoken meanings, develop mathematical thinking. For a child, the words “Four apples” should not be an empty phrase, the kid should clearly understand how many apples it is and understand that, for example, four is more than two.

Mathematics for kids. Basic principles

The math games I want to talk about in this article are best for for children 2-4 years old (and something even earlier). The main goal of these games is to teach the child to visually recognize the number, to understand which is larger, which is smaller, which are the same, how many correspond to each digit, and what will happen if one more is added to three apples. I would like to note that these are games, not lessons. Children at this age will not like it very much if you constantly torture them with questions like “Show the number 3” “Tell me, how many sticks are there?”. They need to be interested, unobtrusively add mathematical problems to everyday ones. I notice the highest interest in my daughter when her favorite toy personally tells her about her problem and asks for help (for the toy, of course, I say).

Do not try to play with big numbers at once! It is enough to limit yourself to games within 4-5. Agree, it is much more attractive to help a child master various operations with numbers not exceeding the number 4, to develop mathematical thinking, than just to learn how to count up to ten, not being able to act with each of these numbers. A child who has mastered operations with small numbers will then easily transfer his skills to large numbers.

So, math games for kids:

1. Ordinal counting in everyday life

First of all, draw your child's attention to the fact that everything around us can be counted and enter the account into your everyday life. Count the stairs you climb, the cars in front of the house, the spoons before dinner, the pigs in the fairy tale, the stick candles on your sand cake, and so on. So gradually the child will remember the sequence you regularly say “one, two, three ...” and slowly begin to correlate it with the amount seen. You can do this from 1 year old.

2. We study the concept of "The same"

Here are a few examples of our very first number games (played around age 2):

    We seat 2-3 toys at the table, inform the baby that one of them has a birthday today, so all the guests need to be fed. To begin with, we count together how many guests there are and with the words “So, there are only 3 guests, which means that we will also need 3 plates,” we count three plates with the baby. We arrange them for the guests, check that everyone had enough, which means that the plates as many how many toys. Similarly, you can give tasks for the distribution of spoons or chairs for toys.

    Then, in the voice of Masha's doll, we say "Can I have 3 mushrooms, please." We count Masha 3 mushrooms. Then we argue that it would be necessary to put the frog the same amount so as not to offend. We also count 3 mushrooms for him. Re-established the concept as many ».

In the game, you can use any available counting material (cones, buttons, counting sticks), as well as purchased (various mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes; here is another example chic set).

  • It is not necessary to be limited only to the topic of tea drinking, mathematics can be added to any. For example, put as many houses as there are animals, draw as many berries as there are hedgehogs in the picture, etc. The main thing is to harmoniously weave the task into the plot of the game, telling the story that the little animals were left without housing, etc.

3. Compare "More-less"

  • Continuing the theme of the birthday of the toy, we lay out 2 mushrooms for one of the guests, and 4 for the other, together we think about who has more and who has less. To begin with, we give the baby a try to determine by eye, if he is mistaken, we count together.

  • If the child is already good at comparing similar objects, you can offer him more difficult task : lay out in front of him 2 different amounts of objects of different sizes, for example, buttons. For example, we put 3 large buttons and 5 small ones and ask where there are more. At first, babies usually get confused, pointing to large buttons. Your task is to explain that in this problem you are not comparing the size, but the number of buttons.

4. We study the concept of "Zero"

Even the smallest, one-year-old children can easily notice the fact that the items were and are over, as well as catch the moment when this happened. Therefore, having distributed sweets, mushrooms and other joys to toys, spread your arms in bewilderment and say, “But we have nothing left - zero sweets.” The concept of "zero", as a rule, is acquired by children very easily.

5. Board games

Board games with dice and chips are one of the best and most interesting ways practice ordinal counting with your child. In addition, by constantly counting the same number of dots on the cube, the baby learns to recognize the number without recalculation, which is also very useful and will help in the future to easily operate with numbers in the mind.

Taisiya and I started playing board games at 2.5 years old, at this age, she could already catch what you need to play by the rules, there is an order of moves, etc. I wrote in detail about all our first board games. And you can download a walking game made especially for kids.

6. Countdown

Show your child not only direct, but also reverse counting. So, for example, when putting rings on a pyramid, count as usual, and when disassembling the pyramid, count in reverse order, thereby showing that the number of rings is decreasing. The same can be done by folding / laying something out of the box, assembling / disassembling a path (turret) from cubes. This is very useful game, it prepares the child well for the subtraction operation.

7. Simple operations with objects: addition and subtraction

No, of course, I will not write here that it would be time to solve examples. We will simply unobtrusively during the game give the child an elementary and very simplified idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch mathematical operations as addition and subtraction. Everything is just in the form of a game! If the child finds it difficult or does not want to count, we simply pronounce the conclusion from the game situation ourselves "There were three sweets, one was eaten, two remained." Here are a few examples of games that can be used to train a child’s mathematical thinking (let me remind you that so far we use only the smallest numbers in our games - within 4-5):

    We take some toy and go with it together into the forest in search of berries. For example, we played with a cat. Walking around the room, we found pebble-berries of two colors under the chairs and tables. Well, at the end they counted: “How many orange berries did the cat find? Three. How many yellow ones? Two. Now let's count how many berries he found in total. Five. It turns out that we have collected 2 yellow berries and 3 orange ones, and only 5!”

  • The fixies were going to fix the chair. They have 3 bolts. Let's calculate whether each fix is ​​enough for a bolt. How many more bolts do you need to find?

  • We transport the cubes in the car to the construction site (let's say 3 pieces). During transportation, one cube falls out. We count how many cubes are left.
  • We give the bear three sweets, he eats two. We count how much he has left.
  • It is very interesting to play the so-called "hide-and-seek-reader". For example, we draw four apples, then close one with our palm, how many are left? Then we close two, and so on.

8. Composition of the number

It is very useful to decompose numbers into their components with the child (for example, 3 is 2 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1, 3 + 0). This will help the child with the count in the future. Game options:

  • Look, you and I have three apples, let's divide them between a bear and a bunny. We will give one apple to the bunny, and two to the bear. Try to redistribute the apples between the toys in different ways, showing different ways of decomposing the number.
  • You can attach several clothespins to the hanger, install along the edges small toys and redistribute clothespins between them, imagining that these are, for example, sweets. It turned out to be an excellent replacement for the usual boring bills. Another option: you can put bagels on a ribbon and redistribute them in the same way, saying who got how much.

9. Get acquainted with the numbers, establish the relationship between numbers and quantities

When the child has some idea of ​​the quantities, you can begin to enter numbers. Now, having counted something, you not only call the number, but also show the corresponding figure. Here are some more math game options:

    We build towers from the designer or cubes of the appropriate size;

  • We attach a suitable number of clothespins-hair ( HERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD our head templates);

  • We select dominoes with the required number of dots (to diversify the game, you can offer the child to deliver dominoes to numbered houses on a typewriter);

  • We lay out the tracks from the counting sticks and select the appropriate numbers - the length of the resulting tracks will help the child understand which number is larger;

  • We put the right number of matches in numbered boxes;
  • We impose the required number of cubes in cars with numbers (cars can be drawn on paper);
  • You can also use ready-made solutions, like this games "Numbers" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

or insert frame (Ozone, My shop,read)

10. Repeat numbers

To consolidate the numbers, games in which the child needs to find the same numbers and combine them will be useful. For example, you can select houses for toys by numbers, arrange cars in numbered garages, etc.

Or play in the math game "Steam Train" . To do this, draw on paper or build a steam locomotive from the designer by numbering the cars. Each passenger, approaching, will call the number of his car, and let the kid seat everyone in their places.

Books with poems about numbers like "Merry Account" Marshak (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop). We were lucky, and the size of the numbers in the book exactly matched the size of our soft numbers, so we superimposed them while reading.

I also really like "Merry Account" by N. Vladimirova (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop), I wrote about it earlier.

11. Sequence of numbers

In my opinion, before 3 years there is no need to focus the child's attention on the sequence in which the numbers are in the number series, so as not to confuse the baby while he forms his idea of ​​​​quantities. Well, after three children, such mathematical games may already be of interest:

  • « Baba Yaga mixed up the numbers". The kid must put the confused numbers in order.
  • . In fact, this is the same game as the previous one, only more interesting, in my opinion, because by arranging the numbers, the kid can see beautiful picture. A few examples of puzzles can be DOWNLOAD HERE.

  • "Name the neighbors of the number." Having added the numbers by numbers, you can ask the baby what neighbors, for example, the number 4 has.
  • Connect dots by numbers. The easiest number mazes, which are ideal as a first, in my opinion, are presented in workbook KUMON "Learning to count from 1 to 30" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Well, in conclusion, I would like to give a few more useful books that will help you teach your child to count.

  • Zemtsov "Numbers and counting". Sticker books (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

The books contain simple tasks for counting, memorizing numbers. The tasks are quite diverse, the presence of stickers in books definitely increases the child's interest in them. Benefits will be a great help in mastering mathematics.

  • Magnetic book-toy "Account" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • Photobook "Learning colors and numbers" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

In this book, the child is asked to look for different objects while simultaneously counting them. An excellent book for practicing conscious counting skills, attention. We did not immediately become interested in her, somewhere after 2.5 years.

So if you enter simple math into your daily game situations with a child from an early age, then this science will be easy for the baby. I wish you interesting and rich games!

Taisiya and I continue to slowly expand the repertoire of our mathematical games, so I think there will be a continuation of this article soon. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out Email, Instagram, In contact with, Facebook). Oh, and by the way, do not forget to read the article about the study of geometric shapes, because the development of spatial thinking is also an integral part of mathematics for kids:

The early development of the crumbs is a painstaking process that requires accuracy and attention from parents. But its positive results in future education are difficult to underestimate. And mathematical counting, the study of numbers and numbers is no exception. Therefore, every parent should know how to teach a child numbers in a short period. Simply and easily!

A preschooler between the ages of 2 and 3 is a “I want” child. It is difficult to captivate him with something for a long time, and even more so with such a difficult task as learning numbers up to 10. But nothing is impossible for loving parents. It is worth building learning in a playful way! You need to memorize them by ear and pay attention to them everywhere!

In doing so, parents need to:

  • tune in to the "wave" of the baby. If at some point he does not want to play with you, do not force him. By doing this, you will only achieve a complete protest. It is worth waiting until the baby has a mood or, for example ... to agree. The kid pays attention to numbers for 5 (10-15-20) minutes every day, and you allow him ... to play the tablet for the same number of minutes;
  • don't turn learning from 1 to 10 into an academic lesson. A child at the age of 3 years will not like class at a desk, but learning in dynamics will attract him. It is possible to conduct lessons “like at school” (only of a much shorter duration) with a baby 4 years old and older;
  • Be sure to check your knowledge. Arrange an interesting exam, which will involve not only the child's memory, but also logic, attention, and imagination.

3 main stages of learning for a 4-5 year old baby

The learning process itself can be broken down into 3 important steps.

Stage number 1. The ratio of each specific figure with the corresponding number of items. That is, the baby must initially understand: what is a number, what is a number and how they relate to the number of favorite oranges in my mother's plate (cubes, sweets or dots on paper).

Show a certain number of items. Let the child learn to distinguish between their number. After a while, add a certain number (cut out of paper or plastic) to a certain number of objects. The child will be able to remember its shape, and gradually distinguish it from other numbers when playing. At this point, the question of how to teach a child to write numbers is not yet worth it. You need to remember the number itself and correctly correlate it with the number of items available.

Stage number 2. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Look for numbers while walking down the street with your baby or looking through a newspaper. Count the steps in the entrance, teach how to use a trifle. Great option- a special set of numbers made of plastic. Get carried away with complex numbers if you feel that it is not difficult for a baby at 4 years old.

Stage number 3. Use children's counting rhymes up to 10. The memory of a preschool child at the age of 4 is very mobile, therefore, having memorized counting rhymes by ear, seeing the familiar silhouette of a number in his room on the ceiling, he will remember it automatically!

Rhythms with numbers and numbers

Children's counting rhymes from 1 to 10 different formats and lengths can become relevant. According to the desires and abilities of your baby!

An example of a short one was considered for the smallest:

One, two, three, four, five,
The tiger went out for a walk.
They forgot to lock it up.
One two three four.

The repetition of such a counting rhyme can also be supplemented with a drawing. Take a piece of paper and draw numbers on it. And let the baby, counting, points to them with his finger!

But the counting rhyme is more authentic and more interesting:

One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten -
Everything can be counted
Count, measure, weigh...
How many corners are in the room
How many legs do sparrows have
How many toes are on the feet
How many benches in the garden
How many kopecks in a patch!

The tasks mentioned in the rhyme can be applied in practice. This will be a fun activity. Down with your socks and let's count your fingers, choosing a number of the corresponding value from my mother's palm!

No need to worry about how to teach a child to write numbers from 4 years old, for example. This will be taught to him in school, or you can teach him this after he has mastered numbers and prime numbers. But knowing the numbers from 1 to 10 for a baby aged 4 and 5 years is important. Because the baby is a preschooler. And the first class is emotions, experiences, new rules, lessons! Make life easy for your tomboy or glamorous princess at every stage!