
Anti-allergic cosmetics for the eyes. Allergy to cosmetics in the eyes treatment Hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics brand reviews


First and most importantly, there is an allergy to everything. Even on antihistamines prescribed for allergies. For any, even the most hypoallergenic ingredient, tested on a thousand people, it is you who may have a reaction. Therefore, in any case, before purchasing the product, check how your skin tolerates it.

Hypoallergenic cosmetics

Our selection includes products that have proven themselves in the best way according to consumer reviews, developed by leading laboratories and having all the certificates confirming their hypoallergenicity.

1. Cream Toleriane Ultra Nuit, La Roche Posay

Every allergy sufferer knows what a torment it is - the skin dries, itches, becomes inflamed ... The new Toleriane Ultra Nuit cream from La Roche Posay will do the job perfectly: it not only moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, but also reduces its sensitivity to external irritants. The developers managed to introduce a special ingredient into the formula of the product - neurosensin. It is sensitive to the production of histamines: substances that are formed in the body when an allergic reaction occurs. Neurosensin instantly recognizes the appearance of histamines and stimulates the production of substances that reduce their activity. Your sleep will be deep and restful, and in the morning your skin will look great!


2. Mineral Hand Cream, Ahava

It is the skin of the hands that is most susceptible to external aggressive influences, therefore it is especially important for an allergic person to protect it. The cream from the Israeli brand Ahava is based on the salts of the Dead Sea, where people with serious skin diseases go for treatment, as the unique composition of the water really works wonders. The cream does not contain parabens, sodium laureth sulfate, petroleum products, aggressive synthetic ingredients and GMOs.

3. Eye cream Pep-Start, Clinique

The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive, so choosing a hypoallergenic, but at the same time effective cream is not an easy task. Pay attention to Clinique and its new Pep-Start cream: like all products of the brand, it has passed all tolerance tests and does not contain fragrances, aggressive ingredients and preservatives harmful to the skin. This hypoallergenic eye cosmetics contains peptides, plant extracts, algae extracts, and tonic components. No puffiness, no puffiness, no dark circles: great option for allergic skin!

4. Face cream Toleriane Riche, La-Roche-Posay

The effectiveness of this cream has been proven in clinical studies under the careful supervision of dermatologists, so you can be sure that even the most sensitive skin will respond favorably to the application of the product. Thanks to the high concentration of La Roche-Posay Thermal Water, the cream softens and soothes the skin, relieves itching and burning, instantly relieves the feeling of tightness and reduces redness. The cream contains a unique substance squalene: an effective wound healing agent derived from shark liver, attracts oxygen to the skin layers and has a fantastically high healing effect, which is especially important for those suffering from psoriasis, eczema or neurodermatitis.

5. Light cream Hydrance Optimale Crème hydratante UV Légère SPF 20, Avène

If you have combination or oily skin, but at the same time allergies are your frequent guest, pay attention to this hypoallergenic cream. In addition to soothing and moisturizing the skin, combating redness and peeling, it easily mattifies problem areas and reduces the appearance of acne. And this hypoallergenic facial cosmetic is instantly absorbed, and you can start applying makeup almost immediately.

6. BB cream Normaderm BB Clear, Vichy

A 2% salicylic acid content makes this bb cream effective in combating pimples and redness, and mineral pigments perform a masking function, so with this hypoallergenic cosmetics you can simultaneously mask skin imperfections and fight the cause of their appearance. Like all Vichy brand products, this cream contains thermal water and a minimum amount of ingredients, which makes it hypoallergenic, while moisturizing ingredients keep the skin comfortable throughout the day.

7. Reinigungsmilch Facial Cleansing Milk, Dr. Hauschka

An excellent, delicate in texture, very gentle and delicate product will be appreciated by the owners of hyper sensitive skin who can not find the right cleanser for themselves. The milk contains nourishing oils of jojoba and almonds, extracts of plants and herbs that soothe, moisturize, deeply cleanse the skin without damaging its natural protective barrier and restoring it in those areas where it has already been damaged. The milk removes any make-up, even waterproof, and is suitable for cleansing the delicate area around the eyes.

8. Hypoallergenic mascara Hypnôse Volume à Porter, Lancome

Unlike most mascaras, this one contains 2 times less wax, namely, it is called an allergen in the composition of the carcass. At the same time, the eyelashes will be voluminous, fluffy, separated and curled: everything we love - and without risk to health!

9. Micellar solution Sensibio H2O, Bioderma

Micelles are spherical liquid crystals whose molecules are grouped into spheres. The molecular structure of these balls consists of oil and water, with the oily substance located inside the sphere, and the watery substance outside. Thus, upon contact with the skin, both fat-soluble and water-soluble textures of decorative cosmetics are removed, while the own lipid layer remains intact. Cosmetics for allergy sufferers do not contain alkalis, alcohol, parabens, phenoxyethanol and fragrances.

10. Xermose Revitalizing Cream, Uriage

A unique remedy for skin prone to allergic dermatitis. Specially developed by dermatologists, Cerasterol-2°F is made up of plant sterols and omega-ceramides, skin building blocks that build healthy cells in damaged areas. In turn, Uriage Eau Thermale isotonic water improves the water balance of the skin, strengthening its immune system and natural protective barrier so that irritation and inflammation do not appear in the future. Shea butter and phytosqualane soften the skin and prevent the feeling of dryness and tightness.

It is not for nothing that allergies are called the disease of the century. This is a real scourge of civilization: the more actively the industry develops, the more often our body is faced with a huge number of chemical compounds, to which it can react in the most unpredictable way. And cosmetics are no exception.

When meeting with an allergen (a substance that provokes an inadequate reaction), the cells of the body emit a stream of biologically active substances that dilate blood vessels, causing various inflammations. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that irritation in the form of an allergy will appear immediately after applying the cosmetic product. Sometimes it can take hours or even days.

It happens that long-tested means also fall into the "black list". Under the influence of various factors, the body's resistance threshold is suddenly broken, and hypersensitivity appears to one of the components of the usual cosmetics.

Hypoallergenic doesn't mean safe

Of course, ideally, all cosmetics should be hypoallergenic. Alas, in practice this is unlikely. Most active dietary supplements, without which no really effective cream or mask can do, can cause allergies.

The same applies to preservatives, without which cosmetics quickly deteriorate. Therefore, the inscription "hypoallergenic" should be treated with caution - it cannot serve as a guarantee of complete safety. Even when it comes to expensive products of an elite company, no one is immune from individual intolerance to the components. As for mass demand products, such an application, unfortunately, can often serve as an additional means of attracting buyers to cheaper cosmetics.

What about the owners of hypersensitive skin, which does not accept almost any cosmetics? The simplest advice - remember about children's cosmetics. However, a children's formula will not be able to solve all the problems of adult skin. There is only one way out - to go to a beauty salon and, with the help of a beautician, choose a product that is right for you. Most companies have special series for the care of hypersensitive skin.


Never ignore even the slightest discomfort when using a cosmetic product. The signal that you need to immediately stop using the cream, lotion, mascara, may be:

Itching and burning of the skin at the site of application of cosmetics;

inflammation of the skin in the form of small redness such as urticaria;

the so-called allergic bruises - dark circles or bags under the eyes, causing spasms and swelling of the eyelids;

mucous discharge in the corners of the eyes, frequent styes or the appearance of small white scales along the lower edge of the upper eyelid;

mucous discharge from the nose, its congestion, itching;

itching of the palate or throat;

the appearance of a large number of acne;

puffiness or increased dryness of the lips.


But what if the allergy still appeared? The best solution is to consult an allergist. Even with a single skin reaction. If allergic manifestations to cosmetics occur more and more often, a visit to a specialist cannot be postponed. Urticaria, pimples, swelling - only the visible side of the iceberg. Not understanding what is happening in the depths of the body, not preventing the emerging shifts in the immune system - in such a situation, the height of frivolity. For now…

Immediately remove the cosmetic product, preferably with running water.

Take an antihistamine. Better than prolonged (long) action.

With severe allergic rhinitis or nasal congestion, you can use special sprays that help reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.

After removing makeup, rinse your eyes with a strong infusion of tea, chamomile or St. John's wort and drip special drops into them.

Avoiding a cosmetic allergy is not at all difficult if you follow nine simple rules.

Take cosmetics seriously. Try to buy all cosmetics in specialized stores or departments of a reputable supermarket and be sure to check them for an allergic reaction. Using a probe, apply the cream, gel, lotion you like on the bend of the elbow and leave for an hour, and preferably for a day or even two. If during this time you do not find any signs of allergies, feel free to go shopping - this cosmetic product is safe for you.

When choosing cosmetics, give preference to the one whose recipe has a simpler composition. The less preservatives, dyes, aromatic components and other potential allergens in it, the more reliable the product.

Always carefully read the annotation for a cosmetic product and strictly follow the rules for its use. When it comes to, for example, face or hair masks, do not leave them on the skin for longer than the indicated time.

Try to use cosmetics of the same line. A cosmetic cocktail from the funds of even one company, but of different series, can give an unpredictable result, and a “hodgepodge” from different manufacturers can have a “lethal” force.

It is known that the skin gets used to a particular cosmetic product and the effect of the cream after a month of use begins to fall. Therefore, beauty products need to be changed. Change, but with care. After a month or two, go back to the products that you know well and that definitely do not cause you allergies.

Be vigilant about "homemade" cosmetics - a variety of grandmother's recipes using vegetables, fruits and other foods. Never use something that causes you a food allergy.

Do not use unfamiliar cosmetics if you are unwell, taking medication (antibiotics or sulfa drugs), or overtired. When natural protective functions organisms are weakened, any surprises are possible from the most harmless cream.

Keep in mind: the less preservatives contained in cosmetics, the shorter its life. Even if the expiration date is not indicated on some product, this does not mean that it is indefinite. So, for example, it is desirable to use mascara for 3-4 months. Do not try to dilute it with water or even eye drops bought from a pharmacy. Such "resuscitation" will provide food for the active growth of microbes that cause irritation and allergic reactions.

With increased sensitivity of the scalp, refuse to use classic hair dyes. Replace them with natural dyes.

Allergy to cosmetics worries a considerable number of the fair sex. Eyes often suffer, which after application cosmetics begin to blush, tear, burn. Sometimes the eyelid swells, and rashes on the skin can occur. If a woman experiences discomfort after applying cosmetics, it is important to wash it off with water, stop using it, and visit a dermatologist.

Why is it developing?

Poor quality funds

Often there is an allergy due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Fakes fall under this criterion. famous brands. Mostly, these products contain aggressive substances that are not intended for contact with the skin. Most often, waterproof mascara containing black iron oxide provokes allergic reactions. Creams for the skin around the eyes can often cause unwanted symptoms. Manufacturers include flavors in their composition that are not good for the skin.

Overdue funds

Compliance with the conditions and shelf life of cosmetics will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Damaged cosmetics is a powerful allergen for the body. In addition, they provoke eye allergies and products stored in the wrong conditions. Because of this, cosmetics can change the aroma, shade, texture. That is why when choosing cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to its shelf life, as well as the conditions recommended by the manufacturer.

General condition of the body

Girls with thin and sensitive skin who have allergic reactions to various foods are most susceptible to allergies. In addition, individual intolerance to substances that are part of a single cosmetic product can also cause unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that women with sensitive skin carefully approach the selection of cosmetics and pay attention to hypoallergenic products. In addition, the following factors can increase the likelihood of developing allergic reactions:

  • diet change;
  • abuse of spicy food;
  • frequent intake of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • constant stress;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

Poor compatibility

Use makeup according to your skin type.

Often there are cases when a certain remedy does not cause allergic reactions, however, when combined with other products, unwanted symptoms occur. Such a reaction of the body is due to oversaturation of the skin with any component. Therefore, the use foundation, powders and facial contouring products of different brands can cause allergic reactions.

Harmful composition

Preservatives used to increase the shelf life of cosmetics can cause allergies. Based on this, doctors advise giving preference to those products that have a short shelf life. The occurrence of undesirable signs can also be provoked by a variety of fragrances used to add flavor to products. Allergies can be triggered by both natural and synthetic substances.

If a woman has an allergic reaction to essential oils, cosmetics containing natural ingredients are contraindicated for her.

The risk of an allergic reaction increases with the use of products of bright saturated colors.

In addition, provokes such an unpleasant condition and animal fats, for example, lanolin. The possibility of allergic reactions to pigments that give color to cosmetic products is not excluded. The brighter the shade of the eyeliner, the more aggressive substances it contains. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the natural composition.
The study will help to establish the source of the reaction.

When a person has severe symptoms of an allergy, you should visit the hospital. If a physician suspects allergic contact dermatitis, skin tests are predominantly resorted to. The suspected allergen is applied to the skin and the reaction noted. With the help of this, it is possible to identify products that are prohibited for use by a particular patient, as well as treatment tactics.

Any girl or woman cannot imagine a day without both decorative cosmetics and other cosmetic skin care products. But often the use of low-quality cosmetics or hypersensitivity to individual components has negative consequences for skin.

Frequent queries in search engines from people suffering from allergies to cosmetics are:

  • Allergy to cosmetics. Symptoms.
  • What to do to detect an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product?
  • Allergy to cosmetics on the eyes (treatment).
  • If it was not possible to identify the allergy in the early stages, what should I do?
  • Allergy to eye cream, what to do?

The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Why does cosmetic allergy occur?

There are many reasons for an allergic reaction. One of the main factors is individual intolerance to a certain component of a cosmetic product. Very often, the main allergens are dyes, fragrances and various preservatives.


  1. The use of cosmetics is not according to the instructions.
  2. Poor quality or expired cosmetics.
  3. A sharp change in food in the diet, as well as an unbalanced diet.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, spicy foods and products containing a large number of caffeine in its composition.
  5. chronic stress.
  6. Long term antibiotic treatment.
  7. Frequent use of exfoliators that break the skin's protective barrier.
  8. Influence of external factors environment(significant changes in temperature and humidity).

Low quality fakes

In order to save money, girls and women buy cheap cosmetics. But it is in such fakes that an aggressive chemical substance can be contained that exceeds the permissible norm, which causes an allergic reaction.

Expiry date

When choosing cosmetics, special attention should be paid to the expiration date of the product, since the expiration of the date makes even natural components toxic to the skin.

Risk group

Everyone who uses any cosmetics falls into the risk group. Even young children can be sensitive to certain ingredients in creams, lotions, and other moisturizers.

In addition, allergic reactions are inherent in people who have a skin disease such as dermatitis, as well as food allergies.

Often, when using several cosmetics at the same time, a negative response occurs. Interestingly, individually such cosmetics may not harm human skin. The manifested reaction occurs due to the excess of the dose of individual chemicals with the simultaneous use of several agents.

Possible allergens in the composition

  • preservatives (propylparaben, methylparaben, thimerosal);
  • dyes (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, some natural dyes);
  • antioxidants (tocopherol acetate, butyloxytoluene);
  • moisturizing ingredients (lanolin, mineral oil);
  • silicone.


The use of cosmetics, which basically contain animal fats, can cause an allergic reaction. Such creams create a protective film on the skin, thereby preventing metabolic processes in the skin. Such products are recommended to be used only for those people who have increased dry skin and only for a short period.

Colors and flavors

Allergens in cosmetics are a large number of synthetic dyes and flavors. Therefore, for people with problematic skin It is recommended to use hypoallergenic cosmetics with natural dyes and fragrances.


They give a pleasant smell. Allergens are usually synthetic fragrances. With hypersensitivity, they cause various kinds of irritation of the skin, as well as mucous membranes.


Manufacturers use them to increase the shelf life of cosmetics. It is preservatives that have a bactericidal effect that do not allow bacteria and molds to multiply.

The type of reaction can be different: simple contact dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis. The first case is the most common. It is characterized by the fact that a certain component of the product negatively affects the skin, causing damage. As a result, severe irritation appears on the skin (itching, redness, dryness and peeling, as well as swelling). A feature is that such a response may not appear immediately, but only after a few days. It is treated symptomatically.

Symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis appear as severe skin irritation as a result of intolerance to a particular substance. These allergies are treatable.

Symptoms of a reaction to a cream (including foundation) on the face

More often there is an allergy to foundation creams or depilatory creams. The reaction, as a rule, can occur after using the product. Signs are severe reddening of the skin, swelling, irritation and itching. When using various face creams, swelling above the eyes, tearing (if it is an eye cream), uneven skin tone can be added to the symptoms.

Manifestations around the eyes and on the eyelids on the shadow and pencil

When using low-quality cosmetics (shadows, mascara, eyeliner, etc.) or with individual intolerance to chemicals, a strong allergic reaction develops on the eye and on the eyelid, which manifests itself almost immediately.

The symptoms are:

  • tearing;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis);
  • reddened and swollen eyelids.

All these responses are caused by those components that act as dyes (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide) or preservatives (essential oils). They are often used to make shadows and foundation. Often a large number of complaints about creams made in Korea.

Signs of allergy from lipstick (including Korean)

Allergies can be caused by dyes, preservatives, in rare cases, fragrances. Of the symptoms, swelling of the lips, their strong redness and peeling, a feeling of tightening of the skin. With a strong response, cracks may occur. Also, the lip is covered with bubbles filled with liquid. Very often, allergies arise from the use of Korean lipstick.

How to determine what the body reacts to?

Allergy to cosmetics on the face is a very common problem for most women. And the main question always remains: "How to identify the allergen?".

It is impossible to establish which component acts as an allergen at home. To do this, you need to consult your doctor or allergist. In most cases, it is enough to apply a cosmetic product on the skin of the elbow bend and wait 10-15 minutes. If redness and swelling of the skin begins to appear, in this case it is better to refuse to use such cosmetics.

What to do with a reaction, how to treat?

The first thing to do is to stop using shadows, creams, lipsticks and other cosmetics until the source of the allergy is established. Therapeutic cosmetology recommends treatment with drugs that relieve itching and redness (the use of ointments containing cortisone in their composition). It will not be superfluous for allergy sufferers to use antihistamines.

In case of severe allergies, you should consult your doctor (dermatologist).


To completely cure an allergy, complete elimination of the allergen is necessary. Allergy sufferers should completely refuse to use those means that cause a response.

What is the best way to wash makeup off?

At the first symptoms that appear, you should immediately wash off the product with plain warm water. With the further use of other cosmetics, it is necessary to always wash off cosmetics from the skin with special products before going to bed.

Treatment of manifestations of folk remedies

To relieve itching and irritation of the skin with allergies to cosmetics, the best folk remedies a decoction of chamomile acts (to wash the face), as well as tea leaves (for the treatment of conjunctivitis). It is necessary to apply on a body clean from cosmetics with the help of cotton pads or by washing (in the morning and at bedtime). You can use infusions from a string, as well as sage.


  1. Use only high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  2. Reduce the number of procedures that actively cleanse the skin (peelings, exfoliating masks) or contact a beauty salon.
  3. Refuse aggressive cosmetics that dry out the skin.
  4. Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeinated foods.

Rules for choosing cosmetics

  1. Buy cosmetics only for your skin type and age category.
  2. Avoid fakes and dubious quality of funds.
  3. Before buying, carefully study the composition of the cosmetic product, and also pay attention to the expiration date (especially those products that are made in Korea).
  4. Buy cosmetics that do not contain ingredients that cause allergies.

Helpful Hints

  1. Observe the rules for storing the product.
  2. Use cosmetics according to the instructions.
  3. If you have sensitive skin, a soft lipstick is recommended.
  4. Korean cosmetics are very popular today, so carefully study the composition before buying.


In the pursuit of beauty and tempting promotions on cosmetics, we often harm our skin. Any person who uses it, regardless of age, can become a victim of cosmetics. In addition, allergy sufferers do not immediately become. Therefore, it is so important to carefully make a choice when buying a cosmetic product.

An allergic reaction to cosmetic preparations has appeared in every person at least once, and some “lucky ones” experience it regularly. How to recognize a potentially dangerous agent and what to do if it was not possible to do it in time?

It is a common misconception that cosmetic allergies are only a problem for people with sensitive skin. In fact, to a much greater extent, they are “responsible” for it. hormonal background our body, metabolic rate and blood composition.

That is why cases of unexpected allergies to a proven remedy of your favorite brand, which a woman has been using for more than a year, are very common. Cause: internal problems in the body, a general decrease in immunity (for example, as a result of stress, illness, taking potent drugs or seasonal factors).

The risk of an allergic reaction also increases after changing the regimen and composition of the diet. This is especially true for lovers of strict diets - along with body fat, the body loses a lot useful substances, including protecting the skin from external influences.

How does an allergy to cosmetics manifest itself and what does it look like - the main symptoms and photos

Experts divide the reactions of our skin to cosmetics into 2 types:

  • simple allergic dermatitis and
  • allergic contact dermatitis

In the first case, the problem occurs immediately after applying the product to the skin. Symptoms can range from mild itching to breakouts of a bright red rash and even blistering. Contact dermatitis begins almost imperceptibly, but gradually gains strength: all the same above-mentioned symptoms appear, which gradually become more and more acute. If you do not wash off the cosmetics that provoked allergies in time, the case may end in anaphylactic shock. which poses a direct threat not only to health, but also to life!

In addition, dermatologists are increasingly separating the so-called reactive skin condition into a separate category. There are no visual signs of this condition. Upon contact with allergens, tingling and tightening are noted.

A special type of allergy is photosensitivity. Appears after exposure to the sun. The weaker the allergen, the later the symptoms will appear. The reaction to mild stimuli is formed within a few days or weeks of constant contact.

In some cases, an allergy to cosmetics can develop over the years. Most often - with direct contact of the cosmetic product with the skin area (eczema of the eyelids with intolerance to the carcass). Less often - when applying the product to other areas (hand cream provokes a runny nose) and by airborne droplets (perfume, aromatherapy session).

What does an allergic reaction to cosmetics look like?
Photo 1 - various manifestations on the face
Photo 2 - eyelid eczema

Photo 3 - rash around the eyes

What cosmetic products cause allergies and why?

The absolute champion in the number of allergic reactions - decorative cosmetics. In the first row - waterproof mascara. Particles of the product, falling on the mucous membrane of the eye, cause irritation. Owners of sensitive skin will have to refuse it. The reason is the ingredients:

  • animal fat (lanolin),
  • beeswax,
  • plant resins and
  • black iron oxides (CI77499)

In this case, mascara is suitable, where beeswax is replaced with vegetable or mineral. Be careful with lipsticks - they contain the most caustic dyes. The effect of increasing the volume of the lips is achieved due to the content of strong allergens (chili pepper, menthol and mint). The lighter the tone, the more harmless the remedy.

Face masks and serums are considered insidious due to the content of active ingredients. They can also cause allergies in case of violation of the rules of use: overexposed on the face for longer than the specified time, applied too much, poorly removed. Body creams, shower gels and shampoos are the least dangerous. But their bright colours(especially green and blue) and a strong smell - a reason to think.

Often allergies are caused by expired cosmetics:

  • dry products such as powder, blush and eye shadow can be stored for up to three years
  • creamy ones last no more than a year
  • mascara and foundation are not resistant to the effects of time: the expiration date is most often three months, less often - six months
  • lipstick is not recommended more than a year, lip gloss - half a year
  • biocosmetics do not last longer than three months.

So that the funds do not become unusable ahead of time, store them correctly: at room temperature, normal humidity and in a place protected from light. Refrigerate if instructed to. The shelf in the bathroom is an unfortunate place for permanent residence of cosmetics due to high humidity and temperature changes.

Hypoallergenic and "allergenic tested" cosmetics

On the packaging of the drug may be marked "hypoallergenic" (hypoallergenic) or "tested for allergenicity" (100% allergy tested) - they are not a guarantee of the safety of the cosmetic product.

  • "Hypoallergenic" means that the ingredients used in the creation of the product cause a minimum of reactions. Make sure that the composition does not contain extracts of seafood, citrus fruits, cocoa beans - the strongest allergens. Buy a preparation with extracts of chamomile, witch hazel, panthenol and other soothing ingredients. Although isolated cases of allergies are known to them.
  • The inscription "Checked for allergenicity" - a different level of quality control. A focus group is created of allergy sufferers who try the finished product. If at least one case of an allergic reaction is recorded, the product is sent to the laboratory for revision, as it does not have the right to be labeled “100% allergy tested”. But even here there is no complete guarantee of security: a focus group can consist of 5 people and coincidence none of them are allergic to the substances tested.

How to treat an allergy to cosmetics

The main rule is not to try to solve the problem yourself. Of course, it is necessary to immediately wash off the problem remedy, but it is highly undesirable to engage in further self-treatment. In order to guarantee yourself against allergic reactions, it is necessary to accurately determine their cause, and this is a task for a specialist: a dermatologist or an allergist.

In each case, the doctor will give an individual set of recommendations that will help avoid trouble in the future - this is a list of "dangerous" ingredients, various drugs that increase the body's resistance, and nutritional recommendations.

What to do if you have an allergy to cosmetics, and it is not possible to contact a specialist in the coming days? First, completely abandon the use of any cosmetics. Secondly, take an antihistamine (for example, Suprastin or Diazolin).

It is undesirable to use various kinds of ointments to relieve itching or rashes (and even more so - to mask them foundation), however, if the sensations are absolutely unbearable, it can be applied to the problem area a small amount of cortisone ointment.