
Volumetric application rowan branch. The project of the lesson "Red Rowan" (application from napkins). Master Class. Volumetric panel “Rowan. Beginning of autumn"


Class equipment

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Conversation "Rowan".
  3. Summing up the lesson.
  4. Reflection

Methods and techniques: show, explanation, conversation.

Lesson progress:


Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green blouse
In a white dress.

It's not even a mystery
Let's call it right away
If only someone would say -
Acorns on it!

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round.

Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Takes from my flower
The bee is the most delicious honey.
And they offend me:
The thin skin is torn off.

A relative has a Christmas tree
non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the tree,
Those needles are falling off.


Everything is calm, the wind stopped
And the trees are all silent.
No, not yet - these
The leaves rustle softly.

Everyone knows that the Christmas tree
Not leaves but needles
And just like her
With needles.

From the trees in early summer
Suddenly the snowflakes flutter
But this does not please us -
We sneeze from it.

Teacher: Well done guys. We remember the trees. And guess my last riddle!

Small and clumsy
And modestly green
But in autumn their leaves
And the berries turn red.

Rowan - from the word pockmarked.
In their beliefs, the red mountain ash had magical powers and protected from the evil eye and witchcraft. The red mountain ash was planted near the house, damaging the mountain ash is still considered a bad omen.

Practical part. (25 min)

Finger gymnastics

I want to build a house

Hands above the head "house".

To have a window in it,

Hands in front of eyes. The ends of the fingers are closed in a "window".

So that the house has a door,

The palms are turned towards themselves, closed by the side parts.

Next to the pine tree to grow

The fingers are outstretched. We pull our hands up.

So that there is a fence around

Hands in front of a ring, fingers connected.

The dog guarded the gate.

One hand "dog", disconnect the little finger from the other fingers.

The sun was

Cross your hands, fingers outstretched.

The rain was falling

Clap your hands
And the tulip bloomed in the garden

The forearms are pressed. Fingers-petals look up.

Stages of work:

“Rowan is a beauty.

You are very good

Decorated rowanberry

Today kids.

Exhibition decoration.

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"The project of the lesson "Red Rowan" (application from napkins)"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Children's Youth Center "Fantasy"

c./P. "Edelweiss"

Lesson project

additional education teacher

Nurieva Marina Alexandrovna

Volume application from napkins

« Rowan red»

For students in grades 1-3

Nizhny Tagil


"Rowan red"

Class type : workshop

Target: to form students' knowledge about the execution technique; arouse interest and desire to create an application with your own hands.

Lesson objectives:

    Introduction to technique.

    Learn the main stages of implementation.

* Develop a sense of color, fantasy and fine motor skills hands through the application.

    Develop perseverance, patience, a sense of rhythm and artistic taste.

    Cultivate love for folk art.

Class equipment

For the teacher and students: Sketch on cardboard, red napkins, green paper, felt-tip pens (brown, green, black), glitter, scissors, glue stick, rag.

Lesson Plan

    Organizing time.

    Conversation "Rowan".

    Gymnastics for hands "I want to build a house ..."

    Practical work. Creation of a volumetric application.

    Summing up the lesson.


Methods and techniques: show, explanation, conversation.

Lesson progress:

organizational part. (10 min)

Guys, today we will devote our lesson to trees. What kind of trees do you know?


I'm going to give you riddles. Can you guess what kind of tree it is?

When the children guess the riddle, the teacher shows the picture.

Or the teacher shows a picture, the children guess the tree.

Teacher: Well done guys. We remember the trees. And guess my last riddle!!

This is Rowan! (teacher shows a picture)

And when, guys, the rowan berries turn red? That's right in autumn.

Where do they go during the winter? That's right, birds eat them.

Do you know that medicines are made from mountain ash. They also paint dishes, trays, and furniture. And earlier girls made beads from mountain ash. (teacher shows pictures)

Rowan - from the word pockmarked.
In their beliefs, the red mountain ash had magical powers and protected from the evil eye and witchcraft. The red mountain ash was planted near the house, damaging the mountain ash is still considered a bad omen.

According to one of the legends, a young man and a girl lived in the world. They loved each other so much that neither the intrigues of enemies, nor the betrayal of friends, nor the promised wealth could separate them. But a misfortune happened, the young man was killed near her feet, then she prayed to God so that he would not separate them. The prayer was heard and the woman turned into a beautiful red mountain ash. And since then it has been swaying in the wind, quietly talking to the wind, and in autumn, the brushes with berries turn bright red as a sign of mutual love.

And now we will also try to make a mountain ash!

Look what a mountain ash I made! (shows work)

Practical part. (25 min)

Guys, a branch of mountain ash is drawn in front of you, look carefully, what is missing on it? That's right, the leaves and the mountain ash itself. You will circle the leaves with a pencil according to the template on green paper folded several times and cut it out. Next, draw veins on the leaves with a green felt-tip pen and stick them on the top and right branches. The branch should be circled with a brown felt-tip pen. We will have berries from lumps that we will make from napkins.

Finger gymnastics

I want to build a house

Hands above the head "house".

To have a window in it,

Hands in front of eyes. The ends of the fingers are closed in a "window".

So that the house has a door,

The palms are turned towards themselves, closed by the side parts.

Next to the pine tree to grow

The fingers are outstretched. We pull our hands up.

So that there is a fence around

Hands in front of a ring, fingers connected.

The dog guarded the gate.

One hand "dog", disconnect the little finger from the other fingers.

The sun was

Cross your hands, fingers outstretched.

The rain was falling

Clap your hands
And the tulip bloomed in the garden

The forearms are pressed. Fingers-petals look up.

Stages of work:

1. We make an application from colored paper and napkins.

2. Outline the branch with a brown felt-tip pen

3. Draw a leaf template on green paper and cut it out.

4. We cut squares from red napkins and roll them into lumps.

5. We stick leaves and lumps.

6. We finish drawing the birds, the sun ... we come up with a name for the picture.

Final part. (5 minutes)

Wonderful! And the birds are glad that they will peck the berries and be full.

And I even have a poem about your mountain ash:

“Rowan is a beauty.

You are very good

Decorated rowanberry

Today kids.

Children are happy that they have succeeded, and that all the birds are full. The teacher offers to come up with a name for the picture and take turns to name and show the work to the children. We review the resulting work with the children.

Exhibition decoration.

Stages of work:

1. We prepare the necessary materials:

A sheet of white cardboard A 2 (base),

Corrugated paper (general panel background),

Bottle caps (no picture),

Polystyrene boxes (leaves),

Thick brown woolen thread (stem),

PVA glue,

Glue gun (used by adults only),

Brushes: for glue, for gouache,


Curly scissors (for cutting leaves),

Black indelible marker,

Acrylic varnish.

2. We prepare the basis for the panel:

We take white cardboard, put it on corrugated paper and cut along the contour.

With a wide brush, we lubricate the landscape sheet and gradually, ironing, put corrugated paper of the selected color on it.

The base is ready. Set it aside until completely dry.

3. We prepare the necessary elements:

3.1. From a skein of wool we cut off the required number of "branches".

3.2. We cut out a rowan leaf template from cardboard (two options - a larger one for a twig and a smaller one for a frame. According to the template, laying it on polystyrene, cut out the leaves. The number of leaves can be calculated by adding them (like a mosaic) to the future twig and frame. Cut the leaves with curly scissors again to give them curvaceousness.

3.3. Here you can also prepare the required number of caps (rowan berries), also laying out the future composition, and draw black dots on them with an indelible marker.

4. Preparation of leaves:

4.1. Coloring the leaves with gouache

5. Execution of the panel:

5.1. We impose on the basis of the panel woolen threads(future branch), lightly draw the contours with a pencil, lubricate the marks with PVA glue and put the threads on the adhesive “path”, pressing down slightly.

5.2. Using a glue gun, glue the caps (berries) and leaves.

Abstract of the lesson on the application "Rowan branch".

Middle group.


a) educational tasks : continue to educate children in interest in applications, to use a brush and glue, a napkin correctly, to learn how to roll balls from napkins, to arrange the details in a certain order. Develop compositional skills.

b) educational tasks: to teach carefully and attentively to the native nature.

Materials for the lesson:background - a yellow sheet of paper, ready-made forms: twigs, leaves, pink (red) napkins, rowan twig, large illustration.

Methodical methods:

  1. Artistic word - "The Tale of the Rowan".
  2. Show illustrations for the fairy tale: mountain ash in spring, summer, autumn, winter.
  3. Creation problem situation- the arrival of bullfinches who want to peck rowan berries.
  4. Examining rowan branches
  5. Finger gymnastics
  6. Choice of materials with children.
  7. Guidelines for Using Familiar and New Techniques
  1. Individual assistance
  2. Fizkultminutka.
  3. Collaboration.

11. Evaluation of the teacher and children.

12. Artistic word: poem "Rowan is a beauty."

Lesson progress

Children stand in front of an easel.

Listen to an interesting story.

The teacher tells a story, illustrating what is happening.

“There lived - there was a mountain ash. In the spring she dressed herself with new leaves, bloomed

beautiful white flowers. In the summer, when the flowers faded, green berries appeared in their place. All summer the mountain ash drank rain water, basked in the sun, and the berries became redder, larger, juicier. Finally the berries are ripe. Autumn has come. The leaves of the mountain ash turned yellow, reddened and began to fall off. November is here, the last month of autumn. That's what they call him - a half-winter. It became cold, all the insects were hiding, and it even started to snow. And the birds flew to the mountain ash, pecking at the rowan berries, “Thank you rowan for saving its berries for us!”

The artist gave me just such a picture, this is our mountain ash. She you

Like? What is missing here?

Children's answers. Not enough branches, berries. Birds flew to this tree every day, and now they do not find food here.

Guys, how can we help?

Children's answers.

Right. We will make rowan branches with berries and treat the birds. Please come to the table and look at them. (Children: come to the table, look at a branch of mountain ash).

What will we make rowan berries from? How are rowan leaves arranged?

(Children look at the visual materials on the tables.

The teacher suggests that the berries can be "rolled" out of paper.

So that our fingers obey us and work well, we
let's practice.

Finger gymnastics.

We remove the berries from the branches. (we stroke our fingers one by one, like -

It's like we're picking berries.)

We treat our birds (show the palm.)

The birds pecked the berries (with the other hand we imitate the movement “Peck


And they waved a wing to us (we wave our palm.)

We spend the second time with a change of hands.

Remind me, please, how we will roll the balls?

(children practically or verbally explain the features of the technique).

Let's get to work.

Along the way, the teacher provides individual assistance, advises,


What bunches did we get? Let the berries dry a little, and we will rest.


The wind shook the rowan - hands up, slowly swinging to the sides.

I plucked the leaves from the mountain ash - the arms slowly lower along the body.

The wind twisted the leaves - they spin around on their toes.

And put on the ground - squat

(Held twice)

Please take your seats (children sit at their workplace).

And our bunches of mountain ash dried up. You can also feed the birds.

The teacher peels off the protective tape from the double-sided tape and gives it to the child. The child himself sticks a bunch of mountain ash.

The teacher reads the poem:

A flock of scarlet bullfinches flew to visit her.

They scurry along the branches, pecking at the bitter berry.

The teacher distributes bullfinches. Children plant bullfinches on their rowan branches.

Oh what a beauty! So we fed the birds.

See what different berries you get: there are both large and small berries and leaves.

Wonderful! And the birds are glad that they will peck the berries and be full.

Summary of GCD for applications for the senior group « rowan branch »

educator,Yalysheva Natalya Vyacheslavovna, teacher of MBOU "Mikhalevskaya secondary school", Ivanovo.

Project participants: childrenseniorgroups, group educators.


    To evoke a joyful mood in children from the coming autumn - as the most beautiful time of the year.

    Develop fine motor skills.


Tutorials: to educate children's interest in the application; arrange the details in a certain order; to consolidate the ability to work with glue and a brush; to form the ability in children to carefully stick the details of the application; learn to roll balls out of napkins.

Developing: to develop the creative initiative of children, independence; the ability to notice the beauty around us; develop compositional skills.

Educational: cultivate love and respect for nature; desire to protect nature.

Preliminary work:

    on a walk looking at mountain ash

    pay attention to the type and shape of the leaf, the color of the leaves and berries

    in the evening, exercise children in cutting leaves by cutting two opposite corners

Integration of educational areas : « cognitive development», « Artistic and aesthetic development",« Social and communicative development», « Physical development».

Materials and equipment: plot picture depicting a rowan branch, colored cardboard, PVA glue, brushes, pieces of fabric, oilcloth, colored paper for application (yellow and green); red napkins (for rowan berries).

Rules for handling sharp objects:

    You can take and cut with scissors only with the permission and in the presence of adults.

    Do not swing the scissors so as not to injure someone.

    Hold the scissors straight away from you, do not open them wide.

    It is possible to transfer scissors to each other only with closed beak-knives, windows-rings forward.

Course progress.

caregiver .

Guys,guess the riddle:

In that forest, and in the garden,

Only autumn is coming

She has a new outfit

Red beads hang.

Thrush, bullfinch, other bird,

They can feed on it

As the frost intensifies

The demand for food will increase.


( Children's answers)


Rowan is an incredibly beautiful tree, and its fruits are so bright and colorful that they attract the attention of everyone: people, animals, and birds. Berries ripen in early autumn, but you can enjoy them throughout the long and cold winter.

This berry is of great benefit to birds. She saves birds.

caregiver .

And how does the mountain ash save the birds?

(Children's answers:Birds feed on rowan berries in winter.)

caregiver .

I brought in today Kindergarten rowan twig. Let's take a look at it. What color are the berries? What shape are they? What shape are the leaves? How are the berries arranged? ( Children's answers)

caregiver .

And now we guys will tryportrayrowan twigwith colored paper.Think about the placement of a rowan twig on a piece of paper. Where do we picture it?? ( Children's answers)

caregiver .

Yes, that's right, in the center of the sheet.

And before we start work, let's stretch our fingers and relax at the same time.

Finger gymnastics

We remove the berries from the branches.

(we stroke our fingers one by one, as if« we remove the berries».)

We feed our birds.

(show palm)

Birds pecked the berries

(with the other hand we imitate the movement« pecking grains")

And waved a wing to us

(we wave hand.)

We spend the second time with a change of hands.

Practical activities.

Demonstration of the technique of cutting a rowan leaf.

The teacher reminds the children how to cut out the leaves (keep the rectangle in the form of a rhombus at the side corner; cut from the lower corner to the side and to the upper corner, smoothly turning the rectangle with your left hand; then turn the part over, take the cut arc, and repeat the procedure, cutting from the bottom corner to the side and to the top corner). The teacher accompanies the explanation with a demonstration.

Children start making rowan leaves using colored paper green color and scissors.

The teacher helps with advice and leading questions, monitors the work of children and actions with scissors.

Demonstration of gluing techniques.

The teacher shows a sample of a rowan branch pasted on cardboard. Reminds you to put on reverse side parts must be carefully, trying to glue the entire surface of the part with glue; stick it on a yellow sheet of paper, next to the rowan branches drawn with a marker; remove excess glue with a piece of cloth; smooth the part with a piece of cloth.

Children start gluing rowan leaves using cut out leaves (number of 7 pieces), glue and a brush.

Demonstration of the method of rolling rowan berries.

The teacher tears off a small piece of a red napkin, begins to roll it between the palms (rowan berries), dips it in glue and places it on a rowan branch.

Children begin to roll up pieces of a red napkin, dip them in glue and stick them on a rowan branch.

Outcome of practical activity.

caregiver : Well done boys! Rowan twigs turned out like real ones.

Finished works attached to the board.Children admire rowan twigs.Children optionally tell about their picture: what colors were used to depict leaves and berries.

Master class with step by step photos for older children - preparatory group DOW. Application "Sprig of mountain ash"

author: Goncharova Marina Mikhailovna, teacher MDOU for children garden number 1 "Birch", the city of Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Purpose: I offer a master class on making an autumn postcard. The work can serve as an interior decoration, to participate in the exhibition, as an independent craft. This master class can be used in classes with older preschoolers, in circle work.
Objective: making an autumn postcard with your own hands.
1. Introduce children to the method of making postcards from natural materials and cereals.
2. Develop aesthetic sense, Creative skills, fine motor skills.
3. To cultivate accuracy, independence, perseverance, the ability to admire the beauty of autumn nature.

There are many mountain ash in our forests. It is impossible not to notice her. Bright bunches, like red corals, delight our eyes in autumn. This tree grows everywhere in the Urals, as well as throughout Russia.

Rowan is a resident of forest glades, edges and rivers, but from time immemorial Russian people have wanted to bring this tree closer to themselves. They planted it in front of the windows in the front garden, near the hedge in the garden, on roadsides and in parks. Perhaps the custom of planting a mountain ash near your home comes from those ancient times when people believed in the magical power of a tree. In many places in Russia, back in the last century, it was customary to plant a young mountain ash next to it when laying a new house. The mountain ash was supposed to protect the house from all sorts of intrigues of evil spirits.

Hello golden autumn!
Hello, a flock of birds in the sky!
Hello gentle breeze!
Hello red leaf!
I see: there is a mountain ash,
The stem is as thin as a reed.
A riot of colors and brushes,
Handfuls of scarlet berries.

I will come and love
On my mountain ash,
I remember how she is in the spring
Blossomed in the wind.
How the whole summer stood
Quiet, modestly in a row.
And what a beauty she has become
Nature in sight!

Children will rejoice
Birds, animals, and me!
Clusters of scarlet rowan
Hang until December.
They get angry and stop.
Among frosty clear days
The treat will be delicious
For birds and animals!
Goncharova M.M.

Fairy tale "Rowan" (
Early in the morning, jays flew to the mountain ash.
“How many berries you have this year, mountain ash!” the jays said admiringly.
“That's for sure!” the hedgehogs confirmed. They stopped by a mountain ash to rest. “Oh, how tired! Today we carry apples all day, they ripened and fell, and we discovered them. Now we carry in minks to hedgehogs. On the way, we will tell the squirrel and show a miracle - an apple tree, - said the hedgehogs.
A magpie flew in and in its beak it held a ripe cherry berry.
- This is a bush! How many mountain ash!! All in ripe bunches. This is good! Enough to enjoy everyone. Everyone is now working so that in the winter there is something to eat. Yesterday I saw how mice and hamsters in minks from the field fell asleep grains in pantries. The squirrel dried the russula, and hid those that had already dried up in a hollow, and brought the nuts there.
- Work hard, work hard! Winter this year will be harsh, but snowy! old woodsman.

- Why is that? - the animals and birds, bunnies and hedgehogs were surprised. Have you all noticed: how many berries are on the mountain ash? - asked the old man - the forester.
“Of course they did! What a beautiful girl!
- Explain there is folk omen: “The harder and frostier the winter is, the more generously this tree gives animals, forest birds, and humans its berry-vitamin richness. Now you see how the mountain ash is strewn with bright red clusters? - and the old man-forester pointed at the beauty.
“The old man is a forest man, and what is her character?” the mice asked him.
- You asked me a good question, little mice. Right. Each tree has its own character. Pine - proud, aspen - quivering. Spruce is majestic, oak is mighty and strong. And the mountain ash is generous, - the old man, the forest man, answered the question of the mice. On frosty winter days, she will feed bullfinches, and jays, titmouse, crows, forty. And with the first frosts, people will come to her for a berry: to collect rowan berries for delicious pies.
– She is such a beauty! The leaves are green, and the clusters are orange-red! - the waxwings whistled. We are frequent guests here! We know that without its berries we will not overwinter in the winter.
“Yes, and we, when we change our fur coat for a white one, often come running here to feast on it,” said the hares.
- Thank you for such good words about me,” the mountain ash thanked everyone. Come, come run to me in winter. There are enough berries for everyone this year! I'll be glad to see you! I will be glad to treat each of you! - Pushing the leaves, the mountain ash showed everyone its ripe berry clusters.
Satisfied with the invitation, the inhabitants of the forest dispersed, and the mountain ash knew for sure that they would all return to her only in winter for tasty and healthy berries.

To make crafts, you need to prepare: colored cardboard, glue, zucchini seeds, cereals (peas and buckwheat), gouache, brush, glass of water, pencil, frame.

Work order:

On cardboard, draw a silhouette of a branch. You can use a template.

Paint the seeds of zucchini and peas with gouache, respectively, in green and red. You need to wait for them to dry completely.

Apply PVA glue along the contour of the branch (preferably use one that does not leave marks after drying). We try to place buckwheat on both sides of the adhesive strip, achieving thickening.

Then we continue to spread buckwheat along the branch and brushes in one row.

Lay out a bunch of peas row by row, while applying spot glue. If necessary, for children, you can apply a pencil marking with dots.

From the seeds of zucchini lay out the leaves of mountain ash. They are located symmetrically relative to the leaf cutting, while smearing the seed with glue.

Rowan sprig is ready!
The use of a different background suggests such a sprig of rowan.

You can arrange the work in the finished frame.