
How to remove ink from a ballpoint pen. How to remove pen ink from colored fabric. Eco-friendly products for removing pen marks


Everyone who has children has ever come across ink art left by a ballpoint pen on clothes or bags, gloves, furniture. Of course, a pen can leak in your pocket, you can accidentally strike a shirt, but in the event of such a nuisance, you should not scold the child strongly or get upset yourself, because a lot is known lung ways getting rid of ink.

How to remove ballpoint pen stains

There are quite a few ways to clean ballpoint pen, and the required stain removers are always at hand:

- spoiled milk. Perfectly removes ink stains. The thing is soaked in sour milk, after which it is washed in a solution of soapy water with ammonia;

- glycerol. To remove the stain, pour glycerin on it and keep it for 1 hour, and then rinse thoroughly in warm water. If after that there are small ink traces, then they are easily washed with soap;

- ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. 1 teaspoon of both components is added to 250 ml of water, and then cotton wool is moistened with this solution and the stain is wiped off. After that, the fabric is rinsed;

- baby cream . Contamination is treated with a cream that displaces ink from the fabric, and then washed out with a washing agent;

- dishwashing detergents. It is applied to pollution and keeps for 15 minutes, after which the thing is washed;

- medical alcohol and laundry soap . First of all, alcohol is applied to the stained area, dissolving the paste. Then it is lathered and rinsed in warm water, and then cool;

- ammonia with baking soda . The components are mixed with a glass of water in the amount of 1 teaspoon of both ingredients, and then applied to the pollution and kept for several hours;

- lemon juice, vinegar. The stain is treated with one of the components, lasts for several minutes, after which the product is washed off.

In case of ignorance of how to remove ink from a ballpoint pen, special liquid stain removers are useful, designed to purposefully remove all kinds of contaminants. The only rule in their application is to take into account the type of fabric.

Getting rid of ink stains from various fabrics

Each type of fabric requires a different method of removal, because a product that perfectly removes ink stains from one fabric may be powerless against staining another. Learn more about how to remove a ballpoint pen stain from basic types of fabrics:

- linen, cotton. A white contaminated surface is treated with a cotton swab moistened with an ammonia solution (a glass of warm water is mixed with 5 ml of ammonia). After removing the stain, the item is washed with a regular detergent.

For those who do not know how to remove ballpoint ink from clothes made of colored linen or cotton, turpentine and ammonia mixed in equal proportions will come to the rescue, which are applied to the contamination and held until it is removed, after which the product is washed and rinsed. Lemon juice also helps a lot, removing ink without damaging the fabric;

- silk, wool and other delicate fabrics. Such materials are treated with soda paste, which lasts for 5-7 minutes, after which it is wiped with a cotton swab and the product is washed. Also effective is the removal of ink stains with a soap solution mixed with gasoline or kerosene. With this mixture, the stain is treated with a swab, after which it is wiped with 2% hydrochloric acid. In addition, the result can be achieved with a pasty mixture of mustard powder diluted with water. Ink stains are thoroughly saturated with it, left for 2-3 hours, after which the product is washed with cold water;

- velvet. Milk works best. The ink stain is soaked in warm milk, kept for about half an hour, and after that the thing is erased;

- denim . First, the contamination is treated with an alcohol solution or an alcohol-containing substance, after which the stain is rubbed with salt, and then the item is washed. You can also use acid (lemon juice or vinegar essence), heated to the formation of bubbles and poured onto the stain, which quickly disappears from this, after which the product is also erased.

If the denim is stained with red ink, then the stain is treated with ammonia, and if it is black or purple, then alcohol acetone solution will help to remove them. If the denim is in light shades, then a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions is used to clean it. Also, a fresh stain can be sprinkled with starch, and then blotted with a napkin so that the powder absorbs the ink, after which the thing is erased.

How to remove pen stains from leather

Leather products are cleaned with salt, which is sprinkled on the stain and kept for several days, and then carefully wiped with turpentine. Hand cream applied to the ink can also help, which after 2-3 minutes is wiped off with a cotton swab and washed with warm soapy water.

If there are doubts about the possibility of removing the stain, then it is better to use the services of dry cleaning, but if there is none, then these methods will help not to get confused and quickly restore the soiled thing or furniture.

To avoid problems of damage to clothes in the future, pick up

A pen is a simple and familiar item, we use it regularly. And for schoolchildren and students, this subject is simply necessary every day.

But sometimes it happens that the ink leaks and leaves stains on different things. Even more incidents occur if this item falls into the hands of young children. And if you can wash the ink from your fingers, although not immediately, with soap in warm water, then it can be quite difficult to remove them from things.

So that there are no traces of ink left, and things are not damaged, you need to wash the stains correctly.

How to wash the ink correctly?

Almost everyone has encountered stains from a ballpoint or gel pen. But not everyone knows if there are effective and safe means for things.

Fortunately, there are tools and ways to wipe the pen, and there are quite a few of them. But they cannot be used indiscriminately - be sure to consider what material the soiled thing is made of.

Ballpoint and gel pens dissolve well alcohols and alcohol-containing liquids, acetone, gasoline, various solvents, and even hairspray and face cream. But they can wash off paint from the surface of the material being cleaned, leave ugly streaks, and even dissolve some materials.

There are also many folk remedies that we always have at hand. They act on various surfaces much softer, but they do the job just as well. However, they are not effective on all surfaces.

It should also be remembered that fresh stains are much easier to handle and remove.

Before using the product, it is always advisable to try how it will act on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

How can you remove stains from different surfaces?

In the process of work, a leaky pen can leave a stain on any object: on furniture, on the floor, on clothes and a bag. And children can even put a stain in the most incredible places.

From furniture

Most often, stains appear on the table.

If the table is covered with plastic, you can try to wash off the ink with ordinary soap, dishwashing detergent or other detergent. Wet wipes will do.

For large pen marks, nail polish remover can be used. It dissolves the ink effectively, so be careful not to smear it on a clean surface. Then wipe the table with a swab with the same liquid until the traces disappear completely. Finish cleaning with a damp cloth.

A fresh stain from the table can be removed with an eraser.

Tools that are available in the kitchen at hand are also suitable.

if you have lemon, squeeze a few drops onto the ink. Leave for a couple of minutes for the acidic lemon juice to dissolve the dirt, and wipe the table.

Schoolchildren often paint their desks. Desks covered with plastic or painted with oil paint are best to be rubbed with chalk and washed with ordinary washing powder.

For a chair with a leatherette seat, use salt or soda.

Apply a soapy solution to the contamination, sprinkle with salt on top and wait 2-3 hours. Then remove the composition and wash the surface. Or make a paste of baking soda and water and leave it on the stain until it dries. After drying, remove it from the surface, and wipe the chair with a soft, damp sponge.

The doors painted by the child are also washed. Take your time with harsh chemicals - they will wash out the ink, but together with the ink, they can remove a layer of paint from the door. Try to treat the stained place with grease - any one will do, for example, available in every home vegetable oil.

It is possible to wipe ink stains from a wooden surface using dishwashing detergent.

5 grams of this liquid (a teaspoon) is mixed with a third of a glass of water. The solution must be well mixed to obtain abundant foam. Be sure to test the safety of the solution for your furniture. If everything is in order, then with a cotton swab or a rag from soft tissue take some foam and rub the stain. Then, with a clean damp swab, remove the remaining solution and dry the surface.

If the ink is deeply ingrained in the wood, rub the area metal washcloth. Be very careful not to remove too much wood with the washcloth.

Less aggressive agent for wood - soda. Leave the slurry from it on the stain for a quarter of an hour, and then remove it with a clean, damp cloth. Dry the surface.

A well-established remedy White Spirit which is sold in hardware stores. A safety test is required. Apply mineral spirits to a rag and clean the stain. For stubborn stains, apply the product to a steel wool.

Then you need to carefully wipe the surface.

Sometimes ink gets on the lampshade table lamp. If it is glass, it is best to apply soap solution or alcoholic liquids. In this case, you need to ensure that the liquid does not wash off the paint from the lampshade, if it is colored. Wash off the ink from a cloth or plastic lampshade with a slurry of soda or soapy water.

There are even more ways to wash off the paste from linoleum. This is a very unpretentious material, so you can safely use both chemical liquids and much of what you have in the kitchen.

Wash off fresh stains with a soap solution or dishwashing detergent, hairspray and even an eraser.

Mix salt with citric acid and hold on the stain for a quarter of an hour, or apply mustard or soda gruel and wait a longer time. Warm vinegar, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, and sulfur from matches can also help.

Can be used for linoleum gasoline or turpentine, nail polish remover. The liquid with which the machine is cleaned of bitumen is very effective.

From things

A soiled bag brings a lot of grief to a woman.

To remove handle marks on a bag made of leather or leatherette, it is best to use ready-made special preparations from the store. They will clean the product without damaging it.

Not having this drug is not a problem. Every woman has face or hand cream, hairspray. They are great at tackling the problem. In addition, the cream will bring additional benefits to a leather bag.

The stain can also be washed off with soap, alcohol, cologne, soda slurry.

Modern children go to school with backpacks, and mothers periodically have to clean them from ink.

Moisten a fresh stain slightly and sprinkle salt on it. Leave the salt for a few hours, then carefully remove.

To wash the stain from the backpack, you can use alcohol, vodka, any alcoholic liquid.

The only condition is that the liquid must be colorless, otherwise there may be stains, which then have to be disposed of.

With a cotton swab moistened with liquid, carefully blot the stain without rubbing it so as not to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontamination. The dissolving ink will remain on the cotton. You will need to change tampons often as this is a long and labor intensive procedure.

Things that get ink will have to be washed. Washing with powder is generally good at removing pen marks, especially on man-made fabrics. However, before washing it is better to try to remove the stain.

Use salt, soda. Do not experiment with aggressive liquids: some of them can ruin the fabric.

unconventional effective way. Pour into a small vessel kefir, and dip the stained area into it. Leave for half an hour, and then wash the thing.

From leatherette

If you or your children have soiled a sofa or chair upholstered in leatherette, then do not panic - there are many tools that allow you to clean the surface.

Try washing a fresh stain with soap.

It will be effective to use ethyl or ammonia, glycerin, cologne.

On sale there are special stain removers made from natural or artificial leather. When developing them, the features of the material are taken into account. Your task is to follow the instructions.

When it is not possible to visit the store, use the means that are probably available at home.

Prepare a composition of soapy water and salt. Apply it on the stain, rub a little and leave it for a couple of hours. Then rinse and dry the area thoroughly.

Also suitable soda, vinegar, lemon or citric acid. Lemon juice can be mixed with milk.

From plastic

There are many parts and coatings made of plastic in our everyday environment.

Since the plastic coating is quite resistant to various substances, it is possible to apply alcohol, vodka, lotion, toilet water and other available alcohol-containing liquids. To clean, apply liquid to a cotton swab and gently rub the stain. Change tampons as they get dirty.

Can apply handy tool- ordinary household matches. Their heads are moistened with water and the spots are rubbed until they disappear.

Silicone - modern material, it is often used to make phone cases and other items. Unfortunately, they also get ink because we put them on the table, in the pocket of our clothes or in the pocket of the bag along with the pens. You can use nail polish remover to remove ink from a silicone case. You should take liquid without acetone.

The refrigerator can also come to the attention of young artists. Chemicals can not always help to remove their drawings from the refrigerator. In addition, chemicals can damage the surface.

Use an unconventional tool: hairspray. From a short distance, spray the varnish onto the drawing until a small puddle forms. Then clean the surface with a wet cloth.

From paper

Students, office workers and people of other professions who need to write a lot or fill out forms periodically face the problem of a damaged document.

Small marks on some types of paper can be removed without the aid of any means.

With a sharp blade, carefully cut or scrape off the ink stain. Then sand this area with a smooth object.

Be very careful not to remove too much paper. Never use the blade on thin paper.

There are also correction fluids. They are sold in the office supply departments. They are convenient to use, as they are equipped with a thin brush, dry quickly and you can write on top of them. True, sometimes it happens that they do not match the tone of the paper.

The corrector can remove the stain from the textbook and correct the wallpaper in the white areas.

But on some types of paper and on colored wallpaper, a corrector cannot be used.

Anyone can stain clothes with ink: an awkward schoolboy, an accountant, and a person who has not held a pen in his hands for a long time. There are proven ways to quickly remove or rub off the stain so that there is no trace of it. How and how to remove ink from a pen from clothes? Consider methods that work!

Detergents for clothes

First aid

A quick response will help reduce the damage the ink will cause to knitwear or synthetics. If there is baby powder, starch, or crushed white chalk nearby, these products can be applied to the stain and left on for a few minutes. Then the fabric should be blotted with a paper towel or napkin. The powder acts as an absorbent, which prevents the ink from soaking into clothing or underwear.

We use a stain remover

A special detergent that neutralizes the effect of ink can be used to remove both fresh stains and old dirt. Most often, stain remover manufacturers recommend spotting stain remover on contaminated areas, waiting for about 15 minutes and washing things in cool water using washing powder. Stain removers of such companies have proven themselves well:

  • "ACE";
  • Vanish;
  • Amway.

Of the budget, but effective drugs that can clean the ink blot, experts recommend Antipyatin.

Laundry soap

A bar of laundry soap can be found in any home. It is desirable that the color of the soap be brown, since it is this that has the necessary properties and can wash off any dirt. It is enough to rub the stain with soap dipped in warm water and leave the thing for 10-20 minutes. Then rinse at room temperature.

How to remove ink from a ballpoint pen

They can stay anywhere: on furniture, carpet, clothes. Having noticed pollution, you should look for a remedy in the house with which you can get rid of the stain:

  1. Ammonia. Used in combination with water in a ratio of 1:1. First, the mixture is applied to the blot, and keeps for some time. Then the item must be rinsed and the procedure repeated if necessary. This lightweight and fast way perfect if you don't know how to get a pen out of your clothes different quality: silk blouses, cotton shirts or T-shirts, velor robes and other things.
  2. Spoiled milk. To remove traces, you need to take sour milk and place a contaminated item in it. Then washing is done with soap, you can add a few drops of ammonia to the water.
  3. curdled milk. This dairy product is suitable for removing stains from light or colored fabrics. Ten minutes is enough for a thing soaked in yogurt to become clean again.
  4. Citricjuice. You need to apply it directly to the mark from the ballpoint pen, then wash it as usual. The method is not suitable for white clothes. But for colored and black fabrics, it is ideal.
  5. Soda. From home remedies, soda is in the lead as a way of pollution. On the blot, you need to apply a gruel of soda and water and briefly hold the mixture on things. It remains only to wash off the soda along with the remnants of the ink.

Removing fountain pen stains

Spots from a fountain pen remain more often than from a ballpoint pen. These writing products have to be refilled by yourself, so ink drops can get on trousers or jeans. How to wipe the results of a fountain pen:

  1. Suitable for removing stains from woolen items. They should be treated with contamination, allowed to dry and washed in warm water.
  2. If there is mustard powder at home, it can be safely used to dissolve the blot. He copes especially well with the pollution remaining. A gruel of powder and water is applied to the stain and left for a day. Then the item is washed by hand in warm water.
  3. Kerosene. An effective remedy for feather stains is kerosene. The desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric is treated with kerosene, and then washed using a powder.

The above methods are also suitable for cleaning the dirt left from the gel pen.

Folk recipes

Consider folk ways removing ink from pens from clothes. Some tips may surprise you, but they are more effective than store-bought stain removers:

If the handle has flowed, then the clothes in the typewriter cannot be washed, which is why your favorite blouse can go “to the rags”. If you know how to properly wash a pen from a white (light) shirt, you can restore its whiteness and attractiveness. Use glycerin, shaving cream or foam, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste or whiteness to remove stains of varying complexity without damaging the quality of the fabric.

But to get the desired effect, you will have to adhere to some features.

To wash a ballpoint or gel pen from white clothes with glycerin:

  1. Pour some glycerine on the stain and let the blouse sit for about an hour.
  2. Type warm water in a basin, dilute 1-2 tbsp in it. l. salt.
  3. Wash your jacket.

This method is good for removing fresh stains, but if they have dried, the procedure must be repeated. If after washing it remains small blue tint, wash the blouse with regular soap or with a bleaching stain remover.

Ammonia and soda for soaking extensive dirt

Ammonia has not only useful properties in medicine, but also bleaching, due to which clothes are also actively used. To remove ink with soda and ammonia, follow this sequence:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Pour into the mixture 1 tbsp. water.

Dip the stain in the resulting solution or pour the liquid onto the contaminated area of ​​the blouse. After 3 hours, wash the clothes as usual.

Note ! If the paste has leaked, leaving a large, bright mark, it is recommended to wash the stain by hand after treatment with ammonia, and not in a typewriter. Then the paste is better washed off, leaving no trace on the clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blouse.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The combination of hydrogen oxide with ammonia allows not only to remove stains from white fabrics, but also to give an attractive look.

This recipe works well for removing stains, but it's best not to use it on colored clothes.

  1. Pour into a glass of warm water.
  2. Mix and add 1 tsp to water. ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Soak a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and place it on the stain. After 20-30 minutes, wash the stain from the fountain pen by hand, and then immerse the blouse in the washing machine and wash it again.


Dishwashing liquid is available in every office, and if you accidentally get dirty, it will help to remove a fresh pen stain from a new white blouse.

Apply the detergent in a thick layer on the stained area for 30 minutes, and then wash the stain under running water. Tidying up soiled clothes at work is not very convenient, but it is possible.

Dishwashing gel or laundry soap

If your child comes home from school with a fresh stain on a T-shirt, take immediate action and treat with laundry soap or dishwashing gel.

Lather the stain, let the clothes soak, and then wash by hand and machine.

Hand or shaving cream

On a train or plane, there is not always at hand a tool with which you can wipe the stains of the pen from the shirt. Then use shaving foam or hand cream, which is a must-have in your travel bag.

  1. Apply foam or cream to the stain.
  2. After an hour, wash the contaminated area under the tap.

A fresh stain should dissolve and be removed without problems, but if the blue mark remains, upon arrival at home / hotel, treat it with any stain remover, hydrogen peroxide or whiteness, and then wash the jacket thoroughly.

Note ! Use fat cream. It well displaces the paste from the fabric, but leaves an unattractive ordinary powder, soap or detergent.

Lemon juice or vinegar

Table vinegar (9%) and citric acid are used together or separately to remove fresh stains on white, pale pink or other light fabrics, including or.

  1. Soak the stain in vinegar or citric acid.
  2. Wash after 30-40 minutes.

These ingredients do not cause the appearance greasy spots and remove the leaked paste without leaving a trace. Their action is due to the effectiveness of acid, which dissolves stains.

Note ! With these ingredients, you can remove non-intense old stains or large, slightly dried ones in 2-3 treatments.Vinegar and citric acid can be used on polyester, synthetics, cotton, silk and knitted fabrics.

You can enhance the effect of acids with salt. Pour it on the stain, drip a little lemon juice or vinegar on top. Wash the jacket after 15-40 minutes. This method is only effective on fresh stains. It is problematic to remove an old pen in this way.


Ethyl alcohol - rubbing alcohol, moonshine or vodka helps to remove gel pen ink from a white shirt. In relation to the ball, the ingredient is less effective.

Gel stains are rubbed as follows:

  1. First of all, blot the stain with a wet towel that is not needed so that the stain is absorbed into the rag, and not the structure of the blouse.
  2. Lay a dry towel on the table and over it a cotton nursing (medical) gown or a stained synthetic shirt.
  3. Soak a piece of cotton wool in alcohol or vodka and place it on the contaminated area.

The alcohol will dissolve the gel stain, and it will not be on the blouse, but will drain onto the towel, which you can clean using a regular stain remover or whiteness.

Solvents: kerosene, gasoline, acetone or nail polish remover

These products work similarly to alcohol, so if the pen accidentally leaks, take acetone and put a wet piece of cotton wool on the dirt. So you clean a white cotton dressing gown or knitwear from a fresh gel stain.

Gasoline and kerosene also dissolve the pen well, but leave fat trail and a strong smell. Use them if you don't have less smelly substances on hand, but make sure to wash your clothes with fabric softener and powder to finish off the pungent odor.

low fat milk

Low-fat acidified milk dissolves stains well, due to its acidic properties. It is not surprising that housewives use milk for excretion, and whey for.

This ingredient is not suitable for removing old dirt, but it will make it easier to clean the paste from a pen from a white or colored blouse. Soak the stain in milk and then run a normal wash with detergents.

Whitening toothpaste

You can rub the stain with toothpaste using a brush. Fresh pasta will fall behind immediately, and the dried one will have to be rubbed.

This method of cleaning is effective, but requires caution. If you rub the fabric hard, you can damage its structure and ruin your favorite sweater.

Hairspray or antistatic spray

Protecting clothes from paste with hairspray is unlikely to work, but this ingredient is useful for clearing the skin.

Sprinkle skin covering spray with anti-static or hairspray, and then wipe with a tissue, avoiding the appearance of additional stains (on a blouse).

Stain removers and bleaches against traces of gel and ballpoint pens

A gel pen can be removed from white clothes not only with folk (improvised) means, but also with substances specially designed for washing.

  • Oxygen bleach. If you soak a blouse for 1-2 hours in oxygen bleach, the stain will dissolve safely for the sweater itself. Oxygen bleach for colored clothes is commercially available. It will help remove dirt from bright things.
  • White. The product is used only for white clothes. It gives the linen freshness, snow-whiteness and removes a lot of stubborn stains, including those from a gel, ballpoint pen. Pour a little whiteness into warm water, put a jacket on and leave for 1.5–2 hours. Then wash your blouse with a regular powder to eliminate the unpleasant smell of bleach.
  • Ink remover. A rare tool, but if you wish, you can buy it on the Internet. Presented in the form of a pen with a sponge at the end. Inside there is a special liquid. If you are smeared with paste, run the sponge of the ink remover over the stain, the liquid coming from it will dissolve the paste, making it less noticeable.

It is best to combine folk remedies with special ones, because the former actively eliminate intense pollution from the outside, and the latter remove deeply ingrained stains.

Note ! The area of ​​contamination with a ballpoint/gel pen can reach a diameter of 15 cm. If for some reason you could not wash the stain right away, take the blouse to the dry cleaners so that the specialists can independently act on the contamination with chemicals that do not damage cotton.

To see how easily the means household chemicals with a pen, watch the video on how to get rid of an ink stain with oxygen bleach:

In order not to re-stain in the paste, review all office supplies and discard pens that are suspicious or may leak in the near future. Take the time to prepare where to store your pens. Make a container or stand and always place the handles with the rod down. This factor will reduce the chance of the paste leaking out and soiling your clothes.

Larisa, May 13, 2018.

The pen is an indispensable item Everyday life person. With its help, small children learn to draw, students write lectures, and older people use it at work and at home, to fill out various papers.

Very often, pen marks can be found on your clothes. It can be lines, strokes, blots.

The latter appear if the pen was in the pocket of a shirt, jacket, jacket or jeans and flowed. These stains are extremely difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that the ink has sufficient stability, dries quickly, and it is not always possible to wash the stain right away.

There may also be streaks on white fabric, which simple soap and powder is not washed off. But do not despair, and even more so throw out your favorite thing. Since there are many ways in which you can remove the stain and give the clothes their original look.

Here are some stain removal tips:

  1. You need to deal with the stain immediately, without postponing the wash for later. The ink dries quickly enough, but the more time has passed since it appeared on things, the more difficult it is to remove it.
  2. Choose a method for cleaning ink from clothes based on the type of fabric
  3. First you need to try to remove the stain with gentle means (laundry soap, alcohol), and only then use more aggressive substances (nail polish remover, acetone).
  4. Particular attention should be paid to white things so as not to spoil them completely.
  5. Take into account the size of the blot. If the area of ​​contamination is small, you can try home stain removers. industrial production Otherwise, use improvised means.
  6. Observe safety rules. Wear rubber gloves if you use oxalic acid or other substances that can harm the skin to remove stains.

Do you know that: dry cleaning services are expensive, and everyone can remove the ink on their own at home and almost for free.

Types of handles

The handles that modern world used by most people, are divided into two types: ball and gel.

The main difference between them lies in the density, viscosity and brightness of the ink.

In gel pens, the paste is more liquid, so the risk of it leaking out is much greater than with a regular ballpoint pen.

Folk methods Gel paste stain control can be done using:

Also may be useful:

  • rubber gloves;
  • absorbent fabric;
  • cotton swabs;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paraffin;
  • petrolatum.

Means for removing ink from different types of fabric

In order for the stain not to increase in size, you can draw a circle around it with melted paraffin or petroleum jelly.

What remedies can be used for an ink stain:

  1. The most gentle product, suitable for almost all types of fabric, is laundry soap, but, unfortunately, washing with it does not always allow you to get rid of ink on clothes.
  2. You can use industrial stain removers. But it is worth paying attention that to remove the paste from white and colored fabrics, you need to use various means.

Expert advice: The effectiveness of either method can be increased by first soaking the stain in cold water.

  1. Alcohol-based products can also help remove ink stains from clothing. They should be poured directly on the stain and allowed to soak in, then rub the place of contamination with a moistened cotton swab and wash the item in the machine.
  2. You can also remove blots with the help of acetone and the substances in which it is included. First you need to soak the thing for a short time in water, then put it on a towel with the front side of the thing, and rub it with a cotton pad dipped in acetone from the wrong side. Then blot the stain with a cloth or cotton pads.

Note: Do not use acetone on delicate fabrics.

  • if the traces of ink have a small area, you can pour a little valerian on them and let it soak in, then rub the place of contamination with a soft, absorbent cloth;
  • table salt can also help, which must be moistened with water and applied to the resulting slurry on the stain and left for a couple of days, then shake off the salt and wipe the surface with a damp cloth or damp cloth.
  1. Silk. The fabric is very thin and delicate, so the use of aggressive stain removers is not possible in this case:
  • table mustard stored in the refrigerator can help: it must be applied in a small layer to the place of contamination and allowed to dry, then rinsed under running warm water;
  • you can try to remove some of the ink with wet wipes: moisten the stain with water, then put an unnecessary, clean cloth that absorbs moisture well on a hard surface, put a thing on it with a place of contamination, then another layer of absorbent cloth and a heavy object, leave for 5 minutes, remove the load and see if the stain is gone ; if yes, then just rinse the fabric with warm water, if not, you can spray hairspray on the stain, it should disappear;

Note: instead of a cloth, you can use paper towels or sprinkle a layer of starch, which will absorb the ink and prevent the stain from growing in size.

  • ink stains can also be washed with lemon juice: to do this, you need to take a lemon, cut it into several parts and squeeze the juice onto the stain, then rinse the item in water.