
Sodium hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate: similarities and differences


Sodium hyaluronate is a human polysaccharide that exists in the body in the form white powder. It is designed to attract and retain the required amount of moisture, thus, with the help of this substance, the skin is always hydrated, which means it retains its firmness and elasticity.

Despite this, sodium is very poorly soluble in water. Hyaluronic acid is most directly related to it.

Hyaluron is a substance that is found in interstitial spaces of a person, as well as in biological products of mammals, in particular, cattle.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetics. Preparations containing it in their composition help to moisturize the dermis of the face, smooth it out, tighten it, disappear rashes, acne, and wrinkles. After using these medicines, the skin appears very clean, with a pleasant shine and smoothness, in other words, it becomes truly healthy.

Sodium hyaluronate itself is also found in the interstitial spaces, in the peripheral nervous system, in cartilage and biological waste products.

Scientists have identified two types:

  1. high molecular weight;
  2. low molecular weight.

The use of high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate is primarily for cosmetic purposes. The fact is that such substances act on the surface of the skin without penetrating deep into the tissues.

So, high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate contributes to:

  1. moisturizing the dermis;
  2. pulling up and elasticity;
  3. elimination of folds, wrinkles;
  4. better thermoregulation;
  5. lack of rashes.

In other words, the high-molecular-weight type of sodium hyaluronate contributes to aesthetic transformation, which, of course, is known to all cosmetologists who actively use sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid to improve the quality of the outer cover.

The low molecular weight type, in contrast to the high molecular weight, penetrates deep into tissues and cells under skin, sets up protective barriers that protect the face from ultraviolet radiation, direct sun rays, mechanical influences.

The main function of the low molecular weight is protective.


In the middle of the twentieth century, a widespread mass study of the properties of this substance began in the world, which, together with hyaluronic acid have an incredible ability to regenerate, or self-renew. They are renewed every day, the slowdown of this process occurs with aging of the body or with a change in hormonal levels.

Sodium hyaluronate modifies its chemical composition in various intraorganismal pathologies, therefore, the study of this substance also yields such fruits as the recognition of some serious ailments. It is already thoroughly known that in case of joint diseases, sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid change their internal composition.

This is the essence of these substances - they react to all changes in the human body, despite the fact that they are responsible only for the processes occurring in the skin.

It would seem that this is really so, but the intake of substances with sodium hyaluronate can be prescribed for joints, their restoration, with various muscle disorders, and a decrease in tone.

In case of damage or damage to the connective and nerve tissues, taking sodium hyaluronate is also extremely useful. In addition, it is used in the field of ophthalmology in the treatment of the retina. The fact is that pure hyaluronic acid is found in the lenses of mammalian eyes, so sodium hyaluronate helps very well with surgery.

For joints, this remedy is used for obvious degenerative movement disorders.

Of course, sodium hyaluronate occupies a very important place in cosmetology, aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery... It moisturizes the skin, restores its tone, heals scars and other damage, has a tightening effect, as a result wrinkles and folds disappear.

Sodium hyaluronate promotes skin rejuvenation and overall health.

Sodium hyaluronate is either injected under the skin with a conventional needle prick, or applied to the face, in other words, a cosmetic mask is created. Sodium hyaluronate is a remedy that also enriches the skin with the necessary vitamin complexes.

Drugs in the pharmacy

Today you can find a lot cosmetics, powders and gels that contain sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid. In addition to going to a pharmacy, a hyaluron can be created at home by preparing a solution from a powder, which is diluted with clean water.

Of course, you can buy the necessary substances and preparations at the pharmacy yourself, but it is better to consult with a cosmetologist first, his advice will be useful in any case, since each person's facial skin has its own individual characteristics.

So, pharmacy products are represented by the following preparations that contain sodium hyaluronate:

  1. Doppelhertz. In addition to all the known drugs taken for cardiovascular diseases, this German company has developed a whole vitamin lifting complex exclusively for the skin of the face. Doppelgerz contains beta-carotene and zinc, which contributes to extraordinary rejuvenation of the dermis, its tightening, saturation with essential substances and vitamins. After several days of using these drugs, the skin will sparkle with cleanliness and shine, because vitamins in any case will play a positive role;
  2. Libre Derm - a domestic cream-gel for the face, which is relatively inexpensive in pharmacies in our country, is applied to the eye area, neck, cheekbones, and corners of the lips. The cream really smoothes wrinkles, makes wrinkles disappear. He is extremely popular in Russian cosmetics... After applying this cream-gel, the former microrelief of the face is restored, its radiance and gloss, in some cases the color also changes. Man gets rid of age spots, acne, etc .;
  3. Uniderm is a cream that is widely used among Russian cosmetologists. It saturates the skin with vitamins, interacts with the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, which is contained in its pure form in the human body. This cannot but be reflected in the positive condition of the facial skin.

In addition to the above drugs, which are most often used purely for cosmetic purposes, to improve skin tone, to moisturize, rejuvenate and improve, there are also medicines that contain sodium hyaluronate and which are intended for the treatment of joint diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Ostenil;
  2. Synokrom;
  3. Fermatron;
  4. Viscosil;
  5. Suplazin.

Ostenil is a German quality medicine that is designed to fight joint pain and arthritis. It, of course, contains sodium hyaluronate. The cost in Russia starts from 3000 rubles, despite the high cost, the tool really helps. The drug lacks a set of animal proteins, as a result, manufacturers seriously declare that there are no side effects and allergic reactions from the use of this drug.

Ostenil stops infectious and inflammatory processes, restores the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.

The producer of Sinokrom is also Germany. This drug regulates internal metabolic processes, it has a direct therapeutic effect on the condition of the joints. As it has been found in numerous studies, the effect of the drug remains on for a long time, while the manifestation of allergic reactions or side effects in most patients was not noticed.

The drug is completely safe and at the same time it has an amazing positive effect on the condition of the joints.


After purchasing a drug containing sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use and the possible dosage. Using the drug in large quantities can cause disruptions in the body such as fever, surges blood pressure, headaches and dizziness.

Both doctors and manufacturers of these cosmetic and medical products indicate that there are some contraindications to their use. So, here they are:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Age under 18;
  3. Breastfeeding the baby;
  4. Infectious and inflammatory processes inside the body;
  5. Poor blood clotting, its other diseases;
  6. Allergic reactions to sodium hyaluronate. Now clinics have the opportunity to examine themselves for an allergic reaction to the drug before the procedure for introducing a substance into the body. If it occurs, it is better to cancel the drug intake;
  7. Open wounds in the skin.

These contraindications work both in clinics and at home when making masks with hyaluronic acid.

Beauty and youth, indeed, for many people have great value, but it is important not to harm your body, read the instructions very carefully and follow the advice of cosmetologists.


  • Clinical pharmacology

    Pharmacological action - analogue of human synovial fluid.

    Sodium hyaluronate (gilan, a biological analogue of hyaluronan) is a polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetylglycosamine and sodium glucuronate. Has a high molecular weight. 1% sodium hyaluronate solution is a hydrated gel.

    Sodium hyaluronate for intra-articular injection (ostenil, synvisc, fermatron):

    Sodium hyaluronate is used as a sterile viscoelastic implant for intra-articular injection into the synovial space in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. It is used to treat the knee or any other synovial joints.

    In fact, it is analogous to human synovial fluid. Based on this, the introduction of sodium hyaluronate into the affected joint breaks the key link in the development of arthrosis, it is the cause of the progression of arthrosis that is affected.

    The therapeutic effect of sodium hyaluronate is associated with "viscosity replenishment", thereby improving the physiological and rheological status of the tissues of the affected joint. In addition, the action of sodium hyaluronate is based on the "trigger" effect - it directly restores the ability of the joint to produce endogenous hyaluronan and, thus, returns it to a state of homeostasis, which lasts for several months.

    As the accumulated clinical materials show, when using sodium hyaluronate, the following points take place:

    • Restores synovial balance: increases the viscosity of the synovial fluid, restoring its lubricating, shock-absorbing and filtering properties.
    • Protects the articular cartilage from mechanical and chemical damage: restores the protective coating on the inner surface of the joint and increases the binding of free radicals.
    • The inflammation of the synovial membrane decreases and its protective functions are restored. Slowing down the destruction of the articular cartilage in combination with the processes of restoring the homeostasis of the synovial fluid leads to the rapid removal of pain symptoms and regression of the phenomena of limited mobility in the joint.

    The beneficial effect of sodium hyaluronate appears gradually during the course and lasts for several months. After completing the full course of 5 injections, symptoms are usually relieved for 6 to 12 months.

    Sodium hyaluronate for intraocular injection (chealon):

    Sodium hyaluronate - a product for use in eye surgery. It is a natural substance that is present in the extracellular connective tissue matrix in both animals and humans. Provides expansion of the anterior chamber of the eye, facilitates the separation of eye tissues. Sodium hyaluronate reduces the risk of traumatic damage to the endothelium of the cornea and other tissues of the eye, provides transparency of the visual fields.

  • Indications for use
      • For pain and limited mobility caused by degenerative-dystrophic and traumatic changes in the knee, hip and other synovial joints.
      • For temporary replacement and replenishment of synovial fluid.
      • When treating patients who lead an active lifestyle and regularly load the affected joint.
    • For intraocular injection (eye surgery)
      • Expansion of the anterior chamber or separation of tissues, etc. (during operations on the anterior and posterior segments of the eye).
      • Retinal examination during and after surgery.
      • Carrying out laser therapy (auxiliary tool).
  • Contraindications
    • Are common
      • Hypersensitivity to sodium hyaluronate.
    • For intra-articular injections
      • The presence of infected wounds, abrasions in the joint area.
      • An infected or severely inflamed joint.
      • Venous or lymphatic stasis on the side of the affected joint.
      • Sodium hyaluronate is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as by patients suffering from inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. It is not recommended to administer it before stopping the symptoms of synovitis due to dilution of the drug with synovial fluid and a possible decrease in the therapeutic effect.
  • Side effects
    • For intra-articular injections

      Sodium hyaluronate is excellently tolerated. Clinical studies have shown the complete absence of toxic and mutagenic reactions. Thanks to the form of release - a syringe-pen - the possibility of introducing a secondary infection during injection is minimized.

      Possible side reactions (usually disappear without a trace within a few days):

      • Local secondary phenomena such as pain, warmth, redness and swelling can be observed on the joint into which the drug is injected (applying ice to the joint for five to ten minutes will remove all such phenomena).
      • Intra-articular exudation (in some cases, exudation can be significant and cause a longer pain syndrome). In these cases, it is necessary to puncture the joint and remove the exudate, followed by microscopy in order to exclude infection and microcrystalline arthropathy (gout).
      • Extremely rare - allergic reactions.
    • For intraocular injection
      • Transient increase in intraocular pressure in the postoperative period (4-8 hours after the operation) due to mechanical blockage of the trabecular network by the remains of the solution.
      • Rarely - allergic reactions.
  • Method of administration and dosage
    • For intra-articular injections

      Depending on the size of the joint, inject up to 2 ml of 1% sodium hyaluronate solution into the joint cavity once a week for 3 to 5 consecutive weeks. Several joints can be treated at the same time.

      Clinical trials show a pronounced effect after the 3rd injection. The maximum recommended dose is six injections.

      The positive qualities of the drug include a persistent therapeutic effect - 6 months. and more after the last injection.

      Repeated treatment cycles can be performed on demand. The interval between courses is at least 4 weeks.

    • For intraocular injection

      The dose of sodium hyaluronate depends on the characteristics of the surgical intervention in a particular patient.

      Sodium hyaluronate is injected into the eyeball through a thin catheter. Since some of the drug is washed out of the eye during surgery, repeated injections may be necessary.

      The total volume of the drug required for repeated intraocular injections during operations on the anterior segment usually does not exceed 1 ml; in operations on the posterior segment, 2-4 ml are usually required.

  • Interaction
    • For intra-articular injections

      To date, there is no information regarding the incompatibility of sodium hyaluronate with other solutions for intra-articular use. To alleviate the condition, the patient may take oral analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs during the first few days of the procedure.

    • For intraocular injection

      Sodium hyaluronate is incompatible with cationic solutions (opalescence appears when mixed).

  • Precautionary measures
    • For intra-articular injections

      Sodium hyaluronate injections should be made exclusively in hospitals officially certified for intra-articular injections by certified and certified doctors of the appropriate profile.

      Some of the sodium hyaluronate preparations contain a small amount of chicken protein, therefore, care should be taken when treating patients with appropriate hypersensitivity. Particular attention is needed for patients suffering from drug hypersensitivity.

      Sodium hyaluronate should not be administered in the presence of significant intra-articular effusion.

      General precautions for intra-articular injection must be followed. When treating the skin before injection, do not use disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium salts.

      Before administration, the solution must be warmed to room temperature.

      Sodium hyaluronate should be gently injected into the joint cavity. Cannot be administered extra-articularly, including into synovial tissues or joint capsule. In this case, local side reactions may occur. Do not allow the drug to enter the blood vessels!

      As with any other invasive joint procedure, after the injection of sodium hyaluronate, the patient is advised to follow a gentle regimen and avoid excessive stress on the joint for several days.

      Do not use this medicine if the pre-filled syringe or sterile packaging is damaged.

      The effectiveness of a course of treatment containing fewer than three injections has not been established.

      The efficacy and safety of sodium hyaluronate when used for indications other than osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis has not been established.

      Sodium hyaluronate has not been used to treat pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

      During the course of treatment with sodium hyaluronate, it is not allowed to inject anesthetics or other pharmacological drugs into the cavity of the affected joint.

    • For intraocular injection

      To prevent an increase in intraocular pressure in the postoperative period, the solution should be completely removed from the eye at the end of the operation. Careful monitoring of intraocular pressure is required, especially in cases where sodium hyaluronate needs to be left in the eyeball cavity to create a mechanical effect after surgery. If there is a significant increase in intraocular pressure, appropriate therapy should be prescribed. Sodium hyaluronate remaining inside the eyeball is subsequently excreted mainly through the trabecular meshwork.

      In vitro studies noted the opalescence of sodium hyaluronate solution when mixed with solutions containing some cations (including with solutions of certain drugs and detergents), therefore, sodium hyaluronate should not be administered simultaneously or after any other substances.

      Sodium hyaluronate contained in Healon is isolated from the tissues of birds and, despite the high quality of purification, the presence of minor protein impurities in the preparation cannot be ruled out. Given this, it is necessary to bear in mind the potential risk associated with the injection (especially repeated) of any biological material. In clinical studies, no signs of the drug's immunogenicity were found.

Every woman dreams of looking young and beautiful and uses for this different ways and funds. Sodium hyaluronate (or hyaluronic acid) is often used in cosmetology as the main skin care product. The substance is included in the composition of cosmetics and helps to effectively fight the signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid: description

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most natural skin moisturizers.

Sodium hyaluronate is a polysaccharide that is present in the human body, namely in its tissues and cartilage. The substance looks like a white powder. It is poorly soluble in water. In case of a lack of this component in the tissues, the skin becomes dry, its elasticity decreases, and early wrinkles appear. Therefore, modern cosmetology widely uses various cosmetics with hyaluronic acid in the composition.

There are the following types of this substance:

  • Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate;
  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate has a small size and has the ability to easily penetrate into tissues, due to which it has a maximum effect from the inside on each cell.

Sodium hyaluronate of this type has the following effect:

  • Moisturizing action;
  • Stimulating action;
  • Fight against wrinkles;
  • Activation of fibroblast activity;
  • Acceleration of the penetration of nutrients under the skin.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid

It has a larger size and is used in cosmetology practice only as a means for external use. The following basic properties can be distinguished:

  • Moisturizing the stratum corneum;
  • Regeneration;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Lifting effect.

The benefits of using hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

It is customary to use hyaluronic acid not only in cosmetics and cosmetology, but also in other areas. With the help of this substance, it is possible to cure cataracts or osteoarthritis and restore the integrity of tissues.

When using sodium hyaluronate in cosmetic practice, it forms a protective film on the skin surface and controls the moisture content in cells without affecting gas exchange mechanisms. After a few days of regular use, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and a general rejuvenating effect is observed. Even the driest skin becomes soft and velvety.

Sodium hyaluronate fills in every crease and wrinkle, thereby smoothing the face contour and tightening the skin.

Due to its versatility, this component can be used in the following directions:

  • In cosmetics;
  • In injections;
  • In vitamin complexes.

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is usually used in the form of injections (fillers). For this, the substance is injected directly into the skin to a certain depth, which helps to make the face oval beautiful, change the shape of the lips or smooth out mimic wrinkles. The filler is soft in structure, resembles a gel and contains a high molecular weight acid.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid


Vitamin complexes containing sodium hyaluronate are available in capsule or tablet form and create a lifting effect. The Doppelherz lifting complex has high properties, which contains, in addition to acid, beta-carotene, vitamins, selenium and zinc.

Doppelherz improves complexion, protects the skin from the external environment and has an antioxidant effect. For adults, it is recommended to take one capsule of the drug with a meal. The general course of treatment is one month, and then there is a month off.


Among all fillers, Juvederm is considered the most popular, since it contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. This helps to several times reduce the risk of an allergic reaction or side effect. The substance can be injected into the superficial, middle or deep layers of the skin.

The injections are used to smooth nasolabial folds, smooth the contour of the face, enlarge the lips and fill in wrinkles. The effect lasts for 5-8 months, depending on the area of ​​administration.


Popular cosmetics with sodium hyaluronate include Libriderm cream, which has a light texture and a high acid content. It can be applied to the décolleté, face and neck as it intensely moisturizes and nourishes the skin and helps fight the signs of aging. After regular use of the cream, the micro-relief improves, a natural radiance appears, the complexion improves and the skin becomes smoother.

Advice: It is necessary to choose a product or procedure using hyaluronic acid depending on the individual problem and the desired result. The maximum effect can be obtained only by the introduction of subcutaneous injections.

Sodium hyaluronate mask

In order not to spend a lot of money on trips to expensive beauty salons or on preparations with hyaluronic acid, you can prepare a useful mask or cream yourself at home. It should be remembered that it will not be possible to achieve the same effect as during injections, because such funds can only act on the surface layer of the skin.

A hyaluronic acid mask will help eliminate fine wrinkles, change complexion in better side and provide the skin with good hydration.

To prepare it, you need the acid itself or the acid salt with sodium. You can buy these components in pharmacies in the city or order through the online store.


  • It is necessary to measure 2 g of hyaluronic acid powder and dilute with 30 ml of boiled warm water;
  • All components should be thoroughly mixed and left to swell for one hour;
  • If lumps appear, they need to be thoroughly kneaded and then apply the finished mask to the face cleaned of cosmetics;
  • The mask is applied in a thin, even layer over all skin surfaces and remains until completely absorbed. You do not need to wash off.

To obtain the maximum result, it is necessary to carry out about 11 procedures.

Advice: Before using hyaluronic acid, it is advisable to go to the doctor's office in order to exclude the presence of direct contraindications.

Contraindications for use

Despite the obvious advantages, not everyone can use cosmetics or preparations with hyaluronic acid. In some people, sodium hyaluronate can cause a number of side effects such as redness or itchy skin and hematomas. Therefore, there are the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • The presence of open wounds or other damage to the skin;
  • Allergy;
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Infections;
  • Poor blood clotting.

Sodium hyaluronate will help to preserve youthfulness and beauty of the skin for a long time, it is enough just to choose the option of rejuvenation that suits you. It is preliminarily recommended to visit a doctor and find out the presence of contraindications in order to avoid unwanted side effects.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops are gaining more and more popularity in the treatment of ophthalmic problems. In preparations of this type, a low molecular weight biocomponent is used, which allows you to retain moisture, which is so necessary for the membranes of the eyes.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops can be used to retain moisture

Hyaluronic acid eye drops should be used in the following cases:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • postoperative period;
  • long stay at the computer monitor.

With dry eye syndrome, hyaluronic acid drops are able to eliminate dryness and discomfort against the background of such a condition. The preparation perfectly moisturizes the eyeball and eliminates irritation.

Often, drops based on hyaluronic acid are prescribed to patients who have undergone eye surgery. They allow you to start the fastest process of tissue regeneration, which contributes to their accelerated recovery.

Main advantages

An important advantage is a completely natural composition

  • The main advantage of such medicinal drops is their almost completely natural composition.
  • Preparations of this type simultaneously moisturize and lubricate the cornea.
  • Hyaluronic drops have a very quick effect, relieving irritation and dryness of the eyeball.

Contraindications to use

Hyaluronic-based drops have practically no prohibitions on their use. However, drugs of this type are not recommended for use in women in a position without prior consultation with a specialist.

Hyaluronic drops cannot be used by people with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient.

Most popular drops

Drops quickly eliminate discomfort

In ophthalmology, the following drops are most famous:

  • Oxial;
  • "Blink";


Oxial works quickly

This ophthalmic product eliminates dryness and severe redness in as soon as possible, thanks to the following components included in the composition:

  • low molecular weight hyaluron;
  • boric acid;
  • salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium.

Hyaluronic acid is the main active ingredient with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Boric acid acts as an antiseptic, and the salts included in the composition are involved in the natural biochemical processes of the visual organ.

An additional component is the so-called polymer protector, which contributes to the formation of a protective film.

The use of "Oxial" is indicated in case of contact conjunctivitis, wearing lenses, dry eye syndrome and with a long stay in front of a computer monitor.

The drug must be dripped several times during the daily interval in a couple of drops. Removing the lenses is optional when wearing them.


Blink refers to protective equipment

This ophthalmic solution belongs to the protective agents that help to eliminate dry and tired eyes. Its main components are sodium hyaluronate, boric acid and polyethylene glycol.

Indications for admission are dry eyes and their redness. The drug must not be used in case of intolerance to at least one of the components included in the composition. It is also contraindicated in angle-closure glaucoma.

Stillavite quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations

This solution is a drop based on sodium hyaluronate, provitamin B5 and sodium chondroitin sulfate. All these active ingredients contribute to the formation of a protective film that can retain the formed natural moisture on the eye shell for a long time. Thus, the drug helps to restore and moisturize the tissues of the organs of vision.

Stillavit quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations as irritation, fatigue and dryness.

Hilo-Chest of drawers protects the eyes from aggressive external factors

The ophthalmic agent includes only harmless substances, the main of which is hyaluron. Additional components are sodium citrate, sorbitol, etc.

"Hilo-Komod" protects the eyes from the aggressive effects of external factors, and also eliminates discomfort when wearing lenses for a long time. It is indicated for dry eyes accompanied by burning, redness and dryness. It is also recommended to use it in the postoperative and posttraumatic periods.

Read also:

Beauty injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications for injections, can you inject yourself

It is permissible to use drops for a long period. If there is no improvement on the 10th day after the start of therapy, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Wizmed can be used more than 3 times a day.

This solution also contains mainly hyaluronic acid. Additional elements are potassium, sodium, magnesium chloride, etc.

The drug belongs to the category of hypoallergenic and safe, since it does not contain proteins and preservatives.

"Vismed" can be used more than three times a day for a long period with such ophthalmic problems as redness, itching, burning, sensation of a foreign body in the organ of vision.

Proactive can be used while wearing lenses

These drops are specially designed for people who regularly wear lenses. They prevent the appearance of discomfort in the eyeball, conjunctiva and cornea, thanks to the formation of a protective and moisturizing layer.

In addition to hyaluronate, the solution includes succinic acid and cellulose oil. It is thanks to these components that a protective film is formed, which not only helps to protect and moisturize, but also freely passes oxygen to the tissues of the eye.

Hyal Drop Multi belongs to safe drugs

A German ophthalmic preparation based on hyaluronate protects the eye membrane and retains moisture in it 24 hours a day. It allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of discomfort, and restore the irritated surface of the mucous membrane.

With regular use, dryness and eye fatigue disappears, as well as redness and burning sensation.

It is enough to drop one drop into each conjunctival sac to restore the health of the damaged membranes.

Hyal Drop Multi refers to safe drugs that can be used without the risk of adverse reactions.

With long-term use of the drug, the lack of a positive result requires an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops can be used frequently

This moisturizing ophthalmic solution is intended for people who come into contact with a computer monitor frequently, read a lot, or wear contact lenses. The moisturizing effect is provided by hyaluron, which is the main therapeutic component of the ophthalmic agent.

In 1934, scientists Karl Meyer and John Palmer isolated hyaluronic acid from the vitreous humor of the eye and studied its properties. Since then, the substance has earned itself unfading fame, physicians and cosmetologists began to pay great attention to finding ways to preserve hyaluronic acid in skin tissues and ways to replenish it in the body. Hyaluron has become the most popular ingredient in skincare and beauty treatments.

The secret of this substance's success lies in its unique ability to bind and retain moisture. One hyaluronic molecule can concentrate hundreds of water molecules around itself. In the subcutaneous layers, the hyaluron acts as a kind of cement composition that firmly holds the cells together, regulates their metabolism, and stimulates the production of collagen. Thus, the substance forms the elasticity of the skin and effectively fights the aging process. In addition, "smart" hyaluronic acid is able to assess the level of moisture itself in environment, adapt to existing conditions and regulate the required amount of moisture absorption from the outside, depending on external circumstances.

Why do you need hyaluronic acid in cosmetics

Like any other cellular organisms in the human body, hyaluronic acid is in a constant process of synthesis. The leading skin cells - fibroblasts - are responsible for its production. By the age of 20, their activity begins to noticeably decline. The process of destruction of the hyaluron begins to prevail over the restoration. By the age of 30 - 40, the consequences of a decrease in its amount in the skin become obvious: the epidermis dries up, sags, loses its elasticity, and wrinkles appear. The situation is aggravated by malnutrition, viruses, bad habits, ultraviolet radiation, which also act as destroyers of this natural skin moisturizer.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are designed to compensate for its deficiency and delay age-related changes. Creams, masks, gels based on this substance perform the following list of functions:

  • provide deep hydration and prevent moisture evaporation from the skin;
  • soften and smooth the skin, heal microcracks, wounds, scars;
  • activate the protective properties of the skin;
  • fill and smooth wrinkles;
  • reduce inflammation and effectively care for problem skin;
  • hyaluronic acid in the composition of creams acts as a conductor of nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis.